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News of the Unions.

FENCOURT. Oct. 6. Mrs Simpson presided over a fair attendance. Decided to hold a "Tennis Day” with a Brknf and Huy Stall, on October 22nd. A collect ion to he taken up in aid of the Palmerston North Willard Home. Mian Norman was appointed delegate to the District Convention. TAKAIM’NA. Oct. Mrs Morgan lUcharda took tin* cluiir, and Mrs la*win, who was our representative to the Whangarel Conference, presented her report, which was a very good one and was well received. Mrs E scott, who came from England a short time ago, and was a member of the 8.W.T.U., gave a very nice little address, Deckled to hold a women's prayer meeting once a month at the house oi Mrs Mills; there was a fair attendance. TAUMARUNUI. The ordinary meeting was held on October 11th. Permission was obtained from the Railway Department to place a box for literature in the waiting room. The opening of the L.T.L. for the year was reported. October 18th, the branch held a special meeting to talk things over with the Dominion President. Plans for local work and the coming campaign were discussed, and several members took literature for distribution. Sister Alison reported on the supply of literature to road-making and bush camps. SYDENHAM. Oct. 5. Mrs Odell presiding; good attendance. Letter read re New Zealand Representative to Pan-Pacific Conference. Decided to hold Social Evening to try ami get new members. Miss McLay gave a very helpful and Inspiring address, and was tlnvoked. Decided to try and form a Y. Branch. One new member. Afternoon ten. OTAHITHU. Nov. 3. Mrs Greenwood presided over n large meeting. Mr I’uin kindly came ami gave us a talk on the Work hi the BackHlocks, which was most Interesting. We were grieved to hear that there are several people In the Rack-Blocks that have never seen a Bible. Mr Pain has come across cases In his travels. DUNEDIN. Oct. 4. At the District Executive meeting. Mrs Hutton was unanimously appointed District Treasurer. Nov. 1. Good attendance. Mrs P. Garden was welcomed as Treasurer ini place of Mrs Macartney. The Treasurer reported that f 1 7 7s. 7d. was in hand for the Organising Fund. l>ecidcd to respond to the appea’ of the New Zealand Alliance and assist In a week of Self-Denial. Mrs McLean read some quotations from nn article by Sir Frederick Treves, who said: "I assure you that there are some patients that I don’t mind operating upon, and some I do, hut the person of all others that I dread to see enter the operating theatre is the drinker. He is the most dangerous feature In connection with surgical life.” Ah the Union is reH|»on»ible for tlie Green Island Band of Hope, the members were delighted to hear that the band had had a most successful session; pledges were taken at every meeting, and the attendance some nights were as many as {*o At the close, flowers and produce Were ieii sale for the Campaign Funds. NOATIMATI. No*. 2. At St. James’s Sunday School; Mrs T. Haycock in the chair. The attendance was small, but very Interested in the address given by Miss McLav. One new * icmoer was admitted Into the Un'on. Miss I Strachan was appointed Supei intendent of the Cradle Roll Department. TKMT'KA Nov 4. Large attendance of members and friends; Mrs Tllbrook conducted tbe ine**t !r .ig The annual reports were read and adonted. and the election of officers for year 192*. took place :ih follows: —President, Mrs Ti 1 - hrook; Vice-Presidents. Mesdancs Rrown. Cooper, Whitehead. Hew-son and Elder: Secretary. Mrs P.lackmore; Treasurer, Miss Greaves; W.R. Superintendent, Mrs Wilson; Press Steward. Miss Myra Elder; Maori Mis-

sion Work, Mesd&mes Hewson and Elder; Rest Room Suiierintemlemt, Mrs Gibb. A vote of thunks was passed to all retiring officers. Miss Mamie Ellis and M'ss E. Bryan contributed musical items. Adjutant and Mrs Gibson, of the Salvation Army Chinese Mission, gave a very interesting talk about the women and children of China, the Adjutant ulso showing some curios. The friends were then the guests of the Secretary to afternoon tea. WANGANUI CENTRAL. Nov. 4. Final arrangements made for Monday Night Tea for young people, with a view to forming a Young People's Club. That meeting was held on the ?th; Miss Bradshaw addressed the gathering during the tea hour. A Committee was formed irom those present, to arrange future plans A Young People's Club has been formed at Waveriy, also an L.T.L. Reported at our Thursday meeting that 15 new members were Joining up with us from Fordell. ELTHAM. Nov. 4. Mrs Morrison presided. Report received re Shop 1 lay, held October 22nd., for funds for New Plymouth Seamen's Rest and tlie Willard Home. The sum of £6 Bs. was sent to the Seamen’s Rest, and £5 18s. with 10s. worth of goods to the Willard Home. Miss Bradshaw's offer to spend a few days for organising work in the town was accepted. Afternoon teu was served. PLEASANT POINT. Oct. 5. Mrs McNeur presided over a fair attendance. After Secretary’s report of Convention, literature to hand was discussed, and it was decided to get names from the Electoral Roll, ho that members could divide the work evenly, of posting literature throughout tin* District. Attention was called to tin* Stocking League column in the White Ribbon, and medical literature was distributed for discussion at next meeting. DUNEDIN SOUTH. Oct. 13. tk>o*l attendance, Mrs Peart presiding. A letter from Mrs Macartney, thanking Union for letter expressing sympathy with her in loss of father. Mrs Saunders, an old member, was welcomed back, also Mrs Fraser. Mrs McFarlune read the report of District Convention. Mrs Peart then spoke on the words of the text, "Rest In the Lord.” Mrs Williamson sang, “I Know My Heavenly Father Knows.” A member was Initiated. N**xt meeting to 1 our annual one, and Mrs Henton to* preside. Afternoon ten. CHRISTCHURCH. Od 12. Miss Henderson presided over n good fctter/lance. Mr T. H. Wtdey, M.P.. acknowledged the Union’s congratulations on the passing cf the Daylight Saving Bill. The New Zeeland Alliance wrote asking f<»i individual help for Belf-J>enial Week; a number ot members offered to take envelop* - Mrs Richards rei*oUed on the recent sale of caa»s, etc., when the sum of £lB had been raised. Miss Henderson welcomed back Mi" Bishop, fter an absei e of some months, also Miss Lucy Bishop, late President of the Pleasant Poi.'t Union, who has come to reside in Christchurch. Mrs Wilson. President of Pahiatua, un< Miss M< La A the 1. Organising Secretary, were also welcomed. Miss Bishop gave a very Interesting account of her recent trip to Australia, and of the cordial welcome given to them bv the Women’s Christian Temperance Union in Sydney and Melbourne. Mrs Wilson, in thanking Miss Henderson for her welcome, spoke briefly of the work of her Unlaw. ftn ‘* Miss McLay gave a brief account of b* r wu'k among the Y'’s. for the South Island and some of her experiences while working among the Maoris. Oct. 26. Miss Henderson presided o\er * good attendance. Before the business v :iy taken, voles of sympathy were passed with Mesd nines Jenkln, XV. H. S*ed aid G. l* urll j who have recently lost their husbands. The President welcomed buck Misses Davies M. M. Stephens, and also Mrs Clark. " 1 '• was transferred from the Heft on 1 m<*>Miss Ironsides gave nn Interesting on the work which Is being done by t' l * X'oluntarv Child XVelfare Committee ntnotii the school children i*n the East End 0 London. A collection was taken up for tl« Maori Organising Fund.

M A u N G ATUIIGTO. Oct. 19. Beven member* preeeot. Secretary reported succemifui Band of 11 meeting on October 7th. Gratitude expiv.-wd for K-saiHtmi' e of Itev. Jm km>n and friend* from Auckland. Resolved to take part in Temperance Self-Denial Week, Secretary to obtain 36 envelope?. Decided to hell Mother*' Day on November 16th, in Maine kround*. Secretary read report of District Convention at Wh&ngarei. N.K. VALLEY. Oct. 2* Maori Miaeion Day, nnd fortunately Loth weather and attendance were »;ood; Mrs Peart prcnidlnK. Sympathy with * Mrs Smith. whore daughter had paased away. Mi's Gibson and Mias Baxter aaiiK a duet, “He Walks With Me,", very nicely. Mrs Brigadier Burton spoke on the “Word of God,” which endureth forever. MIRAMAR. Nov. 5. Sale of Work to raise funds for the benefit of the Palmerston North Willard Home and the Organising- and other funds of the W.U.T.U. A very good attendance of members and friends, including several from t lie Si.Mcr DWmM <>:' \\ .• II ing ton. The hU< was opened by Mrs J. Oaughley, who spoke a few words as to the objects of the Sale, urging that they were worthy of the support of nil. Tile President pointed mu that all the W.C.T.U. Unions were making a special effort to help the Willard Home now that Its Managing Committee had decided not to apply any longer to the Mncarthy Trust to assist with funds. Afternoon tea was provided at the usual charge, also Jelly and cream to those who might prefer it to tea. The stalls were well-stocked with cakes, produce, sweets and plain and fancy needlework, and good business was done through the afternoon, resulting in a clear profit of over £lO, considered very satisfactory for a small suburban Unkm. (Well done, Miramar. Ed., W.R.) SOUTH BRIGHTON, Nov. 1. Mrs G VV. Weavers presided. A vote of sympathy to Mrs Gordon «i the loss of her son Stanley. Mrs Good, our Cradle I toll Superintendent, reported she bad eight more babies for the Cradle Roll. We are very sorry to lose Mrs Armstrong, our White Ribbon Agent, owing to her leaving the District. Hostesses for Inst meeting. Mesdames Hulme and bugles. Palmerston north. Oct. 7. Mrs T. Young in the chair. Mrs Chittenden read a very full report of the Convention held here last month. Many tilings were discussed for furthering the work of our Union. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs Chittenden, also the meinl>erH who helped at the Show' Ground on Thursday. The W.C.T.U. catered for the refreshments at the Stock Sale held at the ShowGrounds. The proceeds to go to Willard Home, which benefited to the extent of £lO. Much valuable experience was gained, which will be useful another time. BELFAST. (><-t. 2. Members of W.C.T.U. arranged a very Interesting meethig of Band of Hope. Attendance the best of any meeting yet hold, many adults being present. Rev. J. F. Oourxey, of St John's Anglic:'*.! Church, was the speaker, the children being very interested. After a community sing and some musical items, a Wireless Entertainment was kindly given by Mr Maindmiald. Supper was served. Oct. 6. President In chair. Mr* McLean, delegate to Convention, gave a very fine report, making members feel ns if they had taken part; so fully were the proceedings explained. A vote of thanks to delegate. Decided to hold Hard of Horn* Social at end of month. Next meeting to be Pav-Up Social. Maori I>nv. •< collection taken up for that fund. Afternoon tea served. LINCOLN AND SPRINGSTON. In August our annual "Bring and Buy" Afternoon was held, to augment «mr funds. Meeting was presided over by our President. Mrs Kemi. Owing to counter attractions, this meeting was very jaiorly attended, but brl«d* business was transacted among those wlto wen* there. Our September meeting was n Red Letter I>ay for Springstnn, Miss

Harband coming all the way from New Brighton to speak to us. There was a splendid attendance, presided over b> Mis Kenil. Miss Harband tolu c.s all about what was done at Convention in Ashburton, and further interested her hearers by tracing for their benefit the Origin ami Growth of tlie Women's Franchise, likening it to an “Open l«oor.” Mis: Harband was warmly thanked for her 1 structlve and inspiring address, which was thoroughly onjoyed by all present. AUCKLAND. Oct. 11. Mrs Cook presided. Maori I>ay was celebrated, ami a collection taken to help the funds for Maori work. Mrs FullJainea was congratulated on her appointment as District Maori Superintendent. She gave an interesting talk on the work, and also about the work at Niue Island, and read a letter of appreciation from a Niue lady. A Pot song was rendered very effectively by Mrs King. Mrs Hutchinson and Miss Paul gave very interesting reports on the District Convention, which was held at Whangarei last week. Miss Bully, a visitor from Englung, gave a pleasing little talk on her work in connection with the “V.” Unions in the homeland. A letter of thunks was received from the Secretary of the Auckland Hospital Auxiliary for the help rendered on Saturday. The Union undertook to take charge of a station on St. John’s Ambuance Street Day. The following resolution was passed for tlie consideration of the Dominion Executive;"That It would lie in the best interests of Child Welfare in New Zealand, that the Child Welfare Branch of the Education Depart numt should be separated from the Education Department and become a District Department, under an ofTicer directly responsible to the Minister In charge.” OPOTIKI. Oct. 14. Mrs Thompson presided. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs Handily and Miss Thompson. Mrs Gordon read a considerable amount of correspondence, dealing with the Willard Home and Dr, Ha rondo's Home. Meeting resolved to forward donations to both institutions. A letter bearing a request for Self-Denial effort hi connection with the Alliance was held over. Arrangements were made for final Band of Hope meeting to be held in November, and the Band of Hope Picnic was dlacussed. Very enthusiastic Band of Hope meetings have been held and very well-attended. Rev. Wickham addressed the children, ami preached In the various Churches on the Sunday. PETONE. Oct. 4. letters of sympathy were sent to Mrs Woolford and Mrs Ashby. Mrs Carter, delegate l to New Zealand Alliance Convention, gave a splendid report, also Mrs Battersby, who was a delegate. Mrs Young read a paper on Alcohol, Its Action nm the Human Organisation, which was very interesting. Mrs Young raised tin* idea of holding meetings further afield, and carried. The next Social Afternoon to be held at Mrs Play-tor's. Oct. 19. At the residence of Mrs Plavtor, Koro Kono; good attendance. Various musical items were rendered. Mrs Crowther. Junr. with the Banjo-Mandoline, and Miss Playtor on the Organ, also gramophone selections, all of which were greatly appreciated and enjoyed. Dec ivied to help the New Zealand Alliance in Temperance Self-Dtsiial Week, also the Y.W.C.A , with their Tea t<> Business Men on Thursday evening, 27th. A dainty afternoon tea was dispensed by the hostess and her daughter. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the hostess and artists. W ELL IN C.TON CENT R Al.. Oct. Miss Kirk gave a short and interesting report of the late New Zealand Alliance Conference. The members of the Union are nuked to share in the Self-Denial effort by Increasing their own. and also by asking outsiders to help In the amuihilintion of the outstanding debt. When that is done, wo have the guarantee that no further liabillOes w*M be undertaken without sufficient funds to meet them. An item regarding one or two of the City's pressing needs was discussed, and & letter embodying these Is to be sent on to the City Council.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 388, 18 November 1927, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 388, 18 November 1927, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 388, 18 November 1927, Page 10