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News of the Union.

Re|N>rt*< MUST—(I) Reach lidilur l>> Ktli of niontli, (2) lie written in ink. on one Hide of tlie paper only. (3) lie short and to the point. NORTH AUCKLAND DISTKIUT. lhirguville.—March 10. Mrs H. T. Smith presided, ten present. lk-votional talk on the courage of Joshua Intercessory prayer for the youth of our land. New Year message of encouragement from Mrs Hiett received. Mrs. Wordsworth and Miss Van Kenen delegates to Convention. Mrs H. T. Smith acting-President during Mrs M Martin's illness. Munngntiiroto.—April 1. Evening meeting held in Congregational Church. Mrs. 11. Flower in chair. All officers re-elected and vote of thunks passed for past services. Treasurer reported small credit balance. Letter received from N’.A. Secretary re visit from Miss C. McLay. Secretary requested to try to arrange for Miss McLay to take Sunday services in Congregational Church and hold meeting for members on following day. Mrs. Knightbridge appointed Birthday League Superintendent hi place of Mrs. Wearne, who has left the district. Te Kopiim.—March 12. Good attendance Mrs Bickers presided. Circulars from Mrs Hiett and The Brotherly Way, and letter from Mrs McLeod, England, stating that the* W.C.T.U. has been wonderfully good to her. Mrs Bickers reported on Executive meeting. Afternoon tea. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.—April 7. A good gathering. Mrs. Cook presided. Three new members welcomed. Mrs. Cook appointed delegate to the N.C.W. Reports of the Dominion Cnu- • ention were given by Mrs Ho'nies ami Miss Dewar and plans of work to help to carry out something practical w. re discussed. An appeal was made for helpers for the Poppy Riy Street Collection. l-eigli. March. Small attendance met at Mrs. Grigg’s. Mrs. Morley read “General Jottings from N.Z. Baptist." Mrs. J. V. Wyatt gave the motto, "Gentle words fall lightly, but have great weight." An article on "Gambling" was given by Mrs. Grigg. Mrs. Torkington gave the temperance tact. “A creator of cravings; a maker of thirst: that is ah-olio], as an enemy, the worst." Mrs. J. V. Wyatt gave an account of organising evening of the Y branch. The hostesses were Mrs. Grigg ami Mrs. Morley. Northerne. March 10. Mrs. 11 lies led devotions. Mrs. Hulbert read an extract from tie- Rev. Lionel Flet< her's book on evangelistic work. People's Peace Mandate to Government signed by members. Afternoon tea Mrs. Ha> appointed Treasurer. Collection. Ponsonhy.—March 12. Annual Cradle Roll afternoon. The President, Miss Read, welcomed the mothers and children. An Instructive and interesting address by Miss G. McKenzie was followed by afternoon tea. Gifts were distributed to the children. ttj l\ an \ \ emir Itftrcl I \ t' fair. Miss Pudney presided. Three inspiring poems by E. M. Stokes read, followed by time of silent and vocal prayer. Routine business. Enlightening article on the working and results of the Carlisle System of liquor control was read and discussed. Afte*noon tea. Murk worth. March 12. Attendance small, but good meeting. Mrs Hamilton presided. Mrs Kasper read article on "Egyptian Women.” Miss Joy Phillips elected delegate to Convention. Wuiiiku.—March 13. Mrs Speer presided, nine present. Mrs Speer, delegate to Convention. Sympathy with Mrs C. Denize in bereavement, and Miss West in illness, letter of thanks for donation to Willard Home. Wiiiuku.—April 3. Mrs. Speer presided. Eleven present. An interesting report of the Dominion Convention was given by our delegate, Mrs. Speer, who stressed tin* '»»•- porta nee of gaining more subscribers for the

White Ribbon. One new subscriber gained at the meeting. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Cambridge.—March 11. Eleven memberpresent. Helpful addresses on "Peace” wen given by Mrs. Seal and Mrs. Craig. Th* petition for Peace was signed by members Te Awuniutit. —March 19. President in t ln • hair. Fair attendance. Prayer offered foi Convention being held. As a tribute of svm pathy with Royal Family in the passing ot our late beloved King, members stood in silence. Sympathy was also expressed with Mr. W. G. Macky and family in the death of Mrs. Macky, who was an interested member of the W.C.T.U. Dominion President’s message for 1936 given: “Forward." The People’s Mandate was presented for signatures. The reported drinking at dance balk discussed; something to be done. Miss Hooper’s rendering of two solos were much enjoyed. A helpful paper on “Ways and Means of advancing the work of the W.C. T C.“ was given. Afternoon tea. Thames—April 1. Fair attendance presided over by Mrs. Paul, who gave a very full report of the Dominion Convention. Literature is being sent to Cradle Roll mothers, hoping to enrol them as W.C.T.I’. members. Two new members initiated. Afternoon tea served. WANG AN l I DISTRICT. Ammolxt. —March 2t>, President in chair Motto given by Mrs Chesswas. Pledge reaffirmed. Address by Mrs Dowsett on “Responsibilities of Motherhood.” Hearty vote of thanks to speaker. Competition: Ist, Mrs 11. Good; 2nd, Mrs Chesswas. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Gilmour and Good. Ohukiiiie. —March 19. Fair attendance. Mrs. Anderson presided. Decided to send n telegram conveying Union’s greetings to !*>- ininion Convention. Peace petition signed by members and friends. Interesting talk on “Peace” was given by Rev. L. Dobbs Afternoon tea served. Kuctihi (Maori).— April 1. At the bom* of Mrs R. Tuatini. Good atten.lance. Mrs Lynn presided, and pleasant anil profitable time enjoyed. Mrs Lynn very ably explained to those members present the meaning of the words “intoxicating” ami “alcohol." Sister Holland, a Methodist Sister, expressed in words her appreciation of the work of the W.C.T.U. among the Maori women. Mr W. Tiwlia led prayer in Maori. Afternoon tea. Wnngumii Riant.—March. Mrs D*> presided. Sympathy in illness with Mrs Dale. Silent vote in memory of Mrs Cave, valueu worker for many years. Mrs Bay delegate to Convention. Mesdames farter and W ilker in charge of Hring and Bu> stall Mi’s Ogier and Miss Marshall host esses for April. MAN A WAT! DIM RUT. IVilding—April 2. Fair attendance. President in chair. Tilt* business of the afternoon consisted of the report of Convention by Mrs Hpence, for w hich she was accorded a \ote of thanks. Pox ton.—March 12. Ten present. President in chair. Secretary absent through severe Illness, and Mrs Tltcombe acted for her. Collection for Frances Willard Day. Mrs Ross gave report of District Executive. A very happ\ aft-moon spent by all present. l/cviii.—March 13. Mrs Kennerley in the chair. Scientific Fact. C.R. afternoon on March 20th. Mrs Hisliop delegate to Convention. TiiankH sent to Mrs FJtchl.- for valuable work in Scientific Temperance branch. Band of Hope re-opens M -rib 27 Afternoon tea. Benediction. I’ulmerstofi North April 3. Alts. Dodder presided, and specially mentioned that Mis* Moore’s departure for Pali stine had been de layed. Miss Stunit, a new member, to embroider the Banner, slid Mis. King gave ribbon for sane* Mrs. Stuait, Hospital Visitor for W.C.T.U. durinr Mrs, Pcnketh’s absence. Miss Sutherhun lend 11 is* report of Convention written Ly Mrs Scott, our delegate. Thanks to Me Scott for a ven full and interesting icport. Benediction. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Forno and Stenberg.

HAWKE’** liA\ DISTRICT. Ha-tinj!**.—Man h 31. Excellent attend ance. Mrs De <’astro spoke on League of Nations linion meeting, and spoke of war work in Cairo, and of distir.guished social workers and political leaders she had met. Report of Y meeting received. Four new R members. Napier congratulated upon winning membership banner. Mukotuku.—March 10. Mrs l>alj> presided. Fair attendance. Sympathy with Mrs Burnett and Mrs Little in bereavement. Discussion on Cradle Roll and Band of Hope. Mrs Mildon dispensed afternoon tea. Napier.—April 1 Thirty-four present. Mrs. Lewis presided. Hymn chosen by Mrs. Venables, who prior to her ilkiess was the much-loved devotional superintendent. Treasurer’s balance sheet read and adopted. Mrs. Hull, delegate to the Dominion Convention. gave a very interesting report, much appreciated. Mrs. Forster, superintendent for sending literature regularly to the backblocks. Mandate for World Peace explained. Petition signed by members. Appreciative references were made to Viss Henderson for long and faithful services rendered as Dominion Corresponding Secretary. The banner, which has been won for having enrolled the greatest number of members during 1935, was hung in a conspicuous place. Wuipiikuntu. -April 2. Mi.-- Hurdett presided. After the business rout lie Mi. Pi'kson read a very interesting paper on "Mv Daughter,’* by Dr. E. Bryson, M.A.. M.P Miss Hurdett read a paper on the ev its of liquor on the cells of the body. Afternoon tea closed interesting afternoon. w ellington district. Brooklyn.—March 31. Mrs. Saw den pn sided. Good attendance. Pledge repeated. The report of the Hospital Auxiliary given by Mrs. Pearson. Mrs. Dudley welcomed after a long absence. Decided to send 5/to the World's Missionary Fund. Financial statement showed a satisfactory credit balance. Plans were discussed for raising mone> for the year's work. Mrs. Butler reported eleven new im ues on the Cradle Roll. Mrs. Brewer gave a full and very interesting account of the iKmilnion Convention at Auckland, and was listened to with rapt at tentiosi and accorded hearty thanks. Mrs. Brewer congratulated Mrs. Pickering, through whose efforts our Union won the prize of one guinea for securing most new •mbs'-fibers to the White Ribbon between Conventions. Benediction Baptist ladies hostesses. The ensoribed blue silk badge presented at Convention was affixed to tin banner. DulctieUl. —March 26. Home meeting at Mrs Hcyder’s. Good muster of members and friends. Mrs Ordisli reud paper on "Dangers of Alcohol.” Happy social hour spent, and Convention lovingly and prayerfully remembered. Island Ihiy March IT. Mis. Milner pre sided. Correspondence from Mesdames Stinson and Scotney. Greetings sent to Convention by Secretary (endorsed), also letter to Mrs. Mercer. People’s Mandate to Government re Peace on table for members to sign. Pev. A. L. Slleock spoke on "Power of Protest.” Benediction. Baptist ladies hostesses. Isneer Hutt. —March 2d. President In chair. C.R Party to be on April 4th. Mr Salt gave interesting talk on League of Nations and their achievements re better transport, reduction of opium trade, white slave traffic, and child labour. Need to educate for Peace. Hearty vote of thanks to speaker. I pper llutt. M u h 23. Splendid meeting, good attendance. Address on Male hi 3-10. tnd all were led to look beck on the wav Cod had led them. Articles from Hie White Ribbon were mentioned (shows they all read it) and a poem, "These Things Matter, was read. Arranging for Convention report to be given at next meeting. Mrs. ltoss volunteered to step into Treasurer's office. K ited by Mrs. Roberts' removal from district. Wellington Centrttl. —March 18. Mrs Barron in the chair. Visitors welcomed. Good attendance. Mrg Head from Niue Island gave a report of our flourishing branch there f r>44 members, and of splendid Temperance work among the young. A member not In ictive work was listed as "lazy," and tba*

was a great disgrace. Mrs Head spoke of the curse of "home brew." Musical items by Mrs Head and Mrs and Miss Fear. Wellington. -April 2 Mrs. Murray presided and led devotions. An apology for absence came from the Treasurer, Mrs. Porte, who is ill. Arrangements made for next meeting. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Perry and Haylock. Mrs. H. J. Rowe gave address on the recent Dominion Convention. She gave a clear and concise record of the doings for the eight days it lasted. Some of the meetings proved to be quite inspiring as well as interesting, and tin- Women's Temperance Movement showed that they were Indeed out for God, for Home and for Humanity. (Questions were asked and answered and the speaker thanked. Pledge ami Benediction. MARI.BOKIM <-H BISTKMT. t wraMtomi I ery good atl Mrs. Murray presided. iKslded to meet on 2nd Saturday in every 2nd month, commencing in May. Report of District Executive read by Mrs. Milgrew. Itev. .1. Sanderson gave an address on "Purity. Much appreciated and speaker thanked. General regret expressed at departure ol Rev and Mrs. Sanderson from the district. Ik*hate. Temperance v. Prohibition, at next meeting. One new member. tollection. Afternoon tea. Tins Marina. —March 19. Mrs Harris presided. Good attendance. Thoughts on "The unfathomable love of God” picsented by Mrs Robinson. Mrs E. Smith presented with beautiful shoulder spray in honour of her birthday. Paper on peace problem, written by Mrs L’tting. Mrs Girling gave a wonderfully interesting account of her travels in England, Scotland amt Wales, and a hearty vote of thanks given, al3o a shoulder spray. The Mioses Girling and Mills gave a vocal duet. Dainty afternoon tea. NKlXtti DISTRICT. Nelson. —March 10. Frances Willard Day. President in the chair. Fair attendance. Mrs Houghton, from England, and Miss Wilkins, missionary from East India. welcomed. Mrs Houghton recited "The* Glory of the Garden.” Three members gave facts from the life of Frances Willard. Greetings sent to Dominion Convention. Six '‘Peace Mandates” completed, handed iii; two more to follow. NORTH ( ANTI RBI RY DISTRICT. Christchurch. —March 11. Mi-s Henderson presided. Vote of sympathy with relatives of late Miss L. M. Lovell-Smith, a pioneer nu mher. Invitation to attend District Executive on April 15 to hear report of lk»mtnion Convention. A hearty vote of thanks to Miss Henderson for her devoted and untiring services as Dominion Correspond Rig Secretary. March 25. —Mrs. Richards presided. Members promised to assist In Poppy Day collection. Interesting report of Peace meeting held under auspices of Professional lousiness Women's Club. Mrs. Richards spoke on Annual Conference of N.C.W. Llamai Marcl 31 Good (ipening prayer by Mrs. Dower, mother ot Dr. Condliffe. Temperance facts about India and America given by Mrs. F. Grigg. Mrs Woods, our delegate, gave a splendid report of the Dominion Convention, very comprehensive, and several expressed appreciation of it. Decided to commence the Hand of Hope in April. Afternoon tea served New Brighton. Man b II 1 I Duman presided. Welcome extended to Mrs Lorgelly. after long absence through illness. Arrangements made for conceit to be held on April 15th, when Miss A. Hall. H.A., will give a travel talk. Special invitation had been sent to mothers, and Mrs Mulcock gave an instructive talk on “The Mother's Kingdom." North Brighton.—March. Garden Party Very good attendance, including several visitors. Very interesting address by Rev. Gardiner Brown Mrs Claridge was pre stilted with a crystal vase, a birthday gift in appreciation of her services as Secretary. Oxford.—March IS. Good attendance. A request for help towards supplying milk for school children was received from the school committee f'onsideration to be giver at a

later meeting. Final arrangements made for the Show catering. In honour of birthday, Mrs D. Hawke was presented with a bouquet by Mrs. Harrell, from Christchurch. Mrs. Hawke thanked the Union for their kind thought. Miss M. Magrath sang a solo. Afternoon tea served. PU|NWiui. —March 25. ■ .*. Carr presided. The work of th? Hand of Hope discussed. Decided to hold the first meeting early in May. Arrangements made for a social afternoon at the next meeting when the delegate would give report of Convention. Mrs. Carr gave two very interesting readings. Afternoon tea served. Rerfton. —March 11. At Mrs Thompson's, who occupied the chair. Recitation by Mrs McClymont. a veteran White Ribboner over 80 years of age, and w hose presence gave pleasure to us all. ll**r recitation waa "Waiting for the Summons.” New Year message read by Mrs GUmour. Hostesses, Mrs Thompson and Miss Watson. npre.nlon.—M irch It Mi Plrrett to h delegate to Convention. Temperance Fact, “Alcohol is detrimental to the power of good judgment ” Miss Is)veil-Smith took us for a flying trip to th<> Ohl Land, und gave glimpses of ports en route, also word pictures of some famous places in Great Britain. She was impressed with the strong anti-war feeling Jn the Homeland. Mesdames Woodcock and Bow den hostesses. s> deiiluiin. —April 2. Mrs. Archer presided over a good attendance of members. Mrs. Woods (Linwood), delegate to the Auckland Convention, presented her report, which was heard with Interest wuniiier.— April 7. Good meeting. An address from Physical and Mental Health League stressing fact that 20,000 little ones in N.Z. were mentally affected. Miss Lillev gave talk on mission work in Bombay and the Punjab. Mesdames Murdoch. Sherrand and Walker were t**a hostesses. Westport.—March 10. Mrs Parfltt, President. in the chair. Fair attendance. Bible reading by Mrs Parfltt, some very touching, also enlightening papers were read by members. Decided to procure C.adle enrolment cards. X. CANTKRBI R\ DISTRICT. (■eftildine. —March. Mrs Wallach presided. Mrs Hiett gave a very interesting address, listened to with great interest. Mrs Prattley’s resignation accepted with regret, and Mrs Alley elected "W.R." Agent. C.R. Supt. to arrange with Executive re Cradle Roll Garden Party. Bolos by Mrs Coursey and Mrs Borrrll were much appreciated. Hose sees, Mrs Coursey and Mrs ("outing. Owuku. —March 4 Eight present. Discussion as to how we could make our Union more helpful. More prayer advocated. Headmaster of High School to be approached regarding the advisability of asking Standards V. and Vi., and the secondary school, to enter essays on a Temperance subject for competition. A cup of tea, was enjoyed. OTAGO DISTRICT. kuikomi. —March 31. Mrs. Flett presided. One new member initiated. Mrs. Avery spoke upon the mother of the lad with the five barley loaves, and speaker stressed how much of mother’s work was unseen, but very vital. Posy presented to Mrs. Avery and regret at her departure expressed. Afternoon tea. Benediction. N.K. Valley.- March 26. Attendance fair. Miss Gray presided. Members expressed deep gratitude to Gcd for the return to health of Miss Gray, who had been brought safely through a severe illness. Miss Alexander nominated for District Secretary. A suggestion was made that owing to the impossibility of far-flung Unions sending delegates to Convention, some method of equalising travelling expenses be adopted. De • ■idl'd to bring the matter before the District Executive. A letter having been received from Mr. Malton Murray re advertising in picture theatres, the following resolution was passed:—“That tl-** N.E. Vaiiey Tnion is convinced that the action of the Levin Temperance Societies in having temperance facts screened at the local picture theatres is a move i-n the light direction, and heartily recommends the circular from the N.Z. AI liance re educational temperance slides. f<» the favourable consideration <>f the District Executive ”

ihunttrii. - <M«n li. Mis. Brulkinan prtssiil- • •<l. Smihll attendance. Inclement weather. Miss ( lark took devotions from ’‘And now Rf'ldetii faith, hope, charity, these three, . 'Jt tt.e greatest of these laeharit>.” peace Mandate to Government signed by all preser.t. la tter of appre< iaticm to be sent to Kev. J. A. McKensie for his able address, ”< 'hrlat and Womanhood,*' Two dozen Convention White Ribbon* ordered. Cradle Holi picnic postponed until end of year. >G| I'll I,AN It DISTRICT. tf«re. March 24. Mrs. K. C, Smith pre shied. Fair attendance. Pastor R. A. Bell spoke on ’ Tin mission of the W.C.T.U.,” Him concluded by sa> -n*, that If the l T nion was to fulfil the miaajon for which it came into existence, it must seek tc become aware of the power of Its Divine Author. -Not b> might, nor lt> power, but by my Spirit stitli the la>rd." Next meeting at Mrs. I> B Stevenson's. Convention report to I e given. Band of Hope meetings discussed, als«» Superintendent for V branch. Invercargill Central. —April 7. Mrs. MrGregor presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Millard reported Cradle Roll picnic had been held. Quarterly district meeting to be held at IflufT lit May. Appeal made for helper* for Poppy I my. Solo by Mrs. J. T. Macdonald. Mrs. McGregor gave a comprehensive report of Dominion Convention, enjoyed by a!l, and received a vote of thanks. Afternoon tea. VMith Invercargill. —lievotusis l» Mi.Richards. Better read from nurse at leper hospital in Addis Ababa. Mr Trevor Gibbs gave *n address on "lane." and wa# heartily thanked. Vote of thanks to Mr Haywood for auditing Union's books. Afternoon tea. Sacred solo.

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White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 487, 18 April 1936, Page 12

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 487, 18 April 1936, Page 12

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 487, 18 April 1936, Page 12