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News of the Union.

REPORTS MUST—(I) Reach Editor by Bth of month. (2) Be written in ink, on one tide o' the paper only. (3) Be short and to tho point.

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Maungatmvto.—June 1. Mrs Flower In the chair. Good attendance. Mrs. Kasper gave a talk on the usefulness of the W.C.T.U. work and how greatly it was needed. .She gave a vivid and Inspiring description of the World Convention. Mrs. Kasper was heartily thanked and all felt it was a privilege to have her with us. Afternoon tea was served. P.ikehiiia. —June. At Mrs. Roberts hoim . 3 visitors welcomed. Devotions. Temperance teaching In Sunday Schools discussed and interview’s with officials reported. Day special paper read. President spoke on birth of W.C.T.U: Pleasure expressed that organiser is to visit us. Prayer. Afternoon tea. AUCKLAND PISTKKICT. Auckland.—June 14 Pay Up Social, good attendance In spite of a wet afternoon Sympathy was expressed to the relatives of the Into Mrs. Dowling and a tribute was paid to the very efficient service she had rendered to the Union as Treasurer and W.R. Agent. Mrs Stlinpson presided and gave a brief interesting outline of the aims of tin* Union and appealed for new members. She spoke In eulogistic terms of the White Ribbon and urged all to become übsoribers. Mrs. Holmes reported very encouraging progress in the Loyal Temperance Legion which she recently formed A very enjoyable programme of songs and recitations was contributed and afternoon twt brought a very plensant meeting to a dose. Auckland Evening Branch, —.Tunc 13. Mrs. Patterson presided. iVvotions, Mrs. Brown White Ribbon Pay commemorated. Several members read paper on “White Ribbon Day,” suitable clippings from the W.R. were absorbed. Solo by Mrs. Patterson < 'no new member Benediction. Epsom.—. Tune 4. At Mrs. Armstrong's. Mrs. Neal presided. Report on Temperance stall at Winter Show. 400 temperance pledges taken Sympathy to Mrs. Plrritt. Thanks to the hostess. Letters rend re tsmpsrmies tca-htng in ftnßy ■ ksals Henderson.—June 16. Mrs. Platt presided. Mrs. navel! took Devotions and gave report of last meeting of L.T.L. A\.R. Day—Mrs. Platt read “Utopia celebrates.” Thanks to speaker. Sack packed with clothing to be sent to Maoris at Rewitl. Headquarters collection at each meeting Benediction. Afternoon tea. I>e4gli.—June. Home meeting nt Mrs. Griggs. Small attendance. Mrs. Grlgg Residing. Discussion on the re-organised LTL. Mrs. J. W. Wyatt read "What the Whltp Ribbon stands for,” and Mrs Go7.:»r. “Statistics of Strong Drink.” Mrs II Torklngton gave the Proverb, nnd re»d “N T o Liquor Advertisements on the Air.” Mrs M. Torklngton read "What the " ' Man flays** and purs Up 'lt ■ • ancp Pact •• Afternoon tea. Oneliunga. —June 9 White Ribbon R »llv arranged by the Pup., Mrs. Ashby; much business, followed by readings.—rendered by various member*—from May White Ribbon. Interspersed with Choruses; apron competition, prize for most useful. Mrs. Eustace: and for most original. Mrs Mushett. June 22. Home Meeting at Mrs. darner’s. Interesting address by Pastor darner, on “V. ero Spirituals “ Otnhnhu.—June 16th. Mrs. Kccersall presided. Mrs West. White Ribbon Agent gave tlie Paper on White Ribbon aNo read frott the White Ribbon paper Mrs Williamson gave a report of the recent N.Z. Alliance Conference. thus bringing u very helpful and profitable meeting to a close.

Iteiniiem. June 21 Mrs. Kasper presiding. Sister Jesuit brought greetings from Mrs. 1/ce I'owie of Honolulu. White Ribbon Day articles from paper read. 1 new member. WaitiKo. June 17. Mrs .1 K. Hull presided. 7 present. Temperance fact by Mrs Anderson, who received a farewell gl f t on her removal to Tamakl Kast. Paper on White Riblon Day and an extract from White Ribbon, were read. Mrs. S. West appointed., treasurer. Miss dilmore reported 9 entries for Scientific Temperance Examination. s <>! TH AITKUND DISTRICT. Hamilton.—June 2. President in chair. Attendance only fair. The secretary reported having written to Ministers' Am<>- • •ution inglng tlint Ministers decline to preside at wedding receptions where iKlUor is provided for guests, thus discountenancing drinking under the auspir«*s of the church; also reported having written to clerk of Education Committee r*‘ Religious Exercises in Schools, also to H i* n m ■ n KsM da. Whit* MMm Day was observed and tlie special paper " I 1 O' • "w i ib*• r g •111. .1 ••ne new member welcomed and initiated Hamilton.—July 7. Mrs. Jones presided. <>\cr 40 present. Secretary reported syllabus of Temperance Examination sent to 11 S S. Supts. Inviting entrants. Solo by dis Money and Elocutionary item. Mrs Idxun Mrs. Bartlett appointed President. Outstanding helpful address by Major I'iddle. Bring and Iluy for Headquarter's Funds well patronised. Afternoon tea. <lp«diki.—Jan. 9. \\ K. Day. vpir attui 'm. e. }. ,ri<! of Hope to b*. h *i«4 June 16th. Supply of scones, etc., arranged for football socials, letters read re temperance lessons in Sunday Schools. Temperanee fact. Mrs. Stuart. Several members took part in the reading of ‘Utopia celebrates W.R. Do>.“ Decided to send for literature for distribution; also to write to the churches asking them to dlrydsy Temperance Posters on church properties Two new members Hostesses, Mrs. !>rur\ and Mrs. ftteele. Te Aivamutu.—June 16. Mrs. T. N. i H-*-n presided. Fair attendance. Capt. Umond. devotions. White Ribbon Day letter •(•nt from Mrs. Peeyman. The subject, "Advance \ll Along the Line.” taken from leader of May issue of White Ribbon, reim bv Mesdames Bryant. Shelton and Olson—after which plans for poll were discussed Tin* solo. ' Dream of Paradise," was feelingly rendered by Mrs Pool man. Benediction Afternoon tea. T» mingy;. July 5. Very good Attendance: Memorial Day. Short papers. Mrs. Gibson, on Rev. Gltto’s work In Hoklanga. Mrs t’hri.-.tian. on the work Dr Bedford accoin-pli-hed Suitable hymn sung, and Memori AI prayer rend. Miss MeClay spoke on Pioneers and of the need for Temperance work in Opotlki, Whakarmarama. Te Teko. nnd Walroa, showing how terribly help i> needed. Mrs. Christian then sang “A P al:n of Life.” afternoon tea. Benediction TARANAKI DISTRICT. Strut ford. Func 23 Good attendance ft) on distribution of literature ' dim oi t'on number of “White Ribbon” sent to friends In Rack R’orks. One new’ member Afternoon ten. Do xo logy. \\WtiAVll HbTIIKT. Aniinobo.—June 3ft President in chair > ‘"votions by Mrs Gllmour, Temperance P ' t. Mrs Rl. hards. Church Parade Motliodist Church, on July 10th. Visit

tu Jubilee Home arranged for July 7th. WnUoiue extended to Kev. and Mrs. Martin, splendid address given by Kev. Mart in. Vote of thunks accorded to liiin. benediction. Afternoon tea served by >l, shames Richards and Toduuui. Knetilii. —June. Presided over by Mrs L>uu Ur abiouce of our free., Mrs. VV. H. Soar row, who is sick. Tills being l»aj, the paper “Utopiu celebrates was read by Metklamcs God ley, Me Uaii and ckiiuiioi d . .Mrs. Lynn road paper out ol W.R., “Advance all along the Line," boih papers were very good. We Jus' had word of the death «*t our first Treasurer, Mrs. McGowan who was in office In 1925, *uid tilled her position nobly. Our sympathies go out to her husband and family. Mangujiui Central. —July 7. Good alien daii'c, Including several visitors. Meinon ai Day was celebrated, the name of Miss Powell being mentioned. The article by Mrs. Paterson in While llibbon being read by Mrs. K. I‘riuce. Much interest and discussion took place amongst the older members who have vivid recollection* of Miss IViwell said her splendid work as organiser. Her influence still lives with us and we hay, “God Bless Miss Powell." Being Memorial Day the meeting took the term of a social afternoon and sale of work. Over £5 was taken und will oe aO<l- I to our local funds. Items were reudered by members and a very happy and interesting meeting was held. August meeting to be m the form of “Seated Order*." Each member promised to bring a friend. Wanganui East.— J uue 16. Mr- Day presided. Temperance fait by Mrs. Bloer, 1 )uet, Mesdumes llorsley and Coueybeer. K.-v. E. NTcholi* gave an inspiring and forceful address and was heartily thanked, ill donated to Organising Fund and £1 to District Fund. Paper lor White Ribbon 1 >ay read by Mesd.unics Walker, Day and Andrew. Decided that executive meet at 2 pm . also that first half hour of meetings be devoted to special prayers during next 5 months. Thanks to Mrs. Wickham for championing "The Ihble In Schools’ and W.D.F.U. meeting. Memorial Day, July meeting, Sealed Orders, the programme. Tauraugu.—June 7. Good attendance. Mr a Christian in chair. Whlta ltibbou Day. President spoke for a short time on "The Value of the Press to the World, as a whole.” Greatly appreciated. Three of the members shared in reading in parts, "Itopia Celebrates W.K. Day," past, present and future. A roll cull was answered with “Why 1 am a W.C.T.U. member." A very good Bring and Buy htall was held. Afternoon tea. Benediction. ilAWKfift BAY DISTRICT. Dunne virke.—At Mrs. P&viour Smith's, flood attendance. Devotions. Mr. Stanly Baldwin's thought for month quoted from White Ribbon. Letters read re Bible in Schools and a very interesting discussion followed. Decided to hold special meeting when Mrs. Hlckmott will give an address. Benediction. Dainty afternoon tea dispensed by Mrs. Paviour smith JluveitM'k .North. Miss Mill presided and led devotions. Bile urged all not to b» discouraged but to keep steadily at work and leave the issue with God. Mrs. 'iwynne spoke on drink evil and Mrs. I.mwis on work for the coming Poll. Mrs. Uickiuott spoke on YV.R. Day and S.S. temperance. Mrs. Nielson appointed Superintendent for this work. Afternoon tea. Literature received from Headquarters. Benediction. Hasting*.-— June 23. Small attendance, •'Ut good meeting. Rev. C. B. Boggls gave aidress on “The Open Door," and “The Many Adversaries." Decided to trend letters to all ministers and S.S. Superintendents. Napier.—June 21. Mrs, Lewis in the hair. Large attendance of members and friends tc honour our Treasurer, Mrs. Wilkinson, "ho has resigned after 14 years' ot service. Miss L. Erin or was elected fre.usurer. As it was White Ribbon Day. ■*<v,ral ladies read extracts from White hibbons. A presentation was made to Mrs " ilkirison. 3 new members enrolled.

MANAM ATI DIMKK T. I eliding.—6th July. Mrs. tipence in chan . Mrs. Wright, Devotional Exercises. Mrs. Joiie-, Scieiititle fai t. Very oold day, only 9 present, 2 visitors. Letters of sympathy to Musdomos Martin and Robinson. Mrs. (Rev.) I*hgo gave a very line address on ‘"Go and tell Josum, ’’ after which she wo* presented with a bouquet as it Is her last meeting with us. Afleruoou lea ami Benediction. hull. —Juno 10. Good attendance, Mrs. Kciintriey presided. Devotions, Mrs. Andrlciuen. Pledge repeated. Stickers ordered for sale to members, also posters to bo hung in most prominent places. To n m Mfi W .R. Ijay, th.- 41ak Utopia Celebrate* W.R. Day," waa given by several members. I'resident road an interesting article from the White Ribbon, , n« w subscribers to White Ribbon gained. .Members were reminded of the visit from Miss Andrews, on July 7th. Aftenoon tea. Benediction. I‘uhiutuu. -June 28. Annual Peace meeting. About Ju members and friends gathered at the home of the president. Many apologies received. A very able and arresting address was given by the Rev. A. Armstrong on the subject. "Alcohol a foe to Peace," '.reported elsewhere). Solos by Mrs. Bick and Miss Blackman. Duet by Mrs. Ryan and Mias McQueen —Mrs. Curthew and Miss Godfrey assisting at the piano. Mra J. D. Wilson voiced to Mr. Armstrong the thanks of the meeting for the inspiration of his message. Votes of thanks were accorded to the artists and to the hostesses for hospitality. riilinrrdeii North. —July 5. Maori Day . Miss Jamieson in chair. Devotions. Mrs. Holland. Scientific fact, Miss Sutherland. Mrs. Doreen welcomed back, after her sad bereavement and severe Illness- Mrs. ' arter gave interesting report, oi Rest Room at Show. Leaflets iiiul other literature were distributed. President thanked all v\ ho had assisted, also Mrs. Clausen for use of Gramophone. Report from Sister N .cholls of work among Maoris read, and a very interesting letter from Mrs. Whatu, both much appreciated. Parcels of clothing to be sent to Sister Nlcliolis for distribution. Miss Miller sang two song*. Afternoon tea. Benediction. V\ ELLINGTON DISTRICT. Itroolily a.—June. .Social afternoon in aid of Headquarters’ Fund. Mrs. Reed u chair. Good attendance in spite of bud weather. Glees by League of Mothers’ Choir, and elocutionary items by Miss Hyde were much enjoyed. Mia* Kirk, J.P., spoke on Headquarters ajid the object oi tiie meeting. Stalls were well patronized and the result was most satisfactory. Afternoon tea and votes of thanks by the Dist. President concluded a very successful effort. Brooklyn.—June 28. Mrs. Reed presided. Mrs. Raine, Devotions. Visitors Welcomed. Reported Bring and Buy raised II 7/1 foi Headquarters Fund. Temperance Fact also ry of the White Ribbon Duy AftM noon Tea. Presbyterian Ladles hostesses. Doxoiogy. Uurtartou. —J uiy 6, 12 present. Mrs. Tyler presided. Mrs. Every led devotion*. Temperance fact, Mra Hunt. Pledge repeated. White Ribbon Day Paper road. Mrs. Peters closed with prayers. Kurori.—June 7. Mrs. Grlgg presided. Devotions. The paper prepared by the editor for "White Ribbon Day ' read. Several names for the Cradle Roll lianded in. Temperance blotters distributed. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Musterton. —July 7. Mrs. Speight in chair, 15 piesent. Devotions, Mcsdames Speight and Sims. Letters of sympathy to Mrs. illnikhorne. Mra Paterson. Iwm. Vice-pros, to speak at August meeting- Literature given out for postal distribution. “White Ribbon Day r observed, several members reading a playette. also letter of Dominion President In W.R. The need was stressed for each member to have faith in the success of our work. Temperance fact. Miss Tankersly appointed to the locality committee of the Women’s Pan. Pacific Asoriation. Benediction.

UelLmjttou. July 7. Mrs. Rowe in chair. Fair attendance. Major Atheriold emphasized the falsity of the "liberty’’ drink addict* kuow, and showed how wonderfully uie slaves oi drink can be redeemed through Gods powci. Arrangements made for tumble Sate. Supt. for Temperance suuday .v lioois appointed, Mrs. Hall. Bcuediclioit. \l ell mg ton Central. June lb. Mrs. Israel presided aiiu Mrs. Weldon led devotioua. Hospital visitors: —Mesdames Ellipse ii. Cullen, Andrew aud Ciiapnn. Report of nowiy organised Baud or Hope given by Miss Thompson and Mrs. Hired, Paper tor White Ribbon Day was road und its lnnwi go is one of uplift for children, youth and adults alike. The objective is lo.ouo subscribers by 1940. Temperance tact, Thompson. Cutting* road re Sunday pictures and Drink at Dances, Men dames Turner and Andrew sang two duets. Hostesses Mosdainos Andrew, Cullen and Sired. NELMJN DIM Kit. I'. Nel sou.—Juno 14. \N Into Ribbon Day President in the chair, good attendance. Devotions by Mias Cooke, facts given, scripture verses by members. A dialogue written by Mrs. Peryman for White Kibbou Day was read by members. Mrs. Stanton read un article on ' Slaves to Poison.” Leaflets distributed. Mra Andrews reading call** for more membership. M \l< ÜBOKOIT.iI DISTRICT. Blenheim. July 5. Very good attendance. Mrs. Girling presided and welcomed visitors, including Miss Appleby. Mrs. Kimberley, devotions. A beautiful account of the life of Consul Emma Booth-Tucker, was read by Mrs. ltansoin. Miss Appleby spoke of the life oi T. E. Taylor, and its inspiration. Both ladies thanked. Afternoon tea. Cane—town. —June 11. Mrs. Bailey presided. Mrs. Girling gave report of Convention and Mrs. W liaoii spoke on religious iustiuctlou in Schools. Kev. A. Milgrew ul*o spoke. Mrs. and Miss Girling and Mrs. Wilson thanked. Hymn. Doxoiogy. Afternoon tea. Npringkwulv—June 21. White Ribbon day. Mrs. V. Underhill presided. Good attendance. Mrs. W. B. Wilson, Dist, Pres, welcomed. An appropriate dialogue was presented by Mesdames Wilson, Workman, Duncan and Underhill, dealing with the progress of the movement and its official o'gun. Mrs. Wilson gave an encouraging ta.'k on general mailers and regarding the vise of the Dominion organiser, Mias Appleby, and Miss Andrews of the Pan-Pacific Committee. The third birthday of the Union was celebrated ou the 22nd with a bring-an-l-buy Social. The attendance was not so large on account of wet weather, but an enjoyable time was spent w’lth song and music. Tus Murinu. -June. At Mra. Burroughs. Devotions. Greetings to sick and absent friends. Mra liodgerson spoke on means of emulating our official organ. Paper for White Ribbon Day read. Recitation. Competition. Hymn. Benediction. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Li ii wood.—June. Mrs. Mackie presided. Devotions, Mrs. Mad ill. Duet by Mesdames Woodward and Greenway. Sister Alice gave a very vivid presentation of her work in the slums of London and told of the ravages of alcohol. Band of Hope coached for competitions. Arrangements for temperance lessons in 4 Sunday Schools. Sister Alice thanked and presented with lovely spring flowers. Afternoon tea. Benediction. 2 new members. New Brighton.—June 29. Mrs. G. Ellis presided. go-:ia' afternoon. Many members aud victors gathered together to hear Sister Alice give a talk on her work In L>ocklund and the slums in the Eas* end of London. She spoke eloquently of the drink traffic and the havoc It wrought In the home. Nine (9) new member*. Solos by Misses L. Sincock and K Morrison. Sister Alice w es e.c orded a hearty vote of thank*. Afternoon tea North Brighton. —June 21 Mrs. D. Goldman presided. Mrs. A. Noonan gave a Temperance Fact and Mrs. S. Goring led

dtvotiuti*. U<Kfaun«H L. roll and L). Goldman reported on Mental Hospital visiting. Benediction. I’npamii.—June 22. Mr*. Corbett presided. Interesting address entitled "Way I town East,” given by Sister Alice. One new member. Itnngioru. June llit. Mrs. Thwaites presided. Fair attendance. Devotions. Mrs. C. S. Ayers and Rev. H. Ityan. Pledge and Scientific Temperance Fact. Hearty vote of tlianks to Rev. H. Ityan for his help in connection with Peace meeting in May. Secretary reported the showing of slides in Picture Theatre. A solo, Mrs. Horsley, greatly enjoyed. Ilaper prepared for W.R. Pay. “Utopia Celebrates W K. Day," read by 4 members. Short talk by Rev. H. Ryan. Mrs. Thwaitea gave report of District Executive meeting. Benedict ion. Reefton. —Juno 14. <k>od attendance. Mrs. Thompson in the chair. Rev. Uaurenson spoke of ti»e work of the Missionary sisters among the Maoris and was thanked for his Interesting message. Decided to send copies of "Alcohol its Nature and Effect” to Sunday Schools. Next month White Ribbon Month. Afternoon tea. Kiceurtan. —June 9. Devotions by Mrs. A. O. Harris. Temperance Fact; Better from Mrs. Peryman read and an appeal made for new subscribers. Members asked to assist with Band of Hope programmes. Betters were sent to Supts. of Sunday schools In district. re observing Temperance Sunday. Report of Mental Hospital work given and an appeal made for shoes and stockings Collecting cards for funds for Memorial to late Mrs. McCombs distributed. Mrs. Grigg gave a Bible Study from Mark, Chap. XII. Verse 28. Shirley-Richmond. June 9. Newly organised, 14 members. President, Mrs. C. R. Woods; Sec.. Mrs. Collin*. Treasurer, Mrs. Withers. We feel the need for our work tuid arc going to help. We have had several interesting talks from temperance workers >l>reydon. -June. Mrs. Anc.ill pn ddod. flood attendance. Subscription lists for a memorial to the late Mrs. McCombs were distributed. Report on Visiting Mental Hospital by Mrs. Goring; on District Executive, Mrs. Atioall. White Ribbon Day paper read by Mrs. Woodcock and president urged members to subscribe to the very necesary official organ of the W.C.T.U. 1 new member. Hostesses, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Sim. Sydenliam.—July 7. Mrs. J. k. Archer presided. flood attendance. Mrs. Davies, devotions. Mrs. W oat her head, scientific fact. Mrs. W<*odward reported visit to mental hospital. Mrs. \\ . Mach In. member of the Pan-Pacific delegation. She gave an extremely interesting Travel Talk on her recent visit to Hopolulu and Canada. A sacred solo ("God’s Garden") by Mrs. Woodward. Invitation to a social afternoon on August 4th, extended to Shirley Richmond, St. Alban's, Opawa and Woolston branches Sumner. —June. Miss A. E. Henderson presided. Fair attendance. A dialogue—"A I>ream of Utopia,” was rendered by 4 members. Memorial Pay will be held on July sth, Rev. W. It. Martin being the Speaker. A special collection will he taken for the W.C.T.U. World’s Missionary Superannuaton Fund. Hostess, Mrs. Morton. w «<d»ton. i hair I'tevotlons, Mrs. Brook*. Temperance fact, Mrs. Gamble. Good attendance. Paper for W.R. Pay read by Mesdames Gamble, Pepper. Finley and Ramsey. Mrs. Gamble gave report of Prayer meeting 8 W.R. subscribers. Rev. Kings, speaker for next meeting. *Ol I'll < AVTKRHI RY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—June 7. Miss Jackson preidded Fair attendance. Ffympathy with Miss Blee in death of her niece. Betters of thanks to liplper* in Band of Hope work The Band of Hope to visit Mayfield and give programme, on June 13. Mrs. Tullock reported on District Executive meeting. Mrs. Mcßean read a very helpful paper on "The Building of Character. ’’ While Ribbon Day paper read by 3 members and Miss Watson read article from White Ribbon and stressed need for wider circulation. 3 new subscribers Afternoon tea. Ashburton. —July 5. Miss Jackson presided. Demotions, Mrs. ITight: Sympathy

to sick and bereaved members. Mrs. Tucker read article re liquor to tourist* in NoLicense districts. Letters of protest sent. Final arrangements for Drawing Room meeting. Treasurer reported e redit Balance till, I ... W'.l; Ao n’. ;> MW .-ut».-< nInN■ • Afternoon tea served l>> Mesdames Tucker and Stone. 1 1 mar.i.—June. Mr*. Cave presided. Sympathy to Miss Fyte in loss of her sister. Enthusiastic reports from Bands of Hope. Sudors Rest report 9 overseas stearners with 200 visitors paying BUO visits. Rev. J*. J. James spoke on co-operation with churches to keep standard of purity set by noble band of pioneers. W .It. Day. Mrs. McAlister brought the claims of the paper before members and urged them to subscribe and read it. \\ minute. fuSS, "WhiU R Good attendance. A line dialogue was read by several members. There are 20 subscribers to the White Ribbon and it was urged that 3d a month was very little for so helpful and fine a paper, and was quite within the reach of all members. Synil*athy with Mrs. Roy in her illness. OTAGO IMVIKK T. Httlclul ha. July Mrs. -Mi Del pTi Fair attendance. Hymn, prayer, and individual prayer. “Gift of God, ' paper l»y Mik. Clark from Outlook. Bible-ili-Kchool* discussed, also Temperance Sunday for each MS. Bund of Hope Limitless discussed. HoattSMes, Mesdames Moodie and Davis. Benediction. D.imslin Central. -duly o. Mrs. presided, fair attendance. Welcome to a new member. Blotters given to distribute to School children. Mrs. lliett appealed to members to gain votes for prohibition and urged tin* need for preyer. R.ukomi. June 28. Animated talk on current Prohibition outlook. Decided to purchase ten or twelve copies of book to present to ministers or Supts. of Sunday schools with a view to temperance teaching. Individual member* made themselves res|s>nsible for copies, otn- member promising to purchase a doaeu copies of \an guard to lend to expected voters. Otic new member. Afternoon tea. I.uvvrcnce. —July a. Fair attendance. Devotions. Decided t* procure 2 dozen pledge cards. Secretary read an article from the Vanguard. Meeting closed with Benediction. Oiinutru. —June. Presided over ’ov Mrs Burkes. Well attended. IVvotlons. Prayers for White Ribbon Day were rend by several members and were an undoubted inspiration to all. New members have been added lately. Plans for furt ier progress discussed. Port t’luxluiers. June. Presided over by Mrs. O. Mlrams. Feeling reference made to the death of Mrs. Annan, an eld and faithful temperance worker. Sympathy sent to family. Was decided that superintendents of Sunday school* be asked to give three or four Temperance lessons each vear. also that Temperance text blotters be donated to Std. IV, V and VI in public school*. Several members agreed to supervise a young people's temperance class beginning immediately. Two silver medals for same were donated by members. A paper on the “White Ribbon Magsxine was read by Mrs. Mlrams, proving instructive and encouraging. *(M Til BAND DISTRICT. <»ore.—June 28. Good attendance. Mrs. E. O. Smith presided. White Ribbon Day observed. Paper read. Next meeting to lie the annual pay r -up social. Rev. A. B. Rent addressed the members and received a vote oi thanks. Temperance teaching in Sunday Schools discussed. Member* urged to get more White Ribbon subscribers. Afternoon tea. Benedict ton. i uver* argil I (ent nil. —July H. Mrs. Weincy presiding- Mrs. Walker, Devotions. Good attendance. Mrs. Rosoveare gave an inspiring address on pioneering work in Ashburton and was accorded a vote of tiinaks. Mrs. Bee and Miss Kelly contributed two pianoforte duet*, inurn enjoyed. Two new members. Hostesses, Mesdames Cameron and Woods. Imen'tircill Vmtli.- June. Address by Rev. J. A. Thomson, much appreciated: Peace message by Mrs Evans. Silent vote of sympathy with relatives in the

IMissing of two stalwarts for temperance: Rl Win. Tai 111 *• i ;unl Mrs D. R, Mmgregor. North Invercargill.—June 21. A stormy day and small attendance White Ribbon Day —one new stii>“eriber. Motion of sympathy to Mrs. Tanner. Mrs. Macgregor uml Mrs. Butt, who have all suffered bereavement. Address by Mi. Milner. Decided to hold evening meeting in July. —JP— —

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White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 513, 18 July 1938, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 513, 18 July 1938, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 513, 18 July 1938, Page 8