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News of the Unions.

('onv'ixtiidents are rct| nested to make their Report* as concise as possible. AUCKLAND. * Hir annual meeting was held on Deeen*b*T lß in th** Central Mission Hall. There was .*& g***d attendance of immls-rs aud friends. The President, addressing the in»*eting, said it should tak«* th** f**rin of a thanksgiving service for the splendid victory gained at the reeent poll. A solo, •• He Wipe* the Tear from Kver/ Lye,” was rendered b\ Mrs Rethuue. Mrs Str«*et read the annual rejsirt, showing onr Tniou had had a very busy and successful year and that g<«*«| work had (sen aceomplished. Several successful public nes tings had b*s*n held, addr* ss.d by Rev Flanagan, front I/ondon, Mrs Harrison L«e, Miss Anderson liugb(*s, ami others. Our Tnion t«s*k part in the Nn-Li*vnse prun‘s«i<m. We bad th** usual refr***dim**nt ls*otli at tie A. ami I*. Show, uhieh was heartily taken up and worked. Mr* Hughes pr*****uted the financial statement which showed our funds to Is* in a sound condition. , Wrv encouraging report* wen* received from five of our hmneh l uion* Taunuga, Cambridge, Hamilton, Whaugarei, and J’onsonhy. They are all in a healthy condition and full of enthusiasm reports showed excellent work done during th** year. lu*js>rt' wen* re*** iv*d from Superintendents of Departments. Mrs Hughes r**at.' a report of Maori work in the North, which was most cheering, let’er* of gratitude lieing received ft out the Maoris fur tin* help our Inina had rendered them; a r**j*ort of Missjßarton’M work among the M ori* was also read. We sent a parcel of

toys ami gift* for ti»*r ’Xmas Tm 1 , also financial help. Report of Bible in Schools whs rend by Miss N. Dewar. Our Union supplies the prize- each year for work. The Whitk Riimox r» jH-rt showed an increase of aubaeribers. The V isitation I)e|mrttnwit report .-how- splm(]id work done. Absentees have all l**n Ositol, itml those prevented from attending through riekm *SS and inability. Our Visitor reports to them the work of the Uuiou and thus keeps up their interest. The election of officer- r»*-ult**d in a re-eleetion of the former ofthsTs :—lYesideut, Mrs Dewar; Vice-President, Mr- Thorpe ; Recording Suretarv. Mrs Ntr*-*r C**T**sp.>idinyr Nr ret ary, Mrs t’hristie ; Treasurer. \lr> Hughes. pour lieu m*tuh*r- wvre received and initiated. CHRISTCHURCH. The annual was held on Dccendier 9th. Tilin' w as a large uUendunee ot melllla-rs. The hdlowiiig r****jLrtion was passed : “ I his t nion e\iiresses it- deep gratitude to Almighty God for the great increase in the No-Lieeii-c vote and ft a- the new No-Li* vnse area-. It lielieVes that the eon** it-nee of the people of New Zealand has lieen aroused and that the day is not tar distant when, in the interests of their homes and children, they w ill vote out the liquor traffic tor ev«T from this land.” tin was donated towards St. Join. Amlnilatiee Brigade which did good MTvine at tiie Agricultural Show . It was decid'd to hold the ii* At meeting of th, I nion on the last Wednesday in January. Mrs Idle j»r*•wiiteil the annual report, which was adoj led. The following W’ere elected officers tor the year IttOtt;—President, Mis H (’ole; \ iecPresidents, Mesdame- Whit* ombe. Field, \\ S Lovell Smith, Blythe, Judkins. Harris, Allan, i i' Misses its and Gordon; Corresponding Seer* tarv, Mrs Ruth Day ; Recording S***t* tarv, Mrs J. Bemblv ; Tressiir* r, Mr- \V. 11. See*l ; Superintendent* of I apartments : I (raw ing-room Meeting-. MrsJ. Met'on J*.; Work among Young People, Mis Blythe; Literature, Mrs H. Lovell Smith; Educational Meetings, Miss \\ . \N. liovell Smith; Anti-frambling, Mrs Williams; Pr«-s Work. Mi-s Bolter's ; Legal and Parliainentafy, Mrs K W. s» rd suhjeet to her consent being given ; Cradle Roll, MesdameAllan and Joins; Evangelistic, Mrs S. F. Whitihiiiilm* ; Seientitie Temperance, Mrs M. B. \\ iek-; l Hferinent**! Wine, Mr- Pedlar ; Jubilee Holm* Visitors, Mew la men P»*dlar, lsra**is*»n, Gaardcr, and Judkins. ASHBURTON. At the moi.thly meeting held on D*-< eiidier Nth ir was promised to open a branch 1 nion at < ire*■«*nstreet or Winchinore, an*l arrangements w**re mad*- for Mr- Missen to vi-it the ili.-triets and address meetings, urging the <daims *»f tin* Union on mothers in r**vrard t«» denijhTan****. A l**tt«*r of thank.- ami appr**ciati**n was « nt t«» the stutioumastcr for th** greatly improv***! condition of th<* ladies’ waiting-room un*l**r the charge of tin* present caretaker Tin* President, in her report, sjaik** of tin* *'hi**f work of the Union during tin* year in connection with tin* Loeal Option Poll, which took the form >f house to house visitation, w. »‘kly prayer meeting*, monthly wH-ial afternoons for women, disvrihution of literature at the Agricultural and Pastoral Show, and th** successful carrying out of two rntertammenta in aid of the fighting fund which realized th«* sum of i’J'). The member* als<» t*M.k charge of a “ l’e*t T«*nt ” at the Bh*iw, and supervised for tin* year tlu* ladi*--’ waiting-room at the railway station. Mrs Lill read <*xtra**ts

from letter- reeeiv**d from Sister Maisie, ot the j New Guinea Mission, which proved intensely interesting. NELSON. Th** annual imeti.ig was heM on D*e*mb«r Nth. Th«*r** was a large attendance of memls-i-------and friemls Th** annual report sh*iw*-d that a great deal **t mter< -t had b«« n takenin tie work of the l umn, and that **flU' *»f th«* lie nil« r- had la***n vei - y active in tie* No-Li«**u-e cause pri**r to tie* Local Option P«*l . meeting- had I>«*«-ii and conducted In members, ami in oile r wavs a g*** *d il**t ! l i f work had Is*eu done. During the -tav in N«*lsoti water- ot II M S. Knoouut*r, * n three ditb i* nt occasions tin* sailor-w*t«* «wUctaine*l at an “At 11«»m** by th** Union. Id*** Treasurer’* statement showed a credit ImUmkh 1 of a few shillings. I he *itti«**'rs were all r**-«*h'* »< d. with th«* addition **f tw*» nion* Vie**-Pr**ssi«tits. Our h*»n*»ure*l President, Mrs Crump, pr»**i*l**d at the public meeting. Aft«*r a hymn luul laa*n ••unhand j»ray*Tott«*r**l by Sist*r .\Jimhlv It*-JL th« reports were read and >ix new nenils-rs w**re w«*leom«al to the Union Interesting addresses were jfiv«'ii by Rev. S. J» ukin and Mr W L. J me., ;nd a duet was by M**s«lames Knapp and Lanyr. Refr**-hm**nfs were hajeh (l round and a p’easant half-hour sjMnt in -<H'i.*d (hat. OISBORNK. 'I here was a ynaxl nthaidanct* at the annual tiieetinir, Mrs A. ttraham pr* -idiny. Several new iiieiuD*rs were **nroll**d and tie* initiatory -erviee read. In them Mr- (irahaiu sp*»k*' «»f th»* Union as “ lieinvr a world-w id** eryranisation, th»* laryr* -t women - in th * world, ciiihraeinyf all cla— «s fr*»m (he poorest t*» royalty the Princess \ ietoria and tin* of Spain la*inyr amonyrst its Th«* ( ounte.-- of Carlisle is tin* \V*»rl*l"s Pr«*sid**nt. 1 he tneiiilsTship ov**r all the w orld stands at **vcr 1,0(1(1,COO, New Zealand's in* luls r-hip Is-iiiyr over I.)<)(>.” Mrs \Valk*r. Il*>n. S*-** , read th** annual n jsjrt, and .Mrs M*'L«'od th* Treasun r's report. Reports were y'i v,, n hv th** Superintend* nt> of different department.- <>t work—Mrs Akrovd, Wii TK Rutnox Aytut ; Mrs Day, F\anyr* li-tie Siiperint* nth nt ; Mrs C'hatt«*rt<»n, Anti-Opinin I>*partin«*nt ; and Mr- Chnreh, Literature Sup* rint* n*h'Ut. Tin* following r**s*»lutions v\«r«- pr**p«.s*-*l hv Mrs Graham and unanimously earri*d :—“ That this no*etinyr h* rehy its devout yrratitude to Almighty (*«.d t**r th*' splendid vote re*'onl**d f*»r No-Lie« n-e thmuyliout the Dominion **n 17th Novemlier lh** fact then- w«*r«» *»v**r iiO.OOd v**t**s als»v** those «ast thre** years ayro is «*ncourayrinyr.” Also, “ That this Union desires to r«*«or*l its hearty appreciation off the splendid services ren*l**r**d to the eause of Temperaim* ami N*i-Lie* n><* by the Isitt Broth* r- f**r -o many years past Mrs N. F. Walk* r w as apjHtint* *1 Deh yrate to the Convention t<* !**■ held in Wellington in PJO9. l h** r**tirinyr «»tfi*'*'rs w**re unanimously r**-e|<s t*d, and a vote of thanks passed to them for their services in the past year. Afterimon tea was provided by nieniliers. (iREV MOUTH. Tlie‘ annual meeting was held in th*- Sailors’ R**st. Tli<*re was a yrreat d«*al of t*orr«‘sjK)u<h‘n*«* r**a*l, discus.-***!, aud received. The Secretary rejM*rt*sl havinyr s* Dt a l**tn*r *»f sympathy to MrDixoii. It was resolved to hold a tea meeting in tin* Rest, to raise funds to carry on tin- work, th** first week in Fehauary, al.s*» a social for the >lu*rt address on the work done duriuyr th** vear. #

sailors in p**rt n*xt w«i*k. Mrs Da-kisi y. r *'* •» Th** S-cretary’s n port and th* Treasun r - balance-sheet w* r*s also r« a*l and * **i*-i<i* r***l \« ry satisfactory. The follow iuy: offi.i »r- wen* ♦ le«-t*‘<l - 1 resident, Air- (in-kin ; Vie*-Presid* nt-, .M.-dnin*-Ma-..n, Jenkins, and Austin; Ser.t.rv, Mrs Han-eii ; Treasurer, Mrs Sw.-**tin;*n ; Orurauist and Whitk Rinww Ayt**nt, Mr- M< Int«*-h , Kvunyrchstic Work. Mr- (in*»»n ; S<*< ial ( oi.m.itt«s . M« s*lam* - Jacksou ami Mclntosh an*l Mi— Farisli BLENHEIM, Our immtlily im-etinyr was held on D*-<end*er Ist and was well atteml***!. T h** principal business was 111 eonueetioll with til*' »*'tl>-lllldlt booth jat the riia-nt A ami P. Show. Li- -ati-faet*.ry I to announce that, thouyrh ♦■\p*n-* - were li**mw, i we hav* not soft* r«'*l a losI'he annual meeting was held aft* rwards I’he • ifficers pr* -* tit*-*l a r*'js*rt «*l th* war’- w**rk. which show - a <*onsi*l« rabl*- inere**-** of im'inls rj -hip. 'l’ll** ims'tinyrs have l»een h**l*l n*ynilarlv i during the year, tin* av. rayre att*'iidaii**** Is iny!' above that of previous years. There ar. branch | Unions it Slid on ami Pieton, ami a V*iunyr \\ omen'- 1 nion has al-o ls***n -ii*c«*s-tulh -t *rt• •< 1 in Bleiihi'iin. The S**d*l*»n 1 nmti h* l*l it- first annual m** tiuyrin NoveniU*r last. Ihiruik th* year fresh interest was ar**»i-**l in *h« Temp* ranee cause hv th*-visits of Mr- Harrison L**e and the Rev T. K* «', who yrav»* u*rv stirrinn address*-. Sati-fa< ti«*n was * >.pr*.—**l that for i the tii-t time the majority of voters at the Lh*ml Option Poll wen in favour of No-Li»*en-**. d’h* Sup«‘riiiti*mlent *>f the Mothers’ Meeting- and Cradl*' Roll Deportment- presented a report of th** |*ast year’s work. Mothers' Meetings hav* been held fortuiyrhtly and were fairly will attended. I h<* Cra*ll** Roll has in*T*as*ml >nsi*lerahly in namU*rs, th**r** m/w 1» inu r IJ3 nam*--oii tl»«- roll. The follow imr otti*'«*rs Were all r* -* le* t«d for j the ensuinyr yearPre-ident, Mrs R*.-e; \'i«*« - Presidents, M' -datnes Grae**, Penm y.* hti* ld. | and Br* wer I n-a-ui r Mr- Hay .S* *r* fary. Mi— S. Royrers. NAPIER, A sjKjeial afternoon meeting was arranged on Deeeinlier Kith, !!•(>?>. and a \ir«s<utati*»n was ma*ie t«» Mrs Israel, our late Secretary, of a gold badge set with p* ai l-, as a small token ot the Unions appreciation of her .-«i \ ices tor the past live years. Mrs Oldham made the presentation ami Mrs Cobh spoke of the energetic way in which Mrs Israel had fulfilled her duties. Mrs Israel thanked all for their kind words ami the U'dge which she would always value, and said her interest in the work was as great as ever hut she felt her health needed a re*t Afternoon tea brought to a el«*-e an mtere-ting meeting. OTAUTAU. At our annual meeting held in Novemlier Mrs Dminan was r**-e|**«*t»'*l President. MrBaker Treasurer, tmi MrsJ. Brown Secretary, North Otautau.

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White Ribbon, Volume 13, Issue 163, 15 January 1909, Page 2

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 13, Issue 163, 15 January 1909, Page 2

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 13, Issue 163, 15 January 1909, Page 2