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News of the Union.

Write la Ink; aa nr tide of paper. Dor*t Mind oawopaprr rrporto Han't seed report* i month* aid; they ouljr go in m.-t* imper basket, HA* CLUTHA. —Dec. Annual meeting. Mrs ('lark presided. Good attendance. The report* from the different officers were read. Had a brim? and-buy stall. Officebearer* elected: Pres., Mrs Jaa. Cark; Vi<••Pres., Mrs Fryer a*id Rutherford; ("or. Bec., Mrs James; Rec. St c., Mrs Mclntyre; Treas., Mis* Toeh; W.R. Agent Mrs Clark. Afternoon tea. CHEVIOT.—AnnuaI meeting; good attendance. Reports satisfactory and encouraging. Election of officers: Mrs Gordon. Prej.; Mrs Jardme and Mrs Read, Vic«I*rea; Mrs Hyde. Sec.; Mrs Morgan, Trees; Mrs Williams, Cradle Roll; Mrs Stevenson, "W.R." agent; Mrs Jardine, Devotional Supt. At the close of the meeting a brisk little "Bring and Buy*’ sale wg.i held, the proceeds of which are to be held over for the new year's work.

HENDERSON.—Dec. 17. Mrs Piatt presided. Small attendance. President brought forward items of interest from Distrut Executive, and spoke of the different work our W.C.T.U. is engaged in. Decided to ask Efim day Huhools to bring the signing of the pledge before parents and children. Extracts from the "W.R." paper read by members and discussed. Plans were made for our meetings next year, everyone feeling there is much to be done, being poll mg time. MONGIKL—I*ec. Fair attendance. At election of officers, all officers were reelected. Mrs Bedford spke on "Christian Action, and Our Responsibilities m the Work.” Decided that Mrs Bedford get a supply of literature for the beginning of the year. A motion of sympathy to Mrs 8. on the death of her brother. N.K. VALI.KY.—I >ec. 8. Annual meeting. flood attendance. Mrs Peart (President) in the chair, and gave a short address from "Put not your trust in princes." Welcome given to Mrs Driver and Mrs Brown, who had not been able to attend the meetings for some time. Mrs Peart reported Mrs T. E. Taylor thanked all those who by kindness and murtesy had made her visit to the Bouth such a pleusant one. Annual reports were read by Secretary, Treasurer, "White Ribbon" Agent. Superintendents of the vi -ious Departments. Miss Clifford gave car impressions of District Convention, and Mrs Coulter reported on the business done there. At the election of officers. presided over by Mrs Don, all offl • cers were re-elected. Mrs Peart thanked all for their reports, and the members for their atmdance and help to her, and looked for greater success in the coming year. NELSON.—I>ec. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Mrs W. O. Smith in the chair. Mrs Smith was heartily welcomed after her illness. Reports from officers and Superintendents. Mrs Watson elected President, Mrs Downes Secretary. Other officers reelected. Ten new member* Joined during the year. Decided to hold a special meeting in J&njiary. to make final arrangements for Lmninion Conference. Afternoon tea served. Sp.endid meeting OAMAKI . —-Dec. 8. Annual meeting. Miss Webb, presided. Good attendance Report read by Mrs St-ott, and the balancesheet were adopted. The Joint Cradle Roll Superintendents, Mrs Simoson and Mrs Beckinsale, reports were received with acclamation. A comprehensive vote of thanks passed to the Press and to all who had in any why helped to make the meetings a success. Pianoforte solo, Mis* J. E. (oilett, and vocal solos. Mesdanies MeWhirter and Owen, were much appreciated. Election of officers: Pree.. Miss Webb; VicePres., Mesdanies Smyth, Milligan, Cowan ar.d J. J. Clarke; Cor. Sec., Mrs Scott; Rec. Sec., Mrs Bridgman; Treas., Miss Day; "W.R." Agent and Press Reporter. Mrs Oorlett; Cradle Rojl Superintendents. Mrs Simpnon and Miss Beckinsale. Other officers reelected. A splendid report was given by Mrs Watt, Supt. of Y Work. The Social Committee provided a dainty afternoon tea. OTAIIITIE.—Dec. 11. Annual meeting, Mrs Eccarsall in the chair Reports of Department* given. Mrs Eccereal] gave an

add res*. Election of ofllcei-s: Pres., Mrs hkccrMll; Hec., Mrs Taylor; “White Ribbon,” Mrs Went; Cradle Roll, Mrs Handerside; VifS-Pns., Captain Martien, of S.A., and Mrs McArthur; Home Meeting*. Mrs .1 (din-*ton and Mm Hall; Birthday League. Mm Rstlsliaw; Ttvas., Mm Brady; AntiUambllng. Mrs Eccermll; Notable Days. Mrs Humutn. These last two are new for our Union. Evangelistic, Mrs Venables. Mrs M< Arthur, and Mrs Brady. We go in recess until March, ONKIII Nt.A.-IV. 11. Splendid attendance. Final meeting for IS3O. Musical afternoon. A programme of music, recitations, solos, duets, and purl songs was gl'«M In some of the members of the Auckland Academic Club, under the direction of Mrs ('rag, and a reading by Mrs Ashby. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the artists, and the hope expressed they would visit us again soon. Oolleetion taken for the Willard Home Aflemoon tea and social chat closed a most enjoyable afternoon. OFOTIkI.—I h*c. 6. Combined picnic. Hand of Hope and Cradle Roll, at the heach. (ilorious hum. shine prevailed, and die little ones spent a dlightful tune playing In the sand, etc., each one receiving a gift. Mrs Thompson organised a Treasure Hunt" *or the older children. Bister Jessie was present, w.ih some of the Y members. Afternoon tea was served. D-c. 11. Annual meetnig. Fair attendance. Reports read and adopted. Sister Jessit vve an interesting oral report of the V branch amongst the Maoris, which was being carried on most enthusiastically. Former officers re-elected. Mrs Knowlee apponted Supt. of c radle Roll. Vote of thanks to officers, and to the President for her untiring and capable leadership. Arrangements made for ”Pay-up” Social In March. Afternoon tea dispensed. Ft HIT tII YI.MER.S.— Dec. 11. Fhir attendance. Requested that aM who were able should attend District Executive meeting. Home meetings discussed, aU? hutlon of leaflets as to effects of alcohol ->n Imnlv. Mrs Saunders asked ladies to use •I Kim Oran took chair, and cmicer* elected: Pres., Mis Brighton; Vice-Pres., Mrs Tait; Rec. Sec., Mrs Tresldder; for. Sec., Mrs Mi rams; Treas.. Mrs tftnillle.

M’RKYIHI.N. -Dec. V. Sixth annual meeting. Mrs Pirrett in the chair. Oif* (ers elected: Pres., Mrs Pirrett; Sec Mrs F. Mackenzie; Treas.. Mrs J. Vice-Fres., Mesdanies J. Voss. Ray. E K. Smith, 11. Hurley, J. F. Watson, and A. ti. ltav'.son; "W.R.” Agwt, Mrs H. Burlex, Cr.die Roll Supt., Mrs E. Fehrenfeld; Me* .bei ship Reporter, Mrs Petrie; Scientific Temperance Facts, Mrs Petrie; ‘W.R.” and Press Reporter, Mrs Mackenzie. The various reports were read and adopted, and votes of t hawks moved aud tarried. A < up of tea and a social chat was enjoyed. \\ VKKYYOKTH. — I>c. 11. Bright meeting. Following Mrs Hugh Kasper's advice at previous meeting, members made three minute speeches. Y branch coming on well under the care of Mrs Stevenson acid Mrs Verry. CVadle Roll and L.T.L. also good. Picnic to be arranged for Y branch in holidays. Mrs VV. Hamilton read report of Pan-Pacific Conference. YV YIFI kl ItAl'.—Deo. 4. Annual ineetOood attei ' »ood reports ii>»m all departments. All had made steady progress during the year. Hearty votes of thanks w*ere passed to all who so u llngl boll with the Band of Hope work in any way. All officers re-elected. . set Evangi * Supt. at February meeting. Aftermxm tea provided by Mrs Reid and Mrs McKain. WAN Ci AN I I F. VST. Annual meeting Mrs Dux fit-id presided A vote of sympathy with Mrs Walker in her Illness was passed, and deep regret at the death of an ild and esteemed member, Mrs Williams ,of Epsom. letter of sympathy to be sent to the husband and famly. The Secretary 11 a.l ltei import. Treasurer’s report showed a satisfactory balance of £l3. Both re|M»rts were adopted, and votes of thanks were passed to Treasurer and Secretary’ During tin year £2l had been voted to the Million Shilling F*u*nd, £2 10s wrerf voted to the NZ Organising Pnind. fl ft ihe Sr. Alban's Trust, £1 to the Willard Home, iud lUs to the Maori Fund. Officers elect-

cd; Pres., Mrs Duxfleld; Sec,, Mrs \V J. \ntirew Hoc. Set ~ Miss Sanson; Vice-Ires., Mrs Mcl/eod. Superintendents of Depart-

meiits: E\angelical and Notable Days, Miss Samson; Home Meetings, Mrs Chisholm; Hostel ami Rest Room, Peace ind Arbitration, Mrs Duxfleld: Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Andrew; ’W.R.” Agent. Mrs Melvin.

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White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 426, 18 January 1931, Page 9

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 426, 18 January 1931, Page 9

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 426, 18 January 1931, Page 9