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Social Work.

S. Mary's Home, Napier. President and Visitor : The .Right Rev. the Bishop. Trustees : Th? Bishop, Archdeacon D. Ruddock, Archdeacon H. W. Williams, Canon Mavne, Dr. E. A. W. Henley, Mr F. W. Williams, I\fr J. PI. Sheath. House Committee : Archdeacon Ruddock, Canon Majne, Dr. Henley, Mr T. B. Bear (Treasurer), Mrs Sedgwick, Mrs Ruddock, Mrs Thorp, Mrs Murdoch, Mrs T. H. Williams, Mrs Richmond, Deaconess Esther Brand (Secretary). Treasurer : Mr Bruce Bear. Superintendent and Organising Secretary : Deaconess Esther Brand. Central Committee.: President, Ih2 Bishop ; Secretary, Deaconess Esther Brand. Delegates : Mrs Henley ' Parish), Mrs Thorp (S. Auo-ust-v fine's), Mrs W. J. Knight (D n- a- ' nevirke\ Mrs Fowler (Hastings), Mrs Richmond (Havelock North), Mrs Kinross White (Ormondville),' Mrs Gordon Williams (Otane), Mrs Sheath (Patutahi), Mrs F. Hutch'nson, inn. (Puketapu), Mrs .., C. H. "Maclean (Rotorua), Miss Dunnage (Taradale), Mrs Sedgwick (Takapau), Mrs F. W. Williams (Tolaga Bay), Mrs Hardinf (Waipukurau), Bliss E. Williams (Waipiro Bay), Mrs Ruddock (Weber), Mrs J. H. Williams - (Woodville), Miss Johnson (Waipawa), and Mrs Munro. Social Work. The annual meeting of the Central Committee for the Diocesan \VorH tield at S. Gary's

Home, Napier, on Tuesday, June 6th, at 2.30 p.m. Present : The Bishop (m the chair), Archdeacon Ruddock, Deaconess Esther, and tKe following ladies representing Parochial Committees—Mrs Henley, Mrs Thorp, Mrs Fowler, Mrs Lush, Mrs C H. Maclean, Mrs Ruddock, Mt's Sedgwick, Mrs Gordon Williams, Miss Edith Williams, and Mrs Kinross White. The report and balance sheet were read and adopted. Archdeacon Ruddock explained with regard to the " Nursery " mentioned m the report, that the scheme had been placed before the Trustees, and had their full sympathy and approval, but that they could not undertake any more building until the present building debt was cleared off. Mrs Henley proposed that a separate fund be started called " S. Mary's Nursery Fund," for which' subscriptions mitrht be earmarked and that the monevj should be invested m the Post Office Savings Bank. The proposal was carried unanimously and several subscriptions promised on the spot. The Nursery, when built and furnished, will be self-supporting, as the mothers pay 10/- a week for th^ir babies. It will serve a twofold purpose : (1) to give the little jJines, by careful training and ripht 'feeding, "a good start m life -; (2) to m constant touch with the mothers fqr two or three years after they leave the Home. It will not be possible or desirable to keep all the babies, but m some cases it will be the greatest possible help. The ladies on the House Committee were re-elected by the meetins?-, as also the forffter trustees and treasurer by the Board of Trustee^, '.'■!■!'; -| . I

Report of S. Mary's Home from May, 1915-1916. Since the opening of tHe Home on May 31st, I9is> six girls have ' come under our care, five from different parts of the Diocese, one from outside. Two of these have ' now gone out again into the world, and two will be leaving shortly. With regard to all we have cause for thankfulness ; only those who really know them can tell what an influence on their character those quiet months have frad. No more can be said- }n a report, but the fact must be noted, for it is the main object of our work. One was confirmed .in.D^^ ember, and one privately before Easter b> Bishop Williams, in' the absence of the Bishop of the Diocese. At present we have m the Home six babies. Tlie sunny verandah is a splendid day nursery m fine weather, and they thrive m the open air, but if we are to continue to keep some of the children when their mothers leave, it will be absolutely necessary to have a nursery built. This is the direction m which we see most need of development ; good foster mothers . are difficult to find and by keeping the children foi^a year or two* we remain m close touch with their mothers who pay for their mainteiiaince and come constantly^ to see them. As soon as the existing debt on the building can be cleared off, we hope to* take thi& . step forward. Meanwhile we wantfthe scheme to be known, for it >, will surely appeal to those who have the welfare of the little ones at heart. It is satisfactory to record that m most of the oases the fathers of the children are made to contribute, and fcsr this we owe many thanks to our honorary solicitor, Mr Ivafl IvOgaft.

Nurse Carter, our valued Matron was away from the Home from December to March, through .sickness. We were fortunate m securing " temporarily the services of Nurse Wright, who has just left S. Helen's, Wellington. k Many gifts for furnishing and housekeeping have been received during the" year, a .list of which is appended. A " clucking " hen and a setting of eggs, .given by - Mrs "Waterworth, started a poultry yard, '" and with the eggs from Otaaie .sent for preserving, we have not had to ' buy any since last September! Our own garden and the kindness of country friends have supplied us with fruit and vegetables (with the exception of potatoes from June to November) and home-made bread has proved a decided economy. A member of the C.E.M.S. .gave. several Wednesday afternoons to our garden, for which work we are very grateful. To turn to the other branch of the worik — the training of Church workers. After four months special preparation here, Nurse San--der.s left for. Maravovo Hospital, ' Solomon Islands, last September, 'nrul Miss Ella Newman, who came to-'us «on July ist, will have sailed (1). Y.) m the Southern Cross before this report is m print. Owing to the urgent need of th? Mclnnesian Mission for workers, her time of training was slightly curtailed, but the ten months sh? was able to have were fully used: The special demand for women now m all departments of work has no doubt, directly or indirectly, h'ndered some who might have come to us, yet at no time was the Church's need greater, both here and m the Mission field. Will our friends make this opportunity of train "ng for the Master's service widely I'nowii. 'flic fees asked arc /}-|o per annum, but if there are any, otherwise suitable, who cannot'afford this, let them communicate with the Deaconess — there are ways of meeting the difficulty. Subscriptions and Donations. For Year ending April 30th, 1916.' Cathedral Parish, Napier. "Mrs Andrews £1, Mrs Ashcroft £r. Miss Braithwait'e £1, Mr Hcattie 10s •6fl, Mrs -Coleman £10 los, Mrs 1-1. Clark (per Mrs Henley) 10s, Mrs Rd wards 2s, Mrs Pergussori £1, Mrs

Gardiner £,5, T>r. Henley £2 2s, Mrs Henley £], "Mrs Herrick £t is, Mrs McLernon £1, Mrs C. H. Maclean £2, Miss Morcton £J, -Mrs Mayo los, Mrs Jin did ock £1, Mrs- Sheath 10s 6d, Mrs I-Tector Smith £i, Mrs Stopfonl. £1, Mrs Sedgwick £5, Mrs' Mitford Taylor los Mrs Triggs los, Bishop of Waiapu £5, Bishop Williams £5, MrF.'w. Williams (donation.) £25, Mrs l'\-W, Williams £10, Miss 'TOd'ith , WHLia'ms ,£5, Miss Williams, Ashridge (donation) £5. "","t<JtalV '£93 1 17s ' Od v Parochial Secretary-, '-Mrs Ward. > S. Augustine's, Napier. Collected by — Mrs Dixon £5 2s, Mrs Kerr T2s, "Mrs Macfarlane £,I 35, ( Mrs Stubtas ss, Mrs Tuke £r, Mrs Thorp £3 ; Lady Whitmore (donation for sowing, machine) £5. Total : £16 2s Od Parochial Secretary lMrs Thorp. Dannevirke. Collected by Parochial Committee Total : £10 lOs Od i'arochial Secretary, Mrs W. .1 . Knight. Gisborne. Mrs Faulkner Total : £3 Os Od Hastings. Collected by — Mrs Anderson £'T 7s, Mrs Bi\)c'<lFhurst £2 ss, Mrs Ca^ £2 17s, Mrs Fowler £3- lis 6d, Mrs .) <\. Frasor £1, Mrs V> nor £1 ss, Mrs Watts £3. Mrs Waters £2 ; Collection 'at S. Matthew's Church, Good Friday, 1915 £5 ,Ss yd. Total : £22 4s 1d Parochial Secretary, Mrs Vynor. , Havelock North. Mrs Avery £i, Mrs Bray 2s 6d, Mr Mason Chambers £ro, Mi's Pickling 2s 6d. Mrs W. Franklin ss, Miss Gardiner los, Miss Gardiner (donation) ss, Mrs Lowry (donation) £25, Mrs Push ss, Miss' Maclean los, Mrs. Nelson £5, Mrs Richmond los, Mrs Saidler-Sniith ss, Mi's Smart £f, Mi\s .J. H. Williams £ro, Anon. 2s fid, Anon. 2s 6d. Total : £55 Os Od Parochial Secretary — Ormondville. Per Mrs ttaglcy l6s, per Mrs Oldcrshaw (Norsewood) £1, per Mrs Da vies (Kopua) £2,. -per Mrs Wilson £l 5s (>d, Mrs Webb £1, the Misses Webb £l los. Total : £7 11s 6d Parochial Secretary, Miss- hi. Webb. Otane." Mrs Hugh Campbell £5, Miss Keith £2, Rev! .X and- Mrs McNickle £2 2s, Mrs Porter ss, Miss Ryan 2s 6d, Mrs T. Tod los", Mr •\. M. Will-

iams £5, Mrs Alick Williams los, Mrs Arthur Williams , £1, Misses' A. ■ and E. Williams ss, Mrs G. C. Will-' iams £4, Miss Lydia Williams £10, M£9 Cyril Wiiliams £1, Mrs Gordon Williams £l, Mrs Douglas Williams £1, Mothers '..Union, Pukehou (donation tor crockery) £1 10s. Total : £35 4s 6d "' Parochial Secretary, Mrs Gordon Williams. • . / ■' t Patutahi. - Mrs I*3. M .^Pbrguson £ [ 2S 6'd, Miss M. A*. R. Pcrgiuson ics, Mrs S.iG. Hutchinson Jos, Mrs .J. M. .McKeuaie ", los, Mrs. Vincent Smith £l, Mrs R. ' Sherratt £l, Mrs Herbert Williamsi £r. ' Total : £5 1 28 6d Parochial Secretary, Mrs Rawnsley. Puketapu. Mrs Absalom £t, Mrs Dallantyne ros, Mrs A. C. Benngtt„ £1, Mrs Dunnage ss, Mrs Dudley Hill £5, Mrs F. Hutchinson, jun. £3, Mrs F. M., Nelson £1, Lady liussell £5, Mrs Shrimpton £2, Miss Spencer los, Mrs' Water house £2. Total : £21 5s Od Parochial Secretary, Mrs F. Hutchinson, jun. Takapau. Mrs A'D^iine £3 3s, Miss A "Dean e £l is. Mrs Sydney Johr.son £3, Miss Johnson los, Row I[. Collier .> los, Mrs W. RUiirg'ham ; ; s, ,■ Mrs, hi. T. Price £l os 6d, Mrs White £5, Lent Self-denial Money £1 lis. Total: £16 Os 6d Parochial Secretary, Mrs A'Deane. Taradale. Mrs Bennett los, Mrs "Blackburn ss, Mrs (Mark £1, Mrs Gilbert Clark ss, Miss Dunnage £1, Miss L. Dunnage 53; Miss 11. Dfa'rris ss, Miss ' Kay los. Miss Xeilson 10s, Miss Powdrell ss, Miss Strachan £1 is ; In smalW sums collected by the ' Committee £4 1 8s 6d. Total : £10 14s 6d Parochial Secretary, Miss Dunnage. Tolaga Bay. - (Collected by: the Committee— Total : £18 17s 6d Parochial Secretary, Mrs Frank Williams. Te Karaka. Collected. £l 19s 4d, Rev. N. Watson and Mrs Watson, £1, Lent Offerings m Sunday School v£ r . Total : £3 198 4d (Per Rev. .V. Watson.) Waipukurau. Collected hy the Committee — Total : £3 10s oc| Parochial Secretary —

Waipiro Bay. Mrs A. Kirk £2 23, Mrs E. R. Ludbrook £1 is, Mrs Anderson 10s 6d, Mrs Poole £1 is, Mrs White los Tuparoa Store £2, Anon. 2s. Total : £7 6s 6d Weber. . Mrs G. Buchanan los 6d, Mrs Barker los, Mrs Blythe los, Mrs Cunninghaim 15s, Mrs Macphie los, Mrs St'ickey los, Mrs E. Thompson los 6d. Total : £3 6s Od (Per liev. F. W. Whibley.) Woodville. Mrs Aglinton 2s 6d, Miss Agliwton 2s 6d, Mrs Burnett 2s bdv Mrs Eccles 2s 6d, Mrs Funke 2s 6'd, Mrs Grant 2s 6d, Mrs Gissen 2s Mrs Gregory 2s 6d, Mrs Giles (two" years) ss, Mrs Hutchins 2s 6d, Mrs Jones 2s 6d, Mrs W. H. Nelson 2s 6d, Mrs W. H. Nelson (donation) ss, Mrs Mules 2s 6d, Mrs Parkerson '2s 6d, Mrs Parkerson (donation) 15s, Mrs Stevens 2s 6d, Mrs Simpson 2s 6d, Mrs Taylor 2s 6d. Total : £2 15s Od Parochial Secretary, Mrs Parkerson. Gifts. Since the opening of the Home gifts of furniture have been received from Mrs Logan, Mrs Stubbs, Mrs Gibson, Mrs H. Maclean, Mrs Gardiner, Mrs Skinner, Mrs Sedgwick, Mr and Mrs T. B. Bear, Mrs Tuke, Mrs Oliyer Bean ; blankets from Miss King and Mrs G.- Morris ; quilts from Mrs Spence, Miss Davis, Miss Hamilton ; cradles from Mrs Thorp, Mrs Alick Williams, Nurse Woods ; a child's cot from Mrs Kessell ; pillows from Mrs Thorp, and Mrs Ashtoru; sickroom reci'uisit^s from Mrs J. H. Williams and Mrs .Jas. Murdoch ; .towels from Miss Edith Williams ; flannel from Xurse Woods ; crockery from Mrs Herbert Williams.; old linen from Mrs Henley, Mrs Vail Ascli, Miss Eileen Daivios ; baby Clothes from Mrs Arthur Williams, M|;s Natusch, Mrs • Cla.pp. Mrs AriHerson, Mrs Bull, Mrs Archie Browlf-. and others ; potatoes from Miss' Alice Webb (Ormondville) and Mr F. W.Williams ; a la/fge supply of, vegetables and' fruit from the Harvest Festival at Waipukurau ; apples from S. Luke's, Havelock North ; 17 doz. eggs per the Vicar of Otane ; jam from Mrs Davidson, Mrs Thorp, Mrs Waterworth, Mrs Nairn ; marmalade from Mrs Lascelles ; Bibles and Prayer Books from the Rev C. E. Nicholas ; a carved bookrest for the chapel from Te Ilau College ; and various other things, for all of which we are most grateful.

Summary of Subscriptions and Donations. Cathedral Parish, Napier £93 17s, sS. Augustine's, Napier £16 2s, Dannevirke £10 los, Gisborne £3, Hastings £22 4s id, Havelocf-t North £5,5, Ormondville £7 lis 6d>, (Kane £35 4s 6d. Patutahi £5 12s 6cl, Puketapu £2L ss, Tn.ka.pau £16 os 6<l> Tai'adale £10 14s 6d, Tolaga Bay £18 17s 6d, Te Karak a £3 19a 4d, AVaipuikurau £9 los, Waipiro Bay £7 6s 6d, Weber £3 6s, Wood-' ville £2 15s, Nurse Sanders (Solomon Islands) £1, ThankofTering p e r the- Bishop £l, Collection at the opening of the Home £7 19s sd. Repaid for outfit £l. Total : £363 15s 4d. St. Marys Home. Statement of Accounts ending April 30, 1916.

Church Embroidery Guild. At the request of the Bishop a Church Embroidery Guild was started last August by Deaconess Esther, Miss Murdoch kindly undertaking to teach beginners. Meetings have been held m Napier at the Cathedral Rooms and since March at S. Mary's Home, and outside Napier many have worked . for the Guild m their own homes. Stoles have been worked by Mrs Crosse (Hastings), the Misses Glazebrook (Clive) and by a Girls' Guild at Gisborne of which Miss Gray is Secretary. Altar linen has been done by Mrs Holmes (Havelock North)," Miss Eileen Davies (Gisborne). Eighteen coloured stoles, five sets of altar linen, an d a lay-reader's surplice and tippet have been dispatched, and many orders have still to be executed. In addition to this a set of linen was presented by the Guild to Chaplain J. A. Lush when he left with the 13th Reinforcements." The price of the stoles is 7/6 each ;of the linen— six purifactors and two corporals m a bolland case, ■!}/- ; fair linen cloths from 9/- accordnr to the size ; Confirmation veils, 1/3 each, are also made.

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Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 1, 1 July 1916, Page 1

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Social Work. Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 1, 1 July 1916, Page 1

Social Work. Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 1, 1 July 1916, Page 1