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News of the Unions.

( The Editor cannot promise to insert anythng in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cutt ngs are unsuitable.) HAW ERA. July 26. Mrs Blamires presided, 14 present. Mrs Gilling gave an interojung report ol Eltnarn Provincial Convention. Decided to help to raise funds for the mine-sweepers. WELLING FOX CENTRAL. July 20. Mrs A. R. Atkinson presided. Delegates to Provincial Convention appointed. Resolution passed endorsing - the suggestion of the National Council of Women that the methods of raising mom y for the relief of soldiers and their dependants bv means of Carnivals, Art Unions, and similar forms of voluntary taxation are objectionable. Mrs A R. Atkinson spoke on the Convention resolution re cost of living, and pointed out what a real hardship it was to old age pensioners and families with limited incomes. Resolved to make an appeal for warm comforts for the mine-sweepers. NELSON. July 10. Miss Field presided. Good attendance. Miss McCarthy cave an address upon the Teaching of Sex Hygiene in Schools, and while admitting that the mother was the right person to give such teaching, where she failed to do so it should be c ven by qualified teachers. Miss McCarthv also spoke on similar lines at the Richmond and Brightwater Unions. July 15. Meeting for mothers arranged bv Cradle Roll Superintendent. Very bad weather. An address on the nfluence of the mother’s thought. TIMARU. July }l. Mrs Rule presided. Report of Hospital visitors received, and visitors appointed. Mrs Stead appointed delegate to Provincial Conven tion. Decided to rolled for minesweepers. Mr Moreton reported qu’ct month at the Sailors’ Rest. Secretary to write to Hon. Russell for pamphlet. CHRISTCHURCH. June. Large meetings held in connection with Mrs Cowie's visit. 07 gave in their mimes as willing to the Union; 22 honorary members gained. July 12. Mrs T. E. Taylor presided. Resolutions brought forward bv Women’s Comnv'tec passed. A Sale held on lu’v 27 realised /40 for I.adv L'verpool Fund. Mss Roberts read an interesting paper op “Woman’s Work.”

July 25. T. E. Taylor Day celebrated, Miss Roberts presiding. Mrs W. J. Williams gave an address. Votes of sympathy passed with the families of Colonel G. J. Smith, Mr Ollivcr, and Mr Josling. Forty new members received during the month. Special prayer meetings held every fortnight, well attended, and ably conducted by Mrs D. McKee. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. August. Presided over by Mrs Houldcr. Mrs J. Wright gave an interesting account of the annual meeting of the X /. Alliance, and as W hite Ribbon Day was celebrated too, Mrs Wright urged the claim of our paper to all who d'dn’t take it. Mrs Houlder reported that we had five dozen of the “Fact* About Our W.C.T.U." for distribution. Mcsdames Cummins and Bott elected delegates to the Provincial Convention. Mrs Cummins elected Superintendent of Work Among Seamen. Mrs Lee-Cowie having offered her services to our Union, it was decided to ask her to give her lecture. It was dec’ded to have the letter from Miss Arnott, a member of the Capetown W.C.T.U. (which was kindly sent to us from Mrs Bott. Wanganui), printed in “White Ribbon,” and printed afterwards for sale in ou„r literature department. N.E. VALLEY. July 26. Mrs Peart presided. The President, in her remarks, referred to the splendid articles which had appeared in the “Star” this week, and sa ; d how much we are indebted to the Editor for bold, fearless speaking on the question of six o’clock closing. Mrs Hiett, President of town Union, gave a very instructive address on the Referendum, and said how necessary it was that all should be educated up to it. WANGANUI. August. Mrs Smith (President) in the chair. A social afternoon. Fine attendance. Decided to make next meeting a “gift” one, for the purpose of securing as much as possible for mine-sweepers. Mrs Upton and Mrs Bott were appointed delegates to Provincial Convention. Arranged for Mrs Lee-Cowie’s visit. The meeting was then addressed by Mrs J. D. McKenzie on “Patriotism.” Solos were sung by Mesdames Tucker and Strong. Splendid collection for Maori work, and afternoon tea served. A deputation from the Union met Mr Yeitch, M.P., re women police. He promised his hearty support to the movement. MAN AT A. July 10. A well-attended meeting. Mrs Tait presided, and one new member was initiated. A delegate was appointed for the Eltham Convention. Mrs Tait reported that an T..T.L. had been successfully started, and Miss Peterson was appointed Superintendent.

KAIKORAI. July 27. Attendance much improved, and a good meeting. Discussion on the Y. Union ; two meetings held, and no \’s attended. Decided to confer with Dunedin Union re effort to get comforts for mine-sweepers. WAKAPUAKA SUB. Enthusiastic meeting held at Mrs Paterson’s. Mrs Judson gave an interesting account of Convention. Reported that 6 o’clock closing petitions were widely signed. July 12. Meeting at Mrs Dodson's. Fair attendance. Two new members. Collection of 10s for White Ribbon Day. Two new subscribers to “White Ribbon.” July 25. Afternoon tea in aid of Y.M.t.A. funds. Collection of £3 Bs. TAURANGA. July 25. Cradle Roll meeting, 17 present. President in the chair. Members pledged themselves to pray at noon daily for the abolition of the drink traffic during the war. Two papers read bv Mrs Turner. Decided to assist the Strength of the Nation Movement, and to help provide comforts for mine-sweepers. Afternoon tea served. Deputation to wait upon ministers of the town. NEW BRIGHTON. June 21. Public meeting. President in the chair; 200 present. Fine address by Mrs Don. Stirring address by Rev. Patterson. Musical items, refreshment, and a collection for N.Z. Organising Fund. July 12. Well attended mothers’ meeting. Mrs T. F.. Taylor gave an address on evil alcohol does children. Mrs Don also spok';. Five new members. July ip. Good attendance. Decided to open a subscription list in aid of mine-sweepers. Deputation from Union waited upon Hon. Russell re appointment of women police. Mesdames Nicholas and Beebv to be delegates to Provincial Convention. Mrs Don spoke on “Woman’s Influence.” Two new members. WAIPUKURAU. luly q. Good attendance to meet Miss Powell. Miss Powell gave an address upon our work, and urged members to wear the white bow. One new member. Afternoon tea dispensed. PONSONBY. June 14. Mrs Fountain presided. Thanks received from ITistrict Union ior help rendered with catering. A paper was read on “The Initiative and Referendum.'’ Miss Caley gave an account of a tour she recently made in the Waikato. July 12. Resolved to send Peace Resolution of Convention to head teachers of schools. Reported that Miss Weymouth had addressed a mothers’ meeting, and nine expressed willingness to join the Union.

ORMONDVILLE. June 2<j. Union organised by Miss Powell. Officers elected : Pres.. Miss A. Webb; Vice-l’res., Mesdamts Webb, Smalc, and Fox; Sec., Mrs Wilson; Treas., Mrs T. Kothcrgill. July 12. Another visit from Miss Powell. One new member. Webb appointed Pr< ss Reporter ; Mrs Newling, “W.K.” Supt. ; Miss Groom, “W.R.” Correspondent. PALMERSTON NORTH. July 20. Mrs Crabb presided. Arrangements were made for Mrs LeeCow ie’s prohibition campaign in August. lnv.tations received for the Convention to be held in Feilding. A series of chain is teas were arranged to provide funds for the purchase of material to furnish a stall at the November Show. Decided to send an order for Ind an missionary lace, to be sold at the same time. Aug. 3. Mrs Crabb presided. Mrs Palmer and Mrs Rowlands were appointed delegates to the Provincial Convention, to be held in Feilding in September. Decided to celebrate White Ribbon l)a> on August 17th by a social and gift afternoon, the proceeds to go to the stall at the November Show. LYTTELTON. July. Mrs Wilson presided over a good attendance of members. Business of meeting was read and discussed. After business finished, Mrs Whitby, our late President, was presented with a set of J. R. Millan’s books, after 2} years of faithful service, and we hope tnat she may be spared for many years to come. Afternoon tea was prov ded. FITZROY. July 27. White Ribbon Day. Mrs Hayward presided. Appointed Mrs E. Taylor Cradle Roll Superintendent; Mrs Fenwick Letter Writer. Mrs Francis to canvass for garments for the m*no-sweepors in response to Mrs Nmmo’s app al. Mrs’s coming visit discussed, Executive to make arrangements. Secretary to collect informat on re forming L.T.1.. Collection for Maori Mission, 12s. Afternoon tea served. AUCKLAND. ]uly 11. Mrs Cook presided. Decided to hold our District Convention second week in October. Miss Bagnail appointed to take charge of Soldiers’ Club, the Union to provide refreshments third Wednesday in every month. Rev. Inglis, an honorary member, gave a heart-stirring address. Rev. Inglis is leaving Auckland for Masterton. Mrs Parkinson appointed Superintendent of T iterature. Accepted with thanks Mrs Garraway’s presentation of a White Ribbon block, also given through our Union towards sale of book “Defeat.” July 25. Mrs Cook in the chair. Chaplain Captain Shaw, M.A., delivered his thrilling lecture, entitled, “Ex-

periences on a Hospital Ship,” a most heart-stirring recital. Lhe lecturer was heartily thanked, and the initiatory service was held at the close, several new members joining. WANGANUI EAST. Eriday, July 27. Good attendance. Mrs Duxheld presiding. Votes of condolence passed to Mr Andrew Thompson and to Mrs Marshall. A very successful home meeting held at Mrs barking’s residence reported. Eive new members initiated, and six names added to the Cradle Roll. Sec - retary read very encouraging report of White Ribbon Sewing Guild for Red Cross work. Decided to hold a soc ial afternoon to receive g fts for woollen comforts, in response to an appeal on behalf of our mine-sweepers. Splendid report of L.T.L. branches received from Mrs Duxfield. Mesdames Melvin and Walpole appointed delegates to attend District Convention. Fifty copies “Defeat and Victory” and leaflets given out for distribution. BLUFF. July. T. E. Taylor Day celebrated by a drawing-room meeting at the house of Mrs McQuane. Twentythree* present. Mrs Macallister, of Invercargill, gave an excellent address on Mr T. E. Taylor’s life and work. August. Communication received from Mrs Nimmo asking for woollen comforts for the mine-sweepers in the North Sea. Decided to hold a gift afternoon on Franchise Day. GISBORNE. July. Fifteen present. Letter of thanks received from Dr. Barnardo’s agents for box ot sent. Mrs to get appeal for mine-sweepers and receive all articles or donations. Carried, that £1 be forwarded to help expenses in connection with Prohibition campaign. Carried, that a resolution be forwarded to Hon. Russell endorsing the petition now being signed bv citizens for a full hospital enquiry. Literature was handed round, and Mrs Graham appealed to members to do more of this work. Secretary was instructed to write and ask Hon. Russell for pamphlets re Venereal Disease for civilian use. OXFORD. June 27. President reported that their mcmbei had promised to support 6 o’clock closing. £2 10s voted to Y Branch, and £2 to Strength of Nation Movement. Decided to hold a concert in aid of sufferers by London air raid. Nineteen new subscribers to “White Ribbon” reported. Decided to offer prizes to schools for temperance essays. Cradle Roll meeting. Reported 04 names on roll. Mrs Williams gave helpful address, and was heartily thanked. One new member. July 25. Votes of sympathy to Mrs S. McKee and Mrs Ivory. Decided

to send delegate to Provincial Convention. Air lorbes, M.P., wrote promis ng 10 carefully consider 0 o’cloi k closing. M»ss Caverhill read a paper on 1. K. Taylor. Collection in aid of Maor< Fund. One new member. Miss Caverhill presented witn a handbag as a token of esteem. PA KIRI. This l nion was organised by Mrs Cowie in Marcft. Officers: Pres., Mrs Rennie; Sec., Mrs Goz r; Treas., Miss Dyer; \ ice-Pres., Mrs Wyatt. July 6. Very wet day, s.x present. Discussion on Cradle Roll work. M ss Wyatt appointed Librarian. Aug. 2. Stormy weather, and small attendance. Miss Powell, Dominion Organis r, gave an address on l mon work. Resolution carried endorsing the recommendation of Etfi- < CDCi Board. Membership do* stands at 14. with 12 honorary members. MATAURA. June. President (Mrs Poole) in chair. Rt ported a large number ot signatures obtained to (> o’clock petition. One new inembir in it ated. July. Meeting held in show room, clothes for Barnardo, Highlands, and islands of Scotland. Proposed that Mrs Brown (Secretary) be aso Corresponding S notary. Mrs Beaumont see Mrs Reid in regard to future subscriptions to “White Ribbon.” PORT CHALMERS. Aug. <S. A largely attended meeting, presided ov> r by Mrs Peryman. A very fine address on “Efficiency Board's Proposals and Plan of Campaign” was given by Rev. R. S. Gray, of Dunedin. DUNEDIN. Aug. 6. Splendid attendance, packed Hall, Mrs lliett presiding, lhe disclosures re Wh te Slave Traffic were discussed, and it was resolved to ask all women’s to send representatives to meet our Executive to arrange a public meeting to protest against inadequate sentences, and to ask for bitter protect on for young girls. Great approval expressed of Mr Statham’s action in the House on these cases.

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White Ribbon, Volume 23, Issue 266, 18 August 1917, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 23, Issue 266, 18 August 1917, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 23, Issue 266, 18 August 1917, Page 12