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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! 1. Every Union should report. 2. Reports must be short. 3. Must be in by Bth of month. 4. Don't report what you are going to do. o. Don t send newspaper reports yf your meetings. PLEASANT POINT. May 17. Peart? Day. Several extracts 11 ont Scripture relating to Peace were read. Mr* Felton wan congratulated cm being Aral W.C T.V member elected on s« liool Committee Pleasant Point. Congratulations also wire tendered from Union to Mrs Batchelor, on having topped the poll for this her third tern of service on same • Vnunittee. The Peace Resolutions passed at Convention were read t». the meinbera Mian lUsliup, of Christchurch Colon. gave an address on the need for world peace, and the efforts being made to bring It about. Prayers were then offered up by several members, petitioning for Peace. Delegate appointed to attend New Zealand Alliance. Mrs Falconer moved, Mrs Smith seconded a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Bishop. Two new members. CHEVIOT. May 12. Mrs Ferguson presiding over a fair attendance. President read a long and Interesting account of Annual Convention in Christchurch, which was listened to with much appreciation, of the work done an»l to be done. President’s resignation received with deep regret—owing to a change of business, Mrs Ferguson lias been obliged to -»*ver her connection with the Cheviot I'nion. hut looks forward to joining one elsewhere. The next meeting will take the form of a "home” meeting at Mrs Clifford’s. After the Benediction, afternoon tea was dispensed. PETONE. May -1. Twelve ladies present, anil Mrs Cole, President, in the chair. Delded that all try to get more sales for the White Kihhon. Decided that a letter la* written to Dr. Truby King, stating the need of help for the Maori mothers in the roaring of the r children, and asking his aid in this. Also one to Minister of Railways, askwig him to do something in order to put down dmking on railways. Resolved that Mrs <laHiers be our representative at the Alliance Convention in Wellington, also at a meeting of the Pohibition League, held in order to discuss the forming of a Hand of Hope. Mrs Mowdeni is to speak at our next social aft* moon on Wednesday, May 9th. Our Pledge was repeated, and the meeting closed with the doxology. BCCTH INVERCARGILL. May 11. President. Mrs Garrett, presided. It was announced that the Rev. C. To* ker would give an address in St. Paul's school - room, on Peace Day, May 171li, at 7 3D p in., when it was hoped there would he a large attendance of those interested, ami the public generally. Mrs Porter aavig an appropriate so'o w hich by spe, ial request she was asked to repeat on some future date and Mrs Reidy received a hearty vote of thanks for her personal Impressions on Convention. But the m-agnus opus of the meeting were the impromptu speeches given by Mrs Garrett. Mrs McGregor, Mrs Me Kinston, and Miss McCallum on the auhje, t “The Immigration Scheme.” and the "Strike in England.” Much information aiul sound facts were advanced by the various speakers. MOTHERA After a «|*ell in the busy fruit aearon, we have again started our meet nga. Though small in numbers, the Interest is still keen. We have had the White Ribbon placed in the local Cottage Hospital, which

Is. we believe, a step in the right direction. The p lipa re-Bible-in-8choo!s la-ague have been signed and sent in. We have decided to ask the Plunket Nurse to give us and am mothers we can induce to attend a short address on the "Effect of Alcohol on Babies.” NEW PLYMOUTH. May 2fi. Mrs Jones presided. Keeling reference was made by the President to the doath of our faithful Leader, Mrs Johnson Wright, the members remaining standing for a few moments. A vote of sympathy was passed with the Rev. T. R. Richards in his illness. The principal business was to prepare for the Mart to he held the following Friday to raise a working fund for the Union. Arrangements were also made for the District Convention to he held at Inglewood, on June 9th. Sailor’s Rest work was reported upon, and a meeting called for the following week to organize work Jund arrange for canvassing streets. A successful Mart was held on Friday, 28th Inst., opening at 9.30 There were produce, sewing, meat, sweets. cake. flower and Jumble stalls; a children's tree, and afternoon and morning tea. A profit of a little over £2O was realized. May 17. Special meeting. Peace Itay. The President occupied the chair. The Rev. Parry conducted the devotions, after which Mrs Jones welcomed the Revs. Parry and Wilson, and gave a short talk concerning the work of the W.C T.l\ The Rev. Wilson delivered a very flue address upon Peace and Arbitration. Musical items were rendered, and a hearty vote of thanks accorded the sj>eakers ami the singers. < >PAWA-\VOK U.STON May Ik. A fair number of members present, Mrs A D. Jenkins, presiding. The Convention report being dealt with. A lett*-r was read from the Bible-in-Hchools League, members willing to take up the work. The Ladles* Guild are arranging for a temperance speaker occasionally to strengthen our forces. Two new members were initiated Afternoon ten closed an interesting aftern ion. HA A ERA. May 17. Peace l>ay’ Celebrated. The Baptist Minister, Rev. C. H. Barbour, gave an inspiring address; other speakers were Revs. Curr in and Haddon, and Mrs Adj. Sawyers. Musical items were given by several friends. At the close, afternoon tea was handed around, provided by Mrs Curtis and friends. May 28. .Mrs Exley presiding. twenty members were present. Votes of sympathy were passed to bereaved and members who were sick. Mrs Hayward appointed delegate to District Convention, to i*c hold In New Plymouth, on 15th June. White Ribbon Day to be celebrated osi 25 June. The President welcomed a visitor from Wanganui. Mrs Bathgate, who gave a very interesting talk on L.T.L. work, and urged members of I law era Union to start the work in Hawern. At the close of the address, the sp*sker was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs Slue kelton atm ’layward kindly promised to re-form a brawh of the L.T.L. in Hawera. KAIAPOI. May. Mrs Vi< ker*' presided over a good attendance of members who listened with interest to ho extract from the Wellington Dominion, read by Mrs White. The Superintendent of the Building reported that the new lmll will Ik finished the first week in June, and it was decided to have the Dedioatiutt service led by Mrs Taylor, the Dominion President °u the 17th June, just before the Bazaar was opened. Decided that our Union affiliate with the ia-ag"** of Nations. GORE. May 25- Devotional meeting in the interests of "World Peace.” presided over by Mrs Day, Vice-President, who read a \ery appropriate and helpful paper "The Outlawry of War,” by Colonel Robins. Attendances gootl. ami as number of earnest petit ons were offered by members for the Peace, we so much desired.

HASTINGS. May 27. Mrs Banks in the chair. Reported that Peace Day prayer had hceti held, and was a season of blessing. That 2t dozen singicts had been made to he forwarded to Mr* Ikm. That "Y” Social was a success. That Band of Hope had opened with a so* ial, and was a success despite the weather, and other adverse circumstances. That Mrs T. E>. Taylor’s meetings had been well-attended. That six r.ew members had Joined. That the sick members had been visited. That arrangements were on foot to establish a new branch in the district, and a Committee to make final arrangements was .set up; also a sick visiting Committee. The Secretary was instructed to write several Utters dealing with local affairs. Afternoon t‘-H was sersed by Mesdanies Harrier and Heaton. The rc|a*athig of the Pledge and the pronouncing of the Benediction, closed u busy meeting. OPOTIKI. May 13. Mrs Thompson presided. Band of Hope meetings arranged Mrs Hambly spoke on *he work of "White Ribbon.” and urged every member to endeavour to Increase the circulation of the paper. Two new subscribers were listed. The President referred to Dr. O’Brien's lecture, who strongly commented on the evil effects of alcohol in the human hotly. Mrs Downey and Mrs Connelly served afternoon tea. On Monday 17th, the off icers and nuite a number of members met in the Salvation Army Hall for prayer meeting. Mrs Thompson presided, and Rev. I>. Hird gave an excellent address on "Peace and War.” TIMARU. May 25. Meeting well-attended. 91st Psalm read at Mrs Norrle’s request. Correspondence dealt with: from Miss Henderson, re Convention resolutions; from Mi> I>on, thanking Union for letters of appreciation; from Mrs Pcryman, wishing Y’s success with their new President; from New Zealand Alliance Area Secretary,re-Annual Area Convention, on June 3rd; from Secretary New Plymouth, thanking Union for donation to Sailor's Rest; from Acting S* retary, for Tiniaru Hostel for Girls, inviting members to attend public meeting. An interesting hospital report was received. Decided to celebrate White Ribbon I*ay by having a short paper from Mrs Cave, White Ribbon Agent. Sixteen members agreed to get signatures for Rihle-in-Bchoo|g Peoples' Organisation Scheme. Mfs Mackesy addressed the meeting for a short while. Fairly hus\ month at the Rest. FOXTON. May 20. Mrs Peryman presided over a small attendance. Mrs Ma< I»onald to whom we are much indebted for her interesting accounts of Convention, gave a report of the plans of work for the young people a* discussed ut the Dominion Convention in Christchurch, at the same time emphasisin': the great importance of the work among tin* children. It was suggested that prizes be offered for the best Temperance essays writ ten by the hoys .and girls of the local school. lierided to hold White Ribbon I*i on June 17th. Afternoon tea was served. CARTERTON. June 2. Mrs F. Tyler presided over a fair attcmilance. A letter from Mrs Ikm, expressing appreciation in answer to the letter which had been sent from tics Union. Concerning a Bible-ln-Bchooi* campaign, the members decided to help in this direction. A District Executive meeting was discussed, and it is hoped that otic will be held In Carterton at an early date. A vote of thanks was passed to hose officers who wrote letters to the country members. 1 >et uied that these letters, be wrtten every three months, giving a summary of the meetings, and different members to write them. As it was "White Ribbon” Day. there was a very interesting leaflet read concerning the paper Each member that was present had brought an extract from it "White Ribbon,” and they were read ami much appreciated. Special collection and afternoon tea was dispensed, the hostesses being Mcwdame* Tyler and Kennerley.

EDEN. April 20. Miu Fentcai presided o - ,«*r a fair attendance. Apologies for absence were revived from Mina Wilson, “former Prenident," Mr* Franklyn ami other* letter of *> nipatliy to be sent Mr* Ramsay in her ill new. Severa latlie* undertook to provide for alul take charge of a table at the knife and fork tea being held in uitl of fund* for Diatriet I'nion. and alee aa a farewell to Mnt Lee Cow ie and Mr* Kaapar. Eleven member* promised to each gain siM’ii members for the "Bd)le-ln-8chool* League." Mih Fenton wit* appointed our representative on the ••Womens' National Council.'’ The President, on liehalf of the I’nion aahl a few loving word* of good-bye to Mr* Wykes, who wan leaving on am extt uded trip to Vancouver. The Recording S. ret ary gave a most interesting report of tli>- work done at the Dominion Convention, and was thanked. AUCKLAND. .luii* 8. Pay Up Ho*'iai was held. Mrs c<>ok presided; attendance. A resolutn.*.i was unanimously passed that this meeting of the Auckland Women's Christian Temperance Union indignantly protests :il *inst the action of tlie licensing Comin t|ee ill granting the license on the Waterfront after the same Compiittee had d* < lared that a lict*nse whs not required in til*- locality, and consider it is due to the public that the names of those members should he made known who "violated their trust." The courageous stand taken by Mr Cutten. H.M., was heartily commended A letter of appreciation was sent to the premier, ll*»n J. »l. Coates, for the attitude lie took in regard to lotteries. Mrs Cook of her work Mrs Perynian made an appeal meeting, and spoke in appreciative terms •> lie i work. Mrs Perynian made an appeal • II behalf of tile White Ribbon, and urged nil present to increase the circulation be- • .*ius** of its educational value. A collection was taken for the Maori work. Recltatlims were given by Misses Cowley and Morton. Afternoon tea was served. One member initiated. LOWER 111 TT. May 2ft. Mention was made of the missing of Mrs Wright. Secretary reported meeting of District Executive, held m WeltML Decided to MM H Special "Whitf Ribbon'’ afternoon at onr next meeting Donation received from Church of ( hrist Trust. letter received from Rev. Peat, re ihble in-Schools League. Several present volunteered for distribution of literature. Proposed that a letter of sympathy be sent Mrs Jackson. Vice-President, in the illness of her husband. Mrs Ballantyne read a very interesting article t»n the league of Nations. Secretary reported that a small meeting wua held on Peace Prayer Pay. PALMERSTON NORTH. June 4. The President. Mrs F. Young, extended a cordial welcome to the lU*v. H. Peat, who ttthlressed the meeting on the aims and objects of the Bible in Schools League. The speaker stated that 4ft of the present members of Parliament had promised to support the Bill as set out by tlu* League. The Bill, he said, aimed at the simple recognition of God in the education of the young and making legal in the primary Schools virtually those Religious Exercises that are now given in Secondary ami Technical Schools in New Zealand. A very hearty vote of thank* was a« corded the Rev. Peat for his most interesting and inspiring address. ASHBURTON. June 1. A very large attendance, presided over by Mrs W. H. Robinson. Votes of sympathy were passed with Mrs J- " bom and family, and with the relatives <»|- tile late Mr-s Johnson Wright, Wellington, and Mr R. Al<orn. Waikato. Memlanie* F Hocking and Corbett were appointed to represent the Union at the New Zealand Alliance Area Council, to he held in Tinmru 'Si June 3rd. The meeting then took the form of a social gathering in honour <»f "White Kib'*on Day.” the room being very tastefully arrung.-d. A very enjoyable progrwmme was submitted and Mr* Robinson extended to Mrs T K. Taylor. New Zealand

President, a lmarty welcome to our Union. Mrr Galbraith, Mayoress also welcomed Mrs Taylor, anti presented her with a handsome bouquet. Mrs Taylor delivered a stirring, helpful address, on the general work of the I’nion. special reference was r nde to the White Ribbon, and the speaker urged all present to support it loyally. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded speaker .end performers. Afternoon t**u was handed round, and a number of White Itihhoii subscriptions were received. KICCA RTON. May 20. Peace Day. It was not fmmd possible to keep Peace Day on the special Monday, but member* agreed to intercede in their own homes, therefore our Peace meeting was held on third Thursday in the month, about twenty ladies being present. The Pledge was re|**ated, and Mrs Harrell gave a few minutes talk on the false uses of alcohol as a stimulant. Mrs Richards took charge of the meeting, tin* devotions being along Peace lilies. Mr* Richard* gave a splendid address on the aims of the League of Nation*, after which several question* were answered. M«*sdallies James and N«*wth expressed the appreciation of the members to Mrs Richards. Letter was read from Canterbury Executive re forming Temperance Societies within the Church, or (ftherwina stimulating interest among the churches. After a short discussion. it was decided that in this district, everything possible had been done, and that no action be taken for the present. Convention numbers of "White Ribbor" distributed to iion-suhs*Tiliers. <Mi May 29th, a successful Jumble Sale was held, realizing £2O. BLENHEIM. May 4. Mrs McCalluin, President, presided over a well-attended and successful meeting. Mrs Forbes read a very inspiring and helpful paper on Sympathy showing how niueh good can be don** by a little sympathy, ami M hearty vote of thanks was accorded her. Decided that Mrs (Irigg should give a paper on "Peace" at our next meeting. June 1. Mrs McUallum presided over a good attendance. Mrs Mrtlalluin gave a splendid paper on the "White Ribbon,** and showed how much our paper was appreciated in tlie various homes. An appeal was made for new subs* Tiber* with the result of three being gained. A motion of sympathy was passed to Mrs (irigg in her illness. A collection for Maori Fund, 11/#. NGAKRE. June 3. Meeting held at Mrs K. Tar resit'«. nine members present, ami five visitors. Mrs Gilliver, President, presided. Decided that members collect coloured cards and pictures for Mrs Miller f# Maori work. In response to New Plymouth Union for funds for Seamen's Rest, it was decided to write and ask Mr* X. Jones to come out and collect, Mrs Olllivsr kindly offering her ear to take her round. Derided by vote to hold meeting oil White Riblton Day; Mrs Tarrant .again, kindly offered her room for same. Union trying to send two delegates to Convention at Inglewood next week. At* the close of meeting, four new members were initiated. Mis Tarrant kmdlv handed round afternoon tea. PLEASANT POINT. June 2. Very good attendance of members and friends Mrs Hoag, District President, Spoke suggesting calling the roll at meetings, and visiting absent members, also how to make the meetings interesting was to enrol new ones to our causes by giving each an active part, sutli as forming idea*, or rending a paper, or getting a speaker from oilier centres and discussing with them; also to wear our White Ribbon badges more conspicuously. Stroaigly advocating the Cradle Roll by going to Mothers ami getting them to sign the pledge for the bathes until they are eight and then for them to Join the Hand of Hojk* or L.T.L, also advocating more distribution of literature, say by having a liox m station. A hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs Hoag. Two new members. Panels of clothing were brought for Willard Home, and tl was donated to the Home. Afternoon tea served.

mast:: rton Mrs Cocker presiding, twenty-six member* present. I budded to give to laiv ul Temperance Legiotier* a prize, value D*/-, for best Temperance essay. An "At Home" meet mg arranged for June 17th, White Ribbon Day, Mrs Cocker to be hostess. Miss Hurl addressed the meeting .and spoke very forcibly showing how, if our faith is strong, nothing shall he impossible. Little faith can do nothing, hut real faith, which is the vital sparke can say unto tin* mountains 'move,' and they shall move. A hearty vote of thanks accorded Miss Burl. MANAIA. May 11. Fair attendance, one new member Initiated. A delegate for the District Convention was chosen. Reported that tlie American Association for World-Wide P* a< * had sent to ask if the I'nion could interest any local eoni|ietitors in tin* essay competitions it lias instituted. The request hid lieen taken to the local school, ami the headmaster agreed to try to induce pupils to miter. Ih* had also promised to semi for Temperance Wall Sheets, and s**e that they were used. The members are making special attempts to increase attendance. Mrs S* ott presided. WAITARA. April Ift. 11 present, Mrs Andrews took the chair and was warmly welcomed after a lorg absence owing to ill health. Letter was rt*ttd from Secretary of the 8.1.8.P.U., .asking members to support them i*n their Idg effort for the children. All present were willing to assist. May 21. Mrs Clayton presided. Is-tter from Secretary Methodist Sunday School, asking that we organise Band of Hope. Decided we combine with nil Sunday School delegates ap:*ointed for District Convention. Report of Ikmimion Convention, and proved very helpful to all present. Motions of sympathy with Mrs Cluulwick (member) In the loss of her dear father. A Union Sister, from South Island was welcomed liy Mrs Clayton. OAMARU. May 10. A very well-attended meeting. Mrs Clark presided. A committee was formed to investigate the matter of raising funds for Rest Room Resolutions paused at Annual Convention in connection with Peace and Arbitration Department were endorsed. It wa* decided to have a waist line supper at next meeting. Mrs Hiett, Dominion VicePresident, to Is? invited to address us on that Occasion. Mr Watt, Minister of the Church of Christ, gave a very fine nddress on "Peace." A hearty vote of thanks to Mr Watt for hi* interesting and helpful address was carried with acclamation. OXFORD. May 17. President in the chair. A resolution was passed, expressing sympathy with the relative* of the late Mrs R. H. (to ins ford, also recording grateful appreciation of the invaluable service rendered hv Mrs Gelnsford. as first President of the Oxford W.C.T.U., and the mainspring of the activities till laid aside by sickness. The President said they had met that afternoon in deference to the request of the DomimoM W.C.T.I’., that all Union* should observe that day. the third Monday in May, as » special day of Intercession for world peace. Pna\er was offered for this object, after which Mr L. Watson gnve an interesting addrew- <m the best means of attaining to world |H*ace. Decided to st nd a letter of thanks to the "Y" branch for their very able assistance with the Show catering and regrettng that the state of finances will not la* able, this year, to do anything more substantial. One new member was initiated. Mr* Nelson was appointed Superintendent of Medical Temperance. RANQIORA. May 28. Monthly meeting. Mrs Thwalte* presided over a fair attendance. anil apologised for the absence through llkisss of Mr* Richards, who was to have given an address. An article on "Alcohol in relation to the human body and mind” was read. Mid the attention of members was drawn to several Convention resolution.*

relating to Union activities. Mrs Kov.c ami Mm McKechnie were A|>|»ointed delegate* to tlie Hand of HujKf. SYDENHAM. April 8. Mm Sirett presided over a fair attendance letter of sympathy sent to Mr Adkina avid family in their recent itt'itavemiMt. Mrs Sirett thanked the memhem for their expression of sympathy during her rwei)t illness Mm Richards gave a very useful and inspiring; address on the wor»< of Convent ion, and the different branches of the work of the Union. One new member was enrolled and afternoon tea was served. May 6. Good attendance of members, presided over by the Presided, Mrs Sirett. Mrs Good, Superintendent of the New Brighton ''radle Roll paid us a visit, and gave a very enjoyable talk on her work amongst the mothers and children in the temperance work, by getting them to Join the Rand of Hope or the L.T.L, when they were beyond the Cradle Roll age. Mrs Hall. President of the New Brighton Union, gave a very interesting reading and address. Both speakers were accorded a hearty vote of thanks, and afternoon tea concluded a very pleasant meeting. WANGANUI. June 3. Devotiornal meeting; apologies from several members who are very sick. Reports were given by members who had* d the sick since the last meeting. New Zealand Alliance wrote asking the Union co-oj»erHtion at a Conference to be held May 31st. Home members attended and with the asHistaaice of Aramoho and Wanganui Bast, provided supper. Correspondence re Band Book Resolution*; also from the Horetary Ihble-in-Hchools Organisation. Mrs Goode >■ was elected delegate to the District Convention. NAPIER June 2. Pair attendance, Mrs Speight presiding. Plunket Society wrote thanking the Union for the gift of a screen to their new room, letter* of thajiks for clothing sent to Willard Home. Palmerston. A report of the opening meeting of “Band of Hope” was given by Mm Drocklehurst, Superintendent. Several members promised to ohtnm siguature* for the Blble-ln-Schools Movement. Resolved that letters be sent to the Premier and to our Member of Parliament, requesting that they will take notice that our Union are strongly in favour of the B l»le-ln-Schoo!s, and are hoping that they also will favour it Resolved to have an extra collection In aid of the District Travelling Kie.ul, at an early date. Mm ls»A*k reported n very successful DrewingItoorn meeting, held at Mrs Macallster'e, Bluff Hill, at which Mrs T. E Taylor gave a splendid address. There were 22 present, and four new members were initiated. Vrtanget'icnts were made for the celebration of the 4 1«t Birthday of the Napier Union, and invitations sent out A report was given of n well -attended meeting In Willard Hall, on I*ea«*e Bay, April 17th, when a very able address on Peace and Arbitration was g ven by our Dominion President. Mm T B. Taylor, and “No More War" resolution was passed. Mm Brocklehurst was elected Recording Secretary In place of Mrs Bowman (resigned). A "Bring and Buy" Sale at the t his*- of the meeting realised over £3. which will go toward our share of the Organising Fund. HEFTON. April 21. Mrs Thorne presided. good attendance. Peace Bay was celebrated, a splendid address given by Rev. Farrar, an article dealing with the effect of Alcohol on the heart was read. The Band of Hope was *1 shanded in favour of a Ixjvrl Teml»erance la*g'on which is leing formed. Afternoon tea wan dispensed. TEMPI.ETON Mav 20. Fair attendance, Mrs Simpson presiding. The report of the Bomtnion 'invention was read by the delegates. Mrs Clark was elected Vice-Presilient. One new t tember. A vote of sympathy to Mrs and Miss Voice In their bereavement. May 25. B|>eclal meeting Mrs Richards * Christchurch) addressed the meeting cm

“Women's Work, and IVa<r and Arhitmtiou,” ami explained the meaning of the White Ribbon Bow, “For God, Home, and Humanity." and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded her. F'our mew members were initiated; roll now numbers 41. Items were contributed by Mis* E. Musgrove (Pianoforte Solo), Mrs ('lark. Mrs Woods (Solos), Mrs Braj»er (Recitation). A dainty afternoon tea was handed round. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. May 19. A good attendance, one view member. An interesting account of the opening of an L.T.L. at Trentham. was given by Mr« Anderson, and a very favourable report of the delegates to the City Council re the Rest Rooms of the City, was given by Mrs Henderson. Decided to hold White Ribbon Bay on June 17th, the meeting to be addressed by Mr> Pcryman. Mrs Anderson gave a short account of some jC the subjects discussed nt Convention. *»erided to hold a Jumble Sale o»* the 21st. A vote of sympathy with tlie relatives of Mrs Johnsou Wright, also the Wellington South Union on the death of their loved President. A beautiful banner was presented to the Union by Miss C. Kirk, in memory of her Sister, the late Mrs A R. Atkinson. Mrs Atkinson was President of this Union, and her work in the cause cf Temperance will ever he a monument to her beloved memory. BELFAST. May 19. Peace Bay celebrated; fair attendance. Pledge was reflated l»y members. Mrs Unbinds gave a Hl} HMSPOOtIIIg address on League of Nations, and fully explakied the I<eague and Us M eaning, and urged members to learn all they could of its movements. Mrs Richards was thanked for her helpful address. Afternoon tea was served. MAUNOATUROTO. May 21. “Pay Up" afternoon held at Mrs Parley's, quite a large number of members present, and all joined up again; we also gaivied one new member. A pleasant hour was passed with musical items und readings, after which a quiet chat was enjoyed over afternoon tea. JOB NSONVILLE. May 16. Peace meeting; opening devotions. Short talks by Mrs Hanford, Salvation Army Officer; solo by Mrs Halliday, th**.i prayers for universal peace. A lovely quiet devotional service. On May 19th. the usual monthly meeting was held. Business completed for White Ribbon Day. Short talk on attending to the little things Afternoon tea was served, and an enjoyable meeting was brought to a close. Average attendance. FEILDING May C. President In chair, lad ter from the Secretary of the Bllw-ln-Sehools Organization, ask mg our help in gaining new members for the movement, uas read. All present in sympathy, and willing to help. A resolution was passed that we put on reconi our appreciation of the work done by the lady members of the School Committee* who are nominated by our Union. June 3rd. Owing to It being a hoiday, meeting small. President In « hair. In accordance with resolution passed at Convention. it was decided to send for pledge cards for repetition a < each meeting, also papers on Scientific Temperance Teaching. Secretary instructed to write letters of sympathy to Me-dames Bray, Campbell and Johnston, all of whom are 111 «r have sickness In their homes. Resolved that i ext meeting he a benefit afternoon for Willard Home. A paper on the value of White Riblion In our w-ork was read by Mrs Pack. Miss Walton sang two songs, and IK-11 Trass gave a recitation. N.E. VALLEY. May 27. The President welcomed Rev Mr A net Ice to the Valley and to the Union, who then gave an address from the text In Hosea *l:4. He said the W.C.T.U. was not onlv a Temperance Union hut a Christian Union The Divine Spirit was behind the

movement and the Union gave the human touch necessary. During the evicting MLI'oart gave a recitation, "The Mi»< km. Bird," and Miss Mohs sang * My Task,'* both items being much appreciated. Decided to hold h “Bring and Buy" sale in August The President thanked Rev. Mr Anstice for jus addreaa BRIGHTON. May 17. tlood attendance, Mrs Hall hi the chair. A motion of sympathy was passed with the relatives of the late Mrs Johnson Wright. Miss Harhiuid's talk on Scientific Temperance Instruction each molding is of great educational value, and is much appreciated by the members. The meeting was held In conjunct lon with the Annual Peace Day, and Mrs Richard* gave u very fine and fitting address. Afternoon ten was served. STRATFORD. May President in the chair, and gn\.a short talk on F>ith. 13 present. Re-. G. P. Hunt discussed Hand of Hoik.* work. One new member initiated. AUCKLAND. May 11. Mrs Cook presided. Letter received from Poppy l»*y Committee thank lug the Union for taking charge of a stand. The Union collected £l2l, being second highest on the list. The Union provided a table at the W.C.T.U. farewell banquet to Mrs Lee-Cow ie, Mrs Rosser and Miss Mear and were heartily thanked for preparing the table. A united "prayer meeting to laheld on May 17th for International pe*t< < Decided to change our day of meeting to first Tuesday. Pay-up Social to be held in June. Sympathy expressed with Mrs F'ullJaines in her illness. She sent a letter received from the President of the Nuic W.C.T.U., who Is also a missionary of the L.M 8., earnestly pleading that something he done to stop Sunday labour in working steamers, wi the interests of the natives Decided to send an appeal to the Council of Christian Churches earnestly urging them to do something in the matter. An extract from the “British Wsskly** was read speech given by the Bishop of I,ondon t<» the speaking of a meeting to protest against smuggling of drink into the United States He said he felt strongly that sufficient pro test had not beet* *nade against this gross net of treachery a sister nation Mrs Cock spoke in eulogistic terms of th*' W.C.T.U- Creche at Dunedin Exhibition, and it was decided to send a letter of congratulation tcMrs Macartney for the effici ent wav it had been organised and carried out. Afternoon tea was served and an in formal talk on the work of the Union was enjoyed. Sympathy was sent to Mrs Finch. V.P District., who was unable to address the meeting, through illnesa Mrs Cook gave an interest mg account of her visit t<> Dunedin, and said what a wonderful hibitlon it was. ami spoke very highly of the Women's Department and the Rest Room. TAUMARUNIT. April 13. A very-well attended meeting, when Dr. Howard gave an address on “Home Nursing." Over a cup of tea the ladies discusaed and examined some Oriental embroideries Sister Alison is selling f«»r tinMission. Mr.y 11 The day was wet. and the meet mg reeoived Ituelf into a business meeting, a*m! discussed means of providing inter*sting subjects of addresses for future nettings. We have hopes to make this Into v real live Branch of the Union. RICHMOND. » April 20. Miss Tarrant presided, and led devotions. After general work afternoon tea dispensed. Miss Cooke. Nelson, told of work at Convention, anil Mrs Field, Nelson, emphasised the need of prayer. May 18. 1C members. Miss Tarrant led devotions. Peace Day celebrated. Mrs Crabtree gave a very interesting and elevating address oil "Peace and Arbitration." Members united in prayer for Peace, and meeting closed with singing “Peace Perfect Peace" and Benediction.

T AUK A NO A. tf.ty 21. Mrs Carltou BjiuUi in i-lutir. A letter relating to the capitation fee wan reiul Mrx Bonthron’s paper usi Peace and Arbitration wa* read by Mrs Turner. Tiie Hev. Mr Jordan ttpoko a few words on the Mine subject, one in which we are keenly interested, being affiliated members. The thanks of the members are to be conveyed to Mrs Uonthron, for her very able and interesting paper. Refreshments were dispensed. PAFANUI. May. Mrs Simpson presided over a good jttenilance, and gave an interesting report of Convention; new ideas and resolutions •tressed. The Secretary was authorised to *rite a letter to Mrs Bond, conveying the gratitude of members on her recovery from dinesm. Mrs Nellson was ap|>oaited Cradle Roll Superintendent. Mrs Kruse*, Hospital ind Sick Visitor; Mrs Carr. White Ribbon Agent. Decided to hold & Jumble Hale, early in June. One new member initiated. NORMANBY. May 12. Mi's Scott presided. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the attendance was small. The matter of appointing delegates for the Provincial Convention was left to arrange later An interesting talk was then given by Mrs Ollernshaw, of Hawcra, oil the working of the L.T.L. in Invercargill. At the conclusion, a hearty voU of thanks w'as passed to Mrs Ollern*hav. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mrs ('lament. NELSON. May 11. Usual monthly meeting, osily fair attendance. Mrs Field gave very Interesting report of Alliance Conference. May 17. Peace Day observed, Mrs Campion, of the Salvation Army, gave a short address. DUNEDIN SOUTH. May 13. A Bring and Buy Sale, to get money for our Organizing Fund, was held in the evening, and the reeultn were highly piatifylrg. The first quarter of hour, was spent In devotions, the rest of the evemwig n buy and selling. Interspersed by items from different ladles. As invitations had (<een sent to the various Unions In Dunedin, and also to Port Chalmers ami Sawyers Bay, a large attendance resulted and they were welcomed by our President, Mrs Macartney. Supper was served, and a pleasant and profitable time was brought to a by the singing of the W.C.T.U. Ikixology. INVERCARGILL CENTRAL. May 11. A very successful Social afternoon; songs were rendered by Mrs Aitchi*»n and a dainty afternoon tea provided. Mrs Ifopkirk who lias rendered much valuable assistance to the Union was farewelled. and Mrs Tocker. wife of Rev» Tucker, was cordially welcomed. The District President, Mrs Fairbairn. gave a short talk on the District Constitution President spoke on Membership Campaign, end reported having gained several new members. Letters of sympathy were sent to five members. WAIPUKURAU. May 12. Mrs Smales presided. Fair attendance. Arrangements made for our officers to go to Hastings to meet Mrs T E. Taylor at a District meeting, the out'otn.> being that Mrs Taylor promised to *tay a day at Waipukurau on her way back to Wellington. May 17. Peace Day was celebrated by a •peela 1 prayer meeting May liU Waipawa Union joined us in a public meeting for women at 2.30 p.m. Mrs Smales, Waipukurau President, welcomed Mrs T. E. Taylor ansi the members and friend* of the Waipawa Union. Mrs Taylor then gave us a talk on "Alcohol ajni the human body," also answered questions on various Union matters. (.Collection was taken to defray cost of advertising, etc . balance to be given to the district fund Afternoon tea served, and we all felt it had l>een a time of help and encouragemen to meet our Dominion President.

SOUTH WELLINGTON. May 6. A silent vote of sympathy was p.uwcd to Mrs Johnson Wright and her relatives on Mrs Wright’s serious Illness. Arrangements were made for Peace l>n> or the 17th inst. Ist response to the recommendation of the Annual Convention a member of the Union was appointed to act in co-operation with the Bible-in-Schnol* Is*ngue Oil their Wellington ConunT tee, Mrs Keene, of Island Bay, being sele ted, and accepting the office. A request from Mrs Peryman to make urranger.ients for White Ribbon Day in connection with the neighbouring Unions was left In the hands of the Executive. It was reported that the balance in hand from the recent Harden Party was m*arly £2 .after paying delegate’s exjieiiHc* to Convention. A framed photo of the Convention had l*een presented to the Union by the delegates, Mrs Keene and Mrs Hirst, whose interesting accounts of Convention formed the chief business of the afternoon and were greatly enjoyed h> the members. May 17. A devotional meeting. Peace

Day. This has been instituted In order that all the Unions throughout the Dominion may simultaneously think of and pray for International Peace. There was not a very large gathering, and though Church members, other than W.C.T.U. members were Invited, very few availed themselves of the invitation. The Wellington District President wits the leader, and Rev. W M. Holland was the speaker. After the devotional exercises and a vocal item, given by Mias Bradshaw-, Mr Holland delivered a thoughtful and earnest address from the last three verses of the 19th Chapter of Isaiah, drawing an analogy between the position of Israel with Egypt nod Assyria on either side of her, and Belgium between Germany and Franco. He pointed out that peace among the people can never come until the spirit of brotherhood as taught by Christ, prevailed in the world. All must learn to recognise each individual as a man, whatever his colour or race and on that eternal truth international policy must be based. The League of Nations, ns the organisation in which that ideal was most nearly approached in the world to-day, should be supported by all men and women who are willing to work and pray for deliverance from the peril of another world war. PAHIATUA. May. Visit of Mrs T. E. Taylor. I>oinlnion President. Hhe addressed a wellattended public meeting. Rev. C. A. Kostnm presiding. Mrs Taylor spoke at some length on the aims and objects of our organlsatibn, recalled its world-wide activities, and pleaded for fuller support. Collection taken up. Vote of thanks to Mrs Taylor, vtlin. during her visit, wjis the guest of Mr and Mrs A P. Fox. Her visit should prove most helpful to the work. NELSON. June 8. S|*»cial White RiMsin Day. The Editor's spend id paper read and much enjoyed; a new subscriber resulted. Pledge slips inserted in hymn hooks and used for repeating pledge. Much interest shown ill visit of Mrs Peryman in July, and of Mrs T. E. Taylor, in September. Dominion Secretary’s letter read in reference to the resolutions passed at Convention. Decided to send letter of thanks to the Prime Minister for the stand he hud taken against (•ambling ami lotteries. Collection taken up for New Zealand Fund. BPREYIMIN. May 29. Successful "Bring and Buy” social held at residence of Mrs Naina Gramophone selections and solos by Miss Hare and Miss Cotton, passed a pleasant afternoon. Money raised by sale of goods goes towards our Organising Fund. June 8. Mrs Naim presided over good attendance. Miss Ray’s resignation as (V»rresponding Secretary, was received with regret. Letter of appreciation to he sent her. and a record of her splendid service ami ability he placed on minutes. Mrs Petrie gave a splendid pa|a*r on "What VVe Stand For” bringing forward many helpful suggestions for the advancement of our work.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 372, 18 June 1926, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 372, 18 June 1926, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 372, 18 June 1926, Page 12