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The Royal Society of New Zealand Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council, Held on Tuesday, May 15, 1956. The Annual Meeting of the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand was held in the Council Room, Victoria University College, Wellington, on Tuesday, May 15, 1956, commencing at 10 a.m. Chair. The President, Dr. D. Miller, was in the chair. Roll Call. The following responded to the roll call: The President, Dr. D. Miller; Vice-President, Professor L. H. Briggs; Government Representatives—Dr. G. Archey, Mr. F. R. Callaghan, Dr. R. A. Falla, and Dr. C. A. Fleming; Representatives of Member Bodies: Auckland Institute—Mr. S. G. Brooker, Professor K. B. Cumberland; Wellington Branch—Mr. K. R. Allen, Professor L. R. Richardson; Canterbury Branch—Professor R. S. Allan, Mr. B. W. Collins; Otago Branch—Miss B. Brewin, Mr. O. H. Keys; Waikato Scientific Association—Dr. E. B. Davies; Rotorua Philosophical Society—Dr. J. K. Dixon; Hawke's Bay Branch; Nelson Institute—Dr. H. O. Askew; Southland Branch; Co-opted Member—Dr. J. T. Salmon; Honorary Treasurer—Mr. S. Cory-Wright; Fellows' Representative—Professor C. A. Cotton. Apologies for Absence. The Honourable R. M. Algie, Minister of Scientific and Industrial Research, wrote regretting his inability to be present, on account of his attending the ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone of the Science Building at Victoria University College. Dr. M. A. F. Barnett, Vice-President, had been given leave of absence in order to attend the World Meteorological Conference at Geneva Dr. F. G. Soper, Fellows' Representative, and Mr. N. L. Elder, representative of the Hawke's Bay Branch, sent apologies for absence The above apologies were sustained. President's Remarks. In his remarks from the Chair, Dr. Miller referred to the New Year Honours bestowed on Professor W. P. Evans, C.B.E., a past President of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and on Dr. H. D. Skinner, C.B.E., until recently Director of the Otago Museum. Dr. Miller said this recognition was very gratifying, and he moved that the Council's congratulations and best wishes be conveyed to Professor Evans and to Dr. Skinner. Carried by acclamation. Dr. Miller then briefly referred to the progress made in the plans for the Transantarctic Expedition Inc. Council. The President paid a tribute to Mr. C. E. Fenwick, who had recently resigned from representing the Canterbury Branch, and to Dr. G. H. Uttley, C.M.G., who had resigned from representing the Southland Branch, and he warmly thanked them for their services on the Council during the period of their office. The President then welcomed Mr. B. W. Collins, who had succeeded Mr. Fenwick. The Southland Branch had not yet appointed a successor to Dr. Uttley. Nominations Committee. A Nominations Committee consisting of Mr. Callaghan, Dr. Falla, Dr. Archey, and Professor Cotton, was appointed to make recommendations regarding the various officers, representatives, and committees to be elected under Numbers 16, 17 and 18 on the Agenda. Notices of Motion. Notices of Motion were called for, and one was handed in to be dealt with later in the meeting. Hutton Award. The Convener of the Hutton Award Committee reported as follows:

“The Hutton Award Committee, after due consideration, has much pleasure in giving a unanimous decision in favour of Dr. C. A. Fleming. “(Sgd.) David Miller, Convener.” The report was adopted. Hector Award. The President read the following report from the Convener of the Hector Award Committee: “I have to report that the Award Committee, of which I am convener, has conferred. The Committee unanimously recommends that the Hector Medal and. Prize for 1956 be awarded to Dr. Roger S. Duff, Director of the Canterbury Museum, for his contribution to the science of Anthropology, and in particular for his researches into the material culture of the moa hunters. “(Sgd.) H. D. Skinner.” The report was adopted. Amount of Hector Prize It was resolved that the amount of the Hector Prize be £50. Fellowship R.S.N.Z. The acting convener of the Fellowship Selection Committee wrote as follows: “The Fellowship Selection Committee, consisting of Dr. Soper, Professor Cotton, Dr. Salmon, and myself, unanimously recommend the two following persons for election to the Fellowship in the Royal Society of New Zealand: N. H. Taylor, G. O. K. Sainsbury. “(Sgd.) Ernest Beaglehole, “Chairman Selection Committee” No vacancies in the Fellowship were declared. On the motion of Dr. J. T. Salmon, Mr. N. H. Taylor and Mr. G. O. K. Sainsbury were elected Fellows. Honorary Members. The following were elected Honorary Members of the Royal Society of New Zealand:—Sir Chandrasekhara V. Raman, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Professor Sir Sydney Smith, Rector, University of Edinburgh; Dr. C. M. Yonge, Regius Professor of Zoology, University of Glasgow. No vacancies in the Honorary Membership were declared. Vote of Thanks was accorded to the Award Committees and to the Fellowship Selection Committee. Report of the Standing Committee for the Year Ended March 31, 1956 The Standing Committee presents its report for the year ended March 31, 1956. Meetings. Nine ordinary meetings and one special meeting with the Fuel and Powen Sub-Committee were held during the year, the attendance being as follows:—Dr D. Miller (Nelson), President, 2; Dr. M. A. F. Barnett (Wellington), Vice-President, 9; Mr. K. R. Allen (Wellington), 8; Dr. G. Archey, Auckland, 1; Mr. F. R. Callaghan, Wellington, 7, Mr. S. Cory-Wright (Wellington), 7; Professor C. A. Cotton (Wellington), 10; Dr. E. B. Davies (Hamilton), 1; Dr. J. K. Dixon (Wellington), 6; Dr. R. A. Falla (Wellington), 6, Dr. C. A. Fleming (Wellington), 9; Professor L. R. Richardson (Wellington), 9; Dr. J. T. Salmon (Wellington), 9; Dr. G. H. Uttley (Wellington), 9. Council Half-Yearly Meeting. The Half-Yearly Council Meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday, November 16, 1955, in Christchurch, in the Council Room, Canterbury University College. The Council was the guest of an anonymous member of the Canterbury Branch at luncheon. Members were welcomed by his Worship the Mayor of Christchurch and the President of the Canterbury Branch, and many leading Christchurch citizens and members of the Branch were present Morning and afternoon tea was provided by courtesy of the College Registrar, Mr. James Logie, and his office staff. The meeting completed the Agenda before it, one or two matters being referred to the Annual Meeting of the Council in May for further consideration. Council. There have been no changes in the personnel of the Council, but as March 31, 1956, is the date set down in the Act for the election of representatives on the Council by Member Bodies there may be some changes in addition to one already notified, that of the Canterbury Branch in which Mr. B. W. Collins succeeds Mr. C. E. Fenwick, who has resigned. Dr. M. A. F. Barnett, Vice-President, has taken the chair at meetings of the Standing Committee.

when the President, Dr. D. Miller was unable to be in Wellington. At the meeting of the Standing Committee on March 23, Dr. Barnett was given leave of absence until the middle of May, as he will be attending the World Meteorological Organisation Conference at Geneva. Fellowship Representation. The month of March, 1956, is the date for the election of representatives of the Fellows to the Council. A question as to the length of time a Fellow may continue eligible for re-election to this position has been raised. Member Bodies. The Half-Yearly Meeting instructed the Standing Committee to improve its liaison with Member Bodies. It therefore took steps to ascertain if Member Bodies could synchronise the dates of their Executive or Council meetings so that important matters requiring their attention could be reported on within a minimum of time. It would appear that little alteration of dates will be required, and the Standing Committee can retain its usual date of meeting, namely, the fourth Friday in the month. Following an instruction from the Half-Yearly Meeting, the Standing Committee has endeavoured to ascertain from Member Bodies. “Facts and information and proposals as to the obligatory expenditure of Member Bodies under the Rules in order that those may be collated for presentation to the Council.” So far few Member Bodies have supplied this information, and one of them has made the suggestion that it would be more uniform if the Standing Committee sought the information required by means of a questionnaire. Annual reports and balance sheets of Member Bodies have been received as follows:—Auckland Institute, for the year ended March 31, 1955; Wellington Branch, for the year ended September 30, 1955; Canterbury Branch, for the year ended October 31, 1955; Otago Branch, for the year ended October 31, 1955; Waikato Scientific Association, for the year ended September 30, 1955; Nelson Philosophical Society, for the year ended September 30, 1955; Hawke's Bay Branch, for the year ended December 31, 1955. The other two Branches have been requested to forward their reports. Member Bodies have been kept informed of all the business of the Standing Committee meetings, sufficient copies of the full minutes for their Council members having been supplied to them after each meeting. A new society, called the Gisborne Philosophical Society, has been formed in Gisborne, and it proposes, in the prescribed time, to apply for membership with the Royal Society of New Zealand. Financial. In June a deputation headed by the President, Dr. D. Miller, waited on the Hon. Minister of Scientific and Industrial Research in connection with the Society's request for an increased grant. The Hon Minister gave the members of the deputation a sympathetic reception and showed much interest in the Society's activities. He suggested that they visit him again when further consideration would be given to the Society's financial needs. Subsequently, a comprehensive report on the role and functions of the Royal Society was drawn up by the Finance Committee, with Mr. Callaghan as Convener, and this was considerably enlarged by Professor Richardson and set out in detail the work of the Society, covering its publications, library, congresses, and its association with other learned societies. This report was forwarded to the Hon. Minister, and it was favourably commented upon by members at the Half-yearly Meeting in November, who requested that it be printed and made available to members. The report is at present in the printers' hands, and it is hoped copies will be ready in time for the Annual Meetin. In October a further deputation was made to the Hon. Minister, and in view of the urgent need for further money to meet publication expenses it was requested that the accumulating credit balance in the Pacific Science Congress Account be transferred to the Society for publication expenses. A statement of the Pacific Science Congress Account showing a credit balance of £2,201 17s 11d at March 31, 1955, was submitted to the Hon. Minister. The Hon Minister stated his evident concern for the Society, and he appeared to view the Society's request favourably; subsequently it was learned that some opposition was raised by Treasury and the D.S.I.R. to this proposal. In the meantime the volume of unpublished papers was growing, and the Editor was becoming more than anxious about the situation, finding embarrassing the lack of assured finance for publishing needs. In order to present a budget in time for the coming year's estimates, the Finance Committee again had meetings in preparation for the third deputation to the Hon. Minister on March 19, 1956. This budget indicated that a Government Grant of £6,815 was required for the year 1956–57. The Hon. Minister wrote on March 22. “This week I have placed before Cabinet the various proposals regarding finance which were discussed with me recently. Cabinet decided (a) That the amount unspent from the Government Grant to the Royal Society of New Zealand to assist in meeting the expenses of the recent Pacific Science Congress should be refunded to the Government; (b) that a special grant of £2,000 should be made to the Society to assist.

in meeting its liabilities; (c) that the annual grant by the Government to the Society should continue at the rate of £4,000 per annum. “I trust that the special grant of £2,000 will assist you in overcoming your present difficulties and can assure you that I will be most willing to consider any proposals you may wish to place before me when next year's grant is being considered.” The thanks of the Standing Committee and its appreciation of the Hon. Minister's efforts were conveyed to him. Investments. Opportunity was taken of the two Conversion Loans to invest in the long-dated loans at the higher rate of interest, stock to the value of £3,625 which was maturing at the appropriate times. This covered stock in five Trust Accounts (£2,520) and in the Endowment Fund (£1,105). Publication Matters. During the year the Standing Committee has approved papers presented by the Hon Editor for inclusion in Volume 83, Parts 3 and 4 and Volume 84, Part 1. It also authorised the publication of Bulletin 6 “Studies of Mosquitos and Fresh Water Ecology of the South Pacific,” by Marshall Laird. Owing to lack of funds the number of papers accepted for the above Parts had to be considerably curtailed. Copies of Bulletin 5 (“Handbook of N.Z. Mosses”) were received from the printers, but many copies had faults in inking and in the printing of line drawings. In view of this it was considered necessary to notify exchanges, to whom distribution had been made direct from the printers, that faulty copies should be returned for replacement. However, only a very few libraries availed themselves of this opportunity, either because their copies were good or considered good enough for their purposes The printers undertook to closely examine all copies left in their hands for stock and where necessary replace faulty pages and plates. There are still approximately 350 copies to come forward from the printers. The number of Transactions required by Member Bodies dropped, chiefly because of a questionnaire issued to its members by the Canterbury Branch as to whether copies of the Transactions were desired The number of copies of each part printed was reduced by 100, with a consequent reduction in the price of text per page from 47/- to 45/6. In order to advertise the publication of the Society's Bulletins a leaflet order form was inserted in the Transactions, and it has been most effective, 88 copies of Bulletin 5 having been sold to date, and orders for Bulletin 6 are now coming to hand. Bulletin 6 was completed at the end of the year and distributed to Exchanges in February. The Air Department subsidised the cost (£162) of the coloured plates in the Bulletin, thus reducing the cost of 1,000 copies of the Bulletin to the Society to £648. Initially the South Pacific Commission had intimated that it would be prepared to bear part of the cost of the Bulletin, but subsequently the Commission wrote that it did not see its way to meeting the cost further than to purchase 20 copies. On the recommendation of the Editor, the Standing Committee approved a paper by Dr. W. R. B. Oliver entitled “Revision of the Genus Aciphylla”, to be the second paper for the Cockayne Memorial Volume. Library. The installation of the steel shelving in the Library's new room on the top floor of the Biology Department's building was completed in. October at a cost of £519, making the total cost for shelving this room £944 12s 6d. The whole of the Geology section in the main library has been transferred to the new room and an easing of the remaining sections will eventuate. There is still space for expansion in the new room, but as it has to carry the Society's surplus stock of publications this space will rapidly be absorbed. Some of the arrears of work in the library have been overtaken, but to do justice to this valuable asset of the Society a much larger staff could be employed were funds available. Attending to borrowers' needs, interloans, and the despatch of publications sold keep the library assistant fully occupied. Fellowship. Nominations from Member Bodies for two Fellows were called for, and eleven nominations were received and were forwarded to the Fellows for selection. The recommendation of the Fellowship Selection Committee will come before the Annual Meeting for election. Hector Award. The presentation of the 1955 Hector Medal and Prize was made to Dr. F. B. Shorland at a meeting of the Wellington Branch in October Dr. M. A. F. Barnett, Vice-President of the Royal Society, made the presentation to Dr. Shorland. The presentation of the 1954 Hector Medal and Prize awarded to Mrs Lucy Cranwell Smith has been delayed pending a visit to New Zealand by Mrs. Smith. The presentation is now to take place in May at the annual meeting of the Auckland Institute and Museum. T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award. The recommendation of the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award Committee was not ready in time for the last Annual Meeting, and authority was given to the Standing Committee to make the award when the report became available.

At a meeting of the Standing Committee in August, a letter was received from the Convener of the Award Committee, Professor P. W. Burbidge, as follows: “After much deliberation the Committee for the Sidey Award recommends as follows: “The Committee, after carefully considering the work submitted by the candidates and the terms of the Declaration of Trust, recommends that the award be made to H. Whale, M.Sc., Ph.D., for his work on the ionosphere and on radio propagation. “In making this recommendation the Committee has given due weight to the New Zealand qualifications as well as to the value of the research carried out.” The Auckland Institute has agreed to make the presentation of the Medal and Prize to Dr. Whale at an early meeting of the Institute and Museum. Hutton Grants. During the year the following applications for Hutton Grants were granted. Dr. M. H. Battey, £50, to assist in petrological study of the rocks of Dun Mountain, near Nelson. Miss Aola Richards, £27, for travelling expenses in studying the ecology and life history of cave wetas at Waitomo Caves. Dr. G. A. Bottomley, £20, for launch transport in connection with research on the seiche phenomena of Lake Wakatipu. Dr. J. T. Salmon found it impossible to get the long paper he required translated within the amount of £25 granted to him, and at his request the grant was transferred for the purpose of translating other foreign papers necessary to him in his research on Collembola. Dr. R. C. Cooper, £50, for expenses of further studies in variation of Metrosideros. N.Z. Science Congresses. Participating Bodies: The New Zealand Institute of Surveyors desires to be allowed to become a participating body in future Congresses. It was also agreed that the newly formed N.Z. Geological Society be a participating body. A.N.Z.A.A.S. 1957 Meeting. The Otago Committee has approached Mr. F. R. Callaghan with a view to his preparing a Handbook for the 1957 meeting. The Standing Committee has given its approval and offered some guidance as to the type of Handbook which would be the most effective. National Collections. The report on National Collections submitted by the National Collections Sub-committee and at the Half-Yearly Meeting approved for circulation was forwarded to all Museums, Government Departments and Institutions concerned for comment. So far only two or three have responded, and these comments were referred back to the Sub-committee for consideration. Carter Observatory. Dr. G. L. Rogers, one of the Society's representatives on the Carter Observatory Board, has left New Zealand for England, and the Standing Committee nominated Professor D'Arcy Walker to succeed Dr. Rogers. Royal N. Z. Institute of Horticulture. In view of Professor H. D. Gordon's absence from New Zealand for some time, Professor Chapman, of Auckland, was appointed to represent the Society on the Royal N.Z. Institute of Horticulture Council. On his enquiry, Professor Chapman was informed that the Society could not meet travelling expenses incurred in attendance at meetings which representatives attended, but that it would be prepared to meet his travelling expenses to Wellington in order to enable him to attend one meeting of the Council. Subsequently, Professor Chapman tendered his resignation as the Society's representative. In view of Professor Gordon's pending return, he was reappointed. Loder Cup. Dr. W. R. B. Oliver was appointed to represent the Society for a further term on the Loder Cup Committee. Conservation Committee. Dr. C. A. Fleming found that he was unable to undertake the convenership of the Conservation Committee, and the Standing Committee appointed Dr. J. T. Salmon in his place. Mr. K. R. Allen was added to the Committee. Matters referred to the Conservation Committee during the year were Wild Life Management: General recommendations from the Wellington Branch regarding Wild-life Management. Insecticides: The Entomological Society submitted a resolution covering its concern over the widespread indiscriminate use of insecticides and offering its support or any technical assistance desired to the efforts of the Royal Society in any move it may make in the matter. In commenting on its resolution the Entomological Society stated that the emphasis of the motion was on the word “indiscriminate” as its attention had been drawn to the practice of commercial firms in offering patent materials under circumstances which were dangerous to man and to wild-life. Raoul Island. The attention of the Standing Committee was drawn to the depredations of wild cats, pigs and goats, originally kept in captivity but now in a wild foraging state, on the surface breeding petrels. Steps were taken to bring these matters to the notice of the Department of Internal Affairs and to the Civil Aviation Dpartment, urging that adequate preventive measures be taken even to the extent of biological control methods being adopted. Handbooks of Fauna and Flora. A Committee consisting of Mr. K. R. Allen (Convener), Dr. R. A. Falla, Dr. J. T. Salmon, and Dr. W. R. B. Oliver was set up and given power to act on the preparation of the proposed Handbooks of fauna and flora.

National Parks Authority. The term of office of the Society's representative, Dr. W. R. B. Oliver, expired on March 31, 1956, and in notifying this the Hon. Minister of Lands placed on record the valuable and efficient service rendered to the Authority by Dr. Oliver. Dr. Oliver was nominated for a further term of office. Historic Places Trust. The Society's representative on the Historic Places Trust, Mr. J. D. H. Buchanan, was drawn by ballot to retire on March 31, 1956, and the Standing Committee nominated Mr. Buchanan for a further term. Antarctic Expedition. Since the last annual meeting there has been much activity in connection with the Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Professor Richardson's appointment to the Ross Sea Committee was confirmed. The Standing Committee resolved that the Council give consideration to suggestions for collateral research to the Ross Sea Committee through its representative. In October, the Ross Sea Committee invited the Royal Society of New Zealand, as senior scientific society, to set up a scientific advisory committee to plan and conduct researches in relation to the New Zealand operations in the proposed Antarctic Expedition. The Standing Committee, recognising the long-term work which could be accomplished, agreed to accept this invitation, and the Council at its meeting in November established the Royal Society of New Zealand Antarctic Research Committee. The Standing Committee asked for nominations to the Committee from the Ross Sea Committee, the University of New Zealand, the Antarctic Society, the N.Z. Geological Society, the Oceanographic Committee, and an Observer from the I.G.Y. Committee. The following were eventually appointed: Dr. C. A. Fleming (Convener), Professor L. R. Richardson (Royal Society of N.Z.); Dr. R. A. Falla (Ross Sea Committee); Professor D'Arcy Walker (University of New Zealand); Dr. R. G. Simmers (Antarctic Society), Mr. R. W. Willett (N.Z. Geological Society); Mr. D. M. Garner (N.Z National Committee on Oceanography); Dr. T. Hatherton, Observer (I.G.Y. Committee). International Council of Scientific Unions. At the 1955 General Assembly of the Unions held in Oslo, a graduated scale of subscriptions for adhering bodies was adopted with a minimum annual subscription of 100 United States dollars. This reduces the amount payable by the Society to about half the amount now paid to the I.C.S.U., namely, to approximately £35 N.Z. The new scale comes into effect in November, 1956, and is to operate until the year 1958–59. It is to be reconsidered at the General Assembly in 1958. Gophysical Year. In June, Mr. N. V. Ryder was appointed to fill a vacancy on the International Geophysical Year Committee. In September, Mr. K. I. Williamson was appointed to replace Dr. Bogle, and in December the new Director of the Dominion Physical Laboratory, Mr. J. Ward, was appointed to succeed Mr. Williamson. The Chairman of the I.G.Y. Committee, Dr. M. A. F. Barnett, advised the Standing Committee that the Government had agreed to contribute £68,000 for the I.G.Y programme. He also stated that Mr. A. S. Helm had been appointed to the Logistic Working Group, and Mr. T. R. Clarkson to the Radio Communications Group of the Committee. Mr. G. W. Markham has replaced Mr. J. W. Brodie, who had asked to be relieved from the Secretaryship of the Committee. Scientific Manpower Committee. At its last annual meeting the Council approved the report on Scientific Manpower Resources submitted by Mr. F. R. Callaghan, and asked the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research to revive its Scientific Manpower Resources Committee. On March 21, 1956, the Secretary of the D.S.I.R replied as follows: “The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research considered the proposal put forward by your Society for a further survey of scientific manpower resources in New Zealand. Council found itself in general sympathy with the objectives which your Society outlined, but felt that forecasts of requirements were somewhat speculative. After considerable discussion, it was resolved–‘That Council, whilst in sympathy with the desire of the Royal Society for a survey of scientific manpower, feels that its uses at present would be incommensurate with the labour involved in its preparation.’ “(Sgd.) W. M. Hamilton, Secretary.” Delivery of Scientific Addresses. The report on the subject of the preparation and delivery of scientific addresses and the reading of scientific papers prepared by Mr. F. R. Callaghan and Dr. J. K. Dixon, which at the Half-Yearly Meeting was considered such a practical contribution to a long felt need that it should be published and distributed, is now being printed. Sufficient copies for future N.Z. Science Congress organisers and others who would benefit from the report have been ordered. Fuel and Power Resources. Under the auspices of the Fuel and Power Sub-committee, in an endeavour to awaken public consciousness to the seriousness of the position, a series of newspaper articles was printed in the press throughout New Zealand, and they aroused some interest.

At its June meeting, the Standing Committee resolved–“That the Fuel and Power Subcommittee formulate proposals on the setting up of a Technical Council for Fuel and Power and present them to a special meeting of the Standing Committee at a date to be arranged.” This meeting was held on July 1, when the Convener of the Sub-committee outlined the proposals which his committee had drawn up as an initial step in the formation of a Technical Council for Fuel and Power, and his Committee suggested that the Royal Society should convene a public meeting. It was considered by the meeting that in the first place an informal approach should be made to some of the influential interested organisations and that the New Zealand Institute of Engineers be approached with a view to setting up a joint committee on Fuel and Power. It was felt that unless it had a strong backing by other organisations a public meeting would not be desirable at this stage It was agreed that the Government should be kept advised of the Committee's activities Later it was reported that the Institution of Engineers had been approached, and it was then proposed to consult with the Right Hon. the Prime Minister No further developments have been reported to the Standing Committee. Royal Society of New Zealand and Other Scientific Organizations At the last annual meeting the Standing Committee was requested to continue in conjunction with the Member Bodies its investigation into the possibility of association of national scientific societies with the Royal Society At its meeting in September the following resolution was carried: “That the Standing Committee considers the proposals put forward at the last annual meeting were the best means that could be devised, and it recommends in view of the legal difficulties the Society's Act be amended accordingly” The resolution was conveyed to the Half-Yearly Meeting in November, and it was resolved, on the motion of Professor Briggs, seconded by Mr. Brooker: “That while the Society and particularly its branches should take every opportunity for co-operation with other scientific societies and organisations it would be preferable not to enter into a federal affiliation with these bodies. International Science Foundation The International Science Foundation in San Francisco wrote asking the Royal Society to become a participating body in its Foundation. After some enquiries, it was agreed to accede to this request, and Professor Richardson was appointed to act as liaison officer. In response to a later request, it was decided to supply the Foundation with an enlarged copy of the Society's seal and to give it specimens of the Society's publication. On the motion of Dr. Salmon, seconded by Professor Briggs, the Report of the Standing Committee was taken as read. The President moved the adoption of the Report. Dr Askew asked for further information as to why the South Pacific Commission revised its intention to assist in the publication of Bulletin No 6 The Hon. Editor replied that in the first instance the South Pacific Commission had implied that it would be prepared to subsidise the publication or to purchase a large number of copies to assist in its publication, but subsequently on account of straitened financial position it was able to purchase only 20 copies of the Bulletin. Professor Richardson seconded the adoption of the report and it was carried. Report of Honorary Treasurer for the Year Ended March 31, 1956. I have the honour to present the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts, subject to audit, for the year ended March 31, 1956. The Government Grant was continued at the figure of £4,000 for the year, and in view of special circumstances and to meet the rising costs of publications, a further grant of £2,000 has been approved for the current year, but it must not be assumed that this will be repeated. The total cost of printing paid for in the year's accounts amounts to £4,412 This includes three parts of the Transactions and two Bulletins, 5 and 6, that is a total of five issues, and an attempt has been made to overtake as much as possible of the back-log of publications in hand. We have, however, overspent the allocation of £3,000 a year for publications by some £1,400, and our carry-forward in revenue account which should be about £2,000 at this time of the year to meet current expenses is thereby reduced to less than £500. This position would be serious, but is relieved by the special grant of £2,000, so our income account is still sound. I must, however, point out that future publication expenditure must be kept within about £3,000 a year under our present income. The steel shelving in our Library has been completed, and the balance of £519 paid. The Trust Accounts are in a satisfactory position. About £1,200 of Government Stock falling due has been renewed.

The Seventh Pacific Science Congress now shows a credit balance of £3,107. It has been agreed that an administration charge of £100 a year for six years since 1950 should be credited to the funds of the Royal Society, making £600, and the balance of £2,507 repaid to the Government, and this account closed as at March 31, 1956. The final results of Seventh Pacific Science Congress accounts can be considered as satisfactory. S.Cory Wright, Hon. Treasurer.

The Royal Society of New Zealand. Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ended March 31, 1956. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at March 31, 1955 2,255 16 5 Otago Daily Times Co.: Printing 82(4),82(5),83 Annual Government Grant 4,000 0 0 (1),(2) 3,117 15 0 Levy on Transactions, Vols. 82 and 83 663 7 6 Salaries 984 18 8 Sales of Publications 289 17 4 Travelling Expenses(two meetings) 205 15 8 Contribution from Rotorua Philosophical Society 15 15 0 Stationery 75 13 7 Travelling Expenses: Member Bodies'Share 116 2 3 Steel Shelving for Library (newroom) 519 0 0 Hector Memorial Fund, Interest 51 7 1 Library: Binding and Shifting Books 6 19 11 Hutton Memorial Fund, Interest 45 18 11 Imprest 40 0 0 T.K.Sidey Summer-time Fund, Interest 27 3 9 Hon. Editors' Honoraria 75 0 0 Carter Library Legacy, Interest 7 3 3 Editorial: Postages, Tolls, etc. 15 0 0 Plant Diseases Trust, Interest 28 4 5 Charges(Telephone, Insurance, Code, Bank, etc.) 45 6 8 Cockayne Memorial Fund, Interest 16 19 6 Hector Prize and Engraving Medal 50 19 6 Hamilton Memorial Fund, Interest 3 15 0 Hutton Grants 70 10 2 Hamilton Memorial Fund, Donation 100 0 0 Hamilton Prize 4 0 0 Endowment Fund, Interest 188 19 0 Subscriptions:Int. Council Scientific Unions 70 14 0 Refund by Hutton Grantee 10 0 0 Subscriptions:Pacific ScienceAssn. Secretariat 120 1 8 Trust Funds Transferred to General Account 22 6 9 Interest paid direct to Trust Accounts 66 2 5 Transfer from General Account to Trust Accounts 187 13 11 Transfer from General Account to Pacific Science Congress Account 10 16 6 Balanceas Under 2,176 8 6 £7,842 16 2 £7,842 16 2 £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand 777 7 2 Less UnpresentedCheques 237 16 2 539 11 0 Post Office Savings Bank 1,632 8 0 Cash in Hand 2 11 0 2,174 10 0 Petty Cash in Hand 1 18 6 £2,176 8 6

The Royal Society of New Zealand. Statement of Assets and Liabilities at March 31,1956. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hector Memorial Fund, Capital Account 1,184 18 1 Hector Memorial Fund: Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£1,270) 1,184 18 1 Hector Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 86 11 5 Hutton Memorial Fund, Capital Account 1,506 8 6 Hutton Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 226 8 6 Hector Memorial Fund: Post Office Savings Bank Account 86 11 5 T.K.Sidey Summer-time Fund, Capital Account 564 12 9 Hutton Memorial Fund: Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£1,580) 1,506 8 6 T.K.Sidey Summer-time Fund, Revenue Account 141 14 0 Plant Diseases Trust, Capital Account 542 13 5 Hutton Memorial Fund, Post Office Savings Bank Account 241 1 6 Plant Diseases Trust, Revenue Account 245 13 9 Cockayne Memorial Fund, Capital Account 249 12 0 Sidey Summer-time Fund:Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£520) 500 2 6 Cockayne Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 152 2 1 Carter Library Legacy, Capital Account 162 19 0 Sidey Summer-time Fund: Post Office Savings Bank Account 206 4 3 Carter Library Legacy, Revenue Account 76 7 0 Hamilton Memorial Fund, Capital Account 187 7 0 Plant Diseases Trust:Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£500) 500 0 0 Hamilton Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 1 4 7 Endowment Fund, Capital Account 2,680 7 3 Plant Diseases Trust:Post Office Savings Bank Account 288 7 2 Endowment Fund, Revenue Account 242 6 0 Cockayne Memorial Fund: Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£260) 249 12 0 Research Grants Fund 35 7 4 Library Fund 229 13 0 Cockayne Memorial Fund: Post Office Savings Bank Account 152 2 1 N.Z.Congresses Fund 203 7 10 Overseas Congresses Fund 5 5 0 Carter Library Legacy: Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£160) 162 19 0 Accounts in Credit 2 11 1 Otago Daily Times Co., Ltd. 1,295 0 2 Carter Library Legacy: Post Office Savings Bank Account 76 7 0 Manawatu Branch Balance 33 18 3 Rotorua Philosophical Society Contribution 15 15 0 Hamilton Memorial Fund:Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£60) 60 0 0 Balance of Assets over Liabilities 472 0 5 Endowment Fund:Post Office Savings Bank Account Account 128 11 7 Endowment Fund: Inscribed Stock(Face Value,£2,685) 2,636 2 5 Endowment Fund (Post Office Savings Bank Account(Part) 286 10 10 Sundry Debtors 388 7 6 Petty Cash in Hand 1 18 6 Post Office Savings Bank (Part) 1,345 17 2 Bank of New Zealand 539 11 0 Cash in Hand 2 11 0 £10,544 3 6 £10,544 3 6 Property Assets: Estimated and Insured Value. S.Cory Wright, Hon. Treasurer. Estimated Value. Insured Value. £ s. d. £ Library and Stack Room, V.U.C. 11,592 12 0 5,800 Furniture and Library Fittings 1,540 0 0 2,000 Stock in Storeroom, Parliament Buildings 500 Carter Library, Dominion Museum 500 £8,800

The Royal Society of New Zealand. Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Year Ended March 31, 1956. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. TO Printing Vol. 82 (5), 83 (1, 2), Bulletins 5 and 6 4,412 18 2 By Balance at March 31, 1955 1,976 6 2 " Salaries 984 18 8 "Annual Government Grant 4,000 0 0 " Shelving (completion steel shelving, new room) 519 0 0 "Levy, Volume 83 364 2 6 " Honoraria, Hon. Editors 75 0 0 "Sales of Publications 419 3 9 " Editorial Expenses (Postages, Tolls, etc.) 15 0 0 "Air Dept. Cost of Coloured Plates, Bulletin 6 162 0 0 " Imprest Account 50 19 11 "Author's Corrections: Bulletin 6, paid by Author 16 18 0 " Travelling Expenses: Balance 89 13 5 "Trust Funds: Administration Expense 5 2 6 " Subscriptions: Inter-Council Scientific Unions 70 14 0 "Two-thirds Interest Endowment Fund, 1954–55 voted by annual meeting for general purposes 88 10 0 " Subscriptions: Pacific Science Council Secretariat 120 1 8 " Charges (Telephone, Audit, Bank, Insurance, etc.) 40 10 2 " Library: Shifting boks to new room 5 12 11 " Allocation to N.Z. Science Congresses Fund 50 0 0 " Allocation to Library Binding Fund 50 0 0 " Stationery 75 13 7 " Balance 472 0 5 £7,032 2 11 £7,032 2 11 By Balance Forward £472 0 5

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 84, 1956-57, Page i

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The Royal Society of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 84, 1956-57, Page i

The Royal Society of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 84, 1956-57, Page i