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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) KAIAPOI. The -’sth anniversary was celebrated on 27th January. N.Z. officers were nominated. The Secretary’s annual report showed that good work had been done in the following depart ments : —Educational, Literature, Band of Hope, Scientific Temperance Instruction, Purity, Relief Work, and Refreshment Booths. The following officers were elected : —Pres., Mrs Blighting; Sec., Miss Blackwell; Treas., Mrs T. (i. Blackwell: Managers W.C.T.U. Rooms, Mrs Jameson and Miss McPherson. Mrs Barnard was elected delegate to Convention. Votes of sympathy were parsed with Mrs McDougall and with Mrs G. 11. Blackwell and family, Mr Blackwell having been an honorary member of the W.C.T.T. for over twenty years. WANGANUI EAST. Special meeting held on December nth. The President, Mrs Andrew, occupied the chair. Reports of the various departments were read, and balance-sheet presented. The reports showed steady progress had been made during the year. The Treasurer showed a credit balance of 17s yd. Election of officers as follow s: Pres., Mrs Andrew ; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Scott, Blair, and Duxfield; Cor. Sec., Mrs Hicks; Rec. Sec., Mrs 1 hixfield ; Treas., Ilrs M< Leod. Pro posed that two dozen White Ribbon hymn books he procured for use of member-;. Mrs Neil son was asked to convey the thanks of the Union to Mr Neil son *' »r his opportune resolution in favour of carving Natio. al Prohibition and No License at a meeting of the Moderate League. 'The members were gratified to learn that so many bare majority and fifty five per cent, members had been returned to Parliament. SHEFFIELD. Meeting held on Wednesday, Febru arv ?rd. six members present, Mrs Mcllraith presiding, whom we are all pleased to have with us again. Received a circular from Miss Henderson. also post-card from Mrs Boxall re Sabbath Observance. Mrs Xeutze consented to act as Secretary for the ensuing year. The question of sending a delegate to Convention was discussed, and derided to leave until next meeting. Meeting closed w ith prayer. Officers elected were: Pres., Mrs Mcllraith. Annat: Sec., Mrs Xeutze, Anpat; Treas., Mrs Kennedy, Annat.

INVERCARGILL. There was a large attendance of members .it our first meeting for 1«j 15, held on February 2nd. We were pleased to have Miss Powell, the Union Organiser, with 11s, and all enjoved her very helpful address. It is thought that a branch ot our Union may now lx- formed in South Invercargill, and thi* arrangements were left with Mrs Cowie and Miss Powell. Miss Brown reported that there were B<S names on Cradle Roll, and she is arranging for a mothers’ and children’s party, at which an address will be given by Miss Powell. A Financial Committee was appointed, also representatives to Reform Council meetings. Mrs Macalister was ap pointed as delegate to Convention. The V. Branch, owing to mi many engagement-. since formation of YAV.U.A.. has decided to dissolve, and sent in their books. Resolved to meet on first Tuesday of each month at 7 o’clock in afternoon, and in addi tion an educational meeting to be he ld on third Tuesday evening of each month during winter months, for convenience of young women members. The resolutions to be brought up at Convention were discussed and voted upon. One new member was welcomed, and a letter of introduction i''vrn to departing member. W OODVILLE. Meeting he ld on January 26. Attendance- good for holiday time. Our President opened, and hoped that the members would work more earnestly than ever in the great fight before us for the ne-xt three- years, also wished us to remember always to wear tinbadge*. Decided that essav by school children on “Temperance Wall Sheet’’ should be carried out be*fore* too late this year. A very he-lpful paper was give-n by one of the- members on “Devotion and Self-Sacrifice in Working for God and Humanity.” Resolved that f. 1 should be given to the Belgian Fund. Our Treasurer read the financial report. We have a little in hand for expenses. GRKYMOUTH. Our first meeting for this year, though not >0 we-l! attended as usual, was interesting and instructive to us all. Several new superintendents of departments were appointed, and reports given in. Items from the “White Ribbon” were* read and commented upon. I was directed to say our members as a whole wear the badges satisfactorily. We* are hoping to have a good day and an interesting time on W illard Day. We are* looking forward with pleasure to the* ( onvention se-ason, and pray God’-, blessing may be* with you all, and prosper your work. PE TONE. Meeting on Februarv 2nd. Miss Kirk in the chair. Mrs Corner, our former Secretary, was appointed delegate to Convention, One member

was received by transfer. Resoived to hold a rally in the- e hun h on the 17th February, at which a good programme and te a will be provided. BLENHEIM. Dec. 15. A very successful Garden Party and Christmas Tree was given to the mothers and c hildren by the members of the W .C. T.U. at the residence: of Mrs I). Sinc lair. Eac h child received something from the Christmas tree. After partaking of a delicious afternoon tea, Mr Xalder gave an interesting address on the* Kamabai M ission. On 'Thursday, 17th in>t., a drawingroom afternoon was held in Wesley Hall. We were- all ver\ pleased to have m> main present. It gave us all an opportunity to meet Mrs Xalde*r, who -.poke- to u-- e>n the Rambai Mission and what a wonderful work Rambai was doing. Mrs Jackson, our new President, was m the chair, and in introducing Mrs Nalder, spoke a few words about he*r work. Mrs Hancock proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs Nalder for he-r interesting talk, Mrs Sinclair seconded. An enjoyable afternoon tea was given bv the- member-. Collection taken up for the fund- of the- mission. A great deal of literature was sold. WANGANUI. Te-b. 5. The fir-t meetino- of the vear held, attendance good, Mrs Upton presiding. Two dele-gates were* appointed to attend the- Annual Convention, to be- lie-id in Christchurc li *’ vear, Mrs Me Ke-nzic- (Sec.) and Mr- Tottv being the ones chosen. Several member- arc* reported sick, and letters of sympathy were to be -ent to Mr- (fa/e*. Mi- Blamires, and Mrs Blvth, who has recently lost a son. We pray the*v may all be strengthened, and be with us soon. We were pleased to welcome two ladv visitors, Mrs We-ll- (Wellington) and Mi-s Pvle (of Invercargill), who gave a short account of the work clone In her district. PAIIIATUA. Annual meeting held in the Methodist ( hurch, Dec-ember Mrs Crabb (District President) in the chair. Reports of Secretary, also Evangelistic, I hrift, Bac kblocks, Home Meetings and Hygiene, Cradle Roll, and Purity Superintendent.- were given. Officers for 1«> 15 elected as follow Pres., Mrs Neal; Sec., Mrs J. I). Wilson; Treas., Mrs W . Me Cardie ; Vice-Pres., Mrs H. Godfrey. A motion thanking Mrs Paterson (late* Treas.) and Mrs Ross (late Sec.) for past services, and expressing regret that they could rot accept nomination for office next \e-ai, was passed unanimously. Resolved that a letter of sympathy lx* sent to Mrs Ross, late Secretary, in her illness, trusting that she may soon be restored to health. I he* following superintendents were appointed:— Evangelistic, Mrs Ij. Godfrey; Home Meetings and Hygiene, Mrs J. j),

Wilson; Thrift, Mrs MtCardie; Ba< k blocks, .Mrs J. Boagey • Cradle Roll and Purity, Miss Wilton. Vote of thanks passed to Mrs Crabb. Mrs Crabb congratulated tin Tnion on the amount of work accomplished, Greetings received from Miss Powell, N.Z. Vice-President, who organised our l nion in October, n>l3, and from our President, Mrs Neal. Votes of thanks passed to the officers of the Methodist Church for u>c of the church ; to Yr |. Boage-y for opening the church; to Messrs Herbert and Co. for free carriage of literature for tin* back blocks camps; to our local paper, the Pahiatua ‘‘Herald/’ for report mg our meetings; and to Mrs 11. Godfrey for providing afternoon tea. Feb. 4. I'sual meeting field, Mrs Neal (President) in the chaTr. Before proceeding with the business, the following motion was passed in silence, all reverently standing:—“That we tender to Mr A. Ross and family our heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement, and that we place on record our grateful appreciation of the devoted services rendered to our Tnion by Mrs Ross, both as a member and as our Sccretarv. and our sense of the great loss we have sustained by her death.” Letters re Convention business from Miss Hende i-on, Mrs Mitchell, and Miss Powell "ere* r f ,u l discussed, and voted upon. Ihe Treasurer’s report, which was read and adopted, showed 23 fully paid up members, capitation dues and full lew to Organising Fund having been paid, we have a credit balance of £1 its ;d. A paper was read by Mrs J. I). Wilson, entitled “Should Pledged Abstainers l >e Alcohol as Medicine?” W AIPTKTRAT. Annual meeting held on December 9. 17 members present. President occupied the chair. Annual reports road and adopted, after which following officers were elected: —Pres., Mrs Hopkirk (re-elected); Sec., Mrs Sowry I re e!e<ted>; Cor. Set., Mrs H. R. French; Trcas., Mrs Geo. Robinson (re-elected); Band of Hope Sec. and I reas., Mrs Gav; “W hite Ribbon” '>gent. Mrs Nicholson (re-elected) Organist, Miss Moffatt (re-elected) \ CAERE. Meeting held at home of President, Mrs Kcnnington. Small gathering. Circular received from Miss Henderson re Annual Dominion C onvention. \ arious notices of motion mentioned in lanuarv “White* Ribbon” discussed. It was decided to support those of Misses Dewar, Powell, and Henderson. but not that of Mrs Scanlon. If po>sible, we are sending a delegate to Convention. In favour of N.Z. officers remaining as at present. “Willard Day” to be celebrated February 17th by a picnic at the home of a member. “Favourite Quotations” held over for next meeting. One new member initiated. \nnual Cradle Roll picnic held lanuarv 28th at Mrs (j. Tarrant’s. Two other picnics for

childrv n on the* same day interfered somewhat with the* attendance, but all present seemed to enjoy themselves, and returned home tired but happy. MASTKRTOX. Feb. 2. Meeting held in Knox Hall, Mrs Rc» ss (President) in the chair. Attendance good. Mrs Sutherland \va> elected delegate to Convention in Christchurch. Miss Wingate was elected Superintendent of Purity, and Mrs Flanagan of Thrift. Resolved to send a letter of appreciation to Miss Roberts, thanking her for the interest she* had takc'ii in the Tnion, and expressing the hope that "lie* would soon be restored to health. The meeting to be* held next month will take the form of an “At Home.” OXFORD. Jan. 28. Meeting he*ld, attendance only fair, Mrs Ryde (Preside nt) pre-sid-ing. Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mrs Ancall, one of our first me*mbe*rs, and a motion of deep sympathy was passed with Mr Ancall and family. I.e*tte*r of sympathy to be* sent to Mrs P. Thompson in he r illness. The W.C.T l . catered for the Oxford Sports on Boxing Day. and sent the* profits (/20) to the Belgian Fund. Sports Committee thanked for the use* of the stand. Next meeting to celebrate Willard Day, and Mrs Wot her spoon to give* a reading on the* life of Francis W illard. Collection to be* taken up. Mrs Ryde* gave a reading on the: re*>ult of the* Licensing Poll. Are* we disappointed? W*\ Are we downhearted? A thousand times No. We* are more* determined than ever to fight thi> deadly thing, and win in the e*nd too. Mrs Gainsford, sonr., spoke on Miss Newcombe’s appeal to the women of cur Dominion to send all the* help the*v can to our suffering sisters 111 the* Home Land. Afternoon te*a provided. PTKEKOHK. No meetings were he*lei in 1 <> 14 till May 14th, when the Tnion was reorganise'd, and the following officers were elected:- Pres., Mrs Frost; YicePre*>., Mrs Hunter, Mrs Tsher, Mrs Hunniford; Sec., Mrs Steve*nson; Trcas., Mrs Comrie; “W.R.” Agent, Miss Goldsworthy. The meetings have* bee'll fairly we'll attended, and we* are pleased to welcome new members. We are very grateful to the Salvation Army officers for the* um* of the ball, in which to hold our meet ings, also Mrs Baldwin for hc*r organ, which helped greatly with the singing In July we were very pleased to have a visit from Mrs Cowie. which was verv helpful; we held afternoon and evening meetings but owing to the wet weather, there was only a fair attendance. Several of our members have* done good work in persuading some to sign the pledge, looking up those who wore not on the* roll. di-> tributing literature, etc. On election day refreshments we*re* provided for

workers, and and meetings held for prayer, that God would bless our efforts, and we are still trusting and looking forward to success. Treasurer reports Z's *7 S income; in hand, j£i 14s. NEW BRIGHTON. Feb. 2 , 1915. Meeting hold in the Me'thodist Schoolroom. Miss Goodwin's resignation of the sec retaryship was received with regret. Torre spondencc was received from Mrs Lovell Smith, cit e lining the Secretaryship of our Tnion. Mrs W. T. Smith was elected Secretary. Correspondence was also received from Miss Hen derson, asking the Tnion to elect a delegate for the N.Z. W.C.T.L. Con vention. It was proposed and second eel that Mrs ll.ill be* e*le*< te-el delegate. Mi >3 Henderson gave .1 most interest ing address on the* past work of the* W .C.T.T., and urged me re activity in our Tnion. A most he arty vote of thanks was accorded Miss Henderson. The meeting terminated with the Tern perance Doxology and prayer. OPOTIKI. Flection day. The Alhambia Theatre was engaged for a re*st and refreshment booth for all No-License sympathisers. £.2 15s 3d was received in donations for the Belgian Relief Fund. Dec. 17. Annual meeting held, Mrs Murray presiding. Reports were read by the* Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintendent of L.T.L. A vote of th.inks was passed to Mesdamcs Goodall and Me Lure* for their work in training the* children. The following officers were then elected for the coming year: Pres., Mrs Murray; Yice-Pres., Mesdames J. Thompson, W. Morice, and Goodall; Sec., Mrs J. R. Sinclair; Tre*as. and Supt. “White Ribbon,” Mrs Holman; L.T.L., Mesdame's Goodall, McLure, and F'leni ing; Literature, Miss K. Thompson; Press, Mrs J. D. Thompson; Parlia mentary, Mrs Gow. Decided to hold next meeting in February. KAII’ARA. Feb. 4, 1915. Kinga Roopu wahine Maori, tena ra koutou katoa i roto it* Ariki. Ate tekau ma toru onga ra otenei marama ka haere atu au kia kite ite Roopu o Karakanui, na, kei te* wiki whakamutunga o Pepucre ko haere* atu au ki Turanga kinga Roopu o reira. Amuri iho koto haere atu ahau kia kite inga Roopu o Hawke’s Bav i mua i taku hoerenga kite hut tau ote Roopu wahine. ka tu ki Christchurch i te*ra motu. Mehe mea he hinhia wa koutou ku whakatakotn ria kimua i te aroaro onga tino kei whakahaere oten.t huinga. me tuhituhi .1 e koutou nga take, ka tuku atu ai kia ahau me tuku kia Te Maari Wood head, W.C.T.T. care Mrs Ingram. Camemn Road, Napier, inuia ite tekau ma rima onga ra o Mache. kongn mema onga Roopu kaore a no kit tukua te kohi tau, me. tuku atu ki Mrs Walker, I o A Street. Gisborne,

a tenei taima tonu kia tika ai te whakanoko i«i koutou ingoa, menga take kite aroaro ote Perehitini o tenei motu katoa. Kia kaha tonu tatou kite whakahaere i a tatou take. kai ora ano koutou iroto ite Anki Hoi ano. Te Maari Woodhead. OKI'AW HARO. Ki te Ktita. Tena koe. Tenei ka lukua atu nga ripoata o nga huinga o te Koopu waftine Oruawharo me o ratou ingoa. No hanure 4th, 1914. i\.i tu te huihuinga whakaroopu 1 nga wahine o Oruawnaro kite karangatanga W.C. 1.1. na Rev. Kruera Te 1 uni whakahaere te mitingi. (1) l ake tuatahi whakamarama 1 nga paero. Nga mema 1 whakaae kite uru ki roopu. 1 uhi karaka Paikea President, Pirihira 1 anga, Akiura Hone Kruera, lhapera Mohena, Maraea W aata, Te Auruki 1 ahana, Kheterc Harihone, Rihi Pairama Mu; le Rata pu Reihaaa. Pooti mo nga tuning.’ etoru. Perehitini Tu ana Tuhi karaka Paikeaa ; Hekeretri Tu ana Rihi Pairama Mu Ass. Sec., Tapihana Paikea; Treasurer, Akuira Hoane Kruera. Tuaoha nga mom kohi o nga mema e rua hereni mete hekipene i te mema nui katoa £\ 2s 6d, nga moni awhina 11s, £\ 13s (id, mo te pukapuka is pi, mete kohi atau 4s (id, mo te pepa 2s (id- -7s (id, kei te peeke £\ (is. He tini ano nga tangata Aruawharo 1 tae mai ki taua huinga mete nui ote whakamihi mo tenei take ka tu nei ke waenganui o ratoa kua hiki te mitingi.

Aperira 30th. No tenei ra ka tu ano ta ratou mitingi ko ratou anake me nga mahi katoa. Na Tuki k. Paikea Perehitini i whakapuare te mitingi i muri iho i taana inoi (karakia). 1 whai korero katoa nga mema i te aronga o to ratou tauhou ki nga mahi o tenei taonga otira i penei ano ta ratou kupu epai ana mate atua tatou awhina i roto ia tatou mahi e tutuki atu ai tatou kite nuinga atu, o te taonga hei rapu i te ora, mootatou tinana, wairua hoki i te awhina mai ato tatou matua nui i te rangi. koto kohi a nga mema i tenei marama me nga awhina ihs <)d. Tahana karena? He whakamihi ki te roopu wahine Oruawharo moa ratou ekaha nei kite whakahaere i te roopu. kia kaha kaua te tahi onga mema engaro i na karaokatia he hui. kia kaha ki ta tatou taonga nui llui katoa nga moni o te roopu i te mitini tuatahi, tuarua £2 2s gd. Itukua e tenei roopu he awhina kite roopu o Pouto £l. £1 js ad toenga. Kua hiki te mitini na te Perehitini karakia te whakamutunga hiki ana mote 15th o Akeihata, 1914. No te 15 onga ra o Akeihata, iq 14. Ka tu ano te mitini a te Roopu mo te kohi marama na to Perehitini ano 1 karakia ka mutu ka whahaerea nga mahi. Tuatahi mo te kohi moni e 4 hereni i te mema £1 12-., moni awhina 12", hui katoa £2 4>. Tea llepetema i>t, 1015, ka kohi ano nga mema i te hereni i te mema tokowaru nga mema ihui ta ratou holii Ss, moni awhina i(i> (id —£l 4- (id, hui katoa.

No Tihema Ist, 1914. ka tu ano te mitini a te roopu wahine o Oruawharo na te Perehitini i karakia ka mutu kawhakahaerea nga take. Pirihina He raruraru tooku mo te mom i tangohia 1 te hoata mitini na te roopu te mom. Auraki pera ano te take karaka Paihea: —Naaku te kupu raruraru ai koutou engari kia mohio ai koutou ehe ana te tango noa ake inga moni a te roopu kihai koutou ia ta hui ka whakahaere ai inga take pena kia mohio koutou mo enci la ehaere mai nei kia takoto ai ai a koutou tikanga me nga, mahi hoki emahia ana e koutou. Hoi kaua hei pouri mo taku take he take pai tenei kei raruraru koutou kei waiho tauira ma koutou. Perehitini kua oti tenei me unu nga raruraru, whakaaetia ana ete roopu. lhapera Mokena : —He take taku kite roopu e unu ana au 1 te roopu Pataia ana ete Perehitini. He aha te take. Kaki a lhapere kahore he take he unu ano hore kau he take poto katoa nga mema kia unuhia te take unu a lhapera kihai i ote. Ka kite Perehitini e nga mema e lhapera hoki ahakoa kehai tenei take i oti cpai ana kote ingoa o lhapera e kore etapahia i te roora ka waiho tonu kia mau ana kei tt* tahi tuunga ano ka karangatia ia kia hui mai ano ano kite huihuinga o te roopu. Kohi a marama onga mema e waru Ns, mold awhina 12s ~/j. Mereri Tahana: K hiahia ana au ki te uru kite roopu. Whakaaetia ana te roopu. Perehitini ehiahia ana au kia whakamahia ta tatou moni kia whai hau ai kahore he pai o te takoto noa ihu otatou ringaringa engari me tukua kia mama, me penei he tikanga kite hiahia te tangata kite nana me haere mai me taana kunga hei kau kau a hei hoiho erangi me kau mote 30s te kaha o te mama »no te marama kotahi e 2s te paiheneti i te pauna mote marama akuira kore au epai kia nama nga moni ate roopu hoi pootitia hinga te take akuira tu ana ki tuku kite nama moni a te roopu. Hiki ana te mitini mote Ist Hanuere, 1015. Na te Perehitini whakamutu naana te karakia mete inoi whakamutu. Hanuere Ist, 1 <415. Na te Perehitini iwhakapuare imuri mai o te karakia kote llimene 23 iroti Himcne ka mutu ka tukua he inoi kinga wahine o te roopu i te Perehitini akuria raua ka Ngahuia Tapehana inoi 11a Perehitini enoi whakamutu. Ilenui nga taane nga wahine me nga tamariki ihui mai kite whakarongo inga taku a te roopu Perehitini kua puare te mitini. Take tutataki koo tatou raruraru whakahaere a ana nga raruraru oti ana irunga i te pai. W hakahaerea te moni atau e 2> (id i te mema konga mema ihui mai tenei taima tekau hui katoa ta ratou moni /d s>, moni awhina £2 7s 6d. Hui katoa £', 1 2 > (id. No tenei taima ka tae te Tumuaki onga roopu mo te tata Maori onga takuia katoa o te tominiann ka whakamarama inga paero rereke an 1 inga Paero ino haka mara matei e Kipeka llarri-. ki nga roopu katoa o tenei takiwa no reira nui te whakamihi o Maari Woodhead kite roopu o Oruawharo hui atu ki tc

iwi kite kaha kite awhina i te roopu waahine o Oruawharo a kotana tino whakamihi ko te kaha onga taane kaumatua ahua atu ki nga tai tamariki kite awhina mete pai o te whakahaere ate Perehitini i taana roopu me te whakahaere inga raruraru tini pai te whakahaere. 1 te mca he tau hou raw a to kotou roopu ki tenei mahi. K.i mutu ka whakamarama i nga paero ka mutu ana whai korero. Perehitini whaka utu inga korero ara au mihi 1 te mea ka tahi ano ia ka tae mai kite tohu-tohu ia matou kinga tikanga o tenei mahi ote roopu noreira inui ai te whakamihi kia koe ka waiho ra kei ra inga te tikanga e mohio tia te u mete kaha kite nei tikanga nui otira mate matua ano ite rangi whaka kaha matou ki tc mahi •te mea tika ekitea iho ana eia. Ka mutu na te Perehitini ano ikarakia one te imoi whakamutu. Koia tenei kote kaute hui katoa ato roopu Oruawharo hui katoa ,£lO 10s gd, Te toenga kei te peeke £0 3s id—£4 7s Nd. Iriro mote pepa me kohi atau, 7> (id; itukua hei awhina mote roopu Pouto, £1 ; itukua mote wharekarakia Otamatea, ,£1 ; iroro mote kohi atau me te ‘‘\\.R.” paper, 7s (id; I tukua kei awhina mote hui a te tatana, £} 5s 4d ; mote whakaarahanga i te konatu o toona noa wahine, 2s gd ; Ipai, £0 3 s id. Hoi ano ka mutu nga mahi otene roopu teneie tau kua pahurc .ike nei me tenei tau hou ka timata. Kia ora mai ano nga hoa honorc iroto itenei karangatanga Roopu wahine karaitiana o roto enga takiwa katoa ma te matua nui ite rangi tatou katoa itiaki. Hoi ano. Na tc Roopu wahine o Oruawharo. Karaka Paikea, Ass. Sec. OTAMATKA. Pcpuere Nth, 1915. Itu te mitini o te Roopu wahine o Otamatca kite nooro o Aotearoa 1 te 7 onga ra o puere. Ka himenetia te 23 onga himene k.i inoi te perehitini ka puare te whare mo nga taka i kote kohi marama. (2) Kote whakamarama ate l umuaki mo te lie ote tahi onga Ruri ara ite Rule 5 me tona haere hoki kite hui tau i Christchun h, i mua o tona haeranga. Ka haere ano ia kite tiro tiro inga roopu wahine o roto o Kaipara. (3) He mihimihi i whakapuakitia 11a nga mema kite Tumuaki 11a Te Ane Tikitiki i whakapuaki. Ilacp* ete hoa haere he nui te arapa kia koe mate kai hanga ano koe e tiaki c whakakaha, ka mahue a manene iho nei matou ia konei mahi ai i ta tatou mahi. He nui ano hoki to awhina ia matou hoi haere meto mohio kinga ahuatanga o tenei waahi. Kaua matou ki ta tatou mahi ohia mate matua ano e whakakaha, haere eto matou Tumuaki, haere haere ra, Haere »raro i te maru o te kaihanga. Whakakohi nate 'Tumuaki mihi mai ki au ka, haere nei e noho kia u kite tatou mahi. Ahakoa au haere kei tenei roopu ano tooku arohanui kite, kite take hou au hei awhina ia koutou ka tukua mai e eu. Kia kaha kia u ca ku tuakana i roto ita tatani mahi heoi e noho ra enga hoa mate atua ano

tatuu e whakakaha kia ora ano nga roopu oia takiwa onga takiwa katoa ka mutu nga take nate. Perehitini i karakia. Ka mutu te mitini. Taukura i Nodo.

AOKOA AM) ARATAPU. Hanuere, 27th, 1915. Henui mo nga raru-raru i tureiti ai te tuku tuku atu inga wahi kupu nei. Hcpaiuga ki tuku ngakau ka ohia ahau kite tuku atu inga wahi kupu nei hei tiro tiro iho ma tatou eaku hoa Aroha. la Tihcma >3 kanoho te hui ki Oruariki takiwa <> Aoroa Nota Wairoa whakaaranga ote kohatu o Ira R. Waitai 1 te 25 o nga ra o tihema ka hurahia taua hohatu hui katoa te whakanui mete ra ote tatou Ariki kote hui hino whakami haro ite mea ra no roto inga ra o te pakanga nui atu te pai o taua hui. Tuarua te rangi marie kinga iwi heke mai ki tenei hui. Henui te whakamihi a lluru W. Titore he tungane ia no te tupapaku henui tona whakamihi kite Ropu wahine Karaitiana kia kaha kia tika ta koutou mahi kotenei tangata he tangata nui ano ia o wha kamana ana ana kupu e ona iwi kanui ano ona iwi kei raro ia ia oti ra homea pai me tango ake ahau i nga kupu o te tuhi tuhinga 1 Peta 1, S. Na, te mutunga nei o taku. kia kotahi te whakaaro o koutou katoa kia kotahi te ngakau. Kia rite te aroha ki to te tuaka, ki to te tenia, kia pai te ngakau ngawai.

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White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 236, 18 February 1915, Page 4

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 236, 18 February 1915, Page 4

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 236, 18 February 1915, Page 4