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News of the Unions.

BRANCH REPORTS. Please take note:— 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each month. 2. They should be short. Don’t report routin'* business. Do report all new plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only on one side of the paper. WANGANUI. May 5. Attendance good. Owing to the indisposition of Mrs Goody, Mrs Stewart presided, Mrs Upton led devotions. Frances Wiilaid Day was celebrated, and a collection taken up. An interesting discussion took place regarding the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. Finaly, a satisfactory plan of work was adopted. PAPANUI. Good attendance. Mrs Merrin presided. Letters were received re electing ladies to Bchool Committees, also the Two-Issue Ballot Paper, and it was decided to act upon both. Mrs Wallace, a member from Waipukurau, was received on transfer and welcomed. The ladies deputed to interview Ministers of different Churches ns to advisability of starting Unite 1 Band of Hope meetings, reported favourably. Mrs Carr then gave a full report'of Convention, and a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded her. Afternoon tea was served. HAWERA. Apr. 29. Mrs Exley presided over a small meeting. Mrs Hayward, delegate to Convention, presented a very informative report, and was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Arrangements were left in the hands of the Notable Day Superintendent for a suitable Peace Day commemoration, to be held on May 16th. W ARK WORTH. May 6. Mrs Philips presided. The meeting was roused by the account of the recent Convention a Mrs Phillips had given At last month’s meeting an account of the business done at the Convention, and Mrs W. Hamilton gave at this meeting a sketch of the more casual and slightly humorous incidents. Miss Imun sang “Still-Still with us.” Bring and Buy realised 10s. for HeadQWUTten DbnteM CORtilMd tIM TwoIssue petition. The arrangements for providing the Tea at the coming Prohibition <Convention, to be held in Warkworth, May 14th, were completed. Mrs Herbert, Mrs Thompson, and Mrs Philips, agreed to attend to the lister Esther parcel. A new member was initiated. SYDENHAM Apr. 7. Mrs Archer. Vice-President, in the chair. A silent vote—of avmnathv with Mrs .Sirett, on the her mother was passed. Mrs Sirett’* resignation accepted with regret, and the Secretary was instructed t<> write thanking her for past services. Mrs Odell was elected unanimously President. Members were reminded that the next meeting w-as the Bring and Buy Afternoon, to raise funds for Convention expenses. Decided to get petition forms for the TwoIssue Ballot Paper, some members promising te work in their districts Mrs Odell gave the Convention report. One new member enrolled and tea served. May 5. Mrs Odell presided over a good attendance of members. An invitation from Mrs Clay was received, inviting members and friends to a Social Afternoon at her home on May 18th admission by silver coin in aid of delegate’s expenses to Convention. A latter was received from Miss Harhand. inviting members to the Ist Anniversary of the North Brighton Union on May ITtli Several members promised to go, and Mrs Cartwrlght-Bmith was appointed to officially represent 'he Sydenham Union. Bring and Huy Afternoon In aid of Union expenses, and a satisfactory sum was raised. Mrs Tumlter sang two solo*, and Miss Watt gave a piano-

forte solo, and u hearty vote of thank* wa« accorded to them. Afternoon tea. INVERCARGILL SOUTH. Apr. A well-attended meeting presided over by Mrs Pasley. An effective solo simg by Miss Simon (accompanied by Mrs Parker) a pleasant prelude to a very full and comprehensive report on Convention, recently held in Auckland, given by the delegate (Nurse Griffiths). Much interest was evinced by those present at the quantity and quality of work done at Convention, and the desire of Temperance workers to do all they casi in the interests of the community. It was Intimated that the 1928 Convention would meet In Napier. The delegate (Nurse Griffiths) received a hearty vote of thanks for her extensive report. Mrs Pasley paid a courteous tribute to the Borough Council for the help they had given Temperance Union workers in tiie work in connection with the new Rest Room, just recently opened in Invercargill. TAURANGA. This enjoyable meeting was held at "The Knoll.” the home of our President. Mr* Carlton Smith, taking the form of a Question Box Afternoon, thereby bringing many points relating to everyday life under discussion, which would otherwise not have been touched upon. Mrs Christian sang to everyone’s great enjoyment, and a vote of congratulation was passed to her on her election to the School Committee, ami all got to know each other better over the pleasant cups of tea. A vote of sympathy was passed to our Member, Mr Macmillan, and his wife, on the very recent loss of his mother. Mrs Horn closing the meeting with prayer. HASTINGS. Apr. 28. Mrs Banks, Vice-President, occupied the chair in the aboence of the President, Mrs Paul, with whom sympathy was expressed in the Illness of Mr Paul. Twenty-one members present. Petitions given out, and signatures arranged for. "Peace Bay" Celebration discussed. Mrs Mrs Wilson gave report of Convention. Afternoon tea dispensed. CHRISTCHURCH. Apr. 13 Miss Henderson presided over a good attendance. Correspondence was read from the Sec retary of the Returned Soldier's Assoc iation, asking for assistance to collect money on Poppy Bay towards the unemployed Soldiers’ Fund. A number of members promised to help. The Secretary of Br. Barnnrdo’s Homes. London, wrote asking for help towards the Half-Crow n Fund The Union decided it was not possible towards that Fund this year, as work in our own Unions wanted assistance. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Ooniyns, Oxford, in the recent sad accident sustained by her husband Miss Blackwell was congratulated on her api*)intment of National Superintendent to Good Citizenship. In replying, Miss Blackwell explained that the election of School Committees had been moved to May 2, owing to Monday 26th, being Anznc Bay. Mrs Su< kling read a very concise, interesting rejKirt of the l>omlnion Convention. Plans of work for the year discussed and arranged, deciding that a petition for a Two-Issue .billot Paper be Issued to Unions to get women electors signatures to be presented for their several districts. The Convention was attended by 127 delegates, proving on impetus and inspiration to many. RICCARTON. Mar. 16. Bring and Buy Afternoon very successful. Mrs Campion, Sw&nston and Falrbaim. in charge of Stall Apr 22. Report of Convention. Attendance poor: two visitors. Sewing taken home to make up for poor of Christchurch. Petition forms for "Two-Issue Ballot Paper" distributed. Owing to small attendance, President and Secretary had to call on interested members and friends, and in this wav, sixteen persons have taken up the canvas of the electorate. Mrs McLean, our White Ribbon Agent, who Is 111 In hospital, was greatly missed from the meeting R \ NO TOR A. Apr. 29 Mrs Thwaites presiding over a good attendance The address was given bv Miss Henderson. B A , who gave an Interesting report of the work done at the Annual Convention, held recently In

Auckland. She also recounted some of her experiences during her visit to America. TEMPLETON. Apr. '*6. Mrs Clark presided over a fair attendance. A letter of appreciation was read from the Secretary of the Football Club, for the offer of afternoon tea for visiting teams. Suggested to invite a few of our Band of Hofc performers to give an evening at Weedons, for the benefit of members there. Afternoon tea was served. WELLINGTON. May 5. President, Mrs Mowlem, presided over a fair attendance. An apology was offered for the absence of the Secretary, Mrs Webb, on actx>unt of the serious illness of her husband, and a letter of sympathy was directed to be sent to her from the Union. Mcntioni was made of the death of Mr Glover, the husband of Adjutant Glover, who is so well loved through the city, and the Union passed a silent vote of affectionate sympathy with her in her bereavement. Correspondence was read relating to the District Executive Meeting, to be held at Foxton towards the end of the present month. Mrs Hirst, Assistant Treasurer, was deputed to attend to represent the Union, and it was agreed to send in as remits for discussion, the resolutions on Women Police and Domestic Courts, passed at the recent Annual Convention. An invitation was given to join the Class just being formed for the Study of International Relations in connection with the W.E.A., and anyone desiring to Join was asked to send in name and address to the Secretary of the L. of N. Union. 62 Nevay Road, Miramar. The President read an interesting extract from "Do Everything.” describing the famous "Polyglot" Petition got up by the W.C.T.U. in America, under the inspiration of Miss Frances Willard. Certain arrangements were then made with reference to the petitions now being promoted by the Union .also for the next monthly meeting. The Union was Invited to attend the meeting of the Miramar Union, to be held on Peace Bay, the lfith instant, at 2 30 p.m., at the residence of Mrs Miller, 15 Rotherham Terrace Miramar. WARKWORTH. Apr. 7. Fair attendance. Secretary read letter asking that W.C.T.U. ladies undertake refreshment section of N.Z. Alliance Convention. to be held In Warkworth Methodist Church, on May 14th. Request granted. Letter read from Leigh Union, asking for opportunity to meet Warkworth Union. Decided to invite them to meet us at May Convention. Comprehensive report of Convention then given bv Mrs Phillips, delegate to same. Discussion followed on Headquarters ("Bring and Buy Afternoon" next meeting—proceeds towards Fund); Willard Home; and Petition to Members of Parliament. Hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Phillips for report. Decided to send parcels of clothing to Sister Esther. NORTH INVERCARGILL Apr. 19. Good attendance. The President, Mrs Ol In lour, gave a lucid and comprehensive report of the work done at Convention which was listened to with much Interest. Tin* members are indebted to Mrs Gllmour for the valuable Information Imparted, and feel enthused with the encouraging ac* oiMt of work done throughout the Dominion. The recently appointed "Y.” Organiser, Miss M'Lay, is in Imercargill at present, and we pray much good will result from her visit. NORMANBY Apr. 20 Home meeting held at the residence of Mrs Beaton: ten members, five visitors, which included members from Manaift Union. President Hi the chair. The report by Mrs Beaton, our delegate, was topic for the afternoon Those present had pleasure of listening to a very Interesting report of work done in the Dominion. Heartv vote of thanks passed to Mrs Beaton Mrs Phillips. Provincial President, then addressed the meeting, making an urgent appeal for more subscribers to the White Ribbon, and suggesting ways by which Unions could help to ease the strenuous work Of the Editor of White Rihhon Also the Two-Issue Ballot Paper was discussed urging members to assist In securing signatures to a petition regarding mjme. The

President moved a vote of thankH to Mrs Phillips, also to the Hostess for her kind hospitality. OTA HU HU. May 5. Our President, Mrs Greenwood, in the chair. Mrs Kasper, our District Recording Secretary, kindly came out to speak to us of her Travels to England and back, and she sjs>ke of the splendid work the W.C.T.U. was doing all over the World. She aald at times it made her feel proud that she was a White Ribboner anyway. After she had finished, our President thanked her for her most interesting talk, all members present thoroughly enjoying the afternoon. NAPIER. Apr. 6. The meeting poorly attended, owing to very heavy rain and sickness of many of the members. Mrs Brock lehurst presided. Letters of sympathy sent to two members. May 4. Mrs Venables presided. Decided .to commence Band of Hope on the 27th, and to hold fortnightly meetings. Mrs Brocklehurst and Mrs Wilkinson in charge. Two members from other districts were welcomed. Report of Convention was given at least in part, time not. allowing for a complete report. Many items of real interest to our Union being held over till next month. A vote of thanks for report, and Benediction brought a well-attended meeting to a close. GORE. Apr. Members’ “Pay Up" Social. The extreme wintry conditions unfortunately affected the attendance. Mrs Rhodes occupied the chair, and Miss Birsa, of Invercargill, gave a most comprehensive report of Convention, which was listened to with deepest interest. Rev. Mr Burgess addressed the meeting on the subject of the Bible-in-Schools, ami members agreed to canvas for signatures in supi>ort of some. Musical items were rendered by the Misses Ferguson (2); Taylor and HHichev (2). Both a pleasant and Instructive evening closed with an enjoyable supper. TAKAPUNA. April. Mrs Richards in the chair; fair attendance. Arrangements made for ranvassnig with petition. Rev. Monckton gave a very interesting address on Problems of Peace and War, and was listened to with great attention, and accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. BRIGHTON. April 21. Well-attended meeting. the PrsMnt, Mrs u Rail, In tbs chair it was arranged that a special meeting be held on Peace Bay, May lfith. A Jumble Sabwill be held on May 28th, in aid of our funds The report of the Visiting Committee was very satisfactory; Mesdames Fraser and Longelly will act in that capacity for the next month. A comprehensive report of the Dominion Convention was given by Mrs M Moses, who was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The work of canvassing tin* electorate w-ith the Women’s Petition for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper was readily taken up by the members who showed their willingness to help on this imi>ortaiit pie«w of work. Afternoon tea was served. WAITARA. Apr. 22. Mrs Clayton presiding, 12 members present. Mrs Phillips, District President, who was making her official visit, led the devotions, speaking or. Faith. Heb. 11th Chapter Mrs Jensen’s resignation as Secretary, owing to 111-health was receive*! with much sympathy and regret. Five mertibers took petition forms to procure Women Electors' signatures. Miss A B'cheno appointed Secretary. Mrs Phillips gave an address on her impressions at the New Zealand Convention In Auckland. STRATFORD Apr. 22. Social afternoon; petition put before members Good attendance. President In the chair. Resolved that two ladies be nominated, and we give them our supjvort for the School Committee Election to he held shortly. Arrangements were made for the usual visit, with cakes for afternoon tea, at the Public Hospital. Mrs McCallum, our Delegate to the Convention,

gave us her lmpressiona of the Convention, which were very much appreciated. Songs .mi musical items were rendered. Afternoon tea was handed round, and a very pleasant meetihk was brought to a close with the Benediction. Miss Henderson's letter dealing with the petition was read, and on retiring, the members signed the petition, Home taking petitions with them. MANAIA. Apr. 12. Mrs Robinson presided, and reported nine new members having joined <!uring the first quarter of the year, and the name of an old member rejoining was given in. Arrangements made for a Mothers' Social Afternoon, to be held in the Oddfellows' Hall on Tuesday, the 26th, commencing 2 Will all members try not only to be present, but to bring a friend, or moro than ono, as the Union is hoping by social gatherings to increase the number of those interested. The President reported having welcomed the new Anglican Clergyman, who had accepted the Union s invitation to attend and to speak. Mrs Williams iSister Nellie) will also speak, and various musical items have been arranged. A Stall of baby garments, etc., Is to be held, the proceeds divided between the rapidly-in-«teasing Cradle Roll, and the Union's working funds. Gifts in aid of the forthcoming l’lunket Sale are to be taken to Mrs Young, those for the 26th to Mrs Hansen's (both on Ileimenschider Street). It is asked that, when convenient, those for the latter object should be taken a few days earlier, for marking. WAIMATE April 12. Mrs Clarke presided. Correspondence re two issue ballot paper, and resistance of extension of time between polls was read, and arrangements for Miss Bradshaw’s (Organiser) visit were made. Mrs Kippcnbergcr, our Pelegnte to Convention, then read her report, all present following same with the closest attention. After a few questions thereon, afternoon tea was served. Meeting closed with Benediction. We are happy to record that “the room behind the Schoolroom’* where our meetings ire usually held, is always crowded. ARAMOHO. Mar. 22. Good attendance, with Mrs Heggs presiding. Mrs Sleight’s resignation was accepted with great regret, and Mrs ‘’oddington was appointed Treasurer. The question of the Band of Hope was discussed, and Mrs C. Good kiudiy consented to take charge, with Mrs Tizaril as musical assistant. The meetings will be held in the Upper Aramoho Church, the first of which will he <»n Monday, May 2nd. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that a good cumber will turn up. An afternoon was lately given to the old people, by Miss Ellis, assisted by the ladies of the Branch, w'liich was much appreciated. Afternoon tea was served. WELLINGTON CENTRAL Apr. 20. Miss Kirk presented a most interesting account of the proceedings of the Auckland Conference. Many questions of public interest had been discussed there, and remits arising therefrom w r ere put to the meeting for consideration and adoption. The question of the ihmnciai sources of the "Willard Home’* for destitute children, formed the subject of a remit to be brought before the district Executive, which meets next month in Foxton. TE KtTITI. Mar. 8. Mrs Strand presided; greetings from Ponsonby. Return greetings Rent Decided to buy 100 leaflets for Band of Hope. Two new subscribers for White Hibbon. Decided to support District President in nominating her Vice-President. In favour of Two-Issue Ballot Paper. Miss Sutherland appointed delegate to Convention. Matter of Mothers Day held over till next meeting. Decided to invite Mrs Jones t<> preside at our next meeting, April 12th. Balance In hand, £1 7s. 9d. Collection. !p fid. Mrs Cole intimated that 6 o’clock c'osir.g minimised drinking in the Taihape District considerably. The question of appointing a new President, was left over to :i future meeting Afternoon tea was provided by Mrs Elliott.

Apr. 12. Largely attended meeting presided over by Mrs J. M. Jones, District President. Mrs Cole extended a hearty welcome to Mrs Jones, who afterwards gave a most interesting and instructive address bearing on the recent Convention in Auckland. One new member was initiated. Afternoon tea served. Decided to get twelve petition forms and to order handbooks; also to support suitable househoders .to School Committee. HENDERSON. Apr. Mrs Platt in the chair, small attendance; one new member initiated. Syllabus for the year read. Next month to be devoted to an address on Peace, speaker to be asked from a town Union. Decided to have one scientific statement with regard to the evil efTect of alcohol g<ven every month after minutes are read, ami before anything else is proceeded with. Letters of sympathy and congratulation and welcome sent to members and friends. It was with much regret we heard Mrs Bemlely is obliged to resign her position as Dominion Treasurer. Our Treasurer spoke very lovingly of her friendly notes, which always accompanied receipts. Afternoon was then spent with our delegate at Convention; we all enjoyed It very much and felt almost as if we had been there, so good was the report, and so much our delegate had been impressed with the solemn and friendly tone of the meetings, that we all had something of the feeling too, and wished we had been able to attend in greater numbers. OPOTIKI. Apr. M. Mrs Thompson presided; good number of members and friends present. Mrs Thompson gave a fine, interesting, and inspiring address, all hearts being warmed and enthused with the Convention message. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Skuse and Hughes. On the motion of Mrs Hlrd. the speaker was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for her able address. TiMARU. Apr. ». A pleasant afternoon at the Sailors' Rest. Mothers and children of the Cradle Roll entertained by members of the W.C.T.U. A good number of mothers and their little ones were present. Solos were sung by Mrs Butcher and Miss Crombie, who also sang a duet together. Afternoon tea was dispensed, after which the Plunket Nurse gave a short, helpful address to the mothers. Mrs Reward presented the older children with coloured balloons on sticks, and the babies with pretty rattles. A desire was expressed that we might have these afternoon' oftener. TIMARU. Apr. 26. Hospital visited regularly. Invitation received from Timaru Women Citizens' Association to members to attend a lecture by Miss Cudale. on Protection of Women and Children. Peace Day Prayer Meeting fixed for Monday, May 16th. and full arrangements made for Bring and Buy Social Afternoon and Evening on Tuesday. May Slat, when Banner won by Y's. will be presented. Mr Woodward reported fout overseas’ boats in port during month. 148 men paying about 279 visits. A Social, which was very largely attended, was given to men of the 8.8. Tainul and the 8.8. Port Hacking. The men of the Coastal boats made good use of the Rest over the holidays. A comprehensive report of Convention, compiled by Mrs Cave and Mrs Minifle. was read, and the delegates were accorded a hearty vote of thanks. FEILDINO. Apr. 7. Chair taken by Mrs Hughes, who also gave an address on “The Power of I*rayer,"’ emphasising the great need for prayer In our work. A recitation by Miss Ram age. and a song by Mrs Cartan were much enjoyed. An invitation from Palmerston North Union to attend their next meeting was accepted. May 5. Well-attended meeting, presided over by Mrs Pack. Mrs Gibson, Vice-Presi-dent. was appointed to attend an Executive Meeting at Foxton. on May 26th. The petition sheets for the Two-Issue Ballot Paoer were enthusiastically received by most of those present, and we are hoping for u

really good petition. Mrs l’ack gave a short account of the Auckland Convention. COLLING WOOD. Apr. 29. Six members present. The President gave an interesting address on the work of the W.C.T.U. Movement from the founding to the present day. The meeting was closed with prayer, after which afternoon tea was served. BLENHEIM. May 3. Meeting at Mrs A. M. Mill's residence; twenty-one members and others present, Mrs Smith presiding Resignation from Mrs Stewart as Evangelical Superintendent. received with much regret. A letter of thanks and appreciation for her services to be sent. The petition forms re Two-issue Ballot Paper were distributed, and canvasing has already commenced. A paper from the “Vanguard" on Mr Todd's visit to America, was read by Mrs Grigg, and much enjoyed. Afternoon tea was bunded round, and musical items were rendered by Misses Jackson 12); Grigg and McOallunt. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent. Apr. 29. The Cradle Roll Afternoon was held, but owing to very cold weather, only three children attended, and one new baby enrolled. They were each presented with a toy. Afternoon tea whh partaken of, but the usual games, etc., were not held. The function closed early. We hope to arrange to have this day held In the summer time in future. FENCOURT. Apr. 14. Mrs Simpson presided over a good attendance. Delegate gave a full and splendid report of the Convention. Mention was made of the “Willard Home” and its Headquarters Fund. After discussion, it was decided to hold a Tennis Afternoon, and take up a collection for Headquarters Fund. Two new members were initiated. Closed u bright and Interesting meeting with afternoon tea. WANGANUI EAST. Apr. Mrs Duxfleld presided over a good attendance of members. Miss Marshall gave h most inspiring and helpful address. Miss Sanson, Mrs Duxfleld. and Mrs liopkirk. delegates to the Convention at Auckland, gave excellent reports of the work done. They reported that the Convention had decided to supivort the Bible-In-School? Movement; to urge t lie establishment of Domistic Courts where separation, affiliation, and kindred cases may be heard; to advocate a six-day week for Nurses in Hospitals, and to approach Parliament to legislate for the employment of Women Police, and for the inclusion of women on Juries. They reported further that the Convention had recommended that the Education Department be requested to have printed in the School Journal, articles on the Constitution of the League of Nations. The delegates were heartily thanked for their interesting reports of Convention. It was decided to unite with the Wangi.nui Central Branch to celebrate Peace Day. EPSOM. Apr. 28. Monthly meeting well-attended: good spirit prevailed. Balance sheet read by our Treasurer; encouraging small balance in hand. A full report of Convention was read by Mrs Pirrett, our delegate, and our best thanks extended to her for her very complete and able account. Discussion re petition followed, and instruction given to workers. All are doing their utmost to make our Pnrnell Petition a very large one indeed. BIRKENHEAD. Mar. 17. Mrs Jory presided Mn Markay, our delegate to Convention, was instructed to vote for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. The President said there were many hopeful signs. Mrs Mackay kindly dispensed afternoon tea. % Apr. 21. A large and cheerful gathering. Mrs Jory presided. Mrs Maekav gave a most interesting report of the Convention. She sa.d we hail a busy but interesting year in front of us. She enthused us with her Impressions—That we get more to subscribe and read the White Ribbon: Work for getting the Bible in Schools; also for a Dominion Headquarters. Secretary to write

for petitions for signatures in favour of the Two-Issue Ballot. Delegates were appointed for the District Convention on May 21 at. Mrs Usher spoke of the »ood work for Prohibition among the Girl Guides in Birkdale. Three new members were initiated. Afternoon tea was kindly disitensed by the Birkdale ladies. MASTERTON. May S. Mrs Cocker presided over fair attendance. Decided to send full amount of levy due to Organising Fund this year. £2 voted to U?.L. Department to establish them .as separate organisation as far as finance is concerned. Mrs Ross appointed to represent Union at District Executive Meeting, to be held at Foxton on 26th May. The work of organising the Masterton Electorate to carry out the petition for TwoIssue Ballot Paper was put in hand, members and friends entering willingly into the work of canvassing the district. RIVERTON. Apr. 29. A most successful Social for the Young People, fully 70 being present. Ke^. Kordyce presiding, ealed on the following friends for items:—Misses R. Ashley and (1. Green, Violin and Piano Duet; Miss Jean Playfair, Recitation; Miss Annie Playfa r, Piano Solo; Rev. Fordyce and Miss M. Prosser, solos. The various games and competitions were entered lr:to most heart'ly, Miss Green winning the prize .'or a*n unpunctuated reading. Mr Pioneer gave a most instruct ve and interesting address on the W.C.T.U. motto, “For God, and H ime and Humanity." After supper, Mrs Gray, President, briefly addressed the young people, welcoming them, and urging the claims of Temperance. PLEASANT POINT. May 4. Miss Neilson presided over small attendance, owing to bereavement and sickness. Votes of sympathy passed with Mrs and Miss Halstead, also Miss Munro. in their recent bereavements. Mrs Felton appointed delegate for Executive Meeting. May Bth. Resi gnat ion of Secretary, Mrs Smith received. Decided to hold over in meantime, Mrs Felton to act temporarily. Vote of sympathy, Miss Bishop, on account of her father’s illness. Meeting then adjourned on account of funeral, Miss Munro’s (Treasurer) late brother. BELFAST. May 6. Special invitations had been Hent out to members and their friends, and thirty ladies were present. President introduced Mrs Taylor, who gave a lovely, spiraling and stirring address. She made a special appeal to all the women present to sign the petition re a Two-Issue Ballot Paper, ami to also get their friends to do likewise. Five new members were initiated. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Taylor. A solo was simg by Miss Black, and afternoon tea was banded round. PALMERSTON NORTH May 6. The President. Mrs Young, presided over a good muster. We had much pleasure in welcoming several members of the Feilding Branch. The Feilding President, Mrs Pack, gave a short, hut Interesting talk. Mrs Tremahi gave a reading, “Angels without wings." Miss Walton gave two musical Items which were much enjoyed. Mr Kingston kindly attended, and gave advice as to the best wav of canvassing the town for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. We thank him for his help. A hearty vote of thanks was given the visitors. Two ineni- ' hers were admitted. ABHBITRTON. May 3. A large attendance, Mrs W. 11. Robinson presiding. An extract showing the effects of alcohol upon the mental powers of the race, was read by Mrs Gallagher. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs W. W. White a<nd family, also with Mes4ame* Pethlck. McLean. aitd Frampton, In sickness. Correspondence was received and dealt with. Miss Henderson wrote re “Women’s Petition” to M P’s., urging them to support the “Two-Issue Ballot.** A very courteous replv in connection therewith was received from Hon. W. Nosworthy. Postmaster General. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mesdames J. Thompson, D. F. Keir, and O. V. Porter, for w'reaths made on Anzac Day; also, to Mrs Glassey for use of home on April 2nd,

when a “Welcome” was extended to Miss Bradshaw, Dominion Organiser. Miss Bradshaw was the recipient, of a handsome Umquet of rosea Musical Items were contributed, and an interesting address by MisK Hii'lslmw. A dainty afternoon tea was served by Mrs Glassey, and MisseH Muirhead and Glassey. Greetings were received from Mrs LiII, Ex-Prva The Pres, extended a very warm welcome to Miss Harrison, home from China on furlough, after 28 years residence there as Missionary. A much-appreciated solo was enjoyed, after which the President introduced Miss Bradshaw. A very interesting address on “The Origin and Progress of the W.C.T.U. Movement,” was given by Miss Bradshaw. Two new members were enrolled, and monies passed for payment. With 1} hearty vote of thanks to Miss Bradshaw, the meeting closed with tlie benediction. CHEVIOT. Apr. 6. A small, hut enthusiastic meeting, Mrs Walmsley presiding. A paper on league of Nations, Prohibition and other subjects, read by President, after which followed considerable discussion. A motion of sympathy with Mrs Anderson was passed. After the Benediction, afternoon tea was dispensed. BPREYDON. Apr 12. Attendance good. Mrs Nairn presided. Decided that at each meeting then* will be: The Roll Call; the Repetition of the Pledge, and ten minutes Temperance Instruction. Mrs Houston addressed the meeting, speaking on the extreme intoxication in the Homeland. Two new inemlwrs. AUCKLAND. Apr. 12. Meeting in the Central Mission Hall, Mrs Cook presided. Mrs Evans and seveml visiting delegates from South wen* weoorned to the meeting. Sympathy was passed to the family of the late Mr McDermott, the Veteran Temperance worker and Secretary of the N.Z Alliance In Auckland for many years, also to Mrs Fulljames. on the death of her Sister, Mrs Cargo. An appeal was made for volunteers to canvas for signatures for the petition. Mesdames Rosser and Rims were appointed delegates to the Prohibition Convention in May. Miss Paul gave a most interesting report of the Dominion Convention. Mrs Dowling, our Treasurer, who lias been on tlie sick list for many months, was welcomed hack to the meeting. The Union is to take charge of a station on Poppy Day. PETONE. Apr. 5. Twenty ladies present. The report by the Hon. Secretary, Mrs Cole, who had attended the Annual Convention at Auckland, was read and received. after which the meeting closed with the Benediction and re|H*atlng of Pledge. RAKTIHI. May 6. Mrs Sand ford presided over good attendance. Mrs Stanley and Mrs Godly read extracts relating to our subject "The Bible." One new member received. Decided to take up collection on alternate meeting days for IViminion and District Funds. The Two-Issu** Ballot Paper was discussed, and l»etJtion papers assigned. ONEHUNGA Mar. 10. An enjoyable Cradle Roll Afternoon was spent at the home of our President. Mrs Lee-Cowle gave a short address while the little ones played in another room. Tea and general conversation followed. Two new subscribers wore secured for White Ribbon. Each child was given a basket of sweets when leaving. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs I>ee-Cowie for her address and to Mrs Stacey for the use of her horn**. Oi April 7th, arrangements were made for "Bring and Buy” Sale in Maw Mesdames Stacey and Ashby sang n duet, the, hymn which was sung at Convention during the noontide hour. Our Fres.donf ♦hen gave a very full and interesting report of the work done at Convention. PONSONBY. Apr. 21. Good attendance, Mrs Lee-Cowie presiding. A special Committee consisting of the officers was asked to meet on Saturday. to plan out the working of the Two-Issue Petition Campaign. Two new memhera were Initiated. A collection was takpn u|wo( Cradle Roll Afternoon. Afternoon as served.

May 5. Being Cradle Roll Afternoon, there was a large attendance of mothers and children. A few games were arramai] for the children, after which they received a present. After a little talk by Mrs Cow lithe President, afternoon tea was served to all. Three new members were initiated; the meeting concluded by members joining handi and singing, “Blest be the tie that binds," as a farewell to Mrs Cowie, who Is leaving for Honolulu for the winter. DUNEDIN. May 3. Good attendance of inetnl>erK. Mnw Mclaiy, Organiser, was welcomed to nur Southern <’ity; she starts work in Greta Island right away. Mrs McLean, transferred from Halclutha, was also welcomed. Votes of symitnthy were passed with two of our members who had suffered bereavement since we last met. Mrs Macartney gave a very interesting report of Convention. The Two-Issue Ballot Paper w f as discussed, each member present was prepared to work certain districts and do her part in gettsip names for the petition. Congratulations to two of our members, the Lady Mayoress. Mrs Travener, and Miss Runciman, J.P., who lias l«*en appointed on the Hospital Board Fh'cided to help Headquarters Fund w th American Tea, etc. THAMES. Apr. 12. Our new President, Mn Heard, presided over an attendance of eleven ladies* Ik*cided to do our utmost to help with the petition for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. Our President, who was delegate to Convention in Auckland, read a very flue report. Two new members were received into the Union.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 382, 18 May 1927, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 382, 18 May 1927, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 382, 18 May 1927, Page 11