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News of the Union.

Please take note: 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each month. 2. They should be short. Don’t report routine business. Do report all new plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only on one side of the paper. BRANCH REPORTS. CHRISTCHURCH. May 9. Peace Day, Mrw Adkins presiding. Misses Thomas, White and Arcus apjtolnted to attend 2nd Birthday of New Brighton Unior.. I>erlded to be represented in Jubilee Procession. Rev. A. H. Aehlson gave an address on “Peace,” and took n most hopeful outlook of a future world's peace. Heart> Note of tlmnks to speaker. Afternoon tea. May 16. Pay-Up Social and Bring and Huy Sale*. Mrs Taylor, Dominion President, gave an interesting account of her recent tour in the North Island. A number of songs, musical Items and recitations, were rendered. 2xs. added to the fund. Sup|ier served. NAPIER. June 6. A busy afternoon. Devotions l>> Mrs Rupecht, of Taradale. Vote of syin pathv to fatnly of late Mrs Stevens. Resolutions passed at Convention were read. Home meetings to he held first a* Napier South. Mm Brooklehurst to he speaker. Decided to obtain Information re forming L.T.b. Mrs Saunders appointed Supt. of Prison Dept. Work. I tedded to have Bring and Buy table at every meeting for the Organising Fund.

HAVELOCK NORTH. May 25 dood attendance, nnv new nicii.J l*er. Subject taken h> President toil devotiou* was, Abundant Life in Christ. Vote of < (indolence passed, and letter o' sympathy to be sent to Mrs Paul in hibereavement. Scientific Fact. “Effect of Alcohol on Nerves.” Decided to ask a lonj minister to speak on "Bible in Schools'' an! extracts were read from the report < Director of Education re the same. Literature distributed. LAW HENCE. May 2V. Mrs Dow presided. Motion o: -sympathy with Mrs Kdie, out President, n. her trouMe, and Mrs Hay in her illnt-.v-Resolved, itt e\ent of Mrs Dou leaving shortl for Timaru, to elect Mrs Haworth us Vice President. Two new members. Pn|>cr r« ;m o*n “Toll of Motor." HENDERSON. May 30. Special meeting, Mrs Platt pn sided. Pise us-ion re donation to OrKunisiia Pund. Decided to try voluntary eontribu tions, if that falls short, a liring and Huy Afternoon. Mrs Vearbury to he Cradle RoJ Superintendent. Mrs Haythorne Thwaitvs t lie our Look Out member. While Riblxi Day to be held next month, Mrs Benfel *o l>e asked t• * speak. Pay-Up Social to hi held in July. PEACE DAY. May. The Miramar and the Welliiigtm Unions united. Prayer meeting and a interesting address l»\ Rev. John A. Allan Good attendance of members and friend After a short service of hynuiH and prayer the reverend gentleinani spoke on “Peace. Some sacred songs were rendered, and after noon tea was served. The following re so lu tion passed by the Annual W.C.T.I Convention wn unanimously endorsed : “Tlr, Convention of the N.Z.W.C.T.I*. re-alTirnc its belief thut tin* present system of Com pulsory Military Training is the main rau of the existence of the military spirit manifested in the community, especially ii the minds of the young, and constitutes tin greatest hindrance to the cause of pea*« It would therefore urge its brunches and it individual members to use all their influeiu i end to work unceasingly for tin* abolitioi of the same, and for the institution of ; system of compulsory physical tralnmg it its place.” The usual monthly meeting o the Miramar 1 Hion was held recently, wliei an excellent rej>ort was given of the recent Convention heM in Napier, by the delegate Mrs G. Horry; and other business of loeu interest was done. \Y AICKir, May 25. Meeting held in Woslcy Hall addressed by Miss c. M. Mrl,:iy, “Y Orcminser, when it was unanimously agree* that a local branch he formed. The foi low Wig otTlcers were elected:- President, Mi IVnwick. Whirl Whiri; Vice-Presidents. Mr Neal amt Mrs Speer; Secretary, Mi.-' *"lihlmere; Treasurer, Miss K. Blake. AKA AKA. May 31. New branch formed hy Miss C M. Mi lay at a meeting held in the <'hurch. The following otficers were elected: —Tresiilent. Mis Anderson; Secretary, Mrs KiJston Hull; Treasurer, Miss Sliukar; W.R. Agent. Miss M. Sedgwick; Cradle Roll Hupt..‘ Mrs Anderson. HAWERA. May 25 Fair number present, Mrs Exley presided. “Pea » * *ay" being observed. Mr Dili n*:id a very interesting paper, after which several members engaged in prayer for peace. An invitation to- he present «t the official opening ot the Seamen's Best at New Plymouth, was rec eived. Mrs Hurrell extended an invitation to hold the June meeting at her home, when garments would lie received for the Willard Home. STRATFORD. May 25. Mrs Fawcett in the * hair. A letter was received from Mrs Cook. Auckland. re Hlhle In Schools. Our Chairwoman then drew the attention of the members to the program me of meetings to lie held, on page tlx* 1 of the "White Ribbon. ’ A social was arranged to coinmcmnraL “White Ribbon 1 *aX Mmitlilx tea for Public Hospital .•irmnged for.

WAITAKA. May 3 A .social was held for the iiiotlur* and children of the Cnullv Roll. Mrs X. Jones gave a tulk on "The Origin and Aims of the W.C.T.L’.,” and an interesting read mg oil "Cheerfulness in the liome and the Tolly of Worry.*" Mrs Oil leap ie Nang, and afternoon tea was liaiultil round to u good company of guests; an enjoyable afternoon was spent. May 18. Mrs Clayton in tlie chair; lYu<*Day. Reading from "White Ribbon" a*.id special prayers. Decided to arrange Bible in Schools meeting, if we can have a speaker. Plans discussed for a social to raise funds. One new member, and one friend nwawa one new member, and one promised ;übc riber to “White lhbbon." MORUI ED. May 1&. Fair attendance. A discussion re 1 lonic meetings. lX*eided to begin them alter District Convention. De* uied that tile June meeting be held in the eo-ning, to try mid net more mothers to come out. The tlel**ate to Conference gave u most interesting and comprehensive detail of all tin* different sections of the work that was discussed during their sitting at Napier, and impressed upon us tin* need of passing on the information to those who were not familiar with the great work that lies ahead. WAIPAWA. May 23. Mrs Hooper presided, interesting meeting, Report of Convention read by the delegate, Mrs Hibby. Discussion on report. Ili-Hig and Buy principle to be adopted at our meetings, and the Christmas efbering for Willard Home to be introduced at Band of Hope. LOWER HITT May 23. President, Mra Anderson, In tin* chair; sixteen members present, two members from other INiions welcomed to our ranks, and three visitors were Initiated ns members. lH*cided to forward our quota for the Organising Fund Immediately. TinSecretary reported briefly on the recent District Executive held at Jolmsonville. The Treasurer reported that the amount received from tile recent Cuke Sale was If* 3s. 3d. Afternoon tea was served, after which Mrs K. Heyes gave an inspiring paper entitled. •Mothers," which was much appreciated by all. A Scientific Fast was stated, condemning the use of stout by nursing mothers. ASHBURTON. June ft. < *ur White Ribbon Day proved very successful. Mrs Ensign Moore presid* tl. ifood attendance. A number of extra* d More reiul. showing the opinion of many of the ton*l tag athletes of to-dav. regarding the use of alcohol. Letters of cheer and empathy were directed to l»e sent to Mrs .1. Moore, and Mrs K. Taylor hi illness. Dominion Superintendent of Bible in School: Department, wrote urging Unions to impress upon M.P's. the need of Bible instruction in Primary as well as Secondary Schools. ,\ lit arty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs .1. Thompson for wreath placed on Soldiers* Memorial at the unveiling ceremony. I ** ’- cided to send letter to Mrs T. E. Taylor, delegate to Honolulu, conveying best wishes for a pleasant trip nml safe return. Invitation received to attend First Anniversary* Celebrations of Y. Branch. Decided to accept with thanks. Welcome extended to Mrs J. H, IVnt, of Christchurch, and greeting forwarded. Paper **i "White Ribbon I lay" read by W.R. Agent, and much enjoyed. Tea was served, and opportunity afforded HUbscrll>eni to pay their dues. Two new subscribers gained, and <sie new member enrolled. Pleasure expressed at once more having Mrs W. H. Robinson with us. Closed with Benediction. May 17. A very successful •‘Drawingroom’’ nt residence of Mrs Saunders. V **}- come extended to Mrs W. Grig*. late Blenheim Union. Musical Items ami address b> Rev Grundy, India, on "Work Among I-ej «rs.'‘ Peace Day recognised. Dainty afternoon tea served by hostess. Vote of thank* to speaker, performers and hostess. WA ICEFIELD. June <5. Letters from Mrs Perynian ami .Miss M. P. Low 11-Sniitli were read ami discussed. Special meeting arranged for White Ribbon Day. Decided to have a Bring an I Puv Sale at each meeting to help

Organising Fund. Our first little attempt to-day with eight members present, was 11h 2d. Devotional exercises. om* new member initiated. Afternoon tea. TIMARU. May 14. Peace 1 hi> prayer meeting, meeting not very large, hut very inspiring. Extracts from White Ribbon read. Hliort address by Mrs Leov, "Devotions and Prayers for Peace among the Nations of t InWorld.’" £8 Cm. handed in to S.c. Executive for Campaign Fund. May 2y. Bring nml Buy Afteiiio<vi, opened with devotions and an appeal by Mrs Norrie to the women present to won. harder than ever for the abolition of the drink traffic. Musical li»mn r*v.d* r«-«l 1•> Mi slaincK Butcher, Martin, M< i’le .lran ami Wntson and Miss McKay, Dili h • i.J«*y« B. £l3 raised for Union funds DUNEDIN. May (». At Mrs Horn's I enidrn**'. Gl»n Road. Mrs lliett gi.\e m. int« i< stiin- talk about Convention. Mrs Vo Her sang a <*i<> affUl afternoon lea wan served. Collection for Organising Fund, 12s May 31. Mrs H. C. <*am|‘ht-!l r;i\i an Afternoon st her home, Maori Hr., when about 30 ladies were pre.-mt. Mrs Met! spoke on "Tlo Effect of Alcohol on tli • Human System.’’ Musical items wen- fciven l>y Mrs H. (', Camphell, piano solo and piano duet; Mrs Campbell and Mr Little

:iii<l Mi km Molly Campbell Kang. Afternoon tea was nerved, and a colleet ion was Ink* a up for the Organising Fund, 3l». 3d. .linn* f>. A good Attendance of nieinbv* s. Mrs IDett gave an interesting talk on the Convention. A resolution was passed, asking that a woman Censor of Fh-ture Films he ap|»oiiiteil. Itecidetl to hold *.i«*xt meeting (White Rilihoti I ray) in the evening, and asU th*> V. members. One new member Joined. M AUNGATURtm >. May 23. Very mn-eewful Pay-Ip nuvting held. Two new membent also two iiieinbt-rs re-joined. Pledge repented. Is-tter received from Mrs .luilmoii i*■ l*ea«e mrvtin Ha* ii member agn-ed to privy for iVa* *-, an.l d<> everything to promote IVacv in tin* world. Paper for White Ribbon Ihiy »-♦•« .v«,; from Mrs iviynan. Letter from MP- M* - Lav, offering to pay us a vis t on June 20th. accepted with great pleasure. Dented to R H i of Hop** Jim*? 22nd. I’ON SON H\ . Max 17. Mrs Lee-Cow ie presided, good attendance. Mrs ll tyr reported arrangements made for *»*ir Branch to invite the District Convention, to lie held in W«*s! Street < ’lull' ll ! >eeide*l to hold a Hr'.id an** Huy Hale at caeh meeting, in aid <>f t!»<• Dominion Organising Fund. The afternoon was d**\oted to sliort talks hv mvnibei-s, about six member* taking part.

SHEFFIELD. May 17. Mrs Withefonl presided, fair attendance. Mrs Witheford save an interesting address. Decided to hold Drawingrooni meeting* during tlie coming month, Mis« Henderson lias kindly consented to address the meetings. Afternoon ten was dispensed. OXFORD. May 1 * Peace Day celebrated. Appropriate hvums sung and intercession for peace among the nations. Helpful address by Rev. A. Batinerman, land u duet by Mesdames Baxter and Turner. W ARK WORTH. May 21. Peace Day. Rev. Hook spoke as iiis motto, “There is something higher than Patriotism.” Rev. Yule dwelt on the personal aspect of Peace. Rev. Marrs’ subject was, "What Can we do to Promote Peace.’ Mrs Dan sang, ‘The Peace of God,"’ and ltev. Yule, “Peace, Wonderful Peace.’’ Resolved, “That further work in connection with the League of Nations Union in Warkworth, be left in tlie hands of the local Ministers.” Afternoon tea served. INGLEWOOD. Special meeting to hear delegate's report of Convention, which was enjoyed by all. On May 30th, special meeting; local Ministers gave addresses cm “Bible In Schools." Resolution passed, asking our M.P. to do all in his i>ower to carry Bible in Schools Bill. Resolved to make an effort to secure Bible lessons by local clergy in our schools. Solo sung by Miss M. Young, and violin solo by Miss Leach was encored. Aftermoon tea served. HIKURANGI. •Tune 7. A well-attended meeting was held in the Methodist Church, presided over by Mrs Goodall and Mrs Hills, President and Secretary of the Wh&ngarei Branch. After he usual devotional exercises, and a few well-chosen remarks by Mrs Good! 11, Miss A. M. McLay, Organiser, set forth briefly the Aims a-nd Objects of the W.C.T.U. After a good deal of discussion, it was decided to form a branch. Ten members were initiated, and the following officers appointed:—Pres., Mrs Hawkins; Vice-Pres., Mrs Burton, Presbyterian Manse; Sec., Mrs Norman; Treas., Mrs Henderson; t'.R Supt., Mrs 1.. Miller. Meetings to be held in the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches alternately, on 2nd Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m. Mr Grey, Methodist Horne Missioner, closed the meeting \> :’ii prayer, after which afternoon tee was served by two of the Methodist ladies. OTAHUHU. JtMt 7. Si endld gathering of members end fri *nds. n response to an appeal, two new White Ribbon subscribers. Nurse Jones gave a splencid address on “The Work of Ht. John’s \mhulance Round Auckland Suburbs,” nr d showed how lack of funds hindered the extension of the work. Afternoon tea. One new member. WE El >ONS-TEMPLETON. June 5. Good attendance, and a very interesting afternoon was spent listening to an address from Mrs T. E. Taylor. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to her at the close, and afternoon tea was dispensed by tin* Templeto*i ladies. Arrangements were made for the Bring and Buy Afternoon, to he held on the second Tuesday in July. MABTERTON. June 7. Excellent attendance of members and friends—over sixty present. Special welcome to Miss McOorkindale, who, in her address, dealt particularly with tlie prayer* of the human race, and showed how through the discussions of scientific and medical men, the beverage use of alcohol is now regarded merely as an old custom and prejudice that must la* abolished. A hearty vote of tlucnks was pasaed to Miss McGorkindale. Arrangements for an At Home meeting. to be held lit the residence of Mrs Rows**, Lnndsriowne, on June 14th, were made. FEILDING. June 7. Chair taken by Mrs Hughe.-. For some time members have been bringing articles for sale to the meetings. The Treasurer reported a fair sum already in hand.

Resolved to co-operate with the Ministers' Association in connection with the Bible in Schools Movement, when we hope to arrange a public meeting at an early date. Reference was made to sick members, also an expression of regret at the impending departure of Mrs Miller from FeUding. Mrs Kendal spoke briefly on the need for greater faith in God. A paper <«i “The Power of the Press,” very kindly sent by Mrs Peryman, was read by Mrs Mc Intyre. WAIPTKURAIT. Mar. 6. This meeting was specially appointed for collecting all White Ribbon subscriptions; social form, good attendance of members. Mrs Gilchrist, W.R. Agent, present, and endeavoured to procure fresh subscribers; all present already subscribers. Miss Faugh ley read paper, “Power of the Press,” also contributed much-appreciated song. An instructive as well as interesting Competition was won by Mrs Robinson. Miss Caughley generously provided dainty prize for same. Discussion on Bible in Schools, all present expressing thejr opinion that It was better for Clergymen ’to undertake the work, as many teachers would no doubt be very indifferent about the lessons. Supper was handed round. Miss Burdet presided at meeting. PLEASANT POINT. May 16. Pay-l T p Social, Mrs Bong, our District President, presided over a good attendance, and ga*."v us a very interesting and helpful address. Mrs McNeur warmly thanked her for coming and giving such an inspiring address. Mrs Bishop sang a solo, much appreciated. Decided to contribute £3 towards the Timaru Executive Fund. Our Union has a membership of forty-two. Our Cradle Roll hns a membership of eighty. Afternoon tea. WANGANUI. June 7. Mrs Irwin presided. The offer of Mrs Ki"ks to provide afternoon tea at the July m.cting was heartily accepted. At this meeting, a p eper on “The White Ribbon” will be read. A collection v/ill lie taken towards the Organising Fund. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mr Smith in the loss of his wife, who was at om* time a President of this Branch. Reported that a parcel of clothing had been received during the month, and had been distributed. Arrangements are well In hand for the visit of Miss McCorkindale, who Is expected on the “ 1M '• i-t DANNEVIRKE. May. Our meeting took the form of a Pay-Up Social Afternoon. Miss Heaton presiding, 13 members present. Miss Heaton rend the l*omfcilon Convention address, which was listened too with great interest. Afternoon tea handed round. TAPAROA. May 11. Miss J. llaines presided. A short reading on "Medlcnl Science” was given by Miss .1. Cliff. Miss McLay gave a splendid address; every member was helped hv her encouraging words, not only in our work, but spiritually, our hearts being filled with enthusiasm for “God, Home and Humanity.” Three new members. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Miss McLay. RVNANOA. May. Opened with prayer and singing of hymns. President, Mrs Robertson, In chair. Mrs Kae read a passage from Mrs Taylor’s address at the Convention, which was very helpful indeed. OWAKA. May 9. Small meeting, owing to school holidays. Mrs Ryley presided. Paper bv Miss Campbell on “Importance of Women Acting on Committees and Institutions, Affecting the Welfare of Women and Children.” followed by Interesting comments hv President. Four new country members enrolled. GERALDINE May 15. Mrs Neutze read report of Convention. Musical items by Mesdames Cow iv. l’rattley, and Miss Mom ur. GRANITY. May. Small attendance due to wet weather and much sickness bn the district. In the absence of our President (also on the

sick list) Rev. Robinson occupied the chair. He gave a very interesting and instructive address on “Good Citizenship,” which was greatly appreciated by ull. PETC >NE. May 1. President presiding. Mrs Murg.itroyd and Mrs Cole delegates to Dlstnn Executive at Johusonvillc. An item on ‘‘Scientific Temperance,” was read by Mrs Young. Reiiort of delegate for Ix>wer Hutt (which was kindly lent to us) was read, iwnl very much appreciated. One new member. May 16. A very profitable Bring and Buy Afternoon. Splendid collection of very useful articles by members and friends. Everything was disposed of, and a few mop* pounds added to our funds. A short hut very goo l programme was rendered. Mesdanies Holroyd and Jones gave recitations, also Master Leslie. Mrs Jensen, song, accompanied by Mrs Jones with the Auto Harp. Afternoon tea was provided for a charge of 6d. One new member for our Union. May 17. President and Secretary attended District Executive meeting, held at Johnsonvllle. OPOTIKL We have been favoured with a visit from Mrs Taylor (Dominion President) who gave a very forceful address to approximately 100 women. Rev. D. Hird led in prayer, and Rev. T. Bkuse sang, whilst the chair was taken by Hon. J. B. Gow. Thrve women were initiated as members. Also Miss Brad ♦diaw has visited us atul addressed several meetings; her sweet singling was much enjoyed. As a result of her visit, quite a number of women joined the Union, and four new subscribers for White Ribbon were also secured. Band of Hope meetings have* been again organised for the winter months. Rev. Mr Cox has also visited Opotiki, anti spoke briefly at otic of our meetings. 1.1 N< ’OLN-BPRINGBTON. May 17. Presided over by Mr* Kline Extracts from the White Ribbon on the "Evil Effec ts of Strong Drink” was road, after which the President read a paper on the Convention, written by Mrs Richards, of Christchurch. The attendance was fair. May 15. Mrs Kims presiding over a fair attendance. The subjects for the day were “Peace Day” and “The Aims and Objects of the W.C.T.U. 1 " One new Y. joined, the President reading the Initiatory Service. Resolved to ask a speaker for our June meeting. Afternoon tea dispensed by V members. PAEROA. May 17. The President, Mrs Hubbard, in the chair; fifteen members present. In view of the business transacted, it was decided to defer receiving the Secretary’s report of tin Dominion Convention until next meeting Resolved to arrange* for united prayer meeting, In connection • with Bible in Schools Movement on May 26th. Letter received, asking the branch’s help to strengthen the fund for maintaining the work of the Organisers. Resolved to send £2 9s. lid., on the basis of Is. 6d. per member. WAIROA. May 8. Miss Ja<kson presided. Mrs Macdonald reported gaining forty new names for Cradle Roll and eight adult members Treasurer’s report received. Mas Macdonald sang. "Some Glad lkiy.” We now have thirty members, and the enthusiasm is grow ing. M ILLKRTON. This branch has held three meetings; all have been interesting. The use of Rcchuliite Hall lias been granted us free of charge. We hope to c».iroll more members next meeting. RIVERTON. May 8. Arrangements made for District Quarterly Meeting, to be liebl here on last Wedne day of the* month. Decided to start a Prayer Circle, to be held fortnightly. Mrs Gray reported that, although over lho invit i tions Inn been posted to young people, only six were present at Mr Hodder’s meeting Tills was due to exceptionally storinv, wet weather. A second attempt to form a branch of Y.M.A.A. will lie made later. Members accepted invitation to attend W.E.A. next

week, when Mr Cruikshanks, S.M., wll] speak on "League of Nation*.” DAROAVILLE. May 10. A visit from Mfss Mclay. who jfave a most interesting address; all enjoyed it, and were benefit ted by it. May 15- Well-attended meeting at residence of Mrs Noble. Mr* Page in the chair. Deeply regret having to accept resignation of our President, Mrs Hodges, who is removing to another district. Decided to have a Bring and Buy Hnle at Mrs Wordsworth's, and also to hold Home meetings. Mrs Page elected President. Afternoon tea provided by Mrs Noble. RANGIPRA. May 25. Mrs Tliwaltes presided, large attendance. The President reported that a very successful Home meeting, at which Miss Henderson was the speaker, had been held. As ‘TVa/'e I>ay“ Is celebrated In May, the Secretary read extracts from the White Ribbon, and from a paper on the ‘‘League of Nation*.” ARATAPU-TE KOPURTT May 8. President in the chair. Sixte«*i jt members present. Resolved that a letter of appreciation he sent to Mrs Hodges, Huntly, for her services while residing in the district. Miss McLay (Y. Organiser) welcomed, and afterwards guve n stirring address, allowing the cost to the State cf the feebleminded. One new member Initiated, in the evening, a pleasant time was spent by the members. Mis< McLay being tlie speaker, was successful in forming a Y. Branch. During the evening, Mrs and Miss Rope gave some musical items, which were much enjoyed. Supper was served. Peace Day. Meeting held at Mrs Morgan’s residence, Aratapu; nineteen member* present. including four members of the newlyformed Y. Braneh. Miss Cullen gave a splendid paper on “Peace,” followed bv an address by Mrs Arnold. Mrs Arnold also read a poem on “The Bar,” which vnis enjoyed by all. The Secretary read an extract from the White Ribbon, showing tin* work of the League of Nntions. Three new members initiated, Mrs Morgan kindly dispensing afternoon tea. A vote of thanks to Mrs Morgan, was carried unanimously. FENOOURT. May 10. Mrs Simpson presided, good attendance. Mrs Jones' report of Convention was very impressive, and she urged that we should pray more this year, and earnestly ask God’s help In the work for which we are fighting, an it is polling year. One new member initiated: membership now twenty, including one honorary member. Afternoon tea was served. Thanks to Mrs Jones for her helpful address. N.E. VALLEY. May. A good attendance of member*. Mr To.ld’s address was interesting and helpful, and was listened to with great attention. \ very hearty vote of thantes was passed, and the wish expressed by all that Mr and Mrs Todd would have a very pleasant holiday, and that on their return. Mr Todd would have a successful campaign at the forthcoming election, both in regard to his candidature for the Wakatipu Seat ami for Prohibition. Collection for the General Fund, took the form of a free-will offering, the result being very satisfactory. One new member was Initiated. KAIAPOI. May 30. President. Mrs Vickery, in the chair. Very good attendance. Miss Oainsford gave an instructive and inspiring address. The Home meeting* held at Mewdame* Blackwell's. Stanton's and Barnard's, were re|*orted to have been well-attended, and should have a good influence for the Temperance Cause. The members were asked to attend the Householders’ meeting, to support thc*ladies nominated for the School Committee. A vote of xvmpathy was passed with the relative* of an old member, Mrs Ashby, who has just passed away, also with Mrs Stewart in her sickness, CARTERTON. Mav 25 to 28, Miss Kirk visited us. and s !>okp at six Home meetings, ns n result of

which we gained 13 new members. On Sunday afternoon, Miss Kirk gave a very interesting talk to the combined Bibie Classes and other girls on the "Borstal Institute, and the causes that lead to girls being detained there.” Miss Kirk aiso addressed an After-Church Rally in the Anglican Churra. There was a very good attendance, and those assembled w re asked to use their vote, prayerfully and thoroughly, for the sake of the children who are witli us now, ami for those who are coming on in a long line. June fi. Mrs Every presided, attendance fourteen. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Kitchen in the death of her husband. A letter was read from Mrs IVryman, in reference to White Ribbon Day. It was arranged to place a copy of the White Ribbon in the Library aiul Inn-tors’ waiting rooms, also in the Railway box. Arrangements were iimde to supply the refreshments at the District Convention of the Alliance on June 9th. The pamphlet, “Is Alcohol a Stimulant," wA* read for the Temperunce Fact. Mrs Every read the paper, "The Powers of the Press,’ which was much enjoyed by all. Aftemcon tea, was served, the hostesses being Meadames Cotter and Tankersley. PALMERSTON NORTH. June 1. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent with the babies and young children belonging to the Cradle Roll. Quite a number of bonny ch.ldren came along with their mothers to St. Andrew’’* Schoolroom. After devotions, led by Mrs Ritchie. Mrs Blndsall gave a brief account of the opening of Willard Home. Four new members were initiated. A dainty afternoon tea was much enjoyed. The children were entertained with songs, recitations and games. The Benediction closed tlie meeting, and all went home very happy. BLENHEIM. Juno 5. Good attendance, Mrs Smith in chair. Devotions by Mrs Stockwell. Mrs Peryman’s letter re “White Ribbon" read. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs White ford in the death of her mother, Mrs Lanyon. who was a member of the Union. Members urged to attend Bible in Schools meeting. Instructive pajier by Mr* W, Jackson on, “Evils of Strong Drink,” was read. Two new’ members. RICCARTON. May 8. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs Barren’s. Good attendance, including several non-members. Musical aiul elocutionary items rendered by the follow ing:—Mesdames Bright mg, Edginton, Larsen. Harrell, Hay, and Misses Johnstone, Trenberth ami Jackson. Mrs McCombs gave an interesting address, speaking of her work In the Children's Aid Society. Mrs Harrell spoke of the successful work done by Mrs McLean, White Ribbon Agent, who lias twice in succession come second in the Dominion for obtaining White Ribbon subscribers. One new sutcscriber to White Ribbon. May 17. Attendance fair. Mrs Barrel! presided. Letter sent to Rev. H. Nelson Wright, who has left the district, thanking him for Bible lessons he had given in Wharenul School. Letter from Mrs Cook, Dominion Superintendent Bible in Schools, re public meeting, to consider further into Bible in Schools question. Being Peace and Arbitration I>ay, Mr Johnstone. Treasurer of League of Nations Union, spoke on “Peace in Relation to China.” Address was highly interesting, and several questions were asked. Hearty vote of thanks passed to tire speaker. LINWOOI). May 29. Good attendance. Mrs Richards presided. Mrs Mackie read the Scientific Fact on "Alcohol and Respiration." The Dominion President. Mrs Taylor, f , an inspiring address on “AJcohol, a Racial Poison.” Solos rendered by Mrs Coates and the Misses Anderson and Steel, Mrs Snell acting as accompanist. Six new members Initiated, and one received by transfer Mrs Taylor’s visit greatly stimulated us all. A dainty afternoon tea was served, OTAKI. May 9. Miss Lee presided, fair attendance. Permission to use the Railway Churchroom for the ordinary meeting*, was granted by the Rev. t 3. K. Moir. The Secretary was

Instructed to convey members’ sinc ere thanks to Mr Moir. Several members expressed keen appreciation of the fine effort of .he Women's Division of the Farmers' Union to clear the debt ofT tho Memorial Ground's Rest Room, and to provide suitable equipment, In order to make the place of real service to the women of this town and district. Unanimously decided to forward a donation to Rest Room Fund. Scientific reading. “The Danger of Alcohol in Emergencies.” Mrs Valter Taylor read Dominion President’s address to the annual Convention. The earnestly-expressed hope that the Convention might prove a season of rich blessing and gracious uplift to all members present or absent ha* surely been fulfilled, and to thousands of Union members. It will have proved the opening of a fresh realisation of the nobility of our aim* and of the worthwhlienees* of the i>nrt we are permitted to play in the uplift of life around us. Preliminary arrangements were made for June meeting, when Mrs Pery man will give an address. RAETIHI. Good attendance, Mrs Griffin in the chair. White Ribbon Day. An extract from our paper was read by Mrs Ford. Mrs Stanley read a paper by our Editress, Mrs Pervman. called "The Power of the Press.” An urgent appeal for subscribers to our paper, and the necessity for a copy to he in tho hands of every member. Mrs Griffin also urged the claims of the “White Ribbon.” Two new members. RAI VALLEY. May 2. Meeting held In Carluke Church, small attendance. Our Convention delegate, Mrs Leov, rend an Interesting report of her vjsjt tO Napier Docldod t<> try and lie,].l mOTO Home meetings du,ing this war, and at Mrs Neal's invitation, the next meeting was fixed for her home. May 22. A fair number of members assembled at Mrs Neal's residence for our first Home meeting The Convention report wa* read for the benefit of those members who were not present at our last meeting. Members decided to hold a Cake Stall on the football ground on the following Saturday, to help the funds. Three new members were Initiated. Mrs Neal handed round a dainty supper at the conclusion of the evening. Cake Stall realised 235. 7d. NEW PLYMOUTH. May 21. Pence Day, twenty-four present. Prayers for peace between all nations offered. Rev. Robert, of St. Aubyn Methodist Cubrch, gave an address on "Pence and How to Procure it.” A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the speaker. Mav 30. A silent vote of sympathy wa* passed (standing) to Mr S. Whit ham and Miss King. Mrs Jemison read some interesting Temperance Facts, one being. “That at a large Public Function In Johannesburg. Toasts were Honoured in Ten instead of Wine.” Report of SeAmen’s Rest, noted that 935 visits had been paid to the Rest during the month. A letter of thanks was sent to Mrs Rixon for her co-operation in helping with the official opening of the Rest. Offers of help towards the Rest were received. HOKITIKA. June. President (Mrs Lynn) presided. Good attendance, one new member. Paper for White Ribbon I>av, "The Power of the Press.” was read by Mrs H. Park. May 29th, Mr Maurice Hodder, M.A., Organiser for the "Youth Movement Agaknst Alcoholism.” visited Hokitika. Had a social over 100 present. At the close of his address, supper was served by the ladies of the local W.C.T.U. Several present consented to net on Committee for organising a branch. THAMES May 2. Mrs Heard presided, siine ladies present. Our President's resignation accepted with much regret. Mrs Richmond elected President. Mrs Heard gave a talk on “Prawr.” June 6. Mrs Richmond presided, eleven ladies present. Permission to he asked to place "White Ribbon"' in the Public Library. Proposed that fl be sent to the Organising Fund. Paper on “White Ribbon

I'ity" iea<l. Two new ttubiMTiben obtained. Two now mem her* received. KUMEI'. May 9. Oniy fair attendant®; President, Mrs Davies, in tlie chair. Discussed what practical work our Branch could take up, and it wns decided in the meantime to write to the Willard Home and find out particular* of their work and how beat we could help them. Also left for the President to try and arrange an afternoon before our next meeting for us to visit River head (outlying district from Kumeu) and try and obtain more members for our Branch. One new member was ttn*n initiated, and after the Benediction, afternoon ton was dispensed. NEW BRIGHTON. May 17. Well-attended, presided over b> Vila 11. Hall. Hotter of sympathy to Mrs Merrick, who is seriously ill, also to Mi D. G , m appreciation of his help and sup port in the Temperance work. Members answered the roll call by giving newspaper • utting on favourite quotations. The Visiting Committee reported having visited a number of sick and aged members during the month. The Treasurer’s balance-sheet showed a credit balance, and it was decided to hold a Jumble Sale to augment the funds Three new members initiated. The President reported that a successful Home meeting had been held during the month at Mrs \V. Hooker’s residence, when a very fine address had been given by Mrs McKenzie (Christchurch!. Musical items were giwn. and afternoon tea dispensed by the hostess. Hearty votes of thanks were aecorded Mr> McKenzie and Mrs Hooker. < >is“ member init lilted. May 21. The annual Peace Day meeting was held in the Oasis Tea Rooms, and Mrs liall presided o\er a good attendance. Miss llurbend led the devotions, and Mr iMmsld Grant. Secretary Christian Students' Movement, gave a very fitting address. The memtsTS were especially interested in Mr Grant’s talk, and several askisl questions at its conclusion. May 23. Another Home meeting at Mrs Mrllroy’s home, Aranui. when Mrs Rlchunh* i Christchurch) addressed the gathering, and was listened to wit It great interest Bongs were sum; by Mrs Mitchell, and afternoon tea served. Hour new members were initiated. MAKOTUHU. \pr. 17. Tlte President. Mrs Fothergill. hi t h> chair; attendance fair. Miss Heaton ably addressed the meeting, suggesting that ;• good motto for our Union would be “Watch Theiefore.'' Afternoon tea w as served at the i • laysd by dekMH - WL W.R.) May K. Meeting presided over by the Presided. Mis Kmale, of the Waipukurac I men, very kindly gave a report on the recent Convention. Unfortunately tlv» attendance was small, ow fcig to sickness and other reasons. Afternoon tea served nt the e|ose. HASTINGS. May 24. Mrs Banks (President) It. the chair. A motion of condolence passed to Mrs Paul on the death of her husband. <The late Mr R, Paul was a staunch supporter of the work of the W.C.T.U. In all its branches, and we sincerely mourn with Mrs Paul in tier bereavement). Scientific facts were read by six members (each member whs asked to bring Mrs parley read a comprehensive report of Convention, and was accorded the thanks of the meeting. Mrs Hlckmott read a devotional paper »*ntitl«*d. “First Tiling-.” Decided to hold a social gathering on Monday evening. .lube 11th. TAURANGA. May 21. A very bright and helpful mirthig for Peace and Arbitration, a good number of members ami visitors being preseiit. The chairman. Rev. Mr Smyth. ope*neo the meeting with prayer. This was followed by til* hearty singing of “There Shall be Showers of Blessing “ A thought-provoking address was given by Rev. Mr Brown. Mrs Christian and Mrs Castles sang two duels. Mrs Major Moore bst kn prayer. Afternoon ten was handed round. Rev. Mr Brown closed the meeting With prayer, and our President. Mis Smith, in n few well-chosen yvfivK thanked nil those who had In any

way contributed to the success of the meeting. SEDDON. May 3. Mrs Underhill, the District delegate td Convention, came from Blenheim to address our meeting. Her report was both interesting and instructive, and was very much appreciated by the members. One iiev member was Initiated. Mrs Kimberly dispensed afternoon tea. LEVIN. May 11. Good attendance, Mrs Cummins. President, in the chair. Mrs (Yncket lead a very interesthig paper on "P« v aee.“ The results of tlie Bring and Buy Sale were very satisfactory We thank one and all foi their kind help Slid assistance in this good chUm*. Two new members were uiitlxihsl. MT. ALBERT. May 10. An enjoyable afternoyn, when the Branch celebrated its lirst birthday. The ladies who commenced the work in Mt. Albert, Mrs Benfell, Mrs Williams and Mrs Kasper, were our guests, ntul there was a fair attendance of members. Mrs Bruce ju».sided. We were delightfully surprised to welcome Miss MeLay, and greatly helped by lu*r inspiring and interesting address. Mrs Glalster was appointed our representative on the National Council ot Women. After noon tea was served. «>NE H UNGA. May 10. A Bring and Buy Sale hold to raise funds for our work. Mrs Fulljitincs gave an interesting account of the Dominion Convention, giving us much toifornmtion and making a special plea for tlie Oiganiaiiig Fund; and that we endeavour to get the women to go and vote, also mfiuence the young people, who will vote for the first time at the coming election. Five ladies offered to canvass certain strut is for tin* Prohibition League. Members asked to attend Peace meeting in Auckland cm following Monday'. One new member initiated, and on* received oil transfer. The gifts were sold, while afternoon tea was served on tile platform, prettily decorated for the occasion. SOUTH DUNEDIN. May 10. Very good ittendanct Mrs Hinton presided and read the tkiotltiflc Fact, which was to tlie effect, “Alcohol is a Narcotic I *rug. not a nerve stimulant, and that It is e!ass**d with chloroform end ether by the Materia Medi<a.” Decided to hold Bring and Buy Sale next month. Some members had brought goods to the neeting to sell .i behalf of the Organising Fund, which helped it by a few shillings. A very cordial welcome was given to Mrs Adertnati, wife of the Church of Christ Minister, who had iust came from Australia, wht-r* she was associated with our Union. Our delegate (Miss Ford » then read a very full and comprehensive report of Convention. All present realised that a special effort must he made this year. PAPA NIT. May !♦. Mrs Simpson presided over a k<hsl attendance. To increase interest in the Temperance Movement, Home meetings had been arranged, tlie flint to take plate the following w t*ek i\i the Highsted Road Mission Hall, when Mrs T. K. Taylor would give an address. A motion of congratulation was passed on the election of four memlwis of the W.C.T.U. to the Waimairi School Committee. Reported that tlie Umted Band of Hope would shortly start. \rruugeiuent* were made for » Jumble S b . t<i h< held early isi June. \ motion of sympathy whs extended to Mrs flight m her illness, also to relatives of S ite Mrs (». Harris. Its raised by Bring and Buy Sale. BPREYDON. May 8. Mrs Burley prexided over fair attendance. Apologies of absence received from Mrs Allan. Mrs Petrie anil Mrs Workniiva. Motion of sympathy witli Mrs Nairn in the death of her hrother-ln-law. Re|>ort of Convention given by Mrs Nairn, most interesting and educative. Heartily thanked. Mi- II Burley elected White Ribbon Agent, in place of Mrs Woodcock, who has left district

BALFOUR. May n. lined attendance of mc|uh< l> an. friends. Mrs Fairbnirii, an inspiring amt fluent speaker, gave a report of Convention w liieli was of great interest. The President thanked the speaker. Mrs Siddill appointed Notable Days Superintendent. SOUTH INVERCARGILL. May. Members were impressed by the beautiful message of inspiration, givvn by Sister Janet at) lier recent travels to Britain. Africa, and India. Such a message must a > as a stimulus to Temperance workei Previous to Sister Janet’s address, a short social time was spent, during which Mis Lee played a pianoforte solo. Tlie resigna turn of Mrs Dewe was received with regret, and a record of her Work as Actin* Secretary was placed on the Minute 8001, Mrs Fair bairn. District President, gave short sketch of District Union’s work, an nouiicing that mt invitation had conic ire Riverton, hoping tlie next District Union mecPng would he held there. RYAL BUBH. May 2. Seven members present; the President, Mrs Wilson, occupied the cliau <*r*.ulle Roll Superintendent reported twelvt new names on Cradle Roll, making total o 136, also got three liew members for Union sold three badges, and <»ne lady gave a donation of 2s. 6d. Tlie President gave it an account of Convention. Afternoon t. was served. AUCKLAND. Ma S. Very good attendance, Mr. Cook presided. At Devotional meeting, Miss Paul, our Evangelistic Bupt.. gave some helpful messages from the Devotional meeting luj. at ( o.ivciit ion. Mr Stallworthy gn\ r e a most interest mg uudresa on “The Sunshine an.l Shadow of the T« mperance Work;” lie spoki of the wretkr.ire of lives cuumil by tin liquor truffle, .specially among the young women, am 1 urged all present to use tie great opportunity of this year to help to mould public opinion upon high ideals of life lie gave some interesting incidents in coii nectloti with his visit to U.S.A., on tin benefits of prohibition in tlie country. Mi Oook paid a tribute to the splendid s« evict Mr Stallworthy had rendered in all branrln of work for the benefit of the people. OA MARI'. May 14. lVace Day; a fair attendance on a wet day. Special hymns and prayers foi World Peace, anti pa|*er on the subject bv Mrs Hutchinson, which was mm b enjoyed A reading on the work til Australian W.C.T.U. among women in Mellstunie Gaol, bv Miss Cmvan. was instructive and witeresting 1 lecided that the Secretary rend letters ot svmpathy in Illness to Mrs Williamson ami Mrs Genge, also that two tielvgates shoiibl attend the New Zealand Allium t Annual Area meeting on June 4th. at T niaru. <V>J lection for District Funds aiuotinted t<» il WAIPUKURAU. May 9. Fair attendance, presided over b> Miss Burdett Ids uasion on “llow to nmki both Peace Day and White Ribbon Dav interesting and attractive." Decided on an afternoon meeting for “Peace Day,’* and a “White Ribbon Clippings Evening" - for White Ribbon Ikiy. each member to bring a clipping or clippings from a White Ribbon (any date' and »«> i ca<l it at the meeting. A small sum of money was raised by several member* paying 3d. for a cake recipe, this method to be continued whoever any special rec’pc was brought. "Peace Day" meeting held in afternoon, special prayers by President and other members, also helpful paper read on "Tin League of Nations." Although the meeting was not a lrmg one, each member went away feeling it had been good to he there. Masting closed with hymn 14k ami Benedict ion • OREYTOWN. May 29. Nine members present. Reoretnrv reported <«i District Executive meeting. Rev. Keali invited to attend meeting to help with suggestions for forming Y.P. Branch. Mr McKenzie to interview the Mayor and Depttiy Mayor re formation of branch to be failed. "Tlie Provincial Committee of Good Clfizeetship."

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 395, 18 June 1928, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 395, 18 June 1928, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 395, 18 June 1928, Page 8