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Check List of the Fresh-Water Algae of New Zealand V. J. Chapman, R. H. Thompson* and E. C. M. Segar, Auckland University College * Visiting Fulbright Professor from the University of Kansas, U.S.A. [Received by the Editor, July 9, 1956.] Abstract This check list has been compiled from the published literature, from the exsiccatae of V. W. Lindauer and the Laing Collection† Housed by permission of Canterbury University College Council in Auckland University College., from the Auckland Institute Collection, the private records of the authors, and from collections made by members of the Auckland University College Field Club. In particular, Mr. K. W. Loach has added materially to our knowledge of Myxophyceae. No complete list of the fresh-water algae of New Zealand has been published so far. The marine algae have been listed by Laing (1926), the Phaeophyceae revised (Lindauer, 1947) as also the Myxophyceae and Chlorophyceae (Chapman, 1956). Very little work has been carried out on the fresh water algae of New Zealand since the time of Spencer, Maskell and Nordstedt. A recrudescence of interest in these algae seems apparent and this check list may serve as a useful basis for future studies. There is little doubt that many new records have yet to be made in this field. The work of each one of us over short periods has emphasised this, especially that of R. H. T. on the Euglenaceae, Chlorococcales, Dinophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Chrysophyceae and of E. M. S. on the Oedogoniales. The arrangement of the genera, orders, and families is based upon Fritsch (1935) whilst the specific taxonomy is based upon De Toni (1885) for the Chlorophyceae (except where otherwise stated), Myxophyceae and Rhodophyceae. The published literature has been examined very carefully for subsequent changes of names and also for all cases of synonymy. In the list that follows species now recorded for the first time for New Zealand are preceded by an asterisk New records for species already known to occur are marked by a dagger. Records from published and unpublished accounts are signified in brackets after each record as follows:– C = Chapman, 1951. D, D = Drouet and Daily, 1956. DF = De Toni & Forte, 1923. F = Flint, 1938. I = Inglis, 1881. L = Lindsay and Lauder, 1867. KWL = Loach, unpublished. M = Maskell, 1880. M1 = Maskell, 1882. M2 = Maskell, 1888. Ma = Mather, 1928. N = Nordstedt, 1888. S = Spencer, 1881. S1 = Spencer, 1882. T = R. H. Thompson, 1954–55 (unpubl.) C, T = Collected Chapman, & det. Thompson (unpubl.) T, T = Collected Miss J. Thomson, & det. Thompson (unpubl.) Records from other accounts are given in full in the text. In many cases the record occurs under a synonym in the original account. In order to assist collectors and students artificial keys to genera have been provided. When the fresh-water algal flora is eventually written it will be essential to provide keys to the individual species.

Flagellata Euglenineae Euglenaceae 1. Individuals free-swimming 2 Individuals colonial, epiphytic Colacium 2. Naked, without a special envelope 3 Cells with firm, usually brown-coloured envelope Trachelomonas. 3. Cell protoplast not rigid, often elongate, paramylon grains of diverse shape Euglena Cells with rigid protoplast, paramylon grains large 4 4. Cells distinctly flattened 5 Cells not flattened; usually with 2 ring-shaped paramylon grains Lepocinclis 5. Posterior border acute or with caudal appendage Phacus. Cell oval Cryptoglena Euglena acus Ehrenb. Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; Rangiriri Swamp (T).† Euglena limosa Gard. Avon Estuary (Bruce, 1953). *Euglena proxima Dang. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Dunedin (T, T). *Euglena sanguinea Ehrenb. Albany (T). Euglena spirogyra Ehrenb. Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R, Mercer (T)†; Rangiriri Swamp (T).† *Euglena tripteris (Duj.) Klebs. Albany (T). *Euglena truncata Walton. Albany (T); Waikato R., Mercer (T). Euglena viridis Ehrenb. Hutt Valley (Ma); Southdown Oxidation Pond (C)†; Rangiriri Swamp (T).† *Lepocinclis fusiformis (Carter) Lemm. Albany (T); Rangiriri Swamp (T). *Lepocinclis marsonii Lemm. Waikato R., Mercer (T). Lepocinclis ovum (Ehrenb.) Lemm. Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R., Mercer (T).† *Lepocinclis steinii Lemm. Rangiriri Swamp (T); Dunedin (T, T). *Lepocinclis texta (Duj.) Lemm. Albany (T); Mercer Swamp (T). *Lepocinclis turbinatum Da Cunha. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Lake Whangape (T). *Phacus hispidula (Eichw.) Lemm. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Rangiriri Swamp (T). Phacus longicauda (Ehrenb.) Duj. Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R, Mercer (T)†; Rangiriri Swamp (T).† Phacus pleuronectes (O.F.M.) Duj. Hutt Valley (Ma); Pool in Massey Coll. grounds (C, T)†; Mercer Swamp (T)†. *Phacus pyrum (Ehrenb.) Stein. Albany (T); Rangiriri Swamp (T). *Phacus suecica Lemm. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Mercer Swamp (T); Rangiriri Swamp (T). *Phacus triqueter (Ehrenb.) Duj. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Rangiriri Swamp (T). *Cryptoglena pigra Ehrenb. Albany (T).

*Trachelomonas armata (Ehrenb.) Stein. Mercer Swamp (T); Albany (T). Trachelomonas hispida (Perty) Stein. Hutt Valley (Ma); Mercer Swamp (T)†; Rangiriri Swamp (T)†; Albany (T)†. *Trachelomonas oblonga Lemm. Mercer Swamp (T); Albany (T). *Trachelomonas ovalis Daday. Pool in Massey Coll. grounds (C, T); Mercer Swamp (T). *Trachelomonas raciborskii Wolozy. Western Springs (T); Albany (T); Mercer Swamp (T); Rangiriri Swamp (T). Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenb. Hutt Valley (Ma); Cambridge Lake (C, T)†; Albany (T)†; Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; Mercer Swamp (T)†. *Trachelomonas westii Wolozy. Mercer Swamp (T); Dunedin (T, T). *Colacium calvum Stein. Albany (T); Mercer Swamp (T); Rangiriri Swamp (T). Chlorophyceae 1. Vegetative cells ciliate or non-ciliate, single, or aggregated in gelatinous colonies of palmelloid or dendroid type Volvocales Vegetative cells non-ciliate, single or filamentous, or if colonial not aggregated in a gelatinous envelope 2 2. Reproduction by zygospores formed by union of two non-motile cells Conjugales Reproduction by zoospores or motile gametes or both 3 3. Cells single, or united into short chains, spheres or nets Chlorococcales Cells forming simple or branched filaments or parenchymatous membranes 4 4. Vegetative division resulting in cells with apical striations Oedogoniales Vegetative division otherwise 5 5. Cells uninucleate, plastid parietal or band-like 6 Cells multinucleate, plastid reticulate Siphoncladales 6. Thallus of simple filaments or a flat membrane or a tube Ulothricales. Thallus of branched filaments or a prostrate disc, frequently bearing hairs Chaetophorales. Volvocales 1. Dominant phase motile, unicellular or colonial 2 Dominant phase non-motile, cells in mucilaginous colonies 6 2 Cells solitary, naked Polyblepharidaceae. Cells with walls, solitary or in colonies 3 3. Cells solitary 4 Cells in colonies Volvocaceae 4. Wall bivalved, cells usually compressed Phacotaceae Wall not bivalved, cells not compressed 5 5 Cells with radiating protoplasmic strands from wall to protoplast Sphaerellaceae (Sphaerella). Cells without radiating protoplasmic strands Chlamydomonadaceae 6 Cells epiphytic, solitary or in dendroid colonies attached by fine stalks Chlamydomonadaceae Cells free-floating, or if attached not dendroid 7 7. Cells ellipsoid or fusiform Coccomyxaceae Cells spherical 8 Cells with pseudo-cilia, colonies of definite shape Tetrasporaceae Cells without pseudo-cilia, colonies indefinite Palmellaceae

Chlamydomonadaceae 1. Cells biciliate 2 Cells quadriciliate Carteria 2. Cells fusiform, elongate Chlorogonium Cells spherical, ovoid or ellipsoid 3 3. Cell wall widely separated from protoplast Sphaerellopsis Cell wall not widely separated from protoplast Chlamydomonas Polyblepharidaceae 1. Cells asymmetric, green 2 Cells symmetric, colourless Polytomella 2. Cells bow-like, with 4 cilia Spermatozopsi Cells flattened, with a single cilium Pedinomonas Phacotaceae 1. Cells compressed Phacotus Cells not compressed Dysmorphococcus Volvocaceae 1. Colony a flat plate Gonium Colony spherical or ovoid 2 2. Colony with less than 64 cells 3 Colony with more than 500 cells Volvox 3. Colony with 8-16-32 ovate, pyriform cells closely packed Pandorina Colony with 16-32-64 oval cells not closely packed Eudorina Colony with 8–16 compressed biconvex cells Volvulina Tetrasporaceae 1. Frond an expanded membrane or long filament 2 Frond a solid sphere or hollow sac 3 2. Mother cell wall persisting about daughter cells Schizochlamys Mother cell wall not persisting Tetraspora 3. Vegetative colony initially of 4 cells arranged tetra hedrally Paulschulzia Vegetative colony of many cells, colony hollow Apiocystis Palmellaceae 1. Cells borne on stalks Urococcus Cells not stalked 2 2. Families spherical or irregular 3 Families united into subcylindrical, branching thalli Palmodictyon 3. Plastid distinctly stellate Asterococcus Plastid of another form 4 4 Families in a spherical gelatinous envelope Sphaerocystis Families with no general envelope Gloeocystis Coccomyxaceae 1. Cells arranged in a rectangular flat-plate Dispora Cells single or in a sphaeroidal gelatinous matrix Coccomyxa Chlamydomonadineae Chlamydomonadaceae *Carteria globosa Korsch. Wester Springs (T); Waikato R., Mercer (T); Dunedin (T, T). *Chlamydomonas cingulata Pascher. Whangape Lake (T). Chlamydomonas debaryana Goroschank. Hutt Valley (Ma). *Chlamydomonas kleinii Schmidle. Waikato R., Mercer (T). *Chlamydomonas penium Pascher. Whangape Lake (T). *Chlamydomonas steinii Goroschank. Mercer swamp (T).

*Chlorogonium elongatum Dang. Mercer swamp (T). *Chlorogonium euchlorum Ehrenb. Middlemore (T); Western Springs (T); Rangiriri swamp (T); Whangape Lake (T). *Sphaerellopsis fluviatilis (Stein) Pascher. Western Springs (T). Polyblepharidaceae *Pedinomonas minor Korsh. Whangape Lake (T); Waikato R., Mercer (T). *Polytomella citri Kater. Fountain, Devonport (T). *Spermatozopsis exultans Korsh. Fountain, Devonport (T). Phacotaceae *Dysmorphococcus variabilis Takeda. Mercer swamp (T); Pond in Massey College grounds (C, T). *Phacotus lenticularis Ehrenb. Rangiriri swamp (T). Sphaerellaceae Sphaerella lacustris Wittr. Auckland (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Devonport fountain (T)†. Volvocaceae Eudorina elegans Ehrenb. Maungaroa (N); Taupo (N); Auckland (C, unpub.)†; Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; Lake Whangape (T)†. Gonium pectorale Muller. Napier (S); Auckland (Oxidation pond, Southdown) (C, 1953)†; Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma). *Pandorina charkowiensis Korsh. Waikato R., Mercer (T). Pandorina morum (Muller) Bory. Auckland (Oxidation Pond, Southdown) (C, 1953)†; Dunedin (N); Wellington (N); Arahura (N); Teremakau (N); Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma); pool in grounds, Massey College (C, T)†; Cambridge Lake (C, T)†; Waikato R., Mercer (T)†. Volvox aureus Ehrenb. Lake Sarah (F; M.A.P., 1951); Lake Lyndon; Lake Pearson; Lake Georgina; Waimakariri River; Gordon's pits; Lake Murihaka; lake in Gardens, Queenstown; Lake Brunner; Lake Alexandrina; Lake Ponui; Lake Heaton; Lake Parau (all M.A.P., 1951). Volvox barberi Shaw. Lake Ponui; Lake Heaton (M.A.P., 1951). Volvox globator (L) Ehrenb. Western Springs, Auckland (C, unpub.)†; Lake Lyndon; Lake Georgina; Gordon's pits; Lake Murihaka; Lake Brunner (all M.A.P., 1951). Volvox perglobator Powers. Lake Brewer; Lake Power (M.A.P., 1951). Volvox tertius Meyer. Lake Heaton (M.A.P., 1951). Volvulina steinii Playfair. Ponds at Belfast and Flaxton (M.A.P., 1951).

Tetrasporineae Tetrasporaceae *Paulschulzia pseudovolvox Skuja. Waikato R., Mercer (T). Apiocystis brauniana Näg. Hutt Valley (N); Rangiriri swamp (T).† Schizochlamys gelatinosa A. Br. Hutt Valley (Ma); Tank, roof of Botany Dept., A.U.C. (T).† Tetraspora explanata Ag. Kororareka (N). Tetraspora gelatinosa Desv. Hutt Valley (Ma). Tetraspora lubrica (Roth.) Ag. Castle Hill (N). Palmellaceae Asterococcus superbus (Cienk.) Scherffel. Hutt Valley (Ma); Mercer swamp (T).† *Gloeocystis ampla Kütz. Bayswater (T); Tank, Botany Dept. Roof, A.U.C. (K.W.L.) Gloeocystis gigas Lagerh. Hutt Valley (Ma); Tank, Botany Dept. roof, A.U.C. (T).† Gloeocystis grevillei (Berk.) Dr. and Daily. Harihari (C); Omanuta (C); Whangamumu (K.W.L.)†; Gt. Barrier Is. (K.W.L.)†; Greenhouse, A.U.C. (K.W.L.)† Gloeocystis planctonica (W. & G. West) Lemm. Lake Sarah (F). Palmodictyon viride Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma); Rangiriri swamp (T).† *Sphaerocystis schroeteri Chod. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Western Springs (T). Urococcus cryptophilus (Carm.) Hass. West Coast Rd. (South Alps). ‡ The identity of this organism is very doubtful. It may well be a member of the Dinocapsales (p. 726) genus Gloeodinium. (Hooker, 1855). Chlorangiaceae *Chlorangium javanicum Lemm. Lake Whangape (T); Rangiriri swamp (T). *Chlorangium stentorium (Ehrenb.) Stein. Waikato R., Mercer (T). Coccomyxaceae *Coccomyxa dispar Schmidle. Bayswater (T). *Dispora crucigenioides Printz. Dunedin (T, T). Chlorococcales 1. Cells free or united by gelatine into colonies 2 Cells united without gelatine into net or disc-shaped colonies Hydrodictyaceae Cells parasitic in Lemna Endosphaeraceae (Chlrochytrium) 2. Cells regularly dividing vegetatively (unicells or colonial) 4 Cell division rare or abnormal (unicells) 3 3. Cells attached at base, epiphytic Characiaceae (Characium) Cells not attached, free living Chlorococcaceae (Golenkinia)

4. Thallus a hollow, globular coenobium of spherical or pyramidal cells united to each other by processes Coelastraceae (Coelastrum) Thallus otherwise, not forming regular coenobia 5 Cells attached by mucilage or at the ends of gelatinous strands Dictyosphaeraceae (Dictyosphaerium) Cells not on gelatinous strands 6 6. Cells solitary or in colonies; cells variable in form, not joined to each other; reproduction by autospores Oocystaceae Cells in groups of 2–8, joined to form a pattern of definite shape; reproduction by formation of daughter colonies within cells Scenedesmaceae Hydrodictyaceae 1. Coenobium a flat plate, cells not stalked Pediastrum Coenobium spherical, composed of stalked cells Sorastrum Oocystaceae 1. Plant unicellular 2 Plant colonial 14 2. Cells angular, pyramidal, triangular or polygonal 3 Cells spherical, ellipsoid, ovoid or acicular 5 3. Angles bearing spines or bristles 4 Angles lacking spines or produced to form simple or branched processes Tetraedron (in part) 4. Angles with 4–6 fine, hair-like bristles Polyedriopsis Angles with 1, 2 or 3 short, stout spines Tetraedron (in part) 5. Cells spherical 6 Cells ovate, lunate, or acicular 9 6. Cells with one chloroplast 7 Cells with several to many chloroplasts 8 7. Cells single or cohering in small groups Chlorella Cells arranged tetrahedrally in a mucilage envelope Radiococcus Cells enclosed by a wide gelatinous investment Planktosphaeria (in part) Cells not enclosed by a gelatinous investment Eremosphaera 9. Cells ellipsoid Oocystis (in part) Cells lunate, fusiform or acicular 10 10. Cells lunate 11 Cells straight, acicular or fusiform 12 11. Cells invested by a gelatinous sheath Kirchneriella (part) Cells not enclosed in a sheath Ankistrodesmus (part) 12. With a single needle-like spine at one or both ends Schroederia Spine absent, though apices may taper to a fine point 13 13. Chloroplast with a row of pyrenoids Closteriopsis Chloroplast lacking pyrenoids or with one only Ankistrodesmus (part) 14. Cells with a gelatinous envelope 15 Cells without a gelatinous envelope 18 15. Cells spherical or broadly ovate Planktosphaeria (part) Cells elongate, at least 2 times as long as wide 16 16. Cell membrane with a distinct longitudinal ridge Enallax Cell membrane without any ridge 17 17. Each individual cell or group of cells in a separate envelope Nephrocyticum Gelatinous envelope homogeneous Kirchneriella (part) 18. Cells united by remains of old mother cell walls at centre of colony 19 Old mother cell walls not present 20 19. Cells spherical Westella Cells ovoid or reniform Dimorphococcus 20. Cells spindle-shaped, joined end to end Dactylococus Cells not spindle-shaped 21 21. Cells ovate or spherical Oocystis (part) Cells elongate, acicular, or spindle-shaped 22 22. Cells lunate or sickle-shaped Selenastrum Cells straight Ankistrodesmus (part)

Scenedesmaceae 1. Cells ovoid, fusiform, crescent-shaped or oblong, arranged with long axes parallel to form a single or double series in one plane Scenedesmus Cells of another shape or otherwise arranged 2 2. Cells spherical with long spines, in multiple colonies of 4– Micractinium Cells not spherical, without spines or with short spines 3 3. Cells with only poles adjoined 5 Cells forming a flat coenobium with cells adjoined 5 4. Cells with spines Tetrastrum Cells without spines Crucigenia 5. Cells cylindrical or fusiform Actinastrum Cells sausage or crescent-shaped Tetrallantos Characiaceae Characium acuminatum A. Br. Hawke's Bay (S). Characium ensiforme Herm. Waitati R. (N); Hutt Valley (N); Rotorua (N). *Characium gracilipes F. D. Lamb. Mercer swamp (T). Characium polymorphum Printz. Hutt Valley (Ma). Chlorococcaceae *Golenkinia radiata Chod. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Rangiriri swamp (T). Coelastraceae Coelastrum microporum Näg. Outakura (N); Lake Sarah (F); Cambridge Lake (C, T)† Coelastrum sphaericum Näg. Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Dunedin (N); Hutt Valley (N); Auckland (N); Kohukohu (N); Otaua River (N); Waikato R, Mercer (T).† *Coelastrum verrucosum (Reinsch.) De Toni. No locality (T). Dictyosphaeraceae Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum Näg. Lake Sarah (F); Albany (T).† *Dictyosphaerium planctonicum Tiff. & Ahlst. Albany (T). *Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood. Waikato R., Mercer (T). Endosphaeraceae *Chlorochytrium lemnae Cohn Western Springs (T). Hydrodictyaceae Pediastrum boryanum (Turp.) Menegh. var. granulatum (Kütz) A. Br. Lake Lynden (N); Auckland (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Omatangi (N); Christchurch (M); Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; pool in Massey Coll. Grounds (C, T).† *Pediastrum clathratum (Schröt.) Lemm. Western Springs (T); pool in Massey College grounds (C, T). Pediastrum constrictum Hass. (P. ellipticum Ralfs.) Hawke's Bay (S). Pediastrum duplex Meyer. Hawke's Bay (S). Pediastrum integrum Näg. Waimakariri River (N).

*Pediastrum simplex (Meyen.) Lemm. Mercer swamp (T). Pediastrum tetras (Ehrenb.) Ralfs Auckland (N); Otaua River (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; Lake Whangape (T)†; Cambridge Lake (C, T)†; pool in Massey College grounds (C, T)†. Sorastrum spinulosum Näg. No locality (N); Cambridge Lake (C, T).† Oocystaceae Ankistrodesmus acutissimus Archer Christchurch (M). Ankistrodesmus polymorphum Fresen. Christchurch (M); Arthur's Pass (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Dunedin (N); Hutt Valley (N); Tokano (N). Ankistrodesmus polymorphum Fresen var. falcatum (Corda) Rabenh. Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R., Mercer (T).† Ankistrodesmus polymorphum Fresen var. aciculare (A. Br.) Rabenh. Hutt Valley (Ma). Chlorella vulgaris Beyer Auckland (Oxidation Pond), Southdown (C, 1953)†; Hutt Valley (Ma). Closteriopsis longissima Lemm. Hutt Valley (Ma). *Dactylococcus bicaudatus A. Br. Cambridge (T). *Dactylococcus infusionum Näg. Western Springs (T). *Dimorphococcus lunatus A. Br. Rangiriri Swamp (T). *Enallax alpinus Pascher Western Springs (T); Green Lake, Mayor Is. (E.M.S.). *Eremosphaera viridis De By. Albany (T). *Kirchneriella contorta (Schmidle) Bohlin Western Springs (T). Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirchn.) Moeb. Lake Sarah (F); Western Springs (T)†; Lake Whangape (T)†; Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; Cambridge (T)†. Kirchneriella obesa (West) Schmidle Hutt Valley (Ma); Waikato R, Mercer (T)†. *Nephrocytium agardhianum Näg. Tank on Botany Dept. roof, A.U.C. (T); Waikato R., Mercer (T). *Nephrocytium limneticum G. M. Smith Waikato R., Mercer (T) Nephrocytium lunatum W. West Lake Sarah (F); Cambridge Lake (C, T)†. Oocystis borgei Snow. Lake Sarah (F). Oocystis elliptica West. Hutt Valley (Ma). Oocystis naegelii A. Br. Arthur's Pass (N); Omatangi (N). *Oocystis parva (Ward) G. S. West Mercer swamp (T). Oocystis solitaria Wittr. var. apiculata Printz. Lake Sarah (F).

*Planktosphaeria gelatinosa G. M. Smith Rangiriri swamp (T); Lake Whangape (T). *Polyedriopsis spinulosa Schmidle Rangiriri swamp (T). *Radiococcus nimbatus (de Wildm.) Schmidle Lake Whangape (T). *Schroederia setigera (Schroeder) Lemm. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Rangiriri swamp (T). Selenastrum gracile Rinsch Hutt Valley (Ma); Lake Whangape (T)†; Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; Cambridge Lake (C, T)†. Selenastrum westii Fritsch Hutt Valley (Ma). Tetraedron (Polyedrium) gigas (Wittr.) Hansg. f. tetraedricum Nordst. Tokano (N). Tetraedron (Polyedrium) lobulatum (Näg.) Hansg. Otaua R., (N); Omatangi (N); Devonport fountain (T)†. Tetraedron (Polyedrium) lobulatum (Näg.) Hansg. f. tetragona Nordst. Omatangi (N). *Tetraedron (Polyedrium) minimum (A Br.) Hansg. Rangiriri swamp (T). *Tetraedron (Polyedrium) regulare Kütz. Cambridge Lake (C, T). Tetraedron (Polyedrium) tetragonum (Näg) Hansg. Otaua R. (N). *Westella botryoides (W. West) de Wildm. Waikato R., Mercer (T); Lake Whangape (T). *Westella linearis G. M. Smith. Devonport fountain (T). Scenedesmaceae Actinastrum hantzschii Lagerh. Hutt Valley (Ma). Crucigenia quadrata Morren Hutt Valley (Ma). *Crucigenia rectangularis (Näg.) Gay Waikato R., Mercer (T). *Crucigenia tetrapedia (Kirchn.) W. & G. S. West Waikato R., Mercer (T). *Micractinium pusillum Fres. Waikato R., Mercer (T). *Scenedesmus acuminatus (Lagerh.) Chod. Waikato R., Mercer (T). Scenedesmus acutus Meyer Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma). Scenedesmus bijugatus (Turp.) Kütz. Dunedin (N); Omatangi (N); Christchurch (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Cambridge Lake (C, T)†; Waikato R., Mercer (T).† *Scenedesmus brasiliensis Bohlin Waikato R., Mercer (T). Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kütz. Dunedin (N); Hutt Valley (N): Tokano (N); Omatangi (N); Christchurch (M). Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kütz var. dimorphus (Turp.) Rabenh. Christchurch (M1); Rangiriri swamp (T)†.

*Scenedesmus producto—capitatus Schmula Rangiriri swamp (T). Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Bréb. Lake Lyndon (N); Hutt Valley; Dunedin (N); Bluff (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Christchurch (N); Waikato R., Mercer (T)†. Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Bréb. var. ecornis (Ralf.) Chod. Hutt Valley (Ma.). *Tetrallantos lagerheimii Teiling Western Springs (T); Waikato R, Mercer (T). *Tetrastrum divergens G. M. Smith Waikato R., Mercer (T); Mercer swamp (T). Ulotrichales 1. Thallus a parenchymatous tube Ulvaceae (Enteromorpha) Thallus a flat leafy monostromatic expanse 2 Thallus filamentous 3 2. Plastid axile, stellate Prasiolaceae (Prasiola) Plastid otherwise Monostromaceae (Monostroma) 3. Plastid axile, stellate Prasiolaceae (Prasiola-Hormidium stage) Plastid parietal 4 4. Chloroplast one, parietal, usually with pyrenoids 5 Chloroplasts several, pyrenoids lacking Microsporaceae (Microspora) 5. Cell walls thick, gelatinous, sexual reproduction oogamous Cylindrocapsaceae (Cylindrocapsa) Cell walls thin, sexual reproduction not oogamous Ulotrichaceae Ulotrichaceae 1. Filaments readily fragmenting into individual cylindrical cells Stichococcus Filaments not readily fragmenting 2 2. Filaments without a prominent mucous envelope 3 Filaments with a prominent mucous envelope Gloetila 3. Cells in pairs, mature transverse walls very thick Binuclearia Cells not in pairs, walls not thickened 4 4. Filaments elongate, no special apical cell 5 Filaments short with attenuated apical cell Uronema 5. Plastid annular, usually occupying entire length of cell Ulothrix Plastid elliptical or circular, usually occupying only half length of cell Hormidium Binuclearia tatrana Wittr. Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma). Gloeotila capensis Grün (as Conferva floccosa) Hawke's Bay (S). Hormidium crenulatum Kütz. var. corticolum Rabenh. et Westend. Dunedin (N). Hormidium parietinum (Vauch.) Kütz. var. crassum (Kütz.) Hansg. Dunedin (N). *Stichococcus bacillaris Näg. Albany (T). *Stichococcus subtilis (Kütz.) Klerck Waitakere Dam (K.W.L). Stichococcus variabilis W. & G. S. West Hutt Valley (Ma). Ulothrix aequalis Kütz. Silica Springs, National Park (C); Hutt Valley (Ma). Ulothrix flaccida Kütz. Tokano (N); Hutt Valley (Ma).

Ulothrix flaccida Kütz. var. varia (Kütz.) De Wild Tokano (N). Ulothrix moniliformis Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma). Ulothrix subtilis (Kütz.) De Toni var. tenerrima (Kütz.) Kirchn. Tokano (N); Hawke's Bay (S1); Hutt Valley (Ma). *Ulothrix tenuissima Kütz. Le Roys Bush (K.W.L.) Ulothrix zonata (Web. et Mohr) Kütz. Lake Tarawera (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). *Uronema elongatum Hodgetts. Dunedin (T, T). Microsporaceae Microspora abbreviata (Rabenh.) Lagerh. (= Conferva novae semliae) Lake Lyndon (N); Hutt Valley (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Maungaroa (N). Microspora amoena Rabenh. Hutt Valley (Ma). Microspora floccosa Thur. Hutt Valley (Ma). Microspora pachyderma Lagerh. Stream, National Park (C); Western Springs (T)†; Middlemore (T)†. Microspora stagnorum (Kütz.) Lagerh. (Conferva stagnorum) Ohaeawai (N); Le Roys Bush (K.W.L.)†; Rotorua geyser (DF); Ohinemutu (DF). Cylindrocapsaceae *Cylindrocapsa geminella Wolle Middlemore (T). Ulvaceae Enteromorpha intestinalis Link. Hawke's Bay (S); Hutt Valley (Ma). *Enteromorpha nana (Somerf.) Bliding var. minima (Bliding) Comb. nov. ecad rivularis (Collins) Comb. nov. Piha str.; Lake Karapiro; South Karori str; Lake Tarawera (V.J.C., all records unpub.). Monostromaceae Monostroma membranaceum W. & G. S. West. Hutt Valley (Ma). Prasiolaceae Prasiola crispa (Lightf.) Ag. No locality (Hooker, 1855). Prasiola delicatula Chapm. Russell (C); Waiheke Is. (C); Torbay (C). Prasiola skottsbergii Levring Russell (C). Chaetophorales 1. Unicellular, occasionally forming short filaments, terrestrial Pleurococcaceae (Pleurococcus) Multicellular, filaments or discs, terrestrial or aquatic 2 2. Thallus a 1-layered disc or convex cushion, many cells with setae arising from a sheathed base Coleochaetaceae Thallus filamentous or disc-like, but if the latter hairless or hairs without sheathed bases 3 3. Thallus branched, frequently bearing simple hairs, branches sometimes fused into a disc 4 Thallus branched, without hairs Trentepohhaceae

4. Plant body macroscopic Chaetophoraceae Plant body microscopic, usually epi- or endophytic 5 5. Thallus a well-branched projecting system, without hairs Erectae (Microthamnion) Thallus composed in main of prostrate system Prostratae Prostratae 1. Thallus bearing hairs 2 Thallus without hairs Protoderma 2. Hairs with inflated bulbous base Aphanochaete Hairs without inflated base Chaetopeltis Trentepohliaceae 1. Thallus richly branched, often brownish Trentepohlia Thallus epiphyllous 2 2. Thallus discoid Phycopeltis Thallus of branched threads Cephaleuros Chaetophoraceae 1. Filaments not surrounded by a mucilage envelope 2 Filaments surrounded by a mucilage envelope Chaetophora 2. Axes and branches not markedly differentiated Stigeoclonium Tufts of short lateral branches borne on wide axis Draparnaldia Coleochaetaceae 1. Plants multicellular, forming discs or branched filaments Coleochaete Plants one or two-celled Chaetosphaeridium Chaetophoraceae Chaetophora cornu-damae (Roth.) Ag. var. genuina Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S1); stream near Coroglen (V.J.C.)†. Chaetophora elegans Ag. Hawke's Bay (S1). Chaetophora tuberculosa (Roth.) Hook. Blueskin Bay (N). Draparnaldia glomerata (Vauch.) Ag. Warrington (N); Kororareka (N); Tokano (N); Uriti (V.W. Lindauer exsicc.). Draparnaldia glomerata (Vauch.) Ag. var. acuta Ag. Ohaeawai (N). Draparnaldia plumosa Ag. Horokino (V.W.L. exsicc.); Hutt Valley (Ma). Stigeoclonium amoenum Kütz. var. novizelandicum Nordst. Paihia (V.W.L. exsicc.); Hutt Valley (Ma); Dunedin (N); Auckland (N). Stigeoclonium nanum Kütz. Hurt Valley (Ma). Stigeoclonium subsecundum Kütz. var. tenuis Nordst. Coromandel (N). Stigeoclonium tenue Rabenh. Hawke's Bay (S1); Hutt Valley (Ma). Prostratae Aphanochaete globosa Wolle. Lake Pearson (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Rotorua (DF). Aphanochaete polytricha Nordst. Taupo (N). Aphanochaete repens Berth. Hutt Valley (N); Western Springs (T)†; Albany (T)†; Dunedin (T, T)†. Protoderma viride Kütz Hutt Valley (Ma). Chaetopeltidaceae *Chaetopeltis orbicularis Berth. Dunedin (T, T).

Erectae Microthamnion kützingianum Näg. Bluff (in Sphagna) (N); Hutt Valley (Mȧ); Dunedin (T, T)†. Trentepohliaceae *Cephaleuros virescens Kunze On Magnolia grandiflora, Ligustrum japonicum, Auckland (T). *Cephaleuros minimus Karsten On Coprosma australis, Waitakeres (T). *Cephaleuros parasiticus Karsten. On Knightia excelsa, Waitakeres (T). Rangitoto (T). *Cephaleuros Lagerheimii Schmidt On Melicytus ramiflorus, Waitakeres (T); Wellington (T); Massey College grounds (C, T). *Phycopeltis aurea On various species, Waitakeres (T). Phycopeltis expansa Jennings. Auckland (Jennings, 1896). Trentepohlia aurea (L.) Mart. Auckland (Kirk, 1871). Trentepohlia jolithus (L.) Wallr. Auckland (C). Trentepohlia jolithus (L.) Wallr. var. crassior Nordst. Taupo (N); Russell (V.W.L. Exsicc.). Trentepohlia jolithus var. pulvinatum (Grünow, 1867). No locality. Trentepohlia odorata (Lyngb.) Wittr. (Grünow, 1867). No locality. (Phycopeltis nigra Jennings appears to be a sooty mildew (R.H.T.) and has therefore been deleted.) Coleochaetaceae *Chaetosphaeridium globosum (Nordst.) Klebahn Dunedin (T, T). Coleochaete irregularis Prings. (near to) Papakauri (N); Omatangi (N); Lake Pearson (N). Coleochaete orbicularis Prings. Papakauri (N). Coleochaete scutata Bréb. Auckland (N); Ohaeawai (N); Papakauri (N); Tokano (N); Omatangi (N); Orakeikorako (N); Western Springs (T)†; Dunedin (T, T)†. Pleurococcaceae *Pleurococcus vulgaris Menegh. Auckland (C, unpub.) widespread. Siphonocladales Cladophoraceae 1. Filaments simple or with occasional rhizoidal branches Rhizoclonium Filaments extensively branched Cladophora Cladophora callicoma Kütz. Tapuaeharuru (N). Cladophora crispata (Roth) Kütz. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF) Cladophora crispata (Roth) Kütz. f waikatensis Hauck. Waikato River (N); Hawke's Bay (S1); Karekare (K.W L.)†.

Cladophora flavida Kütz. f. curvata Hauck. Taupo (N). Cladophora fracta (Vohl.) Kütz. Lake Rotoaira (N); Pontu River (N); Tapuaeharuru (N). Cladophora glomerata (L) Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma); Hawke's Bay (S1); Green Lake, Mayor Is. (T.C. Chambers and I. Bayley)†; Lake Tarawera (C)†. Cladophora hochstetteri Grün. Lake Taupo (N); Lake Rotoaira (N). Rhizoclonium berggrenianun Hauck. Rotorua (N); Tokano (N). *Rhizoclonium crispum Kütz. Western Springs (T); Milford (T). Rhizoclonium fontanum Kütz. Le Roys Bush (K.W L.). Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum (C.Ag.) Kütz. Swanson (C); Hutt Valley (Ma); Middlemore (T)†. Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum (C.Ag.) Kütz. f. kororarekana Hauck. Kororareka (N). Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum (C.Ag.) Kütz. f. waikitense Hauck. Bay of Islands (N); Rotorua (N); Waikite (N); Whakarewarewa (DF). Rhizoclonium riparium (Harv.) Nihotapu (V.J.C.)†; Hutt Valley (Ma); Tairua River (V.J.C. 1955)†. Oedogoniales Oedogoniaceae 1. Filaments unbranched, hairless Oedogonium Filaments branched, cells bearing a hair with swollen base Bulbochaete The species in this family are named according to the Monograph by Tiffany (1930). Oedogonium acrosporum De Bary Omatangi (N) Oedogonium borisianum (Le Cl.) Wittr. Rotomahana (N). Oedogonium boschii (Le Cl.) Wittr. Ohaeawai (N): Tokano (N). Oedogonium calcareum Cleve Hawke's Bay (S1). Oedogonium chapmanii Tiffany Auckland (Tiffany, 1948). Oedogonium ciliatum (Hassall) Prings. Hawke's Bay (S1); Hutt Valley (Ma). Oedogonium crenulatum Wittr. var. gracilius (Nordst.)† Hirn. Omatangi (N); Waitakere str., Auckland (E.M.S). Oedogonium crispum (Hass.) Wittr. Ohaeawai (N); Tokano River (N); Tauranga (?) (N); Te Aroha (E.M.S.)†. Waitakere Str. (E.M.S.)† Oedogonium cryptoporum Wittr. Waimakariri River (N); Waihi (E.M.S.)† *Oedogonium lagerstedtii Wittr. Lake Hayes (E.M.S.). *Oedogonium oelandicum Wittr. Western Springs (E.M.S.). Oedogonium platygynum Wittr. Omatangi (N).

Oedogonium platygynum Wittr. var. novae zelandiae Hirn. Ohaeawai (N) (= var. continuum Nordst.) Oedogonium princeps (Hass.) Wittr. Ruataniwha (S1). Oedogonium pringsheimii Cram. Lake Taupo (N). Oedogonium pringsheimii Cram. var. nordstedtii Wittr. Tokano River (N). *Oedogonium pusillum Kirchner Lake Hayes, Central Otago (E.M.S.). Oedogonium stellatum Wittr. Ohaeawai (N). *Oedogonium subsexangulare (Wille) Tiff. Western Springs, Auckl. (E.M.S.). Oedogonium suecicum Wittr. Otaua River (N); Waitakere str., Auckland (E M.S.); Waihi (E.M.S.)† *Oedogonium vulgare (Wittr.) Tiff. Waitakere str., Saddle Hill pond, Dunedin (E.M.S.). Bulbochaete angulosa Wittr. & Lund. Papakauri (N); Otaua River (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N). Bulbochaete anomala Prings. Lake Pearson (N). Bulbochaete gigantea Prings. Otaua River (N); Taupo (N). Bulbochaete intermedia De Bary Tokano (N). Bulbochaete minor A. Br. No locality (Gruntow, 1867). Bulbochaete mirabilis Wittr. Lake Pearson (N); Omatangi (N); Otaua River (N). Bulbochaete punctulata (Nordst.) Hirn. Papakauri (N); Ruataniwha (S1). Bulbochaete repanda Wittr. Omatangi (N). Bulbochaete setigera (Roth) Ag. var. punctulatum Nordst. Papakauri (N). Also specimens near to B. sessilis Wittr. (Taupo), B. crenulata Prings. (Otaua River), B. nordstedtii Wittr. (Taupo). (All recorded by Nordstedt.) Conjugales 1. Cells solitary, more rarely colonial, with or without median constriction 2 Cells in filaments, not divided by constrictions 3 2. Cell wall a single piece without obvious pores Mesotaeniaceae Cell wall of two or more pieces, usually with a median constriction and pores Desmidiaceae 3. Cells forming threads that do not dissociate; outer wall smooth Zygnemataceae Cells forming threads which easily dissociate into individual cells; outer wall rough Gonatozy gonaceae Mesotaeniaceae 1. Cells straight 2 Cells slightly curved, chloroplast quite filling cell Roya 2. Plastid parietal, spiral Spirotaenia Plastid not spiral 3 3. Plastid a single plate in each semi-cell Mesotaenium Plastid or plastids not plate-like 4 4. Plastid stellate Cylindrocystis Plastid axial with longitudinal radiating plates Netrium

Cylindrocystis brebissonii Menegh. Taupo (N); Harihari (Westland) (C). Cylindrocystis brebissonii Menegh. var. jenneri (Ralfs) Reinsch. Christchurch (M1) (as Penium jenneri) Cylindrocystis crassa De Bary. National Park (N). Cylindrocystis (?) diplospora Lund No locality (N). Mesotaenium braunii De Bary (= Palmogloea protuberans (Sm. & Sow.) Kütz.) Hawke's Bay (S); Hutt Valley (Ma) as Aphanocapsa grevillei (Hass.) Rabenh. as Gloeocapsa montana Kütz., as G. polydermatica Kütz. (see D, D). Mesotaenium violascens De Bary Omatangi (N). Netrium digitus (Ehrenb.) Itzigs. et Rothe Lake Sarah (F). Netrium lamellosum (Bréb.) Grönbl. Hutt Valley (Ma). Roya obtusa (Bréb.) W. & G. S. West var. montana W. & G. S. West. Hutt Valley (Ma). Spirotaenia condensata Bréb. Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Spirotaenia obscura Ralfs Christchurch (M1). Zygnemataceae The species in this family are named according to the Monograph on the Zygnemataceae by Transeau (1951). The determinations are based primarily upon the structure of the zygote, and it is doubtful whether these were seen in the early records. These species are indicated with a question mark. 1. Plastid an axial plate 2 Plastid spiral or stellate 3 2. ovoid with 3 longitudinal ridges Debarya Spore lentiform or angled, smooth or scrobiculate Mougeotia 3. Plastid 1—more bands, more or less spiral Spirogyra Plastid more or less stellate 4 4 Spore formed in tube cells cut off from original parent cells Zygogonium Spore formed in tube cells not cut off from original parent cells Zygnema Debarya glyptosperma (De Bary) Wittr. Omatangi (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Debarya laevis (Kütz.) W. & G. S. West Hutt Valley (Ma). Mougeotia capucina (De Bary) Ag. Omatangi (N). Spirogyra braziliensis (Nordst.) Transeau (as S. lineata) Warrington (N); Kororareka (N). ?Spirogyra communis (Hassall) Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S1). Spirogyra crassa Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma). Spirogyra longata (Vauch.) Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma). ?Spirogyra nitida (Dillwyn) Link. Hawke's Bay (S1). ?Spirogyra pellucida (Hass.) Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S1).

Spirogyra porticalis (Muell.) Cleve (as S. quinina). Hawke's Bay (S1); Hutt Valley (Ma). ?Spirogyra quadrata (Hass.) Petit Hawke's Bay (S1). ?Spirogyra setiformis (Roth.) Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S1). Spirogyra singularis Nordst. Dunedin (N); Warrington (N); Kororareka (N). Spirogyra tenuissima (Hass.) Kütz. Waimakariri (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). ?Zygnema byssoideum (Harv.) De Toni Kapiti Is. (fresh water lake). Requires refinding and further study–it may not be a Zygnema (Hooker, 1855). Zygnema cruciatum (Vauch.) Ag. Hawke's Bay (S1). ?Zygnema pectinatum (Vauch.) Ag. No locality (Colenso). Zygnema stellinum Ag. Hutt Valley (Ma). Zygogonium ericetorum Kütz. National Park (C); Hutt Valley (Ma). Gonatozygonaceae 1. Plastid axial Gonatozygon Plastid parietal, spirally twisted Genicularia Genicularia spirotaenia De Bary Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma). Gonatozygon asperum (Bréb.) Celve (as G. brebissonii). Arthur's Pass (N); Lake Sarah (F); Bluff (N). Gonatozygon kinghim (Arch) Rabenh. Pool, Massey Coll. (C, T). Gonatozygon ralfsii De Bary (as G. monotaenium). Lake Sarah (F). Desmidiaceae De Toni was not aware of Maskell's papers, and it is therefore possible that some of the new species described by Maskell may be synonymous with others previously described from elsewhere. The genus Pleurotaeniopsis has been included in the genus Cosmarium in conformity with recent practice. 1. Cell solitary 2 Cells in filaments 14 2. Slight constriction between semicells 3 Distinct constriction between semicells 5 3. Cell straight, plastid with entire edges 4 Cell crescent shaped, plastid leaving vacuole in tip Closterium 4 Cell wall granular Disphinctium Cell wall smooth Penium 5. Semicells several times longer than broad 6 Semicells not much longer than broad 9 6. Semicell with notch at apex 7 Semicell without notch at apex 8 7 Cell wall smooth Tetmemorus Cell wall with furcate processes Triploceras 8. Bases of semicells plicate (Docidium) Bases of semicells not plicate Pleurotaenium 9. Cells in vertical view 3 or more angled or with radiate projections Staurastrum Cells in vertical view oval to fusiform 10 10. Cells with spines 11 Cells without spines 12

11. Semicell with central protuberance Xanthidium No central protuberance Arthrodesmus 12. Semicell without deep incision Cosmarium Semicell with distinct, often a deep incision 13 13. Semicells with conspicuous prominences near base Euastrum Semicells without conspicuous prominences near base Micrasterias 14. Cells united by apical processes 15 Cells united directly, without processes 16 15. Apical processes short, meeting those of next cell Sphaerozosma Apical processes long, overlapping those of next cell Onychonema 16. Median constriction slight 17 Median constriction marked 18 17. Filaments enclosed in wide gelatinous sheath Hyalotheca Filaments without gelatinous sheath Desmidium (part) 18. Cells round or elliptical in vertical view 19 Cells angular or with radiate arms in vertical view 20 19. Cells elliptical in vertical view Spondylosium Cells round with two small opposite prominences Gymnozyga 20. Semicells symmetrical Desmidium (part) Semicells asymmetrical Phymatodocis Peniae Penium closterioides Ralfs Blueskin Bay (N); Christchurch (M); Otaki (M2). Penium closterioides Ralfs var. subcylindricum Klebs Omatangi (N). Penium cucurbitinum Bisset var. subpolymorphum Nordst. Omatangi (N); Christchurch (M1 & M2); Otaki (M2); Hawke's Bay (M2). Penium digitus (Ehrenb.) Bréb. Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Penium incrassatum Mask. f. major and minor Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Penium interruptum Bréb. Hutt Valley (Ma). Penium lamellosum Bréb. Arthur's Pass (N); Otaki (M2). Penium margaritaceum (Ehrenb.) Bréb. var. a, b, c. Lyttelton (M1); Cust Valley (M1); Otaki (M2). Penium naegelii Bréb. Waimakariri River (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Lake Lyndon (N). Penium navicula Bréb. Otaki (M2). Penium polymorphum Perty Waikato (N); Omatangi (N); National Park (N); Christchurch (M2); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). (Specimen near to P. didymocarpum Lund. Omatangi (N). Tetmemorus brebissonii (Menegh.) Ralfs Otaki (M2); Hutt Valley (Ma); Hawke's Bay (M2). Tetmemorus brebissonii (Menegh.) Ralfs var. attenuatus Nordst. Christchurch (N); Papakauri (N); Taupo (N). Tetmemorus granulatus (Bréb.) Ralfs f. minor Mask. Otaki (M2). Tetmemorus laevis (Kütz.) Ralfs Hokianga (N); Omatangi (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closteriae Closterium acerosum (Schrank) Ehrenb. Christchurch (M); Waimakariri River (N); Lake Lyndon (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2).

Closterium acerosum var. angolense W. & G. West Lake Sarah (F). Closterium aciculare T. West var. subpronum W. & G. S. West Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium acutum (Lyng.) Bréb. Christchurch (M); Dunedin (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Closterium acutum (Lyng.) Bréb. f. tenuis Nordst. Omatangi (N). Closterium attenuatum Ehrenb. Hawke's Bay (S). Closterium compactum Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N). Closterium complanatum Delp. Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium cornu Ehrenb. Hawke's Bay (S); Lake Sarah (F). Closterium costatum Corda Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium cynthia De Not. Christchurch (M2); Otaki (M2); Kaitoke (M2); Blueskin Bay (N); Taupo (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium cynthia De Not. f. angustior Nordst. Christchurch (N); Bluff (N); Papakauri (N); Taupo (N). Closterium decorum Bréb. Taupo (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Christchurch (N); Kororareka (N); Otaki (M2). Closterium decorum Bréb. f. gracilior Mask. Christchurch (M2); Kaitoke (M2); Wellington (M2); Otaki (M2). Closterium dianae Ehrenb. Christchurch (M); Auckland (N); Rotomahana (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium dianae Ehrenb. var. arcuatum (Bréb.) Rabenh. No locality (M2). Closterium didymotocum Corda Fernside (M). Closterium directum Archer Blueskin Bay (N). Closterium ehrenbergii Menegh. Christchurch (M1); Ohaeawai (N); Tokano River (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). ?Closterium gracile Bréb. (not typical, near to C. lundellii) Winton (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Blueskin Bay (N); Bluff (N); Taupo (N); Otaki (M2). Closterium intermedium Ralfs Otaki (M2). Closterium jenneri Ralfs Hawke's Bay (M2); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium juncidum Ralfs Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium kutzingii Bréb. Blueskin Bay (N); Winton (N); Taupo (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Closterium kutzingii Bréb. var. vittatum Nordst. Taupo (N). Closterium lanceolatum Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S); Hutt Valley (Ma).

Closterium leibleinii Kütz. Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium linea Perty. Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium lineatum Ehrenb. Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium lineatum Ehrenb. var. sandvicense Nordst. Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2); Blueskin Bay (N). Closterium lunula (Muell.) Nitzch. Christchurch (M); Arahura (N); Teremakau (N); Bay of Islands (N); Papa-kauri (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium lunula (Muell.) Nitzch. var. coloratum Klebs. Castle Hill (N); Otaki (M2). Closterium moniliferum (Bory) Ehrenb. Hawke's Bay (S); Waimakariri River (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium praelongum Bréb. Kaitoke (M2). Closterium praelongum Bréb. f. brevius Nordst. Lake Lyndon (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Blueskin Bay (N). Closterium rostratum Ehrenb. Christchurch (M); Hawke's Bay (S); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium selenaeum Mask. Otaki (M2). Closterium setaceum Ehrenb. Christchurch (M); Blueskin Bay (N); Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma). Closterium striolatum Ehrenb. Christchurch (M); Blueskin Bay (N); Rotomahana (N); Otaki (M2). Closterium venus Kütz. Christchurch (M1 and M2). Cosmariae Arthrodesmus convergens Ehrenb. Hawke's Bay (M1); Taupo (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Arthrodesmus convergens Ehrenb. var. divaricatus Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2); Taupo (N); Otaki (M2). Arthrodesmus incus (Bréb.) Hass. f. a, b, c and d. Hawke's Bay (M1); Omatangi (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Arthrodesmus incus (Bréb.) Hass. var. intermedius Wittr. Omatangi (N). Arthrodesmus phimus Turn. Lake Sarah (F). Cosmarium amoenum Bréb. var. mediolaeve Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N); Taupo (N); Orakei-korako (N); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium amoenum Bréb. var. intumescens Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N). Cosmarium? (Pleurotaeniopsis) amplum Nordst. Hawke's Bay (M2); Christchurch (M1); Otaki (M2); Taupo (N); Tokano N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N). Cosmarium amplum Nordst. f. trigona Nordst. Tarawera Lake (N). Cosmarium arctoum Nordst. Maugaroa (N); Wellington (N); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium asphaerosporum Nordst. var. productum Nordst. Omatangi (N).

Cosmarium bioculatum Bréb. var. omphalum Schaarschm. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N). Cosmarium bioculatum Bréb. var. omphalum f. depressum Schaarschm. Dunedin (N). Cosmarium bireme Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium blyttii Wille Omatangi (N); Hawke's Bay (M2). Cosmarium botrytis Menegh. Christchurch (M); Cust Valley (M1); Kohukohu (N); Orakei-korako (N); Dunedin (N); Otago (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Cosmarium brasiliensis Nordst. var. taphrosporum Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium calcareum Wittr. Hutt Valley (Ma). Cosmarium capitulum Roy & Biss. Lake Sarah (F). Cosmarium clepsydra Nordst. Hawke's Bay (S). Cosmarium confusum Cooke var. regularis Nordst. Taupo (N). Cosmarium contractum Kirchn. Lake Sarah (F). Cosmarium (Pleurotaeniopsis) cucumis Corda Hawke's Bay (S). Cosmarium depressum (Naeg.) Lund Lake Sarah (F). Cosmarium distichum Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N). Cosmarium exiguum Arch. Arthur's Pass (N); Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium exiguum Arch. f. trigona Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N). Cosmarium gemiosum Nordst. Taupo (N); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium granatum Bréb. Christchurch (M); Lake Pearson (N); Lake Lyndon (N); Taupo (N); Tokano (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N). Cosmarium granatum Bréb. var. subgranatum Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium hammeri Reinsch. var. subbinale Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N). Cosmarium heliosporum Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Cosmarium holmiense Lundell var. minus Hansg. Hawke's Bay (M2). Cosmarium impressulum Elfving Christchurch (M & M2). Cosmarium (Pleurotaeniopsis) magnificum Nordst. Hawke's Bay (M, & M2); Lake Lyndon (N). Cosmarium margaritiferum Menegh. Hutt Valley (Ma). Cosmarium meneghinii Bréb. Otaua River (N); Omatangi (N); Christchurch (M).

Cosmarium meneghinii Bréb. var. laeve Wille Rotomahana (N). Cosmarium minutum Delp. f. novizelandica Nordst. Otaua River (N); Omatangi (N); Orakei-korako (N); Hawke's Bay (M2). Cosmarium moniliforme (Turp.) Ralfs Christchurch (M). Cosmarium moniliforme (Turp.) Ralfs var. panduriformis West Lake Sarah (F). Cosmarium naegelianum Bréb. var. latum Mask. Christchurch (M & M2); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2); (also two forms from Orakei-korako, N?). Cosmarium nasutum Nordst var. subnasutum (Rac.) Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N). Cosmarium nitidulum De Not. Taupo (N); Rotomahana (N); Otaki (M2); (also possibly from Lake Lyndon, Tokano, Omatangi, Orakei-korako (N)). Cosmarium norimbergense Reinsch. Tokano (N). Cosmarium obliquum Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N); Omatangi (N); National Park (N). Cosmarium obsoletum Hantsch. var. punctatum Jask. Hawke's Bay (M1); Arthur's Pass (N); Waimakariri River (N); Blueskin Bay (N); Papakauri (N); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium ornatum Ralfs Christchurch (M). Cosmarium pachydermum Lund f. intermedia Mask. Christchurch (M2); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2); Kaitoke (M2); Hutt Valley (Ma). Cosmarium phaseolus Bréb. Christchurch (M). Cosmarium phaseolus Bréb. var. stigmosum Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium pseudoamoenum Wille var. basilare Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium (Pleurotaeniopsis) pseudopachydermum Nordst. (and rec. of C. Ralfsii (M)). Waimakariri River (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Christchurch (N & M2); Lake Lyndon (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Orakei-korako (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium pseudopyramidatum Lund. Waikato River (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N); Taupo (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2) Cosmarium pseudopyramidatum Lund f. umbonulatum Nordst. Tokano (N); Rotomahana (N). Cosmarium pseudotuberans Kirchn. var. angustius Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium punctulatum Bréb. Christchurch (M1); Hawke's Bay (M1); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium pusillum Bréb. Christchurch (M1). Cosmarium pyramidatum Bréb. Christchurch (M). Cosmarium pyramidatum Bréb. f. major Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N).

Cosmarium pyramidatum Bréb. f. minor Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N); Papakauri (N); Blueskin Bay (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Waimakariri River (N). Cosmarium quadrifarium Lundell f. hexasticha Nordst. and Cosmarium quadrifarium Lundell f. octosticha Nordst. Waimakariri River (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Blueskin Bay (N); Papakauri (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N). Cosmarium quadrifarium Lundell var. gemmulatum Mask. Otaki (M2). Cosmarium (Pleurotaeniopsis) quaternarium Nordst. var. tumefactum Nordst. Christchurch (M2); Omatangi (N). Cosmarium rectangulare Grün. Lake Sarah (F). Cosmarium regnesi Reinsch. var. ornatum Mask. Christchurch (M2). Cosmarium reniforme (Ralfs) Archer var. compressum Nordst. Christchurch (M2); Arthur's Pass (N); Lake Lyndon (N); Omatangi (N). Cosmarium repandum Nordst. Maungaroa (N); Omatangi (N); Hawke's Bay (M2). Cosmarium retusum Rabenh. var. laeve Roy & Biss. Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium scenedesmus Delp. var. dorsitruncatum Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium sexangulare Lund f. minimum Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium sportella Bréb. Hutt Valley (Ma). Cosmarium sublatum Nordst. Christchurch (M2); Lake Pearson (N); Lake Lyndon (N); Auckland (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium subcyclicum Mask. Lyttelton (M1 & M2). Cosmarium sublobatum (Bréb.) Archer Hawke's Bay (M2). Cosmarium sublatum (Bréb.) Archer var. brevisinuosum Nordst. Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium subjunctulatum Nordst. Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N); Orakei-korako (N); Lyttelton (M1 & M2); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium subspeciosum Nordst. var. validius Nordst. (= inflatum Mask.) Waimakariri River (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Lake Lyndon (N); Auckland (N); Omatangi (N); Christchurch (M1 & M2). Cosmarium tatricum Racit. var. novizelandicum Nordst. Waikato River (N); Omatangi (N). Cosmarium tenue Mask. Christchurch (M1). Cosmarium tetraophtalmum Bréb. Hawke's Bay (M1). Cosmarium tinctum Ralfs Waimakariri River (N); Bluff (N); Taupo (N). Cosmarium tinctum Ralfs var. intermedium Nordst. Omatangi (N). Cosmarium tinctum Ralfs f. trigonum Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N).

Cosmarium trilobulatum Reinsch. var. basichondrum Nordst. Otaki (M2); Omatangi (N). Cosmarium (Pleurotaeniopsis) turgidum Bréb. Orakei-korako (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium (Pleurotaeniopsis) turgidum Bréb. var. ovatum Nordst. Kororareka (N). Cosmarium turnerianum Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Cosmarium variabile Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). Cosmarium variolatum Lund. var. extensum Nordst. Omatangi (N); Waikato (N); National Park (N). Cosmarium venustum (Bréb.) Arch. var. induratum Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N); Otaki (M2). Desmidium aptogonium Bréb. Hawke's Bay (M1). Desmidium baileyi (Ralfs) De Bary var. undulatum Mask. Christchurch (M); Papakauri (N); Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Desmidium coarctatum Nordst. Taupo (N). Desmidium swartzii Ag. var. ralfsii Raben. Hawke's Bay (M1); Blueskin Bay (N); Hutt Valley (N); Papakauri, (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N). Disphinctium annulatum Näg. var. elegans Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N); Taupo (N); Waikato River (N); Omatangi (N); Ruapehu (N); Tongariro (N). Disphinctium cruciferum (De Bary) Hansg. Invercargill (N). Disphinctium cucurbita Reinsch. Hutt Valley (Ma) Disphinctium curtum Reinsch. var. attenuatum Bréb. Otaki (M2). Disphinctium cylindrus (Ehrenb.) Näg. Taupo (N). Disphinctium excavatum (Nordst.) De Toni Omatangi (N). Disphinctium quadratum Hansg. Dunedin (N); Otaki (M2). Disphinctium pseudoarctoum (Nordst.) De Toni Lake Sarah (F). Disphinctium speciosum Hansg. f. genuina Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2); Christchurch (M1). Disphinctium speciosum Hansg. var. simplex Nordst. Hawke's Bay (M2). Disphinctium viride (Corda) De Toni f. minor Nordst. Otaki (M2) (as Cos. cordanum f. minor). Euastrum ansatum Ralfs Taupo (N); Hawke's Bay (M1); Otaki (M2). Euastrum ansatum Ralfs var. suprapositum Nordst. Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Blueskin Bay (N); Kororareka (N); Taupo (N); Hokianga (N); Papakauri (N); Waikato River (N); Omatangi (N). Euastrum binale Turp. Christchurch (M & M2); Taupo (N); Tokano (N).

Eastrum cuneatum Jennor var. solum Nordst. Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Euastrum denticulatum Gay Hawke's Bay (M2); Christchurch (M & M2); Taupo (N); Tokano (N); Omatangi (N). Euastrum elegans Kütz. var. medianum Nordst. Waikato R. (N). Euastrum expansum Mask. Christchurch (M2). Euastrum holocystoides Nordst. Omatangi (N). Euastrum incrassatum Nordst. Waikato R. (N); Omatangi (N). Euastrum irregulare Mask. Kaitoke (M2); Otaki (M2); Masterton (M2). Euastrum longicolle Nordst. Otaki (M2); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N). Euastrum mammatum Mask. f. major Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Euastrum mammatum Mask. f. minor Mask. Otaki (M2). Euastrum multigibberum Nordst. Ohaeawai (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N). Euastrum rostratum Ralfs var. praemorsum Nordst. Taupo (N). Euastrum rotundum Mask. Otaki (M2). Euastrum sinuosum Lenorm. Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Kelly's Range (N); Omatangi (N). Euastrum sinuosum Lenorm. f. major Mask. Otaki (M2); Hawke's Bay (M2). Euastrum sinuosum Lenorm. f. minor Mask. Otaki (M2). Euastrum sphyroides Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Euastrum undulosum Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Gymnozyga moniliformis Ehrenb. Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Papakauri (N); Taupo (N); Tauranga (N); Otaki (M2). Hyalotheca dissiliens Bréb. Christchurch (M); Dunedin (N); Bluff (N); Winton (N); Maungaroa (N); Ohaeawai (N); Kororareka (N); Kohukohu (N); Papakauri (N); Taupo (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2); Mercer swamp (T)†; Cambridge Lake (C, T.)†. Hyalotheca dissiliens Bréb. f. bidentula minor Nordst. Waimakariri River (N); Omatangi (N). Hyalotheca dissiliens Bréb. f. bidentula major Nordst. Waimakariri R. (N); Arthur's Pass (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Waitati River (N); Bluff (N); Invercargill (N): Hutt Valley (N); Wellington, (N). Hyalotheca dissiliens Bréb f. tridentula Nordst. Invercargill (N); Hutt Valley (N). Hyalotheca dubia Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S).

Hyalotheca hians Nordst. Omatangi (N); Otako (N2). Micrasterias angulosa Hantsch. Teremakau (N); Arahura (N). Micrasterias decemdentata Nág. var. upsaliensis Lund. (as Holocystis incisa) Christchurch (M); Otaki (M2). ?Micrasterias denticulata Bréb. Christchurch (M). Micrasterias denticulata Bréb. var. notata Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N); Christchurch (M); Omatangi (N); Waimakariri R. (N). Micrasterias euastroides Josh. var. indivisa Nordst. Omatangi (N). Micrasterias jenneri Ralfs var. subdenticulata Nordst. Taupo (N). Micrasterias mahabuleshwarensis Hobs. var. ampullacea Mask. Christchurch (M); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Auckland (N); Tokano (N). Micrasterias papillifera Bréb. var. evoluta Nordst. Papakauri (N); Taupo (N); Otaki (M2). Micrasterias oscitans Ralfs var. pinnatifida (Kütz.) Rabenh. Hawke's Bay (S). Micrasterias rotata Ralfs Hutt Valley (Ma). Micrasterias schweinfurthii Cohn (as M. rotata) Kororareka (N); Christchurch (M1 and M2). Micrasterias thomasiana Archer Christchurch (M). Onychonema filiforme (Ehrenb.) Roy et Biss. Hawke's Bay (M2); Christchurch (M2); Otaki (M2); Omatangi (N). Phymatodocis nordstetianum Wolle var. novizelandicum Nordst. Papakauri (N); Otaki (M2). Pleurotaenium clavatum De Bary Christchurch (M). Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii (Ralfs) Delp. Lake Lyndon (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Outakura (N); Kohukohu (N); Blueskin Bay (N); Hokianga (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Pleurotaenium indicum (Grün.) Lund. var. caracasanum Nordst. Invercargill (N). Pleurotaenium nodosum (Bail.) Lund. Papakauri (N); Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Pleurotaenium ovatum Nordst. Bay of Islands (N); Paeroa (N); Kororareka (N); Orakei-korako (N); Christchurch (M and M2). Pleurotaenium ovatum Nordst. var. tumidum Mask. Otaki (M2). Pleurotaenium rectum Delp. f. minus Wille Arthur's Pass (N); Taupo (N); Tauranga (N); Otaki (M2). Pleurotaenium trabecula (Ehrenb.) Näg. Christchurch (M) Pleurotaenium truncatum (Bréb) Näg. Blueskin Bay (N); Hutt Valley (Ma) Sphaerozosma compressum Mask. Otaki (M2)

Sphaerozosma excavatum Ralfs Christchurch (M); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2); Western Springs (T).† Sphaerozosma formosum Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Sphaerozosma granulatum Roy et Biss. Dunedin (N); Otaua R. (N). Sphaerozosma pulchellum (Arch.) Raben. Hutt Valley (Ma). Sphaerozosma pulchellum (Arch.) Raben. var. bambusinoides (Wittr.) Lund. Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Sphaerozosma pulchrum Bailey Hawke's Bay (M1). Sphaerozosma vertebratum (Bréb.) Ralfs Christchurch (M). Spondylosium papillosum W. & G. S. West Hutt Valley (Ma). Staurastrum alternans Bréb. Christchurch (M1); Dunedin (N). Staurastrum altenans Bréb. var. subalternans Mask. Christchurch (M2); Hawke's Bay (M1 and M2). Staurastrum amoenum Hilse var. tumidiusculum Nordst. Waikato (N). Staurastrum anatinum Cooke & Wills var. lagerheimii (Schmidle) W. & G. S. West Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum assurgens Nordst. Lake Pearson (N). Staurastrum avicula Bréb. var. subarctuum West Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum bieneanum Rabenh. f. minor Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2); Wellington (M2); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum brachiatum Ralfs var. gracilius Mask. Otaki (M2). Staurastrum clepsydra Nordst. Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum coarctatum Bréb. var. subcurtum Nordst. Kohukohu (N); Omatangi (N). Staurastrum connatum (Lund.) Roy & Biss. Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum connatum (Lund.) Roy & Biss. var. spencerianum Nordst. Hawke's Bay (M1 and M2); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum contortum Delp. var. pseudotetracerum Nordst. Dunedin (N). Staurastrum corniculatum Lund. var. variabile Nordst. No locality (N); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum cuspidatum Bréb. Christchurch (M1); Hawke's Bay (M1); Lake Pearson (N). Staurastrum dejectum Bréb. Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma). Staurastrum dejectum Bréb. var. patens Nordst. Dunedin (N); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum dickiei Ralfs Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma).

Staurastrum dickiei Ralfs var. parallelum Nordst. Dunedin (N); Auckland (N). Staurastrum dilatatum Ehrenb. Christchurch (M1 and M2); Hawke's Bay (M1 and M2); Otaki (M2); Wellington (M2). Staurastrum dilatatum Ehrenb. var. obtusilobum De Not. Omatangi (N); Waimakariti R. (N). Staurastrum dorsuosum Nordst. Waikato (N); Omatangi (N); National Park (N). Staurastrum eustephanum (Ehrenb.) Ralfs var. emarginatum Mask. Christchurch (M1); Hutt Valley (Ma). Staurastrum furcatum (Ehrenb.) Bréb. forma. Hawke's Bay (M2). Staurastrum furcigerum Bréb. Hawke's Bay (M1). Staurastrum gracile Ralfs Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma). Staurastrum hexacerum (Ehrenb.) Wittr. (= S. tricorne Menegh.) Hawke's Bay (S); Hutt Valley (N); Maungaroa (N); Wellington (N). Staurastrum inconspicuum Nordst.—f. gracilior Mask. Otaki (M2). Staurastrum lanceolatum Archer Hutt Valley (Ma). Staurastrum lunatum Ralfs Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum manfeldtii Delp. var. annulatum West Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum muricatum Bréb. No locality (Grünow, 1867). Staurastrum muticum Bréb. Christchurch (M); Hutt Valley (Ma); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum orbiculare (Ehrenb.) Ralfs Christchurch (M); Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum orbiculare (Ehrenb.) Ralfs var. depressum Roy et Biss. Taupo (N). Staurastrum paradoxum Meyer Dunedin (N). Staurastrum pileatum Delp. var. inflatum Mask. Otaki (M2). Staurastrum polymorphum Bréb. Christchurch (M). Staurastrum proboscidium (Bréb.) Archer var. altum Boldt. Omatangi (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Staurastrum pseudoassurgens Mask. Otaki (M2). Staurastrum pseudoligacanthum Mask. Otaki (M2). Staurastrum pseudosebaldi Wille var. tonsum Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum pterosporum Lund. Omatangi (N). Staurastrum punctulatum Bréb. Christchurch (M1); Lake Pearson (N); Hutt Valley (Ma).

Staurastrum renardi Reinsch Dunedin (N); Hawke's Bay (M2). Staurastrum sagittarium Nordst. No locality (N); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum sebaldi Reinsch Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum sebaldi Reinsch var. ornatum Nordst. f. novi-zelandica Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum sexangulare (Bulnh.) Lund. Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum sexangulare (Bulnh.) Lund. var. productum Nordst. Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum spinuliferum Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Staurastrum splendidum Mask. Christchurch (M2); Hawke's Bay (M2); Bryndwr (M1). Staurastrum striolatum (Näg.) Archer var. acutius Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Staurastrum subamoenum Mask. Hawke's Bay (M2). Staurastrum subdenticulatum Nordst. Christchurch (M1); Auckland (N); Hawke's Bay (M2); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum tetracerum (Kütz.) Ralf's Christchurch (M); Otaki (M2). Staurastrum tohopekaligense Wille var. trifurcatum West Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum tumidum Bréb. Lake Sarah (F). Staurastrum ventricosum Delp. Christchurch (M2); Wellington (M2); Kaitoke (M2); Hawke's Bay (M2). Triploceras gracile Bail. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N). Triploceras gracile Bail. var. aculeatum Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Triploceras gracile Bail. var. bidentatum Nordst. f. laticeps Nordst. Taupo (N); Otaki (M2). Triploceras gracile Bail. var bidentatum Nordst. f. intermedium Nordst. Papakauri (N); Omatangi (N). Triploceras tridentatum Mask. Christchurch (M and M2). Triploceras tridentatum Mask. var. cylndricum Mask. Bryndwr (M1); Hawke's Bay (M1 and M2). Triploceras verticillatum Bail. var. superbum (Mask.) Nordst. Paeroa (N); Wainui-o-mata (M1); Orakei-korako (N); Otaki (M2). Xanthidium aculeatum Ehrenb. Hawke's Bay (M1). Xanthidium armatum Bréb. var basidentatum Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); National Park (N); Otaki (M2). Xanthidium cristatum Bréb. Hawke's Bay (M1). Xanthidium dilatatum Nordst. Kelly's Range (N); Otaki (M2). Xanthidium fasciculatum Ehrenb. var. perornatum Nordst. Omatangi (N); Hawkes Bay (M).

Xanthidium fasciculatum Ehrenb. var. perornatum Nordst. f. supernumeraria Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N); Otaki (M2). Xanthidium hastiferum Turner var. inevolutum Nordst. Taupo (N). Xanthidium inchoatum Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N). Xanthidium intermedium Mask. Otaki (M2). Xanthidium octonarium Nordst. Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Xanthidium simplicius Nordst. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Otaki (M2). Xanthidium smithii Arch. var. variabile Nordst. Arthur's Pass (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Otaki (M2). Charales Characeae This list is primarily based upon Nordstet (1880) and Mason (1956). 1. Oogonium with corona of 5 bicellular rays Nitella Oogonium with corona of 5 unicellular rays 2 2. Dioecious Chara spp. Monoecious 3 3. Oogonium above antheridium Chara spp. Oogonium below antheridium Lamprothamnion Chara australis A. Br. v. australis Mason. Whatipu; widespread in North Island. Chara australis A. Br. var. veillardii Braun. Possibly widespread. Chara braunii Gmelin No locality (Mason, 1956). Chara contraria Br. ex Kütz. var. behriana A. Br. (= C. contraria Hook.) No locality, North Island. Chara fibrosa Ag. ex Bruzelius subsp. gymnopitys (A. Br.) Zaneveld var. acantho-pitys (A. Br) Zaneveld. Lake Tarawera to Mongonui; Lake Ianthe; Lake Sarah; Bruce Bay (Mason, 1956). Chara globularis Thuillier var. capillacea (Thuillier) Zaneveld (= C. fragilis Desv.) Whatipu; Tarawera (N); widespread. Chara vulgaris Vaillant ex. Linn. (= C. foetida A. Br. in Hooker, 1867). North Island (Mason, 1956). Lamprothamnion macropogon (A. Br.) Ophel. (= Chara macropogon A. Br.) Wellington to Timaru, in coastal lagoons. Nitella conformis Nordst. Lake Pearson (N). Nitella hookeri A. Br. Widespread. Nitella hookeri A. Br. var. attenuata Nordst. Tauranga; Winton; Ohaeawai and elsewhere. Nitella hookeri A. Br. var. microcephala Nordst. Otaua R (N). Nitella hyalina (D.C.) Ag. var. novae-zeelandiae A Br. Okataina; Karekare; Tarawera; Lake Pupuke and elsewhere. Nitella leonhardii Wood (= N. interrupta A. Br.) Waikato, North of lat. 39° S; Westport district (Mason).

Nitella leptosoma Nordst. Omatangi; Taupo (N). Nitella mucosa (Nordst.) I. Groves (= N. pseudoflabellata A. Br. f. mucosa Nordst.) Waitangi R (N); Tauranga (N); North of latitude 38° S (Mason, 1956). Nitella stuartii A. Br. Thames; near Kaitaia (Mason, 1956). Nitella tricellularis Nordst. Lake Pearson (N); lakes in middle region, Waimakariri R. (Mason, 1956). Dinophygeae 1. Motile 2 Non-motile Dinococcales 2. Cells without walls; membrane not divided into plates Gymnodiniales Cells with walls; membrane with plates Perediniales Gymnodiniales 1. Horizontal furrow near median part of cell Gymnodmium Horizontal furrow near hinder end of cell Massartia Gymnodinium aeruginosum Stein. Waikato R., Mercer (T)†; Mercer swamps (T)†; Hutt Valley (Ma). *Gymnodinium bohemicum Fott Mercer swamp (T). *No member of the Dinocapsales has so far been recorded from New Zealand unless Urococcus cryptophilus (p. 700) belongs here. *Massartia vorticella (Stein) Schiller Western Springs (T); Milford (T); Albany (T). *Massartia hyperxanthoides Harris Rangiriri swamp (T); Western Springs (T). Perediniales 1. Cell wall generally firm, polygonal plates not obvious Glenodiniaceae Cell wall with armoured plates 2 2. Cells without large protuberances 3 Cells with large protuberances Ceratiaceae (Ceratium) 3. Cells mostly rounded-oval Glenodiniopsidaceae Cells mostly spherical or ellipsoidal, strongly armoured Perediniaceae (Peredinium) Glenodiniopsidaceae 1. Horizontal furrow surrounds entire cell Horizontal furrow goes around half the cell Hemidinium 2. Thecal plates less than 50 Glenodiniopsis Thecal plates more than 50 Woloszynskia. 1. Plates distinct Sphaerodinium Plates indistinct Glenodinium Glenodiniopsidaceae *Woloszynskia ordinata (Skuja) Thompson Rangiriri swamp (T). *Hemidinium nasutum Stein Albert Park fountain (T); Mercer swamp (T). *Glenodiniopsis uliginosa (Schilling) Wolosz. Mercer swamp (T). Glenodiniaceae *Glenodinium penardii Lemm. Pool in grounds, Massey College (C, T); Devonport (T).

*Glenodinium pygmaeum (Lindem.) Schiller Devonport fountain (T). *Glenodinium quadridens (Stein) Schiller. Western Springs (T); Mercer swamp (T); Devonport (T). *Sphaerodinium cinctum (Ehrenb.) Wolosz. Lake Whangape (T); Mercer swamp (T); Western Springs (T). Perediniaceae Peridinium cinctum (O.F.M.) Ehrenb. Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma); Pool in grounds, Massey College (C, T)†; Mercer swamp (T)†; Dunedin (T, T)†. Peridinium elpatiewsky (Ostenf.) Lemm. Lake Sarah (F). *Peridinium inconspicuum Lemm. Cambridge Lake (C, T). *Peridinium umbonatum Stein Pool in grounds, Massey College (C, T). *Peridinium valzii Lemm. Rangiriri swamp (T). *Peridinium wierjeskii Wolosz. Waikato R., Mercer (T). *Peridinium willei Huitf.-Kaas. Mercer swamp (T). Ceratiaceae *Ceratium hirundinella (O.F.M.) Schrank. Mercer, Waikato R., (T); Pupuke Lake (T). Dinococcales 1. Cells free-floating or loose-lying, ellipsoidal, lunate or arcuate 4 Cells attached, transversely ellipsoid or inversely triangular in front view 2 2. Cells oval, attached by a long stalk Stylodinium Cells tetrahedral or ellipsoid, attached by a short stalk 3 3. Cells triangular or tetrahedral Tetradinium Cells ellipsoid Raciborskia 4. Cells with horns at the ends Cystodinium Cells without horns, ends rounded 5 5. Cells asymmetrical Cystodinedria Cells symmetrical Phytodinium Cystodiniaceae *Cystodinedria brunnea Pascher Lake Whangape (T). *Cystodinium iners Geitler Rangiriri Swamp (T); Mercer swamp (T); Western Springs (T). *Stylodinium longipes Thompson Western Springs (T); Rangiriri (T). *Tetradinium javanicum Klebs Western Springs (T). *Raciborskia oedogonii (P. Richter) Pascher Mercer swamp (T); Western Springs (T); Middlemore (T). Phytodiniaceae *Phytodinium simplex Klebs Massey (C, T).

Xanthophyceae (Based upon Pascher, 1939, except that Vaucheria is added.) 1. Cells motile or in dendroid or palmelloid colonies Heterochloridales Cells attached 2 2. Attached unicells Heterococcales Thallus filamentous or coenocytic 3 3. Filamentous Heterotrichales Coenocytic, siphonaceous Heterosiphonales Heterochloridales 1. Unicells, epiphytic, stalked Stipitococcus Colonial, cells embedded in mucilage Botryococcus Heterocapsaceae Botryococcus braunii Kütz. Lake Sarah (F); Mercer swamp (T)†; Cambridge Lake (C, T)†; Albany (T)†. Heterorhizidaceae Stipitococcus urceolatus G. S. West Hutt Valley (Ma). Heterococcales 1. Free-living unicells without growth in length Pleurochloridaceae (Chlorobotrys) Free-living cells, rectangular or cylindrical, with growth in length Centritractaceae Cells attached, with or without growth in length 2 2. Two or four celled groups in gelatinous tubes without growth in length Mischococcaceae (Mischococcus) Attached unicells with or without growth in length 3 3. Cells elongate, cylindrical or clavate, wall composed of two pieces Chlorotheciaceae (Ophiocytium) Cells elongate, ovoid, pyriform or sickle-shaped, wall composed of one piece Characiopsidaceae (Characiopsis) Pleurochloridaceae *Chlorobotrys regularis (West) Bohlin Hospital pond, Middlemore (T). Mischococcaceae *Mischococcus confervicola Näg. Middlemore (T); Dunedin (T, T). Chlorotheciaceae Ophiocytium arbuscula Rabenh. Hutt Valley (Ma); Western Springs (T)†. Ophiocytium bicuspidatum Lemm. Hutt Valley (Ma). Ophiocytium cochleare (Eichw.) A. Br. Blueskin Bay (N); Hutt Valley (N); Kohukohu (N); Taupo (N); Rangiriri (T)†; Dunedin (T, T)†; Western Springs (T)†;. Ophiocytium majus Näg. Hutt Valley (N); Mercer (T)†;. Ophiocytium parvulum Perty. Waimakariri R. (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Bluff (N); Ohaeawai (N).

Centritractaceae 1. Cells with terminal bristles Bumillests Cells without terminal bristles Centritractus *Centritractus belonophorus (Schmidle) Lemm. Western Springs (T); Rangiriri (T). *Bumillariopsis brevis Printz Western Springs (T). Characiopsidaceae *Characiopsis longipes (Rab.) Borzi. Mercer swamp (T). Heterotrichales 1. Cell walls firm, splitting into H pieces Tribonema Cell walls hyaline, H pieces not evident Neonema Tribonemaceae Neonema pumila Pascher (= Bumilleria pumila) Hutt Valley (Ma). Tribonema viride Pascher (= T. bombycinum Derb. & Sol.) Hawke's Bay (S); Auckland (C, unpub.)†; Hutt Valley (Ma); Le Roys Bush (KWL)†. These records make no reference to any particular form. They probably refer to f. genuina. Tribonema viride Pascher f. genuina Wille Waimakariri R. (N); Warrington (N); Ohaeawai (N). Tribonema viride Pascher var. minor (Wille) G. S. West Hutt Valley (Ma). Tribonema viride Pascher var. sordida Kütz. Lake Lyndon (N). (According to Pascher, 1939, this may be a species of Microspora.) Heterosiphonales 1. No special organs of reproduction Botrydium Reproduction by oogamy or compound zoospores Vaucheria§ The biochemistry and cytology of this genus suggest it belongs here rather than to the Siphonales. Botrydiaceae Botrydium granulatum (L.) Grev. Tokano (N); Mercer (T).† Vaucheriaceae Vaucheria dillwynii Ag. No locality (Hooker, 1855). *Vaucheria geminata (Vauch.) D.C. Middlemore pool (T). Vaucheria sessilis (Vauch.) D.C. var. hookeri Kütz. Waimakariri R. (N); Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Hutt Valley (N); Blue-skin Bay (N); Ruataniwha (S1). Another near to Vaucheria terrestris (Vauch.) Lyngb. Blueskin Bay (N). Chrysophyceae 1. Motile in vegetative state with 1–2 flagellae Chrysomonadales Non-motile in vegetative state 2 2. Amoeboid or with rhizopodal tendencies Rhizochrysidales Not amoeboid nor with rhizopodia Chrysotrichales

Chrysomonodales 1. Swimming by one flagellum 2 Swimming by two flagella 3 2. Cell membrane decorated Chromulinaceae Cell membrane not decorated Mallomonadaceae (Mallomonas) 3. Flagella of equal length, lorica absent Synuraceae (Synura) Flagella of unequal length, lorica absent or present Ochromonadaceae Chromulinaceae 1. Cells naked 2 Cells with thick sheaths Chrysococcus 2. Cells flattened Sphaleromantis Cells not flattened Chromulina Ochramonadaceae 1. Cells not enclosed in a lorica Ochromonas Cells enclosed in a lorica Dinobryon Chromulinaceae *Chromulina flavicans Butschli Albany (T); Dunedin (T, T). *Chrysococcus rufescens Klebs Waikato R., Mercer (T); Albany (T); Mercer Swamps (T). *Chrysococcus majus Lackey Albany (T); Mercer swamps (T). *Sphaleromantis olivacea Pascher Western Springs (T); Mercer swamp (T). Mallomonadaceae *Mallomonas acaroides Perty Rangiriri swamp (T); Western Springs (T); Lake Whangape (T); Albany (T). Synuraceae Synura uvella Ehrenb. Hutt Valley (Ma); Mercer swamps (T)†; Albany (T)†; Rangtriri (T)†; Dunedin (T, T)†; Western Springs (T)†. *Synura adamsii G. M. Smith Western Springs (T). Ochromonadaceae *Ochromonas crenata Klebs Mercer swamp (T); Lake Whangape (T). Dinobryon cylindricum Imb. Hutt Valley (Ma). Dinobryon sertularia Ehrenb. Lake Sarah (F); Hutt Valley (Ma); Mercer swamps (T)†; Albany (T)†; Lake Pupuke (T)†. Rhizochrysidales Rhizochrysidiaceae *Chrysopyxis bipes Stein Dunedin (T, T). Chrysotrichales Phaeothamniaceae *Phaeothamnion confervicolum Lagerh. Dunedin (T, T). Cryptophyceae 1. Motile Cryptomonadales Non-motile Cryptococcales

Cryptomonadales 1. Gullet present Chroomonas Gullet absent Cryptochrysis Cryptochrysidaceae *Cryptochrysis commutata Pascher Western Springs (T); Mercer swamps (T). *Chroomonas Nordstedtii Hansg. Mercer swamp (T). Cryptococcales *Tetragonidium verrucatum Pascher Western Springs (T). Chloromonadales *Gonyastomum semen (Ehrenb.) Diesing Western Springs (T). Bacillariophyceae 1. Valves radially symmetrical about a central point 2 Valves isobilateral, medianly zygomorphic 7 2. Cells subspherical or shortly cylindrical, united to long filaments Melosira Cells disc-shaped and usually solitary 3 3. Margins of valves striate, centre smooth, punctate or granulate 4 Margins and centre not distinct 5 4. Centre smooth or granulate Cyclotella Centre umbilicate, punctate Hyalodiscus 5. Valves divided into alternate light and dark segments Actinoptychus Valves uniform in colour 6 6 Valves with marginal spines Stephanodiscus Valves with submarginal spines and a differentiated edge Coscinodiscus 7. Frustules without a true raphe, possibly with a raphe in same direction as apical axis Araphideae True raphe present, though often difficult to see 8 8. Raphe rudimentary, developed only at poles of frustules Raphidioideae (Eunotia) At least one frustule with well developed raphe 9 9. Only one frustule with developed raphe Monoraphidineae Both frustules with developed raphes Biraphidineae Centrales Discoideae Actinoptychus undulatus Ralfs Green Island, Otago (L). Coscinodiscus lacustris Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Coscinodiscus radiatus Ehr. Hutt Valley (Ma). Cyclotella kutziogiana Thw. Green Island, Otago (L). Cyclotella operculata (Ag.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Cyclotella stelligera Cleve et Grun. Whakarewarewa (DF). Hyalodiscus subtilis Bail. Green Island, Otago (L). Melosira arenaria Moore Hutt Valley (Ma). Melosira crenulata Kütz. var. ambigua Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF).

Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Ralfs var. angustissima O. Muell. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Ralfs var. decussata (Ehr.) Grün. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Melosira lyrata (Ehr.?) Kütz. Whakarewarewa (DF). Melosira moniliforme Müll. Green Island, Otago (L). Melosira varians Ag. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF); Rotorua (DF). Melosira orichalcea (Mert.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Stephanodiscus astraea (Ehr.) Gom. var. minutulus (Kütz.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Stephanodiscus novae-zelandiae Cleve. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF); Whakarewarewa (DF). Pennales Araphideae 1. Cells with strong septa which are parallel to the valvar plane (Tabellariaceae) Cells without such conspicuous septa 2 2. Frustules with strong transapical ribs 3 Frustules without strong transapical ribs 4 3. Apical axis isopolar, cells symmetrical Diatoma Apical axis heteropolar, cells wedge-shaped Meridion 4. Valves equally developed at both ends, frustules solitary or colonial 5 Valves more swollen at one end than other, frustules forming star-shaped colonies Asterionella 5. Colonies ribbon-like Fragilaria Solitary or attached radiating clusters Synedra Asterionella gracillima (Hantsch.) Heib. Lake Sarah (F). Diatoma elongatum Ag. Lake Sarah (F); Hawke's Bay (S). Diatoma vulgare Bory Hawke's Bay (S). Diatoma vulgare Bory var. grande (W. Sm) Grün. Hawke's Bay (S). Fragilaria brevistriata Grün. Lake Sarah (F). Fragilaria capucina Desmaz. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L); Napier (S1 as F. pectinalis). Fragilaria construens (Ehr.) Grün. var. venter Grün. Lake Sarah (F). Fragilaria crotonensis (Edw.) Kitton Lake Sarah (F). Fragilaria pinnata Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Fragilaria virescens Ralfs Lake Sarah (F). Meridion circulare (Grev.) Ag. Green Island, Otago (L). Meridion constrictum Ralfs Hawke's Bay (S); Green Island, Otago (L).

Synedra acus Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L); Rotorua (DF). Synedra affinis Kütz. var. fasciculata (Kütz.) V. H. Syn. Green Island, Otago (L). Synedra delicatissima W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Synedra goulardi Bréb. Whakarewarewa (DF). Synedra pulchella (Ralfs) Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma). Synedra radians Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L). Synedra ulna (Nitzch.) Ehr. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF); Whakarewarewa (DF). Synedra ulna (Nitzch.) Ehr. var Lanceolata (Kütz.) Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF). Synedra ulna (Nitzch.) Ehr. var oxyrhynchus (Kütz) Grün. f medioconstricta Forti. Whakarewarewa (DF). Synedra vaucheriae Kütz. var. parvula (Kütz.) Rabenh. Green Island, Otago (L). Raphidioideae Eunotia gracilis W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Eunotia major (W. Sm.) Rabenh. Green Island, Otago (L). Eunotia maskellii (Inglis) nov. comb. Ngapari (I); Avon R. (Bruce). Eunotia pectinalis (Dillw.) Rabenh. Green Island, Otago (L); Black Lake, Mayor Island (T. C. Chambers and I. A. Bayly); Whakarewarewa (DF). Eunotia serpentina Ehr. Whakarewarewa (DF). Eunotia veneris Kütz. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Monoraphideae 1. Girdle view not cuneate 2 Girdle view cuneate, valves somewhat clavate Rhoicosphenia 2. Valves lanceolate or rod-shaped, frustules usually as stalked epiphytes Acknanthes Valve subcircular or elliptical, frustules attached by flat faces Cocconeis Achnanthes brevipes Ag. Hutt Valley (Ma). Achnanthes coarctata (Bréb.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Achnanthes flexellum (Kütz.) Bréb. Hutt Valley (Ma). Achnanthes exilis Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Achnanthes inflata (Kütz.) Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF). Achnanthes lanceolata (Bréb.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF).

Achnanthes lanceolata (Bréb.) Grün. var. dubia Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF). Achnanthes lanceolata (Bréb.) Grun. var. inflata A. Mayer Whakarewarewa (DF). Achnanthes linearis (W. Sm.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Achnanthes microcephala (Kütz.) Grün. Hutt Valley (Ma). Achnanthes minutissima Kütz. var. cryptocephala Grün. Lake Sarah (F). Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L). Cocconeis placentula Ehr. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L); Lake Sarah (F); Whakarewarewa (DF); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Cocconeis placentula Ehr. var. lineata (Ehr.) H. Whakarewarewa (DF). Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kütz.) Grün. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Biraphideae 1. Raphe not canalicular 7 Raphe canalicular 2 2. Keel points or wing canals missing, or only developed as faint dot lines 4 Keel points or wing canals very distinct, raphe keel-like and protruding 3 3. Keeled canal raphe lying in valvar plane, or only one margin of frustule has keel 5 Keel with canal raphe encircles frustule completely 6 4. Apical axis straight, raphe not broken in valvar plane Denticula Apical axis curved, raphe broken to form an angle in valvar plane Epithemia 5. Keels of two valves diagonally opposite Nitzschia Keels of the two valves on same girdle face Nantzschia 6. Valves elliptical, linear or ovate; pseudoraphe of valves parallel Surirella Valves circular, frustules saddle-shaped; pseudoraphe of valves at right angles to each other Campylodiscus 7. Axes isopolar 8 At least one axis heteropolar, sometimes both 14 8. Cells with distinct intercalary bands and septa 9 Cells without distinct septa 10 9. Intercalary bands with chambered margin Mastogloia Intercalary bands without a chambered margin Diatomella 10. Valves sigmoid Pleurosigma Valves of another shape 11 11. Raphe enclosed between two siliceous ribs, frustules lancet-like Frustulia Raphe not enclosed between two siliceous ribs 12 12. Transapical striae smooth and usually crossed on each side by one or more longitudinal lines Pinnularia Transapical striae punctuated or streaked, not crossed by any longitudinal lines 13 13. Central nodule small and rounded Navicula Central nodule transversely distended Stauroneis 14. Cell body unsymmetrical in relation to transverse plane Gomphonema Cell body symmetrical in relation to transverse plane 15 15. Pervalvar axis almost straight; raphe removed from edge of girdle Cymbella Pervalvar axis much curved: raphe near edge of girdle Amphora

Amphora ovalis (Bréb.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Amphora ovalis (Bréb.) Kütz. var. affinis (Kütz.) V. H. Whakarewarewa (DF). Campylodiscus echeneis Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Campylodiscus hibernicus Ehr. (as C. costatus) Hutt Valley (Ma); Hawke's Bay (S). Cymbella amphicephala Näg. Whakarewarewa (DF). Cymbella australica (A. Schm.) Cleve Whakarewarewa (DF). Cymbella cesatii (Rabenh.) Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF). Cymbella cuspidata Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Cymbella cymbiforme (Kütz.) Bréb. Hutt Valley (Ma). Cymbella cymbiforme (Kütz.) Bréb. var. parva V.H. Whakarewarewa (DF). Cymbella Helvetica Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Cymbella lanceolata (Ehr.) Kirchn. Hutt Valley (Ma). Cymbella leptoceras (Ehr.) Rabenh. Green Island, Otago (L). Cymbella lindsayana Grev. Green Island, Otago (L). Cymbella (Encyonema) ventricosa Ag. Rotorua (DF). Epithemia argus (Ehr.) Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma). Epithemia gibba (Ehr.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Epithemia gibba (Ehr.) Kütz. var. véntricosa Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF). Epithemia gibberula Kütz. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Epithemia musculus Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Epithemia sorex Kütz. Lake Sarah (F); Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Epithemia turgida (Ehr.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Epithemia turgida (Ehr.) Kütz. var. westermanniae (Ehr.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Epithemia zebra (Ehr.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Denticula frigida Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Diatomella balfouriana Grev. Green Island, Otago (L). Frustulia crassinervia (Ehr.) De Toni var. saxonica Rabenh. Green Island, Otago (L).

Frustulia neglecta (Thw.) De Toni Green Island, Otago (L). Frustulia rhomboides (Ehr.) De Toni Lake Sarah (F); Green Island, Otago (L). Frustulia rhomboides (Ehr.) De Toni var. saxonica (Rabenh.) De Toni. Whakarewarewa (DF). Frustulia vulgaris (Thw.) De Toni. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa. (DF). Gomphonema acuminatum Ehr. Napier (S1); Hawke's Bay; Hutt Valley (Ma). Gomphonema augur Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Gomphonema constrictum Ehr. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L). Gomphonema dichotomum Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Gomphonema geminatum (Lyng.) Ag. Hutt Valley (Ma). Gomphonema intricatum Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Gomphonema parvulum Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Gomphonema sarcophagus Greg. Green Island, Otago (L). Gomphonema vibrio Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grün. Lake Sarah (F); Green Island, Otago (L); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Mastogloia melegris (Kütz.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula appendiculata (Ag.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Navicula appendiculata (Ag.) Kütz. var. budensis Grün. Rotorua (DF). Navicula claviculus (Greg.) Ralfs. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula cocconeiformis Greg. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula cuspidata Kütz. var. craticula Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula cryptocephala Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula elliptica Kutz. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Navicula firma Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula inflata Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula iridis Ehr. var. dubia (Ehr.) V.H. Whakarewarewa (DF); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Navicula laevissima Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Navicula lanceolata Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L).

Navicula placentula (Ehr.) Kütz. Whakarewarewa (DF). Navicula pupula Kütz. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Navicula rhyncocephala Kütz. var. amphiceros (Kütz.) Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF). Navicula scita W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Navicula serians (Bréb.) Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma). Navicula sphaerophora Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Navicula sphaerophora Kütz. f. guntheri O. Mull. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Navicula sphaerophora Kütz. f. rostrata O. Mull. Rotorua (DF). Navicula trinodis W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Nitzschia amphibia Grün. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Nitzschia angustata (W. Sm.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Nitzschia debilis (A. et R.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Nitzschia dubia W. Sm. Rotorua (DF). Nitzschia fasciculata Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Nitzschia frauenfeldii Grün. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Nitzschia linearis (Ag.) W. Sm. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Nitzschia nova-zelandia Inglis. Ngapari (I). Nitzschia obtusa W. Sm. var. scalpelliformis Grün. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Nitzschia palea (Kütz.) W. Sm. var. tenuirostris Grün. Rotorua (DF). Nitzschia parvula W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Nitzschia sinuata (W. Sm.) Grün. Hutt Valley (Ma). Nitzschia spathulata Bréb. Green Island, Otago (L). Nitzschia thermalis (Ehr.) Auersw. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Nitzschia tryblionella Hantzsch. Green Island, Otago (L). Nitzschia tryblionella Hantzsch. var. levidensis (W. Sm.) Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia borealis Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L).

Pinnularia dactylus Ehr. Whakarewarewa (DF). Pinnularia divergens W. Sm. Whakarewarewa (DF). Pinnularia gibba Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia hartleyana Grev. Whakarewarewa (DF). Pinnularia major W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Pinnularia mesolepta Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia mesolepta Ehr. var. stauroneiformis Grün. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia oblonga Rabenh. Hawke's Bay (S). Pinnularia parva (Ehr.) Greg. Whakarewarewa (DF). Pinnularia peregrina Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia radiosa W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L); Lake Sarah (F). Pinnularia stauroneiformis W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia stauroptera (Grün.) Cleve. Whakarewarewa (DF); Rotorua (DF). Pinnularia subcapitata Grev. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia viridis (Nitzch.) Ehr. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Pinnularia viridis (Nitzch.) Ehr. var. affinis (Ehr.) V. H. Syn. Green Island, Otago (L). Pinnularia viridula W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Pleurosigma attenuatum (Kütz.) W. Sm. Hawke's Bay (S). Pleurosigma balticum (Ehr.) W. Sm var. brebissonii V.H. Whakarewarewa (DF). Pleurosigma crookii Inglis New Brighton (I). Pleurosigma macrum W. Sm. Hawke's Bay (S). Pleurosigma obscurum W. Sm. Hutt Valley (Ma). Pleurosigma spencerii (Quek.) W. Sm. Hutt Valley (Ma). Pleurosigma tenuissimum W. Sm. Hutt Valley (Ma). Stauroneis acuta W. Sm. Whakarewarewa (DF). Stauroneis anceps Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF).

Stauroneis gracilis W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Stauroneis inflata Heid. Whakarewarewa (DF). Stauroneis lineata Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Stauroneis phoenicenteron (Nitzch.) Ehr. Lake Sarah (F); Hawke's Bay (S); Green Island, Otago (L). Stauroneis platystoma (Ehr.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L). Stauroneis rotundata Grev. Green Island, Otago (L). Stauroneis scaphulaeformis Grev. Green Island, Otago (L). Surirella anceps Lewis. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Surirella biseriata Bréb. Hawke's Bay (S); Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Island, Otago (L). Surirella contorta Kitton. Whakarewarewa (DF). Surirella elegans Ehr. Green Island, Otago (L). Surirella gracilis Grün. Whakarewarewa (DF). Surirella inducta A. Schmidt. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Surirella linearis W. Sm. Green Island, Otago (L). Surirella ovalis Bréb. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Surirella ovalis Bréb. var angusta (Kütz.) V.H. Whakarewarewa, Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Surirella ovalis Bréb. var. excelsa O. Mull. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Surirella ovalis Bréb. var. minuta (Bréb.) V.H. Syn. Green Island, Otago (L). Surirella ovalis Bréb. var. ovata (Kütz.) V.H Syn. Green Island, Otago (L). Surirella robusta Ehr. Hutt Valley (Ma). Surirella splendida (Ehr.) Kütz. Green Island, Otago (L); Whakarewarewa (DF). Surirella tenera Greg. Green Island, Otago (L). Myxophyceae 1. Unicellular or colonial 2 Simple or branched filaments, not compacted, reproduction by hormogonia 3 2. Cells undifferentiated, reproduction by simple division Chroococcales Cells differentiated into base and apex, reproduction by gonidia Chamaesiphonales (Entophysalis) 3. Branching if present usually false, no protoplasmic connections between cells Nostocales Filaments branched, protoplasmic connections between cells Stigonematales

Chroococcales The arrangement in this order follows the revision of the Coccoid Myxophyceae by Drouet and Daily (1956). We thank Dr. Drouet for identifying many recent collections. 1. Cells before division ovoid to cylindrical, longer than broad, each dividing in a plane perpendicular to the long axis Coccochloris Cells before division spherical, ovoid, discoid, cylindrical or pyriform, never dividing in planes perpendicular to the long axis 2 2. Cell division in three planes, cells irregularly distributed within the gelatinous matrix Anacystis Cell division in two planes, cells arranged regularly in rows forming a flat or curved plate Agmenellum Chroococcaceae Agmenellum quadruplicatum Bréb. Lake Lyndon (N); Hutt Valley (Ma), both as Merismopedia glaucum (Ehrenb.) Näg. Anacystis dimidiata Dr. & Daily Auckland (C, unpub.); Orakei-Korako (N); both as Chroococcus turgidus (Kütz.) Näg. Anacystis incerta Dr. & Daily Hutt Valley (Ma) as Microcystis stagnalis Lemm. Lake Sarah (F) as M. pulverea (Wood) Migula. Anacystis montana (Lightf.) Dr. & Daily f. montana Dr. & Daily Tokano (N); Wairakei (D, D); Whakarewarewa (D, D); Rotorua (D, D); Tunnel, Great Barrier Island (K.W.L.)†; Hen Island (K.W.L.)†; Westfield shower room (K.W.L.)†; Rangitoto (D. D); Lake Sarah (F) as Aphanocapsa elachista W. & G. S. West; Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF) as Chroococcus cohaerens (Bréb.) Kütz.; Harihari, Westland (C) as Gloeocapsa magma. Anacystis thermalis (Menegh.) Dr. & Daily f. major (Lagerh.) Dr. & Daily. Lake Sarah (F) as Chroococcus limneticus Lemm. and as C. minor (Kütz.) Näg. var. dispersus (Keissler) Lemm. Anacystis thermalis (Menegh.) Dr. & Daily f. thermalis Dr. & Daily Wardell Stream, Bay of Islands (D, D); Huia Weir (K.W.L.)†. Coccochloris peniocystis Dr. & Daily Cave, Piha (D, D). Coccochloris stagnina Sprengel Cave, Russell (D, D); Orongo Bay, Russell (D, D); Rangitoto (D, D); Hutt Valley (Ma); Huia (K.W.L.)†; Whangamumu (K.W.L.)†; Hukatere (K.W.L.)†; Hutt Valley (Ma) as Aphanothece pallida (Kütz.) Rabenh.; roof, Biology Dept., A.U.C. (K.W.L.)†; Hawke's Bay (S) as Microhalea rupestris. Chamaesiphonales Chamaesiphonaceae Entophysalis conferta Dr. & Daily Hutt Valley (Ma) as Dermocarpa prasina (Reinsch.) Thur.; D. smaragdinus (Reinsch.) Tild., and Xenococcus schousbei Thur. These records must all come from brackish water, as the species is not found in fresh water. Entophysalis lemaniae (Ag.) Dr. & Daily f. lemaniae Dr. & Daily On Cladophora in Lake Taupo (N); Lake Roto-aira (N); Tokano (N); Hunua (C); Hutt Valley (Ma) (all the preceding as Chamaesiphon incrustans Grün.); on Bostrychia harveyi, Coromandel (N) as C. curvatus Nordst; Hutt Valley (Ma) as Xenococcus kerneri Hansg.; on Cladophora glomerata, Wairakei (D, D); Whakarewarewa (D, D).

Entophysalis rivularis (Kütz.) Dr. f. rivularis Dr. & Daily Lake Taupo (N); Hot Spring, Tarawera (K.W.L.)†; Swanson (K.W.L.)† all as Oncobyrsa rivularis Kütz. Nostocales 1. Heterocysts absent 2 Heterocysts present 9 2. Trichomes single within sheath, not tapering from base to apex 4 Several trichomes in sheath 3 Trichomes single, arising from basal interwoven layer, tapering from base to apex Amphithrix 3. Sheaths hyaline, trichomes numerous Microcoleus Sheaths often coloured, trichomes few Schizothrix 4. Filaments unbranched 5 False branches present, often geminate Plectonema False branches present, solitary Schizothrix 5. Trichomes without a sheath 6 Trichomes with a sheath 7 6. Trichomes spirally twisted with obvious septa Arthrospira Trichomes straight or extremities only curved Oscillatoria 7. Sheaths thin, hyaline, trichomes agglutinated to form leathery, papery strata Phormidium Sheaths firm, agglutinated to form matted or tufted strata 8 8. Filaments free-floating or forming a mat Lyngbya Filaments forming erect tufts, often with single false branches Schizothrix 9. Trichomes unbranched, sheaths gelatinous, not firm 10 Trichomes mostly falsely branched, sheaths firm 12 10. Trichomes flexuose and contorted, within a gelatinous investment Nostoc Trichomes more or less straight, free, or forming a thin mucous stratum 11 11. Heterocysts and spores intercalary Anabaena Heterocysts terminal and spores always adjacent Cylindrospermum 12. Trichomes cylindrical 13 Trichomes conspicuously attenuated at one or both extremities 15 13. One trichome in a sheath 14 2–6 trichomes in a sheath Desmonema 14. Branches often geminate, arising between heterocysts Scytonema Branches usually single, adjacent to heterocysts Tolypothrix 15. Filaments not united into definite thallus 16 Filaments in mucilage forming definite thallus 17 16. Branches distinct and free Calothrix Branches several within a common sheath Dichothrix 17. Spores unknown Rivularia Spores regularly produced Gloeotrichia Oscillatoriaceae *Microcoleus vaginatus (Vauch.) Gom. Hen Island (K.W.L.). *Microcoleus paludosus (Kütz.) Gom. Hen Island (K.W.L.). Arthrospira jenneri (Kütz.) Stiz. Hawke's Bay (S1). Oscillatoria amphibia Ag. Tokano (N). Oscillatoria angustissima W. & G. S. West Hutt Valley (Ma). Oscillatoria anguina (Bory) Gom. Hutt Valley (Ma). *Oscillatoria brevis (Kütz.) Gom. Greenhouse, P.D.D., Mt. Albert (K.W.L.).

*Oscillatoria chalybea (Mert.) Gom. Waitakeres (K.W.L.). Oscillatoria chlorina (Kütz.) Gom. Hutt Valley (Ma). Oscillatoria coerulea Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma). Oscillatoria cortiana (Menegh.) Gom. Hawke's Bay (S1). Oscillatoria cruenta Grün. Hutt Valley (Ma). Oscillatoria lacustris (Kleb.) Geitler. Lake Sarah (F). Oscillatoria limosa (Roth.) Ag. Hawke's Bay (S1); Hutt Valley (Ma); Tokano (N). Oscillatoria nigra Vauch. Hawke's Bay (S1); Hutt Valley (Ma). Oscillatoria proboscidea Gom. Hutt Valley (Ma). *Oscillatoria sancta (Kütz.) Gom. Greenhouse, A.U.C. (K.W.L.). Oscillatoria splendida Grev. Hutt Valley (Ma); Western Springs (K.W.L.)†; Waitakeres (K.W.L.)†; Swanson (K.W.L.)†. Oscillatoria tenuis Ag. Hawke's Bay (S1); Tokano (N). Lyngbya aerugineo-coerulea (Kütz.) Gom. Hutt Valley (Ma). *Lyngbya digueti Gom. Sandringham Road (Auckland) (K.W.L.)†. Lyngbya martensiana Menegh. Hutt Valley (Ma); Sandringham Road (K.W.L.)†. Lyngbya putealis Mont. Hutt Valley (Ma). Phormidium autumnale (Ag.) Gom. Hawke's Bay (S); Hutt Valley (Ma); Auckland (K.W.L.)†; Waitakeres (K.W.L.)†. *Phormidium favosum (Bory) Gom. Albert Park (K.W.L.)†. Phormidium laminosum (Ag.) Gom. Tokano (N); Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). *Phormidium inundatum Kütz. Grafton Gully, Auckland (K.W.L.). *Phormidium papyraceum (Ag.) Gom. Glendowie (K.W.L). Phormidium retzii (Ag) Gom. Russell (V.W.L Exsicc.); Huia (K.W.L.)†; Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). *Phormidium tenue (Menegh) Gom. Cascades (K.W.L.). Phormidium uncinatum (Ag.) Gom. Cascades (K.W.L.). *Plectonema purpureum Gom. Hen Island (K.W.L.).

*Plectonema nostocorum Born. Auckland (K.W.L.); Hen Island (K.W.L.); Whakapara (K.W.L.); Westfield shower room (K.W.L.). Schizothrix calcicola Gom. Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Schizothrix lamyi Gom. Omanuta (C.). *Schizothrix thelophoroides (Mont.) Gom. Rangitoto (K.W.L.). *Symploca muralis Kütz. Hen Island (K.W.L.). Symploca muscorum Gom. Kerikeri (V.W.L. Exsicc.); Huia (K.W.L.)†; Waitakeres (K.W.L.)†; Rotorua, Ohinemutu (DF). Nostocaceae Anabaena flos-aqua (Lyng.) Bréb. Hutt Valley (Ma); Green Lake, Mayor Island (T.C. Chambers, 1955). Anabaena inaequalis (Kütz.) Born. et Flah. Waimakariri R. (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). Cylindrospermum comatum Wood. Hutt Valley (Ma). Cylindrospermum licheniforme Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S); Waitakeres (K.W.L)†. Cylindrospermum majus Kütz. Hutt Valley (Ma); Glendowie (K.W.L.)†. Nostoc caeruleum Lyng. Hutt Valley (Ma). *Nostoc carneum Ag. Le Roys Bush (K.W.L.). Nostoc commune Vauch. Kelly's Range (N); Banks Peninsula (N); Otaua R. (N); Taupo (N); Tokano (N); Omatangi (N); Orakei-korako (N); Russell (V.W.L. Exsicc.); Huia (K.W.L.)†; Hen Island (K.W.L.)†. Nostoc ellipsosporum (Desmaz.) Rabenh. Tauranga (N). Nostoc microscopicum Carm. Omanuta (C); Bealy River (N); Tauranga (N); Hen Is. (K.W.L.)†; Whangamumu (K.W.L.)†. *Nostoc passerinianum (de Not) Born. Greenhouse, A.U.C. (K W.L.). Nostoc rivulare Kütz. Tokano (N). Nostoc sphaericum Vauch. No locality (K W.L); Hen Is. (K.W L); Huia (K.W.L). Nostoc verrucosum (L.) Vauch. Otaua R. (N); Waitangi (V.W.L. Exsicc) R.; streams of Canterbury Plains (Hooker, 1855); Hutt Valley (Ma); Huia (K W.L.)†; Mokoroa Falls, Waitakeres (K.W.L.)†. Nostoc zetterstedtii Aresch. Lake Taupo (N). Rivulariaceae *Amphithrix janthina (Mont.) Born. & Flah. Huia (K.W.L.).

Calothrix parasitica (Chauv.) Thur. Hutt Valley (Ma). Calothrix parietina (Näg.) Thur. Tauranga (N); Omatangi (N); Hen Is. (K.W.L.)†; Whakapara (K.W.L.)†; Orakei-korako (Fan, 1956); Wairakei (Fan, 1956); Rotorua (Fan, 1956). Calothrix pulvinata Ag. Lyttelton (N); Hutt Valley (Ma). *Dichothrix baueriana (Grün.) Born. Lake Okataina (K.W.L.). Dichothrix gypsophila (Kütz.) Born. et Flah. Lake Pearson (N); Omatangi (N); Ruapehu and Tongariro (N); Kerikeri (V.W.L. Exsicc.). Gloeotrichia pisum Thur. Dunedin (N); Bluff (N). Rivularia beccariana (De Not.) Born. et Flah. Kerikeri (V.W.L. Exsicc.). *Rivularia haematites (D.C.) Ag. Whangamumu (K.W.L.); Huia (K.W.L.); Mokoroa Falls, Waitakeres (K.W.L.); Karekare (K.W.L.). Rivularia natans (Hedw.) Welw. Hutt Valley (Ma). Rivularia pisum Ag. Hutt Valley (Ma). Rivularia vieillardii (Kütz.) Born. et Flah. Russell (V.W.L. Exsicc.); Huia (K.W.L.)†. Scytonemataceae Desmonema wrangelii (Ag.) Born. et Flah. Teremakau (N); Arahura (N); Waitakeres (K.W.L.)†. Scytonema hoffmanni Ag. Tauranga (N); Tongariro (N); Ruapehu (N); Hen Is. on liverwort (K.W.L.)†; Greenhouse, A.U.C. (K.W.L.)†. Scytonema mirabile (Dill.) (= S. figuratum Ag.) Born. Arthur's Pass (N); Harihari (C); Kerikeri (C); Hen Is. (K.W.L.)†. Scytonema myochrous (Dillw.) Ag. Taupo (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N). Scytonema stuposum Born. No locality (S). Scytonema varium? Kütz. Bealy River (N). Tolypothrix distorta? Kütz. Hawke's Bay (S). Tolypothrix lanata (Desv.) Wartmann Orakei-Korako (N); Paeroa (N); Whatipu (K.W.L.)†. *Tolypothrix limbata Thur. Karekare (K.W.L.); Cave, Whatipu (K.W.L.). Tolypothrix tenuis Kütz. Omatangi (N); Orakei-korako (N); Lake Tarawera (N); Lake Sarah (F). Stigonematales 1. Trichomes of a single row of cells Hapalosiphon Trichomes of several rows of cells Stigonema

Stigonematales Hapalosiphon fontinalis (Ag.) Born. Arthur's Pass (N); Taupo (N). Hapalosiphon laminosus Hansg. No locality, but probably in hot springs, Rotorua (Bot. Depart. A.U.C.); Lake Taupo (K.W.L.); Rotorua (DF). Stigonema hormoides (Kütz.) Born. et Flah. Omatangi (N). Stigonema informe Kütz. Omatangi (N). Stigonema mamillosum (Lyng.) Ag. Rangitoto (C); Kerikeri (V.W.L. Exsicc.). Stigonema minutum (Ag.) Hass. Omatangi (N); Tongariro (N); Ruapehu (N). Stigonema ocellatum (Dillw.) Thur. Arthur's Pass (N); Kelly's Range (N); Taupo (N); Waikato (N); Omatangi (N); National Park (C). Stigonema panniforme (Ag.) Kirchn. Bealy River (N); Ohaeawai (N); Omatangi (N). Stigonema turfaceum (Berkl.) Cooke Arthur's Pass (N); Omatangi (N); Tauranga (N). Rhodophyceae 1. Terrestrial, globose cells in mucilage Porphyridium Aquatic, filamentous or forming a crust 2 2. Thallus erect, aerial 3 Thallus a crust of closely apposed vertical filaments Hildenbrandtia 3. Thallus polysiphonous with cortication, carpospores in closed cystocarps Bostrychia Thallus monosiphonous with or without cortication, carpospores not in closed cystocarps 4 4. Nodes obscured by abundant production of secondary laterals Nothocladus Nodes marked by the laterals 5 5. Gonimoblast threads short, not extending over internodes Batrachospermum Gonimoblast threads long, extending over the internodes Sirodotia Bangiales Porphyridium cruentum (Ag.) Näg. Auckland, greenhouse, College grounds (V.J.C.1955)†; Otago (Lindsay, 1863). *Asterocytis smaragdina Reinsch. Torbay, fresh water seep high above tides (T). Nemalionales Batrachospermum atrichum Skuja, sp. ined. Milford Sound (Laing, 1939). Batrachospermum campyloclonum Skuja, sp. ined. Streams, Canterbury Plains; Lyall; Inchbonnie; near Whangarei (all Laing, 1939). Batrachospermum dillenii Bory Anawhata (Laing, 1939). Batrachospermum fruticans Skuja, sp. ined. Cleddau R.; Inchbonnie (both Laing, 1939). Batrachospermum gallaei Sirodot var. longipolum Skuja Tikitikiora Creek (V.W.L. Exsicc.). Batrachospermum novae-zelandiae Skuja, sp. ined. Lyall; Whangarei; Waipoua; Henderson (all Laing, 1939); Hawke's Bay (S1);

Canterbury (Hooker, 1855, as B. moniliforme). Batrachospermum pulcherrimum Harv. R. Esk (S1). Nothocladus lindaueri Skuja Waitangi (V.W.L. Exsicc.). Sirodotia fennica Skuja, sp. ined. Cass (Laing, 1939). Sirodotia suecica Kylin Ruataniwha Plains (S1); stream near Coroglen (V.J.C., 1955)†. Cryptonemiales Hildenbrandtia rivularis (Liebm.) J. Ag. Hutt Valley (Ma); Waitakere stream (T)†. Ceramiales Bostrychia harveyi Mont. ecad distans (Harv.) De Berg Coromandel (N); Kowhai R.; Faraheru Stream; Swanson Stream; Mokaroa Stream; Anawhata; Karekare; Mick's Creek (Warkworth); Cape Brett; Bay of Islands; Waipoua Stream; Bethells; Wellington streams; Little Barrier; Orongorongo R.; Doubtful Sound; Banks Peninsula; Westport; Prices Bay (Stewart Island); (all De Berg, 1949); The Narrows (Waikato R.) (V.J.C., 1954)†. Literature Berggren, S., 1874. On the occurrence of Haematococcus sanguineus on the wool of a dead sheep. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 7: 369. Bruce, A., 1953. Report on a biological and chemical investigation of the waters in the Estuary of the Avon and Heathcote Rivers. Christchurch Drainage Board. Chapman, V. J., 1951. Notes on New Zealand Algae. Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z., 79 (1): 84. —— 1956. Revision of the Marine Algae of New Zealand Part I—Myxophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot, 55: 333. De Berg, R. F., 1949. The New Zealand species of Bostrychia related to B. scorpioides Mont Farlowia, 3 (4): 499. De Toni, G. B., 1889. Sylloge Algarum, Chlorophyceae Patavii. —— 1891. Sylloge Algarum, Bacillarieae Patavii. —— 1907. Sylloge Algarum, Myxophyceae. Patavii. —— e Forti, A., 1923. Alghe di Australia, Tasmania e Nuova Zelanda. Mem. Ist. Venet. Sci. Lettr. Art. 29, No. 3. Drouet, F. & Daily, W. A., 1956. Revision of the Coccoid Myxophyceae. Butler Univ. Bot. Stud, 12, 1. Fan, K. C., 1956. Revision of Calothrix Ag Rev. Algol., N.S. 2, 154. Flint, E. A., 1938. A preliminary study of the Phytoplankton in Lake Sarah (New Zealand). Jour. Ecology, 26 (2): 353. —— 1949. An ecological study of some fresh-water algae Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z., 77 (5): 189. Fritsch, F. E., 1935. Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Vol I. Cambridge. Grunow, A., 1867. Reise S. M. Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Bot. Th. I. Wien. Hooker, J. D., 1855. Flora Novae Zelandiae. Vol. 2. —— 1867. Handbook of the New Zealand Flora London. Inglis, J., 1881. New Species of Diatoms of New Zealand Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 14: 357. Jennings, A. V., 1896. On two new species of Phycopeltis from New Zealand. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 3rd Ser. 3 (5). Kirk, T., 1871. On the Flora of the Isthmus of Auckland and the Takapuna District Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 4: 228. —— 1880. A New Species of Cladophora. Ibid. 12: 397. Laing, R. M., 1926. A reference list of N.Z. Marine Algae. Trans. N.Z Inst., 57: 126. —— 1939. The New Zealand Seaweeds—Reference List. No. 2. The Rhodophyceae—Part A. Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 69 (1): 138. Lindauer, V. W., 1947. An annotated list of the Brown Seaweeds—Phaeophyceae—of New Zealand. Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 76 (4): 542.

Lindsay, W. L., 1863. On New and Rare Cryptogams from Otago. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin., 8: 283. —— and Lauder, W., 1867. On the Diatomaceae of Otago, New Zealand. Trans. Linn. Soc., 9: 129. Maskell, W. M., 1880. Contributions towards a list of New Zealand Desmidieae. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 13: 297. —— 1882. Additions to Catalogue and Notes on various species of New Zealand Desmidieae. Ibid. 15, 237. —— 1855. On a new variety of Desmid. Ibid. 18: 325. —— 1888. Further notes on the Desmidieae of New Zealand with descriptions of new species. Ibid. 21: 3. Mason, R., 1956. A Check List of New Zealand Charophyta. Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z., 84: 269. Mather, W. M., 1928. Freshwater Algae of the Hutt Valley. M.Sc. Thesis. V.U.C., Wellington. Nordstedt, O., 1880. De Algis et Characeis, Pt. 2. Characeae Novae Zelandiae. Act. Univ. Lund. 16. Nordstedt, O., 1888. Fresh-water Algae collected by Dr. S. Berggren in New Zealand and Australia. Kongl. Svensk. Vetens.-Akad. Handl. 22 (8). Pascher, A., 1939. Heterokonten. Vol. 11 of Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen Flora. Leipzig. Pocock, M. A., 1951. Notes on the occurrence in New Zealand of Volvulina steinii Playfair and species of Volvox Linn. Rec. Cant Mus, 6: 1. Spencer, W. I., 1881. On the Fresh-water Algae of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 14: 287. —— 1882. Notes on Fresh-water Algae of New Zealand. Ibid. 15: 302. Stevenson, G. B., — A study of the Wellington City water supply with special reference to plankton growth in storage reservoirs. N.Z. Jour. Sci. Tech. Ser. B. 34 (1): 26. Tennant, J. S., 1898. Fresh-water Algae collected in Dunedin district during summers of 1896–97. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 31: 748. Tiffany, L. H., 1930. The Oedogoniaceae. Columbus (Ohio). —— 1948. Oedogonium Chapmanii sp. nov. from New Zealand. Nat. Hist. Misc. Chicago Acad. Sci., 16. Transeau, E. N., 1951. The Zygnemataceae. Ohio State University Press, Columbus. Prof. V. J. Chapman and Miss E. C. M. Segar, Department of Botany, Auckland University College, Box 2553, Auckland, N.Z. Prof. R. H. Thompson, Department of Botany, University of Kansas, U.S.A.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 84, 1956-57, Page 695

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Check List of the Fresh-Water Algae of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 84, 1956-57, Page 695

Check List of the Fresh-Water Algae of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 84, 1956-57, Page 695