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Parish News.

Puketaipu. ' ' The annual ineetirigy AA'hich had been postponed to- the 27th of June, proved a very pleasant function. Referring to the many deaths which had occurred m the parish the Vicar: said that though we Seemed to be deprived of the presence and help of the departed, this was • not "really so; their loving influence was but removed to a higher sphere. Mr Ballantyne had left the district after many years of faithful service as churchwarden, but he was glad to be able to tell them that Mr Ballantyne had not entirely severed his connection with the parish, as he would still represent them m Synod. He wished to thank the Vestry for the energetic Ayay m which they had so considerably reduced the debt on the

Vicarage ; arid' to thank, the - parish [ not only for the parish; cair,. which Avas of the greatest heil3, , but also fc* tlt# kindness: and hospitality; shbwri'tb Mrk Gfrddes aiid ; hiiriself onall'sidss. In presenting the' aiinuar balariceshe;et: on behaif ! of the churchward'eris Mr" Abspium said that) although it showed ari inlprbveriierit of nearly £300 on. last year's, it contained ho reference to fltfO given by Lady Russell before leaving for Eriglarid; and to a sum of £l9o' collected by several' ladies for the purchase of a parish car. Mi* Beamish 1 said he disliked the Church 1 ' being' iri debt, and' that he wanted ttf see the whole debt' paid : off as sPon as possible. The balancesheet showed a debit' of £650. Towards this amount Lady Russell had given '£100,' arid Mi- LpAvry had promised' the last £10(0 if the' debt was all paid by the 31st of March. He himself would give £50 on the same understanding: He had also received promises of smaller amounts including an anonymous donation of £25... Mr LoAvry said that that left them £350' t0 raise by the 31st of March, and that she Avas going to see to it that they did so. She herself wOuld organise a Garden Fete to take place about the 12th of Deceiriber, followed by a dance m the Fernhill Hall; that Mrs Dudley Hill had very kindly offered the use of her grounds, and that she hoped everyone m the parish Avo.ul'd try arid do something to make it a huge success. In the meantime a series of concerts had' beeri projected by the Rissirigtbri people to take place at Shereriden, Puketapu and Rissirigtbri, each concert party presenting its programme at the other centres, Avhich was ari excellent idea. The Vicar pointed out that by the end of the financial year there would be an extra £38 to pay m interest. The meeting closed with a- resolution expressing^ regriet th'a't r the Archdeacon had been unable to attend, and appreciation of his valuable advice and : help m putting the parish Oh ? a sound financial basis. The' following are'th^'oflieefs: fpr the O year'.—Chrirehward'ens;' Messrs Kinross' Whiter arid 1 Evan' ; . Davies; Vestry, Mrs Kinross; Whites/''s ! -J. H. AhsOlrini; ¥=:■•■' Hiitch'iiisori i ■ juirK, Georgia Beamish : audi W.Gi Mpbre; Secretary, i Mr* W; ; Gv Mbbre"; TrMsurerj Mr'-R; E; H. ; Pilson ; ' Auditor, MrrA, G^Pallot. ThV'first' of the series of concerts was^h'eld 1 at; Sherenideri. on July." 11th, wheti 3 # most ; enjoyable everiirigTwas' spent; : the* riett proceeds bierig; £13:. 5s 3d. -Our thanks! are duP, to .Mrs Loa^, :the lj cpric"ert;, : to th^^v. I^erfiakl^"whb took, a part^-from eXihahri; 1 arid W the Stier--

enden ladies who. arranged an excel-, lent supper, and -da-nCe to follow. St. Arig^fcihe'B; Napileif. The fourth Healing Service since the Hickspn MisSiori 1 was held m the church on" Friday afternoon,- July 4th. . It Was most inspiring arid helpful; to aIL: .7 . ■.'■;' The • service, which was quite simple, was: taken by the Vicar> and; he Avas "assisted m the laying-On : of hands tty the 1 Rev; W. T: Drake: as there Avere : so many patients. There Avefe 54 who had harids laid on them; they had been prayed for by name atthree or fotir services :every week, besides^the* five prayer circles which meet weekly ; the members of the latter also divide the names of the patients-, up among themselves, 1 arid pray for them:' daily, Thfe intercessors at the service consisted mostly of the members of the. prayer circles.; Many of the patients, who are coming: regularly to these services, ;.; have reported iriuch physical improvement, and several lately have withdrawn their names as cured, although they had been under the doctor for years. A very excellent juvenile concert, organised by Mrs Collins, was held last month, and drew the biggest house ever known m the Schoolroom. It was m aid of the Church Buildings Improvement Fund, for which a big Parish Sale of Work has been organised for Wednesday, August 27th. We hope that friends and ex-parish-ioners Avill come and; give us their support at ; the sale of AA'ork- . The &F.S. held- a 1 very successful Jumble Sale last month m: aid- of Missions; Parish Sick and Needy Fund,. etc. ;•;.',; The Young Women's :Bible Class, under their teacher, Mrs' Rice, were to- hold a musical and dramatic concert on July 30th. Confirmation : Glasses" are m full SAving- m the parish^ with; & good number of candidates. The Confirmation is to be ori- October Bth. Waipawi;' The Girls' Club held a bazaar on June 26th, •■.followed, by-a pleasant little .da-nee>-; .The /proceeds amounted to nearly £20, of Avhich -the girls have decided to give £10 to the funds of the Melariesian Mission. The bell at St Peter's, Waipawa7 fell from its supports on St. Peter's Day and .was broken; until we get' another Aye shall have to rely upon the Roman arid "Methodist bells to call us to our devotions. , r .■••'.' A meeting- of the Vestry. was held on July 2lst tp : consider, the serious financial condition of the parish arid it was decided* to' erideaA'or to put the' parish fijaarices on a more satisfactory basis. : To do this it will be: necessary to increase 1 the number of pur annual subscribers considerably, and to ask some who already subscribe ; tolargfelyai^ent; theh* subscriptions:; The ; matter hag becointe one of great

urgency as Aye have accourits tp? pay amorihtirig- to nearly £100 arid nothing to pay themwith.!: .: .-.; :: It is proposed rto hold social evenings 'occasionally.' during the: -rest ; of : the" wiritel- m order to' bring Churchpepple together socially. : H : Confirmation classes have begun' but ' there are rvery feAV candidates^SOffar. ■': In f act there do not seem tobe 'many young Church people - : who have "come to the years of discretion!'; and yet have ; not been " cOnfirmbd. There are, however, a good many uncpnfirriied adults. These have rwor-: ; ried along so many' years without .the grace ., of '.'.rCpn^mation iandv ; the:;;mes-. timable :gift of the. Blessed SacraH = ment; that it is hard to ; make, .them, understand the joy and strength: that : they have missed • and are missing; thi'ough disobeying. Our ; Saviour 's Command. i ' Eye: hath not; seen,;:nor ear heard, neither.- hath it entered into the heartj of man to conceive the- .• things that God hath prepared for those who unfeignedly love Him.-' '..: . Opotiki., During ; the month, we have had Our annual visit from the Bishop, and we only ; wish that; Abe Church was always as full as at that wonderful Confirmation service on thp: evening of June 22ihL Thirty 1 can T di dates : were presented, of whom 17 were adults; Four adult baptisms had taken place during the previous Aveek: and we are riiost grateful' to God 7f or all His blessings. The visible cause of the above numbers was tAvofold-^-first, the Mission, and secondly the pleading of the children, many of -whose parents were : confirmed this year.. Truly m spiritual things ''. ' A little child shall lead them." ..._.'. - : The Sunday • School have invested •m a big cupboard for their: books and material, and- it contains a big bin for rolls of pictures, altogether a . great asset.: .*..■-■.- -v-,. H The annual 'meeting- ; - of parishioners took place on. June 19th. The Bishopwas present,, giving- an inspiringv address, on "Service;.": Mr G. T. Guide, our lay 'reader, became people'sAyarden arid secretary, and Mr W. F. Burton was elected as vestryman, >reprer ; ; . sentirig the, young men [of the -parish . We are hopeful of -great- work being done during the coming 12 months by' the Vestry.. : - Holy Tifimky; Gisbbriie;- Owiiig ; to a very wet Sunday for the festival 'of • theTHoly Tiiriity . the offerings: iii 'aid of the Parisb ; Hall were ;riot : .a§' lai'gle as we hoped T to . h&Vb, ; but e.ff orts Tare going 1 on quietly to ;gi , a<duMiy' collect' funds'in. ; The ReV. 1 D. :'•■. j> DaVies arrived on July 3rd to^actias'AsSretarit 1 Priest to i;he i[ yicririß^fclt ; hfe' wife have had corisid'erabrb ! " ; experience amongst 1 yOub^^bpi^ ;ahd : so^ '. willbeof ; gi*eat aS§i§tfeitee J Kere ; 'iri the' work ofttMoGMpe^ 'Ths7fbrinal ' ' opening of the temporary Club Rooms

p£ -the ,Hply , Trinity Quhs tflbk place oriJuly 3rd, when the '^iear dpejared the rooms oped and wished the twb Clubs eyery success jn their new venture tianoii Packe. also welconied the .Rev. D. : J. Dayies and 'his wife to ttie parish; they are recent arrivals from i-England. Mr C. A. de Lautour also ol^ered his good .Svishesi for the; success of the two '^l.^."'".^--'^!;. of the ; evening consisted of a programme of musicj singing and dancing. It is hoped that a monthly social evening of this jrind will he held. July l2th was. the foundation day of Holy Trinity Girls' 1 Club. This Club has just completed 9 years of work. The Ladies ' Guild had a most successful Sale of Work, Produce, etc., on July '9th, : the takings being £?4. The Hail was thronged with buyers, and great satisfaction was felt at the result attained. During the afternoon some of the .pupils' of OBssex House Boys' School gave a demonstration of rugmaking. Confirmation classes are being formed, and the Vicar will be glad to hear of candidates (adults, boys and girls). The Confirmation will be held m November.

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Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 2, 1 August 1924, Page 431

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Parish News. Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 2, 1 August 1924, Page 431

Parish News. Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 2, 1 August 1924, Page 431