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News of the Union.

Report* MUST—(I) Reach Editor l>> Kill of iiionlli. (2) Ho written in ink, on one aide cf t lie |M|Nr only . (.3) He abort uiul to the point. NORTH Al( hU.M) OiVIHitT. Arutupu-Te Kopuru. Mrs Godfrey ]• i« aided. Letter received Vein Mrs. Huberts Mrs. Taylor appointed Ti»a>uri | lira. T.\ lor gave a paper, “Against the Manufacture of Arms for Profit.” At UK LAND nhTKICT. Aim k land. \ lira, took presided. Resignation of Mias Paul accepted with regret. Mrs. Taylor appointed Recording Secretary. Mrs. Wilcox of I .oh Angeles, en route to Palestine, was welcomed. Mrs. Cook appointed delegate to N.C.W. Interesting letter from 1 *r. Mary Harris Armor read, the women are bravely fighting for victory in spite of much opposition. Disastrous result from the repealing of 18th Amendmetit. Mrs Kaspar gave an interesting account of the Dominion Convention. Two new members. Sorrow expressed at the illness of Mrs. Taylor. tirey Lynn.—April 10. Evet ng me n at the home of Mrs. Lewis. Good attend ance presided over by Mrs. Tasker Drown. Pledge repeated. Temperance fact given. Instrumental item by Miss Hager much enjoyed. Next monthly meeting, an even ing one. A detailed report of the recent Dominion Convention given by Mrs. lvaspi i. who was heartilj thanked. Two new no mbtrs initiated. Suj;ir served. Henderson.—Apr . 1 7. Fair attcimanc Mrs. Platt in the chair. Sympathy sent to Mrs. Buscomb and Mrs. Kennedy. Iko-ided to procure a copy of Handbook. Schoolmaster promised to get e.-says written in school early next term. Mrs. H. Wright sang “Whatever is Best"; we all enjoyed hearing it. Miss A. Hasten gave an address on "Women ini Civic Life," and was thank ed. Afternoon tea was served l>> members. Kolii-M. IlclicrV April. Mi-, gave an outline of the report of the recent Convention held in Dunedin, at vvh « h many Important remits were passed. The work of the W.C.T.U. had progressed well in mo.-t districts and amongst the seamtu; the great interest of the year would be the question of the poll. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Kasper for her fine report, also to Mrs. L. Eady for song. Mesdames E. Eady and Heffell, hostesses. 1/cigli.—March 27. Home nu eting at Mi Griggs. Good attendance. Mrs. presided. Mrs. Yearbury read “Waa lie Intoxicated?" Mrs. Grigg and members read “The Colour Scheme.” A flower motto was given, “A rose to the living is more than sumptuous wreaths to the dead.” Mrs. Torkington read, “Will Prohibition return to America?" Afternoon tea served. April 18. —Meeting at Mrs. Gru g s resi dence. Mrs. Morley gave the flower motto. Mrs. Torkington read "D ware of Homemade Wines.” Hostess for the afternoon was Miss blieplierd. Ml . I dm. Hoskill Union Jo.ned us. Mrs. Taylor sang “Wonderful Love.” Mrs. Brocklehurst expressed the hope that the intci hang' of Unions might be more often. Mrs. Bloodworth gave a report of recent Convention. Votes of sympathy in the passing of Mrs. Judson and her sister, Mrs. Evans, members standing in silence. Letter to be seat to . Mrs. T. E. Taylor regretting her retirement and hoping that she might be given health and strength for many years work. Votes of thanks to our speaker. Ml. Albert. — April 11. Splendid attend m> of members. Miss Fyfe presided. Report of District Executive given. Votes of appreciation were extended to all those who helped so generously at the Cradle Roll afternoon. Decided to hold m evening rally next month. The inintstera, Bible Class leaders and members, the Reehabit* a and all Temperance workers to ass'st. Comprehensive report of Dominion Convent urn was given by Mrs. Bloodworth. A vote of thanks and ft bouquet presented to Mrs. ITloodwortli. Afternoon tea dispensed Nerthcote. —April 2.t Mi ~ I’iper pre- dot' Mrs. Kasper read an interesting report of the I>imedin Convention, at which she wa*

a delegate, ami urged us to work this year for the Poll. Afternoon tea served. Collection. Oneliunga.—April 11. Fair attendance. Mesdames Mount joy and H odder, representatives t( the Jubilee Celebrations of the Gordon Tent 1.0. U., Onehunga. Mrs. Kasper gave a full account of the lkiminion Convention, for which she was heartily thanked. April 11.- —Onehunga Secretary visited the Maori g’rls at Kuraliuna. Only one of the fet mer members remains, but two of the new girls are members, and three others became members. Otahiilitu—April 17. Mrs. E« cersall presided. Miss Read spoke on "Looking on the Bright Side,” also gave a recitation entitled “God’s Batik isn’t Broken Yet.” Those present thoroughly enjoyed her address. Tea was handed round by Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pearce. WaritM arth. kprll 11 D Towi Board Library; Choice of books; League of Nations; Information Bureau; Labour Bureau; Ikinube Commission; Danzig. Wiiiuhit.—April 18. Mrs. Rnllantlne presided and seven present. Decided to ask Mrs. Kasper to come and speak at the next meeting on May 31st. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Cambridge.—April. Mrs. Martin presided. Small attendance. Letter read from Mrs Peryman re selling single copies of “W.R." at each meeting. Decided to order one dozen. Tin- Secretary to write Mrs Me- - M.P., protesting against the sale of sweets with alcohol contained. Letter to Mrs. Easter expressing pleasure at her recovery to health. Feneo»>rt.— March 3fl. Cradle Roll afternoon. A large attendance of parents and children. The President presided, and most interesting address was given by Pastor Smytlie. A solo by Mrs. Kemsley; Song. May and Bessie Beer; Recitation. Eileen Wallace; Solo, Pastor Smythe. Mrs. Webster presided at the organ. A very amusing competition won by Mrs. Ellison. Enjoyable afternoon tea served and each child under eight years received a present. IliimiMou. May 2. Mr tone presided. Fair attendance. Short address on Prayer bv Mrs. Did ham. Resolved to send letter of thanks and appreciation to our beloved President, Mrs. T E. Taylor, for her loyal and devoted service during her long term of office ns Dominion President; also a letter of congratulation and our very best wishes to Mrs. lliett, our r. w Dominion President. Ten served. J.7rs. Jones read the report of Convention from the White Ribbon. Otorolmngii. April. Meetings resumed after manv months, and we are a very live Union ag-iin. Nine members and seven visitors present, including one from Masterton, a member of that Union for thirty years. Mrs Lever rendered two beautiful solos. Bring and Buy stall realised 11/3, to be put to a reserve fund for members who < annot jay. but wish to be members of the Union. Afternoon tea. Social chat. Tmmmnmni. -April 4. Mrs. B\ rt in chair. Uov. H or wood gave a homely and very Intel “-tint. talk telling of his experience with a drunkard who put up great fights with himself again«t alcohol, hut, sad to say, was not victorious in the end. Mrs. Williams welcomed. 50 Prayer Sigils distributed. Repetition of pledge and Benediction. May 2. —Mrs. Byrt in chair. Mrs. Uowern read a letter from tin* Methodist B.C. Link showing the views of some of the youth of to-day regarding liquor amd other questions. Copper Trail 1/2J. Two new members, one formerly a Turaklna Maori schoolgirl. Repetition of pledge. MAN.WVATU DISTRICT. Fellding.—April 4. Good attendance presided over by Mrs. Specie®, who also gave an interesting report or* Dunedin Convention. May 2.—Small attendance. President in (hair. One new member joined, Mrs. Allan. Resolved to re-open Hand of Hope this month Mrs. Spencer read i> paper on the Drug Traffic and the i being made to control it, la'vin. —April 12. Mrs. Kennerley presided. Votes of sympathy to Mrs. Sorensen and Mrs. Ransom. Roll call, members responding with a text. Favourable report on the work of the Cradle Roll from Mrs. N’ye. Congratulations to Mrs. Mew for winning Convention competition for com-

posing words and music of song Afternoon tea. Puhiiituu. — May 2. 12 present The President, Mrs. H. Paterson, took the chair. Arrangements made for a combined Hand of Hope and grown-ups meeting to be address ed by Rev. Dyson. Arrangements to hold a Peace met ting at the home of the President on May 29th. Mrs. A. P. Fox and Mrs. A. Willis were hostesses. HAWKE’S HA\ DISTRICT. Hastings. -April 2 4. Fair attendance President in the chair, interesting addresgiven by Deaconess Esther Brand on her Easter week spent in the Holy Land. To her it had been a time of deep spiritual blessing. Prayer offered for workers and those in need in Jerusalem. Reports received from L.T.L., V, anil Visiting Committees per Mesdames McArthur, Paul and Rae respectively. Arrangements made for Peace Day observance (May Kith). Hareletk Nwtk One new member. Bring and lfu> Scientific fact given: Meat and milk, a stimulant. Si«k members visited. Liters ture distributed. Donation sent to N.Z. Fund and World’s Missionary. Devotional meeting arranged for May 10th. Napiei delegate asked to give report of Convention. WuUot kit.—At Miss Webb’s, “Lodlaw,’ Or inondville. Mis. Daily presided. Fair attendance. A reading from the White Ribbon proved very interesting. Baud of Hope re-opens Wednesday next. A dainty afternoon tea by the hostess. Next meeting June 11th, at Mrs. Daily’s. W \N4.A\I I DISTRICT. Aranioho.—May 2. President in tlm chair Motto for the month read by Mrs. Giltnoui Final arrangements for Hand of Hope by next meeting. Jubilee Home to be visited on May lfith and afternoon tea provided. Rev. Ntcholls gave a very interesting talk on his experience in the Police Force in London, showing the dreadful results of the liquor traffic and some of the sins which are tl. • outcome of it. Competition. Mrs Sleigh first. Mrs. Richards second. Benediction, and afternoon tea served by Mes dames Gilmour and Good. Ohakune.—March 21. Small meeting. Mr Anderson presided. Our numbers are considerably reduced, but all present prepared to do their best. Officer* for ensuing year: Pres., Mrs. A. Anderson, Clyde Street. Ohakune; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Freeman and Parr; Sec. and Trcas., Mrs. Donald. Bracken Street, Ohakune; Cradle Roll Fupt.. Mrs. \V. Heck. Ohakune Junction. Wuuugnui East, —April 11. Mrs. Day «>■ «upied the chair. Good attendance of memBand of Hope meeting muter th( direction of the Methodist children would be held on 30tlit inst. Sympathy with Mrs. M<who had met with an accident, and with Mrs. Cave, in her Illness. Church Parade discussed and heartily supported Mrs. Duxfleld gave a very interesting and compreh *nsive report of the Convention held in Dunedin in March. Wanganui East was one of the Unions to receive the blue ribbon of honour for Increase in \\ bite Ribbon subscribers. Mis. Wicklian. is to give the address at the May meeting on "The Physiology of Temperance.” Mrs. Duxfleld wa presented with a fountain pen, with accompanying letter, as a token of love and esteem of the members, on the occasion of her retiring from (I'Tice after nineteen years as President of this Union. Mrs. Duxfleld is still a Vice-President anil Recording He. rotary. Afternoon tea served. Bring and Buy stall did good business. W ELLINGTON DISTRICT. Carterton. April. Temperance fact: ”A rohol is the greatest criminal of all the ages.” Decided to have a meeting on May -t; all surrounding Unions to lie invited to hear report of Convention. Farewell address given by th«» Rev. Liddell, whose set vices will be greatly missed. Dainty afte" noon tei served. (’art»•‘ton. April. Mrt». Every presided Visitors for neigh houring Unions present Mrs. Fitzgi raid farewelled and Mrs. White welcomed. Interesting report of Convention by M'ss Tankersley. Miss Jones, District President, sang a solo, and also arranged for Miss McLay's visit. JohtiMxiville. —April. Cradle Roll party. We ha\e 42 children on the roll and we had a very good attendance of both children and mothers. Items given by Ray Andrew Maureen Cook, Audrey Henderson, Freda

Rankin. Maureen Kowuey, ami Hugh McRae. Games and <u.upturn*. afternoon tea Ea< li « liild wore a re d or L> uc hat. Hev. Whittington wave a very helpful uml mtm sting talk on "The Evils of Irrink." l-ltuui Hey.—Manh 12. Mrs. Mercer in rliair. Good attendance. Mrs. Ayrton i ung two solos. Mrs. Wood reeu a very interesting playette entitled "The Cross." One new nu mber and one new Wlt subscriber. M-thodist ladies hostesses. Maud Hay.—April 9. Mrs Mercer in chair. Very good attendance. A Traineemints niaile for Miss A. McLay to address combined Bible Class meeting in Salvation Army Hall, May 2nd. Mrs. Connor a solo. Comprehensive report of Convention gi\cn |» Mrs. Martin. Much valuable information was obtained and some very helpful suggestions. We intend to make a special effort for Home Meetings. Mrs. McKay invited Exe< utive to meet at her home on Friday. 12th, to discuss tins matter. Presbyterian ladies hostesses. One new member. One new W.R. subscriber. Mustrrtoil.—2/5/35. Written in pencil and i|uite unreadable when it reached our office. —Editor. I p|M*r Unit. —April 24. Attendance ju*»t a little lower, all absent members accounted for. All entered into earnest and carelul preparations' for Miss McKay’s visit. An evening meeting will lake place on May 30th, in the Druids’ Hall. We listened to a stirring address from Mr.*. Peryman, who gave us thoughts from Convention. All revived a great blessing and encouragement. \ solo followed. Afternoon tea and a friead|v chat. Wellington.- May 2. Mrs. Murray pi< sided and gave a helpful little talk on what would be God’s way of curing the depression, according to the Hible. Tea was provided and served by Mesdanies Haylock and perry. Mrs. Stewart gave a very interesting address on ‘‘Women’s Social Progress Movement.’’ Mrs. Stewart considered it t'c•duty of every woman to go to the Poll. Votes of thanks to the speaker, and the Benediction closed the meeting. Wellington Central. —Mrs. Barrow pre; ded. Peported £2 made at Mrs. Cullen’, t home meeting. Paper on Frances Willard by Mrs. Harrow. A minute passed to record the members great appreciation of Mrs Peryman’s services as President. They wengrateful that as a Vice-President she would still he their counsellor and friend. Cradle Roll report by Mrs. Long—72 added to the roll and different mothers visited. Ik-light ful items by Mrs. Long, junr., and Miss Nell Moody. Afternoon tea. Wellington Central. —April. Mrs. Harrow presided. Sympathy expressed with Miis Janet Atkinson on the passing of her father. Mr. A. R. Atkinson A letter of farewell and good wishes to Mrs. Odell, and welcome letters to two transferred Methodist ministers’ wives. A fortnight’s visiting had been taken at the hospital, ami gifts of calces, scones and magazines distributed, flood Convention report by delegate. Mrs. Empson. A combined meeting had been arranged at Constable Street W.C.T.U. Rooms on May 7th at 7.30 p.m.. for Miss McLa* . letters to four hostels inviting business gnis to meeting and to Y.W.C.A. member* President congratulated Mrs Helyer on 40 years’ service. Songs by Mrs. Child. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.—April 9. President in the chair, flood attendance. Mrs. Cooke and Mrs Moyes gave very interesting and detailed reports of Convention Requested to give further report to a future meeting. Mothers’ Lay postponed to the third week in May. f’opper Trail collected. Temperance leaflets given out. M ARLHOKOI till DISTRICT. Blenheim.—May 7. Mrs. J. Stuart presided. Fair attendance. Mrs Madill gave an inspiring address from the 121st Psalm. E ich member gave her favourite verse from hymn or Scripture. Mrs. Stewart spoke a few words of farewell to Mrs. Prussing. an ex-Secretary and ex-Treasurer, and pro"••r.ted a small gift as a tpken of the love and esteem of the members. One n w member. April 29 Social afternoon at Mrs Roger*on’s. when a large number of members in» t t-- fare well Mrs. Forsyth. Mrs. Stuart pre ■ uted Mrs Forsvth with a small gift as a tok*«n of the esteem of tlie members Mi*. Forsyth suitably replied.

lua 'larinu —April IG. Good meeting -»t Mrs. Woods. Mrs. Burroughs presided a-id welcomed delegate and other visitors. Mrs. Mills submitted a splendid report of Convention. All felt encouraged and strengthened. A sung by Mrs. Bike enjoyed by all. The President then wished the Rev. ami Mrs. Saunders God-speed in their future sphere of labour at Richmond, Nelson, and on behalf of the members presented Mrs. Saunders with n hearth rug as a token of their regard. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders feelingly responded. Dainty afternoon tea. Bring and Buy realised 18/-. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch. March 27. M *s Horn!, r son presided. Votes of sympathy passed with Miss Janet Atkinson in the death of her father. Arrangements m connection with the Jubilee in May. Special afternoon for members and friends on May Bth, and a conversazione to be held on the 15th in the evening at Jellfcoe Hall, when invitations will be sent to all Unions in district, sympathisers, ministers and others. The return of delegates and visitors from Convention hail received special notice. Our room was beautifully decorated with flowers and greenery, and Mrs. " better presented a posey of flowers to Miss Henderson, Miss Blackwell, Miss Gordon and Mrs. Dav, with a few words of welcome. This token of affection was much appreciated by each recipient, and thanks are due to the Committee for their kindly thought. Cmere. —Mrs. Meadows pre- led and spoke on her work among needy women. An article on the,hymn, "There Is a Green Hi 1J far Away," was read by Mrs. J. E. R. Smith, describing the life of writer. Mr* Alexander, and setting forth the meaning and beauty of the hymn. Cashmere -April Mrs. Lowrv occupied the chair. Temperance fact by Mrs. MacFarlatie. The Union delegate gave a full report of the 50th Dominion Convention which was held at Dunedin. Arrangements made for the Peace meeting in May—women’s contribution towards international understanding and world peace. Darfleld-tireendnle March 2V M* mg hehl in Darfhdd. Mrs. Cullen, President, in chair. Decided to place o*n record tinwork of the late Mis. Charles Rudd of Greetidale for the temperance cause in tin* district. Tlinnks to Mr. and Mrs Glanvill - for help to H ranch while they lived in Darfleld. A paper written bv Mrs. Field. Nelson, was read by Mrs. A. A Russell and much enjoyed. Next meeting Greendalc. Afternoon tea served. North Brighton. April 10. Mrs. Floranee presided. Good attendance. Mrs. A Taylor to make Anzac wreath Mrs. Floranee presented the Hand of Hope banner won bv North Brighton Band to Mrs. Noonan, their Superintendent. T'eddr'd to hold birthday celebration) In May. Committees were st*t up to make arrangements for programme and supper. Mrs. Mahan gave comprehensive report of Convention and received heartv vote of thanks. Oxford --April 17. Accounts for the Show catering passed for payment. Heartv* vote of thanks t>» .ill members and ft lends w li»» helped to make the catering such a success. Account of the Dominion Convention give :i by* Mrs. R. W. Comyns. A resolution was passed expressing appreciation of the fine work done by Mrs T. E. Taylor during her term of office as Dominion President, an i we pray that God will richly bless and help her in all her work and spare h«r for man* years. Reefton. —April 1. Nine present. Mrs Thompson in the chair. Mrs. Holloway brieflv outlined the cause and need for Temperance w*ork. especially among the young people. Two new members enrolled. Mesdames Willis and Thompson served afternoon tea. Iliccarton. —April 11. Mrs. c. W. Rarrell presided. Sympathy sent to Mesdame* Ferguson and Campbell. Invitation to attend Christchurch Jubilee celebrations accepted. Hand of Hope helpers for next month to he Mesdamofi White. Gundy and Odell. White Ribbons sold to non-subscribers. Miss Henderson, RA . J.P., addressed the meeting cn "Plans of work for individual members,** stating the chief plan w*n« education along s<lentiflc Temperance lines Mesdames Mercer and Meharry dispensed afternoon lea. V|iri-Mlon \ M Fair attendance. A letter from our President was received containing the cheering

new s of her continued progress towards recovery. Cradle Roll party reported a happy function, and much credit is due to the Muj erintendent. Mn\ E. Fehsenfeld. for its success. The children enjoyed games on the lawn and a treasure hunt. Light refreshment- were provided and each child was presented with a balloon and a bag rf sweets. Mrs. Petrie addressed the mothers briefly on thmr responsibilities towards their children in controlling their appetites both pre-natal and post-natal. Roll call, each member answering by a quotation. Pledge. Temperance Fact. Humne**. —May 7. Peace Day - . Address by Rev. Martin, who pointed out the need of cultivating Peace if you want Peace. The only way to get Peacy is to work for it. Members of L.N. Union read Neil Grant’s play, "Tho Last War.’’ Mrs. Turner moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker. Sydenham.—Ma 2. Good attendance. Mrs. J. K. Archer presided and web omed all present. Duet by Mrs. Weatherhead and Mrs Filer. Mrs. Weatherhead presented with a bouquet and a leather bag on her departure for the North Isla id. Mrs. T. E. Taylor addressed the meeting on the Peace question. Mrs. Weatherhead gave a solo. Afternoon tea. 'M'ftou —Mrs. Ford presided. Good at - tendance. Sympathy with Mrs. Thorne in tin- death of her grand-daughter. Report of Con vent ion hv Mrs. Taylor, most comprehensive and much enjoyed by all. Mrs. McGowan served a real Scotch tea. MM HI CANTKRBI RY DISTRICT. Ashburton. —May 7. Mrs. W. H. Robinsi n presided. Large attendance. Annual Pay-up Social. A very successful gathering. Sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Gunn in their recent bereavement, also with Mu. Barclay. Decided to invite Canterbury District Convention in September Endorsed action of the Loyal Orange Lodge in the stand taken by them in connection with Sabbath desecration. The District l*resident referred to several outstanding features of Dunedin Convention, and acknowledged the kindness and courtesy received by delegates. Items given: Solos. Mrs. Craighead and Miss Lewis: Duet. Mrs. Barrett and Miss McLaughlan; Violin Solos, Mrs. \V. McDonald; Guitar Solos. Mrs. G. Holmes: Elocutionary items. Misses J. Rattray and C. Hopkins. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the performers iml hostesses for afternoon; also to Mrs. J. A. Tinker for three wreaths made for Anzac Day. ILiknia.—-April 11. —President presided. Mrs. Robinson. District President, led devotional exercises. Pledge and Temperance fact, “A fluid ounce of ah-obol -»fle<ts the sight injuriously for about five hours.” repeated in unison A very fine report of Dominion Convention given by Mrs. Robinson. Vote of thanks. Afternoon tea hostesses. Mrs. Cromie and Mrs. Hollis. Temuka.—-April 24. Good Attendance. Hand of Hope meetings to commence May 17th. Mrs. Hew sou gave a very interesting r. j»n i ot Convention, stressing many Ideas for this year’s work. Sympathy with Mrs. Duncan in the loss of her husband. Afternoon tea served. Timarn. —April 30. Mrs. Cave presided. Decided to distribute Convention numbers o r White Ribbon. A riljt TO Obi People’ < lfome arranged for May 10th, members to provide programme and afternoon ten. Mr. Woodward reported that five overseas vessels visited the port for the month, services being held on two Sundays. The Rest was in constant use during the Easter holidays, as the home boat was at No. 1 wharf. About lift visitors paid 40ft vi«its. Parcels of scarves received for seamen from Wellington nnd Auckland. At a social evening which followed thanks were expressed to Mrs Navlor for vocal solos. Mrs. Rudgo for entertT’iiing at the piano. Mrs Munro for violin solos. A short report on Convention was delivered by Mrs. Cave. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaiborui- —April 3ft. Mrs. Flett gave a very comprehensive report of the work of Convention. the members showing tbe keenest Interest, and deciding to follow the leadings <»f Convention as far as t*oMsible. and showed a splendid loyalty to the noble women who are our leader-* in the flight against alcohol. Afternoon tea.

N.K, Valley.—April. Miß» A. Gray presided. Good attendance. Miss Turner Bant; “Timmies be to God.” Mins Jean licgg gave a line address about her work in India. It was most Interesting, with grave and gay items, and a hearty vote of thanks was a< corded her. M<*>giel.—April 2. Attendance moderate. Mrs. Bedford presided and gave us a most interesting talk of Conference doings, listened to very attentively. Mrs. Graham gave a much enjoyed talk on the devotional part of Conference. Osaka May 1. —Small attendance. It - port from Annual Convention read and discussed. Mrs. Janies, our President, finds she must relinquish the office, anil Mrs. Gilbert elected President. Se\eral suggestions in regard to active work were held over till a fuller representation of members was present. (teuntiru. April. Good attendance presided over by Mrs. Bridgman. Mrs. P. L. Brown to represent the Union on tin 1 Mayoress’s Relief Committee. Decided to ask the Rev. Tyrell-Baxter to speak on Peace at next meeting. Letters of welcome and greetings to be sent to the Rev. Dr. Gordon (Canada), and L. O. Stanton (Japan) on the occasion of their visit <» Oamaru, and it was agreed to ask them to convey fraternal greetings to White Ribbon sisters in their respective countries. Mrs. Coriett gave an interesting report of Convention. Presentations made to Miss Mo Bean and Mrs. Peace, who are shortly to bo married. Doth suitably acknowledged gifts and kind wishes expressed. Port Chalmers. —April 11. Mrs. Mirams presided. Pair attendance. Thanks to Mr. Forsyth. s< hoolmaster, for Temperance exam held. Letters of sympathy to bereaved members. Decided to hold local Temperance class, beginning in June, to which two silver medals and second and third prizes have been donated. Prayers of members were asked for Invercargill. Oamaru. and other no-license towns where there is felt to be a danger of returning license. Mrs. Mirams distributed leaflets amongst those present. A cup of tea handed round and a pleasant meeting was brought to a close.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill Central.—May 7. A very < essful afternoon. Large audience to meet Mia O m McLay. Mrs. McQrcgor m tin chair and introduced Miss McLay, who gave a very interesting talk on the World's Convention; an inspiration to all present ami much appreciated. Solo by Mrs. J. T. Macdonald. Two new members. Afternoon tea served. Invercargill South. —April. Mothers of Salem was the subject chosen by Mrs. Currie for Iter address to Cradle 801 l mothers. She gave a very beautiful sketch of the seme and stressed the gentle manner and winsomeness of Jesus. Solo by Miss MeColl. Afternoon ten. Initiation of three new members. Votes of thanks to speaker and soloist. May s.—Mrs. Walker gave a comprehensive report of Convention. Miss McLay spoke on her visit to Scotland and to the World Convention at Stockholm Votes of thanks accorded to both ladies.

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White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 476, 18 May 1935, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 476, 18 May 1935, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 476, 18 May 1935, Page 8