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News of the Unions.

I The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next in*tie that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are request**! to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable. J AUCKLAND. l)eeeinl»er 13, annual meeting. Officers elected:—President, Mrs D«war ; Vice-Presi-dents, Mc-Mames Thorpe and Pudney and Miss Dewar ; Treasurer, Mrs Hughes ; Corresponding Secretary, Mias N Dewar ; Recording Secretary, Miss Evans. Reports were received and Misses Dewar and Evans were appointed Delegates to Convention. N(i ARUAWAMIA. Third annual report Twelve meetings were held in the Presbyterian Church and three special in the Town Hall, whilst a social afternoon was held at the dwelling of Mrs Williams. These meetings were all presided over by the President, Mrs Hycroft, who was aldy assisted in the w f »»rk by Miss Linda Kay.

The roll now numbers ‘26, all of whom are real “live” memtars. At the local option poll taken recently the result was—No License ‘2t>*2, Continuance *206. giving a majority of .*>6 for No License. By the etforts of the Union t'ls was raised to augment the funds of the No License League During the year a visit was paid to Tc Kowhai to see if it he advisable to form a Union there. There are many earnest temperance workers in that district. The Union wish to place on record the good work done by our District President, Mrs Auld, Miss McNeish, and the Maori Organiser, Miss Rebecca Smith.

Officers elected :—President, Mrs By croft ; Vice-President, Mrs Morris; Secretary, Mrs NV. Paterson ; Treasurer, Mrs .1. Williams.

HAMILTON. Deceinlier ID, a special meeting was held in Wesley Classroom, and took the form of a special thanksgiving service for the partial Prohibition victory. Mrs Wrigley on la-half of the inemliers took the opportunity of presenting a very chaste silver cake basket and a couple of silver serviette rings to Mrs Aid 1, President, and a handsome silver-mounted salad Imiwl, spoon, and lotk and two silver serviette rings to the Secretary, Mrs Jones, as a token of appreciation of their Union work Both ladies were completely taken by surprise, and feeling'.y thanked the inetnl*ers for their valuable gifts and kind appreciation.

MORRINSVILLE. DecemU-r 14, annual meeting held in the Methodist Church Vestcy. The rules were read and the roll called. Ihe President thanked those meiulKTS who help'd so willingly on election day. Officers elected President, Mrs Brown; Vice Presidents Mesdames Seott, Lindsay , Richmond ; Secretary, Mrs Turnbull ; Treasurer, Mrs Smith ; Whiik Ribbon Superintendent, Mrs Lindsay. The Secretary’s report was read, also the Treasurers, which showed a good balance in hand. A |>aper written by Mrs Wrigley, Hamilton, on “ Women’s Enfranchisement, was read and mu.h appreciated by the hearers. It was agreed to read the same paper at next meeting, w hen it was hoped more would lie present. ' RAETIHI. November -7th, in the Salvation Army presided over by the Vice-President, Miss Gibeon. Mrs Fletcher read a very interesting ]>a|»er on “Anniversary Anecdotes The meeting closed with hymn and prayer. The Band of Hope is doing splendid work* all the meetings being well atteuded. December 19, annual meeting, the President occupying the chair. Two new memliers were received. Officers elect*'. President, Mis dibits ; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Underwent and Fletcher ; Treasurer, Miss AshwJl ; Secretary, Mrs Stanley. The Treasurer real the yearly report, which was very satisfactory A donation was voted to thi Band of Hope. Mrs Underwood read a paper entitled “ How Children are made Drunkards.” At the close of the meeting a farewell tea was given by the President, Mrs dibits, on ltehalf of the Vice-President, Miss dibson, and Secretary, C. Trenwitb, leaving the distuct.

NORMANbY. November l.*», third meeting of this newlyformed branch was held in the Club rooms, the President, Mrs A. Thompson, pi earning. It was encouraging to see a good attendance of women. Decided at the previous meeting to take up Women s Crusade work December 20, the last meeting of the year, and the Branch lieing only just in its infancy, it was unanimously agreed that the present officers lie re-elected. Decided to ask Mrs Patterson, of the Manaia Branch, to give us an address at our next meeting. Many of the memliers remained to make preparations for a lmm(lift to lie tendered by the local No License league to Mr Halliwell, President of the Haw era No License League.

WEI.LINOTON DISTRICT. Decendier -I, annual meeting. Mrs Bo\all. President, in the chair Reports were read of the different branches of work The Crusade work has been very heartily taken up and it is hoped that something will l>e done in the future on the same lines Several memliers from the Hutt and Petune were present. Ciucem elected : President, Mrs Roxall, Constable Street ; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames J. L. Wright, Ostler, and Ministers wives; Secretary, Mrs Neal, “Clinton House, Bay Street, Petone ; Treasurer, Mrs Moulder, 10 s , Wallace Street; W Till k Ribbon Superintendent and Press Reporter. Mrs J. Webb, 87, Hall Street. Two new memlierg were initiated. The result of our year's work has not jierliaps Iwe n what it ought, hut we have fought for “ Cod and Humanity ’’ with all our might during the recent No Incense campaign.

WELLINGTON CENTRAL. December In, annual meeting in the Y.M C A. rooms, Mrs Atkinson presided. Reports were read from the Superintendents, which showed that considerable interest is Iwing taken in the various departments. During the year -O new Unions have U-en formed. Officer* elected and Delegates appointed to attend the Convention, which is to Ik- held in Dunedin early in March. The follow ing resolutions w ere passed : “ I hat this meeting, w hileregrettiiig that the smaller issue of No Liceffsenas been ovesi idowed by the larger issue of Dominion Prohibition, rejoices greatly at the maguiticent majority of votes polled at the recent election.” *• That this meeting liegs the Convention to consider the advisability of influencing Parliament to remove the vote of Local Option from general election day to the day of Licensing Committee elections.

WELLINGTON “Y’b.” Deceinlier 18, an elocutionary medal contest was held in the VW.C.A. rooms. Dr Whyte presided. Six young ladies entered for the competition, which was judged by Mrs Sutcliffe. At the close of the evening Mrs A. R Atkinson presented the silver medal to the winner, Miss Foster. An excellent musical programme was provided. CHRISTCHURCH. December Id, annual meeting. It was decided to send -4 comfort bags as Christmas gifts for the sailors to the Lyttelton Branch of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society. The annual report—with its auxiliaries, Lyttelton, Ashburton, and Winch more— was read and adopted. Officers elected —Pres’ ent. Mrs H. Cole; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs \V. H. Day ; Recording Secretary, Mrs T. G. Smith ; Treasurer. Mrs VV. H. Seed. Three new muml»ers were received. The following resolution was passed : —“ This Union desires to express its deep thankfulness to Almighty God for the great advance of Temperance sentiment throughout the Dominion as evidenced by the splendid vote recorded for National Prohibition at the recent poll. The Union emphatically protests against the unjust handicap which prevents the will of the people, with a majority of over 60,000, being given effect to, and pledges itself to work strenuously for the repeal of such a gross injustice.” NEW BRIGHTON. Demadier 12, annual meeting held in Methodist Church. Officers elected Pre-

sident, Mrs A. U. McKinney; Nice Presidents, Mesdames Bellamy. Cooper, and Clark ; Secretary, Miss R. O. Goodwin ; Treasurer, Miss I. Wyatt. Superintendents —Evangelistic, Mrs Spratt ; Parliamentary, Mrs Clark ; NViiitk Ribbon, Miss Glauville ; Cradle Roll, Mrs Hauliatn. Votes of thanks were passed to Mrs Bellamy, the Secretary, and Treasurer.

SHEFFIELD. A very successful meeting was held at “ Pynegrove,” the residence of Mrs J. (tillanders, Lower Waddington, Mrs Neut/e presiding Mesdames McMillan and Mcllwraith gave addresses, and several new iiiemliers were enrolled. A second drawing room meeting was held at “ Thornside,” the residence of Mrs "line, Kimlierley. Miss Rolierts, of Christchurch, gave a very interesting address. Six new memliers were enrolled

RANGIORA. Deceinlier S, annual meeting. W hile not able to rejoice in having carried No License in our electorate, we were thankful to see the large majority that had lieen polled for National Prohibition The Refreshment Committee reported a good day on election day, when over Cl 4 was cleared ; €lO was voted to the Prohibition league, making a total of t'lo from the funds of the W C.T.U. The ready n spouse for money and provisions from the townspeople was very cheering to the I'emperance workers Officers elected President, Mrs Metherell ; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Darling. Cresswell, Miller, and Robinson ; Secretary, Miss Newton ; Treasurer, Mrs Hadecke. NAPIER. Deceinlier 14 Annual meeting held in the new Willard I stitute. Mrs Oldham presided. Reports were read hy Miss Hunter, Corresponding Secretary and Mrs Theakstone, Treasurer. A great deal of work has lieen done through the year in connection with the Maoris and the refreshment Imotli* at the A. and P. Shows. The L T.L. and Cradle Roll departments, Literature and White Kihlion are taken up. and will lie more efficiently worked in the more convenient premises. Mesdames Freeman and Gibson were appointed delegates to tlia Dominion Convention. Mesuames Theakstone and Findlay were appoint.d cob lectors to help the treasurer to get in the absent memliers' subscriptions. Officers elected, President, Mrs Oldham; Recording Secretary, Mrs Clatw orthy ; Corrt*,minding Secretary, Miss Hunter ; Treasurer, Mrs Dearlove. TUAKAU.

Novemlier 27th. Annual Meeting. The reports showed excellent work had lieen done hy the Union during the twelve months. Open air meetings had lieen addressed hy the Rev. K P. Blamires. Visits had lieen paid to Mercer in a motor launch to give them help in the work there Officers were elected, Mrs Northmors appointed as Corresponding Secretary in the place of M.s Scanleu who is leaving the district on a holiday.

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White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 199, 18 January 1912, Page 3

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 199, 18 January 1912, Page 3

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 199, 18 January 1912, Page 3