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NORTH AUCKLAND Tlit holding of the N'mtli Annual Com ention of t Vu< kland dii trict took place in V tember 18th. Tlu Convention opened at 11 am with prayer and devotions b) Mrs iall \lr> Roberts \ in tlu chair and welcomed the deli Maui rnta. I' and Hiku 'in; to sickness an men ; ><> the benzine rt i( tions, only reports were r< ruin aville, Te Kopuru and Mam turoto All members stood in sympathy with the rrl.. • members a hi i had ■n during the j ear \l rs \ Mrs Ri htrit and Mr ' I lall paid iribut' "i these meml had so blessed us all with tlu-ir inHuem i mn sunj midda) brought inspiration and bless ii- all We i in the report from mn a. bet an- nl) lri\ c the) the ' number on lie Roll but they have also i Band oi I in by the mem: • ■ W.GT.I themseh i The Convention resumed at I 30 pjn., when Mrs. Rive led devotions spoke n "Faith" M rs Weir in ri "ii "I Ya was .i ]>t aci ■ i\\ ill aijd righti ! and not i i an) \1 rs. K< iberts w ain il> President, \n itti M rs. \ \ It Si .tn<l \1 r> Weir Treasui \t tlu evening meeting the K« \ \\ Klliott, ol tin- Presbyterian Church, tin speaker Soloisl was \l< »s I'ark the Baptist Church, and a quartette | froen the Salvation \nn their I" The ke) not< ■ whole da> seemed to bt and brightm \ hanks m irdcd to all who had helped i>< make the Convention well I Resolved to join with the New I land Alliance in petitioning Parliament t" curtail the hi wrs and facilitn obtain ini I he ben edict i< >n was pronounced b) Major Canty, which all were served with supper WANGANUI >n\entii»n i>pened with a di v<itiotial service Attendance good Twentyfive responses t-> roll call. Eve/) Union

m district well repress nted. I 'tin ates' reports shov* that Unions hai worl hard during \ ear Ten E icecutive meet In Id. One Church Pai brate the centenary ol 1 ranees \\'illar<l intercessor) pr meeting to celebrate I'< am I >a\ women < n thi W C.T.I liav e helped in mam ways when called upon in the interest of tin City, R.S.A., Y M and Y.W.C \. and tl i Milif mp Ml ated themselves with the various branches of war work. Man) petitions su ainst wet < anti en • in Military and Territorial Camps I been sent to the Ministers and M ! - Miss Appleby's resulted iji it >m die Band of M and a Y brand ened alsi i a ville \nioi one given b) the l\t i I I- Martin on \/ tOtanci Kev I YuliolK addressed Convention, taking \ / Mliance \nnnal Report as the . and gave a ver) forceful talk in the mien st oi tin- abolition il the liquor trafl 1' xecutii e elected. \ happ> interlude in a bus) afti r w.t> the presentation oi a lon. ~ to Mrs \ndrew, (, t East Union Mrs, Vndre* joined the W I T.U in 1897 in \ Imrst. and has been continuously in nc« 1913 till year, when tor ns she resigned from office. Mi Vndrew, wearing the White Bov* as honorar) member, received the badge, whii mpanied with a bouqut t tor Andrew < »wing t<i the time limit it was dt- ! that the delegates should attend •iu I- xecutiie early in I'»M to discuss a matter ol interest to Unions also to formulate plans ; o r ■ I ensi Campaign in i tion with a |k>ll taken at the time of gen t It \ successful and happ) Convention closed vMth the usual votes of thanks and tl. Benedk ti MARLBOROUGH. The Marlborough i'strict Con tion was held on Friday, September in St Andrew's Hall, Blenh mi. Moi ■ awaited the country delen arrival.

i >l • ntioti \\;i> railed to I 'rdt • 10.15 a m 'I trict President, M \\ \\ Wilson, occupied tin With her at the official table a i Girlii Prei Mi - Wells, \ Pn ! Ml I'nderlnll. Rei & liar' \. M. R. 1 Tn as and tin I. Brewei, of I la) The roll call revealed the follow Unions' deli m, Pi< lb \. Springlands, lua Mai Havi m. I >evoti< m - led b) thi Pn 11\ mn '><> Reading from Titus, fi ' ed b) prayer. President rni welc< M I '.'-• war and thi tl s, to kV\ I I>. Me \rtliu •, who t ■ ted the Ministi • »n, Lindsa). >l the Sab \ \rm\ \lr- I'.rew | i verj pi Milder spra) (rirling w< la »med all on behall Blenheim Ui The ni' <rtnn. n ted w members present, which was incri in the afterm on ti i nearl] 11 t. ■ tin petn 'I ri s trie tion s, hers •• en unable t< be ill which v a- ted. (in etings receii i d from Bi Union and Mrs. Richardson. The Di \ er\ full and comprehensive om , Mrs I'nderlnll was accorded w praise t (, r het report. \li«» I larn>. ( '< »r >< en tarj. rej on tin- correspondence tor tin r.< .tli rt i> »rts v ere adopted. The Picton Y r< >rt was n Mrs Wells, and opreciation of the work of Mn Powell for the V> «^ Band of Hope was voiced b) n Picton retains the banner, being the only Y branch functioning Union rep< irt - a < re submitted I various deli Ml revealed t l of setbacks and the war. ini in tin wak for Temperance was tain* d In sme cases members lost, and in others gained n. owing to petrol restrictions the scattered nattn • distrii I decided not to hold meetin would still be financial memrx Springlands and Tua Marina l particularl) live Unions. The va Superintendents '>f Departments

ting reports, and all. the . Department, ihowed continued rest and increase in tlirir work The noontide hour. Hymn, followed prayers by the members and inter--!.»n for peat Tin Cradle Roll repotl was splendid, Mrs Leslie iras warml) thanked her work The report of "White Ribbon" was disap] ointing in pla m ing I«>ss oi sul scribers President t Address. The President in her address took her theme "Be steadfast Carrj ; i ..ppealed to all to be trot eali • the W('T U. and to earn in spite of all opposition She -'I thanks to tin ( to> ernment their wise action in denying wet teens in territorial camps, and went to refer to the enormous drink *>i 11 I small COUntT) like \'c\v Zealand. We should be true to our pioneers, who done so much for temperance, and •uld earn on bravelj Eventually purpose would be achioed Die President was accorded i \er> II vote of thanks. invention resumed at 1.45 p.m. Luncheon provided by the entertaining >n, Blenheim. Photos were taken otions by Mrs. Brewer, who gav< a l>eautiful discourse, greatly appreciOfficers fleeted hist I'n-. W I. Wilson; \ ice-Pres., Mrs v ells; R« Se< . Mrs V Underbill; Sec., Mrs Harris; Treas.. Mrs ider. \s Mrs MilU, the retiring Treasurer. was the recipient ol a presentation by President as ■ mark of esteem and tion for lier 11 yean of faithful i for the W.CT I*, she initably t d Superintendents:—Peace, Mrs. |. art: "Y." Mrs \ Robinson; ite Ribbon," Mrs Rogeraoa; lie Roll," Mrs. K. Leslie; Band oi 1 »pe, Miss Tarrant. Appreciation of the work of the • rs was voiced by several members. Mrs. Brewer's address based on "Stumbling Blocks" in ourselves. rs, and our \vrk She quoted from -tu-s t<> show the increase of crime d by drink There were an tiling number of convictions of ing people under the of 2S, and I r cent, of the total were under age of 20. Mrs Brewer touched an] aspects ol the social menace drink, and suggl »ted that die i hes should more activel) preach trance from the pulpit. She "i ed that a hook should m compiled

for use h\ teachers, an I stressed that the subject should be made a compulsory one for all pupils She was heartih thanked for her most able addr. Letters of s\nipatli\ were forwai to Mrs Cunningham, Mrs Lecn and Mrs \\ and a letter i>l appn nation to Mrs Powell, Picton, for her work among the Y*s and Band of Hope \n invitation from the Tut Manna Union for the 1 {, 41 Convention was accepted I hiring the attt rnoon items wer< rendered l>\ Mis- Olgl Phillips; Recitations, Mrs Knight and Mrs Mosely; Songs, Mrs White and Mis--0 Phillips. Mrs Girling reminded members the visit t<> Blenheim Union of Miss Lovell-Smith on Tuesday, and also appealed tor help for the Patriotic Shop on < fctober ltfth collection, closing service, Benediction and afternoon tea closed a very happy and profitable Convention. NELSON The annual District Convention ol Nelson was held in Motueka "ii Wednesday, September 23rd, when district officers, delegates and friends from Nelson and Richmond met the Motueka Union in the Methodist Hall One special \isitor was Mi>- LovellSmith. After the singing oi the National Anthem the District President. Mrs. | H Walker, opened Convention with the reading of St. Luke 10, giving a short, helpful talk, followed i»\ prayers tor King and Country, foi the Union and its officers, and tor all members Rev. Utttng, ol the Methodist Church, in welcoming the Convention to Motueka spoke of the need, in these davs of moral laxity, of the educational work the Union was doing, both in regard to temperance and anti-gambling. He hoped something would be done to restrict the importation of alcoholic liquor. Misv ( i essv i !i. President of the Motueka I nion, welcomed Convention, and Mrs. MolTatt presented beautiful posies ot spring flowers to Mrs. Walker and Miss Lovell-Smith. Mrs. Walker warmh thanked the speakers. She said how pleased all were to ha\e Miss Lo\ell-Smith present. She hoped the delegates would have a profitable day; everything was still overshadowed hv war. and the Union was fighting a.uainst one of the strongest enemies of mankind strong drink.

Tempt ranee fact by M n I \\ Ross \ telegram ol good wishes «;!•> received from Mr- Hiett. ar-i ami from Miss Kirk au<\ Miss Henderson B) means of written questions ■ ehand, much information on Union matters wa b) Miss Lovell-Smith; her talks on various matters were (pnte informal and wer< h appreciated Mis- Lovell-Smith said Mi-- Henderson had asked her to bring a "word ol cheer" to all i hers The world's ..pinion on the teml>erancc question was certain!) el ing In all countries then W( that men are recognising the evil effects of alcohol, am! ni .re and more restraint was being put on its sale and use It was a natter ol thankfulness that the N / I iovernment had dc< on dr\ canteens in the territorial camps. Afternoon devotion- led b) Miss fordan Mrs. Pasley, a visiting member from h ill also ga\ e i brief address, and also stressed the need of more intensive work amongst the young folk. Reports given b) the three Unions showed that the adult membership was well maintained Meetings were well attended and good work was being done The t radle Rolls also w i l■< working well, there being about 7(Xi children i»n the rolls, hut the mt< young people was lagging somewhat for lack or lead The District Secretarj reported that quarterly Executive meetings had been he'd. lutions passed had been kindl) a knowledged b) the Cabinet Minister-, and that arrangements for the forthcoming Dominion Convention in Kelson next March were well in hand The District Treasurer's balancesheet showed that contributions to the expenses of the Dominion Convention were coming in slowl) out steadily. Mrs Field reported that she now giving OUt the twentieth thousand of the Prayer Sigils Mis- Day, of the Birthdaj League, announced that she was ahle to increase the contribution to the Dominion Headquarters Fund. Messages of loving sympathy in th--ir enforced retirement, through ill-health. from the work the\ SO loved were gent to Mrs Moyes and Mrs Teteaius. The following resolution was >ent to the- New Zealand War Council:- "As the Government of this Dominion is asking the mother- of New Zealand to m\c their son- for their Country, this Nelson District Convention of the \\ C.T.U. believes that the mothers of

Vru Zealand have the right to demand that tli> rnment shal iard the interests :ui<l health of those ions This I tistrict - !om ention, t : . on ih of n others, respectfully requests the Government to take action under the W illations i ncy \<-t io redact drastically the manui hire. ! msumption oi liquor in this Dominion." I district I officers and Superinl dents: Mrs J H Walker. Pres.; Mrs. \\ \ndr*\\ M iss t I 0 »' 'ke. Treas ; Mrs R—. Vice 1': • The Motueka Union was cordially Iced t<>r its hospitality for the day, morning and afternoon teas being very welcome. Mrs Read, of the Salvation Army, closed the Convention with prayer and the pronouncing "t the Benediction MANAWATU. The annual District Convention was held in Pahnerston North on September 3rd and 4th. Public welconn - bj the Mayor and Miss Jamieson Mrs Spence, Dist. Pi replied l\e\. huh a most in spiring address on "Religion as • rength and I ►anger." Items were 1»\ the League o( Mothers' Choir and b) Mrs Shearman. ptember \: Busini >n. Roll call answered 1»\ Feilding, Pahiatua, Palmerston North, Foxton and Levin I Inions (in etii Tin- hist. Secretary's report showed d work by all I Jni ins. <Htaki still lacked a President, hut other officers nobl) carrying on Ralan< sh* »wed a credit ol £1 17 8 Reports of each Union were given by the delegates, and Mrs Carter reported on the Young People's w«»rk 376 on C R. and 11J in Band of Hope. Mrs. H Paterson presented tin Bible in Schools report and \lrSpence Sail -t Noontide devotions, Mri < 'art* r Ml I ( ' and Superinten d«nt> wei • cted, with Miss Douall as Maori Superintendent. Resolutions passed;— 11) That the attention of the < km em in* nt be railed t<> the frequent discomfort occasioned the travelling public through the excessive drinking on trains, and that measures be taken to enforce the law and so stop the practice. (2) That in view of the present economic stress and the large amount of food mat* rial diverted '" the production of intoxicating liquor, the

manufacture and sale of the same be ah dished for the period of the war 1 That m \ lew of authentic re i "i t ■ hear in-; on the harmful eflPei ts ol ■ anteens in Military ( amps t be done away with and Milk Bars I>* established That m* mbers i>f the Manav I>i strict W.t T I'. deplore tl ilenl custom oi raffling goods, and in view of the gambling spirit associated with raffles ur. it ad patriotic hinds be ra sed by volunt i ,; rip llOlls 1 That this influential body of isure that the ernment las decide.l that there shall not be wet canteens in Territorial ( amp • Afternoon devotions, Mrs Paterson. Mrs. Hodder fcelingl) conducted a Sen iee of Memories in honour Ol those who had passed to higher during the j ear I .etters of sympatic to be sent to the relatives these memb* Mrs. So >tt gat e a fix >st int< '.nit i>t temperance mi etings she had attended when in Australia recent!) Special n ention was mad*- of the rid Christian Endeavour Convention when Mrs VfonTatt Clow addressed 1 -.inn) \i mng people i>n Temp* ra Mrs Scott mentioned that Melbourne .t ten mintitt »' talk in Temperance 11\ *r tin h reek u hen questi* >ns answered Mr«s Spence ng addi i ss in which members wen reminded thai on must the basts of all education, and that the greatest weapon m fighting the liquor traffic is prayer. Plans ~i ■lk discussed. Benediction. SOUTH AUCKLAND. The South Auckland Distrid Con \ ention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, held on Wednesla\ and Thursdaj of la>t week in St. lames' School Hall. Frankton, was well attended, delegates representing tin Tauranga, Cambridge, Hamilton, Te Vwamutu, Fencourt, <)p..tiki. Thames, Waihi and Frankton branches being present. \n executive meeting preceded the opening of Convention which was called to order b) the Distrid President, Mrs Christian, of Tauranga, and < d with her were Mrs St phenson Craig, Vice-President ', Mrs Exley, of Tauranga, Distrid Sec retary; Mrs. Page, of Waihi, District Treasurer; and Miss C M. McLay of Auckland.

\\ edi ■ opening devotions 9 led by Mrs <batman, ol Hamilton 1 who gave a forceful and telling exp tion of "Peace" it it- spiritual asp* The President n p<>rted on her at nual visitation of the branches expressed the pleasure and appr< tion she Ult m finding s< i much st< work being accomplished, and marked trend towards the spiritual Welcoming speeches wen receive from tit*' Ministers' Association, re presented b) Mr. Parker; the I'" rouj ('ouncil. re! I b) Mr j R I and tin- National Council of W and Women's Division of the Farmei Union, l>) Mrs Macintosh, the jr< dent oi the National Council ell. Interesting Address. Mrs. ( hristian's address ~n , ; manship, ami Miss McLay's on five told plan of the Woi tian Temperance Union were instructive ami informative. \ pleasant interlude in hiisin. gs provided by Miss fbbotson, who - a delightful 5.,1.,, Mrs | >ixon follow with an elocutionary item. The final address on "Great Thin. was Miss McLay, who u mplished • ech i mphasis* perils, gri at * Kploits, • crises and \ reat experienc* opinion of the Conference wai expressed as l>cin. in entire symj with the nio\ cment in England t< i hihit "treating* 1 n ord< r to 1< drunkenness, and the determinate i support wholeheartedly any sir movement h< 1 htspitalit) was | , nerously pr< • b) the Frankton branch and an tan ,n from the T* \wamutu branch for next Convention was accepted thanks \ performance ol a service com: In tin- founder "t" tli'- Women's ( tian Temperance Union, Pi Willard, concluded tin- Convention OTACO The annual I tistricl (ionventi the W.C.T.U. was held in the ( hurch of Christ, N E Valley, on Thui last Mrs 1. }' Sanders, Hi President, was in the chair The T. (i. Bycroft, on behalf of the Ministers' Association, welcomed del* . and in a few well cl words o *iveyed the best a ishi fraternal for a successful Conv< and for ,i realisation ol the expressed in the Unions 1 Motl God, Home and Humanity.''

Report* from Secretary, Treasurer Superintendents of Departments •wnl stead) pi -m v. ral peri kls were dev< >ted t< i n behalf of our nation its struggle I ! justice new world with • ideals might e from the cut cha<«. £5 was donati d t< i 1 ! ristnms 1 'arcel Fund. Decided that the W.C.T.U would ttly support tlu petition spi>ns<>red the N / Vlliance in which certain rma of the liquor trade are asked In the onirse i>l her addn ss, Mrs ; iett, IN »iilini- >ii President, said that enc< in alcoh< >1 robb d \ oung .t' tl at made U>i p >od i ship. The VV.t ! U had a chal- • i set up 'I i standard i>( the i ainst the powers of evil. soli tions were passed as foil 1. Whereas the Government of New /•aland \- asking the mothers »1 New and t i ghe their sons for their try, ai d whereas in the Great War soldiers were incapacitated igh indulgence in strong drink and rned to \<w Zealand with habits d< red and d< \tV >ped in training - overseas, fi >r which their chil ar< i.i m. t i da), this Union \h - that the mothers i A New A i ha\ i the right t- ■ a-k in return th( G i ernmenl protect their sons t' t two greal t\ ils, namel). I >NG DRINK and its clos< \ ENRRE \l. DISE \Sh Re : ' ; it we end< >rse an) movement ing total abstinence and advo et canteens in military and respectfull) requests the rnment t<l take acti< 'ii throughout Dominion, using it- powers under Aar Measures Vet t< i reduce dras mai ufacture, sale and c« >n>n "i |iqu( »r in this I ><m;ini« i I. That in view r>f the flagrant dis d in so man) in stances of the • laws at the present time, this ention urges ii}< m the f lovernthe necessit) i t • tore stringent ment of the law, especially as Is aftei mbling hein it all Chrisprinciples, tlii- Con\ ention would Mention of the Minister ol '■l airs to the org) of Raffles \rt I'iih>ns that is bein earned i /caland at the present time nanti "i patriotic effort, and sts that there ihould be a drastic i< nt if permits for these de\ ues money for patriotic pur-

I That m view of the fact that the n <»t alcoholic liqn<>r ecu StitUtCS tO the Welfare of the community and the gei lion to come than even war its»!f, we that scientific Temperance ii ~< i tion be made compulsory in schools The following officers were eh President, Mr- I Sanders; ViceI'i ■ tident, Mrs. Park< r, Oamaru; 5 retary, Miss M Gra) ; Treasurer, Miss 1 ; Youn| People's Superintendent. Mrs. P Gardner; "White Ribbon," iHe R >H, Mrs Flett


September 17th and 18th. I invention was called to order in the Opawa Baptist Church on Tuesday, September 17th, at 9.15 am. by Mrs (*. W. Barrell, North rbury President. Mrs. 11 W. R< bin son, South Can bury President, conducted the opening dev 'ti' 'ii- and .a e lis an in spiring messaj ' i 'ii ''■ id's care h>r the individual 41 answered the roll, and the pledge was re-affirmed. The District Secretaries' reports showed active work in both X »rth and South Canterbury, and these reports were adopted \ttet presentation of their rep tin Treasurers' wei ated on the satisfactory positions o! both dis triets and their interest in the \\< rk These reports wire also adopted Branch report- showed active work ill Band <>f I lope and I. T.l , . and quite a numbtr were making special efforts soldiers' comforts, Red Cross and i ialwa) ( iuild. Some of the countr) Unions reported l-tiiv.' successful in placing the "K be*>kh-t in the primar) schools. \- a recommendation, the Unions con reined were asked to offer a prize for the best essa) or Temperance. Five minute pap< nted a- follows: "W.C.T.U and it- Possibilities,' 1 I. M Mitchell; " Aspects of Work in other Countries,* 1 Miss Henderson; "Anti-Gambling," Mrs Pirrett. "Youth Work," Mrs. Ma Ml these papers were received with it interest, being full of educational value Reception. In the «\ enini a ret epti< >n to dele gates \\as held. Mrs. Binnie, President of Opawa Union, presided, and pinned a spray of Mowers on each District Officer. Mrs. Barrell welcomed the delegates on behalf of the county

ven given l>\ represents ti\es <>f kindred societies and mu items b) visiting artists \ dial* ! by Mr. and Mn Mackie was rendered by the V- Ml- \Y II R< tbinson replied on bel I the delegates Supper \as sen ed b) members oi < tpawa 1 n ; ' >n \\'« dnesda) morning : I >e\<itions Douglas, Temuka \ answ< the roll call Sympath) wai with those who are bearing the terrible strain and suffering as a resull of the war Election of offici i rth (antet bun Pres. Mrs <' W Barrell; \ Pres . Mrs 1 i. T Grigg S . Mrs lv Woodward; rreas., Mrs i. \tkins South Canterbury Mrs \\ h Robinson ; Vice Pn -. Mrs ("a\ ( ; - Mrs. Butler; Treas. (in abeyant \ll officers returned thanks for ' k election Plans of Work. Mn I I T < rrigg's suggests >ns I \sk ■ Church member to be an for the Cradle Roll. 2 Vshould try to get Bible (lass members to be pledged abstainers 3 Unions to link up with overseas Unions 4 We should try to gel addresses qq OUT work given at Church Guilds mothers' nieetin. The N / Vlliance petition was fully discussed, and each Union was asked to take i -tie or more petition forms In the afternoon ■ stirring addi was given < in "The Glory of Going 0n M b l\< I. II loulton Smith. This was a trul) uplifting nn For the closing session of Convention Resolution., Passed. 1 This Convention i>f members the North and South Canterbur) W( T I r< ipectfully urges the Government to take immediate stepi to secure a rigpd enforcement of the licensing laws The Convention submits that newspaper reports of < dealt with in the Courts show that sed victuallers systematically tlout the law, even to the extent of all-night t radii

I That this Convention deplores the spirit of gambling which is being manifest in connection with the raising of Minds' for patriotic purpose-, and for the relief of the sick and Wounded. Further, the Convention strongly condemns the practice of employing young children to sell tickets in ■connection with the man) gambling ((Torts which ' a\ e been and are stdl bein sed .V That in view of the fact that it is illegal to supply liquor to vouiig men under the ifC of 2\ years, this ("on

vcntiou wishes to know what stcpi tht' ernment is taking to ensure that territorials under tl I 21 are not allowed access to wet canteens in military camps. ) \ the ( lovernment in this I>• minion is asking the mothers ol N Z to givt their sons for their country, thi> Convention ol members ol North and S<mi h Canterbury ol tin W.C.T.U that the mothers have a right to demand that nment shall rd the interest and the health ol tliv--•<.• sons, the Convention there* on behalf ol the mothers, rest i full) requests the Government to take action under the War Regulations Emergency \d to reduce drasticall) the manufacture, sale and consumption ol liquor in this Dominion That in view ol the fad that the consumption ol alcoholic liquor con stttuted iter menace to cii ilisa tion and its effects upon children than even the presenl war, we urge upon the Government the institutioi compulsory icientific temperance education in all schools throughout countn WELLINGTON There wa i good muster of delegates from Wellington and ndghbourhood at Brooklyn on <tctober 9th. Mrs Brewet pn ted, and Wn. Peryman ihofl devotional opening talk on P aim Mrs Reed welcomed ,: KHtt minutes, apologies and letters oi sympath) had been dealt with, i letter was read from the Women's War \u\ihar\ Committee, in answer to which it was Stated that VV.CT.U. IliemhcrS as individuals and in individual Unions are to engage earnestly .n patriotic work, but that tht N Z WCT.r cannot pledge itself to my work other than that which IS our appointed task "For God and Home and Humaniti

Reports were received iron- district officers, Crude Roll Sunt., Bible in Sen ols representative, National Council Women representatives, etc The Treasurer's report showed a small deficit, due to exceptional expenses, but th ; s was wiped out 1»\ a collection tt the meeting Items in reports were the women's petition against wet canteens In Terntori-'' Cll 'PS, and a special offering tor parcels •■ soldiers, over IM) having beer landed •• to the Metropolitan Patriotic Committee \ cheering rci>ort was given of the young people's branch, which meets at Constable Street \'<w oHice-hearers were elected in place ol Mrs. Brewer, President, and

Mrs Grigg, Secretarv the latter finding the. office of Business Manager for the Dominion of the "White Rihlxin" quite enough to rope with. Cordial appreciation was expressed Oi the work of the returning officers Mrs. Sired was elected President; Mrs Reed, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Gilling, Corresjxxidinj: Secretary; and Mrs Watchman, Cradle Roll Superintendent; Treasurer, Mrs. Sawden The kind hospitality of Rrooklyn meml>er> was much appreciated, and meml>ers were most grateful also to the Rev. M Skuse, who conducted a Communion service for Convention in the Methodist Church.

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White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 538, 18 October 1940, Page 4

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DISTRICT CONVENTIONS White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 538, 18 October 1940, Page 4

DISTRICT CONVENTIONS White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 538, 18 October 1940, Page 4