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News of the Union.

REPORTS MUST—(I) Reach Editor by Bth of month. (2) Be written in ink, on one side of the paper only. (3) Be short and to the point.

NORTH Utlvl Wli I*l-1 |(|( |.

Leigh. Feb. 24. Fail attendance at 11 1«Home meeting at \lr». Gngg'a, Mis. Grigg presiding.. Animated diK*unsiou on "Drink (iiktn to dames iii tlit' tars." Mrs. .1. V. Wyatt, Temperance Fact. Mrs. Grig*, Proverb. Mrs. H. Torkhigtou read ltev. Fans'a address to Methodist Foil fere nee, on Church and Pol it Ich.” Mr*. Grigg read “A Missionary s Experience In India.” The Hostesses were Mesdaines Gozar anti Grigg \\ hungarei. Feb. IG. Frances Willard Day at Mrs. F. »'heesenian a. 1G present. \|HtloKies, some si* k. some on holiday. Mrs. \> it reatliUK and address. Mr*, Curtis recitation. Temperance ladder. Vt»te of thanks to Mrs. Eimsley. our late Wit. Agent and Organist. Vote of thanks Mis. Cheeacman, • itr hostess. Afternoon tea, collection, Mflietllction. \l CKI.AMI lIIMKKT. A uck hind.—Mat• h I. WiHaiti |»a> ■ <dle> .ion for World’* Missionary fund; very Hood it tendance, visitors welcomed from Hastings and 1 birgav llle. Mrs. Stimpson presidetl. 11* a plics received from Prime Minister ami locul Ml'. ie thinking at dutiee-halls. Mestlamea Xtlmpsoii ami lloiuies delegate* to Convention. Item its discussed. Commandant ami Ensign Newton were welcomed buck ft* the Fllion after their extended tour in china ami Japan. A very interesting travel talk was given hy the (’oniinaiitlant tin their journey and of the cities Visited. She to It I of the very flue social work carried on in these countries lor the uplift and benefit of tlie people by the Salvation Army. Keport of the National P'ouncll of Women given by Mrs. Swan Auckland Kt suing Brunch. —Feb. 1. 1 >ra wing*room meeting at Mrs. Kasper's. l»e----vt,lions. Temperance fact. Plans for the v ear's work discussed. Miss Alice M atson t ppoiiitfd tlelegate t«* Convention. Mrs. Kasper gave an interesting travel talk and on social service work in America. t.rey l.ynn—.lan. Adjutant Mrs Moor transferred from Opottki Fnion gave a very ait cresting talk on the work done by thetr branch. .Mrs Pace elected delegate to Convention. Mrs. MoClenaghan elected VlcePies. Mrs. I'a< «- and Mrs. liattray elected Supt. for absentee members. Mrs M ilsoii Thrift « n,b Sec. Benediction. ( Mhlmiliu.—Feb 11* Mrs Kcccisnll pre--idcd. Melit ioi; made <" .*Ut great leather. Frances Willard; the Metnorinl Prayer was read. He Headquarter* Fund, deckled that we have a special money-box to be on the table every meeting A very happy meeting l Hieliougn Feb I** 1 nolle Holl I'aitv in charge of Miss Caughley on March IU. Mrs I 'etc hell delegate to l>ondtiioti ('on vent ion 11 i] t > new uieinla r Initiated. Aciy Interesting me- ting and much business arranged Feb. »:t Home meeting at residence of Mrs Denize. igirge attendance and good Mis Ashby (Home Meeting Supt > ,n chair. Itrlght musicnl items and realty interesting address on th* aims and work of the Toe H League of Women Helper* given by a member of the League. Pmiswnby. Feb. IT. Miss L M Rend presided Mrs. Keene elected Vice-Proa. j Williams delegate to annual I a,minion Convention 1 *e. ided to hold a Yudle Holl Party some time in March. Frances Willard Pay, a paper dealing with the life ami worjt of this wonderful woman v i,v Mrs irrngß. A resolution that ua .nla rs were u-r-v ed Hint N.Z. tennis hampionship matches were played on Sunday, but were thankful that the Lswn r, unis Association had guaranteed that it would not occur again

MM Til At (hi.AM>. Punningil.— Feb. Good attendance ul l*otli nielli lairs and visitors. Mrs. Exiey in chair. Mis. 1 tames read extracts from the life of Frances Willard A Bringaud-Buy Stall was ludd. Vocal solos contributed by Mrs. I*, (’lark. Miss B. Buhner, and Miss K. Turner. Afternoon tea. Benediction. iAita.naki district. Ilavvera.—Jan. 25. Fan .itteiidaiu e in luduig members of District Executive which met in Haw era in the morning. Mrs. I touglas in chair. Address by Miss I n ew Hnwera members strongly commended the Mayor of Klthnm (Mr. Brhlger) and Counillors for their actions in stopping drinking in dance-halls. Cradle Holl Garden Party to be held in King Edward Park on Sat., Feb. 5. New Plymouth.—Jan. 2G. Mis. Jemison presided . Sympathy' with sick members expressed liv the 1 ’resident. Temperance fact. Minutes atid balance-sheet read and continued. Seamen's Heat report. Committee Ice ted. Tiic I hstrict t‘ouveiltioii t»> be liehl in New Plymouth. Feb. Ifi. Mrs. Wellington delegate. Benediction. Afternoon tea. New Plymouth.—Feb. 24. Mrs. Jemison presided. Fair attendance. Apologies. Temperance facts. Minute*. Report on I*l*trlct Comeiitlon by Mr*. Dixon. Frames Willard Day. Paper read by Mrs. Malcolm on the life of our famous leader. Business discussion on funds and allocation of money. Mrs. Wood delegate to Convention. Four new members enrolled at District Convention Mr*. I Mxon conducted a table. Benediction. tea. etc. \\ \MJANI I DPTKHT. A ram olio. Jan. 2. President In tin hair. I *cv• >tion*. Mrs Orcig. N* vv Year message by Mr*. Chess was. Pledge reafficined. Correspondence from Mr C-utterlll M P and Mrs. Bock. Temperance facts by Mrs chessvv as* and Mrs. Welland. Mrs. (Jreig delegate to Convention Arrangements made for Miss Appleby's visit, also for annual picnic on Feb. 3, and the new syllabus for Benediction. Afternoon tea Feb 24 Mrs. Hallam in the chair Devotion. Mrs (Jreig. Vote of sympathy passed to th* sufferer- in the Kopuawhsra tragedy and collection amounting to £l/10/- taken up on their helm If. Members reminded of Womens’ Dav of Prayer on March 4th. also Miss Courtney'* visit on March f>th Pupei ui Frances Willard read by Mrs Walker A Home meeting was held at Mrs Chest*was'* home during Miss Appleby a visit Wry plca-.iut time spent. Arrangements finalized for the year’s syllabus. Afternoon re:* served by Mrs Good Itnetilii. Feb. Good attendance lions. Miss Marshall. Article. "Referendum." from "White IM.bon" read. KpecJal prayers for and sympathy to Mr-. Tuatinl ui her great loss; also to Mrs. Tiwtha in her sei'ious illness. I’resetitatlon to Mrs Aahvvell. r*‘gr«d expressed at her removal, tnd thankful acknowledgment for her work luring the past years, bv Mrs gcarrow \\ iingnn"i Hml■ kl U pil'd the chair. Devotion*. Mrs. Scott. Mrs I ia' welcomed Miss \ppb-by SVinpathv with Mrs. Tuatini of Hactilii, in the passing of her husband The balance-sheet, showing a credit balance of just over {4 was read vnd a* l opted. Mrs. Bloor appointed Treasurer. Executive to meet and arrange -vllabus for ItC- Announced that the Rand of |{ope will meet in St Alban’s Hall at

1 u cUm k on Tuesday. Feb. 22. v*n March l \nnti.. Ini' <>f Prayer celebrated, morning -■ -.-ion in st. Alban s Church, at 10 o'clock. Miss Mcla-an. returned niiasiunury Horn 'hum will be the s|>eaker. Mrs. Bloor delegate to Convention. Mi.-a Appleby gave a very inspiring talk, and urged all to be *a 1 1 li t«. I and strong in tin Hold. Afternoon tea served. Bnng-aiid-Buy -tail in churge •»f Mesdame* ('arti*r and Walker. Item di« - tioti. II \\> KK> lt.\\ lIISTKKT llu-ting*. I*l. 24. Good attemianc** A visitor from Wanganui welcomed lTesideiit .-poke on Convent ions of IKS4-IMi& inclusivj ittended b> Miss Frames Willard and gave ,i New Year message from Miss Willard's liury. Collection taken tor missionary fund* realised 13/-. Deckled to entertain Dominion Convention at afternoon tea in St. Andrew's Bali. Sal.. March 12. Havelock North.— Feb. 25. e?ix members present, oik* visitor. District President, Miss Hill presided. Took devotion* from St. Matt. ttth. Delegate to Convention. Mrs. Webb. Talk from Mrs. MtntolT on her travels in England, and their ways of «onluctltig meetings there. Most interesting. Napier.—Feb. 15. Mi*. Hew i* pre*hle*'. over a small meeting, owing to a very wet day. The afternoon was spent chiefly (n making final arrangement* for Dominion Convention. Mr*. Austin was elected delegate for Napier. H airoa. Feb I Good attendance Mr* Macdonald in chair. Devotions. H.A ('apt. Delegate elected for Convention. Mrs. Hrocklehurst spoke on "Life of Frances Willard." »'olle.-tloii 7/1. Hriug-and-Kuy 1 • /-. M\.\AWATI DISTRICT. ■ eliding. - Feb. H Good attendance, 3 low member*. Mr*. (Pres.) Page gave a splendid talk on "Purity’." Band of Hope discussed and suggested four young people be asked to form a committee from each of tin- churches. Mrs. Pack delegate. Donation of 1 1 /1 /- made to N.Z. funds. 12/2/wii* sent towards Headquarter* Fund, collected in shillings by Mrs. McGill. Afternoon t< a. Thank* to Mr*. Page for her address. la-viii.— Feb. IK. Mrs. Kentierley presided. Devotions, Mrs. Dennis, cradle Roll afternoon Friday, Mar« h In. Mi** Peck presented with cry st i. ’ vase on her marriage with appreciation of her work and lost . idle* for a happy’ future. Delegate, Mrs. Kennel ley Heading. "Fram es Willard of China." from ''White Ribbon," given by Miss Kelly, and facts re France* Willard '.ere given I (emits discussed. Hostesses, Mesdame* Henskle vnd Storey Palmerston North.—Feb. 1 Miss C. Jamie.-on (Pres.) ii chair. Miss Sutherland lelegate to Convection. Mrs. Penhreth appointed Supt of Y's. laing service badge pn -■ nted to Ml-* Astbtiry, a keen member for over forty year*, and for many years 'nolle Roll Supt Mrr. Alexander ( Napier • iiol Mis. Tarrant were welcomed by Pres. Mi Shearman <S. A ), :i|*o Adjt. Hutelieii* . , t Ve a short tdllless on Women of India Mi -. S< ott expressed thanks to both -pea kers. Miii'li ». Mr*. J. gfcott in chair. Mrs. Holland. Scripture leading. and Mis* Sutherland, scientific fact. Good attendance several visitors were welcomed. The • rcommendation of *he Executive tliat th*■ Dominion Convention be held in l'alnierstoti North In CIS whs agreed to. and the delegut" for the Convention in Napiei was instituted to issue the invitation. Miss Thompson. Treasurer, during Mr*. S. ott's ib-em e for a ii ar in \ustrnlla. There w;»a tine distday of shell* and curios from Papua. A talk on the articles shown was given by Miss Jamie-on Miss F M hittaker recited Tennyson*' i»oein, "The Snell." also 'The House with Nobody in It." Thanks w• re expressed to Mi-s Whittaker, nl-o to Miss Janiiesmi for the trouble she hail taken m bringing and arranging th.- curios, and for her interesting talk Hostesses Mi--* - Sutherland ar.d Suren-on

\\ FI.I.INGTON *>I S TKH 1 < urterto.i.--March 2 14 present Mrs fc IVti'i-s, devi’.lon*. ami Mr* Tvl.-i gave a Hliort report of Executive meeting «t Mutt, and invited all women to May of Prayer.* .Man h 1. Tempernm e fart. Mrs Hunt, i »*a ami Benediction. Miramar. —Feb. 3. Mr*. Hay man pres over fair attendance. Hevotlon* taken by Mis Weldon Remits for the < tuning Convention were under discussion and deci*lon* Mill be forwarded to the District He.retary, BeJP*dletioii Pet one. KVIi. 1 ti. Frame* Willard Hay. ut Mra. MuiKHtroyd'a. 15 present. Weather very had. Major Took npoke on "Pressing Forward.” «hie new meinlier. \\ elliugtoii. Mi Tht MWI» ah president. Mra. Row#, in the chair. Devot |ona. Mra. Murray. Addresses: Miaa Kirk on Frame* Willard Day. Slater Winifred on the Travellera* Aid Society and Ita uewlyfonned Wellington branch. Miaa Kirk welcomed hack Tea. Benediction. March 3. Mra. Mowlem In clialr. Uood attendance. Vtaitora from other I'nion*. Mra. Murray, devotions; "The Hol> Spirit makes actual what Christ made piaiaihle." Mr*, lllett, Kuest of honour, apoke on efrica< v of constant prayer and Imlivldual service in our work. Encouraging statistics from local option reaulla in I S.A., more especially In the greatest whisky-producing State In the I'nion. Kentucky. Two charming songs by Mra. Lyons. Afternoon tea H.medh’tlon. Wellington Central. —Feb 1*». Mra. larael In the chair. Mra. Weldon led devotion* Hospital visit ora for the month. Mesdiune* Weldon. Moult. Kmpaon ami Culhii Mra Sirid. delegate to lHniilnion Camventloii. remits discussed Ifound tahle talk on a.rangeimn'a for the coming year. Mr*. Long spoke of the Cradle Roll work. Cradle Roll Party to he held later Pleased to state Increase in numbers. Hostesses. Mesdame* Israel. Cullen and Child Recitation b\ Mrs. lumg greatlv appreciated. Fram es Willard Ibiy. reference made to her life ami work M.IXI.N llhlltin Nelson.—Feh. Good attendan* <• Mias I'ouke presided and st-eased the theme o f Praise to God. A wx Interesting upor on the work of Frances Willard, written by Mins Cooke and read !>v Mra Ross Mia W ilkin«. President of Taktika I’nion, welcomed. Mr*. Moyes was presented xxltli a fountain-pen In appreciation of her long and faithful work amongst the children for over 2»» years Interest was creutei h\ *’ic opening of the boxes for H endnuarters Fund, when Mrs. Walker placed £8 odd on the tahle. Mra Ouhh and Mias l»ay. ib-legates to Convention WAICI ItOKOI <>ll DISTRICT Itleiilieim.—Feb 1 Mrs. Girling. Pres in the chair. 14 present. Hcrlpture rending ’indie Roll picnic at end of March. The annual street alall on March 4 Mra. Girling delegate to Convention Tile keynote of th«- Presidents’ Nexx Year message was prayer, love and Her vice. Individual prayers for i rial's blessing and guidance in our veai’s work Itleiilieim. March 1 Mr* Girling In the chair. 2o present Member* stood a* a mark of respect to the memory of the late Mr. C. Parker, for tunny year* a prominent Temperance worker in the district. |molded to start Maori work Immediately. Arrange ments made for our annual stall on March ♦ and the Cradle Roll picnic, to be held In the Showgrounds on March 2*i Mrs Stewart appointed Press Reporter. Splendid papers on Frances Willard. OlHrn Barton and Mix Lee-C-owie. Votes of thanks Ib* tied ht lon "pringbiod- 15th Feh At Mra. A. M Gascoigne’* home. Good attendance. Mr* Vnderhlll In chair. Feeling reference to passing of a gre-.t worker for Temperance. Mr. C W. Parker, and resolution of .win

patliy with Mra. Parker and fainllv. Interesting report of l>l* t rict Executive meeting reltd Mi- * uiininghaiii read a papci Mra. rmterhlll gave brief outline of the great characteristic* of France* Willard, and read (from an old W R. i extracts lioiu the address by a Congressman from Illinois when hei statue was presented ami dedicated 111 the great Hall of Fame. Afterwards supper served Vote of thanks to Mrs Cast oigiie Tuh Marina,—Feh. 22 llymu ami Devotion*. liscldml to forward 10/- to delegate's expanses to Convention, Cradle It > *• Garden Party March 2*> Knelt member ren I extracts from the lives of good temperance Workers Hymn and Benediction. NORTH ( AVIFKIUm I»I>TRI('T. I’lirlwlchtipch.—Jan 2*« Miss Henderson presided. Hynipatliv sent to the relatives vf the late Mr. A Williams and Mrs. Hoyd. the latter being one of our oldest members Bn lance-sheet adopted. Garden Party on Feb. 111. Christchurch D to assist with afternoon tea and to In* responsible for icecream, soft drinks; Sumner to provide svveet s. IJmvood.—<Jau. 25. Mrs. Mackie presided over a s' I attendance. Mrs. Madill was speaker. Mrs. Hielby welcomed by transfer The Crudle Roll picnic will In* held oil Thursday ut “Lnvington,” the home of the President, and a good attendance Is expected. Mr*. Mackie, delegate to Convention. Mr*. Hleiby rendered an elocutionary item. Arrangements made for the Garden Party on Feh. IV, at 25* Wuirarapa Terrace. Felidalton. Benediction. F*-b. Very well attended meeting. Mesdames Turner and 1 tower led Davotloiis Frances Willard Ihi y. reference made to hei work aud the points in the ’’White Ribbon” were re**d with interest. Mrs Ifielby gave an elocutionary item. Mrs. William Macktn. who lihs on I v recently returned from abroad, gave us n most interesting travel talk, ami we realised the truth of the saying. "All round the world, the ribbon white is twined " (*ur Hand of Hope begin* tills month, ami we are proud t«< be able to report the formation of a good Y brum h at Llnwood, inctnbers *eein to la* most anxious to begin the years work. Mr*. Mackie, delegate to Napier Convention. (A loving cheerio to out latest Y branch.— Kd., W.R.)

North Brighton.—Feb 15. Mrs |i Goldman la the chair Hevotioii*, Mrs. J. II Mcllralth. Scientific fact. Mrs A Noonan Mrs. I. Peppered repotted on Mental Hospital visiting Report* presented:—Mrs. I„ I Vppc-rell, Cradle Roll work; Mrs. A Noonan. Hand of Hope work; Mrs. J II Mcllralth. Legal and Parliamentary Section General balance for 15)37 given. Mrs A. Florance presented with a gift and bouquet in appreciation of her work a* President for the last four years. Officers elected Mrs. A Noonan, Hand of Hope; Mosdames S Goring and J H. Mcllralth, I h?'o|ional; Mrs L. Peppered, Cradle Roll; Mrs A Noonan. 8< ientlfli Fact* Mr- H Irwin, Press Reporter. Benediction

New Brighton.—Feh. 4 Fair attcmlain Mrs. Kills presided Trersurer’* report and balance-sheet adopted. Mrs. Hall report* on Mental Hospital work, and the great pleasure given to the Inma-'.e* visited at (’hnstmas

Feb 23 Annual picnic and garden party held in the grounds of the residence of Mrs. H M Hall. A most enjoyable time was spent There was a good attendance of member* ami friend* Good business was done at the stalls with very aatl*factor> results.

March 3 Mrs O Kills presided at a well-attended social afternoon held In the •’Oasis’* (Hudson’s Buildings). Mrs Jessie Mackay was the speaker, and her talk was on Bor-ial Services operating In Christchurch. A musical and elocutionary progranie was arranged and given bv Christchurch artists Afternoon tea provided bv members.

Oxford.—Jan. 19 President in the clmii Very good attendance. Miss Pasco, Devotions; solo. Mrs. i,. Jones. Regret ’at the departure of t’aptain ntiil Mrs Allott. ami

appreciation of tin- help given by them. Welcome extended to < ’upturn Wolford atul Lieutenant Yarson, Salvation Army Olfh er* Decided to send delegate tJ •om entlon Hecided to hold a home meeting at Mrs V. Cedermau’s for young Y branch mothers »f the W.C.T.F Mr*. I’eryuiuu sends lov mg greeting* to Oxford W.C.T.U. Oxford. Feh. 16. Frames Willard Day The I‘n-sldeilt presided. A sgcrcil nolo b Miss IV. Waterman Sympathy with Mrs NY. Fenwick In her bereavement. An appeal from the Pluuket Society, was fuvoural ly received, way* and means to be discussed at u later meeting The President spoke about Mi's Willard An address was given by tin* Rev. 11. F. Ault, amt a vote ot tbanks accorded him. Regret expr essed at his Impending departure from Oxford and appreciation of his outstanding work during It is' l.r!**f stay

Pufgtiitii.— Feb. 23. Mrs. Graham presided Good attendance Invitation to My v Birthday Party accepted. 1 tedded that at next meeting, papers on Women of the Hibie be rend by the members. Mrs Gratia in, on behalf of the member* wished Mrs. Ilay ton (who is leaving on an extended holiday to Australia) Godspeed and a happy holiday and safe return.

Itaugiora. —Fell. 22 Mrs Tli unites presided. Jievotion*, Mr*. James. Sympathy with Mr* Robinson in her illness. Excellent attendance. Solo. Mrs. Chamber* Scientific Temperance fa> t by Mrs. Thwaite* Suggestion re Temperance slides at picture theatres. 1 lecided to male enquiries front N.2. Alliance and picture theatre agent*. I Munition of 5/- received tow aids the project. Most interesting talk by Mr. I* J Therm* on his Impressions ami Experiences in America during his recent trip abroad. Afternoon tea. Hymn. Itene lictlon

Kiccartoii—Feb lu Sympathy »e relatives ot Mrs. SwaiiKton, our late Treasurer Kiceartou I’nion with I‘apunui and Styx have charge of cake stall ut Garden Party Repot t given oil Mental Hospital aud Women’s Reformatory visits Appeal tot clothing made. Suggestions for the year's w *ji k discussed. Letter of congratulation sent to Rev. J Allen, late of St Niiiiun's. Rh-carton, on his appointment to Professoi of Theology. Arrangements made for putting posters in Met hod Ist aud Presbyterian Sunday Schools. Mrs White, delegate t<> Convention. Hoste. - **-. Mesdanies Newtli ami McLean

W|irey<lon. Feb Mrs Am all presided Good attendance Decided o help on sftei noon tea stall a* tin- Hist rat Garden Party Mr*. Goring gave a good report on Mental Hospital visiting Mrs Ain all, delegate to Convention The Rev. Mr Harris npoke on “Notable Women," special mention ot Frames Willard Hostesses. Mesdanies Fehsetifeld and McCracken

N* ft on. Feb. A very wet day. but an average attendance Mrs. Kuril presided at the organ and Mrs Tnpp was in the chan I *e\ ot i oils. Miss Taylor. The President welcomed bai k Mrs. Thorne, aftei some months spent In England. Mrs F. McGowan dispensed afternoon tea. Mrs Thorne gave .i very much enjoyed talk on her trip abroad

xiinuirr.—Feb 1 Good attendam > Aftei noon tea served. Hostesses. Misses Killiet amt Gates A Paper was read by Miss A K. Henderson on Frames Willard, which dealt specially with the things which contributed to the upbuilding of tier charadei and fitted her for the special work which God called her to do Memliership Campaign set on foot and arrangement* completed for distributing literature to mem hers of the Cradle Roll

'Minuter. —March 1 Miss A L Henderson presided. Good attendant e. I new menihei An Interesting address on tin* Housing ot Aged i *o<»r was given by Miss Hava last All members were asked to attend the Church Parade at the Presbyterian t’liunl on March 27. Mrs Morton appointed aftei noon tea Bui>erlntendent

"y lieu tin in. lan Mis I l\ Ai* hei pi *• sided. I swot ions. Mrs Havles \rrangemen ts were furthered in eonnectlon with the Garden Party to be held >n Fell. 1 !♦ A greed to hold Anniversary Ho*-lul on F* I* 2v, all members of sister brunches to In-

invited. Knjoyible items »nrt rendered by Mik. Reeve Uolu) and I»\ Mm. AAoodco* k (recitation ). >1 \ I !»>• ii Fair Attendant:**, i *e>otional t*H i iwh, Mr*. Kings Pledge recited Aimwi-r received, read and discussed on our objections to liquor hoarding in St. Alban s aiul banned book* being allowed in New Zealand libraries, etc. Successful Dnug-and ifuy held. Prize* giveu lor Temperance Essays at St. A than'a K< liu«l, Four new ineinbera welcomed. Interer UIK talk given b> H*V. VV. Hrigg llortesMoa, Meadaines H. Kings and I*. Osborn e. Meeting held at different churches. W*sd<*t«Mi.—FVb. li. Mrs, T. Ramsay presided. < Jood attendance. 18 present. Mrs. French, Devotions. Mrs. J .aw son, Temperan«e fait. Mrs. D. Itowse, delegate to Convention. I tended to assist at the District Harden Party, Feb. Ik. Plans of work disusaed. De< ivied to hold a prayer meeting once a month, and to consider starting a 1 rand of Hope. Afternoon tea. Mil lit CAVmtltl l<\ DISTRICT A-lihort <>n. —Feb. 1. Miss Jack-on prodded and conducted Devotions. Fair attendance. Sympathy with Mrs. linker, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Broome ami the relatives of Mrs. I.ainb- Kibboners picnic held on Feb. 26 at Mr H. Andrews's grounds, il to Hupt. L.AA.K. Iteportevl that special effort sale raised 110/2/6. Collections for World's Missionary funds 11/-. Paper by Sister Mi hired on the life amt work of the lute Frances Willard, ami a hearty vote of thanks was accorded her. Miss Watson and Mrs liu* liler, delegates to Convention. Afternoon tea. Prayer and Benediction. March 1. Stater Mildred presided and otnlucted Devotions Sympathy in bereavement passed to Miss Jackson and Mrs. Duggan Mrs. church reported on the succss of the White Kibboners' picnic held oil Saturday, making spe< ial mention of the inspiring address delivered by Mrs. Major I rnggati. Arrangements for the forthcoming Dominion Convention were discussed and the remits considered. Hymn and Benediction. Afternoon tea.

< •cruhline. Feb. 1. Mrs. Burrell t president) In the chair. Hymn, Scripture resting and prayer. Capt. Dixon welcomed. Decided to hold a Harden Party on Feb. 26. and arrangements left in the hands of the Ciadle ltoll Supt. (Mrs. Keeble). Mrs. W. Prattler elected Treasurer. Afternoon tea ■s-rved hv Mesdanies Boned and Norton. March 1. Mrs. Burrell in the chair. I*evotiona by Mrs. <'oursey. President reported on District Executive meeting. Reported that on Feb 26. a very successful Cradle ltoll Hard* ii Party had been held at Mrs H. Coombs, much enjoyed by parents ami hildren. Races. games, afternoon tea. ''apt. Dixon addressed parents oil ‘ 'Abstinence.” Thanks to Mr. ami Mrs. Coomb* for kindness In giving use of their grounds

Trmuka. -Mrs. Smith presided. Fair attendance I.etteis of cheer to -d* k member. Report of recent Executive meeting. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll gathering on March 10. Satisfaction expressed at tinresults of Harden Sale held at Mrs Elders; also thanks for Mrs. Elders generous help with stalls A'ternoon tea Prayer and Benediction.

riiiUftni. —Feb. 2i Miss Fyfe presided (food attendance. Address by Rev. Russell Grave, who based lna remarks on the words. •Not by might, not hy power, hut by my Spirit, saith the Lord '' Being Frances WllInrd Day. he showed how remarkably this was exemplified in the work and life of the founder of the W.C.T Mrs. Miinfle. delegate to Convention. (Cradle Roll picnic. Mar. 5. Sailors' Rest reported 427 visits l,y 152 men during .Jan. and Feb. Christ - iias tea held and comfort hags given Miss Thomson thanked for books. Songs hy Mrs vVood and MNs It Holdgate. Mrs. Wheeler accompanist. Much enjoyed.

AAaimat. I M sided Mrs Kippenberger read a pnper on the work of our founder. Frances Willard. The remits for Dominion Convention were

i cad and disc ussed. Mrs. Kippenberger ippolnted delegate. The year's syllabus was arranged, many hejpful suggestions being received. Including a ''Hostess*** Afternoon” for headquarters. Afternoon tea terminated .hi enjoyable meeting. (NAUO DI'IKICT. Dunedin (cutrul. Feb. 1. Mrs. Hiett presided. Very stirring address by Mis. Adj. Dick. Balance-sheet presented. lNdegates nominated for Convention. Decided to send booklets on ''The Effects of Alcohol” to all Sunday School*. Address by Mrs. Hiett, 'Alcohol and the Human Body.” txnikomi. —Jan. Mrs. Flett presided. Prayer, Praise, and short talk on “Love” Electlou of tHTlcer*: —Pres., Mrs. Flett; gee., Miss Dobson; Tress., Mrs. Masterton; It. gupt-, Mrs. VUvKrDilt; White Ribbon Agent. Mr*. Uracil). Afternon tea. Blight * lithusiastic meeting. Kaikomi.—Feb. 22. Remits tor tiie turning 'onv*niton were discussed, some very seriously. Members were greatly i iterested Mrs. Flett. President, to act as delegate. Afternoon tea. North Ku»t A alley. Feb. Mrs. Peart presided. Programme by Capt. Hawkey and Adj. Packer. Two delightful solos by Captain and an intensely Interesting address on "Lessons from the Flowers,'' by the Adjutant. Harden Party to augment funds to he held late la March at Miss Uibb's. Members urged to interest themselves in a practical way. woulh Dunedin, —Feb. 24. Mr*. Donaldson presided. Mrs. Felling, 1 tevotion*. Thf President read a brief account of the growth of the women police movement in Ure it Britain and the Continent. Literature distributed from Bible-!n-Bchools League. Corr. Sec. to act lor Mrs. Haywood. An interesting syllabus was drawn up. "HI Til LAND DISTRICT. Core. Feb. 22m1. < iood attendance. (level al apologies. Mis. McAskill, Treasurer, gave a very credit able balance sheet. Mrs. Leech was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for most interesting talk on world affairs. Prayer. Inver* MgW Sort h. The r« nation of Miss Langskaill from office of President was received with regret, and appreciation of her long service as an officer put on record. Mrs. Robertson a Is** re signed secretaryship. Mrs. Holland was elected Secretary,, and Miss V. Jamieson. President. Miss H. Jamieson appointed delegate to Convention. Address given hy Rev. W. Tanner. Invercargill •VHith. De* . 7. Arrangements for the running of the tea and rest rooms at the forthcoming summer show were made. < tfficers elected:—Pres.. Miss Mc< allum; Vice-Pre*., Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Holme*; Dec., Mrs. Keidy ; Treas.. Miss Hrifflths; Cradle Roll Supt.. Airs. Crosier; "White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Pate; Evan Supt., Mrs. Richards; Asst., Mrs. Holmes; Maori Supt. and Decorative. Mrs J Richards; Musical. Mrs. Lea; Cus todlan of Hall Equipment. Mr 3. Latham; Notable Davs, Mrs. Lambourn; Birthday League. Miss J. McCallunt; Sick Visiting. Airs. Imle, Asst. Mrs. Grenfell; Hack Blocks. Miss McCallum; Social Committee. Miss .1 McCa'lum. convenor; helper*. Mesdame* Hell. Richards. Dale. Grenfell and Drake. Being member* of a corporate body and being entitled to a vote on tile Council. Nurse Griffiths was duly nominated as our representative for voting. iTlils report was inadvertently omitted from lie*-. Issue Apologies to Mouth Invercargill.—Kd. W.R.] Invercargill Central.—Feb. Mrs Macgregor presided. Hood attendance. Jumble Male for expenses of Conference realised £9 Mrs. Millard, delegate. The Temperance fact was, “Alcohol is a menace to child

hi* in all brandies of its existence thnnigl either or both parents.’’ Prof. Ballantyne Remits for Conference discussed. Mrs. J J AA e*ney spoke of the work of the Crippled Children'* I*eague and made an appeal for new members. Soloist, Mrs. Strathearne. Speaker, Ml'S. Macgregor Mesdanies Stevellan*l J. J. Wesney were hostesses.

J/et it lie urged as a simple economic truth that no amount of subsequent revenue which is derived from the liquor traffic will ever compensate for tiie original misdirection of the outlay. —William Graham, a former financial secretary’ to Treasury and President of Hoard of Trade.

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White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 509, 18 March 1938, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 509, 18 March 1938, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 509, 18 March 1938, Page 8