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If ye have faith a a a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you. Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you. IX) you desire the power to help the needy and the weak? Do you feel your helplessness in the face of the world’s great need? There is only one way to obtain power, connect with the Holy Spirit of God, the great power house of the universe. Nothing is ever wrong at this power house, if we are not gaining results and radiating power and help it is localise of faulty connections. We kneel, how weak! we rise, how full of power! Why, therefore, should we do ourselves this wrong. Or others, that we are not always strong; That we are ever overborne with care; That we should ever weak or heartless be, Anxious or troubled, when with us in prayer, And joy and strength and courage are with Thee. We need this jw>wer if we are to serve our day and generation. I ask no heaven till earth l>e Thine; No glory crown while work of mine Remaineth here. When earth shall shine among the stars, Her sins wiped out, her captives free, Her voice a music unto Thee, Tor crown, more work give Thou to me. here am I! And when we tread the path of service. sooner or later it brings us to the mount of sacrifice. To the place where, like Abraham, we hear the voice of (rod. “Take now thy son, thy only son —whom thou Invest.” Yes, the dearest thing in our life whatever it may be mast l>e given up if God’s work requires the sacrifice. Tt is only the fully consecrated life that can do great things for God William Booth, when asked how he accounted for his great success in enlisting the Salvation Army, replied: “1 don’t know, unless it is that God has all there is of me.”

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Only when Got! has all of us can He work through us to help, strengthen and inspire others. Bring me my how of burning gold. Bring me my arrows of desire. Bring me my spear, oh clouds unfold. Bring me my chariot of fire. 1 will not cease from mental tight, Nor will my sword sleep in my barn! Till we have built Jerusalem In Zealand’s green and pleasant land. 1 can think of no worse appraisal that can he made of any Individual’s life in the face of our modern needs and our modern calls for service than that “He made no attempt . . . .” No man can escape his responsibility in life; he is on his way to becoming mature who, recognising that responsibility. so lives as to make that responsibility count for something of real value. “Is this the time to halt. When all around horizons lift, new destinies confront? No! rather strengthen stakes and lengthen cords. Bn large thy plans and gifts. O thou elect. And to thy kingdom come for such a time.” SER V ICE. Met bought my life was wasted, come to naught, In homely tasks and menial sendee done, Unrecognised from dawn till set of sun, And all my hopes unknown, my gifts unsought— My boat of dreams in some cold current caught Bike rainbows broken in a sea of gray— Closed o’er, engulfed without a ripple’s play. My heart the while like some dumb thing distraught! Then suddenly a dazzling sunbeam flashed. And to my soul came vision, as to Saul. And in humility I stood abashed As a voice said: “The badge of ministering Is ro>al in all se »ice, great or sinallService is Bove, and T.ove o’er all Is Kin| f —Pauline Carrington llouve.

CROWNED OR CRUCIFIED? I stood alone at the l»ar of God In the hush of the twilight dim, And faced the question that pierced my heart: “What will you do with Him Crowned or crucified? Which shell ii lie?” No other choice was offered to mo. 1 looked on the fate so marred with tears That were shed in His agony, The look in His kind eyes broke m; hea't, 'Twas full of love for me. “The crown or the cross,” it seoinH to say, "For or against Me choose thou today.” He held out His loving hands to me, While He pleadingly said “Obey! Make me thy choice for I love tliee se." —And I could not say Him nay. Crowned not crucified—this must it he. No other way was open to me. I knelt in tears at the feet of Christ In the hush of the twilight dim, And all that I was, or hoped, or sought Surrendered unto Him. Crowned not crucified —my heart shall know No king hut Christ who loveth me so. RIFT YOUR HEART TO GOD IN PRAYER When your heart is heavy-laden, Bift it to the Bord in prayer; He’s your friend in joy or sorrow : You will find Him everywhere. Just a moment, wail and listen; He will s|>eak with softened 'oice; He can help you with your problems; He will make your heart rejoice. Call on Him, for He will help you; Cease to sorrow or repine; If to-day is dark and dreary Know tomorrow’s sun will shine. —By Allene Alexander. RIFE'S MIRROR There are loyal hearts. There are spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and true; Then give to the world the l**st you have. And the l>est will come hack to you. Give love, and love to vour heart will flow’. A Crength in your utmost need; Have faith, and a score of hearts will show Their faiih in your word and deed. For life is the mirror of king and slave. Tis just what you are ami do; Then give to the world the l»est you have, And the host will come hack to you. —Madeline S. Bridges.

\j> Dear Comrades, — Time is hastening on to Polling when cnee more the great question shall l>e decided whether New Zealand has to f 0 on hearing the awful tragedies imposed on the country by the Liquor Traffic or whether the people will vote in a letter, cleaner, purer day, with the Liquor Trade banished. God grant that Divine wisdom will be given voters to use their votes for God. Home, ami the Rate. “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength," l>eloved vorkers for God. "They that wail upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not Iv* weary, they shall walk ami not faint.” Take fast hold of these promises; fortify yourselves with facts, and go forth to win votes in quietness and confidence. Facts which cannot l>e Gainsaid. Every hour of the day in New Zealand, on the average, somebody is dealt with in the Courts of the land for drunkenness; every eighteenth hour it is a woman. Every fifth day somebody dies in New Zealand, the assigned or contributory cause of whose death is set down as “alcoholism" Every eigntb day somebody is admitted to a mental hospital for a similar reason. (These facts culled from leaflet prepared by the President of the N.Z. Alliance.) Killed in motor accidents in New Zealand, 868. According to a notable pathologist (> f Columbia Hospital, “Alcohol is a factor in more than 62 per cent, of motor accidents." That being so, alcohol would Iw* a factor in 532 of the deaths in New Zealand. You will often hear folk say, “Think of the numbers who will l»e unemployed il the Liquor Trade is abolished.” Here are facts based on New Zealand Government official figures:- Number employed per £1,000,000 of output in New Zealand: Clothing. 2.617; Woollens. M(*o, Furniture. 2,218; Roots. 1.846; Biscuits, etc., 1,812; breweries, 103.

£5,714,589 was spent in 1931 on intoxicating liquor. If the same amount liml lteen spent on these other industries, thousands more would be employed in our fair land. Unemployment would practically disappear, excepting in cases of the unemployable. If you will read carefully our "White Ribbon” from month to month, and write down the facts, you w ill have sutrtdent material to convince folk oi every shade of opinion why the Liquor Trade must go! Read again Augusts ♦•Beacon," for instance. “National decay and racial suicide will follow a cigarette and cocktail motherhood (Dr. Saleeby). And “The cost of alcoholism to human life is much greater than that of war, and the victims do not disappear; they continue tlieii miserable unhealthy life, and liequeath their unhealthiness to the next gem ration” (Prof. T. G. Masaryk). lie winsome in your approach, and you will win by love. May God make you mighty in wisdom and courage Oui God is marching on. and if Gods peopl* are faithful we will see the "Sunrisi broad of the day of God” in New Zea land this year. Yours, with that glad hope, JESSIE HIETT.

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White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 480, 18 September 1935, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 480, 18 September 1935, Page 2

WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 480, 18 September 1935, Page 2