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We rely on oiik- l«**al I n ions to send tu news for tins column We cannot evolve it out <>t our mner consciousness AucklandThe auDiwl meet ing wa? held on Decern her 12. h The necretary’e annual report shewed a fa r amount of work done during the year, with some definite results, and a considerable addition to the membership roll, although, through delay in colie* ting fees, this does not appear in the statistics. The refreshment booth at the Agricultural Show gave a record return of cash, and was in every way the most successful yet attempted. The treasurer reported a good financial year, jfclsS having been received. Keports from other departments were equally gratifying. Mrs Dewar and Mrs Hughes were re-elected as President and Treasurer. Miss Dewar was elected Secretary pro tem. Mrs Dewar was elected delegate to the Convention at Christchurch. The usual grants were made, including one to purchase prizes for Bible Classes in the State Schools. A beautiful lot of ComfortBags for sailors have been made during the year, to la l presented at Christmas Jn the follow ing Wednesday a 'social gathering was held to bid farewell to the retiring secretary. Mrs N. A. Davis, who is removing to Dunedin. A dainty volume was presented to Mrs Davis, suitably inscrilied, and several hearty speeches made reference to the work of Mrs Davis and her husband in the cause of Pro hibition Blenheim The annual meeting was held on December b The Secretary's and Treasurer’s reports showed that the work of the year had been encouraging and that there was an increase in membership. Officers were elected as follows :—President, Mrs Hose ; Vice-Presi-dents Mesdames K. W. Parker Litchfield, and Iwgers, and the wives of the various clergy in the district ; Secretary and Assistant, Meedames Griffin and T. Pike; Treasurer, Mrs Hay. Superintendents of Departments : Mothers’ Meetings, Mosdaines brewer and McC&llum: Cradle Roll, .Mrs Brewer and Miss Davies; Home Meetings, Mrs Clarke; Whits Kibbon Agent. Mrs VV. B. Parker. Devonport* The annual report showed that good work had been done in several departments during the year. The sum cf X'l has been sent to the W.C.T.U. Bay at the Exhibition. Medal contest work is being started. The officers for the year are President, Mrs Wilkinson ; Secretary, Mrs Yeats ; Treasurer, Mrs Butler ; Superintendent Home Visiting, Mrs Feltham ; Literature, Mrs Bays ; Medal Contests Mrs Clarke. Kaiapoi. The meeting to elect officers for the ensuing year was held on December 12. Mrs Ellen declining re-election. Mrs F. Harrison was elected President. The other officers were rc-elecced. Extracts from addresses delivered at the World's Convention were then read.

NapierThe report r»*a<l at th« annual meeting ol the* In ion show**] an increas*- of m*v*-n mom l»ori4 during tho year—total M and eight honorary member*. Work of a very practica nature had been accomplished, including th< carrying on for «eren months of a tree reading room f<»r men ami Iwy.i, many of whom had expressed gratitude for such a room fro* from the temptations of the bar. The need of a similar room for seamen at the port wa* pointed out. The N.Z officers were nominated for re-election, and it was agreed to change tho day of meeting to the first Wednesday of the month. The election of officers resulted as fallows President, MrsMldham Secretaries Mr» Israel and Miss t»u/ ; Treasurer Mrs Ingram. Nelson. The annual meeting was held ou Deceml*ei I I'll. The worn tiers met for busmens at 2.30, when the Secretary's and Treasurers reports were presented and adopted. Five mem tiers have joined during the year, and the Union has lost four—one ( Mrs Kidson) by death, two through removal from the district, and one by resignation The Treasurer’s report showed a small balance in hand The sura of II IJ 1 l t-> the WIIIIK Kihhom Fund The election of officers resulted as follows —Mrs Crump, President; M. * laim s Knapp and Watson, Vice-Proti-<l*nts ; Miss Wilson Secretary; Miss Atkinson. Treasurer. The public meeting, which was largely attended, was presided over by Mrs Crump. The Rev. hr H. Grattan Guinness, founder <>f Harley College louden, gave a :i. t nteiestmg address, lie spoke of the -pi- i\l influence c ter ted by woman from the earliest Christian ages, and gave many examples from his own {n-rsonal i-xperience of done by women amongst the roughest and most degraded classes. New Plymouth. The annual meeting was held on December Uth. Kejsirts were reed from the Treasurer and SSecretary, also from Superintendent*! of departments. These showed that good ».>rk had ls-eii done during the year, and that the Union was in a prcsfierous condition. Throe new mem Ur-» were initiated and one meiuU-r welcomed. Tea and music filled up an interesting afternoon. Petone- • >ur annual meeting was well attended and was held at the residenee of Mrs Jackson. 'The annual report and balance sheet show ing that things were in a good condition were r*ad and adopted 'The election of officers resulted as follows :—President, Mrs Rows*- ; Vice-President (life meinU*r), Mrs Jackson ; Secretary, Mrs Jansen ; Treasurer, Mrs Howe ; Whiik Elb bow Agent, Mrs Austin ; Literature Superintendent, Mrs J Kibble white We were sorry to have to accept our beloved President s intimation that she was not able to offer herself for re election, hut tailing health comjielled this step We pray and tiust that although relieved from that duty we may have the pleasure and profit of her company at the meetings when r„ble. All our ineinlw-rs testify to the fact that Mrs Jackson has tieeu an inspiration, and has -lone noble service in our cause

Tariki 'The annual meeting was held at the honu of our President The President's Secretary’i and other reports were presented They wen full of encouragement, and showed that good work had lioen done. The Treasurer has funds in hand and the Legal and Parlia mentary Superintendent’s report was verj satisfactory, aU>ut 206 signatures had lieer obtained for the Anti Totaliaator petition and the Cra Ue K*>ll department had used 5( pledge cards. Those holding office for th* coming year are : Mrs Kason. Tariki, Piesi dent ; Mrs J E Fenwick, Waipuku, Secretary ; Mis W 11 Fenwick Tariki, Treasurer. Whangaiei. The annual meeting tor the election ot officers has just L,« n held, resulting as follows - President. Mrs Keeve ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs K Jauies . Kecording Secretary Miss Hawker; Treasurer, Mrs E A. Hutchings. A social gathering to bid farewell to our retiring President, Mrs Jas. Hutchinson, on the eve of her departure for Australia .tud England, was held on Decemls»r fth Mrs Colin Robertson presided and after a well arranged programme of voenl music, presented Mrs Hutchinson, on !>ehalf of the meinleTs, with a very handsome handbag beautifully fitted, and a fountain |>en. Mrs Hutchinson feelingly responded, and urged the women to shoulder their responsibilities for God and Home and Humanity, quoting the words. “ Whoever cornea, whoever goes this great work must goon." Five new names w«-re added to the menihenT roll Wellington. Our annual meeting was held in the Girls’ Rooms on December ff, Mrs H«*xall presiding. A large amount of correspondence was read and dealt with The Matapu Union is sending Comfort-hags to the sailors of the Seamen’s Mission, Wellington. It was decided to send a contribution of Jt H toward defraying exja-nses in connection with W.C.T.U. Hay at the Exhibition The various reports of work done tluring the year were read, and proved very satisfactory. The Treasurer (Rev Mr Shirer) then presented a rejiort and balancesheet of building fund It was decided that letters ot thanks be sent to Mr Shirer and Mr Nelson for auditing accounts, and to Mrs Hates for valuable help given to the Treasurer. The eleetion of officers resulted as follows ; —President, Mrs Boxall ; Secretary, Miss Kelly; Treasurer Miss Wilkinson.

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White Ribbon, Volume 12, Issue 140, 15 January 1907, Page 3

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NEWS OF THE UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 12, Issue 140, 15 January 1907, Page 3

NEWS OF THE UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 12, Issue 140, 15 January 1907, Page 3