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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Dargaville. —Hume meeting. President’s message read. Appreciation expressed to Mrs. Hilliam for sending flowers to public hnspital at Xmas. Sympathy to sick members. Greetings sent to Convention. Collection nr World's Missionary Fund. Maungaturoto.—Mothers’ Day and C. R. Party. Short business meeting. Good programme and afternoon tea. Adjourned to Manse for games with children on the lawn, and most enjoyable time s|»ent. 42 babies un our Cl .idle Roll. Whangaiei. -Feb. 19. Frances Willard da\. Mrs. Storys’ home. 14 present. Mrs. Vyle in chair and spoke on “Joy of service." Pajier by Mrs. Goodall, “How it all began." Afternoon tea. Vote of thanks to hostess. March 9. Mrs. Vyle in chair. Talk on “Burning Bush." Si>ecial prayers for bereaved members, also for absent President. letter from Mrs. Roberts. Trading Table started. Benediction. Afternoon tea. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.—March .1. Mrs. Hugh Kasper presided. Good attendance, 15 unions represented and reported commemorating Frances Willard Day. New members were admitted at several of these meetings. Prayers offered by several members. Sister Jessie sjioke re a hostel for Maori girls and a remit to be sent to Dominion Convention with suggestions for same. Re the beer shipped recently to Egypt, it was urged that Unions should send letters of protest to the proper quarter. President reported N.C.W. meeting. Picnic is arranged at Kohimarama shortly. Resolutions: (1) In view of the number of Maori girls who are seeking employment in Auckland, the Auckland Executive feels that there is a great need for a Maori hostel in the city, and seek the aid and advice of the Dominion Executive on the matter. (2) That all ministers of the Gospel in the Dominion follow up the efforts of the Rev. Dr. Hodge, of Auckland, in his fearless attack on the moral evils of the present time, by asking them to adopt a pledge and present it to the young people of the churches, asking them to sign same. Grey Lynn.— January. Annual meeting. Reports by Secretary; L.T.L. report by Mrs. Cr«jk, and Treasurer’s report by Mrs. Lewis. C.R. Superintendent reported 70 babies on roll. Maori re|>ort bv Miss Lovatt. Officers elected: F’res., Mrs. McClenaghan; Sec., Mrs. R. M. C».< k; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Holroyd; Treas., Mrs. Wilson; C.R. Supt., Mrs. Neal; Maori, Miss Lovatt; L.T.L. Supt., Mrs. Cook; W.R., Mrs. Gaddis. Kohi-St. Metiers.—Feb. Annual meeting at Mrs. Kasper’s. Devotions, Mrs. Farr. Pledge re affirmed. Tenqierance fact given. Next n.-eting, 3rd Thursday in March. Officers elected:—Vice-r*es. and L.T.L. Supt., Mrs. Kasper; Sec. and Tieas., M-s. Biddle; lleputy, L. Lady; Eras., art. Fan; C.R., \! I < Kasj>er. Treasurer's report, credit balance, fl 1/8. Votes of thanks to Mrs. Phillips and V F.adv. Thanks for hospitality to Mrs. K.isjier. Warkworth. - March 5. Mrs. A. Roke entertained the members of the Warkworth branch of the W.C.T.U. Mrs. Hugh Kas|»er, T>i- trict President, was the guest of honour. 1 e subject of her address was “Social Problems and how the W.C.T.U. are able to combat them." A play-reading was given by numbers and the proceeds from a Trading Table went towards the Patriotic Funds, i hr** new members initiated Leigh.—letter re road accidents read. Discussion on the need for prison reform. Readings by Mrs. M. Torkitigton, teinjierance facts by Mrs. Yearburv. Mrs. H. Torkington was hostess. Otahuhu. -Feb. 20. Social afternoon. Musical items. Address bv Rev. Mackv most interesting. 1 new member initiated. Onehunga.— February 13. Syllabus for decided; various activities reported. Onehunga members had donated some good warm clothing towards the W.C.T.U. gift for refugees. Mrs. Lace is Superintendent of Birthday League. Mrs. Fordyce, junr. delegate to Dominion Contention. March meeting to be C.R. party, arranged bv Miss Caughlev. One new member.

Takapuna.— February 7. Mrs. Morgan Richards in chair. Miss Cullen gave reading and short address on Christian Charity. Miss Read told the life history of Frances Willard. :.s thi; was her Day. Benediction. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton.—March 6. Attendance very fair. Mrs. Jones welcomed back after her long illlie's. Decided to protest to Government regarding the shipping of 400 tons of beer to our troops in Egypt; also to submit remit on the same to Convention; alsj to older 1 dozen copies of "Fruit Drinks" for distribution, hoping thereby to introduce fruit drinks instead of wine at social functions. Taumarunui. —February 20. Mrs. Middleton presided. Resolved that Vice-Presidents be responsible for leading in prayer for half-an-hour each in Presbyterian Church on Women’s National Day of Prayer. Reading from John G. Gough’s nook, "Scenes from Life," dealing with beer-drinking. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera.— February 25. Report of District Convention by delegate. Fine address on “Happiness" by Miss M. A. Bates. Solo, Mrs. Spragg. Benediction. New Plymouth.— Jan. 29. Mrs. Jemison presided. Fair attendance. Two new members. Delegates selected for District Convention. Arrangements for garden party, Feb. 12. New Plymouth.— February 26. Good attendance. Mrs. Macmillan reix>rted on District Convention, and Mrs. Wright delegate to Dominion Convention. One new member. Stratford.— February 21. Rejiort of District Convention. Mrs. Davis delegate to War Auxiliary Council. Mrs. Poison read extracts from pamphlet, “How Goes the Empire." Decided to purchase 50 copies. Mrs. Poison to sjieak on conditions applicable to New Zealand. All interested to be invited. Stratford. -Devotions b; S.A. officers. Mrs. Hu>ton and Mrs. Lilley delegates *o District Convention. Projiosed to have a trtn|>eraiice campaign, Churches asked to assist, (apt. Lamond to arrange. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central. —Feb. 6. Mrs. R. Wilson presided. Good attendance. Devotions, Miss Wadsworth. Visitors welcomed. Flection of officers. Presentation and adoption of Balance-Sheet and Secretary’s Re|*ort. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. McGorrery, wishing her a sjieedy recovery to health. letter of appreciation to Mrs. Duxfield, of her long and untiring service as President. Collection for Missionary Fund. Prayer. Wanganui Central.— M arch 6. Mrs. R. Wilson presided. Devotions, Mr... Gler.n. Sujterintendents elected: —Anti-gambling, Mrs. Grinstead; Back Blocks, Nurse Liddel; Band of Ho|ie, Mrs. Grinstead; Evan, and Cradle Roll, Mrs. Blake; Flower and Philanthropic, Mrs. Duxfield; Good Citizenship and Maori, M rs. Mercer; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs. Duxfield; Literature, Mrs. Paap; Medical and Scientific reni|*erance, Mrs. A. Morrison; Notable Days and F.d. Bureau, Mrs. I.eo Wilson; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs. Goodey; Press, Miss Wadsworth; Moral and Social Hygiene and Health and Nutrition, Mrs. Prince; Bihle-in-Schools, Mrs. R. Wilson; Temp. Teaching in Sunday Schools, Mrs. Goodey. Mrs. Mercer commended for her letter to the Press re "The Record Brew." Vote of sympathy to Mesdames Welton and Cichello in their recent bereavement. Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin.— Feb. 14. Mrs. Kennerley in the chair. Mrs. Dennis, devotions. Pledge taken. Interesting pajter by Mrs. Neil on the life of Frances Willard. Two new members. Doxology. Benediction. Palmerston North.— Feb. 4. Miss Jamieson presided. Mrs. Penketh, devotions. Mrs. Claridge, Temperance Fact. Mr. Grenstead sjx>kr on th?" recent Petition presented to the Government. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hastings.— February 27. Special gathering of senior members entertained. President’s welcome and floral gifts. Inspiring address, Rev. D. Cattanach. Protest re liquor to Egypt. Superintendents elected—L.T.L., Mrs. Bucking-

ham; Social, Mrs. Stev'ns; Literature, Mrs. Gwyiin; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. H<«>|>er. hive new members and four transfers. Benediction. Havelock North.— February 25. Members fiom Napier Union welcomed and meeting handed over to them. Devotions, Mrs. Mainard; message, Mrs. Flnnor; recitation, Mrs. Boyd; talk on Frances Willard, Mr*. Lewis. Donation *o World's Missionary Fund. Votes of thanks to visitors. Delegate to Convention, Mrs. Webb. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn. —February 25. Devotions, Mrs. Raiue. Sympathy in illness to Mrs. Bothamley. Letters from Prime Minister and Minister of Defence re milk bars in military camps. Mrs. Reed delegate to Convention. Mrs. Brewer substitute. £1 donated to N.Z. Fund and 7/6 to local “Y" branch. Remits discussed. Mr*. Baudb’et spoke on “Personal Needs for Perilous Days." Sales table realised £l. Karon. —Feb. 4. Mrs. Wood presided. Devotions. Thanks fi mi Mrs. Nome for knitted scarves and literature sent. Also one from a soldier overseas for Xmas parcel from members. Remits read ar.d discussed. Cradle Roll Party arranged. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Lower Hutt.— Jan. 29. Mrs. Spencer presided. Devotions. Arrangements for District Executive finalised. Executive to draw up syllabus tor year’s work. Decided to meet at 2 p.m. Hostesses, Mrs. Heyes and Baigent. Lower Hutt.— February 26. Mrs. Spencer presided and led devotions. Syllabus for the year’s work adopted. Work for seamen to be taken in hand. Union urged by the Alliance to do their best during this year to help abolish the liquor traffic. Rejorts of District Executive by Mrs. Crawford. Petone. —Feb. 4. Memorial Service for Mrs. Shardlow. Mrs. Davis presided. Hymns and Mihle-reading. Spray with White Ribbon bow laid on casket. Wellington Central. —February 19. Mr*. Israel to be delegate to Convention. Sympathetic reference to death of Mrs. Kirk, a valued member. Remits to Convention discussed. Resolved to make special effort to raise funds for our seamen’s work. Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. McKinney were hostesses. Report of District Convention given. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.— February 11, Frances Willard Day. Miss Cooke spoke on Convention business. Members urged to attend as many sessions as jiossible. Protest sent regarding the showing of pictures on Sunday. Extracts read on the life and work of our founder. Very successful jumble sale held for Convention funds. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim. —Feb. 4. Mrs. Girling presided. Good attendance. 1 new member. Lrtter of sympathy and cheer to absent friends. Mrs. Rogersot:, delegate to Convention. Annual stall to be held on March 6, and Cradle Roll social op March 15. Interesting reading by the President. Afternoon tea. A very happy meeting. Springlands.— February. Good attendance. Mrs. Leslie delegate to Dominion Conference. Mrs. E Wills continues as "White Ribbon" agent. Readings given by members. Benediction. Tua Marina. —Feb. 18. At Mrs. Robinson’s. 13 present. Devotions. Minutes. Corres|K»ndence. Mrs. S. White elected delegate to Convention. Memorial Pav floral tribeUee brought and dippings read of work and life of some notable tenqieraiice leader. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Linwood. —February 25. Good attendance. Devotions, Mesdames Anstice and Madill; Scientific Fact. Mrs Turner. Arrangements for Band of Hope picnic. MesdaWes Black and Mackie delegates to Convention. Gift to our Peace Superintendent on 84th birthday. Gift to Mrs. Grigg, removing from district. Mrs. G. Jobherns spoke on recent experiences in America, illustrated with a map. New Brighton.—Ftbruarv 6. Mrs. Scott presided. Treasurer thauked heartily for her report of year’s work, which was highly satisfactory. Mrs. H. Hale delegate to Convention. Paper on the life of Frances Willard by Mrs. F. Mitchell. February 27.—Picnic and garden party in the grounds of Mrs. H. M. Hall. A sue-

crsuful bring and buy stall; a treasure hunt was much enjoyed. Hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Hall for use of their grounds, and to Mrs. F. Mifchell and other helpers. North Brighton. -Feb. 18. At Mrs. L. repjK-rell’s. Lunch Picnic and Bring and Huy afternoon. One new member. Knitting t ’rcle formed t<> provide comforts for Armed Forces. Sujits. elected: —Treas., Mrs. Mundy; Philanthropic, Mrs. J. H. Mcllraith; (.F., Mrs. L. i’e|n*erell; Hand of Hope, Mrs. A. Noonan; Devotional, Mesdames S. Goring, and J. H. Mcllraith; Press, Mrs. H. Irwin. Oxford.—l an. 15. Roll Call responded by favourite verses. Sympathy to bereaved ami sick members. Solo, Miss N. Waterman. Mrs. ('. Morris, delegate to Convention. £1 donated to District Fund. C.R. Rally to be held and prizes in painting com|K*tition presented. Humorous and helpful address by Mrs. Goring. Oxford. — February 19. Frances \\ illard Day. Devotions, Mrs. Squeer. Sacred solos by Miss T. Rossiter and Mrs. Dailey. Inspiring address by Mrs. Ryan. Decided to hold home meetings early in March. Collection for World's Missionary Fund. *Y” girls conducted bring and buv to raise funds for delegates’ expenses. Papanui.—February 26. Mrs. Thornton presided. Good attendance. Devotions, Mrs Elliott; Temperance Fact, Mrs. Hodder. A paper on Frances W illard by Mrs. ( arr. Mrs. Elliott as delegate to Convention. One new member. Sprays presented to Mesdames Thornton and Tillman. Reefton. —February 11. Good attendance. Reading by Mrs. Thornton Great concern expressed at large shipment of beer to N.Z. troops in Egypt. Sympathy to Mrs. Norwell. Riccarton.—heb. 13. Attendance, 24. \ isits to Addington Reformatory much appreciated bv Matron. Mental hospital visited. Convention remits discussed. Next meeting. Hring and Huy. The following resolution forwarded to Hon. W. E. Parry, “That this meeting of the W.C.T.U. draws the attention of the Minister to the statement that 44,(XX) gallons of beer has been sent to our troops in Egypt, and we enter a unanimous protest, and ask that healthful fruit drinks and cordials Ik- sent in place of alcoholic beverages.” President gave short talk oti the work of W .C.T.U. in other countries. Spreydon.—Feb. 11. Sympathy to our President. Mrs. Ancell, in illness. Collections (1) for gifts for mental hospital patients (2) for District Funds. Treasurer's Halance Sheet showed small credit. District rejnirt given by Mrs. Foster. Hostesses, Mrs. Fehsenfeld and Mrs. Foster. Sydenham.— Feb. 6. Thanks received for Teinjterauce prizes donated to the Sydenham School, balance-sheet showed credit of £(>/10/-. Delegate to convention discussed and birthday Social arranged. Inspiring pieces read from lives of Florence Nightingale, Frances Willard and Elizabeth Fry. Indignation expressed at sending large consignment of beer to troops in Egypt. Sydenham.—March 6. Nineteenth birthday social. Old and new members welcomed by President. Items by Mrs. Weatherhead junr., Mrs. Weatherhead senr., Mrs. Filer, Mrs. lleelby and Mrs. Stewart. Comjietition. After - noou tea. Mrs. Thorne delegate to Convention. 22/- added to funds. Greetings from District Executive, “Y” branches and local unions. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton. — Feb. 4. Mrs. Robinson presided. Frances Willard Day. Several pa|»ers read and collection of 9/-. Hearty vote of thank- for pai>ers .contributed. 1 new' member. Ashburton.—March 4. Devotions, Mrs. Robinson. Sympathy to relatives of late Mrs. Hpcking. Union to send protest to Government r«C liquor to soldiers overseas. Report of Executive meeting. Delegate to Convention, ’Mrs. Robinson. Protest re territorial training on Sundays. Timaru.—February 25. Protest sent re large shipment of beer to boys overseas. Mrs. Nelson delegate to Convention. Mrs. E. M. Macdonald sjioke about native W.C.T.U. meetings she had attended in South Africa and their annual Convention in Johannesburg. The W.C.T.U. there is one of the foremost women’s organisations to teach native women Christian principles. Waimate. March ft. A well-attended meeting. President in the chair. Welcomed the two new Army Lassies. Adjutant Stephenson leading in prayer. Miss Tooley was appointed Convention delegate. I Voided to have a bring and buy at every meeting to help swell funds.

Mrs. Norrie thanked for'comfort bags, letter sriit to President’s mother, who is in hospital. Mrs. Sutherland Pad a paper on India. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaikorai.—February 25. Mrs. Flett presided. Prayer and Scripture reading led by Mesdames MacDonald and Orr. Mrs. Ramage reiwrted arrangements well in hand for C.R. party. Afternoon tea. benediction. North-East Valley. February 27. Miss Gray delegat" to Convention. Discussion on activities of liquor trade and on Government’s additions to their plant so as to manufacture brandy. Letters of protest sent. Sympathy io Mesdames Williams and Brown. Oamarxi.—Feb. 11. Fair attendance. Devotions. Selections by S.A. Home league Choir. Solos, Mesdames McGregor and Tomlinson. Miss Henderson, J.P., gave an informative talk on temperance work here and abroad, bring and buv. South Dunedin.—February 27. Resolution on alcoholics supplied to troops in Egypt. Mrs. Powell, delegate to Convention. Infringements of licensing law discussed. 10/- donated to N.Z. Fund. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. South Invercargill.—February 11. Trip to bluff bv members much enjoyed Afternoon tea at Argyle Park. President gave a talk on the life and work of Frances Willard and the memorials erected in her honour. Address by Mrs. Adj*it?nt Lee was much enjeyed. Protest sent to City Council against screening of Sunday pictures. Gifts of writing pads arid envelopes to bluff Sailors’ Rest. Winton.—February 28. Took second stssion of prayer on Women’s International Day of Prayer. President in the chair and gave Scripture reading, St. John 14, and a short talk on work of W.C.T.U. Solo by Mrs. Young. Season of prayer. Topics, God, Home and Humanity.

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White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 2, 18 March 1941, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 2, 18 March 1941, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 2, 18 March 1941, Page 7