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News of the Union.

|{( a |Niii« 'll ST—«1) Knit li Editor by Hlii ol moiitli. (2) Uv written in ink, on mu* side of the paper out}. (3) lie abort nod to the point. M AM.AM I IHsTItICT. MMtTII At( hl AM) DMBUT. Ihirguv die.—Feb. 11. Mr? H. T. Wmitli, Vice-I*re*ident, in chair., Eleven member* present. Correspondence re Annual «'on v.ntion, ; lso propo** d \ isit of Miss M<Ka>, and North Auckland Kxtcutlve meeting in Whangarei. Decided to recommence Hand of Hope in March. interesting paper on life and work of Frances Willard, read by Mrs Nolde. Mrs Jolly read an extra* t on "Milk Bars.” Message of sympathy forwarded to our President, Mrs M. Martin, in tier illness. The memory of our lai< King. George V., was honoured by meniberg standing in silonce. Te Kopuru,—-Felt. 13. Mrs ltickers presided. Betters received from Miss Kdnied and Mrs Roberts, District President also one from Mrs Godfrey. Decided to hold Hring and Huy next meeting to aid tunds. Choruses sung. Pledge repeated. Temperance Fact rend. Hymn and Benediction. Afternoon tea. Al CKI.A.NI) IHSTUIt T. Auckland.—Fell. t. Scohol of Methods held. Mrs Kasper presided. Subject of Study, “Notable Days." A paper mi the “Life of Frances Wiliam" was read b.v Miss Mclvenxle. The css. minis of "Good Public Speaking" were detai l'd, and a "Plan of Work” formed for the sescion Kxecutlve followed; 24 members hi tended. The \gcnda for coming I summon ( 'onveiition in March was fully considered, and prelimhiary arrangements made for a Carden Party to be held on Saturday, 29th February. Auckland.—'. * h ! Mrs < >'i»» presided, A good attendance. Mrs Taylor welcomed, after her holiday at Fiji. Tin- Pr •sident spoke of the great sorrow to t!.• • Empire m the death of tlic beloved King She paid a tribute to his Christian example. l«oyalt> was expressed to bis son, Kdward VIII., and the National Anthem was sung. De.otions were coiiducteil by .Mrs Adjutant Dick, of the Salvation Army. Miss M< Lay, Dominion Organiser, gave an interesting talk, and reviewed the programme of the Dominion Convent ion. and emphasised the outsta iding met tings. Members were urgetl to vote for Temp* ranee candidate* for the Licms'nir i 'oininittee. De\oii|Mirt Feb. Mrs Williams piesided The pic nil foi tlw LW.R .i i. I ha L.T,L>, to be held on Saturday. Mrs Da> appointed delegate to Convention. Web ome to Mi* M' Ley, who spoke on the work of the W.i . T.l . missionaries. Y**te of tlianks passe 1. Afternoon tea served. lleiulerMHi. —Feb. 19 (food atteiidali ** Most heartening for the fir -t meet Mg of tin year. Mrs Platt presided. The Peace >eparttnent'H petition was received and discussed. A tin** pnp«*r on ; In* "Life of Frances Willard' re td by Mrs lame. Afternoon tea. Kolil-M. Ileliers. |-Vl*. 19 Fiances \Vi 1 - lartl lmy. Mr* Kasper gave an etidrese *in her life and work founder a'.d first President of W.C.T l’., sj ol'*. tlie growth of the Society; that f>9t> delegates from all over the world were at the Stockholm t invention last year. Mrs Lewis Kail.* delegate to lamiinioii convention. Me v da >es MiLar«'n for pianofoite solo, and i.. Kady foi singing, wore thanked. Hostesses, M.s dames Phillips, selir. and Junr. laugh.— Feh. 27. Home meeting at Mrs Griggs. (food atteiidain e. Mrs Grigg in the chaii Mr Barclay, M.P., sent thanks for congratulations received. Mrs (irigg read an article on Frames Willard. Miss Shepherd read, “How Still She Stands," a tribute to Frances Willard. Hostesses, Mrs (irigg and Miss Shepherd OiM'liimga.—Feb. 13. President in chair Miss M< Lay led the devotions. Arrangements discussed for 1 dominion Convention Garden Party for funds, ami our own Cradle Poll pheiic next month. Mrs Mount joy dele-

gate to Dominion Convention, and Miss ( uughley assistant Cradle Roll Hupt. Four names given for the Cradle Roll. Oitelionga. Feb. 2(». Ho ne meeting at Mrs Petcbell’s. An Informative address was given by M>ss Mclaty, who mentioned that W.C.T.I\ work was organised in 52 diff**reiit countries, and In New Zealand there were 10,380 children on the Cradle Roll. Muslcrl items were rendered f «y Mcsdanies Wentworth, Petchell, and Miss Mcrrison. Afternoon ten dispensed l»y Mesdaines Taylor and Petchell, our hostesses for the afternoon. (mttiiiiini. Fab M Mrs Bum shied. Miss McKenxie spok** on Genesis 2; |x verse. Mrs Kceersall re* it**d * Sisters on Strike." Mrs Taylor and Mrs Kceersall delegates to Dominion Convent><*ll. I’apnkuni.—March 3. Four were preamil at tlie monthly meeting. Derided not to hold any more meetings for the present. Perhaps at some future date we may be abb* to carry on once more. xyhuu Aven.e. 'lt. Idea. Feb. 19. At tendance fair. President in the chair. Medical Temperance Fact given. Peace reading Delegate appointed to Convention. Huper.Mtendents appointed to departments of Backblocks, “White Ribbon," Work for Seamen, Peace, Medical Temperance, and a L hrarian. The Education Department's syllabus of instruction f*>r public schools, relating to Temperance, was read and discussed. Members reported that it was not bi*iiig given as laid down in some schools, and were urged to encourage teachers to give it. Ikcided to semi letter urging action to District Executive. Also a letter re the increasing ret'eren* *■ to tla* making uh«* «1 alcohol in the women’s section of the daily papers. A letter to be sent to the Lady Edit (M's. Mil Til AK KIAMI DISTRICT. luuninga.—Feb. Fair attendance. Mrs I 'liristJan reported on business transacted at a meeting of tlie Rcpre.***ntative Committee Mrs Hunt ga\** a most helpful talk on “Thoughts," based on Phil 4 . V After. looll tea. Benedict ion l a irauga—Feb. 1 Garden Party at “Falrlight..” tlie home of Mrs Christian. Pr** •i*l*nt. Fair attendance. Conikng year'r activities talked over, and a dainty afternoon tea pa rt a ken of, T ARAN \ K 1 l»|V| KHT. InglewtHMl.—Feb. 2i>. Mrs Mai Kinder preside*!. Mrs Aitiiur, Secretary, absent, gone into hospital. l.etDr from South Africa read, and South African paper passe* 1 around. Report of District Convention by Mr i Bridgman. PrenUl* nt read a paper, "An Advancing Menace.” Prayer and Benedict ion MANAMA 11 IHVriiMT. (abiding. Felt. I*. Small attendant •», presided *»v**r by Mrs Spence. I<e f ter t*f syinpatliy t<> Mrs Aoung, District Secretary, who is seriously ill. Regret expressed that Mrs Ten y is still unable to fulfil tier duties as Kv aligelistic Supt. Mrs Spence delegate to 1 smiinioli 1 tsiveiition. Resolvetl to comfiii'ii* t* Hand of Hop** meetings in March. l'r**?ident read a number of interesting extract* troin World's W.C.T.U. White Ribbon Bulletin. IVihling.—March 6. Fair attendance, presided over by Mrs Spence. Sympathy with tlie relatives * ' the late Mrs Kade. who was one of the earliest members of this Bunich. Tin* Treasurer's report read, and it was resolved to send £1 Is to N.Z. Fund, also defray part of delegate’s expenses to ('on vent ion. Mrs Wright and Mrs Spent** read reports of Hit* work of tlie League of Nations, and members were asked to sign a petition for tin* promotion of Peace. loxloii. Feb. 13. Mrs Ross presided HI stood in silence 111 memory of our late King A good attendance, and interest shown in plans for future. I >e*-id* d to take part in \\ <*rld iKiy of Prayer, and to invite ail interested to Join in. T<> keep Frances Willard Day tlie next meeting. Corresponding Secretary to obtain a paper front Head iuart**rs. it transpired that there are 7*' names on tlie Cradle Roll. The Secretary is untiring in her efforts to make this Department tlr?it-class. Tin* opening devotions taken by Miss l-w^e levin.—Feh. 14. Mrs Graves presided. Good attendance. Tlianks to those helping •■li election day. Very interesting paper on

"Frances Willard” by Mrs F. (». Thomson Members stood In silence as a mark •*i respect to tlie bite King. Afternoon t*: served by Mrs Nye. Fiilunt mi.— F**h. 7. Mrs H. Paterson tin* chair; 11 present. Reading by Mrs Paterson on "How Invercargill Retain* No-License. A further reading on the increased facilities for drinking in Adelaide, owing to the introduction of special permit for after hours sales. Colie* ton of ♦»/1 *1 for tlie New Zealand Fund. Hostesses, Mi> A. Patchett and Miss T. Gardner. Palmerston North. —Feb. 7. Miss Mom. presided, and welcomed Mrs Holland, late President of Klthem for eight years. Mi* Ferguson, a former President of the local branch, was als** welcomed. Two new mem hers initiated. Mrs Scott to act as Treasurer. Miss Moore read a very fine New Year message from the British "White Kil.Imiii." Miss Moore and Mrs Scott wen* appointed delegates to Convention. Sympathy sent to Mrs Jones, ill in hospital. Gratitude expressed for the recovery of Mi O. Clausen, President of the Y’s, who ha* been ill. Palmerston North.—March fi. Miss Moot preGded. Good attendance. Miss Sutherland. Supt. for Kclentifi* Fact, was welcomed as a new member. A number of apron, and handkerchiefs were on display, having been brought by members to lie sent to Convention for the Fair. Our President. Miss Moore, who is leaving very shortly for !*alestlne, was presented with n long-servi* *• badge by Mrs J. F. Clausen, who stated that Miss Moore richly deserved the badge foi her long ami faithful serviie. Mrs llodilei th*«n presented Miss Moore with a hook "In the Steps of the Master," on behalf of the local Pnion. Miss Moore expressed her thanks, and said how much she loved the work, ami promised to writ** to the Pnion sometimes, and .also t«* convey greetings t*> tlie Jerusalem branch Mrs Chittenden gav** two recitations, and Mrs M*'La* lilan srttig Miss Z. King was at the piano. A f ternnon tea served by Mesdames ('lausen ami Dor *1 Two ii**w members initiated HAWK KM HAY DISTRICT. Hast tugs. —Feb. 27. Fair atteiidali* * President in file ct*«T. Frances Willard D,x kept sho t description given of ho" •lie became a n ember of the W.C.T.P. Cum petition won ly Mra Hickmott. Miss Mit • hell appoint* d delegate to Convention Peace petition circulated. Arranged next meeting address o*ll Peace Conference, Mar* h 31st. Treasurer submitted balance sheet, which •/lowed a credit. M'ss Mitchell appointed Treasurer. position of K*" rotary left vacant. Report of \ Si* k Visit ing aiul Executive Committees received Havelock North. —Feb. 27. Small at tendance. Scientific Fnrt given, "Alcohol. Blood and Heat." Pnable to send delegate to Confertuice. tarnation to France* Wil lard and N.Z. Fund. Devotional meeting Man li 13th. Several members promised to >**nd Imrdkerchlef and apron for sale at Conference. President read paper on France* Willard. Bring and Buy arranged foi March. Correspondence read front Million, and Pence paper from Mrs T. E. Tay lor signed by memb. rs and friends. Napier.—March 4. Thirty-five present Mrs J.* wis presided. Visitor from Palmerston welcomed. A second protest against public tennis courts being used for play <»n Suinlii s to be made to City Council. * lengthy discussion <>ll People's Mandate f*> Governments followed. Mrs Hull appoint* delegat* to Convention. Several small **«»n mittees to further interest.■* Of I'lllOll set Up Arrangements mad** for ''ra*lle Roll Party. (*u«' nev member A very enlightening tall* oil China given by Mrs Thompson <*l fin lough from tlie China Inland Mission Prayers asked for Mr* Thompson ami her husband, who. returning to the Mission ticl leave two sons in Napier. A busy, inter** <• ing nii'fti r *.g. Waipukiimu. Jail. Mi-s Bur.lett prop e.l over a fair att* mini * . After the lias; Hess will transacted, Miss Hurdett r**a*l an interesting paper *>n the Liquor traffic. At tertioon tea served. W aipuk iic-.iu—M h 'I Bt prodded. Fair attendance. Mis* Burdetl read papers pertaining to the dangers of the Liquor Traffic. Afternoon tea serve' by Miss Burdett and Mrs Brown.

N AM.AM I DISTRICT. \minolio. —Jan. 31. .Ww President in , i hair. Motto Riven. President read apor, “I K-dbated to t li«* Mothers of the Nation." "For All the Saints” sunn in memory of late King. Syllabus for six until* arranged. Annual picnic on February (*tli. each member to bring a friend. Benediction. National Anthem. After.nnii ten served by Mesdames UiciK amt Sleight. \raiuoho. —Feb. 27. President in the lair. Motto Riven by Mrs Hamer. Poll all responded to by members. Pledge rettTirined. Petition signed re Peace. An >.j>eal made for old stockings to be sent to Mi ' I bin for Knmahui Mission. Ponventlon u.“incss discussed. Address on the “Life Fiances Willard” given by Mrs Day, who a< corded a vote of thanks, and presented by Mrs Hamer with a bouquet of roses, uanpetition won by Mrs 11. Good first, Mrs Tizurd second. Hostesses, Mesdames Hi' hjrds Withers. Sale of Sd panels to tip funds. Million, —Feb. 27. Attendance nine. On Saturday, February 29th, the Cradle Hull and Hind of Hope picnic was held in the Park, when a good number of children and adults v ere present. Each child on the 'nolle Roll received a present, and a pleaant time was spent together. Oliukune.—Feb. 20. Mrs Andersson prelei |. Good attendance. Members stood in silence iti memory of the late King rn me. An interesting account of “Tern ,iance Work in Oaniaru, 1 »91.” was given t Sister Marion, Auckland. Afternoon teu >er\ ed. Kaetihi < Maori).—Feb, 5. At the home of Mrs Angus Wright. Fair attendance. All resent stood for a moment’s silence in .uiiotir ol our lute beloved King George, ;nor to the reading of the leading article in •he “White Ribbon,” ”A Mourning Nation." \’i. e-Presideut, Mrs Tiwha, very ably ex- ; .anted, in Maori, to the visitors present tin principles of the W.C.T.I*. and Hand of Hope. Next meeting to he heht on the -4 1 1 1 of March. Wanganui ( nit ml—Feb. 6. Small ut■>tidance. lk*clded that a Cradle Roll fumc- • >oti lie held, and that arrangements be left ' the hands of Miss Mara, Supt., and Mrs Hcaly, to report result to following meetng. Mrs (Rev.) Reggs delegate to Doiunioti Convention. Frances Willard Day was l.s.rved. and a suitable and interesting apt r on the life of our late beloved leader »a- written by Mrs Ashworth, and read by Mrs Ansley. The paper was enjoyed, and n offering for missionary work taken up. Hostesses v. ere appointed for March meet - ug. and the Hring and Huy stall was well itrnniscd. Mis t'oi*-;-;, a valued member, as gone to reside at Templeton, Christian <h. our loss is gain to Christchurch, hi optimistic meeting closed with tile Benediction. Wanganui Central. —March 5. Good at--Mdanee. Mrs J. C. Wickham. N.Z. Vice--I*- 'dent W.IvF.V. and now a member of 'h>- W.'\T.C, gave a very informative adh• •* on the psychology of Temperance. A hfarty vote of thanks was accorded the ~l "-aker. Peace petition from Mrs T. E. Tax lor re a n andatc to the Governments of ►* world, asking for World Disarmament. -‘-'t l lion fot ms distributed. Officers elected: IVc- , Mrs A. H. Ihixrield; Vice-Pros., Mestic**s Cpton, Goodey, and Bcggs; (’or. Bee. "-ting), Mrs Duxfleld; Her. Sec., Mrs H •rinstead; Treas., Mrs N. Lynch; pianist, '<rs Kdtnnnds. vice Mrs Vincent. Klecthm Superinntcndeiits of Departments held till next meeting. Mesdames Button Morrison hostesses for April meeting, ■■ring and Ifuy did good business, and a "•I’table meeting dosed with Renedictlon. Wanganui East. —Feb. 13. Mrs Day pre(led. Cordial welcome to Mrs Duxfleld, •otrii t President, who gave a very emour•<ii : report of Hand of Hope work, and in’ai ed ntamv staunch Temperance workers 'ho had Joined Hand of Hope as children. 'l»i it vote of sympathy with Royal Family. Mr* Beck expressed appreciation of Canon •trie’* address, reported in ‘’White KibSecretnry read extracts from “Life Frances Willard.” Hring and Huy stall.

N ELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brook I v it. —Feb. 25. Good attendance. Mrs Brewer in the chair. A vote of thanks to Miss Burn for typing the year’s syllabus, fl forwarded to the N.Z. Fund. Arrangements for the Cradle Hull Party finalised, Mesdames Butler and Stinson to arrange programme. Mrs Brewer appointed delegate to I dominion Convention. Letters of thanks were received from Mesdames Hale. Stinson, and Mr Hendle for messages of sympathy in bereavement. Mrs Don sent thanks for parcel of warm j-inglets. Mrs Nurrie and Mrs Chapman for comfort bags to Mailors’ Rests, Mrs Hirdsall for two parcels of clothing to Willard Home. Mrs Brewer reported on District Executive meeting and N.C.W. meeting. Members asked to sign a “Peace" petition, to be forwarded to the League ol Nations at Geneva. Presbyterian ladies dispensed afternoon tea. Mrs Peaivon did sp!« udid business at her Bring and Huy stall with home-made jams. Jellies, pickles, and green vegetables. Ihihdirkl. Feb. 27. At Mrs Ordishcs. Small attendance. Paper read on “Love.” I‘el ided to order Handbook. No delegate able to attend Convention. Afternoon tea. I-land Iht.v.-Feb. 11 Presbyterian Hall. Mn. Peryman presided. Fair attendance. Interesting discussion on several matters in • oniieci ion with our work. Mrs. Peryuian explained bow members could help tn make our work more widelv known. Decided not to send delegate to Conventhm but to join with Johnsonville Union. Election of officers:— Pres., Mrs. Milner; See,, Mrs. Tanner; Treas., Mrs. Ireland. Meeting dav altered to third Tuesday. dobiisonxille. —<Feb. 19. Mrs Mcßride presided, and Mrs Wilson acted as Secretary. Mrs Mcßride delega eto Dominion Convention. Mrs Mcßride gave report of District Executive meeting. Mrs Martin reuil points oil ".Mandate for World Peace." Petition signed by members. 10/- donated to New Zealand Fund. lamer llntt. —Jan. 29. Mrs Ballantyne presided. Very small attendance. As far as possible, arrangements were made for the Cradle Roll Partv, and also for the District Executive to be held at Lower Hutt in February. Brief talk on topics for our syllabus for the year. Mrs Aldersley hostess. Feb. President 111 the chair. lH*eided not to send a delegate to Convention. Arrangements made for the Cradle Roll Party on April Ith. Secretary reported on the recent District Executive meeting. Peace petition passed round for signatures. Mrs Aldersley gave a very interesting talk on her trip to England. She met Miss Slack, World Bee ret ary of W.C.T.I’., also visited Headquarters in London. Tilings very noticeable were the amount of smoking among women and in theatres and picture shows. Hotel hours much different from New Zea and. Grocers licensed to sell beer; drug menace and wine shops. Jubilee mug shown. Thanks to speaker. I pi»er llntt.—Jan. 23. Very fine meeting to begin the year. A fitting address given, referring to the Royal bereavement. Had prayer for coming Convention, and discussed remit for same. Cradle Roll Party plans prepared. Everyone keen, and we thank (toil for a sign of an "onward’* move. Afternoon tea and a talk of our work, which increases the life in our small Union. I p|H*r Hutt.—Feh. 27. i-airgest meeting for many months, owing to renewed health to our si«k members. An address on “Persistence," advising Its need in our work. Peace petition explained, and it was signed by those present, to be forwarded iater, when filled. Stickers, denouncing the Liquor Trade. discussed, those available, divided, hut all are eager to see more printed and used as a silent yet powerful weapon. Hring and Buy realised 18/-. Our faithful Treasurer, Mrs Roberts, resigned, owing to removal. Appreciation was expressed for her services. Wellington.— Feb 6 Presided over by Miss c. K. Kirk. J.P., our new President. A vote of sympatliv to our Royal Family on the death of our beloved King George V., all standing The hospital visiting arranged for. Hearty welcome to our new- President. Superintendents of Departments: Mrs Murray, Evangelistic; Mrs Harris. Hospital; Mrs Perry, “White Ribbon”; Mrs Rowe,

Press. Tea Committee, Mesdames James, Hayloek, and Casley. Sick Visitors, Mesdames Lee, Porte, and Hayloek. Delegate to Convention, Mrs 11. J. Rowe. The President spoke a few words re the recent Poll, telling members not to be (low nbearted. Tea was served and the pledge recited. Wellington.—March 5. Miss C. E. Kirk presided. Mrs Head, from Niue Island, was warmly welcomed, and told us they hud tiOO W.C.T.I . members there, and other little incidents of the work done among the Islanders, and their enthusiasm. Greetings sent to our sisters on Niue Island. Tea served by Mrs Porte and helpers Two new members received. Miss Atkinson addressed the meeting on the subject of "Country Schools ami Teaching Backblocks Children," giving many amusing stories of life there. Votes of thanks were passed to the speakers Sister Winifred elected Cradle Roll Supt Benediction. Wellington Central.—Feb 18. President in chair. Bad weather, but good attendance. Mrs Kirk spoke of gardens of the Hible, and of an Early Settlers' Gathering, where flowers were presented to a lady of 94, and a button-hole given to u gentleman of 98, who still looked forward. Songs by Mrs Clayton. Afteimoon tea Good whites for her trip abroad to be sent to Miss Janet Atkinson. Peace petition read for members who wished to sign. Mrs J. C. Webb appointed Convention delegate. WAUIJiOKOt (.11 DISTRICT. Rlenhein.—Feb. 4. Mrs J. Stewart presided. Fair attendance. Members stood in silence in memory of our late beloved King. ('radle Roll picnic to be held in fcfhovv Grounds on February 29th, at 2.30. A stall in Market Place March oth. The new syllabus drawn up by Executive was approved. A very helpful paper by Mrs Stewart on “Origin, Aims and Ideals of W.C.T.U." A gent v al discussion on how to improve our l iuon brought out some very heart-searching questions, which have given us much food for thought, and will, vve hope, bring forth good results. Blenheim --\i trch S Mrs Btewi sided. Fair attendance. Owing to the difficulty of finding free davs for extra meetings, it was decided to combine Frances Willard and Memorial Days at this meeting Interesting papers were read on the lives of Frances Willard and T. E. Taylor. Annual street stall on March 6th. Decided to bold social afternoon on March 25, when Mrs Girling, who has recently returned from a tour of (.rent Britain, will speak of her travels. Ifni Valley.—Jan 29 Fair attendance. Peace petition 'orma obtained from Mrs Taylor, R« mits to be sent forward to the District Executive:—(l) That an efTort be made to eliminate the State Control issue on the ballot paper; (2) that when any matter of importance is to be referred to Parliament, a deputattion should wait on the Minister concerned. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll picnic at Mrs Simpson's. Four members to weed the memorial plot. Mrs Hill read a very interesting paper, "Values of Education in it » Several Phases," and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. A letter of appreciation is to be sent to a North Island branch of Women’s Institute for their action re consumption of liquor at dances. spring lands. —Feh. 18. At residence of the President, Mrs \V. M. Smith, who presided. Attendant •• good. A petition for Peace was read, discussed, and signed by member*. Most interesting and inspiring paper on the “Life and Work of Frances Willard” was read by Mrs Underhill. l)e- ------» ided to invite District President, Mrs W. B. Wilson, to address next meeting. Tuts 'larims.—Feb. 26. Wet day, eleven present Mrs Harris presided, and pleasant amt profitable time enjoyed. I>evotionaJ exercises led by Mrs Robinson. Letters of sympathy and cheer to he written. The People's Mandate to the Government received. Extracts from the life of Nurse Cavell read by Mrs Harris. Collection taken up for ‘‘Beacon’’ and “Y.P. Supplement." Dainty afternoon tea served. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.—Feb. 11. Miss Cooke in chair. Members stood in silence to the memory of our late beloved King George. Devotions

wore taken by members of Executive, the theme being “Courage." .\lr« Krahagen was appointed Secretary. Delegates to Dominion Convention, Mesdames Hay and Kra hagen.

NORTH (WMKKIH KV DISTRICT. Oxford.—Jan. lf». Good attendance. Songs by Mrs Dewe ami Miss N. Waterman. Isdter of sympathy to Mias Freda Jordan in her illness. Mrs G. Jones delegate to Dominion Convention. An interesting address was given by Miss Drown. One new member enrolled. Cradle Itoll meeting of mothers and children to be held in the Coronation Hall. Mr H. C. D. Somerset to be asked to give address to mothers. Oxford. —Feb. 19. President in the chair. Song by Miss Ivy Rossiter. Resolution of sympathy with the Royal Family, members standing. Sympathy to Mr and Mrs C. W. Tritt in the death of his father. Miss N. Gainsford gave an address on her work among the |>oor in her district, most interesting and instructive, and was heartily thanked. The No More* War was discussed, and decided to do what we can to promote peace. Fair attendance. Decided to hold cottage meetings in different homes as soon as they can be arranged for. Item-diction and afternoon tea. Itecfton. —Feb. 11. Six members present. Mrs Thompson in the chair, and opened with player and Bible reading. Member.-, talked o\er the evils of strong drink and smoking among the young people. Mrs Ha llaran and Mrs Gilmour hostesses. My*.—Feb. Mrs Donald presided. Members stood in silence in memory of <>ur late King. 1,.T Ij. picnic to be held in the Gardens osi March 7th Letters of sym pat by to Mesdames Harding and Mulcock. Members aik d to send cakes to the Christchurch Branch for Garden Party to be held at Mrs Justice Adams' on February 29th. The eleventh birthday social will be held on March 10th, all surrounding Colons to be invited. ’xpreydon.—Feb. 11. Mrs Pirrett in the chair. Mrs Petrie gave the Temperance Fact, “Rum is the greatest enemy of ttie Africasi native.’’ Members stood in silence to express sympathy with the Royal Family Mrs Pirrett appointed delegate to Dominion Convention. Our President also represents us on the N.P.W. Decided to hold the Cradle Roll party later on in the year. Some signatures were obtained to the “Peace Mandate of Women," Issued from Geneva. Nydenlmm.—Feb. Mrs Archer piesided. 27 members present. Treasurer's report read and adopted. Arrangements made for Garden Party to be held in Mr Justice Adams' grounds on February 29th; also for the Birthday Party to l»e held in the Baptist Schoolroom, Colombo Street, in March. One new member. Sumner. —March 3. The Executive met and arranged programmes for year. A inusicale arranged b> Mrs Nelson Kerr. Mrs Owen, anil Mrs Wiliinnis. gave great pleasure to the general meeting with their vocal solos and duets and piano solos. Miss Killner presided. M s ei Killner and Gates were tea hostesses. Five members added to the K. R. McCombs Memorial Panel. »OI I II CANT Kit 111 It l DI'TRHT, Aolilmrtoii Fob 1. Mr- \itkenhead pre sided. Large attendance. A Temperance Fact, "Late King's example during the wur in banishing alcoholic liquors from his table." Letters of cheer sent to Mrs \V. 11. Robinson, Mrs E. N Johnston, and Miss Simpson, all at present inmates of hospital. Mrs F. MitchelJ, Now Brighton, was nominated as N.Z. Corresponding Secretary. Miss C. Hendei -on, J.P., wrote acknowledging with thanks a letter of appreciation recei\ - ed from the l'nion. Pitcairn Island Branch sent greetings. Pitcairn Island was unique, in the fa* t that “not one on the Island used tobacco in am form, or drank wine or alcoholic drinks, save an old New Zealander, whose constant companion was his pipe." Welcome to Mrs Wilier, late of Temuka Branch, also to visitors from Wellington I.W.R.’s picnic on February 22nd at the residence of Mr O. W. Andrews. Tea was served, and reference made to Frances Willard Day. Mrs Major Huston, of Chri t church, based her address on the words. "Jesus Christ, yesterday to-day, and for

ever," and in closing urged her hearers, in this world of changes, to cling to the changelent Son of God Decided not to send a delegate to Convention. Ashburton. —March 3 Mrs Aitkonhead presided. Sympathy with relatives of the late Mr W. Wakeltn. Letters of cheer to sick members. Communications received referring to the petition for “Peace” now being signed in every laud, and enclosing forms for signature, w in< It were distributed, and urgency stressed. The postponed L.W.R. picnic will now be held on March ?th, weather permitting. The President sub nutted a report of the South Canterbury District Executive, which was approved. Tea served. Mrs W 8. Watson, Supi Anti-Gambling, gave a fuitlier contribution on that subject. The information received was deeply appreciated. The necessity for re-organise the Bands of Hope in connection with the local churcehs was agreed upon, and suggestions made for further consideration. Geraldine—Feb. S. Mrs Wallach mi chair. Sympathy was passed with the Itoyal Family, all standing. Temperance Fact by Mrs MacDonald. Captain O’Keefe, transferred to Geraldine. welcomed as a member. Cradle Rob Garden Party arranged for on March 7th. Mrs Moore appointed Supt. of Cradle Roll. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Boutherway anti Broad. Mrs Wallach gave a reading from "White Ribbon.” Geraldine. —March 3. Mrs Coursey presided. Mrs McDonald gave Temperance Fact. Mrs Wallach read report of District Paper on Disarmament read by Mrs Wallach, also one from Mrs Hiett. Decided to ask Mrs Hiett to call on tier way home Afternoon tea served by Mrs Alley and Mrs Birred. Gamum. —Feb. Mrs Bridgman reviewed tin? various happenings since our list meeting. Decided to forward a letter of appreciation ’.o Mrs Tyrell-Baxter for her assistante while in Oamaru. April meeting to beheld on tin* third Mmidav, Easter being the second. Mrs liictt’s int cresting message from "White Ribbon" v .is read by Mrs Whittaker. Decided that no delegate be sent to Convention. Mis Hiett be asked to gi\* a talk on doings at Conference. Itukuia. —Feb. A very happy gathering. Votes of sympathy passed w itli the friends and i‘datives Mr George Hardy anti Mr Arthur Weaver, and with sick members. Tin- New Year Met* age from our Dominion officers was read, and several extracts from the "White Ribbon" read and discussed. Literature from the National Physical and Mental League of N.Z.,’’ al-o a paper oil “An Advancing Menace" distributed. Our next meeting takes tin* form of a Silver Tree effort, to defray the expenses of a delegate to Convention. Temuku.—Jan. President presided. Small attendance. National Anthem sung. Letters of sympathy sent to sick members. Arrangement.- for Cradle Roll afternoon to la held at Mrs Elder's. Afternoon tea sei veil by Mrs Hewson, sesir. Benediction. Temuka.— Feb. Mrs Hewson piesided, i lootl attendance. Very interesting talk on tlie work in tlie Women’s Home on l’ukatoa Island by Mrs Adjutant Allot. Syinpthy with three members who had lost loved ones. Arrangements were made for Garden Party during March. Mrs Hewson gave an interesting i( port of the Executive meeting held in Tlmaru. Afternoon teu. Prayer and Benediction, Timara.—Feb. 25. Splendid attendance. Frances Willard Day. Our founder remembered in devotions and by Mrs Leut Stevenson's tribute to her memory read by Mrs M'lidii Mrs Arthur ( arrietl greetings Henderson, which ITn on she Imd visited. Petition to end war signed by all pre•*ent, and members busy gifting more signatures Mrs H. H. Brown delegate to Convention. Bands of Hope to start winter •oHion, Timaru Central in March. Highfleld It! April. Cradle Roll Party to be held Saturday, March 21, at the Sailors' Rest. All promised their help. Busy time at the Rost. 16 oversea vessels in during December. January, February, about 600 visits l»emß paid to it. A tea had been held In lieeeinher. Christmas hags Issued, service held after. Last Sunday 25 seamen at tea and service, Mrs Norrie and Mr Head conducting.

OTAGO DlvntltT. Dunedin Centml.— Feb 1. Good alt«iO anre Presentation of fountain pest to g Hiett, retiring President, by Miss M Powell, cn behalf of members; also Jtl inento presented to Mrs Tuekwell, late u Sec., who leaves for Australia ahortlv. p elded to hold Bring and Huy Sale in aid ( funds. Mrs A. Hotting and Miss F. M ; . ( amdrew elected delegates to Dominion p,\ fore nee, I talc lut Ini.—March 3 Mrs Clark pie, ed. Good attendance. Members stood i silence in respect to memory of late Kjh George. All members signed Mandate, b, mg united in the determinaticai to sei ui world peace. Members urged to send stotj ings and woollies to help the work oi ti Missionary Stocking League. Members i try and increase our numbers, and at leai interest in the Temperance cause. Frauq Willard Day . Mrs t lark r# ■ d very into eat nig and helpful paper on the life < Frames Willard. Mei.ib-rs all to do 0 , part to help the Cradh Roll Supt. and , remember Conference n, prayer. Kaikora! —Ft h 25. Mrs Flett preside, Hedge and Lord's Prayer repeated in ul B ®"' At 3 o’clock about 100 mothers children of the Cradle Roll were entertain* with an address by Mr Douglas Siun (“Looking Cpward”). Songs and re. it, tions by Mrs Brown and tlie i hildren t, ternoon tea was enjoyed, and on leaving ear chiltl received a bag with an apple au sweets. Despite u very wet afternoon » had a happy time Dunedin Central - March 3. Mrs. 801 ti.,; 1 resident, presided over a good attesulaim Arranged to send two delegate* to toi ference. Satisfactory results recent Juml.i ami Bring ami Buy Sale. Instructive pup* read on life of Frames Willard. Petitioi organised by Women's International Leagu lor World Peace issued from Geneva w.-r circulated f«<r signatures. Nouth Dunedin.— Feb. 7. Mrs Pelling p» sided Alluded to passing of King, m affirmed loyalty to his successor, Corr* spondente re Peace petition sent out by M: T. E. Taylor read, and petition dlscusset Recent cables give little hope for peace, bii mass of people fervently desire it Wo men must strengthen and increase this d* Sire. Several signed. Reports received o sick uud ah.-ent members. Sympathy ei pressed for the bereaved. Letter to be sen to Mrs ami Miss Bruce. Arrangement made foi Home <ui<l Kxet-utive meeting Arti( le lead. Holding and Giving.’’ Hosiciel.-Feb. 27. Attendance ver small. Mrs Bedford presided. Vanou reports were discussed. Decided not t have ( iudie Roll social afternoon at preselil Mrs Bedford read a very interesting pape Meeting closed with prayer. s O! TiII.AND DISTRICT. (M»re | , M, • 11 ed. Members stood in silence a> ;i murk o respect to tlie memory ol lus late Maje.-t King < »eo; ge \, Motions (,t sympathy \\*-i passed with bereaved members. Arru ll ge meats for a meeting, at which Mrs Deiitvi Leccli is to t peak. White Ribbongrs' Crndr Roll pienic was held in the Public Garden in ideal weather. A large numbet of ti mothers and hiteivsted friends gathered w t the children, which lielped to make lb event a happy one. Rev. F It. Barton a short talk on "Strong Drink.” Kadi <li was presented ,vith h gjtt SiivereurgiH t ent nil.—Feb. t;. Frail * Willard Day, Mrs MeGivgoi presi.linGood attendance. Miss McCallum read ;u interesting paper on the life and work " Frances K. Willard, and was accorded vote of thanks. Temperance Fact read I Mrs Watson. Two new members ft*--noon tea served. Invercargill Central.—Man h 3. Mrs li Gregor presided. (’ladle Roll Day. IV attendance of mothers and children. M" ('hew ings gave a talk to the mothers, inu appreciated by all. Mrs Millr.rtl (SuF i 'radle Roll! presented Mrs I’liewings wii a beautiful bou(]u**t, avd reported 297 l• on the roll. t'3 donated towards sendini! Y delegate to Auckland Conference. M’ Gilmour, from Ei>*om, welcomed. So' by Mrs Tituiock and Miss Langskaill. Afternoon tea.

lii««-n-arinll -Mina M« :< alluin preaiduiul gave address <»n France* Willard, I was heartily thanked. Out of respect «t«- Knig, his favourite hymn, "Abide tli Me," was sung. One new member, anksgiving hymn ami Benediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 486, 18 March 1936, Page 10

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 486, 18 March 1936, Page 10

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 486, 18 March 1936, Page 10