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News of the Unions.

WANGANUI CENTRAL. Feb. 1. AttHidanre good, Mrs Oootley presided. Two of our very old members have p.isaed to higher service. Votes of sympathy with the bereaved families Letters of sympathy were also sent to siek members. Mis Morrison, from Waverley, wr.s welcomed. Mrs I mxtleid, District President, was present, and sjstke on the •‘Two-issue ballot.” Resolutions to be submitted to Convention were discussed. Mrs Stewart, of Gonvllle, was appointed delegate to Convention. A resolution moved by Mrs Emmett ami se ended by Mrs Bathgate was unanimously carried, "That if the I>ominion Executive have a I uilding in view for use as Dominion Headquarters, and Convention decide to buy, tlie Wai ganui Central will do what it can to help in raisinK funds.” A few nftemoons* won* promised in aid of the fund. Mrs Duxfleld promised to speak at any of these afternoons, either on "Itominton Head - tfuarters,” or W.C.T.U. work. MAUNGATUROTO. Feb. 18. First meeting in 1927; seven members present. Correspondence re a petition asking for n two-issue ballot paper. Decided to leave the matter hi tlie hands of our delegate, all pn*sent beiriK in favour of tw’o-issue ballot. Letter received from Editor Wliite Ribbon, asking us to try and inerease tire circulation. Mrs Haines appointed delegate to Convention. M**s itycroft read am interesting paper entitled "Blessed be Drudgery. ’ Secretary was asked to write letter of sympathy to Mrs Nazer in her sad bereavement. Afternoon tea was partaken of. ONE HUNG A. Dec 9. Ki present. President reported: (1) Tne L.T L. Concert a great su« cess, and mngiatulated Mrs Hunter (L.T.L. Superintendent) on the splendid Items and the able rnami- r in which they were ren 'ered by tlie children; (2) Street collection in Onehunga, f'»r the Piny Association, resulted in £ll 17s. 4d. Mesdames Gilbert and Ross appointed Cradle Roll Superintendents. Reading was given by Mrs Stacey, and Mrs Mushet gave a paper on "Home Sweet Home,” which was much enjoyed by members. Afternoon tea. Feb. 10. A very wet day, only few members present. Syllabus for the year brought forward, and amended ami adopted. A Brimg and Huy Sale in April. Cradle Roll Picnic to be held March 10th, at our President's home. Social Committee work undertaken by Mesdames Gillon and Lamnmd. Mrs Oliver visiting from Manurewa, asked for homes for delegates. Cars also asked for the drive. Mrs Rtacey, President, elected delegate to Convention. Instructions given to delegate how to vote on certain matters. The Pledge was repeated «t tiie close of devotions; afternoon tea handed round. All present glad to hear our Treasurer. Mrs Mushet, recovering from her operation. RANGIORA. Feh. 25. Mrs Thwaites presided over good attendance. A motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mrs Horton was passed. Mrs Ralph Smith was appointed Assistant W.R Agent. Decided not to send a delegate to the Convention at Auckland next month. Mrs Williams, in an interesting address, enumerated the various acts of Parliament that have been passed mainly through tlie instruments lit v of the W.C.T.U., and it was a soun-e of encouragement to members to learn tlint so many of the recent improvements brought h bout in social legislation, have been due to the efforts of women. TTNWALD. Nov. Cradle Roil Afternoon, the Superintendent, Mrs Gill, arranged a very nice little programme with items from the children, and each child received a present and Rweets. Lev. Matthews gave a splendid address on "Mothers' Responsibilities." ari congratulated the Superintendent cn t. ~ large number of little children for th* small place of Tinwnld, and urged her to take care of the young children, they are the asset to the Organisation. Members. mothers and children Joined i<n afternoon tea. Much thanks is due lo Mrs Gill for the work she put in to make the afternoon so interesting to all. At the October meeting, Rev. Entlcott presented

Dorothy May Wakelin to God, the Church, and a member of the Cradle Roll, ami afterwards addressed the mothers present on the live* of prat women in the past, and "How n little child shall lead them." Feb. 9. A large attendance present, Mrs Robinson presided. Mrs Lill was present after an absence of twelve months, and heartily welcomed. Mrs Robinson read a paper on Motherhood, written by Mrs Lill during her illness. Mrs Amos, of Ashburton, to represent us at Convention. Notice was given of the Executive meeting in Timaru on February 14th; no delegate was able to attend owing to shortage of fund*. BIRKENHEAD. Jan. 26. Cradle Roll Picnic on Church grounds. Mrs Mackay gave interesting talks, both to the children and the mothers. Feb. 17. Rev. J. 11. Allen presided over a good attendance. Letter from Miss Henderson was read. The ‘‘Two-Issues" was discussed. Mrs Mackay was appointed our delegate to Convention. Mesdames Jory and Mackay were elected to represent us on the* Advisory Council of the Pro ho ition League. We welcomed Mrs Oiliver, who visited us on hospitality business for Convention. Mr Allen gave a very profitable talk on optimism, taking for his text John xvi: 33. His speech was much appreciated. Afternoon tea was kindly given by Mrs Todd. TETONE. Feb. 1. Mrs Murgatroyd presiding. It was proposed that an Honour Badge be procured for our dear Treasurer for service rendered. Mrs CV>II ns spoke of how wearing the White Ribbon Bow, draws attention to the cause for which we work. It was thought fitting that congratulations be sent to Miss Kirk and Mrs Taylor, on their being appointed J.P.’s. Mrs Cole was appointed delegate for the Annual Convention. Tlie Pledge was repeated. Feb. 16. A most delightful afternoon at Mr* Corner's, Mrs Murgatroyd presiding Ensign Mrs Pratt, spoke very feelingly on the Abolishing of 'Drink.' Mrs Battershy gave a very interesting reading. Rev. .joehore held the company very intensely by ilia speech. He said "Prohibition" could only be won by Christian spirit, and not only on lines of efficiency. Mrs M'Alpine and Mrs Franklin both sang very nicely for us, anil Mrs Holrovd recited. Mrs Doneghue. our faithful Treasurer. presented with Honour Badge. WAIPUKURAU. Felt. 17. Mrs Smales presided over a good attendance. Several friends from Walpawa were present. Mrs Ribby contributing an interesting address on Frances Willard, for which she was accorded a hearty vote • * thanks. Mrs Smales was appointed delegate to Convention. Decided to hold n W.C.T.U. Shop on Tuesday, March Ist. Afternoon tea was handed round. CANVASTOWN. Feh. 17. Frances Willard Day; nine members were present. Mrs Murray presided. The Secretary's report was passed. A twoissue ballot paper was discussed, all agreed to assist in securing signatures to a petition regarding same. After discussion it was decided to send no delegate to Convention this year. Greetings from Whangarei much appreciated. A collection in aid of Mission Fund resulted in the sum of 18s. One more subscriber to White Ribbon. Afternoon tea. WANGANUI EAST. Feb, Fair attendance of members; Mrs Duxfleld occupied the chair. Miss Sanson, Evangelistic Superintendent, gave a spirited address on the words, "Go Forward." Mrs Duxfleld gave a full report of her visit as District President to Rnetihi Union, referring to the work done, nml to the great enthusiasm of the workers. Decided to support a "Women’s Petition,” • and of furthering a scheme for obtaining ‘‘National Headquarters.” A letter was read from Mrs Penman. dealing with White Ribbon matters, and it was decided to extend the work in the Interests of the paper. Mrs Hopkirk was appointed delegate to the Auckland Convention. As the branch was celebrating "Frances Willard" !>ay, Mrs F Brown read a paper on the life and work of Francos Willard, that was much appreciated. The collection for the day was devoted to the World’s Mission Fund. Four new members Joined the branch, making a total of one hundred and nine.

MIRAMAR Feb. "At Home,” at the home of Mis Evans, Nevay Road. Tlie attendance was fair. The question of a petition being pro tnoted, was discussed at length, and It wax decided to leave the matter over to next meeting for further discussion and resolutions; also the appointment of a delegate to Convention. Musical items were given by Miss Bradshaw and much enjoyed. Plans for holding a Sale of Produce, cakes, etc., were discussed, and a Committee appointed to arrange matter hi connection with it, date to be decided upon. After partaking of afternoon tea, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Evans for the very pleasant time spent, and two new •names were added to the roll; also a new subscriber to the "White Ribbon." OXFORD. Feb. 16. Frances Willard Day. Mrs Jones. Notable Days Superintendent, read an excellent paper on the character and life work of Miss Willard, and was heartily thanked. A letter was received from Miss Henderson, dealing with matters to be brought forward at the Convention. Mn* C. W. Tritt and Miss H. Waterman were appointed Evangelistic Superintendents. The members of the Band of Hope Committee were all re-elected. Decided to hold a Cradle Roll Rally shortly. A collection was taken up in aid of the World's Missionary' Fund. BLENHEIM. Mar. 1. Mrs Smith presided, eleven members present. Decided to support the petition re Two-Issue ballot paper to be considered at Convention. Mrs Wilson, our delegate to Convention, was asked to convey the Union’s greetings to Mrs Miller. All resolutions sent forward for discussion at Convention were read. and it was decided to support all hut No. 2, relating to Dominion Compulsory Superannuation. New syllabus compiled. lVcided to hold a Cradle Afternoon, 22nd April, members to try and enroll new babies. NORMANBY. Feb. 9. Home meeting held at the residence of Mrs Menll. Good attendance of members; Mrs Bevnn presided. Vote of sympathy passed to Mr Edwards and to Mrs Aim in their sad bereavement. Corresjiondenre re more subscribers to the White Ribbon dealt with. A discussion took place on how to raise funds towards delegate’s expenses to Dominion Convention, it being Anally decided to take up subscription at next meeting. Mrs Beaton elected delegate to the Dominion Convention. A hearty vote of thanks accorded to Mrs Menli for the pleasant afternoon spent by members. A NEW BRANCH FORMED. On February Bth. Mrs Campbell, of South Brighton, invited the ladies of that district to meet Mrs Hall, President of the Central Brtghton Union, and Miss Beatrice Harband. Secretary of the North Canteibury District Union, with the object of forming a branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union in South Brighton. Mrs Hall explained the grow'th of the Parent Union In Central Brighton, and the desire of its members for self-expansion. Alreadv an off shoot Brand) had been formed at North Brighton, and she considered the time was ripe for South Brighton, with its increasing population to have its own Union. Miss Harband spoke on the threefold motto, the threefold platform. and the Badge of the World’s W.C.T.U., and made an appeal for all present to Join forces with the thousands of women in the Dominion, already pledged to the ideals of tlie Movement. After some discussion, it was unanimously decided to form a Union to he called the South Brighton Union. Tiie following officers wenelected:—President, Mrs Weavers; VicePresidents. Mesdames Gale and Rcarr; Secretary, Mrs Campbell; Treasurer. Mrs Hewitt: Cradle Roil Superintendent. Mrs flood; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Armstrong Meetings to be held In the South Brighton Hall, the flrst Tuesday of each month Ten members were transferred from the Central Brighton roil, and live new members were Initiated by Mrs Hall. Afternoon tea, musical and elocutionary items, with votes of tharks to the hostess, and the s|>eakers brought a successful function to a close.

RAKAIA. Feb. 10. Mrs Hong presided over good attendance; roll-call, and correspondence dealt with. Decided to ask British tenor's Society (Christchurch) to send out a speaker for our next meeting. It behig "Frances Willard Day,” lira Hopwood read a paper, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Miss Boa*? was appointed delegate to Convention. Decided to postpone our Carden Party till the Spring. A resolution, to be forwarded to Convention, was drawn up as follows: “That steps be taken to stop the sending of Art Union tickets through the Post." - Three new members were welcomed Into our Union. Decided to hold next meeting March Bth. Afternoon tea was served. POUTO. Feb. 28. Meeting held in the residence of Mrs Kemp. Good attendance, all members were present; Mrs Tautuhi, President, in chair. An interesting letter was read from Mrs Palmer, of Rakaia Branch, about their Union. A report of good work was announced. A way of helping the delegate, who is to be present at the Convention, was arranged. The following Officers were elected:—President and Treasurer, Mrs Ariari; Secretary ami W.K. Agent, Miss Kathleen Kena; (Mrs M Kena. Vice-Presi-dent; Mrs W. K*?.ia, Secretary) both resigned; Members, Mis B. Kena, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Kemp. Miss Kapa. M;ss Tautuhi, Miss Katie Kena, Miss 1,. Thompson, Miss M Thompson, Mrs Tautuhi, Mrs Pook. A hearty speech was given to those who worked hard last year, and those who retired. MIMA MAR. Feb. 9. Mrs Evans presiding over fair attendance. Resolutions for Convention discussed. Mrs Qenge appointed delegate, and instructed to support most of resolutions, particularly petition for two-issue ballot pa pen Members enthusiastic re canvassing for names. Decided to postpone sale of gifts, till after Convention. One new member enrolled. ELTHAM. Mar. 4. Presided over by Mrs \V. Morrison, was a very successful one. A large number of members and friends were present. Mrs M. Phillips, Provincial President of Taranaki, was present, and gave a most interesting address on Faith, and a little of the work of women ns Elisabeth Fry, Florence Nightingale, Frances Willard, and Agnes Weston. Mrs Garden gave great pleasure with her two solos, “My IH-ar Soul,” and "My Task..” The Treasurer, Mrs L. Pinney, reported twenty-two paid up members for 1927, which Is very encouraging, and if we all do our part, we should have a useful year. One new member was initiated. One of Elthain's first members. Mrs Bennett, passed away suddenly from heart trouble on February 28th. and all present stood hi silence as a mark of respect. She had been away from Eltham for many years, but had lately come hack, and had rejoined the Branch here. Afternoon tea was served at the close of the meeting. EDENDALE SOUTH. Mar. 3. First meeting of the year. Mrs Malcotm presided over an encouraging attendance. After usual devotions, several letters were read and discussed. Iks-ided to do our best to get new subscribers to the White Ribbon. Mrs Niven to attend the Quarterly meeting of the District W.C.T.U. In Invercargill ,on Saturday, 12tli March, on behalf of our Branch. RAETIHI. I Mar. 6. Mrs Sandford in the chair; good attendance Ih*oided to send literature to tiie Back Bloc k settlors. Mrs W. S< arrow, Superintendent,. Decided that a member should go to the Annual Convention. Mrs W, Beams nad parts <>f the Lift »»f Francs* Willard, and members discussed lier work in its different aspects. SPREYDON. Mar. 8. Mrs Petrie presided over fair attendance. No delegate to Convention. Mrs Petrie gave many helpful suggestions for making meetings Interesting, and keeping

In touch with members who do not regularly attend. WELLINGTON. A very pleasant gathering took place on Thursday evening in the Const aide Street Hall, when the members of the Wellington W.C.T.U. met »o bid bood-bye to Mrs Keene-, who is leaving for Auckland. Mrs Mowlem referred most appreciatively to the many services rendered by Mrs Keene during the years site had resided in Wellington, and presented the departing guest with an "Honour's Service Star,” and Mrs Chisholm presented a beautiful bouquet on beliaf of the Union. Mrs Keene suitably replied, thanking all for the kindly thoughts which had prompted the gifts. During the evening, songs were rendered by Mesdames Davis and Rotl, the Misses Webb a*nd Harris; recitation by Mrs Keene, monologue- by Miss Pillar, and violin solo by Miss Harvey. Supper was afterwards served and many a good wish was expressed for the continued good health and happiness of the guest of honour. INVERCARGILL SOUTH. Mar. Fair attendance; President, Mrs Paaley, took the chair, and Mrs McKinnon, Evangelical Superintendent, carried through devotions. Two or three musical items, sweetly rendered by Mrs Mair nnd Miss Sabine Pasley, ami an able recitation Irom Mrs D. Strang, made a pleasing prelude to a striking address from the Rev. S. Bailey, of St. Peter s Church. The Rev. gentleman based his remarks on verse L of 2nd Corinthians, chapter 4, and connected many present-day vital points with this verse. When closing his remarks, Mr Bailey’s exhortations to the Temperance workers were both stimulating ami impressive. Mr Bailey received a hearty vote of thanks, as did also the performers. Two new members wen Initiated. GORE. Feb. 22. Mrs E. C. Smith. President, presiding over fairly good attendance. After discussion the following decisions were agreed to: That member’s subscriptions be paid by April each year; That each Sunday School provides the monthly Band of Hope programmes beginning in April: also that at Union’s meeting In March, “Frances Willard Day” be observed, and gifts for Willard Home be brought. Mrs E. C. Smith was appointed delegate to Dominion Convention. RAI VALLEY. Feb 17. Willard Day was celebrated by a Mothers’ Afternoon Tea, in conjunction with a Baby Show and Carnival, etc., in aid of the District Nurses’ Cottage. In response to the invitation of the Locnl W.C.T.U., about 23 mothers nnd babies assembled at the Hall, where a dainty afternoon tea, contributed by the members, was set out. A number of pioneer ladles of the District were also present by invitation, also the Chairman of the Walrau Hospital Board, and the Rev. Mr and Mrs Mllgrew. After the judging of the babies, which was ably carried out by Sister Tundon, Matron of the Havelock Cottage Hospital, a Cradle Roll was started with 9 babies. Afternoon tea was then partaken of, and a very pleasant afternoon was concluded by the announcement of the winners In the different baby classes. Each child present received a souvenir from the Union, and hopes were expressed that the affair would be carried out again next year. Mrs Lcov, President. W.U.T.U., received and welcomed the guests. M AFTERTON. Mar. Mrs, Cocker presided; 21 members answered roll call. President and Secretary reported having attended District Executive meeting at the Hutt, and the Union decided to give its loyal support to recommendations to be forwarded from that meeting to the I>oniinion Convention, with regard to division of the District and Domestic Courts. A full discussion on need for Headquarters, and Secretary instructed to convoy confidence of the Union to Dominion Officers, and its desire to help in the project. Unanimous approval of action for two-issue ballot. Levy of Is. ner member made towards N.Z. Organising Fund, fl raised in meeting. Report given by Mrs N Miller, Representa-

live to Alliance, on Bub-Cou::icil meeting, held in Musterton, and vote of thanks passed. Arrangements for Shop Day ,to be held 6th April, completed. Decided to hold a Gift Afternoon at the residence of Mrs 8. J. Smith, on March 24th. Tea was served by Mesdames Willoughby and Ross. TAUMARUNUI. Mar. 8. The President a resignation was accepted with regret, and Mrs Wainwlight, Vice-President, was appointed to act as President till the end of the financial year. 100 copies of the Young P**ople’s Supplement were ordered for the next three months. Sister Alison was appointed delegate to the Convention. Mrs Reed report wig on the L.T.L., was promised fuller co-operation by l iiion members. The past year’s work was most commendable. The L.T.L. w ill resume in April. •» Feb. 24. Business; the appointment of Mrs Philips as delegate to the Convention. The alteration o four monthly meeting from the last Thursday to the first Thursday of nth Mrs Green nid t 1 •• Ti• isurei s # report. The meeting concluded with a short entertainment. Miss Elsie Bairn recited. Mrs Bann sang, ami Mrs Herbert gave us an organ selection. LOWER HUTT. Feb. 28. 2 members present. A hearty welcome was extended to Mrs Lopdell and Mrs Quin. Our President read the Pledge, all repeating it. An apology was read from Mrs Spencer. A letter was read from the Church of Christ Officials, thanking us for our small donation to them for the use of the Church, and wish.rig us every success, in our work this year. Decided to hold the Cradle Roll Afternoon on Wednesday, March 2nd, and all members were requested to come along and make the effort a successful one. Our delegate to Convention is Mrs Anderson. The remits, re Headquarters, and the two-Issue ballot paper, were passed l,v our Union, to he recommended to <’onfereme by our delegate. The sum of £1 was voted for the General Fuiul, and a collection was taken up during afternoon tea for the Missionary Fund. Decided to get ft number of handbooks for our members. \ very interesting paper on the life of Frances Willard was read by Mrs Anderson, written by her daughter, who was accorded a vote of thanks. There was a good deal of discussion, about the resolution against Military training. Mar. 2. Cradle Roll Afternoon. It was a beautiful day, and a large number of mothers and children were present. Mrs I<owe gave a recitation. Mrs Ireland and Mrs Bird a pianoforte duet, ami there were seveval records of nursery rhymes given mi the gramophone, kindly lent by one of the members. Mrs Anderson s|>okc a few words to the mothers, telling them seme of the work the W.C.T.U. docs, and asi oil if nny could Join up with us. Mrs Hoys*, our Cradle Roll Superintendent, was congratulated on her good work. ami heartily applauded. Afternoon tea was dispensed, and a very pleasant afternoon was brought to a close. SPREYDON. Feb. 8. Mrs Burley presided: fair attendance. Decided to order one hundred copies of the Y.P. Supplement for six months Mrs Wats* n to s epresent the Union at North Canterbury Executive. Votes of svnipatliv were passed w th Mrs K. FeshenfieSd ami Mrs Sykes In their bereavement, and with Mrs Hall in her Illness. Mrs Walker reported thirty babies on the Cradle Roll. Collection for Frances Willard Day. NORTH BRIGHTON. Feb. A New Year’s Rally where the "Y” Branch were the guests of the Adult Union. Representatives of the Brighton and newlyformed South Brighton Unions were also present. Miss R. M, Harbsnd, President, welcomed the Dominion President, ami extended to her the eotigrrituiatlons of the Unions present, in her appointment to His Majesty’s Commission of Justice. Mrs Taylor then delivered an address on the life ami work of Frances Willard. On heh r .lf of the North Brighton Branch, M< - Gllllvray. Cradle Roll Superintendent,

thanked Mrs Taylor for her address, and Miss Leaver, Vice-President of the “Y” Branch, voiced the appreciation of the young people. Decided to discuss more fully at the March meettaig. the Auckland remit to Dominion Convention, that a monster petition be presented to Parliament, asking for a two-issue ballot. One new member was initiated. The North Brighton “Y.” Branch, having won the challenge they issued to Central Brighton for increased membership during the last quarter of 192<», accepted the invitation of the losing Branch to a Social evening on February' 25th. HAWERA. Feb. 17. A very enjoyable Garden Party at the •residence of Mr and Mrs Corrv. A large number present. Mrs Exley, President, in a happy little speech, welcomed the visitors, which included members from other Unions. The day was idem for an outdoor gathering. A dialogue by Mrs Bill and Mrs Curtis was then gi\en. Mrs Roth and Mrs Healey each gave two recitations, Mrs Beaton .a rending; all items being much enjoyed. Afternoon tea was dispensed under a beautiful spreading tree; one and all B|>ent a most de'ifhtful afternoon. A collection was taken up for Missionary work. Thanks were given to Mrs Corry for her kindness * Feb. 25. Mrs Exley presided; several members away <m account of Illness. Severs 1 matters of business were dealt with. (\>rreipondence read by Secretary. A discussion arose as to best means of increasing the Union's funds. OTAHI’HU. Mar. 3. Social Afternoon; musical items and also a very Interesting recitation, ami Mrs (’owl® spoke on the Stamp Book; How the W.C.T.U had been the Influence of having the Brewers’ advertisement taken off the Book, and now they advertise Coffee instead, and also about Posters, and then on the success of Prohibition in Honolulu. We thoroughly enjoyed her talk, after which afternoon tea was handed round, and I am glad to say Mrs Oowle had the pleasure of initiating two new members. We had a splendid gathering for our first meeting STRATFORD. Feb. Good attendance; President in the chair. Instead of the usual flowers, the members decided to take afternoon tea to the Hospital patients. which was very much appreciated. Decided that four or five members take it in turns, once a month, and the response from the members for the next month was splendid. Frances Willard Day observed. A paper was read, giving extracts from tlie splendid life of a noble woman, in whose footsteps we have the privilege of following. Musical items were rendered, and recitations were given, afternoon tea was handed round. NORTH INVERCARGILL. Feb. 15. Meeting an unqualified success, over fifty members and friends being present The President, Mrs Oilmour, spoke in an Impressive manner of {lie need for visum in the work that lies abend during the year. In recognition of assistance rendered by members of the North Union in the Ten Rooms at the A. & P. Show, last T>ecenibor. Mrs Margregor conveyed the thanks of the South Union, and handed over a donation. Mrs Chalmers, Superintendent of Notable Days, read an interesting paper on the life and work of Miss Frances Willard. Mrs Gllmour was appointed delegate to Convention. A delightful musical programme whs provided, the following ladles contributing to the afternoon’s enjoyment: Mesdamcs Carter, McLean. Edgar and Miss McDowall. Three new members were Added to the roll, and a dainty afternoon tea dispensed. TIM ART’. Feb. 22. Frances Willard Day celebrated by “Pay-Up” Social. A silent vote of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr E. Holdgate was passed. Correspondence read from Mrs F. A. Raymond, thanking Union for congratulations on her appointment ns Justice of the Peace, ami from Miss Henderson re two-issue ballot net'tion. Members pledged themselves to assist in securing signatures, and delegates to Convention were instructed how to vote. Three W.C.T IT. members from Scotland welcomed. 4 \ most enjoyable musical progra: ime fol-

lowed, and a “Y” member contributed a recitation. During supper, the Treasurer was kept busy receiving members' subscriptions. HASTINGS. Feb. 24. Mrs Paul, President, In the chair; IS members present. Busy meeting, correspondence discussed. Cradle Roll and District Executive meetings reported. Balance sheet road. Two accounts passed for payment. Decided to celebrate Frances Willard Day, special meeting In Cornwall Park, March 10th. Parcel of clothing for Kamahai Mission received. Parcel of magazines for distribution collected during afternoon. Mrs Paul appointed delegate attend Auckland Convention. Tea was served by Mrs Smith. KAIAPOI. Feb. Good attendance to hear Miss Bradshaw, our Organiser, who has beem in Kaiapoi for a week. Her efforts resulted In two new members and several promises of help in the work. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to her for her work. A unanimous vote was passed for the two-Issue ballot paper, eleven names being submitted as canvassers for the petition. A resolution was pa .sed protesting against the granting of an extension of tuilf-an-hour to the Billiard Saloon of Kainpoi. WAVERLEY. In November, we held a Street Stall and Afternoon Tea In our Rest Room. The proceeds, £lO, were divided equally between the Willard Home and the Sailor's Rest Fund, New Plymouth. Mrs Duxfleld attended at our February meeting ami gave an interesting address. Miss Cheyme, from Scotland, also was present, and compared our work in New Zealand favourably with that being done in her own country. At our March meeting, we decided to send reading matter to the Beck-Blocks, and also to ask the public for donations of cast-off clothing. The sng Test'oi, to make our meetings inf.irma), " nd to remake and mend garments during the afternoon, was favourably received. WEL LI NOTON CENTRAL. Feb. It. Among the subjects for discussion was the need for Dominion Headquarters, and a remit urging that necessity is to be forwarded for consideration to the coming conference. Other subjects were dls- > ussed, and remits concerning these were adopted to be sent on. The President, Miss Kirk, was elected to represent this Branch of the Union at Convention ARAMOHo. Feb. 22. Mrs Gilmore in tbr ‘hair. Mrs Bathgate gave a short in vhlch she urged upon the members tnf Importance of the Band of Hope work A leader is wanted, and Mrs Bathgate asked all to give the matter earnest consideration. Tin* meeting closed with prayer, aftei which afternoon tea was served. ASH BURTON. Mar. 1. Mrs W. M. Robinson presided over a large attendance. The Pledge was recited, nn<l an extract, showing the effects of Alcohol on the propagation of the human raee, was read by the President. Letters of sympathy were directed to he sent to members who arc sick. A report received from the Superintendent, showed that a parcel of 173 garments had been collected and forwarded to the Willard Home. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs A. E Moon A very cordial welcome to Ashburton and the Union, was extended to Mrs Ensign Ransom, also, to Mrs D. F. Keir after her long absence. Decided to provide supper fit n Social evening arranged hv No-Lleense Council, to meet our representative in Parliament. Owing to counterattractions, the Drawing Room arranged for March 17th is postponed. Instructions were given to delegates, re “Notices of Motion.” A cup of tea was served, after which a verv interesting address on the Life of Miss Maud Ro\den. of the Gitv Guild, London, was given by Mrs R. B. Tinsley. Born to a position of affluence, refinement, and learning. Miss Rovdm’s enrrer as Student. Lecturer. Reformer Social Worker, Editor of the National Suffragette Paper, and Preacher, were dwelt upon in a rumterly way by the speaker. A very hearty vote of

thanks was accorded Mrs Tinsley for instructi\e and inspiring address. OPAWA-WOOLBTON. Jan. 26. Brmg and Buy Social at b residence of Mrs T. W. West, kindly 1® for that occasion. Things brought, being< a useful order found ready sale, being sold, and nearly £3 was raised. , dainty afternoon tea v as tnen served by t, Hostess, assisted by the Misses West a, Pycroft. A bright and cheerful address wj given by Mrs W. J. Williams on the differ*; branches of work in which women had tak* part, such as Protection of Women a: Ohildrwn, Juvenile Courts. Shop Assistant ICt • I . final!] urging all to hold togctland to press on, and In so doing, muc good work could be accomplished. St* wished all a happy a/nd useful year. T> President moved a vo*e of thanks to M:< Williams, also to the Hostess for her kite hospitality EDEN. Feb. 16. The President, Mrs Fenton, presided over a good attendance, and niav reference to a sad case of a drug add • which had come under her notice, a* made special mention of same in her prayer Correspondence from Mrs Peryman appeal Ib{ to members to use theii best endeavoun to Increase the circulation of the “White Ribbon” paper was read and noted. As « result of our President bringing th* "W.0.T.U.” before the (lady) members of her Church, three joined up with our I’niou Following afternoon tea, Mrs Lee-Cowte gave a most interesting and inspiring address on her visit to Honolulu, also son? very encouraging side-lights on Scotland and America, which go to show that No-Lioeii* is not losing ground, but gradually going forward. Mrs K»*nton, delegate to Convection. FEILDING. Mar. 3. Moderate attendance, presid'd over by Mrs Pack. Resolved to send a delegate to Convention. Discussion took place on question of petitioning Parliament for a Two-Issue ballot pap-»r. Meeting .n favour of It. and resolved to instruct delegate to vote for it. Commandant Simpson of the Salvation Army, gave a very flw address on “Joy ini the Lord.” giving as hi* opinion, the greatest meed in the Christian Church to-day, being more Joy in our religion. A duet by Misses Tremain nil Babbage was very nicely sung. SOUTH BRIGHTON, Mar. 1. First meeting of the newly-form-ed South Brighton Branch; Mrs Weaver* presided. Four new members were initiate Mrs H Hall, President of the Bright' Uni ion, gave a very interesting address er the life of Frances Willard. Musical itei J were rendered by Mesdames W. Arinstnow and A. W. Scarr, and afternoon tea ww served. We members of the Union, pledff ourselves to work ami stand for a petitic for a Two-Issue ballot paper. RTCCARTON. Feb 17. Mrs C*. Bnrrell presided over l good attendance. Temperance fact given 1 Miss Henderson, quoting Dr. Bond on A coliol being unnecessary as medicine. Letter* of thanks read from Mrs Bendely, acknov lodging collection for Maori Fund, ah* Willard Home for gifts of frocks. Resolve: to send letters of thanks to Revs. B. J James and H. Nelson Wright for conduct Ir> Rible-in-fk-hools for last year. Resolved to support petition to Parliament re two-issues Letter read from Mrs Pervman, suggesting p ina foi L’.'iMimg subscribers te "Whll Ribbon."* Suggestions and plans were talked over, and iv was finally decided to write anil ask Miss Lovell-Smith to assist Mrs McLeat by trying to obtain subscribers in Upper • Rlccartor Mrs C. Bnrrell was appoint* delegate to Convention. Mrs Swallow Superintendent Prisons Department, report*-: that she had visited Addington Reformatory nnd taken books, clothing, and gratnaphoff records for the use of the inmates. Member* •reed to assist her by giving old clothin* liieh the Matron had mentioned was tl* most meedful. Resolved to have a Bring nr Ruv Afternoon next meeting. Miss Hender son gave an Interesting address, explalnirf the recent referendum In Amorlea nn‘ Norway.

NAPIER. Mar. 2. Mrs Leask presided. Resolved that in the interest of Health and Efficiency of Nurses, all Hospital Boards be urged to ,stablish a six-day week, instead of the seven-day of eight hours now in force. Mrs Saunders, Superintendent of the Cradle Roll, rci*orted great success. This branch of our work was started on February 16th, at a Garden Party, held to celebrate Willard Ikiy, and wus held in the Botanical Hardens, when about 21 were present; sickness had a lot to do with the small number. Mrs Brocklehurst gave a short paper on what women had clone since Frances Willard started her great campaign. Mrs Leask i. ad the report of the District Executive meeting, held In Hastings. Mrs Venables, delegate to Convention. A request from Napier South that we hold alternate meetings at Wesley Hall was received Decided to do so, there being members there* who are deprived by the distance from attending meetings Mrs Leask granted three month's leave of absence. Vote of sympathy, the r< :iHo»n l>eing she had to go lor sim*c ial medic al treatment in America. Wishes were expressed for a safe Journey, restoration to health, and a safe return. Mrs Venables appointed to take her place as President during her absence. N.E. VALLEY. Mar. 3. There was a good attendance of members. Mrs Peart. President, presided, the subject of her address being “Faith and Patience.” Correspondence was read from the Minister of Justice in reply to a letter from the Union rc* the Norman Charles Williams case. From the Minister of Health, m reply to petitions re mental defectives; from Miss Henderson, referring to a petition for two-issue* ballot paper at the next « lc< tion; from Mrs Perymnn, with suggestions for increasing the sale of the “White R'h|M,n ” Miss Gray was chosen as the delegate* to Convention. Mrs llinkle.v resigned the jM.sition of Cradle Roll Superintendent, and Mrs Coulter was appointed in her place. The other Superintendents of departments were* re-elected, the President thanking them for their reports, and stating that two members have been removed by death during the jear. A vote of sympathy was passed with tin* relatives of both families. WELLINGTON. Mar. 3. Mrs Mowlem presided. Decided to circularise the members who were not present, i*n connection with a Two-Issue ballot paper. Mesdames Mowlem and I <>rt \*re elected to represent the l nion at < on- \ ntion. As one of our members. Mrs Keene, will be leaving Wellington shortly for Auckland, it was decided to hold ft social in tuo Constable Street Hall, when all members were asked to be present. TEMPLETC >N Fob. 22. A good attendance presided owr b\ Mrs Clark. President. Decided to carry oil the* Band of Hope Concerts during the Winter, as we did last, and are looking forward to a good time among the children. Also offered to provide afternoon tea to i siting foothal teams. Mrs Brown was elected White Ribbon Agent and Reporter. Meeting dosed with benediction, after which afternoon tea was handed round. PICTON. Feb. 8. President in the chair. Mrs \\ells selected by unanimous vote as delegate to Convention. Resolution passed to reopen branch Of L.T.L. on Wednesday. lMli. in Methodist Sunday School, and to ha\ weekly meetings, instead of fortnightly, a before, the meetings to he under the leadership of Mrs Wells. Members agreed to ffH* tl ♦ children a tea as a<n opening. pleasant point Mar. 2nd. Fair, but keen attendance, ami some visitors Ro|K.rt of Executive meetink read bv Vlce-P -esident. In whic h tin > d. ided to meet every 3 months. Treasurer s report ft 10s. 4 d. In hand. 4s. to he refunded from the Y.'s. Decided to gisc two prizes, one for hois and on.* T»r U : rl*. “Bovs Own Annual.*’ and ditto Qir a or an Esaav on Alcohol. Us effects ™ the Human Bodv. for pupils in Standard 6. atsmt 13 school- to compete, essays to he in by Ist Friday in June; competent Judge to announce verdict. Cradle Roll Afternoon decided for March 19th. at 2.30 p.m. Election

of Officers:—Mrs 8. Smith unanimously reelected as Secretary, also Miss Bishop as President, and Miss Munro as Treasurer; also nominated Mrs McNeur Ist Vice-Presi-dent. Mrs Felton, 2nd; Miss A. Neilson reelected as White Ribbon Agent. Frames Willard I>ay kept, extract from White Ribbon read by Secretary on “Women’s Influence.” 2s. Id. in box on table. Afternoon tea dispensed and report of year’s work read by Sec retary. t>ne new White Ribl>on subscriber at meeting; one new (Maori) member. Feb. 2 Fair attendance; correspondence read from Mrs Falconer, Miss Shirtcliffe. Mrs Per yin an. Miss Henderson, also from H. Digges Smith, declining our further use* of box of literature at Railway Ktation, which was received with great reg. «t. Resolved that we give a prize for B',*ndard VI, on the Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body. Secretary advised to write to all teachers as far as Gore, also to Secretary W.C.T.IT., Temuka. Miss O. Halstead gave an interesting account of Xmas Cheer for a poor family. Mrs Andrews elected Cradle Roll Superintendent. L.T.L. left in charge of Misses Neilson and Halstead Decided to have Cradle Roll Afternoon. March 23rd. Nurse Dunlop be asked to address the mothers, also to have a musical and elocutionary programme and games for the children. L.T.L. to he ‘nvited, also Secretary- read a little story from ‘Collier’s Weekly/ entitled “The Night Alarm ” l*roIcosed to send it to ho published in White Ribbon. Treasurer’s report: Income for year. £l6; Expenditure. £ls; £1 7s. 3d. in iiand. Box on table, 3s 3d. Collection. Two new White Ribbon subscribers at meeting Afternoon ten dispensed. DUNEDIN. Mar. 1. flood attendance of members. Reference was made to the death of Mrs P W stokes ami Captain Sundstrum, votes of sympathy being passed to both families. The President read a letter from the Sydney “Evening N *\vs," confirming the statement made at a former meeting, that Alcohol is proh.btted in Canbarra and within a radius of ninety miles of the Federal Capital of Australia. Reports were received from members who had visited the new immigrants settled In the city and suburbs. Mrs Blakely read extracts from an address by y>r W. A Chappie, who stated that alcohol was a drug, every argument that applied to morphia npplled equally to alcohol. Mesdames Peart. Macartney. P.nd Alexander, who were sent from the Union as n deputation to the Minister of Health In connection with backward children and the classifying of mental patients. reported that the Minister expressed himself an pleased to note the interest of the women in these matters, and rmid that arrangments were being made to have special wards In the hospital where they could hr interviewed and put under observation. Instead of being taken to the police cells as they arc* at present. A discussion took place on remits for the Annual Convention and <*i the formation of new I,ran* lies in the c ountry districts to assist Band of Hope work. NEW BRIGHTON. Feb. 33. Well-attended meeting; President. Mrs H. Hall. In the chair. Representatives of the Mothers’ Union. Presbyterian Mission Union and the Plunkc; Society who were present, were extended a hearty welcome. Miss B. X. Harhand gave her 10minute talk ♦Ms month or “Narcotics.” Mrs F L Good. Cr»d’« Hoi’ Superintendent, reporte I that a picnic i... the mothers and babies had been held in tiie I>oninin. Races were arranged, avid toys and sweets distributed to tile children. Afternoon tea was provided by some of th-> members of the Union Mrs Hall reported that a meeting had been held at Mrs R. Campbell's residence. South Brighton, with the object of forming n branch in the district. This was done, and the Officers were elected f«*r the year The Secretary, Mrs M Moses, was elected delegate to the Dominion Convention To commemorate Frtmces Willard Day. a verv fine address was given by Mrs Rountree. of the Christchurch Union. on "Woman’* Influence” In all spheres of life. T>uring the afternoon, a song was sung •»> Mrs F. Mitchell, and afternoon tea was served by the member*.

SYDENHAM l>ec. 2. Annual meeting; Mrs Sirett presided over a fair attendance. The Officers’ reports were reud and adopted, and proved satisfactory. The following Officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Mrs Sirett; Secretary. Mrs Cartwright Smith; Treasurer, Mrs Gillard; Vice-President, Mrs Archer; Miss Watt, Cradle Roll Superintendents, all re-elected. M s Hancock. White Ribbon Agent; Mrs Hamixk and Mrs Bashfonl. Social Committee. Feb. 3. Mrs Sirett presided over a good attendance. Decided to draw up syllabus for the year, and names of suitable speakers were suggested by members. Decided to hold a Bring rml Buy Social at the May meeting, to help the funds of the Union. Miss Gainsford, Deaconen* for the District, was welcomed, and spoke a few words, and promised to give an address at the next meeting, and also became a member of our Union. Mar. 3. Good attendance; Mr* Sirett presiding Mrs Odell appointed delegate to Convention. One new member enrolled. Miss Gainsford gave a most interesting address on her work amongst the women in India, which was greatly enjoyed by those present. CARTERTON. Mar. 2. Mrs Tvler presided over a good attendance. Decided at last month's meeting to send magazines, books, etc., to the Working Men’s Camp on the Rimutnka Road, and as enough reading matter had been brought to make a parrel, It was arranged to have it conveyed there by the Service Car. Paper read re getting twoissue ballot paper, and the Union was in favour of a petition. There was some very interesting reading from the “Vanguard.” Tli»* remits that will be rend and discussed at Convention, and have been setit from different Unions, were read, and this Union was i*n favour of them all. Decided to ’’.old an “American Tea” at Mrs Cotter’s residence. High Street, on Wednesday. March 30th, at 2.30 pin. Wo are making this Widely known to members and friends. WHANGAREI. Dec. Annual meeting. “Pay-Up" Social; fair attendance. Mrs Goodall, President, presided. Year's work presented, and various reports; favoured with solo by Miss Lovatt. Officers for 1927: —Mrs Goodall. President; Mesdames Lovatt, Vile, and \t right, \ icePresidents; Mrs W. N. Hills. Secretary; Mrs Hughes, Treasurer; nil other Officers reelected: Mrs Wright. W.R. Agent, Mrs McKinnon (late Agent) leaving district. Nliur. First meeting for 1927; good attendance Appointed Secretary to attend Convention In Auckland. Greetings from Onehunga and Auckland City, brought b\ Miss Row sell. Mar 4. Paid surprise visit to Mix McKinnon. prior to her departure for Wellington. Mrs Goodall. in presenting Handbag as a mark of love and esteem, thanked Mrs McKinnon for faithful service for the last 20 years, one of Whangarei's first members Mrs McKinnon suitably replied, and wished us all prosperity. PONSONBY. Feh 17. An evening moetmg, held in East Street Hall, took the form of a CofTee Supper with musical Items. Tickets 6d; funds to purchase a banner Between 20ft an 1 300 people attended. Mrs Lee-Cowie presided. and in her usual Interesting and Instructive way. filled in all the gnps A special feature was the reading of questions from the W.CT.U. Catechism by Mrs Kasper, various members giving the answers It was a great success, anil our banner will he seen at the Convention, as a targible evidence Mar. 3. Mrs Hayr presided over a good attendance of members and friend*. Owing to February 17th (Willard Day) being taken for our special meeting, we held it a fortnight la'e Miss Pyle gave a few extracts of cur great and wonderful Founder’s I if**, which we emphasised bv tbe fact that she had Just visited lver late home in Evanston. Chicago. Vhe special collection amounted to n.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 380, 18 March 1927, Page 8

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 380, 18 March 1927, Page 8

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 380, 18 March 1927, Page 8