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News of the Union.

Write in ink; oh tmr> wide of paper. IVui’l wtnd nmviimiMT reftorta. Don't send reports 2 monthw old; they only go in WHdtf imper basket, BLUFF. —Feb. 7. Matters Hi regard to re-opening Hand of Hope and alteration of meeting night discussed, a lan arrangements made for Gift Afternoon on the 18t!i February. Members trued to try to arouse interest. Feb. 18. A very successful Gift Afternoon. In aid of Harvest Festival, which takes place early in March. Many useful articles were received. The Vicar, Hev. Ewart, gave ft very inspiring ami helpful address, basing his remarks on the words of our name,, which was very niUch appreciated. The following also added much to the afternoon's enjoyment: Mrs. J. Walker. Mias Melzger, Miss G. Johnston, Miss L. Hunter. The President, ill a neat speech, thanked all for their help in making the afternoon a success, and briefly explained the need of funds to meet the requirements of the Hall’s finance. HKI-KAM'. Feb. 13. Pledge repeated and Tanperanre fact given. Report of North Canterbury Executive given. Paper on “Life of Frames Willard” was read by Secretary. Delegate to Convention appointed. DRVOSPOKT.- Feh. 18. Mrs. Williams reed an interesting paper on "Frames Willard Day. Collection taken for W.M Fund. Dirge amount of clothing brought by* members for Willard Home. One new member. Successful Hring and Huy Sale held on February 2*sth. GRKYTOVYN. — Feh 25. Seven present; Mrs. Allen appointed del cerate to tion. Remits were considered, 1. 2 ami 5 to be supported. Four left to delegate, and three not considered necessary. Resolved to read Temperance par nt each meeting. One new member. (iOHK.— Feb. 25. Pair attendance Vote of sympathy with relatives of late Mrs. W. 1). Stewart. Vote of thanks to Mr. Boyne for judging Temperance Essays. la*tter of thanks from Willard Home Ptommlttse. Delegate appointed for Convention. Solo and recitation. followed by address by Mix Denton Leech. J.P.. on “Oontrol of the Drug Traffic and Alcoholism In Refer,'.!*** to Child Welfare.” Speaker heartily thanked. HASTING*. -Feb. 27. Good attendance: twelve apologies; greetings from four meinhers. Sympathy extended two members. Mrs. Wilson. Horn Secretary. and Mrs. Murtagh welcomed home. Frames XX illard Day collection for Missionary work Mrs. Eminit Sleeted delegate to <V>nvent on. Tickets distributed for sal**, for tin* Chair of Ob«tetrl**si Mrs. J. Wilson gave a very interesting address on “Her Trip to Norfolk Island," said we ought to have a W.C.T.r branch there, showed photos of parts of the Island, Vote of thanks. KAIAPOI.—Feh. 2fi. Pay-Pp So. ini; Mi Vickery In the chair. Songs giv«n by Mrs. Vickery and Miss Joyce. Violin solo by Mix Rinaldi, and pianoforte solo by Mias Keetley. The programme was very much enjoyed, and two new members wen* Initiated. LEVIN. —Feb. 14. Good attendance; Frames Willard Day, B|*ecial prayers were offered, and Mi Sorenson read a very interesting paper on “The Life of Frances Willard." A slight error was made m last report re election of officers; Mrs. Yeung is Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Meven, <V>rresponding Secretary; address. Stu« key Street, Levin. Mrs. Young appointed delegate to Convention. LINWOOD. Pel Day. Rev. H. Sharia* gave an Inspiring address upon her life and work, and was heartily thanked. In legates to Convention appointed. MT. ALBERT.—Feb 13. Good attendance. Arrangements for the L.T.L. Panic, to be held on Ist March, were completed. Agreed to hold an entertainment to raise funds for general purposes. A Visiting

Committee was appointed for Visiting members absent for two consecutive meetings, also sick members. NORTH BRIGHTON.—Feb. 18. Good attendance; three added to Cradle Roll and one new member enrolled. Miss, J.P., gave a most interesting add man. Mrs. Goring ami Parker elected Vice-Presidents, Mrs. I*awson Notalile Days, and Mrs. Goldman Pross Reporter. Arrangements for combined Cradle Roll Pu nic. Visiting Committee appointed. Mrs. Eames reported fll 7s. sent to Million Shilling Fund. Mrs. A. Taylor delegate to Convention. ONFHI'NCA.- Feh. 13. Decided to advertise officers in the "White Ribbon.” Four new submritiers gain***!. Mrs. Stacey made an appeal for Irooks for Coat ley Home. Remit for Convention: “That Unions working various Departments inform the Superintendent of same, and questioned res l>«* sent oniv to those Vnions at end of the year.” Newspaper cuttings on Temperance were read, and de< ided to have some Temjrerance teaching at every meeting. Miss Hertha Thompson sang ft mttch-appreciated solo. Be vo ml babies put on Cradle Roll. Pt KKKOHK.—Feb. Ift Good attendan* e of members. The President, Mrs. Fscott was m the clmir. Decided to have a Church Parade of members every tine* months at the different Churches. One new member whs elected and two transfers were received. Mrs. Horne sang a solo; much appreciated. Mrs. Fscott gave a very interesting address on “Building.” I’LKEliriA.—Fob. 20. Thirteen present. We missed several of our members, wlt • have been moved further aw'av. It was a bright, happy meeting, all members taking part in prayer or reading Temperance facts ami other helpful pieces Special prayer was offered for our Vice-President, Mrs. Sage, who is still very 111. and meaaag'S of love and sympathy sent. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. McKenxie provided afternoon tea.

PKTONF.. —Fob 4. Mrs. Carter presided: thirteen present. Mrs. Carter to attend District Executive at Carterton. Decided to nominate Miss Kirk as Dominion Secretary. Feb 19. Social Afternoon at M*-s Comer’s residence; Mrs. Carter pree’ded; fourteen members present. Mr Maltca Murray gave a very instructive address on the “Promised Temperance Education Board,” with authorised lecturers for schools, misleading advertisements on “socalled” Medicated Wines. and other alcoholic beverages. The speaker also urged the necessity of Ministers ami Church members con«*entratlng on the Temperance question A hearty vote of thanks to speaker and hostess, brought ft profitable afternoon to a close. PONSONHY. Feb 6. letter from Mrs. la*e-Cowie. telling of her safe arrival In Melliourne, also an extract from the Melbourne “Argus.” announcing her rafe arrival, ami the welcome she received from the W CT.IT. Miss C. M. M< Isty gave a v .-r \ RtMPHtlll t .i 11 1 'H Mf I to * 1 " " lulu One new member received. Miss Rend appointed *lelegate to Dominion < ‘invention. Fell 20. A resolution protesting strongly Against S|>orts being held in the Rotorua Government grounds on Sunday was nnanlmouslv passed. Being' Frames \\ illard Pav, a paper on "Her Life and Work” was read, also showing how the work of the W.C.T.TT. had grown since It was founded by Frances Willard. PAPANt f.—F h 11. Fair attendan ••>: M:ss niac„M *'l H d a paper on "The L fe ami Work *.f ’• •« s Willard” She urged rnion to form .* G« *d Cltlienship Dcpa teem and M/i xbirln appointed Three new subscribers for “White Ribb, t ’ Mrs. Elliott appointed delegate to Convention. Collection for Worlds Missionary Fund. RaKAIA.—Feb fi. Good attendance Motion of sympathy with the relatives cl the late Rev. W. T. Todd. Speaker for afternoon. Mr. Rirkett. subject. "Freedom or I,lli*rtv," Wn»* ** greatly enjoyed. Delegate for Conference appointed. Miss A. O Oakley. w SOUTH INVERCARGILL. —Feb 11 A fine devotional address by Mrs. McKinnon Mrs Pnslev welcomed large numbers of Members. Reported splendid attendance and financial suc<«es at Tea and st Rooms conducted at Royal Show* by l n on Appreciative letters read from Lady .-Hire

Fergusson and patrons and members of the A. A P Asso>-iation. Mrs. I'anlev and Mrs. Robb appointed delegates t«i Con vent i<m. tuto hi) ' Report of District Executive mooting re a* l and d ire unwed. * Regret expressed that Government has witlnlrawn Ladles' Car on Expr**Rs trains. Mrs. Jennings appointed delegate to Convention. Syllabus for iy3n drawn up. I X h in U at Kitchener Park. A larg«* number of members and frlendn were present. Mrs Georg** XVlnstone, Superintendent of Cradle Roll, intro<luc**d Rev John Hlddlestone. who addressed the mothers. Afternoon tea and gsmes closed a pleasant afternoon. Ti>: \i;i knnua Pay Up Social; good attendance; V’s welcomed. Mrs. Crosbie and Mrs. Sneddon np|*oiiited delegates to Convention, and Mrs. Crosbie and Mrs. Nels*si t«* represent l'nion on NoLicenOc League Mrs II H. Brown read a paper oil "Fran* es Willard.” Three n,*w members enrolled. Convention details finalised. 1 I’l’Elt in n. Feb. D*. A meet ng was held in the I 'raid's llall. w hen a new branch of the work was formed. Miss X. M. MrLay, Organiser, addressed the meeting on the e* ents which led to the formation of the CaiOii, and traced the growth of the movement in this and other countries. The need for an extensive Educational Cani|*aign amongst young people was specin 11 y stressed. Aft t*r some discussion, it w as decided to form a branch, and to endeavour t«> get Band of Ho|*e and Y.l*. work started forthwith. The following officers were appointed;—Pres.. Mrs. Shell, Seddon Street. Wallncevllle; Vlce-Pres, Mrs. Whiteman. Senr., Upper Mutt; B.Mrs. H**.iry Gorrie, Mangaron; Troon . Mis Ross. William Street, f’pper Hutt. M**etings to be held last Thursday, alternately n Presbyterian and Methodist Churches. Afternoon tea was provided by Mrs. Shell. Eleven mom be ns were initiated. WANGANUI RAM elected :—Pres , Mrs. IHixfleld; Vice-Pres. Miss Wilton: Cor. S«*<.. Mrs Andrew; Re* . Se* 1 ., Mrs. Hanson; Treas., Mrs. F. Brown Mrs Duxtteld t*l.. te*t delegate to Convention. Arrangements for Gaivle** Party i*o aid of Organising Fund. I olle* ti*m in aid of World’s Missionary Fund. Next im**ti*ig March 13th. XX Ml | Ivl RAI Special service for Frances Willard l*ay used, and collection for World’s Missionary Fund taken. During n discussion » n f*»rtheoniing Annua! Convention, it was « I*** i«l•• I to send the following suggestion to Misa Henderson for consideration: "That a pla n morning tea be served at Annuel Con veil tion. as many tie legates luiv«* to leave .ionic at an early hour, and that luncheo i b<* ng at 1 o’clock, makes afternoon tea unm < *ssary." One new member initial.*d. Mi* Rei*l w«s appointed delegate for Annual Conxpntion. LATE BRANCH REPORTS. xsiißi itroN.- m i i. tt, >i .,l,■. Hister Mildred, Vi* .‘-President, occupied the chair Votes of svinpath* were passed witli Rev. J. t nd Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. S. T iomns and Mrs. H. D. Butterick. in bereavement. Miss B. M. Harband. J.P.. nominated for position of S’/.. Pec. Secretary. Decided to vote a donation to Tlniaru Union. Delegate Instructed how to vote on "Notice of Motion.” Mrs. W. H. R**blns<Ki gave an interesting report of South Canterbury District Executive meeting *>n February 11 th. and was xironled a vote of thanks. Mrs. A. J. Petrie was appointed **Bible-ln-S**hools.” and Mrs. H. A. Lloy«l Literature Superintendent. Much regret was expressed at the action of the Railway D,t*artment in removing th** La,lies Carriage trom th** South Islam! Express Train, and It was decided that R letter be s*«nt to the Minister of Railways regarding the matter. Final arrangement* made for the Cake and Produce Stall on March 7th. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs. Saunders for a dotation to the funds of the l'nion. 14AI.LANCE. -Mar. 1 Mis J Han*l o*k presided; good attendan «*. Miss C. M M* - Lay gave a most intereaving account of her trip to Honolulu. Three new member* were enrolled. Musical it'*mH were giv,*.i

by Misses I). Ebhett and B. I*y. Mrs. J. Maurli sung. and Miss Sargent recited. I’uring the afternoon Miss was presented with a choice bouquet by Little Miss Edna Malic li. .Mrs. !<. Ilohlaway delegate to t ‘onvrtition.

HAM'I.I THA.—Mar. 4. Mrs. Clarke pre sided; fair attendance. IHs< ussion over funds left over from picnic deferred till next meeting. Miss Tosh appointed delegate to Convention. Above picnic was held on .he Hhow t {rounds, run by W.C.T.F. members for Hand of Hope and Cradle Roll; about 70 attended and s|»ent a happy time together. 1 ieeided to holil opening session of Hand of Hope on last Friday of current month.

BLENHEIM. — Mar. 4. Excellent rtt-nd-anee of members. Remits were discussed and delegate instructed. Mrs. A. M. Mills read "A Tribute*'—Frances E. Willard, which was very much appreciates!, and Mrs. Oighy Jenkins related some very encouraging and inspiring achievements attained by the united work and influxes of the Girls' Friendly Society in the East End of London. Poll now eighty-three financial member*. Feb. IM. A n.ost enjoyable amt Interesting afternoon was tieid at Mrs. ITusslng's residence, I.a king's Road in conuneinorat ion of our pioneer founder. Frances Willard. A most entertaining paper on ’"The Life of Frances Willard. Girlhood and Woman* hoo«l," was read by Mrs. A. M. Mills, and thoroughly appreciated by all members present. Competition* held during the afternoon were won by Mrs. W. B. Wilson and Mrs. A. M Mills. CHEVIOT. —Feh. 28. Mrs. (Hinton in the (hair. A motion of sympathy paH*ed to Mr. Bwlnerd. Mrs. Jurdlne elected delegate to Convention. Mrs. Gorme.i gave an Recount of Gistrict Executive. Arntngements to send magazine to the Workmen’s Camp at Parnassus.

CAKTKKTON. —Mar. 5. Mrs. Every presided; good attendance. Mrs. Tyler appoint ed delegate to Convention. Arranged to hold a Shop Ikty on Friday, 4th April, to raise funds. Interesting nuggets were read from an American pajier on ’’PrcMbltlon," pointing out the deadly evils reused by drink.

t HKI*TCHI K( H.—Feh. 11. Miss Henderson presided. Superintendents of l»epartmeat* were elected. The resignation of Miss W. W. Lovell-Smith as Superintendent of Hack-Blocks was re«eived with regret, and a vote of thanks and appreciation was passed for services rendered for so many years. The balance-sheet was read hy Mrs. Richards and adopted. The Secretary was instructed to write letters of sympathy to Miss Adams in her contiaiued ill-health, and to Mrs. Smith, late of Tauranga, in her recent sad bs*reaveinent.

Fell. 2»t. Miss Hendemr.i presided. Mrs Woods elected Superintendent of Ways and Means Committee, and Mrs. Glen of Birthday League. Mrs. Wicks and Miss Wilkie were appointed delegates to t'onvKitlen. To celebrate Frances Willard Gay, Mrs. T. K.

Taylor gave h most Interesting address on the many mnpects of the life and work of our great Lead«r. Mrs. Taylor was thanked for her address. Collection was taken up for World's Mlesionarv Fund. IH NEBIN CENTIt\I Mar. 4. Mrs Hiett presiding Mrs. Gidham asked members to pray, • *a|>ecjni|y for a blessing on the forthcoming Convention. One new member received. Letters of sympathy t» he sent to threi sick members. la-tter from Sir Joseph Ward in answer to letter from this branch, protesting against the building of a brewery at Otahuhu. Deeided to arrange a Jumble Sale for funds to donate n subscription •<>: ill The founding' of n Chair of Obstetrics for New Zealand; and (51 To the new Creche, to hi* opened in

Gum-din. Sever»l remits were passed to he sent to «'onventin*i: (1) "Invalid Pensions;’’ 4 21 "Against Sunday travelling an I Sunday picnics;*’ "That more severe sentences l»e given to motorists res|»onsih|e for accidents when under the influence of alcohol;’* (I) “That more severe penalties he given to men brought in-fore the Courts for assault against yoir.ig girl*.’’ Two threeminute apeechen were given hy members: (1) On the collection of subscriptions; (2) Temperance essays by school children. F.GF.N.—Mar 4. Good attendance. Plans of work fully discussed, also reports of dnnking among women in some hotels.

Exception was tr.ken to the liquor advertis* ments set to music, appearing In the ne*spapers. A report of the last meeting of the National Council of Women wi» received. and favourably commented upon. Mrs. Johnston was re-appointed to represent the branch on the Council for the ensuing year. A song by Miss Blssett and a recitation by Miss Read, were much appreciated. MI\TGN.- Feb. 20. Very good attendance; our new President, Mrs. C. King, presided. Geclded not to send a delegate to Convention this year. Rev. Mr, Nicholas appealed *o the ladles of the Fnion to Join fon-ea with the Alliance; decision left untt’ later. (Ydlectlon taktei for the Frances Willard iHty Fund. FKILGING.— Mar «5 Good attendance; President in chair. Mrs. Beattie read an article from “White Ribbon” entitled “Why I am a White Rlhboner,’* and Mrs. Oarlmi gave an address on “The Evils of Gambling." Mrs Sjience Appointed Mu|n-rliitendent of Medical Temperance. The Scientific Fact proved, tnat instead of quenching thirst, alcohol increased it. Mrs. Pack delegate to Convention. Miss C. M, Mduty addressed a combined meeting of Bible*, also gave her delightful lecture on Honolulu. HAMILTON.—Mar. ♦». Thirty-first Anniversary of the Hamilton Fnion. The President’s opening remarks and Bible reading were appropriate to the occasion. Ovei thirty ladles present. Mrs. Ward was elected Superintendent Antl*C, ambling, Mrs. Jackson, Habbath Observance, and Miss Parry, Back-Blocks, Literature. Miss Amhury reported 382 babies on the Cradle Roll. The Secretary th«n read the belated annual report; we have a-nt £24 for Headquniters Fund. an.l this has not interferred with our giving to othir branches of the work; we have liAd a busy year, but feci determined to go forward. .Mr*. Jones read a paper (r.i "Frame* Willard," then welcomed Mrs. Buchanan and Mias I niff to our Fnion. and one new member initiated. Afternoon tea Mid a pianoforte solo, played by Miss Mavis Jones, was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Johnston delegate to Convention. HAVELOCK NOHTH, —Feh. IS. A France* Willard l>ny functiosi in Mrs. Rohjohn's garden. A talk about the life and work of our founder. Gifts resuited ill 12a. to branch funds and »*. to World’* Missionary Fund. Feb. 28. Prayer for iamiiniiai Convention. 124 brick* sold. Balance-sheet received; vote of thark* to Auditor. Initiatory Herv ice, all membera repeating Pledge, s •n' r, fact, ‘ Alcohol and the H..ut Remits dir cussed. delegate t«> use her own judgment *».i certain decisions. Four handhooks ordered. (I Is. donated to N.X. Fund. JOHNSON VI LEE. —Feb. 2<» President preshlir.g. Mis* Kirk gave an excellent address on “Setting Good Example* to our children.” Two lovely song* were glv»n hy Mrs. Bun bar Sloane. There was a good attendance. Special collection for Wllknl Home at Palmerston North; ala ut three ponnds was collected. Afternoon tea was served. B«*n*-diction brought an enjoyable aVternoon to a close. IGW EH 111 TT. I • 21 tttond fair. Report by Mr*. Spec «-r of lMstrl'-t Executive meeting, vva* very interesting. An invitation from M*s. Pressed* to liold a picnic in tier grot ml* at Ih-lmnnt, was acvepted, and final .<rraiigeinents made to hold it m Friday, 14th March. lielegate was appointed to Convention. Cradle Roll Afternoon was held on Wednesday. 3th March t>ur President welcomed the mothers and children <*i behalf of the Fnion. Solo* were sung hy the Mead a me* Aldersley, Spencer and Woods, and a reading hv Miss Page. Miss Kirk gave some fart* about the need for parents to insist on absolute I oneaty and truthfulness, both In themselves and their children. Afternoon tea was handed round, and a collection taken up in aid of the Cradle Roll Fund. Both children and parents had a very enjoyable time.

MAI NGATI KOTO.—Feh. 18 At Manse; good attendance. Mrs. T. Flower presided. One new subscriber to 'White Ribbon.’’ Giscusaion re Bible rending in local school Secretary to write to Mrs. Cook, asking how to proceed in the matter. Treasurer's balance-sheet read and adopted. Vote of thaniks passed to Secretary and Treasurer. officers re-elected for year. Paper read t.y Mrs. T Flower on the "Opening of

a NYw Yeai,” exhort In> all to put their last in every task, however small. Mrs. I’asiey read paper on ’The Life of Frames Willard." NEW BRIGHTON. -Feh. 13. Motion of synmathy with M s. Mcllroy hi the loss of her sister. Tin- resignation of Mias H. M ’jlerband as a Vlce-Preahlenv and the H< lent I tie Temperance Hupt., was accepted with regret Members ex pressed their deep appreciation for the wonderful help Miss Harhand had been to the branch. Mrs. G. Weavers was elected a Vice-President, and Mr*. J. Buncan Scientific TenijK-raiice Superintendent. Miss Hallantyiie ottered to visit sick member* during the immtli. Balance-sheet, showing a credit balance, was adopted, and llie Treasurer complimented on her year’s work. Gec.ded that a letter of thanks la* sent to Mr. L. B. Cooper, win* audited the book* Reported Cradle Roll pb-n'.c would l*e held on March Ist. Mr*. F. K. Mitchell elected delegate to Convention. Mrs. J. Richards gave an addles*. Hongs by Meadaflie* Wliitwortli and Judge. NKW PI.YMOI TH.— Feb. 2«. Tlnrtyelght present; Mr*. Hughes presided. Attention was drawn to the Kginoiit Exercise Kook, which has bwa puhtluimrl t>> the N.Z. Alliance, and contains a wording on the cover page on the nature of Alcohol. Geclded to popularize it. Social to commemorate Frances Willard Gay. Hong* by Mrs. 11. Hawkins, elocutionary items by Mrs. Brown, and pianoforte Items and accompaniment* were played hy Mrs. iMiurie Cooper. Mr*. Hughes gave an excellent address on "The Enthusiasm of Frances Willard." whose memory we were celebrating. and how sympathy and courage marked the work of such great women as Florence Nightingale, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth Fry, and our Leader, Frames Willard. Afternoon tea was served by our Superin tendent of Notable I (ays. (hie new member wits initiated, and the collection amounted to fl Is.

N.E. \ ALLEY.— Feb. Mrs. Peart was in the chair, and spoke briefly from the fourth chapter of Nehcmiah. on the subject of “Work, Wat< ii and Play." Miss J<m:tic Street spoke on "Priscilla and her Sisters." a beautiful Roman lady who married n Jew, wo* converted to Cnriottanity, bocanie a travelling preacher, and did ren.arkuhhw'ork in furthering the <>o.s|»el message, ami assisting Paul and other* by her hospitality amt self-sacrifice. A vote of thanks was accorded. Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Coulter delegates to Convention.

NAPIER. Attention was drawn to tlie "Far too Ireqm-nt use of alcohol" s.i eases of accidents, and mention waa made oi cases where real harm had been done. Wilkinson to give a paper at next meeting. Mrs. Hull exhibited g.tnmnt * made from old stockings, and several members took one a* a sample I relegate given a free hand at Convention Geclded to hold social quarterly meeting, aa a means of gettnik mm-attending inernla-rs together. Mr. Milner, addressing t lie meeting, shml that we should endeavour to widen our held of labour, have a W.C.T.F. representative on Church Commit tecs, where possible, gather all evidences of accident* or death* due to drink. A letter of good wishes to he sent to Mr. Oldham.

OTA tit 111. M.»r. ti Splendid gathering of meniheis and friends. An “At Home,’’ musical Items were rendered by Misses Johnston, Venable* and ilughaon, and Mesda me* Greens 11 and Muir. Mrs. John Cook gave a very interesting address on “Child and the Cinema.** Mrs. \V. Taylor presented a liHiid hug to Mrs. F, Greenwood, late President, who is leaving for Christchurch. A successful meeting One new member.

OX 1-OKIE— Feh. 2*>. Letter of thanks from Willard Home. Mrs. Jones elected delegate. Mrs. Jones gave n paper rai "Life of Frames Willard.’’ which waa much enjoyed, and she waa heartily thanked Collection for World's Missionary h'und.

I*l IvEHOIIE. -Our meetings ar. Iniprox ing more each month. Bs;«-n sth we had 18; three »:sw members for this year so far. Jar*. Musk. Cradle Roll Superintendent, report* 42 h tides on her roll. One new "White Hildam" member. Mrs Curnow, Cottage Meeting Superintendent. Meeting at tier home tins month, Mr*

l'Hvin *aiik a *»lo. Pr**ltl#nt read the lea Mil. wMi ll VMI* very helpful *n«l Itißpirfeiff

KKt'AKTON.-iVli, ?*. Mi** M*lmrr>. in h I'urri'HiwmliiiK |*ci»Uty, aalconii'd, may Mr*. V oiler, a vinitor from Ud*o<kl. to order I*o ropla* of l»m»kJ*t* frr JiHtrlliUtion among Hand of Hope rhlldnn. Imported that Iftmd of Hope (‘divert, ii<d«l in |H< ember, van a (treat Mr*, vvillte appointed Superintendent of *B<a*ter- ,«| Member*" I tvpartment. Mr*, C. Barrel! delegate to Convention, large panel of dirnlet* handed bi for Minion Box. Mi** ilarhniid addie***'d the meetlliiC, a|»eaWlnic on the “Kingdom of the Child.” toothing on the *lmo*t unhvllw aide condltitnw of the ,1,11,1. ~\,>ti To year* nko. and »ho*lß| Itow think* hnw evolved until to-day la really tlic "Kinkdoai «f tin* Child. f’resident, in thaitknik Mi** Harhand. pointed out that the M'.C.T.t*. stand* for *»IJ that I* pertaining to the welfare of the ehild.

ItAI YAI.I.KY. Keh. Cradle Roll «’liiMreit and mother* entertained at Mr*. Simpson’*. Mr*. Leov wet omod all. and Mr*. Well* handed a *ntall gift to Mr*, dillxaiHoii and Mr*. HUkhe*, la'll*** with and *ix ehildren on Cradle Foil, re*|*e< tlvelv. S*. «,|. eolleeted for Willard Home. Mi** Woodward presented with a niee mirror. on *\e of her departure to he trained a* a nui**\ Mi** Woodward thanked memlier* l**r kift ami kimml w i*h***. Hliarl talk on *’N« h«M*| «vf Method*,” h> Mr*, laov.

KKKhTOX. -Mar. 3. T«*.i pre*enl. Mr W.hh irav«* a very helpful add re**. I>ee|i regret at losink our eapahle Pr»-*ldent, Mr*. \V* Id*. tliroiikh removal to A*hl>urton. Mr* MH’lyniont *poke won!* of appreciation, and Mr*. I‘among voiced good w l*lie* tor Mr*. Weld, in her new home, letter of sympathy to Mr*. Puff.

KANUKIKA. Keh. 2 V <anal att« ndane. Motion* of *yinpatliy with Mr*. Cate* and Mi** Harman in their recent Iteteavement. Mr*. V A. King »p|*dnted Btll*erintendent of the '•Scattered Mein her*” IVpartment. Mr*. H. Taylor appointed delegate to «'i*i vent ion. and remit* t) I*’ brought forward at Convention were fully' diaeuaned and voted on. Mr*. Lane read a paper on ‘The Influence of Print* Willard. that great founder of our ITniou.1 T niou.

SKI-TON. Kel.. < >wink to harvest ink operation*. *mall attendance. Mr*. Thome predding. Mr*. Tliorne appointed delegate to Convention. l*eclded to arrange foi speaker for next meeting. Short reading* were given by me nber*. and Scientific Temperance fact given. A letter and circular were received In connection with Obstetrical Chair Wndowment Campaign, and it wh* decided tc hold Frink and Mu> Afternoon in April to help thl* «*au*e.

WAN <• AN I I fKNTBAI Mar. Mr*. Bathgate presided. A welcome wa* g'veii Mr*, j. tirant. "Wl-lte Agent, who had I .cell ahmsit for many month* through „ serious ilinen*. Mr*. Siddell wa* congratulated on having celebrated her C.oldcn Wedding. One new member. I net ruction* how »o vote were giv*ai to the delegate. Mr*. Belton. Pr**a« Reporter’a re*ignat»on waa accepted with regret, her removal to Plimnierton being the cau*e Mr* Puxfleld, Pl*trlct Fre*ident. presided over a *|N'<iHl meeting, when Mi** C*. M. UcLay, who wa* on her way to the Taranaki District. wa* given a welcome; slie gave an interesting address to an interested audieme on ‘Prohibition In Honolulu.'*

WAKKWOUTII. Mar. « Secretary m *t rue ted to order one Hand-hook and on*Convention Report also Temperance chart* for th* Wark worth School. Intereating ic|»ort* of weetHu* of Auckland District Kxo.utlvc read. PienWlent sending letter to chairman of Warkworth Show Committee, protesting against licensed gambling ! M>r * ndtted on Show C«round. “While Ribbon” A gout, Mr*. Verry, re|K*rted flve new subscriber*.

\\ %11'KI . Keh. 2V In the Wesley Hall; Mr* Ballantyno presided, and six member* Were present. F«.UI bundles of literature for the prisoner* were brought to the ..icetiiig. Sympathy wa* expressed with Mr*. Fenwick In the ilhies* of her husband

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Bibliographic details

White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 416, 18 March 1930, Page 11

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 416, 18 March 1930, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 416, 18 March 1930, Page 11