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News of the Union.

Report Promptly—lVrite in lnl( On One Side of Paper.

ASHBURTON. —Feb. 5. Sister Mildrtd. Vic*-President. occupied the « halr: fair attendance. Voles of sympathy were paw<l with the following in bereavement:—Me* H. ttutiiMi. Mm G. ITolmvjf, !*IiV Lee fcti’k', Mrs Staple*. Mrs Harwood and Mr G. W. Andrews. Letters of cheer nnd sympathy were directed to he went to several members who are *lck. Report of Executive meeting hejd on Jnnuary 9th was received, and decisions endorsed. Sister Mildred reported that a Petition, signed by 500 residents of the Borough, had been forwarded to Headquarters, and a Deputation of No-License and W.C.T.U. mem»>ers waited, the following week, on the Hon. Mr Taverner, Minister of Customs, as he pftssod through Ahshurton. protesting against a Brewery License being granted in Ashburton The Deputation was well received. A warm welcome was accorded to Commissioner N. Smith, of Salvation Array, who was present, and briefly responded. Tea was -erved. and a very in-ter-sting address hv Mrs W. Grieg. Willow by. was given on the '‘Social and Political Work of Miss Frances Willard,’’ whose memory we were delighted to honour. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Origg. Mrs C. 8. Matthews was 'ippointed delegate, and Mrs Grigg substitute. Remits for Convention were on ldered. and the delegate instructed how to iuir thereon. Mrs W. Origg unanimously elected President. Decided that a letter of thanks and appreciation be sent to Mrs Moora, for splendid services rendered during the past year as President of the Union Collection taken up in aid of W M F Mrs W T. Llll was thanked for donation of £1 to procure Constitutions, etc., for the Uniim Next meeting to be “Constitution Afternoon.’’ BALFOUR. —In spite of a very wet night there was a good attendance of members and friends. We were very pleased to wel come three Lumsden sisters, who braved the elements to he presesit. A pleasant time was spent with competitions, solos and recitations, etc., prizes for the competitions heii.y donated by member*. Am Interesting report of the recent Cor. .ention was given hv the President. Mrs On*. An enjoyable 'Upper was handed round, and a pleasant evening terminated toy the singing of Auld Lang Svne. IF.II.DINL. -Feb. T. Mi Park presided; fair attendance. Circular from Mis* Hendersi*n re Convention, road and discussed Mrs Kendall appointed delegate. Resolved, that in future, each member take it in turn to provide a scientific tem|*eran«e fact, the President leading with one to-dav, Mrs Wilton volunteering to bring one for next meeting The President appealed to all member* to visit the sick and aged in their Immediate neighbourhood and report at each meeting Mrs Whisker to prepare a paper for next meeting. This being Frances Willard Day. collection to go to Missionary Fund. _ . .. . lIAWF.RA. —Jan. 25. Mrs Exley presided, fair attendance; Mrs Squire acting as Secretary. Mr* E. S. Fmirltt elected President and Mrs W. O. Simpson Secretary for the coming year A vote of sympathy as ptssed to Rev .anr. Mrs Oxhrow in tlielr recent *d loss. Mrs Ollemshaw. Snr. was elected delegate to Convention. Decided to hold a Garden Party or. 25th of February, Mr and Mr* Corry. of Glover Road, lending their grounds for the occasion, 1 ram «*> Wll’ard Day to he observed on that day. lO\\ Kit HI TT. Jan. 23. Mrs Spemvr ■ ‘inducted devotions Letter from Dominion Presldemt, urging each and all to do their best to gain new member* before Convent and to work at education on the liquor question The Cradle Roll mothers’ meeting is to he held on February’ «th. Hospitality Committee formed in connection with forthcoming Convention. Miss 1 wits appointed a delegate to the Executive meeting with the President. Our President

then gave us some instances from the book, “O’er Moor and Fen.” being the story of an evangelist travelling through New Zealand. Frances Willard Day next meeting. NEW BRIGHTON.—Good attendance; annual meeting; Mrs H. Hall was In tin chair. A comprehensive report «>f the year’* work was given by Secretary, showing that a number of departments hod been worked and the membership increased by 17 during the year. The Cradle Roll reported an Increase of 55 names. Member* expressed their appreciation of the report, which was adopted. Mrs Hall thanked a’l who had so faithfully helped the year. Off<-ers elected;—Pres., Mrs H. Hall; Vice-Pres., Mesdamer McLean. Foam. Bellamy and Moses and Miss B M. Harband: Re*-, Mr* F. M. Mitchell; Troas.. Mrs N. Frazer; Asst. Trass., Mrs Thompson; WR. Agent. Mrs H M. Ilroy Cradle Roll Supt., Mr* Hastings; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs O. K Pearn; Scientific Temperance Instruction Hupt., Mis* B. M. Harband: Notable Day* Supt , Mrs Renner; tk>od Citizenship, I<egal and Parliamentary and Peace and Arbitration. Mrs M<>*«*: Press Re|K>rter, Mr* F. M. Mitchell. A prose n tat'on was made to the retiring Secretary, Mrs Moses, who had held that ofTlce for eight years. Mammembers eulogised her work during the long period she had been Secretary. NEW PLYMOUTH.— Jan. 23. Special meeting to bid farewell and God-speed to our newly-elected President, Mrs J. Craig, who Is leaving for Auckland. About thirty members were present. Musical Items were given by Mrs Frederic, Mrs R Hawkins and Mias Kidmm. Several of the members s|>nke in appreciation of Mrs Craig’s service* fo-r the Union, and her great interest ami enthusiasm for the Seamen’s Rest. Mr* Connell, on behalf of the members, presented Mrs Craig with :i beautiful bra** vase, saying how much we regretted her departure, and expressed our best wishes for her future. Thi* was endorsed by Mrs Jemison. Mrs Craig, in reply, thanked the members for tlielr gift and kind wishes, and said her work for the Union had been a great pleasure to her. She Intends uniting wMth Mt. Eden Union. Mr* Dickson and helpers served a very dainty afternoon tea Jan. 30. Fifteen present Decided to keep Frances Willard Pay on Wednesday. February 13th, at the Rea men’s Rest. The resignations of Mr* Craig a* President and Mr Craig from the Advisory Board were read, and accepted with regret. Proposed that a letter of appreciation for services rendered be sent to Mr and Mrs Craig Report of Seamen's Rest showed 1.039 vis ts made during December and January. Gifts for that period include magazines. papers, plants, record* and a new window. Mrs Jemison asked that nomination* for President should be sent, hi writing, at our next monthly meet'ng. Attention was drawn to the remits to be brought op nt Convention. OXFORD. —Jan. IS. President in the chair. Tetters were received from Mrs T. E. Tavlor, Dominion President, and Mia* Harband. urging the necessity of increasing the membership of the W.u.T.U. A discussion too* place a* to the best means of attaining this end. The Secretary of the Domain Board wrote regarding the dates allotted to the W.C.T.U. for afternoon teas. These were considered quite satisfactory. The Secretary was requested to make arrangements with Mrs T. E. Taylor regarding her proposed visit to Oxford. One new’ member wa* initiated. PORT ALBERT. Annual meeting; small attendance. Election of officers; Pres.. Mrs Or Aid lay; Vice-Pros.. Mrs Kruse and Mrs Hartnell; flee.. Mrs Phillips; Trens Mrs Guhb; W R. Agent. Mis Hartnell. All agraed to try and each obtain one new member during the next few months. Afternoon tea was served. «*TRATFOKIL Jan 23. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll Picnic and Hospital Tea Day Delegates appointed for Convention. Miss LI Hey read the balance-sheet for 1928. which was very satisfactory. STYX. —Annual meeting. Rei*orts of officers read and adopted, showing JjUi*fartory proyrw. Proficient thanked ofTu ers for loval support during the year. Flection of officers:—Pn**.. Mrs Btaln: Vice Prea Mead aims Tennant. Peters. Johnston and Hill; Se«\. Mrs Marwick; Rec. Sec., Mrs

Warding; Cradle Roll, Mr* Johnson; L.T.L.. Mrs TiUridge; W.R. Agent. Mrs Oolllson. Afternoon tea served, TEMUKA- Feb. 1 Mrs Tilbrook pre siding, fifteen members present. I>1» ussion on erecting iron ferine round Indies’ Rest Room. Decided to meet Plunket Society for half the ••ost. and derided to erect fence. Cradle Roll Afternoon for the little ones on February 21st, also Garden Party and Sale to be held at Mrs Blackmore’s on March Ist, to raise funds. Arranged for delegate to go to Convention.

WELLINGTON. —Fair attendance. A letter was re*«! from the lnmlnlon <’orre*q>ondmg Se -eetary, asking for which Primary Schools in Wellington the Union hail donated charts for Temperance instnr - tinn It wrs agreed that the five sets of rharts should he assigned to the following school*: —-Newtown, South Wellington, Berhampore, laland Bay and Lvall Bay. Arrangements for the forthcoming Annual (imvention. which is to he held In Wellington. was discussed, and Mewl am os Port and Harris were appointed members of the Hospitality Committee to assist In finding home* for delegate*, working in conjunction with the Convenor. Mr* E. J. Webb The Union presented the President. Mr* Mowlein. with an Honours Badge. hr recognition of lier many year* of faithful service in the cause of Temperance, as Organiser, in active work for many election polls, anal In numerous spheres of labour for Prohibition. She made n fitting acknowledgment of the honours done her. «aylng she Imd always delighted fri doing whatever she could for Temperance and kindred cause*, regarding time spent thus as recreation. Afternoon tea was served, a vocal solo was rendered by Misc Bradshaw, and a remit dealing with airundments in the Mental Hospitals’ Act was passed to be forwarded to the Annual Convention for consideration. The Secretary was requested to sand a letter of »ympathv, on behalf of the Union, to Mrs Lee-Ctowle, for the death of her husband that took place recently. \\ \\t. \m i » BNTiU Fi Irwtn in the chair. Mr* Wilson appointed local Superintendent of the Social, Moral and Hygiene Department. Decided to semi n delegate to Convention. Letters of indolence to he sent to Mrs Sutton on tl*e death of her husband, and to the friends of the late Mrs Barron. An interesting address on the “Working of Prohibition in America,’’ was given by Mr* Rutter. Mr* Moreton was thanked for her kindness in holding a Garden meeting m January, when Mrs Rutter gave an n< -mint of her experience* in the Stat.-s. I>eHde I to send * ople« of remits, to !»» considered at Convention, to all members who do rot pul»w-ril>e to the White Ribbon. Tlic Bring and Rny Stall |« to Ik* comtlnu**d this year, and the funds raised from It are to bo usel for the work of the local Union.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 403, 18 February 1929, Page 11

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 403, 18 February 1929, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 403, 18 February 1929, Page 11