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A Bibliography of the Indigenous Freshwater Fishes of New Zealand

R. M. McDowall


Fisheries Laboratory, Wellington

[Received by the Editor, February 5, 1964.]


The object of this bibliography is to facilitate access to reference literature on New Zealand fresh-water fishes. The need for a bibliography arises from the rapid increase in the amount of information being published.

Scope of the bibliography has been restricted to indigenous fishes (including Cyclostomes) which spend a significant part of their lives in fresh-water. The term " indigenous fishes " has been taken to mean those species naturally present in New Zealand, its off-shore islands, the Chatham Islands, and the sub-Antarctic islands of New Zealand. References to fishes which are not restricted to New Zealand (Geotria australis Gray, Galaxias attenuatus (Jenyns), Anguilla australis Richardson) have been included whatever the origin of the specimens or information, because they are relevant to the New Zealand fauna. For this reason a number of the references are of Australian or South American origin. Fishes such as Aldrichetta forsteri and Arripis trutta which make short term incursions into fresh-water, but which are primarily marine fishes, have been excluded. The introduced fishes comprise a rather distinct area of inquiry and have been covered fairly fully in a previous bibliography (see Bassett, 1961). For this reason they have not been dealt with here.

All known publications making reference to indigenous New Zealand freshwater fishes have been included. The papers vary in scope from a brief listing or natural history note, to the results of extensive investigations. Several popular works have been included, and some of these, especially the older publications, are of considerable value. Nearly all the items listed were examined by the author. Papers not seen are indicated by "f" adjacent to the publication data —e.g.:

Gmelin, J. F. fI7BB. Systema naturae In compiling the bibliography, many titles were located from literature citations in publications dealing with New Zealand fresh-water fishes, but in addition, considerable use was made of the following sources;

The zoological record, 1864—1960. Zoological Society of London. Dean, 8., 1923. Bibliography of fishes. New York, American Museum. Hutton, F. W., 1904. Index faunae Novae Zealandiae. London, Dulau. Phillipps, W. J., 1927. Bibliography of New Zealand fishes. Fisheries Bulletin, New Zealand Marine Department, no. 1.

Bassett, D., 1961. Bibliography of New Zealand fresh-water fishes. Wellington, New Zealand National Library Service.

At the beginning of the bibliography, a check-list of the species, with synonymies, is given. The synonymies have usually been derived from the most recent systematic work on each species, but only the more significant papers, especially those of systematic importance, have been included.

In the list of titles, authors are listed alphabetically, and the papers of each author are listed in chronological order. Serial publications have been abbreviated following the form given by Smith, W. A., et al, 1952: World list of scientific periodicals, 1900—1950, London, Butterworth. Books have been cited with title, place of publication, publisher and details of pagination, figures, etc. Each reference is followed by annotations of the fishes mentioned and the type of subject matter contained. An asterisk after the species annotation indicates that the species is described in the paper, and the letter “ f ”, that the species is figured. When a species has been referred to in the paper only by a vernacular name — e.g., kokopu, eel, the annotation given is that of the family to which the fish belongs—e.g., in the above cases, Galaxiidae, Anguillidae, whether or not it appears obvious which species was referred to. The specific names used in many papers have been incorrect, but even where it is obvious that the usage was incorrect, only the name used by the original author has been annotated, and it is left to the individual research worker to decide for himself what the correct usage would have been. Fletcher (1918), for example, records Galaxias aitenuatus and G. fasciatus from Lake Taupo, but it is now known that the only species present there is G. koaro. The annotations to Fletcher’s paper are nevertheless for G. attenuatus and G. fasciatus.

Effort has been made to have the annotations suggest the names for which they stand, and, in general, workers familiar with the nomenclature of the New Zealand fauna should be able to recognise from the annotation the species referred to. Two letters have been used for family names (in capitals) and for genus, and in most cases three letters for species annotations; the generic and specific annotations are in Italics. Where the same species name is used for a number of different fish—e.g., Geotria australis, Anguilla australis, the same annotation has been used in each case for the species name. Where a number of specific names were used in one paper, in reference to a single species—e.g., in synonymies, all the names used in the paper have been annotated, but where several generic names were used for one species, the species annotations occur only under the ruling generic name in that particular paper —e.g., when Eleotris gobioides was renamed Gobiomorphus gobioides (by Gill, 1863), the annotation for gobioides is found under Gobiomorphus and not Eleotris.

The items in the list of titles are numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance. These numbers have been used to give an index of the titles dealing with each family, genus and species name. Numbers in this index in Italics indicate the more important papers. In the index, the form of the nomenclature annotations is also given adjacent to each name.

Each paper was annotated according to the subject matter contained. These annotations, as listed below, refer to the discussion of the following topics:—

AFFIN.; The affinities of the New Zealand fish groups and relationships within these groups.

GLASSIF.: The familial classification of a species or genus.

DESGR.: The description or re-description of a species.

DISTR.: The distribution pattern of fishes within a faunal area.

EGOL.: All aspects of the ecology of the fishes except life history, parasitology, and inter-relationships with the introduced Salmonidae, which are covered under other headings. Factors such as habitat, food and growth are included.

FOOD.: Utilisation of fishes by man. FOSS.: Fossil material.

GEN.: Subject types which appear too infrequently to allow separate annotation, all publications of a popular nature except those which have particular importance, and papers which contain little significant information.

LIST.; The entry is part of a faunal list, or the mention is so brief as to provide no further information than a listing.

L. HIST: Life histories. MORPH.: Morphology and structure PARASIT.: Parasitology.

SALM.: Relationships between native fishes and the introduced Salmonidae, SYST.: Nomenclature of the fishes at generic and specific levels.

ZOOG.: The zoogeography and distribution mechanisms of the New Zealand fauna on a world-wide basis.

In papers not seen by the author, an attempt has been made to give annotations derived from information in later publications which refer back to the papers not seen. These annotations should at least indicate the nature of the paper involved.


The author wishes to thank the librarians of many Wellington libraries who willingly assisted in locating publications, but more especially the librarians at the Turnbull Library, Mrs H. Elliott, of the Fisheries Library, Mrs M. Allehand, Royal Society Library, and Miss M. M. Hall, Dominion Museum Library. Mr J. M. Moreland, Dominion Museum, gave considerable assistance in locating references, and thanks are also due to Mr R. Strahan, School of Biological Sciences, University of New South Wales, for his assistance. I also wish to thank Mr J, F. Podstolski, New Zealand National Library School, for his interest and advice.

List of Serial Titles and Abbreviation

New Zealand Periodicals: Ammoh. Bull. Ammohouse Bulletin. Bull. Dom. Mus. N.Z. Bulletin of the Dominion Museum, New Zealand. Bull. N.Z. Bd. Sci. Art. Bulletin of the New Zealand Board of Science and Art. Bull. N.Z. Dep. sci. industr. Res. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Bull. Nutr. Res. N.Z. Bulletin of the Nutrition Research Department of the New Zealand Medical Research Council.

Comm. Fish. (N.Z.). Commercial Fishing, Handb. Dom. Mus. N.Z. Handbook of the Dominion Museum, New Zealand. /. Polynes. Soc. Journal of the Polynesian Society, Nat. Educ. (N.Z.). National Education. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. Bulletin of the New Zealand Aquarium Society. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. New Zealand Fishing and Shooting Gazette. N.Z. Gaz. Wgton. Sped. New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator. N.Z. Illustr. Mag. New Zealand Illustrated Magazine. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. N.Z. J. Sci. New Zealand Journal of Science. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. Fisheries Bulletin of the New Zealand Marine Department. N.Z. Outdoor. New Zealand Outdoor. N.Z. Sci. Rev. New Zealand Science Review. Post. Pr. Bull {N.Z.) Post Primary Bulletin. Proc. N.Z. Ecol. Soc. Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society. Proc. N.Z. Sci. Congr. Proceedings of the New Zealand Science Congress. Publ. Serv. J. N.Z. Public Service Journal. Rec. Cant. Mus. (N.Z.) Records of the Canterbury Museum. Rec. Dom. Mus. N.Z. Records of the Dominion Museum, New Zealand. Rep. Fish. N.Z. Annual Report on Fisheries, New Zealand Marine Department. Rep. Nth. Cant. Accl. Soc. Annual Report of the North Canterbury Acclimatisation Society. Science Record (N.Z.). Science Record. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Zool. Zoology Series, Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. T uatara. T uatara. Zoo. Pubs. Viet. Univ. Wgton. Zoology Publications of the Victoria University of Wellington. Overseas Periodicals: Arch. Nat. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. Arch. need. Sci. Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. Australian Journal of Marine and Fresh-water Research. Aust. Mus. Mag. Australian Museum Magazine. Aust. Zool. Australian Zoologist. Amer. Nat. American Naturalist, An. Mus. La Plata. Anales del Museo de la Plata. An. Mus. nac. B. Aires. Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires.

An. Mus. nac. B. Aires ■ Acta Soc. de Pal. Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires, Acta Sociedad de Palaenotologia. Anat. Anz. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Bih. svensk Vetensk. Akad. Handl. Bihang till Kungliska Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlungen. Bijdr. Dierk. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde. Bull. Br. Mus. {Nat. Hist.) Zool. Zoology Series, Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Bull. Soc. philom. Bulletin de la Societe Philomathique de Paris. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Bull. U.S. Fish. Comm. Bulletin of the United States Fisheries Commission. Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Comm. Mus. nac. B. Aires. Communicaciones del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. Congr. Pesq. mark. Le Plata. Congreso Nacional de Pesquerias maritimas e industrias derivadas Le Plata. Fish. Newslett. Aust. Fisheries Newsletter, Australia. ]. Parasit. Journal of Parasitology. /. Pan-Pacif. Res. Inst. Journal of the Pan-Pacific Research Institute. /. Morph. Journal of Morphology. /. Linn. Soc. (Bot.). Journal of the Linnaean Society, Botany. K. danske. Vidensk. Selsk. Kongelige Videnskaberres Selskabs Skrifter Kjobenhaven. Mem. Aust. Mus. Memoirs of the Australian Museum. Mem. nat. Acad. Sci. Memoirs of the National Academy of Science. Mem. Nat. Mus. Melb. Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne. Mem. N.S.W. Nat. Club. Memoirs of the New South Wales Naturalists’ Club. Mem. Qd. Mus. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Mongr. Biol. Monographiae Biologicae. Pacif. Sci. Pacific Science. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Parasitology. Parasitology. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales. Proc. Pac. Sci. Congr. Proceedings of the Pacific Science Congress. Proc. roy. Soc. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London. Proc. roy. Soc. West. Aust. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia. Proc. R. zool. Soc. N.S.W. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. J Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Proceedings of the United States National Museum.

Nature, Land. Nature, London. Newsl Aust. Soc. Limn. Newsletter of the Australian Society of Limnology. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Rec. Aust. Mus. Records of the Australian Museum. Rec. Q. Viet. Mus. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. Records of the South Australian Museum. Rep. Br. Ass. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Salm. Trout. Mag. Salmon and Trout Magazine, S.B. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Sitzungberichte der Kais Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. Sitzungberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender der Freunde zu Berlin. Stanf. ichthyol Bull. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin. Tagebl. Int. Zool. Congr. Tageblatte Internationale Zoologie Congress, Tasm. J. nat. Sci. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics. Trans, roy. Soc. Edinh. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Verb. Int. Zool. Congr. Verhandlung Internationale Zoologie Congress. Viet. Nat. Melb. Victorian Naturalist, Melbourne. Zool. Jb. Zoologischer Jahrbucher. Zool. Misc. Zoological Miscellany.

Expedition Reports: Chilton, G. The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand, 1909. Dieffenbach, E. Travels in New Zealand, 1843. Filhol, H. Passage of Venus, sur le soliel mission de L’lsle Campbell, 1885. Forster, G. A voyage round the world, 1777. Jenyns, L. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle during 1832-1836, 1842. Jesperson, P. Dana reports, 1942. Kner, R. Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die erde den jahren 1857-59, 1865-7. Knox, G. A. General account of the Chatham Islands 1954 expedition, 1957. Poole, A. L. The New Zealand American Fiordland expedition, 1951. Regan, C. T. Fishes in the British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition, 1910. Regan, C. T. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. Scotia, 1915. Rendahl, H. Papers from Dr Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition, 1918. Stokell, G. Cape Expedition series bulletin, 1950. Waite, E. R. Scientific results of the New Zealand Government trawling expedition, 1911.


F. Eleotridae

Gobiomorphus Gill, 1863 Gobiomorphus alpinus Stokell. Gobiomorphus alpinus Stokell, 1962. Gobiomorphus basalis (Gray). Eleotris basalis Gray, 1842. Eleotris gobioides Gunther, 1861 (partim). Gobiomorphus basalis Stokell, 1941. Gobiomorphus gobioides (Guv. and Val.). Eleotris gobioides Guv. and Val., 1837. Eleotris gobioides Gunther, 1861 (partim). Gobiomorphus gobioides Gill, 1863. Gobiomorphus gobioides Stokell, 1941. Gobiomorphus huttoni (Ogilby). Eleotris huttoni Ogilby, 1894. Gobiomorphus huttoni Whitley and Phillipps, 1940. Gobiomorphus radiata Stokell, 1941. Gobiomorphus stokelli Whitley, 1955. Gobiomorphus huttoni McDowall, 1962. Philypnodon Bleeker, 1874 Philypnodon breviceps Stokell. Philypnodon breviceps Stokell, 1940. Philypnodon hubbsi Stokell. Philypnodon hubbsi Stokell, 1959. F. Cheimarrichthyidae Cheimarrichthys Haast, 1874 Cheimarrichthys forsteri Haast. Cheimarrichthys forsteri Haast, 1874. F. Pleuronectidae Rhombosolea Gunther, 1862 Rhombosolea retiaria Hutton. Rhombosolea tapirina Gunther, 1862 (partim). Rhombosolea retiaria Hutton, 1874. Rhombosolea retiaria Waite, 1911. F. Anguillidae Anguilla Shaw, 1803 Anguilla australis schmidtii Phillipps. Anguilla australis Richardson, 1844-48 (partim). Anguilla schmidtii Phillipps, 1925. Anguilla australis orientalis Schmidt, 1928. Anguilla australis schmidtii Griffin, 1936. Anguilla dieffenbachii Gray. Anguilla dieffenbachii Gray, 1842. Anguilla aucklandii Richardson, 1844-48. Anguilla latirostris Gunther, 1870. Anguilla aucklandii Gunther, 1870. Anguilla waitei Phillipps, 1926. Anguilla dieffenbachii Schmidt, 1928. Anguilla aucklandii Schmidt, 1928. Anguilla dieffenbachii Griffin, 1936. F. Retropinnidae Retro pinna Gill, 1862 Retropinna chathamensis Stokell. Retro pinna chathamensis Stokell, 1949.

Retropinna lacustris Stokell. pinna lacustris Stokell, 1943. Retropinna obtusirostris Stokell. Retropinna ohtusirostris Stokell, 1941. Retropinna osmeroides Hector. Retropinna osmeroides Hector, 1870. Retropinna richardsoni Hutton, 1872 (partim) Retropinna osmeroides Stokell, 1941. Retropinna retropinna (Richardson). Argentina retropinna Richardson, 1844-48 Retropinna richardsoni Gill, 1862. Retropinna richardsoni Hutton, 1872 (partim) Retropinna retropinna Waite, 1907. Retropinna retropinna Stokell, 1941. Stokellia Whitley, 1955 Stokellia anisodon (Stokell). Retropinna anisodon Stokell, 1941. Stokellia anisodon Whitley, 1955. F. Aploghitonidae Gunther, 1870 Prototroctes oxyrhynchus Gunther. Prototroctes oxyrhynchus Gunther, 1870. Retropinna upukororo Hector, 1870. Prototroctes oxyrhynchus Hector, 1872. F. Galaxiidae Galaxias Cuvier, 1812 Gataxias anomalus Stokell." Galaxies anomalus Stokell, 1959. Galaxias argenteus (Gmelin). Esox argenteus Gmelin, 1789. Esox alepidotus Bloch and Schneider, 1801. Galaxias alepidotus Cuvier, i 1812. Esox alepidotus Forster, 1844. Galaxias alepidotus Richardson, 1843. Galaxias forsteri Guv. and Val., 1846. Galaxias grandis Haast, 1872. Galaxias kokopu Clarke, 1899. Galaxias alepidotus Stokell, 1949. Galaxias argenteus Whitley, 1956. Galaxias argenteus Stokell, 1960. Galaxias attenuatus (Jenyns). Me sites attenuatus Jenyns, 1842. Galaxias attenuatus Guv. and Val., 1846. Austrocobitis attenuatus Ogilby, 1899. Galaxias attenuatus Regan, 1905. Austrocobitis attenuatus Whitley, 1935. Galaxias attenuatus Scott, 1936. Galaxias attenuatus Stokell, 1949. Galaxias hrevipinnis Gunther. Galaxias hrevipinnis Gunther, 1866. Galaxias rohinsoni Clarke, 1899. Galaxias huttoni Regan, 1905. Galaxias hrevipinnis Stokell, 1954. Galaxias burrowsius Phillipps. Galaxias hurrowsius Phillipps, 1926. Galaxias burrowsii Phillipps, 1927. Saxilaga burrowsius Scott, 1936. Paragalaxias burrowsii Phillipps, 1940, Galaxias hurrowsius Stokell, 1949.

Galaxias campbelli Sauvage. Galaxias campbelli Sauvage, 1880. Galaxias bollansi Hutton, 1901. Galaxias brevipinnis Regan, 1905. Galaxias brevipinnis Waite, 1909. Galaxias campbelli Stokell, 1950. Galaxias diver gens Stokell. Galaxias divergens Stokell, 1959. Galaxias fasciatus Gray. Galaxias fasciatus Gray, 1842. Galaxias fasciatus Regan, 1905. Galaxias argenteus Whitley and Phillipps, 1940 (partim). Galaxias fasciatus Stokell, 1949. Galaxias kaikorai Whitley. Galaxias kaikorai Whitley, 1956. Galaxias koaro Phillipps. Galaxias huttoni Phillipps, 1924. Galaxias brevipinnis Phillipps, 1940. Galaxias koaro Phillipps, 1924. Galaxias koaro Stokell, 1949. Galaxias lynx Hutton. Galaxias lynx Hutton, 1896. Galaxias castlae Whitley and Phillipps, 1940. Galaxias lynx Stokell, 1949. Galaxias paucispondylus Stokell. Galaxias paucispondylus Stokell, 1938. Galaxias postvectis Clarke. Galaxias postvectis Clarke, 1899. Galaxias charlottae Whitley and Phillipps, 1940. Galaxias postvectis Stokell, 1960. Galaxias prognathus Stokell. Galaxias prognathus Stokell, 1940. Galaxias vulgaris Stokell. Galaxias vulgaris Stokell, 1949. Neochanna Gunther, 1867 Neochanna apoda Gunther. Neochanna apoda Gunther, 1867. Neochanna apoda Stokell, 1949. Neochanna diversus Stokell. Neochanna diversus Stokell, 1949. F. Geotridae Geotria Gray, 1851 Geotria australis Gray. Petromyzon sp. Grant, 1846. Geotria australis Gray, 1851. Velasia chilensis Gray, 1851. Thysanochilus valdivianus Troschel, 1857. Petromyzon macrostomus Burmeister, 1868. Geotria chilensis Gunther, 1870. Geotria allporti Gunther, 1870. %Yarra singular is Castelnau, 1872. %Neomordacia howittii Castelnau, 1872. Exomegas macrostoma Gill, 1883. Geotria macrostoma Berg, 1893. Neomordacia howittii Ogilby, 1896. Velasia stenostomus Ogilby, 1896. Yarra singularis Ogilby, 1896. Macrophthalmia chilensis Plate, 1897. Exomegas macrostomus Berg, 1899. Geotria australis Bendy and Olliver, 1901

Geotria chilensis Plate, 1902. Geotria stenostomus Waite# 1904. Geotria australis Regan, 1911. Geotria chilensis Regan, 1911. Geotria stenostomus Regan, 1911. Geotria saccifera Regan, 1911. Geotria australis Strahan, 1959. 1 These two synonymies are regarded as uncertain by Strahan (pers. comm.).

Key and Index to Nomenclatural Annotations F. Eleotridae EL2, 4, 28, 57, 66, 79, 80, 100, 120, 161, 200, 212, 233, 261, 262, 270, 323, 352, 353, 392. Gobiomorphus Gill. Gb. 12, 25, 34, 60, 61, 73, 74, 75, 93, 97, 135, 141, 163, 181, 183, 188, 202, 223, 232, 317, 347, 382, 386 388. G. alpinus Stokell. Gb alp. 346, 398. G. basalis (Gray). Gb has. 7, 11, 84, 185, 186, 210, 329, 342, 343, 344, 346, 387. G. gobioides (Guv. and Val.). Gb gob. 11, 15, 23, 94, 99, 104, 105, 128, 139, 156, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 204, 234, 236, 243, 248, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 263, 269, 286, 295, 324, 327, 329, 342, 346, 363, 364, 366, 387, 390, 391, 395, 397, 398, 399. G. huttoni (Ogilby). Gb hut. 185, 186, 329, 344, 387, 391, 398. G. radiata (Cuv. and Val.). Gb rad. 7, 11, 59, 185, 186, 210, 329, 342, 344, 346, 385, 387. G. stokelli Whitley. Gb sto. 185, 186, 344, 385, 387. Eleotris Gronovius. El. 52, 116, 123, 163, 172, 281. E. basalis Gray. El bas. 76, 99, 109, 276, 289, 312. E. gobioides Cuv. and Val. El gob. 16, 64, 76, 87, 93, 97, 113, 146, 148, 150, 153, 154, 157, 181, 226, 244, 289, 290, 312, 313, 320. E. huttoni Ogilby. El hut. 156, 226, 252, 253, 366. E. radiata Guv. and Val. El rad. 64, 76, 99, 104, 113, 147, 148, 153, 154. 156, 168, 226, 252, 253, 263, 312, 313, 366. Philypnodon Bleeker. Ph. 12, 25, 34, 44, 74, 183, 188, 190, 202, 223, 385, 388. P. breviceps Stokell. Ph brc. 11, 84, 186, 210, 237, 327, 340, 342, 343, 344, 346, 387, 398. P. hubbsi Stokell. Ph hub. 11, 186, 210, 344, 398. F. Cheimarrichthyidae. CH. 79, 161, 212, 323. Cheimarrichthys Haast. Ch. 28, 32, 152, 163, 200, 204, 223, 300. C. forsteri Haast. Ch for. 9, 10, 74, 118, 135, 156, 182, 186, 199, 202, 210, 248, 251, 252, 253, 255, 263, 265, 268, 342, 366, 367, 376, 395, 398.

F. Pleuronectidae.


Rhombosolea Gunther.


84. R. retiaria Hutton. Rh ret--99, 104, 105, 147, 151, 153, 156, 186, 224, 239, 246, 251, 252, 253, 263, 265, 324, 354, 369, 387, 398, 399. R. tapirina Gunther. Rh tap. 113. F. Anguillidae. AN. 3,9, 30, 31, 38, 41, 42, 48, 50, 57, 60, 66, 79, 80, 81, 100, 113, 138, 152, 161, 167, 200, 205, 269, 285, 357, 392. Anguilla Shaw. An. 28, 62, 65, 163, 169, 187, 220, 221, 223, 236. A. aucklandii Richardson. An auc. 14, 45, 77, 99, 104, 112, 117, 124, 125, 146, 148, 150, 154, 156, 204, 250, 251, 252, 253, , 257, 258, 268, 290, 298, 312, 313, 324, 336, 354, 366, 387, 399. A. australis Richardson. An aus. 7,8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 29, 40, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 58, 59, 61, 74, 75, 77, 84, 99, 104, 105, 108, 112, 123, 124, 125, 135, 140, 141, 142, 148, 150, 154, 156, 158, 159, 160, 168, 174, 175, 179, 180, 183, 186, 188, 189, 190, 197, 202, 204, 210, 239, 250, 251, 252, 253, 257, 263, 266, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 297, 298, 299, 301, 306, 307, 308, 309, 312, 314, 315, 336, 352, 355, 356, 360, 361, 363, 366, 371, 372, 386, 387, 389, 393, 395, 398, 399. A. dieffenbachii Gray. An dff. 7,8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29, 40, 45, 46, 47, 49, 59, 61, 74, 75, 76, 99, 105, 108, 109, 112, 123, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 158, 186, 188, 189, 190, 202, 210, 257, 258, 263, 265, 266, 275, 289, 290, 298, 312, 315, 336, 342, 343, 356, 360, 387, 395, 398. A. latirostris Risso. An lat. 77, 99, 112, 116, 126, 146, 148, 150, 168, 258, 312, 313, 373. A. schmidtii Phillipps. An sch. 112, 250, 251, 265, 298. A. waitei Phillipps. An wai. 112, 250, 251, 298, 387. F. Retropinnidae. RE. I, 4, 53, 66, 79, 100, 200, 205, 212, 323. Retropinna Gill. Re. 10, 12, 28, 32, 37, 44, 60, 61, 62, 73, 74, 76, 78, 103, 108, 141, 163, 169, 202, 223, 231, 232, 278, 293, 305, 317, 322, 336, 347, 356, 374, 380, 386, 388, 394. R. anisodon Stokell. Re and. 43, 198, 199, 328, 334, 383. R. chathamensis Stokell. Re cha. 334, 342, 387. R. lacustris Stokell. Re lac. 43, 161, 162, 198, 210, 295, 330, 334, 342, 387, 398. R. obtusirostris Stokell. Re obt. 43, 198, 210, 295, 328, 330, 334, 342, 343, 387, 398. R. osmeroides Hector. Re asm. 11, 43, 99, 122, 123, 148, 186, 198, 199, 242, 248, 252, 259, 328, 387, 398. R. retropinna (Richardson). Re rtr. 22, 23, 24, 43, 94, 104, 105, 106, 135, 164, 178, 186, 198, 199, 236, 239, 242, 244, 248, 251, 252, 253, 256, 259, 263, 265, 268, 269, 295, 320, 321, 324, 328, 330, 334, 355, 363, 366, 371, 387, 398, 399.

R. richardsoni Gunther. Re rch. 16, 18, 19, 87, 96, 99, 113, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 153, 154, 156, 159, 160, 165, 168, 175, 178, 183, 197, 204, 209, 248, 252, 259, 313, 328, 354, 371, 373, 377, 387. R. upukororo Hector. Re upk. 122, 252. Argentina Linnaeus. A. retro pinna Richardson. Ar. rtr. 96, 122, 276, 290, 312. Stokellia Whitley. 383. S. anisodon (Stokell). Stand. 387, 398. F. Aploghitonidae. AP. 30, 36, 42, 66, 80, 100, 161, 200, 205, 209, 212, 216, 264, 285. Prototroctes Gunther Pr. 26, 28, 32, 37, 52, 53, 103, 108, 114, 152, 163, 172, 183, 204, 223, 278, 310, 338, 356, 363, 380, 384, 386, 388. P. oxyrhynchus Gunther. Pr. ox. 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 55, 59, 74, 77, 99, 105, 115, 116, 123, 125, 127, 135, 146, 149, 150, 151, 153, 156, 198, 202, 210, 239, 241, 251, 252, 253, 259, 260, 263, 265, 293, 294, 311, 313, 320, 342, 355, 366, 373, 387, 398. F. Galaxiidae. GL. 4,5, 30, 38, 56, 57, 79, 80, 95, 100, 138, 166, 200, 214, 218, 219, 225, 235, 254, 261, 270, 285, 323, 392. Galaxias Cuvier. 2, 21, 28, 32, 53, 60, 61, 63, 67, 84, 88, 102, 103, 116, 152, 163, 167, 176, 189, 201, 205, 223, 229, 230, 231, 232, 301, 310, 316, 347, 363, 388. G. abbreviatus Clarke. Gl abb. 55, 333, 345, 384, 387. G. alepidotus (Bloch and Schneider). Gl al. 11, 59, 76, 99, 113, 136, 148, 153, 154, 156, 168, 186, 196, 202, 228, 251, 252, 253, 259, 277, 289, 290, 331, 333, 336, 341, 342, 345, 366, 384, 391. G. anomalus Stokell. Gl anm. 344, 398. G. argenteus (Gmelin). Gl arg. 101, 210, 341, 345, 384, 387, 391, 398. G. attenuatus Jenyns. Gl ait. 1,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 25, 33, 36, 37, 43, 44, 52, 54, 55, 59, 62, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75, 78, 83, 85, 87, 89, 99, 104, 106, 108, 113, 114, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 153, 154, 155, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 168, 172, 174, 175, 177, 179, 180, 183, 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 202, 203, 204, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215, 217, 220, 221, 236, 238, 239, 244, 248, 251, 252, 253, 259, 262, 263, 265, 267, 268, 269, 275, 277, 279, 282, 283, 284, 286, 295, 302, 303, 304, 305, 308, 309, 311, 313, 318, 320, 324, 325, 326, 331 333, 335, 336, 337, 342, 351, 354, 355, 356, 358, 366, 368, 371, 372, 373, 384, 386, 391, 393, 395, 398. G. bollansi Hutton. Gl bol. 36, 54, 155, 156, 333, 345, 368, 384, 387. G. brevipinnis Gunther. Gl brp. 7, 11, 15, 25, 37, 99, 113, 118, 135, 148, 149, 151, 153, 154, 156, 168, 169, 186, 187, 188, 190, 196, 236, 239, 243, 248, 251, 256, 259, 263, 268, 269, 286, 295, 333, 341, 342, 345 366, 368, 375, 384, 387, 391, 398.

G. brocchus Richardson. Gl bro. 113, 148, 154, 156, 196, 252, 253, 290, 312, 333, 336, 384, 387, 391. G. burrowsii Phillipps. Gl bri. 252 253, 325, 333. G. burrowsius Phillipps. Gl brs. 68, 249, 251, 331, 333, 341, 342, 344, 356, 380, 384. G. campbelli Sauvage. Gleam. 25, 86, 296, 333, 336, 345, 384, 387. G. castlae Whitley and Phillipps. Gl cas. 333, 384, 387, 391. G. charlottae Whitley and Phillipps. Gl chi. 333, 341, 345, 384, 387, 391. G. divergens Stokell. Gl dvg. 344, 398. G. fasciatus Gray. Gl fas. 7, 11, 16, 18, 19, 25, 55, 64, 74, 76, 89, 90, 99, 104, 105, 109, 113, 123, 124, 125, 135, 146, 148, 150, 155, 156, 165, 168, 186, 196, 204, 211, 212, 248, 251, 252, 253, 256, 259, 263, 265, 275, 276, 277, 289, 290, 312, 320, 331, 333, 335, 336, 341, 342, 345, 354, 356, 366, 373, 384, 387, 391, 395, 398. G. forsteri Guv. and Val. Gl for. 64, 165, 312, 333, 341, 345, 384, 387, 391. G. grandis Haast. Gl gr. 117, 151, 154, 156, 196, 252, 259, 277, 333, 341, 345, 368, 384, 387, 391. G. huttoni Regan. Gl hut. 135, 204, 239, 243, 245, 247, 251, 252, 253, 259, 263, 277, 333, 345, 366, 384, 387, 391. G. kaikorai Whitley. Gl kai. 385. G. koaro Phillipps. Gl kro. 10, 74, 75, 259, 317, 333, 341, 342, 356, 384, 387, 391, 398. G. kokopu Clarke Gl kok. 55, 156, 251, 252, 259, 333, 341, 345, 384, 387, 391. G. lynx Hutton. Gl lx. 10, 25, 59, 105, 154, 156, 210, 247, 251, 252, 253, 259, 277, 331, 333, 335, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 366, 384, 387, 398. G. olidus Gunther. Gl 01. 99, 113, 146, 150, 153, 252, 325, 332, 333, 341. G. paucispondylus Stokell. Gl pcs. 10, 25, 186, 210, 259, 325, 326, 331, 333, 335, 342, 344, 384, 387, 398. G. postvectis Clarke. Gl pvs. 55, 156, 186, 251, 259, 333, 341, 345, 384, 387, 391, 398. G. prognathus Stokell. Glprg. 326, 331, 333, 342, 344, 384, 387, 398. G. reticulatus Richardson. Glrtc. 113, 148, 154, 196, 290, 312, 333, 336, 387, 391. G. robinsonii Clarke. Gl rob. 7, 55, 156, 247, 252, 253, 259, 325, 333, 345, 368, 384, 387. G. vulgaris Stokell. Gl vul. 25, 210, 333, 341, 342, 384, 387, 398. Esox Linnaeus. 91 E. alepidotus Bloch and Schneider. Es al. 35, 63, 64, 92, 101, 109.

E. argenteus Gmelin. & s S • 35, 92. Austrocobitis Ogilby. Au. 388. A. attenuatus (Jenyns). Au att. 105, 228, 379, 380, 387, 389. Mesites Jenyns. Me. 228. M. attenuatus Jenyns. Me att. 157, 289, 312. Paragalaxias Scott Pa. 335, 337, 341. P. hurrowsius (Phillipps). Pabrs. 259. Saxilaga Scott. Sa. S. burrowsius (Phillipps). Sabrs. 302, 387. Neochanna Gunther. Ne. 10, 25, 28, 37, 65, 108, 116, 202, 231, 302, 337, 344, 373. N. apoda Gunther. Neap. 68, 69, 74, 77, 114, 121, 135, 136, 148, 153, 156, 168, 204, 205, 210, 240, 248, 251, 253, 256, 259, 263, 265, 277, 291, 301, 331, 333, 335, 354, 362, 366, 380, 384, 387, 398. N. diversus Stokell. Nedvs. 210, 333, 384, 387, 398. F. Geotridae. 30, 31, 80, 152, 161, 166, 200, 205, 392. Geotria Gray. Ge. 37, 98, 163, 223, 229, 337, 358, 380, 384, 388. G. allporti Gunther. Ge all. 113, 227. G. australis Gray. Ge aus. 7, 24, 70, 71, 72, 74, 82, 99, 104, 105, 108, 110, 111, 113, 135, 143, 146, 147, 150, 153, 156, 168, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 180, 186, 197, 206, 207, 208, 210, 222, 227, 251, 252, 253, 263, 265, 268, 272, 273, 274, 275, 280, 309, 342, 348, 349, 350, 354, 365, 366, 371, 378, 381, 386, 387, 389, 396, 398, 399. G. chilensis (Gray). Ge chi. 72, 99, 113, 146, 147, 148, 150, 153, 170, 171, 206, 227, 252, 280, 354, 396. G. macrostoma (Burmeister). Ge mac. 26, 319. G. saccifera Regan. Ge sac. 251,252,253 ,280. G. stenostomus (Ogilby). Ge st. 204, 280, 365, 396. Velasia Gray. Ve. 72, 98, 396. V. chilensis Gray. Ve chi. 110. V. stenostomus Ogilby. Vest. 82, 227, 348, 365. Yana Gastelnau. Ya. Y. singularis G astelnau. Ya sng. 52, 337, 348.

Neomordacia Castelnau. Ne. N. howittii Castelnau. Ne how. 52. Macrophthalmia Plate. Ma. M. chilensis Plate. Nia chi. 271. Exomegas Gill. Ex. 396. E. macrostoma (Burmeister). Ex mac. 27, 98. Petromyzon Linnaeus. Pe--107. P. macrostomus Burmeister. Pemac. 39. Thysanochilus Troschel. Th. T. valdivianus Troschel. Th val. 359.

LIST OF TITLES 1. Anon., 1944. Australian food fishes VI. Tasmanian whitebait. Fish. Newslett. Aust. 3(6) : 2—3. Re; Gl att. Ecol. 2. 1949. Two new species of native fish discovered. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 10(3): 29. EL; GL. Gen. 3. 1951. Enemies of trout and salmon in New Zealand. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. 18(6) : 28-29. AN. Salm. 4. 1953. Research aims at maintenance of supplies. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. 20(4) : 7. EL; RE; GL. Salm. 5. 1960. Report on the west coast. Wellington, Government Printer, 90 pp. GL. Gen. Allee, W. C., 1951. See Hesse, R., Allee, W. C., and Schmidt, K. P., 1951. 6. Allen, K. R., 1949. The New Zealand grayling, a vanishing species. Tuatara 2(1) : 22-27, 2 figs. Pr ox f. Gen. 7. 1951. The Horokiwi Stream; a study of a trout population. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. 10: 1-238, 22 figs., 12 pi. Gb bos, rad; An aus, dff; Gl att, brp, fas, rob; Ge aus. Ecol; salm. 8. 1953. Fresh-water fisheries research in New Zealand. Proc. 7th Pac. Sci. Congr. 4: 575-580. An aus, dff; Gl att. Gen. 9. 1956. The geography of New Zealand’s fresh-water fish. N.Z. Sci. Rev. 14(3) : 3-9, 2 figs. Ch for ; AN; Gl att. Gen. 10. 1957. Fresh-water fish. In Science in New Zealand, pp. 3—12. Wellington, Reed. Ch for; An aus, dff; Re; Pr ox; Gl att, kro, lx, pcs; Ne. Gen. 11. 1960. Fresh-water fauna of Wellington. In Science in Wellington, pp. 23-24. Handbook 9th N.Z. Science Congress. Gb bas, gob, rad, Ph brc, hub; An aus, dff; Re osm; Pr ox; Gl al, att, brp, fas. Gen. 12. 1961. Relations between Salmonidae and the native fresh-water fauna in New Zealand. Proc. N.Z. Ecol. Soc. 8: 66—70. Gb. Ph; An dff; Re; Pr ox, Salm.

13. Allen, K. R., and Cassie, R. M., 1949. Problems of marine and freshwater fisheries biology in New Zealand. Tuatara 2(2): 53 57. An aus, dff; Gl att. Gen. Anderton, T., 1921. See Thompson, G. M., and Anderton, T., 1921. 14. Archey, G., 1924. Fresh-water eels and their life-history. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 7(1): 49-51. An auc, aus. L. hist. 15. Armstrong, J. S., 1935. Notes on the biology of Lake Taupo. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 65(1) : 88-94. Gb gob; Gl brp. Gen. 16. Arthur, W., 1883. On the brown trout introduced into Otago. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 16: 467-512, 2 pi. El gob; Re rch; Gl att, fas. Salm. 17. 1884. Notes on New Zealand fishes. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 17: 160-172, 7 figs. Pr ox*. Descr; gen. 18. Ayson, L. F., 1908. Introduction of American fishes into New Zealand. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 28: 969-975. An aus ; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl fas. Salm. 19. 1912. Sea and fresh-water fisheries. In New Zealand, its history, commerce and industrial resources. Playne, S., et al. London, Foreign and Colonial Compiling and Publishing Go., 699 pp. An aus; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl fas. List. Bardagh, J. E., 1963. See Lagler, K. F., Bardach, J. E., and Millar, R. R., 1963. 20. Bassett, D., 1961. A bibliography of the fresh-water fishes of New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand National Library Service, 46 pp. Gen. 21. Beaufort, L. F. de, 1951. The zoogeography of the land and inland waters. London, Sidgwick-Jackson, 268 pp, 10 figs. Pr; Gl. Affin; zoog. 22. Ben ham, W. 8., 1935. Marine fish hatchery and biological station, Portobello. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1935: 17-19. Re rtr. Gen. 23. 1936. Marine fish hatchery and biological station, Portobello. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1936: 22-24. Gb gob; Re rtr. Gen. 24. 1938. Marine fish hatchery and biological station, Portobello. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1938: 36-38. Re rtr; Ge aus. Gen. 25. Benzie, V., 1961. A comparison of the life history and variation in two species of Galaxias, G. attenuatus and G. vulgaris. Unpublished Thesis, University of Canterbury, N.Z., 193 pp., figs. Gb, Ph; Gl att*i, brp, cam, fas, lx, pcs, vul* f, Ne. L. hist; morph. 26. Berg, G., f 1893. Geotria macrostoma (Burm.) Berg, and Thalassophyrne montevidensis, Berg, dos peces particulaires. An. Mus. La Plata 1: 1-7, 2 pi. Ge mac*i. Descr. 27. -f 1899. Gommunicaciones ictiologicas (iii). Comm. Mus. nac. B. Aires 1: 91-97. Ex mac*. Descr. 28. Berg, L., 1947. The classification of fishes both recent and fossil. Ann Arbor, Edwards, 517 pp. EL; Ch; An; Re; Pr; Gl, Ne. Glassif. 29. Bertin, L., 1956. Eels, a biological study. London, Cleaver-Hume, 192 pp, 55 figs. An aus, dff. Distr; 1. hist.

30. Best, E., 1902, Food products of tuhoe-land. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 35: 45-111. AN; AP; GL; GE. Food. 31. 1924. The uti-piharau or lamprey weir. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 7(1): 25—30, 6 figs. AN; GE. Food. 32. 1929. Fishing methods and devices of the Maori, Bull. Dom. Mus. N.Z. 12: 1-230, 88 figs. Ch; An; Re; Pr; Gl; Ge. Food. 33. Blackburn, M., 1950. The Tasmanian whitebait, Lovettia seali (Johnston) and the whitebait fishery. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 1(2); 155198; 6 pi. Gl. att. L. hist. 34. Bleeker, P., f 1874. Esquisses d’un systeme naturel des Gobioides. Arch. neerl. Sci. 9; 289—331. Gb. Ph. Glassif. 35. Bloch, M. E., and Schneider, J. G., 1801. Systema ichthyologicae. Berlin, Schneider, 584 pp, 110 pi. Es al, arg. Descr. 36. Boulenger, G. A., 1902. The explanation of a remarkable case of geographical distribution in fishes. Nature, Land. 67: 84. Gl att, bol. Affin; zoog. 37. 1904 a. Fishes (systematic account of the Teleostei). In Cambridge natural history, vol. 5. London, McMillan, 10 vols. Re; Pr; Gl att, brp, Ne; Ge. Glassif; zoog. 38. 1904 b. A synopsis of the sub-orders and families of teleostean fishes. Ann. Mag. not. Hist. (7), 13: 161—190. AN; AP; GL. Glassif. 39. Burmeister, H. C. G., |IB6B. Petromyzon macrostomus descripcion de una nueva especie de pez. An. Mus. nac. B. Aires, Acta Soc. de Pal. 1: 35-37. Pe mac*. Descr. 40. Burnet, A. M. R., 1952 a. Studies in the ecology of the New Zealand longfinned eel, Anguilla dieffenbachii. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 3(1) : 32-63, 3 pi, 7 figs. An aus, dff. Ecol; salm. 41. 1952 b. Studies on the ecology of the New Zealand freshwater eels, I. The design and use of an electric fishing machine. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 3(2) : 111—125, 5 figs, 1 pi, AN. Gen. 42. 1959. Some observations on the natural fluctuations of trout population numbers. N.Z. J. Sci. 2(3): 410-421, 3 figs. AN. Ecol; salm. 43. Burstall, P., 1950. Smelt in New Zealand. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. 18(3); 14-15, 2 figs. Re and, lac, obt, osm, rtr; Gl att. Distr; ecol; 1. hist. 44. Butcher, A. D., n.d. The fresh-water fish of Victoria and their food. Melbourne, Fish and Game Department, 56 pp, 6 pi, 7 figs. Ph; Re; Gl att. Ecol. 45. Cairns, D., 1941. Life history of the two species of fresh-water cel in New Zealand. I. Taxonomy, age, growth, migration and distribution. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 23(2) : 53-72, 10 figs. An auc, aus*, dff*. Descr; distr; ecol; 1. hist; syst. 46. 1942 a. Life history of the two species of fresh-water eel in New Zealand. 11. Food and inter-relationships with trout. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 23(4) : 132-148, 1 fig. An aus, dff. Ecol; salm.

47. Cairns, D., 1942 b. Life history of the two species of fresh-water eel in New Zealand. 111. Development of sex; campaign of eel destruction. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 23(5): 173-178, 2 figs. An aus, dff. Ecol; 1. hist; salm. 48. ———- 1945. Utilisation of eels. N.Z. Sci. Rev. 2(4); 3-4. AN. Food. 49. 1950. The New Zealand fresh-water eels. Tuatara 3(2): 43—52, 3 figs. An aus* f, dff* f. Descr; distr; ecol; 1. hist. 50. Canavan, E. OTL, 1892. Spawning of eels. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 25: 191-193. AN. Ecol; 1. hist. Cassie, R. M., 1949. See Allen, K. R., and Cassie, R. M., 1949. 51. Castle, P. H. J., 1963. Anguillid leptocephali in the south-west Pacific. Zoo. Pubs. Viet. Univ. Wgton. 33: I—l 4, 3 figs. An aus. L. hist. 52. Castelnau, F. de, 1872. Contributions to the ichthyology of Australia. Proc. zool. Soc. Viet. 1: 29-242, 1 fig. El; Pr; Gl att; Nm how*, Ya sng*. Descr; gen. 53. Chapman, W. M., 1944. The osteology and relationships of the South American fish Aplochiton zebra Jenyns. J. Morph. 75: 149-165, 10 figs. RE; Pr; Gl. Affin. 54. Chilton, G., 1909a. Biological relations of the sub-antarctic islands of New Zealand. In Subantarctic islands of New Zealand. Christchurch, Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, 2 vols., 844 pp., figs., pi. Gl att, bol. Affin; zoog. 55. Clarke, F. E., 1899. Notes on Galaxiidae, more especially those of the western slopes, with descriptions of new species. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 31: 78-91, 5 figs. Pr ox; Gl abb, att, fas* f, kok*i, pvs* f, rob*i. Descr; syst. 56. Cope, E. D., 1890. A synopsis of the families of vertebrates. Amer. Nat. 23: 849-877. GL. Classif. 57. Cran field, H. J., 1960. Trout and predators. Ammoh. Bull. 1(8); 11. EL; AN; GL. Salm. 58. Cunningham, M., 1953. The vitamin content of some New Zealand fish. N.Z. J. Sci Tech. 17(3) : 563-567. An aus. Food. 59. Cunningham, B. T., 1951. Preliminary report on fishes. In The New Zea-land-American Fiordland expedition. (Ed. A. L. Poole.) Bull. N.Z. Dep. sci. industr. Res. 103: 1-99, 19 figs. Gb rad; An aus, dff; Pr ox; Gl al, att, lx. Distr; gen. 60. 1957. The coastal dune lakes. Proc. N.Z. Ecol. Soc. 5: 22-23. Gb; AN; Re; Gl. Ecol. 61. Cunningham, B. T., Moar, N. T., Torrie, A. W., and Parr, P. J., 1953. A survey of the western coastal dune lakes of the North Island, New Zealand. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 4(2) : 343-386, 2 pi. Gb,; An aus, dff; Re; Gl. Ecol. 62. Cunningham, J. (Ed.), 1912. Reptiles, amphibians and fishes. London, Methuen, 510 pp, 35 pi. An; Re; AP; Gl att. Distr; gen.

63. Cuvier, G. L. F. C. D., 1817. Les Galaxies. In Le regne animal, tome 2, 282-283. Paris, Deterville. Gl, Es al. Syst. 64. Cuvier, M. le 8., and Valenciennes, M. A., 1828-49. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Paris, Levrault, 22 vols., figs El gob*, rad* (vol. 121: Gl att fas*, for*, Es al (vol. 18). Descr. 65. Danois, E. le, 1957. Fishes of the world. London, Harrapp, 190 pp., pi. An; Gl att, Ne. Gen. 66. Darlington, P. J., 1957. Zoogoegraphy, the geographical distribution of animals. New York, Wiley, 675 pp., figs. EL; An; RE; AP; Gl att. Affin; zoog. 67. Darwin, F., and Seward, A. C, 1903. More letters of Charles Darwin. London, Murray, 2 vols. Gl. Zoog. 68. Davidson, M. M., n.d. Anatomy of Neochanna apoda Gunther, Galaxiidae. Typewritten MSS, Fisheries Library, N.Z. Marine Department. Gl att, brs, Ne dp*i. Morph. 69. 1951. The New Zealand mudfish ( Neochanna apoda). N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 12(5) : 33, 1 fig. Gl att, Ne ap f. Gen. 70. Dendy, A., 1902. On a pair of ciliated grooves in the brain of the ammocoete, apparently serving to promote the circulation of the fluid in the brain cavity. Proc. roy. Soc. 69: 485-494, 6 figs. Ge aus. Morph, 71. 1906, The pineal sense organs and associated structures in Geotria and Sphenodon. Rep. Br. Ass. 76: 604. Ge aus. Morph. 72. Dendy, A., and Olliver, M. R., 1901. On the New Zealand lamprey. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 34: 147—149. Ge aus, chi. Ve. Syst. 73. Dickinson, P., 1951 a. Stomach contents of the New Zealand inland shags. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 2(2) ; 245-253, 1 fig. Gb; Re; Gl att. Ecol. 74. ——1951 b. Field notes for the fresh-water naturalist. Handb. Dom. Mus. N.Z. 3: 1-37, figs. Gb f, Ph f; Ch for f; An aus f, dff f; Re f; Pr ox f; r GI att f, fas f, kro f, Ne ap f; Ge aus f. Ecol; gen; 1. hist. 75. Dickenson, R., 1956. Rising fish; catching fish from Taupo to Bay of Plenty. Wellington, Whitcombe-Tombs, 111 pp., pi. Gb; An aus, dff; Re; Gl att, kro. Gen. 76. Dieffenbach, E., 1843. List of fish hitherto detected on the coasts of New Zealand by John Richardson, with descriptions by J. E. Gray and Dr Richardson of the new species brought home by Dr Dieffenbach. In Travels in New Zealand. London, Murray, 2 vols. El has*, gob, rad; An dff*; Gl al, fas*. Descr. 77. Donne, T. E., 1927. Rod fishing in New Zealand waters. London, Seeley ' Service, 246 pp., 13 pi. An auc, aus, lat; Pr ox; Ne ap. Gen. 78. Dougue, R., and Moreland, J. M., 1961. The New Zealand sea angler’s guide. Wellington, Reed, ; 317 pp., figs., 2nd ed. Gl att*i; Re*i. Gen.

79. Downes, T. W., 1917. Notes on eels and eel weirs. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 50: 296-316, 12 pi., 9 figs. EL; CH; AN; RE; GL. Gen; food. 80. Drummond, J., and Hutton, F. W., n.d. Nature in New Zealand. Wellington, Whitcombe-Tombs, 188 pp. illust. EL; AN; AP; GL; GE. Gen. Sl.Duigan, J., 1876. Is access to the sea a necessity to eels? Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 8: 221-222. AN. L. hist. 82. Eigenmann, C. H., 1928. The fresh-water fishes of Chile. Mem. nat. Acad. Sci. 22(1) : 1-80, 16 pi. Ge aus*i , Ve st* f. Descr; distr; syst. 83. Ekman, S., 1953. Zoogeography of the sea. London, Sidgwick-Jackson, 417 pp., 121 figs. Gl att. Zoog. Falla, R. A., 1937. See Hefford, A. E., 1937. 84. Falla, R. A., and Stokell, G., 1945. Investigation of the stomach contents of New Zealand fresh-water shags. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 74(4): 320-331. Gb has, Ph brc ; Rh; An aus; Gl. Ecol. 85. Fergusson, A., 1888. On the cause of the disappearance of young trout from our streams. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 21: 235-237. Gl att. Salm. 86. Filhol, H., 1885. Passage de Venus sur le soliel mission de LTsle Campbell. Poissons 3(2): 343-346. Paris, Institute de France Academic des Sciences. Gl cam*. Descr. 87. Fitzgerald, E. A., et al., 1896. Climbs in the New Zealand alps. London, Fisher-Unwin, 363 pp. El gob ; Re rch; Gl att. Salm, 88. Fleming, C. A., 1962. New Zealand biogeography, a palaeontologist’s approach. Tuatara 10(2): 53-108, 15 figs. Gl. Affin; foss; zoog. 89. Fletcher, J. H., 1918. Edible fish of Taupo-nui-a-tia. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51: 259-264. Gl att, fas. Food. 90. 1919. Lake Taupo and its trout. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 2(6): 367-370. Gl fas. Salm. 91. Forster, G., 1777. A voyage round the world. London, White-Robson-Elmsley-Robinson, 2 vols. Es. Gen. 92. Forster, J. R., 1844. Descriptiones animalium. Berlin, Lichenstein, 424 pp. Es al*, arg*. Descr. 93. Fowler, H. W., 1959. Fishes of Fiji. Suva, Government Printer, 235 pp., figs, Gb, El gob. Syst. 94. Gee, F., 1960. Rotorua trout. Wellington, Reed, 208 pp, illustr. Gb gob; Re rtr. Gen; salm. 95. Gibson, E., 1902. Notes on New Zealand whitebait. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 35: 311. GL. L. hist. 96. Gill, T., 1862. On the sub-family Argentininae. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 1: 14-15. Re rch, Ar rtr. Syst. 97 1863. On the Gobioids of the eastern coast of the United States, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 5: 267-271. Gb*, El gob. Syst.

98. Gill, T., 1883. Notes on the Petromyzontidae. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. 5: 521-525. Ge, Ve, Ex mac. Syst. 99, 1893 a. A comparison of antipodal faunas. Mem. nat. Acad. Sci. 6: 91-124. Gb gob, El bas, rad; Rh ret; An auc, aus, dff, lat; Re osm, rch; Pr ox; Gl al, att, brp, fas, ol; Ge aus, chi. Affin; zoog. 100. 1893 b. Families and sub-families of fishes. Mem. nat. Acad. Sci. 6: 125-138. EL; AN; AP; RE; GL. Glassif. 101. Gmelin, J. F., fI7BB. Systema Naturae. 13th Ed. Lipsiae, Gmelin, 3 vols. Es arg*. Descr. 102. Goodrich, E. S., 1958. Studies on the structure and development of vertebrates. New York, Dover, 2 vols, 906 pp, 754 figs. Gl. Glassif. 103. Gosline, W. A., 1960. Contributions towards a classification of modem Isospondylous fishes. Bull. Br. Mus. {Nat. Hist.) Zool. 6(6) : 327 365, 15 figs. Re; Pr; Gl. Glassif. 104. Graham, D. H., 1938. Fishes of Otago Harbour and adjacent seas with additions to previous records. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 68: 399-419. Gb gob, El rad; Rh ret; An auc, aus; Re rtr; Gl att, fas; Ge aus. Gen; distr. 105. 1956, Treasury of New Zealand fishes. Wellington, Reed, 424 pp., figs., 2nd Ed. Gb gob f; Rh ret f; An aus f, dff i; Re rtr f; Pr ox f; Gl fas f, lx f, Au att f; Ge aus f. Ecol; gen. 106. Graham, J., 1963. The North Otago shelf fauna. 111. Chordata, subphylum Gnathostomata. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Zool. 3(16) : 165170. Re rtr; Gl att. Distr. 107. Grant, P., 1846. Miscellania. Tasm. J. nat. Sci. 2: 392. Pe. List. 108. Grasse, P. (Ed.), 1958. Traite de Zoologie. Agnathes, cyclostomes, poissons. Tome 13, 3 fasc, Paris, Masson. An aus, dff; Re; Pr; Gl att, Ne; Ge aus f. Gen. 109. Gray, J. E., 1842. Three hitherto unrecorded species of fresh-water fish brought from New Zealand and presented to the British Museum by Dr Dieffenbach. Zool. Misc. p. 73. El bas*; An dff*; Gl fas*, Es al. Descr. 110. 1851. Description of a new form of lamprey from Australia with a synopsis of the family. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1851 (19): 235241. Ge aus*, Ve chi*. Descr; syst. 111. 1854. Description of a new form of lamprey from Australia ( Geotria australis ) with a synopsis of the family. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (2), 13: 58-65. Ge aus*. Descr. 112. Griffin, L. T., 1936. Revision of the eels of New Zealand. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 66: 12-26. An auc, aus*i, dff* f, lat, sch, wai. Descr; syst. 113. Gunther, A., 1859—70. Catalogue of the fishes in the collection of the British Museum. London, British Museum. El gob*, rad; Rh tap*; An; Re rch*; Gl al*, att*, brp*, bro, fas*, ol*, rtc; Ge all, aus*, chi*. Descr; syst. 114. 1867. On a new form of mudfish from New Zealand. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (3), 20: 305-309, 1 pi, Pr; Gl att, Ne ap*i. Descr.

.115. Gunther, A., 1870. Notes on Prototroctes, a fish from fresh-waters of the Australian region. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1870: 150. Pr ox. Gen. 116. Black, 720 pp., 321 figs., 1 pi. El; An lat; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl, Ne. Glassif. 117. Haast, J. von, 1872. Notes on some undescribed fishes of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 5: 272-278. An auc; Gl al, gr*. Descr; gen. 118. 1873. On Cheimarrichthys forsteri, a new genus belonging to the New Zealand fresh-water fishes. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 6: 103-4, 1 fig. Ch for*i; Re rch; Gl brp. Descr. 119. Hamilton, A., 1901. A list of papers on the New Zealand fishes and fishing. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 34: 539-548. Gen. Harris, B. M. 8., 1963. See Millar, R. M., Harris, B. M. 8., Harris, R. M. D., and Heather, B. D., 1963. 120. Harris, R. J., 1948. Further report on bully breeding. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 10(7) : 50. EL. L. hist. Harris, R. M. D., 1963. See Millar, R. M., Harris, B. M. 8., Harris, R. M. D., and Heather, B. D., 1963. Haswell, W. A., 1930. See Parker, T. J., and Haswell, W. A., 1930. Heather, B. D., 1963. See Millar, R. M., Harris, B. M. 8., Harris, R. M. D., and Heather, B. D., 1963. 121. Hector, J., 1869. Comment on Neochanna apoda. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2: 402. Ne ap. Gen. 122. 1870. On the Salmonidae of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3: 133-136. Re osm* f, rch*i, upk*i, Ar rtr. Descr. 123. 1872. Notes on the edible fishes of New Zealand. In Fishes of New Zealand. Wellington, Government Printer, 133 pp., 12 pi. El; An aus, dff; Re osm, rch; Pr ox; Gl att, fas, Ne ap. Food; gen. 124. —— 1883. Handbook of New Zealand. Wellington, Government Printer. An auc, aus; Re rch; Gl att, fas. Food. 125. 1884. The fisheries of New Zealand. Bull. U.S. Fish. Comm. 4: 53-55. An auc, aus; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl att, fas. Food. 126. An lat. Gen. 127. - 1902. Notes on New Zealand whitebait. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 35: 312-319. Re rch; Pr ox; Gl att. Affin; gen; 1. hist. 128. Hefford, A. E., 1927. Atlantic salmon in New Zealand. The effect of the new habitat on spawning and migration. Salm. Trout Mag. 48: 253-262. Gb gob; Re rch; Gl att. Salm. 129. 1928. Whitebait. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1928: 14-18. Gl att. L. hist. 130. - -1931 a. Whitebait. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1930: 15-16, 21-23. Gl att. L. hist. 131. 1931 b. Whitebait. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1931: 14-17. Gl att. L. hist. 132 -— ; — : 1932. Whitebait investigation. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1932: 14-15. Gl att. L. hist.

133. Hefford, A. E., 1934 a. Whitebait. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1933; 13-14. Gl att. L. hist. 134. 1934 b. Whitebait. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1934: 14-15. Gl att. L. hist. 135. land, (Ed. R. A. Falla). Wellington, New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, 157 pp., figs. Gb gob; Ch for; An aus, dff; Re rtr; Pr ox; Gl att, brp, fas, hut, Ne ap; Ge aus. Gen. 136. Herald, E. S., 1961. Living fishes of the world. London, Hamilton, 304 pp., 145 pi., figs. Gl al, att, Ne ap. Gen. 137. Hesse, R., Allee, W. G., and Schmidt, K. P., 1951. Ecological animal geography. New York, Wiley, 579 pp., figs. Gl att. Zoog. 138. Hildreth, 8., 1963. How to survive in the bush, on the coasts, in the mountains of New Zealand. Wellington, Government Printer. AN; GL. Food. 139. Hobbs, D. F., 1940. Natural reproduction of trout in New Zealand and its relation to population density. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. 8: 1-93. Gb gob; An dff. Salm. 140. 1947; 228-232, 2 figs. An aus, dff. L. hist. 141. 1948. Trout fisheries in New Zealand, their development and management. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. 9: 1-175, 3 figs. Gb; An aus, dff; Re. Salm. 142. Hobbs, G. 8., 1959. Fisherman's country. London, Bles, 224 pp., illustr. An aus, dff. Gen. Hodgkinson, E. R., 1922. See Phillipps, W. J., and Hodgkinson, E. R., 1922. 143. Holly, M., f 1933. Gyclostomata. In Das tierreich, Lfg 59. Leipzig, du Gruyter, 62 pp, 57 figs. Ge aus. Syst. 144. Hope, D., 1927. Whitebait ( Galaxias attenuatus). Rep. Nth. Cant. Accl. Soc. 63: 2 pp. Re rch; Gl att. L. hist. 145. 1927-8. Whitebait ( Galaxias attenuatus) ; growth and value as trout food. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 58: 389-391, 2 pi. Re rch; Gl att f. Food; 1. hist; salm. Hutton, F. W., n.d. See Drummond, J., and Hutton, F. W., n.d, 146. —-——1872 a. On the geographical relationships of the New Zealand fauna. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 5: 227-256. El gob; An auc, lot; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl att, fas, ol; Ge aus, chi. Affin; zoog. 147. 1872 b. Contributions to the ichthyology of N*w Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 5: 259-272. El rad*i; Rh ret; Ge aus*i, chi*i. Descr. 148. —-—-—1872 c. Catalogue of the fishes of New Zealand. In Fishes of New Zealand. Wellington, Government Printer, 133 pp., 134 figs. El gob*, rad; An auC*l, aus*i, lat *; Re asm, rch*i; Gl al*, att*i, brp*i, bro, fas*i, rtc, Ne ap* f; Ge chi*. Descr; gen. 149. 13: 400-401. Pr ox; Gl brp, gr. Gen.

150. Hutton, F. W., 1874 a. Geographical relations of the New Zealand fauna. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (4), 13: 85—102. El gob', An auc, aus, lat', Re rch; Pr ox; Gl att, fas, ol; Ge aus, chi. Affin; zoog. 151. 1874 b. Notes on some New Zealand fishes. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 6; 104-107, figs. Rh ret; Pr ox; Gl brp, gr. List. 152. 1884. On the origin of the fauna and flora of New Zealand. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2(1): 1-20. Ch; AN; Pr; Gl; GE. Affin; zoog. 153. 1889. List of New Zealand fishes. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 22: 275-285. El gob, rad; Rh ret; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl al, att, brp, 01, Ne ap; Ge aus, chi. List. 154. 1895. Notes on some New Zealand fishes with descriptions of a new species and a synopsis of the New Zealand species of Galaxias. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 28; 314—318. El gob, rad; An auc, aus; Re rch; Gl al, att, brp, bro, fas, gr, lx*, rtc. Descr; gen; syst. 155. 1901. On a marine Galaxias from the Auckland Islands. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 34: 198-199. Gl att, bol*, fas. Descr; distr. 155. 1904. Index faunae Novae Zealandiae. London, Dulau, 372 pp. Gb gob, El hut, rad; Ch for; Rh ret; An auc, aus; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl al, att, bol, brp, bro, fas, gr, kok, lx, pvs, rob, Ne ap; Ge aus.' List. 157. Jenyns, L., 1842. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle during 183236. Part 4, Fish. London, Smith-Elder, 151 pp., figs. El gob*; Me att* f. Descr. 158. Jesperson, P., 1942. Indo-Pacific leptocephali of the genus Anguilla. Systematic and biological studies. Dana Rep. 4(22) ; 1-128, 4 pi, 82 figs. An aus, dff. Distr; morph; syst. 159. Johnston, R. M., 1883. General and critical observations on fishes af Tasmania with a classified catalogue of all known species. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1882; 53—143. An aus; Re rch; Gl att. List. 160. 1890. Further observations upon the fishes and fishing industry of Tasmania, together with a revised list of indigenous species. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1890: 22-46. An aus; Re rch; Gl att. List. 161. Jolly, V. H., 1959. Trout are smelting. Sci. Rec. ( N.Z. ) 9: 33-35. EL; CH; AN; Re lac; AP; Gl att; GE. Gen; salm. 152, 1963. The North Island lake smelt. N.Z. Outdoor 28(7): 15-16, 1 fig. Re lac. Gen. 163. Jordan, D. S., 1917-19. The genera of fishes. Stanford, Stanford University, 4 vols. Gb, El; Ch; An; Re; Pr; Gl; Ge. List. 164. Klunzinger, C. 8., JIBBO. Die v. mullersche sammlung australischer fische in Stuttgart. S.B. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 80(1): 325-430. Re rtr*; Gl att*. Descr. 165. Kner, R., 1865-67. Reise der Osterreichischen fregatte Novara um die erde den Jahren 1857-59. Zoologischer, Theil fische. Wien, 433 pp., 16 pi. Re rch*; Gl att*, fas*, for*. Descr. 166. Knox, F. J., 1844. Observations on a species of lamprey found in the district of Port Nicholson. N.Z. Gaz. Wgton. Sped. 5(350): 3. GL; GE. Gen.

167. Knox, F. 1871. Observations on an albino eel. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 4; 378. AN; GL. Gen. Knox, G. A., 1957. See Moreland, J. M., 1953. 168. Krefft, G., 1871. Australian vertebrata, fossil and recent. In Industrial progress of New South Wales. Sydney, Government Printer, 792 pp. El gob; An aus, lat; Re rch; Gl al, att, hrp, fas, Ne ap; Ge aus. List. 169. Lagler, K. F., Bardagh, J. E., and Millar, R. R., 1962. Ichthyology. New York, Wiley, 545 pp., figs. An; Re; Gl brp f. Glassif; zoog. 170. Lahille, F., f 1915. Apuntes sobre las lampreas Argentinas. An. Mus. nac. B. Aires 26: 361-382, 2 pi. Ge aus, chi. Syst. 171. f 1921. Enumerasciorde los peces cartilaginosus. Ministr. Agric. Nac. dir. Lab. Invest. Agric. Ganod. Buenos Aires, 900, 41 pp. Ge aus*f, chi. Descr; syst. 172. Lankester, R., 1909. A treatise on zoology. London, Black, 9 vols. El; Pr; Gl att. Glassif; zoog. 173. Leach, J. A., 1914. Species of Victorian lamprey. Rep. Br. Ass. 84; 399. Ge aus. Syst. 174. Lord, C. F., 1923. A list of the fishes of Tasmania. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1922: 60-73. An aus; Gl att; Ge aus. List. 175. Lord, C. F., and Scott, H. H., 1924. A synopsis of the vertebrate animals of Tasmania. Hobart, Oldham-Beddome-Meredith, 340 pp. An aus ; Re rch; Gl att; Ge aus. List. 176. McCausland, M. E., et al., 1958. Fly fishing in Australia and New Zealand. Adelaide, Lothian, 239 pp, 2nd Ed. Gl. Salm. 177. McCulloch, A. R., 1919. The migration of the jolly-tail or eel gudgeon. Aust. Zool. 1(2) : 47-49, 2 figs. Gl att. L. hist. 178. 1920. Studies in Australian fishes. Rec. Aust. Mus. 13(2): 41-71, 14pl. Re rtr* f, rch. Descr; gen. 179. 1921. List of the fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. Aust. Zool. 2(2) : 24—68, 24 pi. An aus; Gl att*i. Descr. 180. 1929, Checklist of fishes recorded from Australia. Mem. Aust. Mus. 5: 1—534. An aus; Gl att; Ge aus. List. 181. McCulloch, A. R., and Ogilby, J. D., 1919. Some Australian fishes of the family Gobiidae. Rec. Aust. Mus. 12: 193-291. Gb, El gob. Distr. 182. McCulloch, A. R., and Phillipps, W. J., 1923, Notes on New Zealand fishes. Rec. Aust. Mus. 14(1) : 18-22, 2 pi. Ch for* f. Descr. 183. McCulloch, A. R., and Waite, E. R., 1927. The fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. Sydney, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, 104 pp., 41 pi. Gb, Ph; An aus; Re rch; Pr; Gl att*. Gen. 184. McDonald, 1., 1947, Further report on swarming fish in the Wanganui River, N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 10(2) : 11. L. hist. 185. McDowall, R. M., 1962. A redescription of the fresh-water red-finned bully Gobiomorphus huttoni (Ogilby). Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Zool. 3(2) : 3—15, 3 figs. Gb bas, gob, hut*i, rad. sta. Descr; syst.

186. McDowall, R. M., 1963. Studies on the biology of the New Zealand freshwater red-finned bully Gobiomorphus huttoni (Ogilby), (Eleotridae). Unpublished thesis Victoria University of Wellington, 212 pp, 34 figs., 5 pi. Gb bas, gob, hut* f, rad, sto, Ph brc, hub; Ch for; Rh. ret; An aus, dff; Re osm, rtr; Gl al, att, brp, fas, pcs, pvs; Ge aus. Descr; distr; ecol; 1. hist. 187. MacFarlane, W. V., 1939. Life cycle of Coitocaecum anaspides Hickman, a New Zealand digenetic trematode. Parasitology 31(2): 172-184, 13 figs. Gb gob; An; Gl att, brp. Parasit. 188. 1945. The life cycle of the heterophyoid trematode Telogaster opisthorchis n.g., n.sp. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 75(2) : 218—230, 3 pi. Gb, Ph; An aus, dff; Gl att, brp. Parasit. 189. allocreadid trematode from New Zealand. Parasitology 41(1): 1-10, 1 pi., 16 figs. Gb gob; An aus, dff; Gl. Parasit. 190. 1952. Bionomics of two trematode parasites of New Zealand eels. /. Parasit. 38(5) : 391-397, 2 figs. Gb gob, Ph; An aus, dff; Gl brp. Parasit. 191. MgFarlane, Y., 1950. The thiamine content of some New Zealand fishes. Bull. Nutr. Res. N.Z. 1: 1-16. Gl att. Food. 192. Mack, G., 1936. Victorian species of the genus Galaxias with descriptions of new species. Mem. Nat. Mus. Melb. 9: 98-101, 2 figs. Gl att. List. 193. McKenzie, A. J., 1902. Notes on the whitebait of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 35: 309-310. Gl att. L. hist. 194. McKenzie, D. H., 1904. Whitebait at the antipodes. N.Z. Illustr. Mag. 10: 122-126, 4 figs. Gl att. L. hist. 195. McKenzie, M. K., 1933. Embryological and larval structures of Galaxias attenuatus ( Jenyns). Unpublished thesis Victoria University College, Wellington, 74 pp., 24 pi., Gl att. L, hist; morph. 196. Macleay, W., 1881. Description of a new species of Galaxias from Mount Wilson, with remarks on the distribution of the genus. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 5 : 45-47. Gl al, att, brp, bro, fas, gr, rtc. Zoog. 197. 1882. A descriptive catalogue of Australian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 6: 203-387. An aus*; Re rch; Gl att*; Ge aus*. List. 198. McMillan, H. M., 1951. The osteology and relationships of the family Retropinnidae Gill. Unpublished thesis, Canterbury University College, Christchurch, 59 pp., 51 figs. Re and*, lac, obt, osm, rtr; Pr ox; Gl att. Affin; morph; zoog. 199. 1961. A contribution to the knowledge of the fish Retropinna anisodon Stokell. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Zool. 1(10): 139—144, 2 figs. Ch for; Re and* f, osm, rtr. Descr; 1. hist; syst. 200. Mair, J., 1880. Notes on fishes of the upper Whanganui River. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 12: 315-316. EL; CH; AN; RE; AP; GL; GE; Gen. 201. Marchant, J., 1916. Alfred Russell Wallace, letters and reminiscences. London, Cassells, 2 vols. Gl. Zoog.

202. Marples, B. J., 1962. An introduction to fresh-water life in New Zealand. Wellington, Whitcombe-Tombs, 164 pp., 24 figs. Gb, Ph; Ch for; An aus, dff; Re; Pr ox; Gl al, att, Ne. Gen. 203. Marshall, T. G., 1928. Ichthyological notes. Mem. Qd. Mus. 9(2) : 189-193, 1 pi. Gl att. Distr. 204. Martin, W., n.d. New Zealand nature. Bk 1. the fauna. Wellington, Whitcombe-Tombs, 235 pp, 65 figs. Gb gob; Ch; An auc , aus; Re rch; Pr; Gl att*i, fas, hut*i, Ne ap*i; Ge st. Gen. 205. 1947. New Zealand nature study. Wellington, Whitcombe-Tombs, 265 pp., 56 figs. AN; RE; AP f; Gl f, Ne ap; GE. Gen. 206. Maskell, F. G., 1929. On the New Zealand lamprey, Geotria australis Gray. I. Biology and life history. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 60; 167201, 23 figs. Ge aus*i, chi. Ecol; 1. hist. 207. 1930. On the New Zealand lamprey, Geotria australis Gray. 11. On the mid-gut diverticula, the bile duct and the problems of the pancreas in the ammocoete stage. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 61; 478497, 14 figs, 1 pi. Ge aus. Morph. 208. 1931. On the New Zealand lamprey, Geotria australis Gray. 111. The loss of the mid-gut diverticula of the ammocoete stage at metamorphasis. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 62: 120—128, 9 figs. Ge aus. Morph. 209. Meek, A., 1916. The migrations of fishes. London, Arnold, 437 pp., 128 figs. Ch for ; Re rch; AP; Gl att. Zoog. 210. Millar, R. M., Harris, B. M. 8., Harris, R. M. D., and Heather, B. D., 1963. Biology for sixth formers. Otahuhu, Teach and Test Publ. 508 pp., figs. Gb has f, rad, Ph brc, hub; Ch for f; An aus f, dff f; Re lac f, obt f; Pr ox; Gl arg f, att f, lx, pcs, vul f, Ne ap f, dvs f; Ge aus f. Gen. Millar, R. R., 1963. See Lagler, K. F., Bardach, J. E., and Millar, R. R., 1963. Moar, N. T., 1953. See Cunningham, B. T., Moar, N. T., Torrie, A. W., and Parr, P. J., 1953. 211. Moreland, J. M., 1957. Report on fishes. In General account of the Chatham Islands 1954 expedition. (Ed, G. A. Knox). Bull. N.Z. Dep. sci. industr. Res. 122: 1-37, 24 figs. Gl att, fas. Distr. 212. fish fauna. Proc. N.Z. Ecol. Soc. 6: 28-30. EL; CH; RE; AP; Gl att, cam, fas. Affin; zoog. Moreland, J. M., 1961. See Dougue, R., and Moreland, J. M., 1961. 213. Morrison, G., 1961. Nature talks in New Zealand. Wellington, WhitcombeTombs, 200 pp., illustr. Gl att. Gen. 214. Morrison, I. A., 1952. Whitebait, their life and habits. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. 19(4) : 21, 1 fig. GL. L. hist. 215. Morton, J. E., 1963. Harvest of the sea. Education stopped mass slaughter of shellfish. Comm. Fish. (N.Z.) 2(4): 34-35. Gl att. Food.

216. Moss, G. 8., 1958. Upukororo, New Zealand’s mystery fish. Ammoh. Bull. 1(5): 5. AP. Gen. 217. Moss, T. G., 1946 a. Whitebait in ponds. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9; 11-12, 1 fig. Gl att f. Gen. 218. 1946 b. Mudfishes are tough. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9: 19. GL. Gen. 219. Myers, G. S., 1949. Salt tolerance of fresh-water fish groups in relationship to zoogeographic problems. Bidjr. Dierk. 28: 315—322. GL. Zoog. 220. 195-1. Fresh-water fishes and East-Indian zoogeography. Stanf. ichthyol. Bull. 4(1); 11-21. An; Gl att. Zoog. 221. 1953. The paleogeographic significance of fresh-water fish distribution in the Pacific. Proc. 7th Pac. Sci. Congr. 4: 38-49. An; Gl att. Zoog. 222. Nani, A., |1950. Nota preliminar sobre la biologia de la lamprea Argentina Geotria australis Gray. Ist Congr. Pesq. Mark. La Plata 2: 147—166, 4 figs. Ge aus. Distr; gen. 223. Neave, S. A., 1939. Nomenclator zoologicus. London, Zoological Society, 4 vols. Gb , Ph; Ch; An; Re; Pr; Gl; Ge. List. 224. Norman, J. R., 1934. A monograph of the flatfishes. London, British Museum, 459 pp., 317 figs. Rh ret*i. Descr; syst. 225. 1935. A history of fishes. London, Benn, 463 pp., figs. GL. Zoog. 226. Ogilby, J. D. 1894, Descriptions of five new fishes from the Australasian region. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 19; 367—374. El gob , hut *, rad. Descr. 227. ——— 1896. A monograph of the Australian Marsipobranchii. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 21: 388-426. Ge all , aus, chi , Vest, Ya sng. Descr; syst. 228. 1899. Contributions to Australian ichthyology. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 24(1): 154-186. Gl al, Au att , Me. Syst. 229. Oliver, W. R. 8., 1925. Biogeographical relations of the New Zealand region. /. Linn. Soc. (Bot .) 47(313): 99—140, 7 figs. Gl; Ge. Affin; zoog, 230. 1936. The tertiary flora of the Kaikorai Valley, Otago. Trans. roy. Soc. N.Z. 66: 284-304. Gl. Foss. Olliver, M. F., 1901. See Dendy, A., and Olliver, M. F., 1901. 231. Parker, T. J., 1930. A text-book of zoology. London, McMillan, sth Ed., 722 pp., 528 figs. Re; Gl, Ne. Zoog. Parr, P. J., 1953. See Cunningham, B. T., Moar, N. T., Torrie, A. W., and Parr, P. J., 1953. 232. Parrott, A. W., 1929. Report of research committee. Rep. Nth. Cant. Ac cl. Soc. 65: 4 pp. Gb; Re; Gl. Ecol; salm. 233. 1930, Report of research committee. Rep. Nth. Cant. Accl. Soc. 66: 3 pp. EL. Ecol. 234. 1934. Growth of scales in relation to the growth of the fish in Gobiomorphus gobioides. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 16(3) : 136-144, 6 figs. Gb gob f. Ecol.

235. Patten, P. S., 1947. Depredations of a mudfish. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9: 53. GL. Gen. 236. Percival, E,, 1932. On the depreciation of trout fishing in the Oreti (or New River), Southland, with remarks on conditions in other parts of New Zealand. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. 5: 1-48, 5 figs. Gb gob; An; Re rtr; Gl att, brp. Salm. 237. Percival, E., and Burnet, A. M. R., 1963. A study of the Lake Lyndon rainbow trout ( Salmo gaidnerii). N.Z. J. Sci. 6(2); 273—303, 6 figs. Ph brc. Salm. Philippi, R. A., 1857. See Troschel, F. H., 1857. 238. Phillipps, W. J.. 1919. Life history of the fish Galaxias attenuatus. Aust. Zool. 1(7): 211-213. Gl att. L. hist. 239. 1921. Notes on the edible fishes of New Zealand. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 4(3) : 114-125. Rh ret; An aus; Re rtr; Pr ox; Gl att, brp, hut. Food. 240. 1923 a. Note on the occurrence of the New Zealand mudfish or hauhau, Neochanna apoda. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 6(1): 62-3, 1 fig. Ne ap* f. Gen. 241. 1923 b. Life-history of the New Zealand grayling, Prototroctes oxyrhynchus. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 6(2); 115-117, 1 fig. Pr ox f. L. hist. 242. 1923 c. The New Zealand smelt, Retro pinna retro pinna. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 6(3) ; 166-167, 1 fig. Re osm, rtr f. Ecol; gen; syst. —1923 d. See McCulloch, A. R., and Phillipps, W. J., 1923. 243. 1924 a. Food supply and deterioration of trout in the thermal lakes district, North Island, New Zealand. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 55: 381—391. Gb gob; Gl brp, hut. Salm. 244. ————l924 b. The New Zealand minnow. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 7(2): 117-119, 1 fig. El gob; Re rtr; Gl att f. Ecol; 1. hist. 245. 1924 c. The koaro, New Zealand’s subterranean fish. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 7(3): 190-191, 1 fig. Gl hut. f. Ecol. 246. 1925. The black or river flounder of New Zealand ( Rhombosolea retiaria). N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 7(6) : 368-369, 1 fig. Rh ret*f. Descr; gen. 247. 1926 a. Second occurrence of Galaxias robinsonii in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 8(2) : 98-99, 1 fig. Gl hut, lx, rob f. Syst. 248. 1926 b. Additional notes on fresh-water fishes. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 8(4): 289-298, 7 figs. Gb gob* f; Ch for*; Re osm, rtr*i, rch; Gl att* f, brp, fas*i, Ne ap*. Descr; gen. 249. 1926 c. New or rare fishes of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 56: 529-537, 6 figs. Gl brs*L Descr. 250. —1926 d. The New Zealand eels. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 8(1): 28-30, 2 figs. An auc f, aus f, sch f, wai f. Gen; syst. 251. —-— ' 1926 e. Origin of the fresh-water fishes of New Zealand. Nature, Lond. 117: 485-86. Gb gob; Ch for; Rh ret; An auc, aus, sch, wai; Re rtr; Pr ox; Gl al, att, brp, brs, fas, hut, kok, lx, pvs, Ne ap; Ge aus, sac. Affin; zoog.

252. Phillipps, W. J., 1927 a. Bibliography of New Zealand fishes. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. 1: 1-68. Gb gob, El hut, rad; Ch for; Rh ret; An auc, aus; Re osm, rtr, rch, upk; Pr ox; Gl al, att, bro, bri, fas, gr, hut, kok, lx, 01, rob; Ge aus, chi, sac. Syst. 253. 1927 b. A checklist of the fishes of New Zealand. /. Pan-Pacif. Res. Inst. 2(1): 9-16. Gb gob, El hut, rad; Ch for; Rh ret; An auc, aus; Re rtr; Pr ox; Gl al, att, bro, bri, fas, hut, lx, rob, Ne ap; Ge aus, sac. List. 254. 1929 a. Note on a fish ascending with whitebait, N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 10(6): 346, 1 fig. GL. Gen. 255. 1929 b. Notes on the fresh-water papanako ( Cheimarrichthys forsteri Haast). N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 11(3): 166-168, 1 fig. Gb gob; Ch for f. Gen; 1. hist. 256. - 1930. Use of fishes for control of mosquitoes, N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 12(1) : 19-20, 1 fig. Gb gob; Re rtr; Gl brp, fas, Ne ap. Ecol. 257. 1932 a. Hybridism in eels. Nature, Lond. 130: 889. An auc, aus, dff. Syst. 258. 1932 b. Notes on new fishes from New Zealand. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 13(4): 226-234, 5 figs. An auc, dff*, lat. Descr. 259. 1940 a. Fishes of New Zealand. New Plymouth, Avery, 87 pp., 45 figs. Re osm, rtr*t, rch; Pr ox*I ; Gl al f, att*i, brp* f, fas* f, gr, hut, kro*i, kok f, lx*i, pcs*l, pvsi , rob, Pa brs*i, Ne ap* f. Descr. 260. —1940 b. Our native grayling. Publ. Sew. J. (N.Z.) Nov., 1940: 711, 2 figs. Pr ox f. Food; 1. hist. ————l94o c. See Whitley G. P., and Phillipps, W. J., 1940. 261. 1947 a. The school aquarium. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9: 73-4, 1 fig. EL; GL. Gen. 262. 1947 b. My experience as an aquarist. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9: 89-90. EL; Gl att. Gen, 263. 1947 c. List of Maori fish names. J. Polynes. Soc. 56: 41-51. Gb gob, El rad; Ch for; Rh ret; An aus, dff; Re rtr; Pr ox; Gl att, brp, fas, hut, Ne ap; Ge aus. Gen. 264. 1948. Our native grayling. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9(7): 54, 1 fig. AP. Gen. 265. 1949. Native fishes. Wellington, Reed, 60 pp., figs. Ch for*i ; Rh ret*i; An dff*i, sch*i; Re rtr* Pr ox* f; Gl att* f, fas!* f, Ne ap*i; Ge aus*i. Gen. 266. 1950 a. New Zealand eels. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 11(8): 65, 1 fig. An aus, dff. L. hist. 267. 1950 b. The New Zealand minnow ( Galaxias attenuatus). N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 10(9) : 73. Gl att. Gen. 268. Phillipps, W. J., and Hodgkin son, E. R., 1922. Further notes on the edible fishes of New Zealand. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 5(2): 91-97. Ch for; An auc; Re rtr; Gl att, brp; Ge aus. Food. 269. Phillips, J. S., 1929. A report on the food of trout and other conditions affecting their well-being in the Wellington district. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. 2: 1-31, 14 figs. Gb gob; AN; Re rtr; Gl att, brp. Salm. 270. N.Z. Mar. Dept. Fish. Bull. 3: 1-31, 3 figs. EL; GL. Salm.

Playne, S., 1912. See Ayson, L. F., 1912. Waite, E. R., 1912. 271. Plate, L., f 1897. Ein neuer cyclostome mit grossen normal entwickelten augen Macrophthalmia chilensis n.g., n.sp. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1897: 137—141. Ma chi*. Descr. „72. fl9ol. Ueber cyclostomen der sudlichen halbkugel. Tagehl. v. Int. Zool. Congr. 8: 7-8. 273. - - f1902a. Ueber cyclostomen der sudlichen halbkugel. Verh. v. Int. Zool. Congr. 1902: 551-2. 274. f 1902 b. Studien über cyclostomen. I. Systematische revision der Petromyzonten der sudlichen halbkugel. Zool. Jb. Suppl. 5; 651 673, 1 pi. Poole, A. L., 1951. See Cunningham, B. T., 1951. 275. Powell, A. W. 8., 1947. Native animals of New Zealand. Auckland, Auckland Institute and Museum, 96 pp., illustr. An aus f, dff f; Gl att, fas f; Ge aus f. Gen. 276. Powell, L., 1869. On four fishes commonly found in the River Avon, with a consideration of the question, what is whitebait? Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2: 84-86, 2 figs. El has; Ar rtr* f; Gl fas f. L. hist; syst. 277. Regan, G. T,, 1905. A revision of the family Galaxiidae. Proc. zool. Soc. Loud. 2: 363-384, 4 pi., 14 figs. Gl al*, att* f, fas*, gr*, hut* f, lx*i, Ne ap*. Descr; syst. 278. 1909. The classification of Teleostean fishes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8), 3: 75-86. Re; Pr. Classif. 279. 1910. Fishes in the British (Terra Nova) Antarctic expedition, Zoology 1: 1-54. London, British Museum. Gl att. Zoog. 280. 1911 a. A synopsis of the Marsipobranchii of the order Hyperoartii. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8), 7(38) : 193-204. Ge aus*, chi*, sac*, si*. Descr; syst. 281. 1911 b. Osteology and classification of the Gobioidea. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8), 8: 729-733, El. Classif; morph. 282. 1913. Antarctic fishes of the Scottish National Antarctic expedition Trans, roy. Soc. Edinb. 49(2) : 229-292. Gl att. List. 283. 1915. Antarctic fishes of the Scottish National Antarctic expedition. In Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. Scotia, Zoology 4: 311-374, 11 pi. Gl att. Affin; zoog, 284. 1927. Atlantic salmon in New Zealand. Tasmanian and New Zealand salmon at the Natural History Museum. Salm. Trout Mag. 48: 234—239, 4 figs. Gl att. Salm. 285. Reid, R. G., 1886. Rambles on the golden coast of the South Island, New Zealand. London, Colonial Printing and Publishing Go., 176 pp., illustr. AN; AP; GL. Gen. 286. Rendahl, H., 1918. Fishes from New Zealand and the Auckland and Campbell Islands. Pap. Dr. Mortenson’s Pacif. Exped. 30: 1-14, 6 figs. Gb gob; Gl att, brp. Gen.

287. Richardson, J., 1841 a. On some little known fishes from Australian seas. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 9: 21-22. An aus *. Descr. 288. —lß4l b. On some little known fishes from Australian seas. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 8: 464-466. An aus*. Descr. 289. —— 1842. On the ichthyology of New Zealand. Rep. Br. Ass. 12: 36. El has, gob, hut; An aus, dff; Gl al, fas, Me att. Gen. 290. 1844-48. Ichthyology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror. In The zoology of the Erebus and Terror during the years 1839—43, Vol. 2. London, Longman-Brown-Green-Longman. El gob*i ; An auc*i, aus* f, dff*i; Ar rtr*i; Gl al*, bro*i, fas, rtc. Descr. 291. Roberts, W. E., 1873. On the mudfish ( Neochanna apoda). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 5: 456, Ne ap. Ecol. 292. Roughly, T. G., 1951. Fish and fisheries of Australia. Sydney, AngusRobertson, 343 pp., illustr. An aus. Food; gen. 293. Rutherford, A. J., 1900. Notes on the Salmonidae in their new home in the South Pacific. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 33: 240-249. Re; Pr ox. Gen. 294. Rutland, J., 1877. On the habits of the New Zealand grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 10: 250-252. Pr ox. Ecol; 1, hist. 295. Sapworth, A. D,, 1945. The food of trout. A brief account of the food in New Zealand waters. Salm. Trout Mag. 113; 68—70. Gb gob; Re lac, obt, rtr; Gl att, brp. Salm. 296. Salvage, M. H. E., flBBo. Notice sur quelques poissons de LTsle Campbell et de LTndo-Chine. Bull. Soc. philom. (7), 4: 228-234. Gl cam* Descr. 297. Schmidt, J., f 1925. On the distribution of the fresh-water eels { Anguilla ) throughout the world. 11. Indo-Pacific region. K. danske. Videnske. Selsk. (8), 10: 329—382. An aus. Zoog. 298. 1927. The fresh-water eels of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 58: 379-388, 8 figs. An auc*i, aus*i, dff, sch, wai. Descr; syst. 299. 1928. The fresh-water eels of Australia. Rec. Aust. Mus. 16(4): 198-210, 14 figs. An aus*i. Descr. Schmidt, K. P., 1951. See Hesse, R., Alice, W, C., and Schmidt, K. P., 1951. Schneider, J. G., 1801. See Bloch, M. E., and Schneider, J. G., 1801. 300. Schultz, L. P., et al., 1960. Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas Islands. Bull. U.S. nat. Mus. 202(2) : 1-438, 49 pi, 42 figs. Ch. Classif. 301. Scott, E. O. G., 1934. Observations on Tasmanian fishes with descriptions of new species. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1933: 31-53. An aus; Gl, Ne ap. Gen. 302. 1936 a. Observations on fishes of the family Galaxiidae I. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1935: 85-112, 4 figs. Gl att, Ne, Sa brs. Syst; zoog. 303. —1936 b. Observations on some Australian fishes. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1935: 113-129, 3 figs. Gl att. Gen.

304. Scott, E. O. G., 1938. Observations on fishes of the family Galaxiidae 11. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1937: 111-144, 14 figs. Gl att. Morph. 305. 1941. Observations on fishes of the family Galaxiidae 111. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1940: 55-69, 17 figs. Re; Gl att. Ecol, 306. 1942. Observations on Tasmanian fishes, V. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1941: 45-54. An ecus. List. 307. 1953. Observations on some Tasmanian fishes VI. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 87: 141-166. An aus *. Descr. 308. 1963. Observations on some Tasmanian fishes XI. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 97: 1-29. An aus; Gl att. Ecol. Scott, H. H., 1924. See Lord, C. F., and Scott, H. H., 1924. 309. Scott, T. D., 1962. Fishes of South Australia. Adelaide, Government Printer, 338 pp., figs. An aus*i; Gl att*i; Ge aus*i. Descr; distr. 310. Sedgwick, A., 1905. The student’s text-hook of zoology. London, SwannSonneschein, 2 vol. Pr; Gl. Classif; zoog. 311. Senior, W., 1886. Travel and trout in the antipodes; an angler’s sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand. Melbourne, Robertson, 315 pp. Pr ox; Gl att. Gen. Seward, A. G., 1903. See Darwin, F., and Seward, A. C., 1903. 312. Sherborn, C. D., 1902—32. Index animalium, 1801-1850. London, British Museum, 11 vols. El has, gob, rad; An auc, aus, dff, lat; Ar rtr; Gl bro, fas, for, rtc, Me att. List. 313. Sherrin, R. A. A., 1886. Handbook of the fishes of New Zealand. Auck land, Wilson-Horton, 307 pp. El gob *, rad; An auc, lat; Re Pr ox; Gl att. Gen. 314. Shorland, F. 8., 1948. Observations on the oil content of New Zealand fresh-water eels. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 29(4) : 164-200, 15 figs. An aus, dff. Food. 315. 1950. Aquatic animal oil resources of New Zealand. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 32(2) : 30-41. An aus, dff. Food. 316. Simpson, G. G., 1940. Antarctica as a faunal migration route. Proc. 6th Pac. Sci. Congr. 2: 755-768. Gl. Affin; zoog. 317. Smith, D, G. W., 1959. The biology of the rainbow trout ( Salmo gaidnerii ) in the lakes of the Rotorua district, North Island. N.Z. J. Sci. 2: 275-312, 10 figs. Gb; Re; Gl kro. Salm. 318. Smith, G., 1909. A naturalist in Tasmania. Oxford, Clarendon, 151 pp. Gl att. List. 319. Smitt, F. A., fl9ol. Poissons d’eau douce de la Patagonie recueilles par E. Nordenskiold, 1898-99. Bih. svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl. (26), 4(13) : 23, 9 figs. Ge mac*. Descr. 320. Spagkman, W. H., 1892. Trout in New Zealand; where to go and how to catch them. Wellington, Government Printer, 99 pp., 8 figs. El gob; Re rtr; Pr ox; Gl att, fas. Salm,

321. Steindaghner, F., 1862. Ichthyologische notizen (IV). Zur fischefauna von Port Jackson. S.B. Akad. Wiss Wien 56(1): 320-335. Re rtr*. Descr. 322. Sterba, G., 1962. Fresh-water fishes of the world. London, Vista, 878 pp, 1193 figs, 192 pi. Re. List. 323. Stokell, G., 1928. A preliminary examination of trout scales and stomachs. Rep. Nth. Cant. Accl. Soc. 64: 4 pp. EL; CH; RE; GL. Salm. 324. 1936. The nematode parasites of Lake Ellesmere trout. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 66: 80-96, 1 pi. Gb gob; Rh ret; An auc; Re rtr; Gl att. Parasit. 325. 1938. A new species of Galaxias with a note on the second occurrence of Galaxias burrowsii Phillipps. Rec. Cant. Mus. {N.Z.) 4(4) ; 203-208, 1 pi. Gl att, bri, 01, pcs*i, rob. Descr; syst. 326. 1940 a. A new species of Galaxias. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 69: 422-424, 1 pi, 3 figs. Gl att, pcs, prg*i. Descr; distr. 327. 1940 b. A new fresh-water fish of the genus Philypnodon. Trans. roy. Soc. N.Z. 69: 129-133, 1 pi., 3 figs. Gh gob; Ph brc*f. Descr. 328. 1941 a. A revision of the genus Retropinna. Rec. Cant. Mus. (N.Z.) 4(7) : 361-372, 1 fig. Re and*i, obt* f, osm*, rtr*, rch. Descr; distr; syst. 329. 1941 b. A revision of the genus Gobiomorphus. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 70(4) : 256-276, 7 figs. Gb bas*i, gob*i, hut, rad*i. Descr; distr; syst. 330. 1943. A fresh-water smelt from Lake Rotorua. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 73: 172-3, fig. Re lac*i, oht, rtr. Descr. 331. 1945 a. The systematic arrangement of the New Zealand Galaxiidae. I. Generic and sub-generic classification. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 75(2): 124-137, 10 figs. Gl al, att, brs, fas, lx, pcs, prg, Ne ap. Foss; syst. 332. 1947. The validity of Galaxias kayi Ramsay and Ogilby. Rec. Sth. Aust. Mus. 8(4) : 671-2. Gl 01. Syst. 333. —1949 a. The systematic arrangement of the New Zealand Galaxiidae. 11. Specific classification. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 77(4): 12 figs. Gl abb, al* f, att*i, bol, brp, bro, bri, brs*i, cam*i, cos, chi, fas* f, for, gr, hut, kro*i, kok, lx*i, 01, pcs*i, pvs, prg*i, rtc, rob, vul* f, Ne ap*i, dvs*i. Descr; syst. 334. 1949 b. A fresh-water smelt from the Chatham Islands. Rec. Cant. Mus. {N.Z.) 5(4) : 205-207, 1 pi. Re and, cha* f, lac, obt, rtr. Descr. 335. 1950 a. A revision of the genus Paragalaxias. Rec. Q. Viet. Mus. 3(1) : 1-4, 1 pi. Gl att, fas, lx, pcs, Ne ap. Pa. Syst. 336. 1950 b. Fresh-water fishes from the Auckland and Campbell Islands. Cape Exped. Ser. Bull. 9: 1-8, 1 fig. An auc, aus, dff; Re; Gl al, att, bro, cam*i, fas, rtc. Affin; descr; distr; syst; zoog. 337. 1953 a. The distribution of the family Galaxiidae. Proc. 7th Pac. Sci. Congr. 4: 48-52. Gl att, Ne, Pa; Ge. Affin; zoog.

338. Stokell, G., 1953 b. Not a grayling. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. 20(6) : 14. Pr. Gen. 339. 1953 c. Fish research in Lake Lyndon. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. 20(6): 7- Gl lx. Ecol; salm. 340. 1954 a. American lake char. N.Z. Fish. Sh. Gaz. 21(6): 18-19. Ph brc; Gl lx. Salm. 341. 1954 b. Contributions to galaxiid taxonomy. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 82(2) : 411-418, 2 figs. Gl al, arg, brp* f, brs, chi, fas, for, gr, kro, kok, lx, 01, pvs, vul, Pa. Descr; syst. 342. 1955. Fresh-water fishes of New Zealand. Christchurch, SimpsonWilliams, 145 pp., 42p1. Gb bas*f, gob* f, rad* f, Ph brc* f; Ch for* f; An aus* f, dff* f; Re cha*i, lac* f, obt* f; Pr ox*i; Gl al*i, att* f, brp* f, brs* f, fas* f, kro* f, lx* f, pcs*i, prg*i, vul*f, Ne ap* f; dvs, Ge aus*i. Descr; gen; ecol. 343. 1959 a. Structural characters of Te Anau salmon. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 87: 255-263, 1 pi. Gb bos, Ph brc; An dff; Re obt; Gl lx. Salm. 344. 1959 b, Notes on galaxiids and eleotrids with descriptions of new species. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 87; 265-269, 2 pi. Gb bas, hut, rad, sto, Ph brc, hub*i; Gl anm*i, brs, dug* f, pcs, prg, Ne. Descr; syst. 345. 1960. The validity of Galaxias postvectis Clarke, with notes on other species. Rec. Dom. Mus. N.Z. 3(3): 235-239. Gl abb, al, arg, bol, brp*, cam, chi, fas, for, gr, hut, kok, pvs*, rob. Descr; syst. 346. 1962. A new species of Gobiomorphus. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Zool. 2(3) : 31-34, 1 pi. Gb alp*l, bas, gob, rad, Ph brc. Descr; distr; syst. 347. 1963. The bass controversy. N.Z. Outdoor 28(1): 28-9. Gb; Re; Gl. Gen. 348. Strahan, R., 1959. The status of Yana singularis and Geotria australis (Petromyzontidae). Proc. roy. Soc. West. Aust. 42(2): 49-52. Ge aus, Vest, Ya sng. Syst. 349. 1960. A comparison of the ammocoete and macrophthalmia stages of Mordacia mordax and Geotria australis. Pacif. Sci. 14; 416420, 2 figs. Ge aus. L. hist. 350. 1963. Lampreys in Australia. Newslett. Aust. Soc. Limn. 2(2): 8- Ge aus. L. hist; syst; zoog. 351. Swinnerton, H. H., f 1903. The osteology of Cromeria nilotica and Galaxias attenuatus. Zool. Jb. 18: 58-70. Gl att. Morph. 352. Taylor, R. H., 1947 a. A strange occurrence, N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9: 79 EL. L. hist. 353. 1947 b. Bullies. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 10(3): 19. Gen. 354. Thompson, G. M., 1922. The naturalisation of animals and plants in New Zealand. Cambridge, University Press, 607 pp. An auc; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl att, fas, Ne ap; Ge chi. List. 355. Thompson, G. M., and Anderton, T., 1921. History of the Portobello marine fish hatchery and biological station. Bull. N.Z. Bd. Sci. Art 2: 1-131. Rh ret; An auc, aus; Re rtr; Pr ox; Gl att; Ge aus. Distr.

Waite, E. R., 1927. See McCulloch, A. R., and Waite, E. R., 1927. 373. Wallace, A. R., 1876. The geographical distribution of animals. London, McMillan, 2 vols, 20 pis. An lat ; Re rch; Pr ox; Gl att, fas, Ne. Zoog. 374. Watson, R. G., 1959. Smelt, an important trout food. Ammoh. Bull. 1(7) : 10. Re. Gen; salm. 375. Wilkinson, A. E., and Wilkinson, A., 1952. Kapiti bird sanctuary, a natural history of the island. Masterton, Masterton Printing Go., 190 pp, 24 pi. Gl brp. List. 376. Whitley, G. P., 1926-7. Studies in ichthyology I. Rec. Aust. Mus. 15: 289304, 2 pi, 1 fig. Ch for. Syst. 377. 1929. R. M. Johnston’s memoranda relating to fishes of Tasmania. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. 1928; 44-68, 3 figs. Re rch. Gen. 378. 1931-32. The lancelets and lampreys of Australia. Aust. Zool. 7: 256-265, figs. Ge aus* f. Descr; syst. 379.. 1933. Studies in ichthyology 11. Rec. Aust. Mus. 19(1): 61-112, 16 figs. Au att. Syst. 380. 1935. Whitebait. Viet. Nat. Melb. 52(3): 41-51, 1 pi, 2 figs. Re; Pr; Gl brs f, Au att f, Ne ap f; Ge. Gen. 381. —— 1940. Fishes of Australia I. Sydney, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, 280 pp, 303 figs. Ge aus*f. Descr. 382. 1954, New locality records for some Australian fishes. Proc. R. zool. Soc. N.S.W. 1952-53: 23-30, 5 figs. Gb. Syst. 383. ———- 1955. Sidelights on New Zealand ichthyology, Aust. Zool. 12(2): 110-119. Re and, St. Syst. 384. 1956 a. The story of Galaxias. Aust. Mus. Mag. 12: 30-34, 3 figs. Pr; Gl abb, al, arg, att, bol, brp, bro, brs, cam, cas, chi, fas, for, gr, hut, kro, kok, lx, pcs, pvs, prg, rob, vul, Ne ap, dvs; Ge. Food; gen; zoog. 385. 1956 b. New fishes from Australia and New Zealand. Proc. R. zool. Soc. N.S.W. 1954—55: 34-38, 2 figs. Gb rad, sto, Ph; Gl kai. Foss; syst. 386. 1956 c. List of the fresh-water fishes of Australia. Proc. R. zool. Soc. N.S.W. 1954-55: 39-47, 16 figs. Gb; An aus; Re; Pr; Gl att; Ge aus. List. 387. 1956 d. Namelist of New Zealand fishes. In Treasury of New Zealand Fishes (D. H. Graham). Wellington, Reed, 424 pp., figs, 2nd Ed. Gb bas, gob, hut, rad, sto, Ph bre; Rh ret; An auc, aus, dff, wai; Re cha, lac, obt, osm, rtr, rch, St and; Pr ox; Gl abb, arg, bol, brp, bro, cam, cas, chi, fas, for, gr, hut, kro, kok, lx, pcs, pvs, prg, rtc, rob, vul, Au att, Sa brs, Ne ap, dvs; Ge aus. List. 388. 1959. Fresh-water fishes of Australia. Mongr. Biol. 8: 136-149. Gb, Ph; Re; Pr; Gl, Au; Ge. Gen. 389. 1960. Native fresh-water fishes of Australia. Brisbane, Jacaranda, 127 pp., figs. An aus; Au att* f; Ge aus* f. Gen. 390. 1961. The fresh-water gudgeons of temperate Australia, Aust. Mus. Mag. 1961: 332-337. Gb gob. List.

391. Whitley, G. P., and Phillipps, W. J., 1940. Descriptive notes on some New Zealand fishes. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. 69: 228-236, 2 pi. Gb gob, hut* f; Gl al, arg, att, brp, bro, cas* f, chi* fas, for, gr, hut kro, kok, pvs, rtc. Descr; gen; syst. 392. Williams, H. G., 1945. The shag menace. Dunedin, Publ. Author, 94 pp. EL; AN; GL; GE. Ecol. 393. Williams, M., 1960. Report on a biological investigation of the Avon and Heathcote Rivers, Christchurch, New Zealand. Christchurch, Pollution Advisory Council, 22 pp. An aus; Gl att. List. 394. Wilson, C. A., 1937. Report on Portobello marine biological station. Rep. Fish. N.Z. 1937: 31-32. Re. Gen. 395. Wisely, 8., 1962. Studies on Ephemeroptera. 11. Coloburiscus humeralis (Walker); ecology and distribution of nymphs. Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z. Zool. 2(25): 209-220, 3 figs. Gb gob; Ch for; An aus, dff; Gl att, fas. Ecol. 396. Woodland, W. N. E., 1913. On the supposed gnathostome ancestry of the Marsipobranchii; with a brief description of some features of the gross anatomy of the genera Geotria and Mordacia. Anat. Anz. 45(5) : 113-153. Ge aus f, chi, st, Ve, Ex. Morph; syst. 397. Woodward, K. M,, 1948. Cockabullies spawn in aquaria. N.Z. Aquar. Bull. 9(6) : 46. Gb gob. Gen; 1. hist. 398. Woods, G. S., 1963. Native and introduced fresh-water fishes. Wellington, Reed, 64 pp., 45 figs. Gb alp* gob*i, hut* f, Ph brc*i, hub* Ch for* f; Rh ret*i ; An aus*i, dff* f; Re lac* f, obt* osm*i, rtr* f, St and*i; Pr ox*i; Gl anm*, arg* att*i, brp*i, dvg*i, fas*i, kro*i, lx*i, pcs*i, pvs* f, prg*i, vul*i, Ne ap*i, dvs*i; Ge aus*i . Descr; gen. 399. Young, M. W., 1929. Marine fauna of the Chatham Islands. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst 60(1): 137-166, 3 figs. Gb gob; Rh ret; An auc, aus; Re rtr; Ge aus. Distr.

R. M. McDowall, Fisheries Laboratory, 27 Wingfield Street, Wellington, N.Z.

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Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Zoology, Volume 5, Issue 1, 14 August 1964, Page 1

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A Bibliography of the Indigenous Freshwater Fishes of New Zealand Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Zoology, Volume 5, Issue 1, 14 August 1964, Page 1

A Bibliography of the Indigenous Freshwater Fishes of New Zealand Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Zoology, Volume 5, Issue 1, 14 August 1964, Page 1