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A special meeting wan held at Rant Street Temperan*** Hull, on Monday. 27th .Inly, when Mr* I>on, New’ Zealand President of the W.C.TI7. addressed tbe Y’s. In the absence of the President (Miss Richards) who la at present in hospital. Mrs LeeCow le presided nnd opened tbe meeting with pmyerf A vote of sympathy was passed to the President in her Illness, and Mrs Ix»eCowie then introduced Mrs Don. A pleasing feature at the introduction was the presentation to Mrs Don of a beautiful bouquet of Iceland popples, and Jonquill* with long streamer* of white ribbon Simultaneously a bouquet of pale pink and white wax (towers was presented to Mrs Lee-Cow ie as a token of love and esteem from the Y's. for mothering them. Mrs Don, after gracefully acknowledging the bouquet, passed some pleasing remarks on the decoration* of ths hall uMch iia-i bsM tastsfilty ai ranged as a drawing room with a wealth of floral dc orations She mentioned the fact that Au< kland audience* knew how to tastefully decorate their halls, and said that the atmosphere thus created made it much easier for the speaker to give her message Mr* lion gave a most instructive and Inspiring address on a text taken from the Hook of Ezekiel. “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and stand In the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy It. hut I found none." The speaker said ttiat to her there was no more pathetie picture than God looking for a man to serve him, and not finding him. an 1 very aptly applied the words of her text to present day conditions, making a stirring appeal, especially to the younger members, to train as leaders in tbe great army of women who were trying to fight the terrible evil cf the Liquor Traffic. The speaker’s remarks about the Y. Branches he ng good trnlnlrx grounds for future leads *ship were most encouraging. Thereafter a Temperance Dialogue entitled “Mrs Hops arid John Barleycorn" was ably rendered b\ Mrs Kasper. Miss Orange and Mr Scott with a small choir of children, ■upper was also served. Right new members were Initiated. The singing of the

Doxoiogy and the Benediction brought u most interesting ami profitable evening to a close. AUCKLAND. August 6th. Monthly meeting at Hast Street Temperance Hall. Mrs Kasper presided over a latge attendance of member* and friends, clast on 1(M) being present. T. K. Taylor Day; Miss Pyle read a short account of his life and work. Mrs Loot'd wie also spoke on his work, and read a short poem by Miss (». M- Pecs, of Auckland, being un Inspiration from Tom Taylor's death. Thereafter, Mrs Helen Burton, the noted Scottish Temperance leader, gave an Instructive and inspiring address, taking her subject from the book of ltuth. She is an able speaker, and. in the course of her remarks, gave a graphic Account of u Pageant produced 111 Scotland by the British Women's Temperance Association entitled “l&mpirs Builders." Mrs Barton Interspersed her remarks with many hunourous incidents ami storing of the recent campaign in Scotland. Following on a stirring appeal for more recruits, 16 new members Joined. A good musical piogramme had been arranged ami a very enjoyable evening vas spent. NEW BRIGHTON. July 10th. The President, Mrs F. Mitchell, presided, attendance good. Misses Buxton and Patten were nominated as d« legates to the Provincial Convention In September. The sum of 6s. was donated to the fund to organise a creche at tin* Dunedin Exhibition. The Superintendent, Mrs Good, was appointed to interview Mr D. 8. Sullivan, M.P., re the Hihle In Schools Bill. Mrs Richards. Avonslde, gave a very fine address on “Youth and Character Building,’' and this was much appreciated by the member*. Three new members were initiated. OXFOIU». A most enjoyable social evening at the President's home. Games, competitions, and musical items wore indulged in. After supper an initiation service was held, at which 11 now members were added to the roll, making a total of 36 members. WAIMATB. A strong Y. branch has been formed in Waimate. Mrs T. E. Taylor, addressed a large meeting of the W.C.T.U. after Convention. 10 now members Joined, of whom 7 were girls. Them* formed the nucleus of a “Y.” Union, the membership of which is now 27. The work ha* been taken up keenly. Two of our members attended an all day Temperance Convention held recently at Timaru and are to give a report of It. The meetings have been well attended. At the first social there were over 70 young people present. The officers elected by ballot are:—Superintendent, Mrs Klppcnberger; President. Miss Stewart; Secretary, Miss Dohrmann; Treasurer, Miss Murray. INVERCARGILL. July 27th. President, Mis* Dawson presiding. Reported that a successful social evening hail been held in St. Paul s Hall, on the Hth. The Rev. McKean gave a short ami interesting talk on Temperance, which was appreciated. Aleo on the 24th, Gladstone Home had been visited and presente*! with the Inscription Plate for the organ (the plate was a donation from Mr and Mrs Young). Mcmberi provided supper and friends brought gifts for the boys Our Agent, asked for subs, to be paid. An apology for absence was received from Miss Cameron. T. K. Taylor l>ay was celebrated by Miss Birss, giving a most helpful and inspiring talk on “My life among the Blue jackets" by Miss Weston. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Miss Hirss. Ali repeated the pledgs. HASTINGS. July 21st. The Y. members spent a very happy evening at the YMC. A. rooms. The evening began w ith a debate hot ween the Y.M.C.A members and the Y'».. subject being "Should the man propose." the Y M.C.A., taking the negative side of the debate, gained highest points. After the debate, all Joined in various games, etc., after which a very dainty supper, provided by the Y.M.C.A. members wa* dlspeneed. The evening concluded with “Auld Ixing Byne."

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White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 362, 18 August 1925, Page 9

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AUCKLAND. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 362, 18 August 1925, Page 9

AUCKLAND. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 362, 18 August 1925, Page 9