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Hupt.: Mr* Clara M. Neal. Th» following I'nion* report Cradle Roll work:-—• Auckland: U on the Cradle Roll, new 17. reached a** limit 2. Henderson: 102 on roll. I-sigh: 9. reached age limit. S. Onehunga: 25; new 10, reached age 4. pav**l away 1. visit* paid. Opotiki: 62 on roll. Takapuna: 109; new 57, reached age 11; seven palm of twin* on roll. Waihi: 29; new 2. Whangarel: 54; new 24. New llymouth; 257; reached age 41. left district 10, passed away 2. new 64; total off roll 51; visit* 7. Hawera: 106; reached ag* 105, new 58. Manaia: 118; new SS. Xramoho *‘Y’s’*: 100; new SS. reached age 8; several have joined the I. T. 1..

since receiving their certificate; vi*it* paid. Palm* rston North: 87; reached age 16. Wellington District: 40. Lower Hutt: 120; new 11, reached age 11. Wellington Central: New 6. iVton: 16 Christchurch: 25. New Brighton: 46; new 7. Oxford: 51; new 4, reached age 121. Kukaia: 50; reached age S. left dlstrict S. Tinwald: 25; new 5, reached age 2. left di*trict 2. Dunedin: S 7: vlait* 6. Kaikorai: 40; new 7, reached age 1; vi*it* 20. North Invercargill: 74; new 26. reached age 4; youngest on roll, twin boy*. Ashburton: l*urchased card*; effort* made to organi*e a Cradle Roll, majority against; a* each church ha* a cradle roll, it wa* Pared that the re*ult would be overlapping. AftrrtUMiti Meeting*— Opotiki: ricnic. held in President* ground*; 48 hdults; large number of children; prtSM given for game*. I.eigh; licnlc. Onehunga: One social afternoon for mother* and children. Takapuna: licnlc. W.C.T.U. provide provisions, addre**. game*, fruit and sweet* for cMldren. Whangjirei: licnlc; 40 mother*. 50 children; addre** by President; game*; 24 liable* enrolled. New Plymouth: Picnic in Kawaroa Park; large number pr»*ent; addre** by the I’lunket Nurse; donation of 5a received for Cradle Roll work; 23 hable* enrolled, and 1 W.C.T.U. member gained. Lower Hutt: “At Home*’ for mothers and children; musical lUm* and afternoon tea; collection for Cradle Roll work realised £2. making thi* department self-supporting. licton: 8 meeting* for mother*. Christchurch: One afternoon; address by President of Social Hygiene Society, who appealed to mother* to instruct their children in sex hygiene, giving example* of how it could he imparled; 10 babies enrolled Oxford: Orv mothers* meeting, addressed by I’lunket nurse. Rakaia: Social for mothers and babies. Tinwald: Social; musical item*, afternoon tea. each child presented with a toy nnd l*tg of sweets. The following purchased Purity leafVts for mothers: Stratford. New Plymouth. Aramoho “Y’*,’' Christchurch. Ralclutha, Orepukl. Leeston The following purchased Cradle Roll card*, but have not forwarded r*»i>ort: Winchmore-Greenstreet. Sawyer’* Ray. Blenheim. Mataura. Normanby. Pahiatua, Core, Ashburton. N« Ison, Waipawa. Hamilton. Stratford Also, late In the year, the following I’nion*: Ru* sell, K iwakawa, Orepukl. Levin. Te Aro’ia. Leeston, Carterton. Instruction* “How to Organise a Cradle Roll’* *«ent to the following

Cnion*: Blenheim, Christchurch, (lore, Ku**> 11. Levin, Kawakawa. Orepukl, Otane. Te Aroha. Leeston. tbrterton ‘through the generosity of a memlnT, the second series of “Mothers’ Thought" leaflet* have Imm n supplied free to all Cradle 801 l Superintendent* for distribution with birthday cards. I o>al Temperance legion. I’pper Aramoho: 14 fortnightly meeting*. on Saturday afternoon . Two election* during session, oflWr* quickly filling the positions with credit. President’s speeches very fine, showing a good grip of Prohibition ideal*. Membership 59. new 12. enlisted 49, sigPed pUdges 10; average attendance 27, record attendance 42. Lessons: Scientific T* mfM*ranee Charts and Manual used; Mottoes. Salute*, and Rally cries taught. Pastor Noble and Mr John Emmett gave addresses. Committee* Flower: Visits paid to sick members; flowers, text and card left; wreath* made for several little friend.* who have buttonholes r eery Sunday for th* mintxtei aod Superintendent of the Sunday School; bunch of flowers for LeAder at every meeting, and «» presentation bouquet to the L.T L. Superintendent at the Christmas tree Sold buttonhole* at the W.C.T.U. Sale of Work. I*ookOut: New members obtained. al»sentees visit ed. Cheer-up: Made and sent scrap book* to sick children in hospital, also carried heavy basket* for ladles wrhom they have met In streets. “Young Crusader”: 4 new *ut>*rriber*. 2 renew a is; on* copy sent for a year to the Wanganui Orphanage from the Legion er*. Hostel; A stall of dolls, clothes, hats, fancy articles, ind toys, presided over by the girls, and a sweet shill by the hoy*, resulted in the sum of £3 18*. Total sum raised by th Legion for W.C.T.U. Hostel. £7 9s. Ihiblic Concert: One. proceed* £2. A number visited Ihitiki Band of Hope, and gave item*. Marched to Jubilee Home, car rying flag* and banners, gave concert to old people; also gave items at Sale for Hostel funds. Red letter Days \nn.' Gordon’s birthday celebrated; collection for Maori Rand of Hope at Putiki. Press: Meetings reported in local papers and *'White Ribbon ” Christina- Tree giv* n by W.C.T.U.; every receiv'd a gift. presented for best attendance, and to the most enthusiastic worker: one af the Flower Committee. Legioncrs presented gifts to the Leader. Mrs Bathgate, and her helpers. Wanganui East: A L.T.L. started, but had to he abandoned through failure to And a suitable leader. Individual mem bc»s assist at various Band of Hope meeting* In and around the locality. Palm rston North: Through lack of Superintendent, no organised legion. Effort made to hold a series of children’s meetings on Saturday afternoons. On*- well-Attended meeting, address'd by Mr Campbell, master of Weed-End School Second and third meetings arranged had to be abandoned owing to counter-nf tract ions.

Onehungn: Two W.C.T.U. mcmbMV assist In training the children of the Rand of Hope, held In connection with churches. Nelson: Commenced year's work wath a picnic. Fortnightly mee'lngx; 20 new memlxera. f*ev< n of the seniors have joined the 'T#.’’ Held one concert, making sufficient mon *y for Legion work, and donated fl to the At-kin.-on Me norial Fund. Had charge of Christmas Tree, and gave items at the W I'Tl' Sal< of Wot k « ’!< r-f. | . « xion with social evening, parents and friends invited; musical and other item* by l<eginncn»; a farewell presentation to If lax Knapp, who has bo* n Assistant Superintendent and Treasurer for two year*. Ashburton; After seven years of work, the Superintendent. Mrs Rroome. resigned At a social she was presented with a gift of hooks. The question of a Rand of Hope was referred to the No-License Council; a committee formed of members of the Council and the W.C.T.U. The Secretary wrote to each church !h the district, with the resuit that a number of Bands of Hope have been formed, and good work done. Hampstead: A WCTU Rand of Mope. North East Valley: United Rand of Hope. organised by the following churches: Presbyterian, Methodist. Baptist, Anglican. Church of Christ, and Salvation Army; 1M members; all have signed the pledge. Each member lx given a blue ribbon bodge, bearing the initials “N.R.V !\ R. of H.” (North Fast Valley Union Rand of Hope) Temper ancc address and good interesting programme at each meeting, enr’' church being responsible for two items at every meeting. Conceit at close of session -exulted in fit txdng handed over to th«» N Z Alliance. The \V CT .* gave five prises for the best essay on “Why Should Every f»lrl and Roy he a Rand of Hop* Member?” All meetings reported |n dally papers. Riverton: Rand of Hope began with 23 number*: dosed with 41 names on the roll Weekly meeting Friday afternoon. after school closes, when various songs, recitations, and dialogues for the public meeting are rehearsed, and xometirrvs a short temperance address given. Once a month a wellnttended public meeting; good collections. After paying all expenses for literature, gas. etc., sent f: to the Atkinson Me. morial Fund, and have a balance of mor* than fl to commence work next year. A friend has promis'd a luminous wristlet watch to the box or girl w ho secures the most new members. Maori Rand of Hope— Ptltlkf: Muring Mrs Uoraurnatl’s visit t«. Wan canul, nvmher* of the W.C.T.U. attended a meeting held In the Ihitlkl <lay set oolhouse. The school author! ties are in favour of temperance t* aching. but do not favour the signing of pledges for Maori children Mrs Moody volunteered tf> condurt n monthly temperance class. Three meetings have been held In the schoolroom, and tem-

perance lessons given. Attendance, 32 Maori boys and girls, ages from 6 to 14 years. They sing nicely, and it Is proposed to teach them temperance songs and recitations. The following Unions purchased L.T L. badges: Wanganui. Invercargill South. L.T.L. Lesson Manuals purchased by: Wanganui. Waimate, Renwrlcktown, Ashburton, Invercargill, Te Aroha L.T.L. Pledge (krdx purchased by; Sawyers Ray, Invercargill, Wanganui, Nelson, Te Aroha. Programmes purchased hy: Ashbur ton. Wanganui. Reciters purchased hy: Wanganui, Waimate. Renwicktown. Ashburton, Hamilton East, Petone, Te Aroha. Marching songs purchase d by: Wan ganui. Invercargill. Riverton. Ashburton. Petone. L.T.L. Handbook supplied to: Wanennui. Waimate. Renwdcktow’n. Ashburton, Invercargill. Te Aroha Rand of Merry. In connexion with every Legton there should be i Rand of Mercy. "Children trained to extend Justice, kindness, and merc> to animals become more Just, Kind, and considerate toward each other. Uhararter training along these lines, when the children are young, will result in tin ir l>eing better men and women, with broader sympathies. more humane, law-abiding, and in everx respect more valuable citizens.** Upper Arumoho: 3 meetings; membership. 34; honorary. 2; pledges, 12. An a Idress on "Mercy** given by the Rev. Campbell. Lessons on “Kindness to Dumb Animals." "Peace Instead of War." “Love to fine Another." given by the Leader. Story leafl* ts and copies of "The Little Animals’ Friend" given to the children to take home. Made scrap-hooka from cants, scraps, and pictures cut from papers and journals for the sick children in the local hospital Flowers taken *o the sick. Many messages carried. Performed many arts of kindness. Meetings reported in local papers and the “White Ribbon ” Mercy leaflets and cards purchased by Sawyer's Bay. Ashburton. South Invercargill. Upper Arnmoho. Bala non-Sheet, Uradle Roll. L.T.L., and Band of Mercy. RKUKIITS.

208 letters written and 133 parcels sent out by this department during the yea r.

19?0 (in lance £9 18 5 Hand of Merry Clrant from N.Z. Union ... 0 7 6 Kale.* Cnrda. Manuals, etc ?8 !& • £37 1 7 KXrKVniTURF. I’rlntinff Birthday Card* CG 18 0 Carriage Hooka. Tania. etc.. FVIMlng to Auckland 1 1 0 TO Money Order* and Re fftMerlng Let tern — •M * 1 4 8

PueLaite on I'nroel* and Lettern — 1 17 3ft Cradle Roll Radges (English) 1 10 0 Manual*. Song Book*. etc.. from U.8.A. 10 0 0 Refund Mr* Mary Lovell. C.S.A. _ _ _ 1 0 0 I>uty on Radge* 0 6 3 Hit lance In Hand — 11 6 4ft £37 1 7 ASSETS Cash In Hand £11 6 4ft Amount owing to Pept. 17 5 Envelope* 0 9 * Cradle Roll Radge* 0 15 10 Clail Roll Pledge and Birthday Card* 14 1 0 L.T.L. Manual* and Recltatlon Book* 2 5 • Programme* and L.T.L. Hand book* .... 0 1C 0 Band of Mercy Leaflet* and Card* 0 5 0 Cradle Roll and Mother*' Leaflet* 0 5 0 L.T.L. Manual*. Song Rook*. etc*., on order from US A. s 0 0 £41 1 H

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White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 332, 18 April 1922, Page 19

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CRADLE ROLL, L.T.L. AND HAND OF MERCY. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 332, 18 April 1922, Page 19

CRADLE ROLL, L.T.L. AND HAND OF MERCY. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 332, 18 April 1922, Page 19