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We rely on our local Unions to semi us news for this column. We cannot evolve it out of our inner consciousness ASHBURTON. Our annual meeting was held on De eember 10th. Mrs Cole, Miss Webb, and Miss Powell were nominated to fill the offices of X.Z. W.C.T.U President, Secretary. and Treasurer, respectively. It was hoped that some member would be able to attend the Auckland Convention as delegate. The election of local officers resulted as follows : President. Mrs Lill. Willowby ; Secretary, Miss Watt; Treasurer, Mrs Kingston. Superintendents were also appointed for the ‘’White Ribbon,” and for Legal. Parliamentary, Literature, and Press work. Gratifying reports were read and received by the “White Ribbon” agent and the Treasurer, the latter having in hand a small credit balance. A communication was received from the Borough Council re a Rest Room for women and girls, when it was resolved that the President again reply, as decided by the Union previously. Correspondence was received from the Bandmaster of the Timaru Marine Band, expressing the thanks ami heartfelt gratitude of himself and bandsmen to the President and members of the

W.C.T.U. for their generous hospitality during the recent band contest held in Ashburton, and asking Mrs LlU’s acceptance of a handsome gold brooch as a memento of the happy occasion. An interesting conversation as to the best means of furthering the W.C.T.U. cause in Ashburton followed.


During the past month the Union has had a very busy time. A booth was held at the Agricultural Show, and was crowded on both days. The finances of the Union will benefit considerably. The ordinal*) meetings of the Union have been well attended, and arrangements are already on foot for the forthcoming Convention, which is to he held in Auckland during the second week in March next. Several encouraging letters have been received. KAIAPOI. The annual meeting was held on December 11th, when all officers were reelected. Mrs R. Evans resigned her position as manager of the coffee rooms, and as she decidedly refused to continue the work, her resignation was accepted with regret, and a hearty vote of thanks for the manner in which she had done the work was unanimously passed. A committee was elected to carry on the work so efficiently done by her. Votes of thanks were also passed to all the officers, special mention being made of the secretary’s work for eighteen years. The anniversary of this Union is to be celebrated on January 29th. 1908, when all reports will be read. LYTTELTON. The Secretary of the Lyttelton Union, Mrs Bromley, writes :—“ln looking up the minutes I find that our Union has attained its majority, the inauguration having taken place in April, 188 t». It is interesting to note that the meetings have been continued ever since without a break. The first meeting was presided over by Mrs Dudley Ward, who spoke on Presenting Our Bodies a Living Sacrifice,’ working in unity to secure good results, and also on the great influence woman wields over those around her. All were urged to do the work for which they were peculiarly suited, and which they could consequently do better than anyone else. As an inducement to those present to form a branch of this Union in Lyttelton, Mrs Ward referred to one result of many achieved by mem be is of the Union in different parts of the colony—viz.,that of the temperance booth on the Christchurch Show Grounds, at which Mrs Colonel Packe personally superintended the making of the temperance be\erages. Although 17,000 persons attended the Show, not one intoxicated person was seen. The constitution of the W.C.T.U. was read and explained, and it was' resolved to form a branch. The officer? elected were : President, Mrs Williams; 5 Secretary, Miss Joyce; and Treasurer. Mrs Allan. Our Union has at present only eighteen members, and the work is

done by a few. under the able guidance of Mrs Whitby, who has so worthily filled the Presidential chair for the last sixteen years, and to whose skill and tact it may be said we owe our existence as a Union to-day." NAPIER. in December we had a very successful drawing-room meeting at the residence of Mrs Winterbottom. Mrs Israel presided, and Mrs Oldham addressed the meeting on the “ Privileges of Women." The initiatory service was read, and three new members joined our ranks. The annual meeting was held in St. Paul’s Schoolroom. The Secretary’s report showed that the year had been a record one in the matter of new members. Nearly fifty had joined, chiefly through the instrumentality of the drawing-room meetings. Satisfactory Treasurer's and departmental reports were also read, and Mrs Oldham stated that a Women’s Rest would be established in Napier by the time of the Carnival, to be held in March. Mesdames Oldham, Israel, and Ingram were reelected as President, Secretary, and Treasurer respectively. NELSON. The annual meeting took place on December 10th, Mrs Crump presiding. The Secretary’s report was read, showing a membership of 33 active and 3 honorary. The different branches of work have been carried on faithfully, though quietly. The Treasurer presented her balance-sheet, which showed that after a fair amount had been spent on literature, the sum of 112 remained in hand. The present officers were all re-elect“d. After the business meeting, a large number of friends joined the members, and listened to excellent addresses from Revs C. H. Garland and R. L. Thomas, and a song by Mrs Miller, and later spent a social hour. The next meeting will take place on March 10th. WAIMATE. At our last meeting an inspiring talk was given by Mrs Every, formerly ot Oamaru, on “ The Worker’s Encouragements.” The report and balance-sheet for the year were read by Mrs Dash, and adopted, and the election of officers was held, resulting in the appointment of Mrs Graham as President. Mrs Dash as Secretary and Treasurer, and Mesdames Morrison, Joughin, Harris, and Nind, as Vice-Presidents. WELLINGTON. Our annual meeting was held on December 12th. Very satisfactory reports were received from the different departments. A hearty vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the Rev. J. Shirer for valuable services rendered in connection with the Girls’ Association Rooms building fund. Mrs Rates received special mention for her willing help in collecting subscriptions. The Hospital and the Old People’s Home have been visited every alternate Satur-

day by the Singing Rand, and a great deal of pleasure given to the inmates. Glasses for girls have been held twice each week, from fourteen to twenty-one attending nightly. The election of officers then ensued, and resulted as follows :—President, Mrs Roxall; Secretary, Mrs Taylor; Treasurer, Miss Wilkinson ; Vice-Presidents. Mesdames Atkinson. Ostler, Chappie, and Wright; Superintendent “White Ribbon," Mrs Amos; Superintendents Mothers’ Meetings. Mesdames James and Roxall.

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White Ribbon, Volume 14, Issue 152, 15 January 1908, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 14, Issue 152, 15 January 1908, Page 2

NEWS OF THE UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 14, Issue 152, 15 January 1908, Page 2