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We rely on our local Unions to send us news /or this column. We cannot evolve it out of our inner consciousness. ] Turakina Our m»x*ting was held on Oct. 7. Miss J. Ross, Swretary of the Loyal Temperance Legion, report«*d upon this brunch of work, Mrs J. liCtlibridge, the Suiierintenilent, lieing abnent. So far two meetings of the L.T.L. have lieen held, and 42 ineml»erß enrolled. We have r»H.*eived some literature, which we hope will be the means of winning some on our side. Several ladies present read pajiers on the opinions of medical men on alcoholic liquors. Pahiatua. Regular monthly g« neral meetings and weekly oottage meetings have l*een held since our organisation in July by Miss Powell. The W hits Ribbon and other perhxiieals are exchanged by members, and a few copies sent regularly to the railway station. The only work we have undertaken at present is in conn ction with the L.T.L. We should be glad of visits from members of sister Unions. <>ur membership roll now stards at sixteen. LT. Legion: —On Sept 3 a meeting was hold when twenty two children weie enrolled The ui-etingg are held for: nightly. Many of the mothers and young women attend, and the children seem much interested. The number on roil has increased to twenty-eight. Mrs Mclnnes is an energetic Superintendent, Blenheim. Last month Mrs Isitt paid her promised visit to Blenheim. Members and friends met in the rooms to welcome her. A public mooting was held in St. Andrew’s school-room. Mis Grace presided, and introduced the speaker, adding a few well-chosen remarks on temperance. Mrs Isitt’s address wa9 very much appreciated, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded. Mrs Isitt visited GfOvetown, where a very enthusiastic meeting was held. meeting, held in the rooms, Mrs Isitt spoke on evangelistic work. A resolution was passed at that meeting strongly condemning the C.D. Acts. A competition concert has been given by the ladies and gentlemen in aid of the W.C.T.U., which was an unqualified success, j£lo being handed in to the Union.

DunedinAt the usual meeting of this Union correspondence was received from Messrs W. H. Reynolds, Quick and Hunth relative to the funds of the Dunedin Savings Hank, which the gentlemen named regretted could not l>e appropriated to any other purpose than the Dunedin Hospital. It was decided that application he at once made for space for the erection of the usual luncheon lx»oth at the next Agricultural Show. M *sdainefe Broad, Roach, James Dick, Ewing, Nioiitzson, Hislop, and the officer*' were appointed to carry out the necea ary arrangements in <* nnection with the same. As the funds of the Sailors’ R. st were low, Miss Statham offered to give a leeture on " Home Nursing,” to increase them, and it was decided that this should take place on Oct. lit, in the Y.W C.A. Rooms. Knc -uraging reports wer® received from all the different • ranches of the U ion. It was resolved that the different temper «n e org tnisations should 1 e written to with a view of ascertaining their opinion regard ng the fumai-n of a vigilance committee to uphold th- polio* in their duties, and make it possible to get a conviction in glaring cases of infringment v>f the licensing laws. The matter of organi-ir g branches of the Union throughout Otago wa« brought up, but in consequence of pressure of other important business was leftover till next meeting. It was announce*! th.d Mis> Statham ha 1 b*-en appoint* d agent for ti.e “ White Ribbon,” and several new subscribe s gave in th*-ir names. Mesdames Logan, Nimmo, James Dick. Kirkland, and the < fticers were appointed a deputation to wait on the Harbour Hoard re Leavitt H use. Rangiora. The ordinary monthly meeting was held on August 27. There was but a small attendance. It was decided to obtain two shillings’ worth "f W.CT.II. Letter to AImI Several accounts were passed for payment, including l.)s for rent of hall to Good Templars, and a vote of thanks for their kindness in only expecting rent when we uie aide to afford it. Decided to invite our Kaiipoi friends to next meeting, and aiso Amberley an Cost friends. All uiem'ers pr seat subscribe i towards the 10* promised by out d* ie„a'.• tl Convention to the deficit on White Ribbon. At the meeting held on Sept 24th the President and Secretary of Kaiapoi Union were present, and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. Ifra Blackwell read extracts from the Report of Triennial Convention held in Brisbane. A hearty and unanimous vote of sympathy with Mrs Josephine Butler wns passed, to be forwarded with one from Kaiapoi. Two new menders were initiated, and afternooou tea served. Marton. On Thursday, S**pt. 9th, the usual monthly meeting was held in the Wesleyan schoolroom. Mm Spence pre-iding. Owing to boisterous weather there was only a small attendance. A very interesting article was read, entitled “ Alcohol: Its use as a Drug and Beverage.” The subject was ofterwaids discussed, when all seemed of the same opinion —vix., that the benefits derived, even in cases of severe illness, are so slight th.»t nothing can be said in favour of it. Wo should like to h'arof our doctors giving more attention to this iubjevt. Mrs Letnbridge’s resignation as President was received and accepted with

much regret, as she has held that position ever since the W.C T.U. was started in this town, and we feel a great deal of our success is owing to her inHu<*nee and energy. However, in leaving the Marten Union Mrs Lethbridge is enabled to take up new du ies nearer heme, in a branch started at Turakina,and we wish her every sucoesa. Mrs Spence was elected President, Mrs A. McGregor appointed Superintendent of Literature, and Mrs Knigge Superintendent of the Education Department. Naseb;. On Sept. 10th the union held a public meeting. Mrs Malcolm rend an extract from the life of Isabella Macpherson, and Mesdames Mac latch y, F. Smith, and Miss McCarthy, gave readings on the subject of diet. The use of wholemeal bread was advocated. On Sept. 17th members and friends <>f the union repeated the servic* of m.;ig, “G »r l<<n,” in the S.A Barracks in aid oi the Social .nd Missionary work of the Army, i he service was a success in every way. On Sept. 24th a cottage meeting was held. Replies have sent to Miss Jack and Mrs R*»s». the Superintendents of Missions and Narcotics. Woodville* The fi’st ev -nirig meeting of this Union was held on Sept 17th, in the Foresters’ Hall. The secretary (Mrs IVrytnan) reported that Mr Gr »n\ of the Woodville Eximiner, had granted the Union half a column weekly in that paper for temp * ranee items. A congratul itorv k’..ter fr m the Palmerston North Union was real. A forcible paper entitled ** Alcohol; its eff -ct on the Human System,” was read by Mrs Porvman. Another piper by the President, Mrs Crawford, and soige and recitati ns by several other ladies made up an enjoyable programme. Dannevirke. Miss Powell organised a Union among us on the 23rd of Ju*y, and at a meeting held a fe*d«v* later the following officers were elected: —Mrs Ashcroft, President; Mrs M. M&ckay, Vice-President; Mrs A. L. G. rdon, Trea-urer ; Miss Allurdioe, Secretary. Meetings are to he held on the first Thursday in e»ch month. We hav • eleven full members and three working meinierg. • »ur working members have n »t taken the pledge, but subscribe to the local fund, and an* giving considerable assi-tance in the *■ B >ys’ Club,” which has been formed by the W.CT.U. Ashburton. We held oui monthly meeting on Sept 29th An address was given by a Ciptain of the Salvation Army. He spoke of unity in well doing, and urged us not to be disoourag* d when we do not accomplish all our desire, but to be brave and work hard against the drink and other evils, feeling assured that in God’s time He will give us the victory. Ngaire. On Sept. 23rd was held our monthly meetit g, c* nveti. d ruther earlier than anticipated thr>nigh the desire of our members to meet Mrs Crow her, our late President, who resigned through removal, but is now visiting in the district. W® were pleased to meet her again, and felt profited by her address and closing benediction. Mrs Boon, our new President, presided, and Mrs Blizzard, our able Secretary, read an instructive paper on the benefits

derived by so many hearers of “ Street Preach ing.” A paper is promised for next meeting by Mrs M orison. Copies of the White Ribbon were distributed. Devonport. On the afternoon of August 2o we hold our fir-t anniversary in the Wesleyan schoolroom, the meeting l«eii g conducted by the Presid-nt. Our Union is still small, but we had the pleasure < n that occasion of welcoming 3 new members, making our total 19. The Secretary, Mrs Crump, gavo a report of the year’s pr 'ceedines, and the Treasurer a statement of the ti' a rices, showing that temperance leaflets and tracts have been d atrihuted on ferry-boats, in trams and omnibus «, *nd Mothers’ Meetings established. Addresses were given by the Revs. W. Wil. Hums (Congregational), R. Ferguson (Pregby. terian), and J Crump ( esleyan). Afternoon tea was lmndtsl rouml, music given, an • a pleasant and profitable hour was spent, Letters were read from M s Jack on the subject of Missions, and Mrs Rose, on Narcotics, and it w.»s decided that these subjects should have earnest attention. It is hoptnl that the result of this anniversary meeting will be increased eiit tu.- iasiii in the cause of temj>eraiiee and more earnest work on the part of each individual member. Christchurch. The fortnightly meeting was held at the coffee-rooms. Business connected with the luncheon tent at the November Show was dealt with. The President reported that the application of the Union for incorporation under the U nclassified S<h ieties Registration Act had been favourably r, ceived, and that the Union was now a registered society. Correspondence was read—From hlr Kirkland, of Dunedin, and from Mr Miller, on behalf of the Christchurch Hospital Board. The memlters of couimittee handed in AI2 Os 6d, collected for a woman iu need. Mrs Allen reported that the sewing class conducted by herself MrsNicholls, and Mrs Ferguson was a great success. About fifty girls attend'*!, and these were taught to sew, and were looked after in other ways. The Union gave a grant to this useful branch of w ork. Those who had undertaken to visit sick members gave in their reports. Mrs Hislop, from the Dunedin Union, gave a very interesting address. She deserilied a convention of Women’s Christian Temperance Unions she had at tended in Melbourne, and spoke of the good methods the Victorian women had of getting together large numlers of influential people. She dwelt on the value of scientific temperance teaching tor the young, and urged all pr- sent to keep up their enthusiasm in their work for humanity. Wellington, The usual meeting was held on the 7th inst. Several new members were initiated, and a resolution was passed urging the Government to pass a Bill repealing the C. D. Acts. It was also resolved to hold quarterly meetings, at which visits and reports from Branch Unions shall be received, and that some gentleman shall l*e asked to give an address on some subject of interest to Union workers. Ibe first of these meetings is to l*e held on the first Thursday in Decern her, and as that is the date of our annual meeting it is feared t: e a<l less wil! be crowded out, bur the qi,after next following will be an opportunity for carrying out the resolution in its entirety. The uiti Ribbon Hymn-book was used for first time.

Brunnerton. At our last meeting the committee tor the propo ed Moya’ Club reported with regret that no nuilding suitable for gyrantstic purposes wai at present obtainable. The Secretary stated that particulars were not yet to hand fr>t» Miss Kirk, though a letter apologising for delay on account of domestic trouble explained this circumstance. As the Season wis §of r iidraneed, it was d« cided that the matter stand i i al**yan-e until the lieginning of the year, when steps should be taken to make the neces-ary alterations to such building as could Ik* procured. In the meantime the funds ni *d tor the puip*>ae w-*re to he placed in the Hank. t)a Sept 20, we held a very pleasant s<*eial meeting in the Presbyterian church f >r the purp tee Of bidding farewell to our President, AlrsJ. Smith, on her departure for Ran* giora. The Secretary read an address, and presented Mri Smith with a handsome silver teapot, suitably inscribed, and a set of afternoon teaspoons. Mrs Smith feelingly acknowledged the gifts, and thanked the members, not only for the beautiful presents, but for the hearty support they had ever given her during her term of office. After refreshments had been handl'd round, solos were rendered by Mrs McDowall, Miss McLuskie, and Miss Scott, and a short odd re 6 was given by Mr R. Heron, an honorary member of tlu* Society. The meeting closed with “ God he with you till we meet again.” Napier. The usual meeting was held on Sept 30th, when there whs a fair attendance Had weather has interfered with our m**etings occasionally, hut on the whole we have had a very busy sinter in the way of relieving sickness and dis’ress caused by the Easter floods. For money and clothing in aid of our work we have to thank the Unions at Ashburton, Leeston, Brunnerton, and Palmerston North, and also Mr Crump, Devonport.

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White Ribbon, Volume 3, Issue 28, 1 October 1897, Page 3

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NEWS OF THE UNIONS White Ribbon, Volume 3, Issue 28, 1 October 1897, Page 3

NEWS OF THE UNIONS White Ribbon, Volume 3, Issue 28, 1 October 1897, Page 3