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We rely on our local Unions to semi us news for this column We cannot evolve it out of our inner consciousness J AucklandThe Union has f**en kept very busy with local matters. We tendered a reception to Mr Hligh on his arrival; about 44H> were present ami our President took the chair. The mass meeting for women, held in the Opera House the following Sunday, was a success, (piite IUOU women assembled to hear Mr Hligh’s address. As a pleasant little event for our coining-of-age year, we are tendering a social evening to the Young Men’s No-License Club. Nine new menders have l»een added to our roll within the last few months. Much sympathy is felt for several of our meiuliers into whose homes death has entered Creymouth. The aunual meeting was held on the oth. It had l»een arranged to have an open meeting, and t> ere was a good attendance of memtars and visitors. The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were very satisfactory. The following officers were re-elected : President, Mrs Gaskin; Treasurer, Mr* Sweet man; Secretary. Mrs Hansen. We have t»een able to fill the other offices with members who had not previously held office. Songs and addresses and afternoon tea filled up a pleasant programme Gisborne. The usual monthly meeting was held on Nov. Nth, when our President, on behalf of the members, made a little presentation to Miss Morioe, as a token of the esteem and affection in which she is held, and of our appreciation of her long and faithful services. A good deal of discussion took place on the subject of “Social Purity,” and the Union unanimously endorsed the splendid work that is being done by Mr Hligh. Four lectures were given by Mr Hligh when in Gisborne, which were well attended. Some correspondence ha>k place in the paper, but a little opposition is a healthy thing and Mr Hligh’s cause has Teen strengthened rather than hindered thereby On November 12th, the No-License League and the W.C.T.U. combined in tendering a social of welcome to Mr l’alk.the new organising Secretary of the Alliance. A pleasant evening was spent in spite of the unkindness of the weather, and a large nutida-r of sympathisers were present. NapierTwo drawing-room meetings were held last month at the homes of two of our members, and proved both interesting and profitable - Addresses were given by Mesdames Cobb and Sandilands Appropriate music was also given and two new menders were enrolled


At the meeting held on Nov. 2Hth, a report wan given of the Silver Medal Contest which had l>een held at the Oddfellows* Hall on the lflth. Mr H. Blackwell, Mayor, presided, Mr Bean, Head Master of the High School, and Mias Blackwell, Head Mistress, being the judges. A very attractive programme was arranged by Mesdames Ashlev and Harrison, who each worked very hard in coaching the reciters, of whom there were lit, Marjorie Whitehead gaining the Silver Medal. Owing to the kindness of members of the Union, each child received a very handsome book During the evening glees, a duet, and vocal and instrumental solos were given. The Contest, with donations from various friends, realised 425. which is gladly forwarded as our share towards the exjienaes of our Hay. LevinThere was a full attendance at our annual meeting, which was held on November 2<>th, to enable Mrs Ostler (who is leaving the district) to 1m- with us for the last time: Afternoon tea was dispensed by our hostess (Mrs Gibson) while the tneinl>ers as-enbled, and after the usual preliminary ceremonies, the secretary’s and treasurer’s rejxui- were read and received and officers elected for the ensuing year. Mrs Wrigley then spoke in warmly eulogistic terms of Mrs Ostler’s interest and work for so many years in the cause of Temperance. An address and a beautiful silver-mounted purse, suitably inscribed, were* then presented to Mrs Ostler, who, in returning thanks promised that, if in the vicinity at the next General Election, she would visit I<evin, and help the memtiers of the Union at that imp -rtant time. Masterton. A very successful and enjoyable pay-up social was held in the Presbyterian schoolroom Owing to the absence, through illness, of our President, Mrs Chapman presided The Secretary briefly reviewed the work of the year, and the Revs. A. T Thompson and .1, N Buttle gave congratulatory and encouraging addresses. Music and refreshments tilled up the programme, and four new members were enrolled. New Plymouth. At our meeting held Nov. 11th, report* were given of the sewing meetings, also of a relief case and the No-License picnic at Ngaire. Tt wac decided that the annual meeting Ik* held on the 12th of Dec., when friends should lie ask d to ooiue to spend a social hour and hear the reports given. At the meeting held on the 2Stb of Nov., the following officers were re-elected :—President, Mrs Douclas ; Cor. Secretary, Miss Amhury; Rec Secretary, Mrs Upton; Treasurer, Miss Sadler; White Ribbon Agent, Miss Taunt; Vice-Presidents, Mesdauies >k, Woolley, Nixon and Maunder; Supt. *i*l and Parliamentary, Miss Douglas; Relief and Rest Room, Mrs Brash; Tress Work. Mrs Upton; Maternity, Mrs Bulot. It was decided that two delegatee should represent the Union at the next Convention.


On November 20th, the silver medal given by our Union for the best Temperance recitation was presented to Miss Nellie Cook by Mrs Pinfold. ’The Union placed the contest in the hand* of the local Band of Hope Committee, ami under the energetic guidance of their Secretary, Mr F. lane, it was brought to a rmst successful issue on Nov loth. A tine uurnber of promising reciters took part and gave a good programme to an audience of about SUU. The Baud of Hope Committee also offered prices in three grades. The pre ►gram me on the presentation evening was provided by Christchurch members of the Canterbury Band of Hope Union and proved a treat to the large audience assembled.

Tin* annual meeting was held on 7th in«tThere was a good attendance of ineuiliers, and one new member, who is still on the mighty deep, voyaging from the Old Land, was enrolled. A good tone prevailed throughout ihe meeting, and subscriptions came to hand readily, leaving but few in arrears. Mrs Pinfold was re-elected President ; Mesdames Graham, Moore, and Miss Newton VicePresidents ; Mrs Metherell, Secretary—our very able and indefatigable Secretary, Mni Darling, resigning to visit Kngland in April— Mrs Mcken/ie, Treasurer. The balancesheet shewed a good balance in hand, and interest in all departments of the work has been steadily maintained. South Dunedin. Though not reported of late, work iu our Union lias leen going steadily on. and the attendance at the meeting has l***u very good At our last meeting it was decided to inaugurate the ciadle roll. Our Treasurer reported that XI had been sent for our Exhibition Hay. Two of the members consented to visit absentees and also to try to recure fresh attendants at our meetings. Waimate Since last report was sent in an open-air Anti-gambling meeting, called by the Union, was held at “ The Corner.” His Worship the Mayor presided, giving a pithy address, and was followed by Mr Geo. I)ash and Kev A. S. Morrison, the former setting forth the evils of the totalizator, and the latter dealing with the moral aspects of the question. The meeting w as largely attended and was fully repined in both papers. We have decided to spend xa a year in purchasing space in the Waimate and Studholme stations for exhibiting Temperance placards. At onr next weetiog Dr. Barclay is to give an educational address on the proper feeding of infants, dealing with humanised milk and patent foods. We are giving tea, advertising the meeting, and hope for a large attendant.

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White Ribbon, Volume 12, Issue 139, 15 December 1906, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 12, Issue 139, 15 December 1906, Page 2

NEWS OF THE UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 12, Issue 139, 15 December 1906, Page 2