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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! 1. Every Hnion shoul*! report. 2 Reports must be abort. MuM be in by Bth of month. 4. Don't report wk it you ;ire poing to do. B. Don’t .send newspaper reports of your meetings. RANHIORA. Nuv. 27th Annua! meeting, Mix Tliwillvo I»r**i<I*-<I (’mo.l attend* uce. T* 1 »** annual rel»ori showed that inti'll work of a varied Mini useful nature hail been *«•« «»tn|>lii»ti* > «t. The Treasurer's rv|*ort allowed that there waa a rreilit balance of (I itn, Id Kn-,l-011171 amir report* were received from 11 1 •* Hupennt* .ah-nt* of tin- Hand of Hope Cradle Holl, Mini White Itlhhon, and from the L T I at Hotlthhrook. X hearty Note of thank* H> the Retiring Offles-hearcm; the President ;« 1 1 1 1• 11 u her personal thank* Ji>>\ a*>i--t roe reeeived \ll the H'Tiu hearor* were re elected with the exception of Miss llagley-, i'or. Sei-, Mrs lame waa appointed \-sistaut Hei-retarV. The J'resiilellt. 11l reporting the Kxecutive meeting lie*l«| in i’hrlatchur* ft recently, statetl that in North Canterbury in every- district in which the \V C T l\ in working, tlie vote in fa\out of No-Li*-en.-e hail increased The I * So | tit ions in i onnei-tioil With tilt- No Mol e War ! leaio.ivt rat ion sent forward for discussion were a«lopte<| Afternoon tea was dispensed, l »XF< i III i Nov Ifcth Annual meeting, good at'en-ilam-e Tlie Secretary anti tin Supennten- ■ 1 net * of the various departnun’s reported on work done through tlie year, the ineinhersh p of the l’nioti 4 5, Prattle Roll IS. an<l \ oting People’* Dram h 40. Besides the regular monthly nieetinga, four home meeting* hail I sen held. The liaml of Hope htul heeii well attended, and a number had signed tlie pledge Subscriber* to the White Ribbon nutuhered 51; neven free copies lieing also dlat rihtited. The Treasurer presented the balance sheet whit-h was adopted Mrs Day presidetl during the election of Officers, which resulted as follows: President, Mrs Ityde; Vice-President. Mrs Hawke; Secret - ar>, Mrs < W. Tritt; Treasurer, Miss Caverhill; IvaaiaM i Superintendents, Miss Lainsford; Mesttames Robertson and Tritt; f'rad It* Holl, Mrs ICoi and Mrs Cooper; Notable Days. Mrs Jones. Legal hii I I’arliaimi m 11 > Mi l'..\ Meet • Mrs T Ouinaftird and Mrs Braham; Whit Hlhlwm, Mrs Hawke; Hand of Hope. V’ •* • .-.insfonl; Young People's Hraneh, Mrs Comyns; Flower Mission. Mesdames Jamieson and kohertsou. HeSUllltng the ehair, Mrs Hvtle thanked the inemhers for ro-electlng her as their President, and urged a more regular attendance at the meetings in the routing year. Nov. 25th. President hi the elmir. lie gi*-t was expressed at the resignation of Mrs I ion, I mmluion Preaktent, ami it w as de- • >• i..i ■ in. ll. Mn t B t.m i"i tlull ■.i.. ili-iit Ynntiun t d that n spermi I'hristmns programme wouhl t>#- given at the next Band of Hope meeting. I >ee|ded to provide refreshments, and to present the attendance prizes at tin meeting. A vote of thank* was passed to Mr I*. Watson for auditing the aeeounts. PONBT4NBY. Nov 19tlt. Mrs lu*e Cowl** presided over a splendid gathering Mrs Cowie s|*»ke words of great eneourageinent oxer the lesult «.f the Poll, and reported that (Marking |>av at Hast Street Hall, had resulted in four larg«- parrels sent to Hamah-ii Mission, and more ti* follow Miss K Adams, who is leaving with the Mission Field, was presen text w-itli a well-storked writing «as*-, w ith a purse of notes in It, as a token of our h»\'in »■ ipprei-iat ion of h*-r three years willed services as for Her, Miss Ihirnard was

presented with "Life of Hudson Taylor." Mrs «’owie reported that a Christmas Party for 100 poor children, would he held on iHs-emher l»th. I S'*-. Mrs Lee Cnw'ie presided; over fifty present. Mrs :' 11. Ta> lor reported work among women at Hast Street Hall, esoe* ial ly welcome given to immigrants and strangers to tlie elty. Letter from Ixmiinion Executive, urging h campaign for new members and subscribers to White Kihhou lu reply to a <|Uewtion. It was stated that fhrlMtehureh won largest number of new suhs last year, and our firnnch, through the leadership of Miss H S P> le, mine second, a fn«-t we are very proud of. Mrs .Pudson pres*-nte*l witl a white dove, the eiuhlem of peace. She stated that It was a cause for gratitude, the Locarno pa* t had been established. The resolution passed with slight alteration. Reported ISO babies on Cradle Roll. Appeal for Willard Home resulted ill a sack of clothes, and over (5 collected. Tea Committee reported suceewv till year, and a good hula ice sheet in hand. Treasurer's report showed splendid year's work, and good balance in hand. Miss s H. Pyle reported 54 mi ha* ribei s to White Ribbon. all fully paid up. Fleet ion of ntfi.—President, Mrs L« t'owie; s. ■ i. i ary, Miss Reid; Treasurer, Mrs Kasper; Cur Rei , Mr* Oliver. Aftertmon tea nerved. N< iRTII IN VK RCA lit* ILL/ Nov. 17th. Annuil Hosting Mrs Kiuthairn presided. Fair attendain'e. Mrs U.nrbalrn gave a brief address She said that this was the first meeting convened since the ejection which she admitted had l**et» to Prohibition a day of defeat, but, in In i* opinion, there was no reason for discourag* ment. Miss latmlskail nang "Home body I>i«l a Noble I a*ed," an*l Mrs Hilmour "Hearing Hi* Cross," an*) Miss Hardie ac-«-<»ni|i«uiiiient. Afternoon tea followed. The annual rep.rt and ha Lam e sheet were read and adoi.-d. Flection of i *ffi«-*-i-s:—Mrs Hopkirit was f** elected l‘r» si<ieiit, with Misses |L|iW;k and Landskad as Secretaries, and Mcsdan.-s Homes and Hilmour VicePresidents. This Pnion has also extended I '♦•part mental work, so as to include a Cradle Roll and a Press Reporter, also two Committee*, a social Committee and a ViKiting Committee. A few words of encouragement from Mrs Fairbairn, who thought that a l r nion which had only exi*ted two and a half year*, and could boast 42 paid up member* with a substantial credit balance was doing well. Mrs Hopkirk pronounced (lie Benediction, amt brought a pleasant ami profitable meeting to a close. NAPIER. Oct. 2Hth. First half-hour devoted to prayer. Notice of Pnited Prayer meeting in Methodist Church, on November 3rd, at 7.30 p. ni.. also member* to succeed one another in prayer at P-ntist Church, from 9 a.m. to 5 pin., on ivovember 4th. letters of condolence to Mrs Dearlove; and of appreciation to Mrs Moody. Mrs Speight's report receixed of meeting of National Council of Women Decided to affiliate. Derided to semi Xmas parrel to VYl'lard Home. Palmerston North. Arrangements nxade for Hand of Hope social; also for members to provide dinner, tea. etc., for scrutineers. \\ ednesday. December 2nd. Annual meeting. Reports of Secretary and Treasurer read an*l adopted. Reports of Superintendents' ala* very satisfactory. Decided to keep France* Willard Day on February 17th, at the Botanical Hardens Mrs Hull or Mrs Hall «o la* delegate to Christchurch Convention. Vote of thanks given to all workers in Napier Union during 1925. Temperance Ihtxolagy sung Election of < >ff x ers President, Mrs Speight; Cor Se*\, Mrs Hull; Treasurer, Mrs Wilkinson; Recording Sc*., Mrs A. How man. OORE. Nov. 24 th. Hood attendame. Annual meeting, Mrs E. C. Smith (President) presided. Mrs J. Harper (Secretary) present** •i lull report ot flic year’s work. wlikli showed that a keen interest had Isen taken in temperance, and the memherahii hail Increased by 100 members. The balance sheet was satisfactory, a credit balance of some £5 being shown. The Office-1 »earers for the ensuing year are;- President, Mrs K. C* Smith; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames J. Itonahl, N. D. Stewart, and T. Rhodes; lie*-. See , Mrs .1. Harper; Cor dec., Mrs O. F.

Minima; Treasurer, Mrs I*. M'-Askle; Whit* Ribbon Agent, Mrs T. Stevenson; Librarian. Mrs I►. Stevenson; Cradle Roll Superintendent, Nirs W. Stephenson. During the it ft* < noon some good papern xxere rea*l, ai d tlie meeting concluded with s Hung and Huy Sale, very successfully < arrl«*«l out. ami fnmi which tin- film Is of th«- branch xxdi l>, materially helped. \\ KI.I,INi,ToN CENTRAL. Not. 1 Htii. Very large attendance, annu. me* ting. Tilt* Secretary presented the y,ai ly rep«»rt. The thanks o( the Union lire due to Miss Tlioii.pnoii foi m*r \erx faKhfui work dui iiik 'lie year. The balance stieet vxas rea»| by the Treasurer, and was most satisfactory. Members voiced their ap predation id *he work done by Mrs llelycr since the foundation of the Hrwn* h. The • 'null*' Roll part) to he held on the 24th Several letter* to he sent, also one guinea to Y.M.C A. with letter of thank* for thengnat kind lies* iii aiw a* * providing a roo n for otir meeting*. Favouruhle replies had been iccelxed from tin* Minister of Railway*, re more accommodation of 2ml class women pa sengers. also separate lavatory ae« oiiiiiimla tion on tin* Auckland Express and Lmiitei From tiie City Council n* the (-leaning ui> m co’inection with Health \V*s*k. also tin great necessity *d Hu* lirixers' being total abstainer* Mi Huxtoii, ihganiscr for th League of Nations attended, amt gave a short ami Interesting address on the l.eagm and its work. A vote of thank* was given i<i tin- speaker at tin- conclusion el his address. Mrs Henderson appealed for help in providing extras for the minutes of tin* Borstal Institution at Xm.i*. The «■ lectio ni «ifi'n-ers thi n took place: President. Mis--Kirk; Vice-President *, M<*daiiies llarr>. Turner, Murphy; Hecret-iry, \t'w* , rhomp**iii <’*ir. Sit., Mis J. C. Weldj; Treasurer, Nh Itelyer; Pres*, Mrs Priestley; White Ribbon .Miss Hamilton; Cradle Roll, Mit’s AederH*ui Fvang'iist c, Mrs Harry; l*aillain*-iitarv. Mi llemlenein; Railwav Boxes Mr* Caughley League of Nations, Mrs I'aUgliley and Mi .1. f. Wehli; Home and (4o<ii»l. Mi'wdain* Kvans, Turner, Hill, M'liowan and Murphv Courtesy, Mcsdainc* Evans ami Priestley. WKLIJNC.TON Smith. Dec. 2nd. Annual tueeting; the uttcml ain-e being uni'll sum Her than ought to have been the case at this, the most im port ant meeting in tin- year. The annual report showed an excellent year's prog reus The total membership is now 24*3. Tin* at tendance at the monthly meeting* had l,«-ei most encouraging, interesting addresses had been given, and special prayer meeting had been held during tin- latter part of the year. Two set ies of Home and Draw mg room meeting* had been held, addressed by Mrs W. J Williams, who had done ex cellent work wherever she went. Consider tide activity had been shown in visitim Hospitals and Homes, in distributing flower, and texts among factory girls, and in *up plying tin* railway boxes. Scattered tuein her* had been written to, and literature «> various kind* (listrihtited. Work among th* young was represented by the (*rud!e Poll which contained s*> names. In connection with Peace and Arbitration, the Union re reived League of Nation’s Union llteratun regularly, amt had held one special Peace meeting. Members had been very active iii doing all kinds of work foi *he Alliumin preparing for the Licensing I’nll. 4»i-it* ful refereti*** was made to thos** who had provided afternoon tea at the monthly me*-’ ing**. AftHth«* report had '»* •ti adopted, i small presentation was made to the S« > r>tar> in appreciation ol manv years' van -thh servh-e*. and as a token of the afTY> cion ami esteem in which *!.<• is held hy* all tlie members. Th** I -«|aiH*c sheet showed that the year bcga.i wit , a halaiue of fit, 7s. lid., receipt* had I*een £49 19s. Id. expenditure £42 J*. 2d., leaving a credit balance of £.l 3s. *d. Rev. W. Sliirci. Treasurer lor th** Building Fund, read In* halatu-e sheet, which showed that only a little over £2O was needed to clear tlie build ing of debt, lit* was thanked heartily f«»i bis service*, and was re-appointed Trva surer. The hop** waa expressed that anotliei year would pay off the rest of th** debt. i*n ilu motion of the Pr»indent, seconded by Rev. W Shirer, a resolution was passed expressing the appreciation of the mender* foi tie* great service* rendered to the cause of Tt ii.p**r>«m-e hv the Retiring Chief Just i «• Sir Hob**rt Stout, and es|H*<-ially thank nu

'or tli** many kindnes*o* he hail shown , South Wellington Union in connection the purchase of tlie property i they hail houKht in the early of the Oulu’ Association, ami which hail now so nearly cleared of ileht. Hr< tion of Officers was then proceeded resulting In the re-election of *all President, Secretary*, and Treasurer. Hirst wan unanimously elected Assistn. taurer. OPEY LYNN. I Ttli. A meeting of the Mother's i «m held, which was addressed hy Hen fell,, President, ami Mrs Williams, wry of the Auckland Women’s ChristVmperance Union. As a result of their which was very much enjoyed, it was rl to form a drey Lynn branch of the M' Thirty-one memla*rn were enrol»t tlie Ist ami meeting*. ami •r* elected:— President, Min 11. 11. Ilohs«" ret ary. Mrs Ca : tchoon; Treasim* r, lb-cock; White Uihhoa A rent, Mrs wton. : juth. A mretina of the W.C.T.U. wns n St. ftolomha’s Mall. There was n »ttenilam*«. The Kev. P 11. Holiday sed the meeting, ami kh\»* n resume Anglican attitude towards Proliibi•nd strongly urKed members to do all ,r |lower to further the cause of Pro«n. After which, an appeal was made rodiers to help on Polling May, M^*s- * lliscock, Hobday, Siott, Peers and i.fft rime to gixe their servtoes for the ill xliinii's lurking and Nexxto'i k : mll> xl to supply refreshments to the irs N»*x* meeting on April 7th. 1 !>2•'». LAI API >?. 2iul. Good attendance. Annual Mrs Vickers (Vice-President) in Letters were received from Mrs T. kvlor and Miss llarliand, and a paper a xxas read re "need for a two-issue t Palier.” We regret that Mrs Iftewurt h| to lie nominated again for tlie poslof Secretary, and a vote of thanks ir xx as carried with acclamation. Mrs in reporteil on the good work the Tl' were doing with the dree he. I toto try and send them a suhatantial on. It was agreed to send a letter of i- iation to the Editor of the Kaia|s»i M for publishing an article in favour Tihihitloii Just liefore the election. The » iik Officers were elected for 192*i: •nt. Mrs Vickery; V’ice-Presidents. »mrd Barnard. Briting, Aitken and Kec. Sec., Mrs Rinaldi; dor. Sec., Morland; Treasurer. Mrs Chapman; * Roll. Mrs Warren and Mrs AttawiU: ► mid Arbitration. Mrs White; Huill‘litiil Secretary. Mrs Stewart; Treasurer. Baker; White Ribbon Agent. Mrs ten. CHEVIOT. t !Hth. President In chair; attendance embers small Discussion of (Teneral l and arrangements for Polling Day ’ Interesting article read hy memher. Tusin tea handed round. T 2'ith. Annual meeting good *itteniof members. Reports were re*u. and riiMd. followed hy the faction of Resolutions from ‘ While Kihhon’ tnied Decided to have ten minutes Temperance Instruction at every la Afternoon tea; ni eft in g ndjourited *•» months. RAKTIHI. I 4th. Mrs Snndford (President) in hau Inclement weather, attendance Paiier “What sliall we do with the r *\i«e " read i»y Mrs (todley, Vlce-Pre-II Agreed to adjourn until the first in February. Sorry to report serious *of Treasurer, Mrs MiGi»wan. Trust Dy soon recover. TIMAKIL ' Ist Annual meeting (torsi attendMrs Trott presided. Motion of ap*tu>n of Mrs Norrie’s work in the Union. *( sympathy with her in her illness also motions of sympathy with NoKUe and Miss Paterson dorres|>on- ' »as read from Miss Agnen Slack. World s W.C.T.U.. and Mrs **, Kec., RnthgAte Union. Bcotland. *t that a White Rlldion member witii jH i»and and family would Is* arriving

In Timaru to make their home hen \r rung** merits were made for meeting nml welcoming them. Letters of nppr«*ci*>t on were read from the scrutineers, xxiio. on Elect tun Imy. w ere supplied xxitii ref’eshrnents hy members of the Union. Decided to iiold (’radle Ro!l plcnlr* early in Fehrunry. Sailors’ entertainment Committee set up for liolidays. Report and balance sheet were submitted, i -o usted and .id set tl Officers’ were re-elected. WANGANUI EAST Nov. 19th. Annual meeting, Mrs Duxiield in tlie chair. Mrs Dow.sett conduced a short devotional meeting Correspondence was received front Mrs I.ill, Mrs Dird. 11. :ind W. L Gtouu, M P Tht bnnual n was read and adopted as very . it ist t< tor \. menihersliip having increased from of* to KM, being one pleasing feature. Reports of good work in the various departments won* read. Tin* Treasurer's re|iort showing credit balance was adopted. M>ss Riddells reported tlie menihersliip of the ITU. a« being 4*>. Election of Officers:—President. Mrs DuxfleUl; Vice-Presidents. Mcsdarirs McLeod, Vereoe, and Keeersell; (’or. K* > . Mrs Andrew; Hue. See., Mrs Pretnx; Trens., Mrs F. Drown. Superintendents oi depict ments are.—Notable Days, Mrs K. Ilniwn; Home and Mother's Meetings. Mrs Ell s; Cradle Roll, Anti-Gnmbling. Philnithropie, Mi's Eeccrsell; White Ribbon Agent. Mrs Melvin; Evangelistic, Mrs Irowsett; Loyal Teiii|H*ran<*e la-ginn, Mias Liddell; “White Rildsrn’’ Reporter, Mrs Williams: Press Literature, Legal and Parliament ix. Mr Andrew; Narcotics, Mrs Duxiield. I*» ailed to hold picnic for members of Cradle Roll, on the ureoud Thursday in February. AUCKLAND. I toe. 3rd. Good attend;* nee, Miss C. M. Me Lay, President, presiding. Tin Se> ret arv lead a report of the year’s work wlp li w *is considered very natlafactory A .* at isfurtori statement by the Treasurer wu al-o submitted. Rome of the members of the Hemuera Bible Class, gav e us a Teinperam e dialogue Thereafter, the programme xvas sustained by about ten of the younger mem lie rs of our own branch; some very delightful niiisictl items and reiitat'ons being rendered. Supper was ser ed. Seven iiexx members joined. RTCCARTON. (Nt. 15th. Mrs Barrell presided, nnd gav» an interesting report of District Convention Miss Kartisliaw spoke a few words on Organising work. President reported lining exhausted every she could think of to get a meeting of outsiders, but so far nothing definite has been arranged. The only ladies’ working on Prohibition committee are W.C.T.U. mem tiers, all the poll work being done by members of nu. Union. President is still negotiating for n public meeting to be held at Upper b’-.urton and one more afternoon m. . t‘.,g liefore Poll. Annual subscription sent to Willard Home. Members present made a special mntrihu tlon amounting to fl Is. fid., to In* sent to Sister Vnnie Tocker to assist a deserving case. Prayer meetings to he held on November 3rd. Meeting of Poll workers t<* be lieiil at residence of Mrs Harrell, on Saturday, October 24th Annual meeting next month. All members requested to pay up moneys «lue (*ne n«*xx member initinted. HAW ER A Itoe. Annual meeting. I,arge attendance Mrs Reid presiding. A letter from the President of the Alliance xvas received, thanking tlie Union for help during the election Resolv *d that a letter of sympathy* ho s. nt to relatives of late Rex*. Blundel, who lost his Ife on Mount EgtnonL Also n letter to he sent thanking the local Press for kin'll ess in reporting meetings. **tc. A vet excellent report was presented by Miss Kelly, showing work done during the yesr. Reports from other branches were read. All members showing a very optimistic spirit, believing Prohibition will come. Election of officers; —President, Mrs Exlex*; Vice-Presidents. Mrs Reid. Mrs Bone; Secretary, Miss Kelly; Treasurer. Mrs \s|iton; Cradle Krll Superintendent, Min Ihshoff; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Hulherf: Evangelistic Superintendent, Mrs Hill; Literature I toparttnent. Mrs Murrell; Pr. Reporter, Mrs Squire,

PLEASANT POINT. Nov. Mrs Falconer in chair. Concert bcl'l during month netted £2 3s, held rather near elect on for sui '-e-s. Members had xMstributed a largo amount of lite r ßtui*e throughout the district. De<- Rcpor* »» Executive meeting given by delegate. I,T.»* meeting conducted this month U.. Misses NVilson and Halstead. Soldiers’ Me mm .tl Plot looked very pretty under our members’ care, (.mentions from Superintendents of Departments d.s« u ;cd, and work for the mouth arranged. WAITAR.V. Oct. D*th. Mrs Kctlgley pr« - ded. II mem - bets present. Vote oT ftyinpnthx xxas passed with Mrs Andrew - *, in her Illness. Donations were voted to Organising Fund, and \\ i I lard t trpUanagex Nov. 2<*th. Annua! meeting, Mrs Kedgley t«»ok tlie chair. Report ami balance sheet adopted, and Hhoived good work, done during tin* year. Secretary’, Treasurer, White Ribbon Agent, were rt- elected, Presbl* ntship keing left oj en. It# gr» t was expressed at the parting oi our Vice President, Mr Kedgley, who s leaving the distiiet. Vote of thanks war p ssed to nil In office; agreed >.■ lo- iit : i-vhi u;n > NCAKRE. Dim*. Mrs GilHver (President) pres <led; eiuht members present. 1 tor hied to hold Cradle picnic on the 12th of tills month, and that Invitations he sent mil ♦<» Mothers' of lit*l«* children, with a view of enlarging our Cradle Roll. Also if possible, to bold another picnic in the autumn in view of forming :• Rand of Hope. NEW imiIGIITON. Nov. 19th. Well attended; chi: r taken l»xMrs ,1. Bellamy. Tin* fkjioo (V»niinitt*H* wrote asking for tin* Union’s help in managing the tearoom at the School's Rose Show. This was promised. Decided to give eight prizes for tin* Tcmpcrum ** Essays to lo* written by the school children, and to entertain tin* children at a social. Letters of appreciation to be sent to Mr.*- - Ople and Mrs A. Unmie for their hospitality to the worker.* on Election Pay. I►**«-. 3rd. Annual meeting well attended; President xx*as in the chair. The sum of £2 2s. was donated to the Church Trustees for the use of the Schoolroom, and ft to tin* Superintendent of the (’radle Roll IVpartment Meetings will commence at 2.lf* ft. ip., and ten minutes will he devoted at each meeting to Scientific Temperance Instruction. The Secretary xvas instructed to write to Mrs I ton, expressing our great appreciation of her splendid work ns I*ominion President, nnd regret at her resignation. Mrs T K. Tnylor. was nominated as 1 Nniiloion President. The annual rei*ort given |*y the Secretary, showed that splendid xxork had been done during the year, and the membership had greatly increased. The President and several of the members complimented Mrs Moses on her report, and spoke in eulogistic terms of her untiring service to the Union Tin* following Officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President. Min H. Hall; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames J. Bellamy’, F. 11. Good, F. J. Rea*l, .L S. Young, and Miss R. If. Harband; Se< ret ary, Mrs M Moses; Treasurer. Mrs N. Fraser; Press Reporter. Mrs F. M. Mitchell; Evangelistic Supt , Mrs F. T. Read: (’radle Roll Kupt., Mrs F. H. Good; Notable Days, Mrs R. Campbell; I ax gal and Parliamentary, Mrs A. W. Searr; “White Ribbon’’ Agent, Mrs H. Melllroy; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs Farmer; (tood Citixenship nti*l Scientific Ti*mp**ninee Instruction. Miss H. M. Htrbntld. HASTINGS. Nov. 2ftli. Annual meeting. Good attendnnee. Mrs Harper, f’resirleiit, in tlie < hair. Secretary and Treasurer's report and balance sheet, showed an increase in attendance. and Interest at all meetings •luring the year, though not much aggressive work had been done. Mrs White Ribbon Agent. reported 73 subscribers. Miss McArthur, representing the *’Y” branch, attended nnd rend the re|*nrt of their year's xxork, which x* f as highly satlsfnitorx*, nml reflected great credit on the Superintendent, Mrs Pnul. Mrs Fawcett, Evangelistic Superintendent, reported that at the all-day prayer meeting. 22 persons

had attended. The “No more War resolutlon" was moved ami carried unanimously. The election of Officer* resulted as follows President, Mrs Hanks; Secretary, Mrs Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs Bushier; Supt. "Y*' Work, Mrs Paul; t’rndle Poll, Mrs ('ameron; Social, Mrs MurtaKh; Evangelistic, Mrs Fawcett. Senr ; Literature. Mrs Harper; White Hilthon Agents. Mrs Paul and Murtagli. Tin* meeting moved a resolution of sympathy with Mrs Pullar, in the sickness of her husband, and placed on record the appreciation of her services as Treasurer for the past two years. HAMILTON. |*ec. 3rd. Annual meeting. Report* presented. Secretary's report showing that the past year had I teen a very full one. Oood worit had heen done m many departments, particularly in the (’radio Roll, and White Kildxin I departments. A new Union has heen formed under the President’s direction at Rototuna. six miles from Hamilton, and another in conjunction with Mrs Fulljames, of Auckland, and Sister Nicholls. of Hamilton, nt Krankton Junction; the latter a Maori Union, with 13 members. Members urged to again show a brave front to our inveterate foe, and fight to a finish. Muori Union. A well-attended meeting of Maori Women was held in the Methodist Schoolroom, at Krankton Junction, on December Ist. The meeting was convened by Sister Nicholls for the purpose of forming a branch of the Women’s Christ lan Temperance Union; there being also present, Mrs Kulljames. of Auckland, and Mrs Jones and Mrs Stephenson Craig, of Hamilton. A most earnest and intelligent Interest was shown, and it whs unanimously decided that the 1' n ion la* formed; the following Officer* being elected: Sister Nicholls, President; Mr* Whatu. Secretary. Mrs Kelli. Treasurer; Mesdame* Paki. Nehupo, and Wutenl, Vice Presidents; Pianist, Mrs Lletjens. TEMUKA. Nov. 9th. Annual meeting. President in the cha r. Oood attendance. Secretary and Treasurer both gave very interesting and encouraging reports of the year's work Election of Officers:—President, Nurse Cameron; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Til brook, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Whitehead, and Mrs Brown; Treasurer, Miss Greaves; White Ribbon Agent. Mrs Wilson; Rest Room Supt., Mrs (iihli. Denied to bold meetings tin* Ist Friday evening of each month In futuiv. RICCARTON. Nov. I 9tli. Annual meeting, Mrs C. Harrell presided; attendance disappointing. Report and balance sheet read and adopted, which showed tiiat although there are no Superintendents of tin* different departments, much good work of a practical nature has been done. Good report was received from the Hand of Hope. On Polling I iav, a mock »*•*■< t ion was held at the school with tlie result that out of IfiO children who voted. 13u voted prohibition, 1 State Control, and lit (13 girls amt <i boys) for continuance, showing w* think t lint our Hand of Hope lias dot}** some good. Bible in Schools continues to l»«* conducted by Revs. M. J James and Nelson Wright. Pav merits ha»v ls*en made to Organising Campaign Fund, which amount to £63. Resolved to hav* a syllabus printed for coming year. Two afternoons to he kept for speaker* on Scientific Tempersnre and League of Nations. New feature introduced whereby members who are unable to attend, are kept in touch by other members writing a friendly letter, ami giving a report of each meeting Election of Officers:—President, Mrs (’ Harrell: Vice-Presidents’, Mesdame* Janies, Campion. Mounsey and Miss Jackson; Secretaries', Mrs N’ewth and Miss I letups**v; Treasurers’, Mcsdanies Swanston and White; I icvot onal Leader. Mrs Cannon; Organist. Mrs Itriglitiiig; White Ribbon Agent and Reporter, Mrs I>. Mela an; Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs Donaldson; Committee. Mcsdanies Brighting. Gravcston and Gundv, and Misses Russell, Stevenson and Heinpsev. Votes of thanks were passed to Mr Gravcston (Auditor!; Mrs Brightlng (O-gsnlst); and Miss Russell. Four new members joined, and one suhscrllier to WhPe It bbon.

TEMPLETON. Nov. 24th. President presided over a large attendance. Miss Earnshaw gave a very interesting address which was very' i list! U< tIVc to all Solo by Mis Woods. One new member. Afternoon tea was handed round. A very pleasant afternoon was brought to a close by the Benediction. AUCKLAND. Nov. 2Kt li. Annual meeting. Mrs Cook referred to the Nation's sorrow in the death of the lie loved Queen Mother, and paid a tribute to her life and character. The members stood in solemn silence. The annual report showed an Increase in the membership, and good work done in the various departments. The Hostel report was satisfactory. The Corresponding Secretary relented sending XO letters. 906 circulars, 47 reports, 53X postcards. The Treasurer’s report allowed the finances to be in a healthy condition. Reports were received from tile various departments of work. The War Memorial Committee reported that IX9 parcels had been sent to the Hackldocks, 4(14 children's books, 11Kt> magazines, and 2677 papers; letters of appreciation bail been received from grateful rwedpient* Adjutant Gordon gave an Interesting account of the present work, she pointed out that the Home Life problem was the great question of the day, ami urged the need for getting hack to God and the B.ble. Mrs Kulljames, who lias done excellent work in connection with the Maori, Department gave an encouraging report. In response to her appeal, a number of parcels of clothing were brought to the meeting for the Maoris, (rood reports were also received from the Cradle Roll, Evangelistic, Sabbath Observance, White Rihlsin. Mrs Moody was welcomed to the meeting .and gave an Interesting account of her Hand of Hope work in that city. The Officer* of the Union were le-elected: —President. Mrs Cook; VicePresidents. Mcsdanies Kulljames and Hutchinson; Recording Secretary, Mrs J. W. Taylor; Corresponding Secretary, Miss N. Dewar; Treasurer, Mrs P. Itowlliig. The Union goes into recess till March. TAUKANGA. Nov. 20th. Mrs Hluck in the chain Fair attendance of members, and several visitors. Have lost two of our members by removal, this lar.t month, and gave them transfer notices. After dealing with various anutll matters, partly concerned with the election, refreshments were dispensed, and the meeting closed with the Benediction. HENDERSON. Nov. I Xth. Annual meeting, Mrs Platt Presided. Secretary ami Treasurer's report read and adopted Treasurer reported three new mem tiers, making 29. Decided to semi tl to the Willard Home for children. A fig effort was made to get new Officers without much success, most of the old officers being re elected with only one new Vice-President. Mrs Platt, President. Mrs W. Wright, Mrs Forsen Stuart. VicePresidents; Mrs McKay, Secretary; Mrs Williams, Treasurer; Miss K. Duncan. White Ribbon Agent lira WllHnmn White Whhen Reporter. Many suggestions were brought forward for the coming year. Meetings to o|»eii in March with a public social at Forester's Hall, in hope of Interesting more ladies in the district, and obtaining new members. Proposed we send a resolution from our llenderHon meeting to AuckLand Executive that our Government be asked to prohibit giving any Intoxicating drinks to young people at social functions. Resolved to make an effort to educate our young people in the upper standards of our s<*honl. i»v offering prizes for essays on Temperance, etc. Secretary proposed v*u- try new methods of conducting our meetings next year One lady to be responsible for each aften oon to he held where she likes best, at her home or at a church, to be social or Devotional i>ur Mother’s Afternoon is to he held in the Methodist Church, on Wednesday, Decemlter 2nd, when we hope to have one of our speakers from town. We are sorry that our Cradle Roll Superintendent (Mrs Kenney) Is obliged to resign for health reasons. BIRKENHEAD. Nov. 19th. Mrs Jory presided. Miss Little's resignation, as Secretary, was reluct

antly accepted. Resolved to semi a don tion to the Willard Home. A paper » { read showing the evil results of State Cj ♦ rol in Carlisle. .Mrs Jory gave an intern mg account of the life of Mr ChArrington, when he said “If you close t Public houses there would be no u«*xl slum work." He said we must continu* pray and work, and influence others. GREYTOWN. Nov. 24th. Annual meeting. Miss o ; ,t presided over a meeting of 10 members aj two visitors. Decided to send some < loth and money collected to Willard Home i, fore end of month. Mrs Avery spoke i the work of the Union, ami gave some \n helpful ideas. She also conducted elect ( of Officers, with following results: h sident. Miss Oates; Vice-President*, i| Willncop, Mrs D. McKenzie, and Mrs Ank-t Secretary, Mrs H. Morison; Treasurer, M A. M Haigh; L.T.L. Superintendent. .H Anker; Cradle Roll, Mr* Anker; Pres.-, m W. M Allan; Evangelistic, Mrs McKem.i White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Collins. Supp served. MASTERTON. Oct. 14tli. A most enjoyable afternooi over 70 members nnd friends gathered | meet Mrs Ellen Barton, of Glasgow. S* land. The hall was beautifully decor«t< and arranged, and several musical iten were well rendered. Mrs Barton, who lu> wide experience, gave a stirring tuhlm arousing the enthusiasm of all to tig: more strenuously for a clean and prosis-ns Dominion. A dainty afternoon tea was <!i penned by the hostesaes— Mrs Stanley Sin I and Mrs Grav. Collection taken at do; n as m Oct. 29th. Good attendance. Mrs Cockt presided. la-tiers of appreciation foe *y*« pat by expressed by the Union, were n reived from Mrs Ross, Pine Street, and V* Dawson. Wellington. Letters of t liatdi for 15s. forwarded from Money Box *1 received from Mrs Byers, Victoria. Austrs j President of Mission to the Blind in Heath en Lands. A request for help receivi from Secretary of Willard Home, PalnierxtK North. Contributions were promised f( refreshments to l»e supplied for workers « Polling Day. Decided to hold Pay r social first week In December, ami th election of Officers first meeting next ywl President expressed thanks to the m«nil»i for all the hv*lp so willingly rendered du? Ing past few weeks. Money received fni “Shop Day" was allocated as folio**- 1 CIS to Hackhlock Campaign Fund; 115 l laical Prohibition League; 12 to Wills* Home. W AIM ATE. Nov. 11th. This being the 21st a nnui meeting of the Walmate branch, the hu.* ness of the closing year was gone fully; tile Secretary and Treasurers report were read and confirmed. The year don with a substantial balance in hand. Mud work lias been accomplished during t'" year. Mts Kippenherger, not w ishing t" re-elected President, was Accorded a hesrc vote of thanks for all she had done f«r t 1 Union while in office for three years ~u present Treasurer, Mrs Roy, was elect* President, and Mrs Elder, as Secretary. ai* *!rs 8 Impend, Treasurer, with four Y" H Presidents, viz., Mesdames Kippeiibergef Hirst. Armstrong and Clark. To help rs* funds for our Union, our late Treasure Mrs Roy, organised a huge Garden I’* ll held In Heddon Square, Waiinnte, '* November 12th. which was an eiiomi" 1 * success, and well worth the labour expend'' MOTUEKA. Oct. 2Xtli. Nine present. The Berets* was instructed to send a typed notice each of tin* members whose subscription not paid, along with a special Invitation the next meeting Decided to forward 1“ It Ike Willard Home An eic eur“ ing paper, written especially for «' Unions, was read by Miss Boyce. SYDENHAM. Oct. Ist Meeting well attended Richards gave a full and interesting a count of the work don** at Convention. : * r the Unions’ work in Canterbury*. |>**<ii K to hold our next meeting a week cur*

i amount of the Election, lu la* a vile R< II social. (Vt 2911 1 . A lain*- gathering of member* i Ol IM■ tad 1 lnhir -ii i>i tin i 'r;nl I* Ml. Mr* Richard* gavt «i very uaeful |.| interesting address to the mother*, lull greatly appreciated lry all i>reBt. Very enjoyable iten t* were contribuj by tho following:—Mina l>orothy Wick*, Monologue; Mr* Reeves and Mr* t illi. t, song*; Mr* \\". Teague and Master recitations. After.looll tea was rail, bringing a very pleasant gathering Lin end. FEILDING. Lei 3r I. Annual meeting, 21 present, I mdeiit in chair. An appet I for financial from Willard Home was read; Ln|\ed to send £l. All former Officers i i|f ted, excepting Mrs Martin. 157 tin heater Street, White Ribbon Agent, and lr- M. Whisker, Kawa Kana Road,, h<ilc Roll Hupt. The Treasurer re|>orted tound financial position. OA MARI’. N-t 12th. (»ood attendance, Mrs Clarke .nt .... upied the . kali Mias Ljrtlie was appointed Secretary, pro. ■ Mi's Clarke was apointed our I; resent at ive to Rest Room Committee luting. A warm welcome was given to I * Henderson, Dominion Secretary, who B . in interesting and instructive address. b speaking of her experiences while in ii.ierira, stated that she saw wond**rf'ul i lence of abounding prosperity, and no Ml poverty. Tile American people stood »lidly for Prohibition. A very hearty vote [tii inks wi s accorded to Miss Hendermn g her fine a<ldreas. Nov. 9th. Mrs Clarke (President* ocupieil tlie (hair. Decided to donate 11 2s r W illard Children's Home. Mrs Paterson cad <i very fine paper entitled. ‘Pioneer 1 men,’ in which were told many of the xp* nem os as well as the high courage of he early women settlers of Otago. A i«*art> vote of thanks was ixissed to Mrs •aterson for inspiring address. The Proubition position was discussed, and gratiode to God expressed for enabling us to «ht in so righteous a cause. We are not vfe&ted.

SOUTH INVERCARGILL. Nov. Ist. Fair attendance presided over the President (Mrs Fairbairn). New and iiproved plans discussed in connection with . management of the Tea and Rest Rooms at the Show Gi'ounil* on Show lbtv. |*. idl'd to give two first and two second r zes to tkiose schools competing in an the subject chosen being "AN Ii; c."ui.l I he a total Abstainer?” The Rev Uißson-Rohinson has kindly consented to ;u.|gi the essays which must he handed in l>\ November 20th. Miss Kennedy (Chief Ruler of the Rgchabite Order) has become i number of the Southern Union she to. r*.>ived a letter of welcome; and a letter r.f co 11 grot ula t i oil be forwarded also to Mi's Morrison, who is the oldest member ol the ibove Union, and wlio quite recent'v, «•« c*'rated her golden wedding. Dei Ist. Fair attendance; annual meet ng The various departments submitted then annual reports. Elction of Officers -* follows:—Presidnt. Mrs Garrett; ViceIns dents. Mrs Pasley, Mrs McC.regor, and Mr* Pryde; Corresponding Be< retary, Mrs McUrcgor; Recording Secretary, Miss Meilium; Treasurer, Nurse Griffiths; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs Kilby; Cradle Roll 'iperintendent, Mrs Crozier; Assistant. Mrs Pearse; Pianist, Mrs Parker; Notable Days ihi|>er i ntendent, Mrs Parkins. Preparations lor t! .. Tea and Rest Rooms on Show I>ay vrv reported completed In a systematic and workable style. The Retiring Pres. (Mrs FairHirn) in a few well-chosen words, per•rim d the ceremony of initiation, and Mrs ’urratt, after receiving congratulations f roin many present, closed the meeting with the Benedict ion. BLENHEIM Nov. ;*otli. A “Hring and Buy” aftern<K>n was good, and brisk business was done the stall holders. Mrs Grigg. President, pres* nted prizes to the school children for die best written essay on, "The effects of tlrohol on the Human Body.” Musical tern were rendered, and much appreciated. A satisfactory sum was realised from the ihernoon’s proceedings.

Dec Ist. Annual meeting, Mrs Grigg. President, presiding; good attendance. The yearly report and balance sheet were read and adopted. Mrs Griggs resignation was received with much regret, and the following Officers Wert* elected:- President, Mrs Robert McCullum; Vlve-President*. XI end a mes Grigg, Robb, Stewart, E. Parker, A. M. Mdls, and Goslin; Secretary, Mrs W. M. Smith; Treasurer, Mrs H. Pike; Evangelistic Superintendent. Mrs J. Stewart; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs W. D. Pike. Much regret was expressed at losing two of our members, Mrs Rybum and Mrs W lilt side, both these ladies have been keen and capable workers. Musical items were enjoyed by those present. Ten new members have been gained during the last month. LOWER HITT Nov. 2Kth present, Mrs Garlick presiding. Annual meeting reports were read of tile work done during' the year. The Cradle Roll reports 111 members, 22 who have reached their Bth birthday during the year; 22 new members, making a total to date of 121 members. After the Treasurer's report was read, the sum of £2 7s. was votod to the organising fund. Librarian's report 8 books lent during the year. List of the hook* given to most members. Secretary reports 7H names on the roll, average attendance 17—new meddlers, 4. Report e<l tin- L.T.L. meetnm VM bcld at Mi - Sclinieder's residence, 20 members »>eitig present. We hope before long to have a fixed meeting-place for them. It was proposed to send a parcel to the Willard Home before Xmas, and if possible, a donation early in the New Year. Vote of thanks anil a snuiH donation sent to the Trusties of Church of Christ, for the use of their r«s»ins for our meetings. A bouquet and birthday < akc was sent to Mrs Strand. He nr., one of our oldest members with greetings. We had a splendid address from Mrs Perynuin who paid us a surprise visit. She spoke of our plan of work, and we were all asked to do our very best to make our session a live one. Election of Officers: —Pres., Mrs Halantyne; Sec., Mrs Aldcrsley; Tress., Mrs Hove* Afternoon tea served. ARAMOHO. Nov. 24th. Meeting took the form of a Gift afternoon, and h nice parcel of Children's clothing was sent to the ‘‘Willard Orphanage.” Palmerston North, ladtors read, and business as usual. Next meeting to be held on December Bth. Reports to he handed in. and all members urged to attend. Hand of Hope closed witli bountiful ten, supplied by the members, and a concert was given in the evening by Hand of Hope children, funds devoted to W.C.T.If. WARKWORTII. Nov. sth. An interesting meeting A letter was read from Mrs Birdaall, of the Willard Home, Palmerston North, asking for clothing or money. Decided to send a donation later, but to continue sending clothing to Sister Esther of Auckland as previously The matter of procuring a Plunket Nurse for the district was discussed, and it was left with Mesdame* Bailey and Hamilton to get all the necessary information. Afternoon tea was then handed round, and a pleasant half-hour was spent in chat and pay up business. Nov. 2tit It. The annual meeting and election of Officers took place:—President, Mrs H. I. Phillips: Treasurer, Mrs McKinney; Secretary and W.R. Agent, Mrs M. Kanillton; Report to Local and W.R Papers. Mrs Thomson; Supt., L.T.L., Miss M<Gregor Heartiest thanks were passed to Miss McGregor for her good work with the children. A large panel of clothing was prepared for sending In to Sister Esther, of Auckland. Next meeting to take place in February. STRATFORD Niv, 30th. flood attendance. Mrs McAllister, President, in the chair. A short talk from Mr Armstrong. Organiser for the New Zealand Alliance, in matters connected with the recent elections. Vote of sympathy with Mrs Lllley. who Is one of the Union's oldest members, and our Treasurer. Miss Lilley. on the death of Mr Lilley. the members standing. Officers elected: —President, Mrs Phillips, Brecon Road; VicePresident*. Mrs Lilley and Mrs McOallum; Secret*ry, Mrs Faueett. re-elected: White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Kelly. Regan Street.

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White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 366, 18 December 1925, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 366, 18 December 1925, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 366, 18 December 1925, Page 10