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New Zealand Institute Amendment Act, 1920. 1920, No. 3. An Act to amend the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. [30th July, 1920. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:— 1. This Act may be cited as the New Zealand Institute Amendment Act, 1920, and shall be read together with and deemed part of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. 2. Section ten of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, is hereby amended by omitting the words “five hundred pounds,” and substituting the words “one thousand pounds.” Regulations. The following are the regulations of the New Zealand Institute under the Act of 1903:—* New Zealand Gazette, 14th July, 1904. The word “Institute” used in the following regulations means the New Zealand Institute as constituted by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903. Incorporation of Societies. 1. No society shall be incorporated with the Institute under the provisions of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903, unless such society shall consist of not less than twenty-five members, subscribing in the aggregate a sum of not less than £25 sterling annually for the promotion of art, science, or such other branch of knowledge for which it is associated, to be from time to time certified to the satisfaction of the Board of Governors of the Institute by the President for the time being of the society. 2. Any society incorporated as aforesaid shall cease to be incorporated with the Institute in case the number of the members of the said society shall at any time become less than twenty-five, or the amount of money annually subscribed by such members shall at any time be less than £25. 3. The by-laws of every society to be incorporated as aforesaid shall provide for the expenditure of not less than one - third of the annual

revenue in or towards the formation or support of some local public museum or library, or otherwise shall provide for the contribution of not less than one-sixth of its said revenue towards the extension and maintenance of the New Zealand Institute. 4. Any society incorporated as aforesaid which shall in any one year fail to expend the proportion of revenue specified in Regulation No. 3 aforesaid in manner provided shall from henceforth cease to be incorporated with the Institute. Publications. 5. All papers read before any society for the time being incorporated with the Institute shall be deemed to be communications to the Institute, and then may be published as Proceedings or Transactions of the Institute, subject to the following regulations of the Board of the Institute regarding publications:— (a.) The publications of the Institute shall consist of— (1.) A current abstract of the proceedings of the societies for the time being incorporated with the Institute, to be intituled “Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute”; (2.) And of transactions comprising papers read before the incorporated societies (subject, however, to selection as hereinafter mentioned), and of such other matter as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine to publish, to be intituled “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.” (b.) The Board of Governors shall determine what papers are to be published. (c.) Papers not recommended for publication may be returned to their authors if so desired. (d.) All papers sent in for publication must be legibly written, typewritten, or printed. (e.) A proportional contribution may be required from each society towards the cost of publishing Proceedings and Transactions of the Institute. (f.) Each incorporated society will be entitled to receive a proportional number of copies of the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, to be from time to time fixed by the Board of Governors. Management of the Property of the Institute. 6. All property accumulated by or with funds derived from incorporated societies, and placed in charge of the Institute, shall be vested in the Institute, and be used and applied at the discretion of the Board of Governors for public advantage, in like manner with any other of the property of the Institute. 7. All donations by societies, public Departments, or private individuals to the Institute shall be acknowledged by a printed form of receipt and shall be entered in the books of the Institute provided for that purpose, and shall then be dealt with as the Board of Governors may direct. Honorary Members. 8. The Board of Governors shall have power to elect honorary members (being persons not residing in the Colony of New Zealand), provided that the total number of honorary members shall not exceed thirty.

9. In case of a vacancy in the list of honorary members, each incorporated society, after intimation from the Secretary of the Institute, may nominate for election as honorary member one person. 10. The names, descriptions, and addresses of persons so nominated, together with the grounds on which their election as honorary members is recommended, shall be forthwith forwarded to the President of the New Zealand Institute, and shall by him be submitted to the Governors at the next succeeding meeting. General Regulations. 11. Subject to the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, and to the foregoing rules, all societies incorporated with the Institute shall be entitled to retain or alter their own form of constitution and the by-laws for their own management, and shall conduct their own affairs. 12. Upon application signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of any society, accompanied by the certificate required under Regulation No. 1, a certificate of incorporation will be granted under the seal of the Institute, and will remain in force as long as the foregoing regulations of the Institute are complied with by the society. 13. In voting on any subject the President is to have a deliberate as well as a casting vote. 14. The President may at any time call a meeting of the Board, and shall do so on the requisition in writing of four Governors. 15. Twenty-one days' notice of every meeting of the Board shall be given by posting the same to each Governor at an address furnished by him to the Secretary. 16. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, a meeting of the Board shall be called by the Secretary within twenty-one days to elect a new President. 17. The Governors for the time being resident or present in Wellington shall be a Standing Committee for the purpose of transacting urgent business and assisting the officers. 18. The Standing Committee may appoint persons to perform the duties of any other office which may become vacant. Any such appointment shall hold good until the next meeting of the Board, when the vacancy shall be filled. 19. The foregoing regulations may be altered or amended at any annual meeting, provided that notice be given in writing to the Secretary of the Institute not later than the 30th November. The following additional regulations, and amendment to regulations, were adopted at a general meeting of the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute, held at Wellington on the 30th January, 1918, and at Christchurch on the 3rd February, 1919. (See New Zealand Gazette, No. 110, 4th September, 1919.) Regulations governing the Fellowship of the Institute. 20. The Fellowship of the New Zealand Institute shall be an honorary distinction for the life of the holder. 21. The Original Fellows shall be twenty in number, and shall include the past Presidents and the Hutton and Hector Medallists who have held their distinctions and positions prior to 3rd February, 1919, and who at that date are members of the Institute. The remaining Original Fellows

shall be nominated as provided for in Regulation 26 (a), and shall be elected by the said past Presidents and Hector and Hutton Medallists. 22. The total number of Fellows at any time shall not be more than forty. 23. After the appointment and election of the Original Fellows, as provided in Regulation 21, not more than four Fellows shall be elected in any one year. 24. The Fellowship shall be given for research or distinction in science. 25. No person shall be elected as Fellow unless he is a British subject and has been a member of one of the incorporated societies for three years immediately preceding his election. 26. After the appointment and election of the Original Fellows as provided in Regulation 21 there shall be held an annual election of Fellows at such time as the Board of Governors shall appoint. Such election shall be determined as follows:— (a.) Each of the incorporated societies at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin may nominate not more than twice as many persons as there are vacancies, and each of the other incorporated societies may nominate as many persons as there are vacancies. Each nomination must be accompanied by a statement of the qualifications of the candidate for Fellowship. (b.) Out of the persons so nominated the Fellows resident in New Zealand shall select twice as many persons as there are vacancies, if so many be nominated. (c.) The names of the nominees shall be submitted to the Fellows at least six months, and the names selected by them submitted to the Governors at least three months, before the date fixed for the annual meeting of the Board of Governors at which the election is to take place. (d.) The election shall be made by the Board of Governors at the annual meeting from the persons selected by the Fellows. (e.) The methods of selection in subclause (b) and of election in subclause (d) shall be determined by the Board of Governors. (f.) The official abbreviation of the title “Fellow of the New Zealand Institute” shall be “F.N.Z.Inst.” Amendment to Regulations. Regulation 5 (a) of the regulations published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 14th July, 1904, is hereby amended to read:— “(a.) The publications of the Institute shall consist of— “(1.) Such current abstract of the proceedings of the societies for the time being incorporated with the Institute as the Board of Governors deems desirable; “(2.) And of transactions comprising papers read before the incorporated societies or any general meeting of the New Zealand Institute (subject, however, to selection as hereinafter mentioned), and of such other matter as the Board of Governors shall from time to time for special reasons in each case determine to publish, to be intituled Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.”

Index of Authors. Andersen, J. C.— pages An Introduction to Maori Music 743–62 New Zealand Bird-song 63–78 Obituary Notice of C. A. Ewen xvi Askew, H. O.—The Solubility and Hydrolysis of Calcium Carbonate 791–96 Benson, W. N.—Palaeozoic and Meaozoic Seas in Australasia 1–62 Best, E.— Miramar Island and its History 779–91 Obituary Notice of S. Percy Smith xiii Buck, P. H. See Rangi Hiroa, Te. Campbell, J. W.—Notes on the Blepharoceridae (Diptera) of New Zealand 260–64 Cheeseman, T. F.—New Species of Flowering-plants 565–69 Chtlton, Chas.—Some New Zealand Amphipoda: No. 3 240–45 Chopard, L.—On some New Zealand Cave Orthoptera 230–39 Christensen, C. E.—On the Behaviour of certain New Zealand Arboreal Plants when gradually buried by River-shingle 546–48 Cockayne, L.—Obituary Notice of T. F. Cheeseman xvii–xix Cunningham, G. H.—The Uredmales, or Rust-fungi, of New Zealand: Part I—Puccimaceae, Tribe Puccineae 619–704 Edwards, F. W.—A Preliminary Revision of the Crane-flies of New Zealand 265–352 Easterfield, T. H.—Presidential Address xxix–xxxi Finlay, H. J.—Some Remarks on New Zealand Calliostomidae, with Descriptions of New Tertiary Species 99–105 See also Murdoch, R., and Finlay, H. J. Finlay, H. J., and McDowall, F. H.—Fossiliferous Limestone at Dowling Bay 106–14 Griffin, L. T.—Additions to the Fish Fauna of New Zealand 245–56 Herriott, E. M.—Some Morphological Notes on the New Zealand Giant Kelp, Durvillea antarctica (Chamisso) 549–64 Hilgendorf, F. W.—Natural Cross-fertilization of Wheat on a Large Scale 574–76 Hill, H.—Water-conservation and Hawke's Bay Artesian Systems 134–47 Holloway, J. E.—Studies in the New Zealand Hymenophyllaceae: Part I 577–618 Hudson, G. V.— Index of New Zealand Beetles 353–99 Obituary Notice of David Sharp xiv Kirk, H. B.— Notes on the Mating-habits and Early Life-history of the Cuhcid Opifex fuscus Hutton 400–6 Obituary Notice of J. Hector ix McDowall, F. H. See Finlay, H. J., and McDowall, F. H. Marshall, P.—Early Tertiary Molluscan Faunas of New Zealand 115–21 Marshall, P., and Murdoch, R.— The Occurrence of the Genus Lahillia in New Zealand 129–30 Some Tertiary Mollusca, with Descriptions of New Species 121–28 Marwick, J.—The Genus Glycymeris in the Tertiary of New Zealand 63–80 Meyrick, E.—New Zealand Lepidoptera 162–69

Miller, D.— pages Material for a Monograph on the Diptera Fauna of New Zealand: Part III —Family Empididae 437–64 A New Tachinid Genus and Two New Species 432–36 Muir, F.— New Species of New Zealand Delphacidae (Homoptera) 258–59 Two Species of Delphacidae (Homoptera) from Kermadec Archipelago 257 Murdoch, R. See also Marshall, P., and Murdoch, R. Murdoch, R., and Finlay, H. J.—The Occurrence of Land Mollusca in a Recent Sea-beach Deposit 131–33 Myers, J. G.— A Contribution to the Study of New Zealand Leaf-hoppers and Plant-hoppers (Cicadellidae and Fulgoroidea) 407–29 New Species of New Zealand Cicadidae 430–31 Oliver, W. R. B.—Marine Littoral Plant and Animal Communities in New Zealand 496–545 Park, James— On the Character of the Contact between the Ngaparan Beds and the Underlying Bed-rock 87–89 On the Discovery of the Liothyrella boehmi Greensand Band at Flume Creek, Waitaki Valley 80–82 On the Relation of the Oamaru Limestone and Waitaki Stone 82–87 Petrie, D.—Descriptions of New Zealand Native Flowering-plants 569–72 Philpott, A.— Notes and Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera 145–54 Venation of New Zealand Species of Micropterygidae 155–61 Rangi Hiroa, Te.—Maori Plaited Basketry and Plaitwork: 1, Mats, Baskets, and Burden-carriers Sainsbury, G. O. K. —Notes on Pittosporum obcordatum 572–73 Speight, R.—Note on the Hanging Valleys of the Upper Rangitata Valley 90–98 Stead, E. F.—Notes on the Migratory Plovers of New Zealand, with Records of some Additional Species 490–95 Tillyard, R. J.— Descriptions of New Species and Varieties of Lacewings (Order Neuroptera Planipennia) from New Zealand, belonging to the Families Berothidae and Hemerobiidae 217–25 Description of Two New Species of May-flies (Order Plectoptera) from New Zealand Psocoptera, or Copeognatha, of New Zealand, Monograph of 170–96 The Stone-flies of New Zealand (Oder Perlaria) 197–217 Watt, M. N.—The Leaf-mining Insects of New Zealand: Part III—Species belonging to the Genera Agromyza and Phytomyza 465–89

General Index. [The Editor will be obliged if authors and other users of the index will notify him of any errors or omissions discovered, or make any suggestions for improvements.] abditus, Ericthonius. Abenadon, E. C., breaking-up of Aequinoctia (Benson), 33. abichi, Productus. abscissa, Melanthalia. Acacia armata R. Br., host of Uromycladium Tepperianum (Cunningham), 639. — dealbata link., host of Uromycladium, alpinum and notabile (Cunningham), 638, 639. — decurrens Willd., host of Uromycladium alpinum and notabile (Cunningham), 638, 639. — melanoxylon R. Br., host of Uromycladium Robinsoni (Cunningham), 638. Acanthoceras, occ. (Benson), 50. Acanthochiton zealandicus, hab. (Oliver), 525, 526, 543. Acanthoclinus littoreus, fin-modification, with plate (Oliver), 510–11. Accentor modularis, song of (Andersen), 773. acerosa, Coprosma. Acheta campestris, song of (Andersen), 767. acidity of water (Oliver), 508–9. acinaces, Zenatia. Aciphylla divisa Cheesem. n. sp. (Cheeseman), 568. — Monroi, varieties of (Cheeseman), 569. Acmella neozelanica, hab. (Oliver), 499, 541. Acrocercops cyanospila Meyr. (Meyrick), 167. Acrothele, occ. (Benson), 18. Acrotreta, occ. (Benson), 19. Actinacis sumatraensis, occ. (Benson), 50. Actinia tenebrosa, hab. (Oliver), 535, 537. Actinoceras, occ. (Benson), 24. Actinoaonchus planosulcatus, occ. (Benson), 30. Actinoaystis, occ. (Benson), 26. Actinostroma, occ. (Benson), 23. acuminata, Heteropygia. — Pisobia maculata. acuminatus, Totanus. acutangulatum, Calliostoma. acuticostata, Verconella nodosa. Adams, J. H. See Fraser, C., and Adams, J. H. Adelaide region, geology of (Benson), 16–18. adelensis, Brachystoma. Adenocystis utricularis, water-reservoir (Oliver), 508, 525. adhaerens, Codium. adpressa, Muehlenbeckia. Admete anomala Marsh. & Murd., Hampton (Marshall), 117. adspersa, Cominella. adusta, Verconella. Aecidium Aikeni Syd., 658. — album G. W. Clinton, syn., 631. — Allenii G. W. Clinton, syn., 641. — Anchusae Erikss. et Henn., syn., 643. Aecidium Anisotomes Reich., identity of (Cunningham), 667. — Asperifolii Pers., syn., 643. — Aviculare Kuntze, syn., 630. — Bellidis Thuem., syn., 652. — Berberidis Pers., syn., 644. — Berberidis-cylindricum Rebent., syn., 644. — Betae Kuhn., syn., 631. — Cathartici Schum., syn., 641. — Clarkiae Diet, et Holw., 665. — compositarum Lapsanae Purton, syn., 685. — crassum Pers., syn., 641. — dakotensis Griff., syn., 658. — Discariae Cke., syn., 634. — Epilobii DC., syn., 665. — Gayophyti Vize, syn., 665. — hepaticum Schw., syn., 658. — Lapsanae Schultz, syn., 685. — lineare Pers., syn., 644. — Lycopsidis Desv., syn., 643. — Menthae Sow., syn., 672. — nitens Schw., syn., 690. — ornithogaleum Bnbak, syn., 647. — otagense Linds., with fig. (Cunningham), 656. — oroideo-auranlium Bon., syn., 672. — Oxalidis Thuem., syn., 648. — Peyritschianum Magnus, syn., 648. — pulcherrimum Rav., syn., 641. — punctatum Pers., syn., 658. — quadrifidum DC., syn., 658. — Ranunculacearum DC., syn., 626. — Ranuncularum, fig. (Cunningham), 620. — Ranunculi-acris Pers., syn., 626. — Rhamni Pers., syn., 641. — Urticae Schum., syn., 649. aegrotans, Dicranomyia. aellomacha, Parectopa. aeguimanus, Betaeus. aeguipinnis, Scorpis. aeguispiralis, Surcula. Aeschrodomus barbatula (Reeve), (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. Aetheia gualteri (Morris), Park, 81. — gualteri, occ. (Marshall), 120. aethiops, Monodonta Aethocola spinifera n. sp., with plate (Finlay and McDowall), 108, 113–14. Agathiceras, occ. (Benson), 32, 33. — micromphalum, occ. (Benson), 33. Agnostus, occ. (Benson), 17, 18, 21. Agromyza, characters of (Watt), 465–67. — australensis Mik. (Watt), 465, 488. citreifemorata n. sp., with figs. and pi. (Watt), 478. — clianthi n. sp., with figs. and pi. (Watt), 479.

Agromyza flavocentralis n. sp., with figs, and pl.(Watt), 474. — flavolateralis n. sp., with figs, and pl.(Watt), 471. — flavopleura n. sp., with figs. and pl. (Watt), 481. — flavopleura var. cesta n. var., with figs. and pl. (Watt), 482. — fulvifrons Hutton (Watt), 465. — umbrina n. sp., with figs. and pl. (Watt), 467. — umbrinella n. sp., with figs. and pl. (Watt), 469. — umbroza n. sp., with figs. and pl. (Watt), 476. Agropyrina, Puccinia. Agropyron Gaertn. infects wheat (Cunningham), 646. — repens, a race of Puccinia coronata (Cunningham), 642. Agrostis alba L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642, 646. — stolonifera L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642. — vulgaris With., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642. Aikem, Aecidium. Aira caespitosa L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 646. Akatarewa, village on Mount Victoria (Best), 783. Akatoa Creek, land-mollusca in sea-beach deposit (Murdoch and Finlay), 131–33. Alaria, occ. (Benson), 45, 52. Alauda arvensis, song of (Andersen), 771. alba, Agrostis. — Calidris. — Salix. — Trynga. albiceps, Phytomyza. albicincta, Gynoplistia. dlbistigma, Macromastix. album, Aecidium. Alcithoe, operculum (Oliver), 506. — rabica, hab. (Oliver), 505, 540. ———elongata, hab. (Oliver), 543. aldingae, Turritella. Alectrion sp., Hampden (Marshall), 117. Aletia dentata n. sp. (Philpott), 148. Alexander, C. P., classific. of Limnophilini (Edwards), 299. Alexander, Sir J., note on Miramar (Best), 789. alexanderi, Macromastix. Algae, colour of (Oliver), 503–4. — holdfasts of (Oliver), 509. — protection (Oliver), 508. Allanii, Puccinia. Allenii, Aecidium. Allodiscus planulatus (Hutt.), (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. Allodus Arth., syn., 640. Alopecurus pratensis L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642. alpinum, Uromycladium. Alps of N.Z. See Southern Alps. alta, Cucullaea. Althaea rosea (L) Cav., host of Puccinia Malvacearum (Cunningham), 662. altus, Fusinus. — Turns. altus, subsp. transenna, Leucosyrinx. Alveolina limestones of New Guinea (Benson), 27. — occ. (Benson), 49. Amaurochiton glaucus, hab (Oliver), 524, 529, 530, 536, 541, 542, 543. ambiguus, Scutus. — Trophon. amblyodonta, Nereis. ambulacrum, Turritella. Ameletus Eaton., new species of (Tillyard), 226. — flavitinctus n. sp., with figs. (Tillyard), 226. — ornatus, figs. of, & c. (Tillyard), 228. — perscitus, fig. of hindwing, & c. (Tillyard), 228. America, South, relationship with Australia (Benson), 12. — relationship with N.Z. (Benson), 52. americana, Puccinia Menthae. American black - tailed godwit. See Vetola haemastica. americanus, Scirpus. Ammonites novozealandicus (Hauer), occ. (Benson), 42. “amo,” use and meaning of word (Rangi Hiroa), 740. Amphibola. See Kiwi Amohau. Amphibola crenata, hab., &c. (Oliver), 498, 541, 543, 544. Amphidesma, form of shell (Oliver), 511. — hab, &c. (Oliver), 505. — australis, form of shell (Oliver), 512. — novae-zealandiae, hab. (Oliver), 540, 543. — subtriangulata, hab. (Oliver), 511, 538, 539. — ventricosum, siphon of (Oliver), 511, 539. Amphilochus marionis Stebbing, syn. (Chilton), 240. — neapolitanus Della Vale (Chilton), 240 — sqamosus (G. M. Thomson), (Chilton), 240 Amphineura, form of shell (Oliver), 505, 512–13. — hab. (Oliver), 503. Amphineurus Skuse (emended), (Edwards), 289. 290. — bicinctus n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 292. — fatuus (Hutton), with figs. (Edwards), 293. — horni n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 294. — hudsoni n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 293. — insulus (Hutton), with figs. (Edwards), 293. — perdecorus n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 291. Amphipoda, N.Z. (Chilton), 240–45. Amphiroa, hab. (Oliver), 503, 514, 520, 522. — corymbosa, fig. (Oliver), 507. Amphiura aster, hab. (Oliver), 511, 540. Amphoroidea falcifer, hab. (Oliver), 514. — falcifer, colouring (Oliver), 515. ampla, Discobola. — Trochobola. Ampullina suturahs (Hutton), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. — suturalis, distribution of (Finlay and Mc-Dowall), 108. — waihaoensis (Suter), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. Ampyx, occ. (Benson), 22.

Amundsen, R., Royal Society Range and Antarctandes (Benson), 10. Amuri limestone, age of (Marshall), 120. amuritica, Patella. amygdalus, Prunus. analoga, Leptaena. anceps, Lobelia. Anchusae, Aecidium. Ancilla, erosion of shell (Oliver), 509. — operculum (Oliver), 506. — australis, hab. (Oliver), 505, 540. — novae-zelandiae (Sowerby), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. — waikopiroensis Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. Ancyloceras, occ. (Benson), 47. — occ. (Park), 86. Ancylochilus subarguatus Sharpe, syn., 495. andicola, Oreomyrrhis. Andrews, E. C., age of Tasmanian rocks (Benson), 19, 20. — Australia and Tasmantis (Benson), 25. — formation of Australia (Benson), 8–9. — Silurian rocks of New South Wales (Benson), 24. Andrews Creek, Waimakariri, hanging valley in (Speight), 97. Anemone sp., host of Puccinia Pruni-spinosae (Cunningham), 658. angasi, Cochlodesma. — Ostrea. Angelica dilitata Holw., host of Puccinia poromera (Cunningham), 654. — Gingidium Hook, f., host of Puccinia cuniculi (Cunningham), 667. Angelicae, Puccinia. Angenheister, G., crust-movement in submarine ridge south of Tonga (Benson), 6. angiosperms, Artocarpidium, occ. (Benson), 40. Anisoceras, occ. (Benson), 52. Anisopodidae, in key (Edwards), 266. — subfamilies of (Edwards), 269–70. Anisopus neozelandicus (Schin.), with fig. (Edwards), 269. — notatus (Hutton), with fig. (Edwards), 270. Anisotome aromatica, Hook, f., fig (Cunningham), 622. — geniculata Hook, f., host of Aecidium Anisotomes (Cunningham), 667. Anistomes, Aecidium. annae, Sumatrina. annua, Poa. annulata, Dicranomyia. annuliferus, Tanyderus. annulipes, Dicranomyia. — Geranomyia. anomala, Puccinia. anomalum, Dicaeoma. Anomia, attachment to rock (Oliver), 509. — huttom (?) Sut., distribution of (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — trigonopsis Hutt., distribution of (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — undata Hutt., distribution of (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — walteri, hab. (Oliver), 525, 530. Anopaea, occ. (Benson), 45. ansonae, Erythroneura. Antarctandes, formation (Benson), 10. Antarctica, tectonic relationships with Australia (Benson), 10. antarctica, Cucullaea. — Durvillea. — Gitanopsis. — Trigonia. Antarctic connection with New Zealand (Benson), 41. antarcticus, Fucus. antegypsata, Surcula. Anthornis melanura, harsh notes of (Andersen), 768. anthracina, Gynoplistia. anthroxanthi, Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. Anthus novae-zealandiae, call and note of (Andersen), 764. Antigona assoc. (Oliver), 540. — hab., &c. (Oliver), 505. — shell (Oliver), 513. — spissa, hab. (Oliver), 511, 532, 539, 540. — stutchburyi, characteristics (Oliver), 512 — hab. (Oliver), 540–41, 542, 543. Antimitra vexilliformis n. sp., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 127. antipoda, Margarella. — Ophiopteris. antipodum, Potamopyrgus. — Trichocera. antiqua, Erato. — Limnophila. — Turbonilla. Antochini tribe (Edwards), 288. angulata, Lima. anomala, Admete. Ao-haere-tahi, Te, earthquake in time of (Best), 785. Aotea, or Aotearoa, name given by wife of Kupe (Best), 779–80. “Aotearoa,” house built on Somes Island (Best), 782. Aorere Valley, Cainozoic limestone at (Park), 88. aoteaensis, Triphora. Apatetris melanombra Meyr. (Meyrick), 165. aperta, Macromastix. Aphanaia, occ. (Benson), 32, 36. — gigantea, occ. (Benson), 32. Aphrophila n. subgen., in key (Edwards), 297. apicale, Vexillum. apicarinata, Drilla. apicipunctatus, Caecilius. apicostatum, Vexillum. apiculata var. Trifolii, Uredo. Apium prostratum (DC.) Lab., host of Puccinia Thuemeni (Cunningham), 670. Aporrhais gregaria, occ. (Benson), 52, note. appendiculatus, Uromyces. apus, Puccinia. aquatica, Glyceria. arabica Alcithoe. — elongata, Alcithoe. Arahura, discovery of greenstone (Best), 780. Arber, E. A. N., connection of N.Z. with Gondwanaland (Benson), 12.

Arber, E. A. N., conneotion of N.Z. with Tasmania (Benson), 41. — shallow Callovian sea (Benson), 43. arborescens, Entelea. arboreum, Nothopanax. arbuscula, Bostrychia. Arca, occ. (Benson), 52. — blandfordiana (Benson,) 42, note. — egertonensis, occ. (Benson). 42, note. — trapezia, characteristics (Oliver), 512. Arcestes cf. rheticus, occ. (Benson), 39. Archaean massif of Arldt (Benson), 6. — of Gregory (Benson), 7. Archaeocyathinae from South Victoria Land (Benson), 12. — in Adelaide region (Benson), 17. — South Australia a centre of evolution? (Benson), 18. Archipanorpa, venation (Philpott), 160. Architectonica n. sp., Hampden (Marshall), 117. — ngaparaensis Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. arctica, Daonella. — Saxicava. — Trigonia. arenaria, Calidris. — Pimelea. — Tringa. areolata, Trigonia. argentinicola, Orolimnophila. Argomyces Arth., syn., 640. argus, Limnophila. arguta, Erechtites. Aricia papillosa, hab. (Oliver), 541. Aristopsyche, venation (Philpott), 160. Arldt, Th., Australia part of Archaean massif (Benson), 6. — extent of Antarctandes (Benson), 10. armeniaca, Prunus. armillata, Uredo. Armstrongii, Hymenophyllum. Aro, Te, flat is Huri-whenua (Best), 784. Aroaro o Kupe, Te, name of Pinnacle Rock (Best), 780. aromatica, Anisotome. arquata, Tringa. Arrhoges haastianus, occ. (Benson), 52. Artesian system, Hawke's Bay (Hill), 134–47. — wells, depth of (Hill), 138–42. — effect of rainfall (Hill), 145. Arthur, J. C., experiments with Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 646. — on Puccinia Sorghi (Cunningham), 648. Arthur, Mount, Oamaruian formation (Park), 88. arthuriana, Gynoplistia. Arthur's Pass, formation of (Speight), 97. Artocarpidium, occ. (Benson), 40. arundinacea, Phalaris. arvensis, Alauda. — Cnicus. Asaphus, occ. (Benson), 22. Ascidia, cuticle of (Oliver), 507. asper, Sonchus. aspera, Urtica. Asperifolii, Aecidium. — Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. asperulus, Productus. Aspidites, occ. (Benson), 38. Asplenium flaccidum, host of Agromyza flavopleura (Watt), 481. — lucidum, host of Agromyza flavopleura var. casta (Watt), 482. Astelia Banksii, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 708. — Cockaynei Cheesem. n. sp. (Cheeseman), 565. — Cunninghamii, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 708. — montana Cockayne, syn., 565. — nervosa, relation to A. Cockaynei (Cheeseman), 565. Astelobia n. subgen., in key (Edwards), 297. aster, Amphiura. Asterias scabra, hab. (Oliver), 523. — calamaria, hab. (Oliver), 540. Asterina regularis, shell eroded (Oliver), 509. Astraea, operoulum (Oliver), 506. — sulcata, hab. (Oliver), 520, 530. Astylospongia, occ. (Benson), 24. Atalacmea unguis-almae, hab. (Oliver), 503, 527, 534, 536, 537. Atiawa tribe in Wellington districts (Best), 787. Atkinsonii, Puccinia. Atrina sp., Hampden (Marshall), 117. Atropidae (Tillyard), 175. Atropos pulsatoria (Muller), with fig. (Tillyard), 175. atropos, Dolichopeza. — Tipula. atrovirens, Hymenophyllum. — Monodonta. Atrypa, occ. (Benson), 23. attenuissima, Seila. Aturia sp., Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117–18. — ziczag, occ. (Marshall), 120. Au-a-Tane, Te, entrance to Wellington Harbour (Best), 783. Aucella hughendenensis, occ. (Benson), 48. — spitiensis, occ. (Benson), 42, note. aucklandica, Corneocyclas. aucklandicus, Belemnites. — Zaluscodes. Aucklandobius End. (Tillyard), 211. — complementarius End. (Tillyard), 212. aucta, Puccinia. Aulosteges, occ. (Benson), 34. aurella, Micropardalis. aurita, Limopsis. auroatra, Macromastix. australasiae, Limnophila. Australasian Assoc. Adv. Sci. meeting in Wellington, 1923, 802. australe, Crioceras. — Hymenophyllum. — Lepidodendron. — Polypodium. australensis, Agromyza. Australia and N.Z., geological relationship (Benson), 1–62. australis, Amphidesma. — Ancilla. — Belennites. — Chimaera. — monstrosa var.

australis, Cordyline. — Empoasca. — Haliotis. — Halysites. — Malletia. — Muehlenbeckia. — Muraenichthys. — Myopsocus. — Natica. — Pherusa. — Receptaculites. — Rubus. — Salicornia. — Scytothamnus. — Siphonaria. — Stichaster. — Triton. — Tryphlocyba. Australo-Indo-Madagascan continent (Benson), 44. austriaca, Halobia. Austroperla, with fig. (Tillyard), 201. — cyrene (Newman), with fig. (Tillyard, 201. Austroperlidae Tillyard (Tillyard), 201. Austrotipula hudsoni Alexander, syn., 332. Austrotriton neozelandica n. sp., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 122. Avena fatua L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642, 646. — pratensis L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 646. — sativa L., host of Puccinia coronata (Cunningham), 641. — host of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 645. aveniformis, Marginella. Avicennia officinalis, hab. (Oliver), 499, 544. — respiratory roots (Oliver), 512, 544. Aviculare, Aecidium. — Dicaeoma. — Polygonum. — Puccinia. — Uromyces. Aviculopecten, occ. (Benson), 49. Awa-o-Taia, Te, former channel across Kilbirnie Isthmus (Best), 783, 785. “Awamoa,” why name adopted (Park), 87. Awamoan, in classifio. (Park), 87. Baculites, occ. (Benson), 52. — vagina, occ. (Benson), 52. balance-pole, use. of (Rangi Hiroa), 739. balanoides, Balanus. Balnus balanoides, hab. (Oliver), 533. Ball, L., Heliolites at Warwick (Benson), 26. — Silurian rooks of Queensland (Benson), 24. Ballia, hab. (Oliver), 525. Banksii, Astelia. — Freycinetia. — Hormosira. barbatula, Aeschrodomus. Barkeri, Lagenophora. Barnea similis, hab. (Oliver), 511. Barnett, chart of Wellington Harbour (Best), 786, 788. Barrett's Reef is Te Tangihanga a Kupe, &c. (Best), 780. Barringtonia, drift of fruits (Oliver), 500. bar-tailed godwit. See Vetola lapponica baueri. Bartrum, J. A., gneissic and plutonic rook pebbles (Benson), 10. basaltica var. mombiensis, Favosites. Basilissa n. sp., occ. of, at Target Gully and Ardgowan (Finlay), 100. — syn., 102–3. baskets, Maori varieties of (Rangi Hiroa), 725. basket-work, Maori (Rangi Hiroa), 705. Bather, F. A., annelid Torlessia mackayi (Benson), 37. Bathytoma eximia Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. — sulcata (Hutton), Hampden (Marshall), 117. — transenna Sut., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 126. Batrachedra psathyra Meyr. (Meyrick), 167. baueri, Limosa. baueria, Limosa lapponica. — Vetola lapponica. Beohstein, J. M., song of nightingale, 776. Beckmanniae, Puccinia. beethami, Pecten. Beethoven's Seventh Symphony and Maori music (Andersen), 759. beetles, N.Z., index of (Hudson), 353–99. Belemnites, occ. (Benson), 42 (note), 43, 48, 49. — aucklandicus (Benson), 47. — australis (Benson), 47. — canaliculatus (Benson), 43. Belemnopsis, occ. (Benson), 43. Bell, J. M., Ordovican rocks of N.Z. (Benson), 21. bell-bird. See Anthornis melanura. Bellidis, Aecidium. —. Puccinia. Bellis perennis L., host of Puccinia distincta (Cunningham), 681. — L., host of aecidia of Puccinia obscura (Cunningham), 653. bellula, Nuculana. bells, Euchellus. Belophos incertus Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. benhami, Hilarempis. — Scolecolepides. benhami var. perornatus, Lippistes. Benson, W. N., Carboniferous period in Australasia, 29, 30. — coast-line of N.Z. and New Caledonia, 10. — Devonian period in Australasia, 25. — phonolite at Dowling Bay (Finlay and McDowall), 107–8. Berberidis, Aecidium. — Caeoma. Berberidis-cylindricum, Aecidium. Berberis vulgaris L., host of aecidia of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 646. Berggreni, Carex. beriberidatum, Caeoma. Berkeleyana, Puccinia. Berothidae (Tillyard), 217–25. Berriasella novozealandicus, occ. (Benson), 43, 45. Best, E., the word “amo” and balance-pole (Rangi Hiroa), 741. Beta vulgaris L., host of Uromyces Betae (Cunningham), 631.

Betae, Aecidium. — Caeomurus. — Nigredo. — Trichobasis. — Uredo. — Uromyces. Betarum, Caeoma. Betaeus aequimanus, hab. (Oliver), 542. betulinus, Plagianthus. Bezzi, M., larvae of Blepharoceridae (Campbell), 260–63. bhavani, Kossmaticeras. Bibionidae, in key (Edwards), 266. bicarinata, Cerithidea. bicarinatus, Turris nexilis. bicinctus, Amphineurus. bicolor, Ichthybotus. biconcava var. minor, Charopa. Bidwillii, Senecio. bifasciatus, Micromus, 221. Big Hill Creek, Oamaru, phyllite in Ngaparan lignite series (Park), 88. bilineata var., Drepanepteryx binocula. Billardieri, Polypodium. Billingsella, oco. (Benson), 18. bimarginatus, Turris. binocula, Drepanaera. — Drepanepteryx Newman. — var. bilineata, Drepanepteryx. — var. divisa, Drepanepteryx. — var. excisa, Drepanepteryx. — var. humilior, Drepanepteryx. — var. humilis MoL., Drepanepteryx. — var. instabilis McL., Drepanepteryx. — var. maori, Drepanepteryx. — var. suboculata, Drepanepteryx. binotata, Macromastix. biotio communities (Oliver), 515. bipustulatus, Platyonischus. biramosa, Plaxiphora. bird-song and the Maori (Andersen), 756. — N.Z. (Andersen), 763. — psychology of (Andersen), 774. bisulcata, Spirifera. bivalve, Hymenophyllum. blagdeni, Stephanoceras. Black Point, Borton's, molluscs at (Park), 86. blandfordiana, Arca. Blepharoceridae, in key (Edwards), 266. — of N.Z. (Campbell), 260–64. Blepharoprocta, venation of (Miller), 438. Blinman, fossiliferous limestone (Benson), 17. boar-fish. See Paristiopterus labiosus. Bochianites, oco. (Benson), 45. Boehm, G., Callovian equatorial sea (Benson), 43. — Rhaetic fossils, New Guinea (Benson), 43. — study of Jurassio fossils (Benson), 42. boehmi, Liothyrella. Boisduvaliae, Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. Boltenia, hab., &c. (Oliver), 507. — pachydermatina, hab., &o. (Oliver), 504, 513, 523. Bolton, J., quality of bird-song, 775, 777. bona, Gynoplistia. Bonellitia hampdensis n. sp., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 124. Bonellitia ovalis (Marshall), Hampden (Marshall), 117. book-lice. See Psocoptera. book-louse. See Atropos pulsatoria. book-louse, small. See Troctes divinatorius. book-tick. See Atropos pulsatoria and Troctes divinatorius. Boriomyia maorica n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 221. Borkhausenia xanthodesma n. sp. (Philpott), 151. Borsonia brachyspira Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. — cincta (Hutton), 118. — rudis (Hutton), 118. — zealandica (Marshall), Hampden (Marshall), 117. Boryana, Marginaria. Bostrychia, hab. (Oliver), 503, 523, 527, 530. — arbuscula, hab., &c. (Oliver), 504, 508, 527, 534, 536. Botrycinus. occ. (Benson), 23. Brachiopoda, form of shell (Oliver), 506. brachiopods, origin in Gondwanaland (Benson), 53. Brachyodontes hirsutus, hab. (Oliver), 531. — maorianus, hab. (Oliver), 503, 531, 532, 535. brachyspira, Borsonia. Brachystoma Meigen, characteristics (Miller), 450. — in key (Miller), 441. — adelensis, with fig. (Miller), 450. — hamiltoni n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 451. brachytonum, Cardium. brasiliensis, Ericthonius. brevifolia, Dichondra. brevitarsis, Macromastix. brittle-stars of beaches (Oliver), 511. Broili, F., brachiopods of New Guinea (Benson), 33. Bromina, Puccinia. Bromus spp., hosts of Puccinia glumarum (Cunningham), 644. Bronteus, occ. (Benson), 23, 24. brookesi, Dicranomyia. Broun collection of N.Z. beetles, disposal of, 806. brouni, Empis. Brouwer, H. A., fossils of Timor beds (Benson), 38. — geology of Malay Archipelago (Benson), 33–34. — Post-Cretaceous movements (Benson), 53. Browne, W. R., age of schists, New South Wales (Benson), 7. — conversion of Ordovician slates into micaschists (Benson), 21. Brownii, Caulerpa. — Rumex. Browning Pass, formation of (Speight), 97. Bruchomyrinae, wing of new species (Edwards), 272. brunellus, Caecilius. bryobia, Limnophila. Bryograptus, oco. (Benson), 19, 21. Buchanani, Carex. Bullaria DC., syn., 640. Bullinella enysi (Hutton), Hampden (Marshall), 117. burden-carriers. See kawe.

Burnham Water, formerly Rotokura, and Para (Best), 786, 790. buxifolia, Veronica. Bythoscopinae, in key (Myers), 408. cabinet-mite. See Troctes divinatorius. Cadmogenes n. g. (Meyrick), 167. —literata n. sp. (Meyrick), 168. Caecilidae (Tillyard), 187. Caeciliinae (Tillyard), 187. Caecilius Curtis (Tillyard), 188. —apicipunetatus n. sp, with plate and textfig. (Tilyard), 189. —brunellus n. sp., with plate and text-fig. (Tillyard), 190. —flavistigma n. sp., with plate and text-fig. (Tillyard), 189. —zelandicus n. sp., with plate and text-fig. (Tilyard), 188. caelata, Plaxiphora. Caeoma beriberidatum Link, syn., 644. —Berberidis Sohlect, syn., 644. —Betarum Link, syn., 631. —Epilobii Link, syn., 665. —Hydrocotyles Link., syn., 667. —Labiatarum Schlecht, syn., 672. —Leguminosarum Schlecht, syn., 631. —luminatum Link, 690. —Urticae Schlecht., syn., 649. —urticatum Link, syn., 649. Caeomurus S. F. Gray, syn., 625. —Betae Knutze, syn., 631. —Polygoni Kuntze, syn., 630. caerulea, Styela. Caespitosa, Aira. —Galeolaria. —Poa. Calamagrostis lanceolata L., host of Puccinia (Cunningham), 642. calamaria, Asterias. Calaminathae, Puccinia. —Uredo. calcum carbonate, solubility and hydrolysis of (Askew), 791. Calendulaceae, Cryptostemma. Calidris alba (Pallas), first occ. (Stead), 494. —arenaria Sharpe, syn., 494. californica Callipepla. callaghani, Glycymeris. Callanaitis yatei, hab. (Oliver), 540. Callianassa filholi, hab. (Oliver), 540. calliarcha, Sabatinca. Calliope fluviatilis G. M. Thomson, syn. (Chilton), 241. Calliostoma, erosion of shell (Oliver), 509. —in group (Finlay); 105. —acutangulum (Finlay), 101, 105. —cancellatum n. sp., with plate (Finlay), 102, 105. —hodgei, compared with C. suteri gracile (Finlay), 104. —marwicki, n. sp., with plate (Finlay), 103, 105. —pelluidum, (Oliver), 540. Calliostoma, pellucidum Val. related to C. undulatum (Finlay), 104. —ponderosum (Finlay), 105. —punctulatum, hab. (Oliver), 523. —suteri n. sp., with plate (Finlay), 101, 105. —(Finlay and McDowall), 108. —var. fragile n. var., with plate (Finlay), 102, 105. —thomsoni, occ. (Benson), 52. —tigris, hab. (Oliver), 513. —undulatum n. sp., with plate (Finlay), 104-05. —wilckensi, occ. (Benson), 52. Calliostomidae, new species of, (Finlay), 99-105. Callipela californica, call-note of (Andersen), 768. Callochiton, hab. (Oliver), 522. —platessa, hab. (Oliver), 522. Callograptus? occ. (Benson), 19. calloviensis, Stephanoceras. Calymene, occ. (Benson), 22, 24. Calyptraea, hab. (Oliver), 522. —novae-zealandiae hab. (Oliver), 529, 530. —tenuis, hab. (Oliver), 522. Camarotoechia, occ. (Benson), 22, 23. Cambrian period in Australasia (Benson), 16. —rocks not identified in N.Z. (Benson), 19. campbelli, Campbellia. —Ischnochiton. —Melampsalta. Compbelia n. g. (Miller), 432. —campbelli n. sp., with figs. and plate (Miller), 433. —cockaynei n. sp., with plate (Miller), 436. campestris, Acheta. —Luzula. Campophyllum, occ. (Benson), 24. canaliculata, Corbula. canaliculatus, Belemnites. —Mytilus. cancellatum, Calliostoma. canterburiana, Gynoplistia. Canterbury rivers, head. arrangement of (Speight), 93. Cantharidella nitida, hab. (Oliver), 520, 522. Cantharidus dilatatus, hab. (Oliver), 521. —oliver, hab. (Oliver), 520, 523. —opalus, hab. (Oliver), 521. —purpuratus, hab. (Oliver), 521, 522. —tenebrosus, hab. (Oliver), 525. —huttoni, hab. (Oliver), 536, 542, 543. Canutus canutus (Linnaeus), (Stead), 491. cantulus, Canutus. —Tringa. Capitularia Rab., syn., 625. Carboniferous period in Australasia (Benson), 29. Cardamine heterophylla (Forst. f.) O. E. Schulz, host of Puccinia inornata (Cunningham), 657. Cardiola, occ. (Benson), 22. Cardium, Hampden (Marshall), 117. —brachytonum Suter, cast of a Glycymeris (Marwick), 66. —Cretaceous occ. (Benson), 52. —productum, occ. (Benson), 50. Cardui-pycnocephali, puccinia. Carduns pycnocephalus L., host of Puccinia Cardui-pycnocephali (Cunningham), 678.

Carex Berggreni Petrie, host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. —Buchanani Berger., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. —Carsei sp. nov. (Petrie), 570. —Colensoi Boott., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. —comans, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 709. —dipsacea Berggr., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunnigham), 649. —Enysii sp. nov. (Petrie), 570. —Gaudichaudiana (Boott.) Kunth., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. —lucida Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 709. —pumila Thunb., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. —resectans Cheesem., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. —stellulata Good., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 650. —ternaria Forst. f., host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 650. Caricis, Dicaeoma. —Puccinia. —Uredo carinatum, Sinum. carinifera, Vermilia. Carleton, M. A., on host of Puccinia Lolii (Cunningham), 692. —races of P. graminis (Cunningham), 646. carlottae, Turritella. Carnic forms of Australian Triassic beds (Benson), 38, 39. Carpophyllum, air-vesicles (Oliver), 508. —assoc. (Oliver), 521. —stems (Oliver), 513. —maschalocarpum in assoc. (Oliver), 519, 521, 522. —leaves (Oliver), 514. —tissue of, with fig. (Oliver), 507, 508. —phyllanthus, leaves (Oliver), 514. —plumosum in assoc. (Oliver), 521. Carse, Carex. Carter bequest fund, 802-3, 814. Caryocaris, occ (Benson), 19. Cassinia fulvida Hook. f., action under sandburial (Christensen), 546. cassiniae, Diedrocephala. casta, Agromyza flavopleura. Castagnei, Puccinia. catalogue of scientific literature, international, 801. catenata, Limopsis. cathartica, Rhamnus. Catharticae, Puccinia. Cathartici, Aecidium. Catophragmus, hab. (Oliver), 533. Caulacanthus assoc. with pl. (Oliver), 528, 530. —tissue (Oliver), 523. —spinellus hab. (Oliver), 503, 504, 525, 527, 528. Caulerpa, hab. (Oliver), 504. —Brownii, hab. (Oliver), 503, 522, 523. —sedoides, hab. (Oliver), 503, 522, 523. caustica, Sabatinca. cave-dwellers at Seatoun (Best), 790. cave Orthoptera (Chopard), 230-39. cavernae, Pleioplectron. Caversham sandstone, and Dowling Bay deposits (Finlay and McDowall), 106-7. Cecidomyiidae, in key (Edwards), 266. celia, Phrixgnathus. Cellana, shell (Oliver), 513. —denticulata, hab. (Oliver), 527, 535. —ornata, hab. (Oliver), 498, 503, 509, 527, 532, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538. —radians, hab., &c. (Olivr), 503, 509, 510, 523, 524, 525, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 537. —stellifera, hab. (Oliver), 523. —striqilis, hab. (Oliver), 526, 532, 534, 538. Cellana-Melaraphe assoc. (Oliver), 536. Cellana-Monodonta assoc. (Oliver), 536. Cellana-Nerita assoc. (Oliver), 537. Celmisia glandulosa Hook. f., host of Puccinia egmontensis (Cunningham), 682. —rigida (T. Kirk) Cockayne, host of Puccinia fodiens (Cunnigham), 683. Centaurea Cyanus L., host of Puccinia Cyani (Cunningham), 680. Cephaleini in key (Myers), 408. —species of (Myers), 415. Cephalelini tribe Kirkaldy (Myers), 415. Cephalelus hudsoni n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 417. —infumatus Perch, (Myers), 415. —leptocarpi n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 420. Ceratitum Rab., syn., 640. Ceratocephalus, occ, (Benson), 24. Ceratocheilus Wesche (Edwards), 288. —levis (Hutton), with fig. (Edwards), 289. —ochraceum n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 289. cerelella, Sitotroga. cerealis, Puccinia. cerevisina, Tonna. Cerithidea bicarinata, form of shell (Oliver), 512, 538. —hab. (Oliver), 539, 541, 542, 543. —shell eroded (Oliver), 509. —minuta Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. —subcarinata, hab. (Oliver), 524, 525, 526, 529, 535, 543. Cerithiella fidicula Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. —tricincta Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. Cerithium sociale, occ. (Benson), 50. Ceroxodia (Edwards), 301. —hudsoni n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 329. —paradisea n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 328. —plumosa Osten-Sacken, with fig. (Edwards), 327. —pulverulenta n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 328. Chadrius dominicus, syn., 492. Chaetomorpha, hab. (Oliver), 504, 525. —Darwinii, hab. (Oliver), 503, 520. Chaffers, Capt., chart of Wellington Harbour (Best), 788. ohaffinch. See Fringilla coelebs. Chalina on Venericardia (Oliver), 515. Chama huttoni (?) Hect, distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. Chamaesipho assoc., 526, 535. —columna, from of shell, with fig. (Oliver), 509, 510. —hab. (Oliver), 498, 526, 528, 533, 534, 535, 537, 538.

chambersi, Glycimeris. —Glycymeris. Chapman, F., Cretaceous fauna of Western Australia (Benson), 48. —fauna of Rolling Downs beds (Benson), 47. —fossila of Heathcotian beds, &c. (Benson), 19. —intermingling of types in Triassic beds (Benson), 40. —Silurian and Devonian beds (Benson), 24, 28. —Yeringian corals (Benson), 23, note. Charadrius fulvus Gmelin, syn., 492. Charlotte Street, Wellington, was Waitti (Best), 784. Charopa (“Cavellia”) biconcava var. minor Sut. (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. —(“Fectola”) otagoensis Sut. (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. —tapirina (Hutt.) (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. Chatham Island ridge, wing of synclinal trough (Benson), 12. Chatham Islands, Mutunga clan migrated to (Best), 787. —sighted by Toi (Best), 781. chathamensis, Trochus. Cheeseman, T. F., on flowerung of pittosporum obcordatum (Sainsbury), 572. —obituary (Cockayne), xvii-xix. Cheirurus, occ. (Benson), 23, 24. Chelone mydas, a straggler (Oliver), 500. Chersadaula n. g. (Meyrick), 165. —ochrogastra n. sp. (Meyrick), 165. chiltoni, Curupira. —Paracurupira. Chimaera australis Garman, syn, 246. —monstrosa var. australis Hector, syn., 246. —novae-zelandiae Fowler, with pl. (Griffin), 246. China-Australasian connection (Benson), 44. Chione mesodesma (Q & G.), distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. Chironomidae, in key (Edwards), 267. Chalmys zealandiae, hab. (Oliver), 522. chloraefolium, Epilobium. Chloroclystis punicea n. sp. (Philpott), 148. Chloroperla cyrene Newman, syn., 201. —prasina Newman, syn., 200. chloroticus, Evechinus. Choenomya, occ. (Benson), 32. chondrophylla, Xiphophora, Chonetellus nasuta, occ. (Benson), 33. Chonetes, occ. (Benson), 23. —laguessiana, occ. (Benson), 30. —strophomenoides, occ. (Benson), 33. chorica, Linnobia. Chromis dispilus n. sp., with pl. (Griffin), 254. chrysanthemani, Phytomyzia. Chrysanthemi, Puccinia. Chrysanthemi-chinensis, Puccinia. Chrysanthemum-fly. See Phytomyza chrysanthemani. Chrysanthemum indicum L., host of Puccinia Chrysanthemi (Cunningham), 679. chrysargyra, Sabatinca. chrysorrhoea, Limnophila. Cicada cingulata, song of (Andersen), 765. —haka based on song, 760-61. —song appreciated (Andersen), 756. Cicadellidae of N.Z. (Myers), 407. —best killing-bottle for (Myers), 421. Cicadidae, n. sp. of (Myers), 430-31. Cichorii, Puccinia. Cichorium Intybus, L., host of Puccinia Cichorii (Cunningham), 679. Cidaris, occ. (Benson), 49. —spines at Flume Creek (Park), 81. cincta, Borsonia. —Melarphe. —Struthiolaria. Cineraria sp., host of Puccinia Cinerariae (Cunningham), 68. Cinerariae, Puccinia. cineraria-fly. See Phytomyza nigricornis. cinerea, Macromastix. cinereum, Epilobium. cingulata, Cicada. Circulus inornatus Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. circumtaeniatus, Turrilites. citreifemorata, Agromyza. citrinella, Emberiza. Cladophlebis, occ. (Benson), 40. clara, Macromastix. —Tipula. Clarke, H. L., existence of Queensland Guld (Benson), 45. —glaciated Crestaceous boulders (Benson), 48. Clarke, J. M., Portage-Chemung faunal migration (Benson), 28. Clarke, W. B., Louisades and New Guinea (Benson), 10. —on geology of Australia (Benson), 2. Clarkiae, Aecidium. —Dicaeoma. —Puccinia. Clathrodictyon, occ. (Benson), 23. clausa, Panopea. clavata, Puccinia. Clavigera. occ. (Benson), 39. clavipes, Gynoplistia. Cleiothyris roysii, occ. (Benson), 32. clematadi, Phytomyza. Clematidis, Dicaeoma. Clematis foetida Raoul, host of Puccinia clavata (Cunnigham), 656. —hexasepala DC., host of Puccinia clavata (Cunningham), 656. —indivisa Willd., host of Puccinia clavata (Cunningham), 656. ——host of Phytomyza clematidi (Cunningham), 484. Cleobis, occ. (Benson), 32. clianthi, Agromyza. clianthus-fly. See Agromyza clianthi. Clinathus puniceus, host of Agromyza clianthi (Watt), 480. cliffortioides, Nothofagus. climacotus, Fusinus. Climactograptus, occ. (Benson), 21. Clinocera fumosa Hutton, syn., 457. Clinopodii, Puccinia. —Uredo.

Clio aff. urenuiensis Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 117. Clitambonites, occ, (Benson), 18. ?? Cloniophora subfasciata Schiner, syn. 317. Clonograptus, occ. (Benson), 19, 20, 21. Cloudy Peak Range, hanging glaciers (Speight), 91. Clyde River Valley, hanging glaciers (Speight), 91, 94. Cnemoceras, occ. (Benson), 49. Cnicus arvensis Hoffm., host of Puccinia obtegens (Cunnigham), 688. Cochlodesma angasi, hab. (Oliver), 505. Cockaynei, Astelia. —Campbellia. —Puccinia. Codium adhaerens, hab. (Oliver), 503, 508, 523, 525, 535. coelebs, Ffingilla. Coelosmilia, occ. (Benson), 48. Colenso, W., on the nguru, 754. —on the jew's-harp, 755. —on the koauau, 747. —on the putara, 758. Colensoi Carex. —Trichomanes. —Veronica. Coleoptera, N.Z., index of (Hudson), 353-99. Coleosporiaceae, in classific. (Cunningham), 624. Collema, organs in thallus of (Cunnigham), 620. Colobanthus Wallii sp. nov. (petrie), 569. Colpomenia sinuosa, hab. (Oliver), 524, 525. ——water-resservoirs in (Oliver), 508. colubrinus, Platurus. Columbarium maorum n. sp., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 127. columbina, Porphyra. columna, Chamaesipho. comans, Carex. Cominella, hab. (Oliver), 505. —adspersa, hab. (Oliver), 505, 529, 539, 540, 541, 542. —Iurida, hab. (Oliver), 536, 541, 542, 543. —shells eroded (Oliver), 509. —maculosa, hab. (Oliver), 525, 526, 541, 542. —virgata, hab. (Oliver), 522, 535. communis, Lapsana. communities of seashore (Oliver), 515. complementarius, Auklandobius. complexa, Muehlenbeckia. complicatus, Turris. compositarum Lapsanae, Aecidium. Comstock-Needham system of wing-venation terminology (Tillyard), 198. concava, Glycymeris. —Orbitolina. concentricus, Inoceramus. Conchidium. See Pentamerus knightii var. stricta. Conchothyra parasitica, occ. (Benson), 52. confertifolium Epilobium. confertum, Epilobium. confusa, Leptoperla. confusus, Modiolus. —Zelandobius. congener, Ectopsocus. conica, Gadinia. conica, Marginella. conjuncta, Gynoplistia. conoidea, Siphonalia. conspicabilis, Holorusia. contegens, Puccinia. Conularia, occ. (Benson), 36. conulifera, Dicranomyia. conveniens, Dicranomyia. —Limnobia. convexa, Glycymeris. converxus. Pectunculus. convolutus, Monograptus. Cook, J., Maori music and rhythm, 744-45. Cookianum, Phormium. copeognatha. See Psocoptera. Coprosma acerosa A. Cunn., action under sandburial (Christensen), 546. —grandifolia Hook. F., host of Puccinia Coprosmae (Cunningham), 674. —lucida Forst. f., host of Puccinia Coprosmae (Cunningham), 674. —Propinqua A. Cunn, action under shingleburial (Christensen),548. —robusta Raoul, host of Puccinia Coprosame (Cunningham), 674. Coprosame, Puccinia. Coprosmatis, Puccinia. cora, Productus. coracina, Monodonta. coracodes, Stathmopoda. Coralina assoc. (Oliver), 524. —hab. (Oliver), 520, 522, 537. —protective characters (Oliver), 514, 524. —officinalis, hab. (Oliver), 503, 524, 525, 529, 536, 543. Corallina-Hormosira assoc. (Oliver), 524. Coralline-algae subformation (Oliver), 524. corbiensis, Maccoyella. Corbula canaliculata Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 118. —pumila Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 118. cordata, Glycymeris. cordatus, Pectunculus. Cordyline australis, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 708. —indivisa, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 708. Corella assoc. (Oliver), 529. —colour of (Oliver), 504. —hab. (Oliver), 507. coriacea, Dermochelys. Coriaria ruscifolia, used for dye (Rangi Hiroa), 711. —used for koauau (Andersen), 749. cork-wood. See Entelea arborescens. Corneocyclas aucklandic. hab. (Oliver), 541. cornata, Puccinia. coronatus, Stephanoceras cornifera, Puccinia. Cornotelium Syd., syn., 640. corrie-lakes in N.Z. (Speight), 96. corries, erosion of, Davis (Speight), 95. corrosa, Monodonta. corrugata, Ostrea. —Voluta. corticata, Patelloides stella.

corymbifera, Gentiana. corymbosa, Amphiroa. Corynocarpus laevigata, berries steeped in kete (Rangi Hiroa), 732. Cossman, M.., review of Tornatellaea ligata (Marsh. & Murd.), 128. costata, Crepidula. —Philobrya. —Terebra. costatum, Cymatium. Cotton, C. A., elected F.N.Z.Inst., 800. —formation of N.Z. Alps (Benson), 11. —fracture-lines in N.Z. (Benson), 12. —use of terms “fossil peneplain” and “stripped peneplain” (Park), 89. cottoni, Pachymagas. couloni, Exogyra. crabs, carapace (Oliver), 506. Craig, Port, Southland, breccias, &c., at base of Oamaruian (Park), 88. crane-flies of N.Z. (Edwards), 265-352. crassa, Helice. — Mactra. Crassatellites, distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. crassicostata, Exilia. crassipes, Dicranomyia. —Limnophilia. crassum, Aecidium. Crawford, J. C., and Miramar (Best), 786, 790. crenata, Amphibola. crenistria, Orthotetes. —Streptorhynchus. crenulatus, Heterograpsus. Crepicephalus, occ. (Benson), 18. Crepidula, form of shell (Oliver), 510. —costata(?) (Sow.), distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. —costata, form of shell (Oliver), 510, 522. —(Sow.), (Park), 81. —crepidula, form of shell (Oliver), 510. —hab. (Oliver), 522, 523, 525, 529, 533, 541, 542, 543. —densistria (?) Sut., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. —gregaria Sow., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. —monoxyla (Less.), distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. —from of shell (Oliver), 510. —striata (Hutt.), distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. Cretaceous age in Australasia (Benson), 45-53. Cretaceous, Upper, and Tertiary formations (Marshall), 115-121. cribosa, Exocetus unicolor vel. cribrosus, Cypselurus. Crick, W., Oohtic cephalopods (Benson), 43. Crioceras, occ. (Benson), 47. —australe, occ. (Benson), 47. crispi, Inoceramus. cristata, Koeleria. Cristatus, Podocerus. Cristellaria, occ. (Benson), 47. Cromus, occ. (Benson), 22. cross-fertilization of wheat (Hilgendorf), 574-76. Crotocephalus, occ. (Benson), 24. crucialis, Hexagonella. Cryptoconchus porosus, hab. (Oliver), 522, 523, 530. Cryptolechia rhodobapta n. sp. (Meyrick), 166. Cryptorhytis vulnerata, occ. (Benson), 52. Cryptostemma calendulacea, host of Phytomyza albiceps (Watt), 486. Cryptozoön in Macdonnell Ranges (Benson), 18. Ctenodoris flabellifera, colouring (Oliver), 515. cubitalis, Dicranomyia. —Macromastix. cuboides, Rhynchonella. Cucullaea sp., Waihao, Hampden (Marshall), 118. —alta Sowerby, Hampden (Marshall), 117. —antarctica, occ. (Benson), 52. —zealandica, occ. (Benson), 52. cucullata, Ostrea. culicid Opifex fuscus Hutton, mating habits (Kirk), 400-6. Culicidae, in key (Edwards), 266. culmorum, Puccinia. cumingi, Divaricella. cumshevaense, Kossmaticeras. cuniculi, Puccinia. Cunninghamii, Astelia. —Mentha. —Viola. cuprea, Gynoplistia. curialis, Turris. curlew sandpiper. See Erolia ferruginea. Curupira chiltons Campb. (Campbell), 260. Cutomyces Theum., syn., 640. Cyani, Puccinia. —Uredo. cyanospila, Acrocercops. Cyanus, Centaurea. cyathea, Erythroneura. cyatheli, Limnophila. Cyathophyllum, occ. (Benson), 24. Cyclolobus, occ. (Benson), 33. Cylichna thomsoniana, occ. (Benson), 52. Cylichnella enysi Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 118. cylindrica, Scoloplos. Cymatium sp., Dowling Bay (Finlay and McDowall), 108. —costatum, erosion of shell (Oliver), 509. —minimum (Hutton), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. cymbifolia, Olearia. cymbula, Malletia. cymosa, Oxalis. Cynthia assoc. (Oliver), 528, 530. —hab., &c. (Oliver), 507. —praeputralis, ally of (Oliver), 530. Cyphaspis, occ. (Benson), 24. Cypraea, Cretaceous occ. (Benson), 50. Cypselurus cribrosus Kner., with pl. (Griffin), 248. —melanocerus Ogilby, with pl. (Griffin), 249. cyrene, Austroperla. —Chloroperla. —Heteroperla. —Perla. —Stenoperla. Cystophora, air-vesicles (Oliver), 508. —dumosa, hab. (Oliver), 521, 525. —colouring (Oliver), 515. —tissue of, with fig. (Oliver), 507, 508. —retroflexa in Durvillea assoc. (Oliver), 520. Cytherea, Waihao (Marshall), 118.

dactyla, Isis. Dactylidis, Uromyces. Dactylis glomerata L., host of Uromyces Dactylidis (Cunningham), 626. —host of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 645, 646. daedala, Notoacmea. dakotensis, Aecidium. Dalmanella, occ. (Benson), 22. Dalmanites, occ. (Benson), 24. Danes, J. V., foraminifera of Queensland limestone (Benson), 47. Danthonia Raouli Hk. f. var. teretifolia var. nov. (Petrie), 571. Danubites, occ. (Benson), 38. Daonella arctica, occ. (Benson), 38. ——indica, occ. (Benson), 39. Daphnella neozelanica Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. Dardanula olivacea, hab. (Oliver), 524, 542, 543. Darluca filum Cast., attacks uredosori of Puccinia juncophila (Cunningham), 652. Darwin, C., psychology of bird-song, 775. Darwinit, Chaetomorpha. Dasymallomyia Brun., in key (Edwards), 297. Dasyspora Arth., syn., 640. David, T. W. E., Australia-Antarctic connection (Benson), 12. —Australia and Tasmantis (Benson), 25. —Cretaceous New Guinea (Benson), 49. —Devonian rocks of Australia (Benson), 27. —division between Carboniferous and Permian (Benson), 34. —fauna of Permian period (Benson), 31. —geology of Australia (Benson), 5, 7, 8. —occ. of Gastrioceras (Benson), 54. —origin of Jurassic fauna (Benson), 47. —structure of the Antarctandes (Benson), 10. David, T. W. E., and Süssmilch, C. A., unifying of Australian land-area (Benson), 9. Davies, J. H., Maori music, 745. Davis, W. M., Erosion of hanging valleys (Speight), 95, 96. dealbata, Acacia. death-watch, lesser. See Atropos pulsatoria. decincta, Dicranomyia. decorata, Macromastix. —Zelandoperla. decurrens, Acacia. De Koninck, L. G., identity of marine fauna (Benson), 13. — Silurian rocks of N.S.W. (Benson), 24. delicatula, Limnophila. — Verconella. delicatulus, Pecten. delicatus, Philotarsopsis. Delphacidae, n. sp. of (Muir), 258-59. Delphacodes meridianalis Muir (Muir), 259. — tasmani n. sp., with figs. (Muir), 258. deltoides, Donax. Deltopecten, occ. (Benson), 32. demissa, Sabatinca. demissum, Hymenophyllum. densicostata, Verticordia. densistria, Crepidula. Dentalium huttoni, occ. (Benson), 38. Dentalium hutton mantelli Zittel, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. — pareorense Pilsbry and Sharp, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. — solidum Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 118, 120. — distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. dentata, Aletia. —Hedycarya. dentatus, Eleocarpus. denticulata, Cellana. Deprat, J., forminifera of Australian Permian (Benson), 34. depressa, Halorrhagis. Derbyia senilis, occ. (Benson), 31. Dermochelys coriacea, a straggler (Oliver), 500. “desert sandstone,” use of term (Benson), 46. Deslongchamps, E., Triassic fauna of N.Z. (Benson), 4. Deuterophlebiidae, in key (Edwards), 266. Devonian period in Australasia (Benson), 25. Dicaeoma S. F. Gray, syn., 640. —anomalum (Rostr.) Arth., syn., 647. — Anthroxanthi Kuntze, syn., 644. — Asperifolii (Pers.) Kuntze, syn., 643. — Aviculare S. F. Gray, syn., 630. — Boisduvaliae Kuntze, syn., 665. — Caricis Kuntze, syn., 649. — Clarkiae Kuntz, syn., 665. — Clematidis (DC.) Arth., identity with Puccinia Agropyrina and P. Triticina (Cunningham), 644. — Epilobii-tetragoni (DC.) Arth., syn., 665. — Gayophyti Kuntze, syn., 665. — graminis S. F. Gray, syn., 644. — heteranthum Kuntze, syn., 655. — intermedium Kuntze, syn., 665. — Lapsanae (Schultz) Kuntze, syn., 685. — Melicae Arch., syn., 641. — Menthae, S. F. Gray, syn., 672. — obscurum (Schroet), Kuntze, syn, 652. — Oenotherae Kuntze, syn., 665. — poculiforme (Jacq.) Kuntze, syn., 644. — Pruni-spinosae Kuntz, syn., 658. — Prunorum Rabh., syn., 658. — Pycnanthemi Kuntze, syn., 672. — Rhamni (Pers.) Kuntze, syn., 641. — tripustulatum Kuntze, syn., 690. — Urticae Kuntze, syn., 649. — vile Arth., syn., 644. Dicellograptus, occ. (Benson), 21. Dichograptus, occ. (Benson), 21. dichroithorax, Macromastix. Dichondra brevifolia Buch., host of Puccinia Dichondrae (Cunningham), 672. — repens Forst. f., host of Puccinia Dichondrae (Cunningham), 672. Dichondrae, Puccinia. Dicranograptus, occ. (Benson), 21. Dicranomyia, key of (Edwards), 273. —aegrotans n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 280. —annulata Lamb., syn., 280. —annulipes Skuse, syn., 276. —brookesi n. sp. (Edwards), 281. —conulifera n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 279. —conveniens (Walker), with figs. (Edwards), 282.

Dicranomyia crassipes n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 276. —cubitalis sp., with figs. (Edwards), 275. —decincta n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 275. —fasciata Hutton (Edwards), 277. —flavidipennis n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 274. —fumipennis (Butler), with fig. (Edwards), 278. —gracilis n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 283. —hudsoni n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 278. —huttoni n. name, with fig. (Edwards), 276. —insularis Mik. (Edwards), 280. —kronei Mik. (Edwards), 282. —luteonitens n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 282. —melanogramma n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 276. —monilicornis Hutton (Edwards), 283. —nigrescens Hutton (Edwards), 281. —octava n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 277. —repanda n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 278. —sublacteata n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 275. —sulphuralis n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 283. —tenebrosa n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 279. —vicarians Schiner, with fig. (Edwards), 280. —weschi n. sp. (Edwards), 284. Dicroloma zelandica Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. Dictyophoridae (Myers), 428. dicycla, Discobola. Didymograptus, occ. (Benson), 19, 20, 21. Diedrocephala cassiniae n. sp., with fig. (Myers), 408. —dunensis n. sp. (Myers), 411. —hinemoa n. sp., with fig. (Myers), 412. —hudsonica n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 414. —maorica n. sp., with fig. (Myers), 409. —tararua n. sp. (Myers), 410. —zealandica n. sp., with fig. (Myers), 409. Dielasma, occ. (Benson), 36. Dieseldorff, A., Gryphaea in Chatham Islands (Benson), 50. difformis, Ericthonius. digitata, Laminaria. Dikellocephalus, characteristic of Upper Cambrian in America (Benson), 19. — occ. (Benson), 18. Dikraneura maorica n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 423. dilatatum, Hymenophyllum. dilatatus, Cantharidus. dilitata, Angelica. Dinesus, occ. (Benson), 18. Diphyphyllum gemmiformis, occ. (Benson), 25. Diplocrepis puniceus, hab. (Oliver), 510, 513, 523. Diplodon lutulentus, shell used for cutting (Rangi Hiroa), 709. Diplograptus, occ. (Benson), 21. dipsacea, Carex. diptera fauna of N.Z., monograph: part 3 (Miller), 437-64. Diptychophora planetopa n. sp. (Meyrick), 162. Discaria toumatou Raoul, host of Uromyces Discariae (Cunningham), 635. — in moss-bog (Christensen), 546. Discariae, Aecidium.. —Uromyces. Discobola, key (Edwards), 284. —ampla (Hutton), with fig. (Edwards), 287. —dicycla n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 287. —dohrni (Osten-Sacken), with fig. (Edwards), 287. —fumipennis (Hudson), (Edwards), 287. —gibbera n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 286. —picta (Hutton), with fig. (Edwards), 285. —striata n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 285. —tesselata (Osten-Sacken), with figs. (Edwards), 286. —venusta (Osten-Sacken), with fig. (Edwards), 285. discolor, Puccinia. Discophyllites, occ. (Benson), 39. Discospora Arth., syn., 625. disjuncta, Spirifera. dispersa, Puccinia. dispilus, Chromis. distichum, Paspalum. distincta, Puccinia. —Stathmopoda. Ditomyiinae, in key (Edwards), 266. Ditrema var. Sandager, syn., 253. Divaricella cuming (Ad. & Ang.), distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. divinatorius, Troctes. divisa, Aciphylla. — var., Drepanepteryx binocula. Dixidae, in key (Edwards), 266. dohrn, Discobola. —Trochobola. Dolichopeza atropos (Hudson), (Edwards), 331. — Hutton (Edwards), 331. —parvicauda n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 330. Doliolina lepida, occ. (Benson), 34. domestica, Prunus. dominicus, Chadrius. —julvus, Pluvialis. Donax deltoides assoo. (Oliver), 539. —form of shell (Oliver), 511. doroxena, Micropardalis. Dorsetensia, occ. (Benson), 43. Dorycranites, occ. (Benson), 38. Dorydini tribe Cogan (Myers), 415. Dorydium westwoodi F. B. White, syn., 416. Dosinia subrosea, hab. (Oliver), 540. Dosinia-Tellina assoc. (Oliver), 539. Douglas, J. A., fauna of Carboniferous, South America (Benson), 35. Douvilleiceras, occ. (Benson), 50. Dowling Bay, fossiliferous limestone (Finlay and McDowall), 106-14. — new Calliostoma from (Finlay), 99. dracophylli, Hilaria. Dracophyllum uniflora, in moss-bog (Christensen), 546. Drepanacra binocula (Newman), (Tillyard), 223. Drepanepteryx binocula Newman, syn., 223. — bilineata var. nov. (Tillyard), 224. — divisa var. nov. (Tillyard), 224. — exisa var. nov. (Tillyard), 224. — var. humilicr Hare (Tillyard), 224. — var. humilis McL. (Tillyard), 224. — var. instabilis McL. (Tillyard), 224. — var. maori Hare (Tillyard), 224. —suboculata var. nov. (Tillyard), 225.

Drilla apicarinata n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 125. — laevis (Hutton), Waihao (Marshall), 118. Dryinidae parasites on Typhlocybinae (Myers), 422. dubius, Latirus. dumosa, Cystophora. Dun, W. S., Australian and American faunal affinities (Benson), 28. — fauna of Australian Permian and Upper Carboniferous (Benson), 32. — mingling of fossil forms (Benson), 13. — Northern Territory in Cretaceous times (Benson), 49. — occ. of Gastrioceras (Benson), 54. — origin of Jurassic fauna (Benson), 47. Dun Mountain Inoceramus, occ. (Benson), 32, 36. dunensis, Diedrocephala. Dunstan, B., classific, of Brisbane schists (Benson), 20. — Queensland limestone (Benson), 47. — Silurian fossils (Benson), 20. — term “desert sandstone” (Benson), 46. duplex, Turris. D'Urville chart, a copy of Barnett's (Best), 788. Durvillea assoc. (Oliver), 519. — holdfast (Oliver), 520. —antarctica (Chamisso) Hariot, morphological notes, with figs. and pl. (Herriott), 549. —— stem, &c. (Oliver), 513, 514, 519. —— tissue of, with fig. (Oliver), 507, 508. — Harveyi, occ. (Herriott), 550. — potatorum assoc. (Oliver), 519. — utilis Bory, syn., 549. Du Toit, A. L., intrusion of dolerite sills, Antarctica (Benson), 11. dux, Longurio. — Macromastix. — Tipula. dyes, Maori (Rangi Hiroa), 711. Dynamenella huttoni, colouring (Oliver), 515. — hab. (Oliver), 522. Ecclitica n. g. (Meyrick), 164. — incendiaria n. sp. (Meyrick), 164. echinoderms, hab. and form (Oliver), 513. Ecklonia radiata assoc. (Oliver), 519. — Richardiana (not Eclonia Richardsoniana, &c.) assoc. (Oliver), 519, 521. ecology of seashore (Oliver), 496. Ectopsocus McLaohlan (Tillyard), 192. — congener n. sp., with text-fig. (Tillyard), 192. edgari, Macoma. Edgerleyi, Pomaderris. edulis, Mytilus. edwardsii, Pachyrhamma. egertonensis, Arca. egmontensis, Puccinia. egregia, Plaxiphora. Elachista ochroleuca n. sp. (Meyriok), 167. elatior, Festuca. elatum, Epitonium. elderberry. See Sambucus nigra. elegans, Sinum. — Urothoe. Eleocarpus dentatus, bark supplied mordant (Rangi Hiroa), 711. elegantula, Inoceramus. Elephantomyia zealandica n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 288. ellipticus, Pachymagas. Elminius, shell (Oliver), 513. —modestus assoc. (Oliver), 534. —— hab. (Oliver), 498, 525, 527, 528, 531, 532, 534, 540, 541, 543. —plicatus assoc. (Oliver), 533. —— hab. (Oliver), 525, 527, 528, 531, 532, 533, 535. elongata, Alcithoe. — Idotea. — Pholadomya. — Scaphella. elongatum, Trichomanes. elongatus, Petrolisthes. eluta, Orolimnophila. Elymi, Puccinia. Elymus uredospores infect wheat (Cunningham), 646. Emarginula, shell of (Oliver), 512. Emberiza citrinella, song of (Andersen), 764. emphanes, Epichorista. Empididae, characteristics, &c., with figs. (Miller), 437. Empidinae, classific. (Miller), 451. Empimorpha Coqu. (Miller), 463. — wing-structure (Miller), 441, note. — torrentalis n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 463. Empis Linn., characteristics (Miller), 463. — wing-structure (Miller), 441, note. — brouni Hutton (Miller), 463. — hudsoni Hutton, syn., 458. — otakauensis Miller (Miller), 463. — smithii Hutton, syn., 460. Empoascu australis Frogg., syn., 423. — mali (Le Baron), (Myers), 424. Encrinurus, occ. (Benson), 23. Endophyllum, occ (Benson), 26. Entelea arborescens, used for flutes (Andersen), 748. Enteromorpha, hab. (Oliver), 503. enysi, Bullinella, 117. — Cylichnella, 118. Ensyii, Carex. Eoorthis, occ. (Benson), 17, 18. Eostrophomena, occ. (Benson), 18. Ephemeridae, n. sp. of (Tillyard), 228-30. Ephemeroptera. See Plectoptera. Epichorista Meyr. (Meyrick), 163. —emphanes Meyr. (Philpott), 150. —— female of E. achrosta (Meyriok), 163. —theatralis Philp., syn., 150. Epilobii, Aecidium. — Caeoma. — Puccinia. — Trichobasis. — Uredo. Epilobii-tetragoni, Dicaeoma. Epilobii-tetragonii, Puccinia. — Uredo vagans var. Epilobium chloraefolium Hausskn., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — cinereum A. Rich., syn., 567.

Eprlobium confertifolium Hook. f., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — confertum, syn., 56. — glabellum Hook. f., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — Hectori Hausskn., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. —canum, syn., 567. — junceum Solander, characteristics of (Cheeseman), 566-67. — melanocaulon Hook., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — microphyllum A. Rich., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — novae-zelandiae Hausskn., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — nummularifolium R. Cunn., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — tasmanicum Hausskn., host of Puccinia pulverulenta (Cunningham), 666. — virgatum, syn., 567. — Wilson sp. nov. (Petrie), 569. epiphragmoides, Limnophila. Epitonium elatum Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. — gracillimum Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 117. —lyratum, occ. (Marshall), 120. ——(Zitt.), (Park), 81. — parvicostatum Marshall, Hampden, (Marshall), 117. — rotundum, occ. (Marshall), 120. — rugulosum lyratum (Zittel), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. — tenuispiralis Marshall, Hampden, (Marshall), 117. — zelebort (Dkr.), distrib. (Finlay and MoDowall), 108. Erato antiqua Marshall, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. Erechthias indicans n. sp. (Meyriok), 168. Erechtites arguta, host of Phytomyza albiceps (Watt), 486. — praenanthoides (A. Rich.) DC., host of Phytomyza albiceps (Watt), 486. — host of Puccinia Erechtitis (Cunningham), 682. Erechtitis, Puccinia. erecta, Halorrhagis. Ericentrus rubrus, hab. (Oliver), 522. ericoides, Leptospermum. Ericthonius abditus (Chilton), 242. — brasiliensis (Dana), with figs. (Chilton), 242. — difformis (Chilton), 242. — macrodactylus Dana (Chilton), 242. — pugnax Dana (Chilton), 242. Eriksson, J., epiphytotio reorudescence of wheat-rust (Cunningham), 646. — races of Puccinia (Cunningham), 642, 643, 646. Erikssonii, Puccinia. Eriopterini tribe (Edwards), 289. Eriosporangium Bertero, syn., 640. Eriptycha punamutica, occ. (Benson), 52. Erolia ferruginea, (Brunnich), migration of (Stead), 495. Erythroneura Fitch, key to (Myers), 424. Erythroneura ansonae n. sp., with fig. (Myers), 426. — cyathea n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 426. — kiekie n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 426. — zealandica n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 424. Es, van, L. J. C., geology of Malay Archipelago (Benson), 33. — horizon of Timor Fusulinidae (Benson), 33, 34. Etheridge, R., Australian and European fossils (Benson), 13. — fossils from Rhaetic, New Guinea (Benson), 43. — fossils in Tasmania (Benson), 18. — ignorance of Cambrian strata (Benson), 13. — zones of Cretaceous system (Benson), 46, 47. Etheridge, R. and Mitchell, J., Silurian fossils of New South Wales (Benson), 24. Euchelus, hab. (Oliver), 522. —bellus, hab. (Oliver), 522. Eucosma, plebeiana (Zell.), (Philpott), 151. Eudoxochiton nobilis, hab., &c. (Oliver), 513. Eudyptula minor, song (Andersen), 765. Eulalia microphylla, hab. (Oliver), 534. Eulobi, Puccinia. Eumena, occ. (Benson), 22. Eupagurus novae-zealandiae, hab. (Oliver), 523, 539, 540. Euphorbia spp., hosts of aecidia of Uromyces striatus (Cunningham), 633. Eupteryginae auctt., syn., 420. Eurydesma, occ. (Benson), 32. —globsum, occ. (Benson), 36. Eustheniidae (Tillyard), 199. eutaeinata, Limnophila. Euthria, hab. (Oliver), 505. — flavescens, hab. (Oliver), 543. — linea, hab. (Oliver), 520, 522, 523, 534, 536, 543. — media, occ. (Marshall), 120. — stirophora Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. — vittata, hab. (Oliver), 522, 529. Euthriofusus spinosus Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 117. Evechinus chloroticus, hab. (Oliver), 522, 530, 535. —— masking of (Oliver), 515. Ewen, C. A., Obituary notice (Andersen), xvi. excavata, Monodonta. excisa var., Drepanepteryx binocula. excorticata, Fuchsia. — Olearia. Exilia crassicostata Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. —waihaoensis Suter, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall). 117, 118. eximia, Bathytoma. Exocoetus melanocerus Ogilby, syn., 249. —unicolor vel cribosa Kner., syn., 248. Exogyra couloni, occ. (Benson), 45. Faba, Vicia. Fabae, Nigredo. —Uredo. —Uromyces.

falcifer, Amphoroidea. fallens, Nigredo. —Puccinia. —Trichobasis. —Uredo. —Uromyces. farnelli, Histopterus. Farnie, W. C., vitality of Amphibola crenata (Oliver), 498. Farr, C. C., Hector award, 813. fasciata, Dicranomyia. fascifer, Pachyrhamma. fasciger, Spirifera. fatiscens, Uredo. fatua, Avena. fatuus, Amphineurus. — Rhypholophus. fauna, primitive, of continents (Benson), 13. faunal migration of various periods (Benson), 28, 32, 38. Favosites, occ. (Benson), 22, 23, 24. —basaltica var. moonbiensis, occ. (Benson), 26. —multitabulata, occ. (Benson), 26. fenestrata, Zelandoperla. fenestratus, Notoclinus. fern-fly. See Agromyza flavopleura. ferruginea, Erolia. —Platyptilia. —Tringa. ferrugineum, Hymenophyllum. ferruginosa, Macromastix. Festuca elatior L., host of Puccinia graminis, &c. (Cunningham), 642, 645. —gigantea L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642. —pratensis Huds., host of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 645. fidicula, Cerithiella. filholi, Callianassa. —Marinula. filiformis, Lomaria. filmy ferms. See Hymenophyllaceae. filum, Darluca. —Ichthyocampus. fimbriata, Gynoplistia. fireblight, action regarding, 801, 818. fischeri, Pecten. fishes of N.Z. (Griffin), 245-56. —— preparation of catalogue of, 807. Fissiluna, occ. (Benson), 47, 48. Fissuridea, shell of (Oliver), 512. flabellatum, Hymenophyllum. flabellifera, Ctenodoris. Flabelligera lingulata, hab. (Oliver), 529. Flabellum, hab. (Oliver), 530. — laticostatum T.-Woods (Finlay and McDowall), 110. flaccidum, Asplenium. flavescens, Euthria. —Trisetum. flavidipennis, Dicranomyia. flavinceris, Hilaria. flavistigma, Caecilius. flavitinctus, Ameletus. flavocentralis, Agromyza. flavolateralis, Agromyza. flavopleura, Agromyza. flavopleura var. casta, Agromyza. flax. See Phormium tenax. flectens, Uromyces. Flemingites, occ. (Benson), 38. flexuosus, Rumex. Fleigel, G., American faunal element in Sumatra (Benson), 30. — fauna of Australian Permian (Benson), 34. floor-mat, Maori, plaiting of (Rangi Hiroa), 716. Floretine Valley, fossils (Benson), 18. flowering-plants, new species of (Cheeseman), 565-69. — descriptions of new (Petrie), 569-72. Flume Creek, sandstone containing Isis (Park), 85. Flume Gully, Liothyrella boehmi greensand band (Park), 80. flute, Maori, See koauau. fluviatilis, Paracalliope. —Calliope. flying-fish. See Cypselurus cribrosus and C. melanocerus. fodiens, Puccinia. foetida, Clematis. fontanalis, Hemerodromia. food-basket. See kono. Foord, A. H., occ. of Rhynchonella timorensis (Benson), 32, note. foraminifera of Australian Permian (Benson), 34. — Cretaceous (Benson), 48. — Jurassic (Benson), 47. forcipatus, Mischoderus. —Tanyderus. forest of Westland, characteristics (Holloway), 581, 599. formosa, Gynoplistia. formosellus, Zelandopsocus. forresti, Olenellus? Forster, G., Maori and South Sea island music, 743. — on the putara, 755. Forsteri, Olearia. fossalis, Hilaria. fossiliferous hmestone at Dowling Bay (Finlay and McDowall), 106-14. “fossil peneplain,” use of term (Park), 89. fossil plants and correlation, Johnston (Benson), 13. fossils, age-determination by (Benson), 13-14. fragiferum, Trifolium. fragile var., Calliostoma suteri. fragilis, Spiriferina. Frangula, Rhamnus. Fraser, C., and Adams, J. H., derivation of N.Z. greywackes (Benson), 6. Freeman and Johnson, on uredospores of Tritici (Cunningham), 646. Freycinetia Banksii, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 707. frigida, Hierodoris. Fringilla coelebs, song (Andersen), 773. froggatti, Micromus. frog-hoppers. See Cercopidae. frondosus, Scirpus. frost as affecting cross-fertilization of wheat (Hilgendorf), 576. fruticosus, Rubus. fucata, Macromastix.

Fuchsia excorticata Linn. f., action under shingleburial (Christensen), 547. Fucus antarcticus Chamisso, syn., 549. —vesiculosus, in assoc. (Oliver), 519. fulgens, Gynoplistia. Fulgoroidea of N.Z. (Myers), 407. — species of (Myers), 428. Fulguraria morgani Marsh. & Murd., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 125. fulva, Holorusia. —Tipula. fulvescens, Leptoperla. —Leptopeza. —Nesoperla. fulvida, Cassinia. fulvifroms, Agromyza. fulvipes, Hilarempis. fulvus, Charadrius. —Pluvialis dominicus. fumibasis, Macromastix. fumipennis, Dicranomyia. —Discobola. —Limnobia. —Tipula. fumosa, Clinocera. —Hilara. furcillatus, Zelandobius. Furina Jaen, in key (Edwards), 297. fusca, Nothofagus. fuscana, Ulomorpha. fuscoplumbea, Gynoplistia. fuscus, Opifex. fusiformis, Uredo. Fusinus altus Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — aff. bicarinatus Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 117. —climacotus Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 118. —macrotegens n. sp., with fig. and pl. (Finlay and McDowall), 108, 113. —modestus Marsh. & Murd., Waihao (Marshall), 118. — aff. morgani Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 117. —solidus Suter, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. Fusulina, occ. (Benson), 30, 32. Fusulinidae of Timor, horizon (Benson), 33. Gadinia conica, form of shell, with fig. (Oliver), 510. — — hab. (Oliver), 498. galatica, Puccinia. Galeodea senex (Hutton), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118, 120. Galeolaria caespitosa assoc. (Oliver), 533. Garrett, A. O., germ-pores of Puccinia poromera, 654. Garrettii, Puccinia. gasteropods, forms of shell (Oliver), 504, 512. — movement in sand (Oliver), 511. Gastrioceras, occ. (Benson), 33, 54. gaudana, Puzzia. Gaudichaudiana, Carex, Gaudryceras, occ. (Benson), 52. —sacya, occ. (Benson), 49. Gaultheria rupestris, in moss-bog (Christensen), 546. Gaya Lyallii (Hook. f.) J. E. Baker, host of Puccinia Plagianthi (Cunningham), 661. Gayophyti, Aecidium. —Dicaeoma. —Puccinia. Gelophaula (Meyrick), 163. gemmatus, Kossmaticeras. gemmiformis, Diphyphyllum. geniculata, Anisotome. Gentiana corymbifera T. Kirk, host of Puccinia Cockaynei (Cunningham), 670. —Grisebachi Hook. f., host of Puccinia Cockaynei (Cunningham), 670. —patula Cheesem., host of Puccinia tararua (Cunningham), 671. Gentianae, Puccinia. geographica, Limnophila. Geranomyia annulipes Hutton, syn., 276. gerardi, Strophalosia. ghost-sharks (Griffin), 246. giant boar-fish. See Paristiopterus labiosus. gibbera, Discobola. gibbosa, Natica. Gibbsii, Nasturtium. gigantea, Aphanaia. —Festuca. Gilhert, M. J., geology of Waikato Heads (Benson), 42 and note. Gilbertia tertiaria (Marshall), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118. gills, protection of (Oliver), 506. Gingidium, Angelica. Gitanopsis antarctica Cheeseman, syn., 240. glabella, Puccinia. glabella, Epilobium. glacial stairway absent in Canterbury valleys (Speight), 93. glaciated Cretaceous boulders (Benson), 48. glaciation of Victorian area (Benson), 5. glaciers, authorities on erosive powers (Speight), 90. glandulosa, Celmisia. glauca, Gynoplistia. glaucophylla, Veronica. glaucus, Amaurochiton. “Glendavar,” at Miramar (Best), 790. Globigerina, occ. (Benson), 45, 47, 50. globosa, Glycymeris. globosum, Eurydesma. globosus, Pectunculus. glomerata, Dactylis. Glossograptus, occ. (Benson), 21. Glossophora Harveyi, hab. (Oliver), 521, 523. Glossopteris, absent from N.Z., Arber (Benson), 12, 37. — doubtful occ. in Oreti beds (Benson), 4. —indica from Antarctica (Benson), 12. glumarum, Puccinia. Glyceria aquatica, host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642. Glycimeris chambersi Marshall, syn., 67. Glycymeris Da Costa, characteristics of (Marwick), 63-64. — sp., inferior specimens, with pls. (Marwick), 67-68.

Glycymeris callaghani n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 76. —chambersi Marshall, with pl. (Marwick), 67. —concava Marshall, notes on (Marwick), 78. —convexa, to be ehmanated (Marwick), 77. —cordata (Hutton), with pl. (Marwick), 71. —globosa (Hutton), syn., 68. —hui upiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 71. —huttoni nom. mut., with pl. (Marwick), 68. —kaawaensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 72. —laticoslata (Q. & G.), with pl. (Marwick), 64, 67. —loi nensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 66. —manaiaensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 72. —modesta (Angas), with pl. (Marwick), 77. —rapanuiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 73 —robusfa n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 70. —shrimptoni n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 75. —striatularis, to be elimmated (Marwick), 77. —subglobosa Suter, with pl. (Marwick), 69. —traversi (Hutton), with pl. (Marwick), 66. —trelissickensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 74. —waipipiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 75. —waitakiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 76. geneissio pebbles in Mesozoic rocks, N.Z. (Benson), 10. Gnophomyia O.-S., in keys (Edwards), 289, 297. —(Aphrophila) neozelandica n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 298. —(Astelobia) rufa (Hudson), with fig. (Edwards), 298. Gobioscdae, fin-modification (Oliver), 510, 513. godwit, bar-tailed or Pacific. See Limosa lapponica baueri. — Hudsonian or American black-tailed. See Vetola haemastica. Gondwanaland, Antarctica part (Benson), 12. — Australia a fragment of, Arldt (Benson), 6. — Lemoine's limits of (Benson), 5. Gonomyia (Edwards), 289, 290. —(Lipophelps) nigrohalterata n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 290. Gordon, W. T., dredgings from South Orkneys (Benson), 12. Gordon River limestone fossils (Benson), 22. gracilibranchis, Nicolea. gracilis, Dicranomyia. —Limnobia. gracillimum, Epitonium. graminis, Dicaeoma. —Puccinia. graminum, Uromyces. grandifolia, Coprosma. grandis, Leptoperla. —Megaleptoperla. granosus, Turbo. granularis, Puccinia. Graphularia at Flume Creek (Park), 81. graptolite fauna, New York and Victoria, Ruedemann (Benson), 14. graptohte slates, Preservation Inlet, &c. (Benson), 19-21. grass-wrack formation (Oliver), 542. gratiosus, Productus. gravida, Surcula. Greenland, Mount, Westland, vegetation (Holloway), 599. Greenmeadows, artesian (Hill), 137. greenstone discovered at Arahura (Best), 780. gregaria, Aporrhais. —Crepidula. —Lingula. Gregory, J. W., Cretaceous fauna (Benson), 50. — extent of Antarctandes (Benson), 11. — structure of America and Australia (Benson), 6. — unity of Australia and N.Z. (Benson), 7. Gregory, J. W., and Trench, J. B., coral from Fly River (Benson), 50. Grey, Sir George, instrument played by Tutanekai, 749. greywackes, Mesozoic, of N.Z., derivation (Benson), 6. grey warbler. See Pseudogerygone igata. Gripopterygidae, misuse of name (Tillyard), 202. Grisebachii, Gentiana. Griselinia littoralis Raoul, action under shingleburial (Christensen), 547. griseus, Puffinus. grossulariodes, Pelargonium. Gryphaea, occ. (Benson), 49, 50, 51. gualteri, Aetheia. Gurich, G., age of beds near Wilcannia (Benson), 46. — Australian and American faunal affinities (Benson), 28. guttatus, Philotarsus. quttulatus, Trachelochismus. Gymnastes Brun., in key (Edwards), 297. Gymnoconia, classific. (Cunningham), 689. — in key (Cunningham), 625. —interstitialis (Schlecht.), Lagerh., syn., 690. —Peckiana (Howe) Trotter, with fig. (Cunningham), 690. Gympie series, Australia (Benson), 31. Gynoplistia Westw., key of (Edwards), 301, 314-15. —albicincta n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 326. —anthracina Alexander (Edwards), 324. —arthuriana n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 319. —bona Alexander, with fig. (Edwards), 321. —canterburiana n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 319. —clavipes n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 326. —conjuncta n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 320. —cuprea Hutton, with figs. (Edwards), 322. —fimbriata Alexander, with fig. (Edwards), 319. —formosa Hutton (Edwards), 322. —fulgens Hutton (Edwards), 324. —fuscoplumbea n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 318. —glauca n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 318. —incisa n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 318. —magnifica n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 316. —nebulosa n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 316. —nigronitida n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 324. —notata n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 316. —pedestris n. sp. (Edwards), 317. —polita n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 324. —sockeni Alexander, with fig. (Edwards), 320. —speciosa n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 322. —speighti n. sp. (Edwards), 324.

Gynoplistia subfasciata Walker, with figs. (Edwards), 317. —tridactyla n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 321. —trifasciata n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 324. —tuberculata n. sp. (Edwards), 323. —violacea n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 323. —wakefieldi Westwood, with fig. (Edwards), 320. Haast, J. von, geology of N.Z. (Benson), 4. haasti, Inoceramus. Hadeodelphax pluto Kirkaldy, syn., 257. haemastica, Limosa limosa. —Scolopax. —Vetola. “Haere-moana,” house built on Somes Island (Best), 782. Haewai, Houghton Bay (Best), 784. haka, rhythmical outlines of (Andersen), 757. Halicai cinus planatus, hab. (Oliver), 520. Haliotis, shell used for cutting (Rangi Hiroa). 709. —australis, hab. (Oliver), 520, 521, 523. —it is, hab. (Oliver), 521, 523, 530. Hall, T., distrib. of graptolites (Benson), 21. — division of Victorian graptolitic rocks (Benson), 20. — graptolite slates of Preservation Inlet (Benson), 19. — primitive fauna of continents (Benson), 13. Halobia, occ. (Benson), 38. — cf. austriaca, occ. (Benson), 39. —hochstetteri, occ. (Benson), 39. —zitteli var. zealandica, occ. (Benson), 39. Halorella, occ. (Benson), 39. Halorrhagidis, Puccinia. Halorrhagis depressa (A. Cunn.) Walp., host of Puccinia Halorrhagidis (Cunningham), 665. —erecta (Murr.) Schindler, host of Puccinia Halorrhagidis (Cunningham), 665. Halysites, occ. (Benson), 22, 24. — study by Yabe (Benson), 25, note. —australis, occ. (Benson), 25, note. —pycnoblastoides, occ. (Benson), 25, note. —süssmilchi, occ. (Benson), 25, note. Hamaspora Koern, in key (Cunningham), 625. Hamilton prize, conditions, 802, 807. hamiltoni, Brachystoma. —Oxypsocus. —Surcula. Haminea zealandica, hab. (Oliver), 543. Hamites, occ. (Benson), 43. Hampden beds, fauna (Marshall), 117. hampdenensis, Limopsis. —Surcula. hampdensis, Bonellitia. hanetiana, Trigonia. hanging valleys, Upper Rangitata (Speight), 90-98. Haniel, C. A., cephalopods of Timor (Benson), 33. Haplophragmium, occ. (Benson), 47. Haplotelium Syd., syn., 625. harakeke. See Phormium tenax. Hare Hongi. See Stowell, H. Harmologa Meyr. (Meyrick), 163. Harper, L. F., Silurian fossils, N.S.W. (Benson), 24. Harpes, occ. (Benson), 24. Harris, G. F., variability of genus Triploca (Marsh. & Murd.), 128. Harris, W. J., subdivision of Victorian graptohte rocks (Benson), 20. Harris, W. J., and Crawford, W., Ordovician in eastern Victoria (Benson), 20. Harris, Mount, beds on Waihao stone (Park), 83. harrisi, Peritheates. hartvigiana, Nucula. Harveyi, Durvillea. —Glossophora. Hastings, artesian supply (Hill), 139. Hataitai, name of Motukairangi when a peninsula (Best), 783. Hatteria, entry to N.Z. (Benson), 5. Haug, E., fauna of Productus limestone (Benson), 33. — fauna of Rhaetic New Guinea (Benson), 43. — forms of Cenomanian series (Benson), 47. — Permian rocks of Australia (Benson), 35. haumuriensis, Kossmaticeras. Hausmannia, occ. (Benson), 24. Haustrum haustrum, hab. (Oliver), 525, 526, 531, 534, 535. Havelock River valley, hanging glaciers (Speight), 90-91, 94. “Hawai, Te,” renamed “Kurahaupo,” by Whatonga (Best), 781. Hawke's Bay artesians (Hill), 134-47. heaphyi, Teredo. Heathcotian rock contents (Benson), 18. Hector, J., Belemnites australis (Benson), 47. — geological correlation of Australia and N. Z. (Benson), 1, 2-4. — mingling of fossil forms (Benson), 13. — obituary notice (Kirk), ix. Hector award, 1920, 800. — — 1921, 813. — memorial research fund, regulations, &c., 833-34. hectorensis, Puccinia. Hectori, Epilobium. hectori, Mitia. Hederaceae, Puccinia. hedge-sparrow. See Accentor modularis. hedge-warbler. See Accentor modularis. Hedley, C., Newmayr's Australo-China connection (Benson), 44. Hedycarya dentata, used in trumpet, 755. Helice crassa, hab. (Oliver), 499, 541, 542, 543, 544, Heliolites, occ. (Benson), 23, 24, 26. — interstincta, occ. (Benson), 26. — porosa, occ. (Benson), 26, 27. Hemerobiidae (Tillvard), 217-25. Hemerodromia, Meigen in key (Miller), 441. — characteristics (Miller), 442. — fontanalis n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 442. Hemerodromiinae, classification (Miller), 441. Hemiplax hirtipes, hab. (Oliver), 540, 542, 543. Hemithyris, Dowling Bay (Finlay and Mc-Dowall), 110. — sp. of. squamosa (Hutt.), (Park), 81. Henderson, J., formation N.Z. Alps (Benson), 11. — Silurian rocks in N.Z. (Benson), 24. hepaticum, Aecidium. Herbert, W., song of young birds, 777.

herculeus, Pyrazus. Herd, Capt., in Wellington Harbour (Best), 788. Heretaunga Plain, configuration (Hill), 136-37. Hermella spinulosa, hab. (Oliver), 506. Hermes prasinus Walker, syn., 200. Heterantha, Puccinia. heteranthum, Dicaeoma. heterogama, Hudsonia. — Tipula. Heterograpsus crenulatus, hab. (Oliver), 540, 541, 542. — sexdentatus, hab. (Oliver), 542. Heteroperla cyrene Hare, syn., 201. heterophylla, Cardamine. Heteropygia acuminata Sharpe, syn., 494. — — identity of (Stead), 493, 495. — maculata Sharpe, syn., 494. Heterozius rotundiforns, hab. (Oliver), 542. Hexagonella crucialis, occ. (Benson), 31. hexasepala, Clematis. hiangi, drop of voice in singing (Andersen), 758, 762. Hieracii, Puccinia. Hierochloe redolens, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 709. Hierodoris frigida, n. sp. (Philpott), 153. Hilarempis Bezzi, classific. (Miller), 461. — wing-structure (Miller), 441, note. — benhami Miller (Miller), 461. — fulvipes Hutton, with figs. (Miller), 461. — kaiteriensis Miller (Miller), 461. — nigra n. sp., with figs. (Miller). 462. Hilaria Meigen, characteristics and classific. (Miller), 452. — dracophylli n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 456. — flavinceris n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 453. — — eggs of, with figs. (Miller), 440. — fossalis n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 460. — fumosa Hutton, with figs. (Miller), 547. — hudsoni Hutton (Miller), 458. — littoralis n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 454. — philpotti Miller, venation (Miller), 453. — smithii Hutton, with fig. (Miller), 460. — vector n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 454. Hilgendorf, F. W., elected F.N.Z.Inst., 800. Hills, L., effusive rocks, Tasmania (Benson), 19. — relationship of Silurian and Ordovician slates (Benson), 21. Himalayites, occ. (Benson), 45. hinau. See Eleocarpus dentatus. Hinde, G. J., Cretaceous radiolaria (Benson), 49. Hinemoa and Tutanekai, the music and instruments used (Andersen), 749. hinemoa, Diedrocephala. Hine-rau, a prisoner of Whiri-kai (Best), 784. hippah, word as used by Cook (Best), 788. hirsutus, Brachydontes. hirtipalma, Hyale. hirtipes, Hemiplax. Histiopterus farnelli Waite, syn., 250. — labiosus Gunther, syn., 250. Hochstetter, F. von, geology of N.Z. (Benson), 2. hochstetteri, Halobia. — Myophoria. — Pecten. hodgei, Calliostoma. Hogben, G., seismic activity in eastern suboceanic slopes of N.Z. (Benson), 12. Hoheria populnea A. Cunn., bark used for textiles (Rangi Hiroa), 709. — host of Puccinia Hoheriae (Cunningham), 661. Hoheriae, Puccinia. Holcina, Puccinia. Holcus lanatus, host of Puccinia coronata (Cunningham), 642. — mollis L., host of Puccinia Holcina, &c. (Cunningham), 644, 646. — — infection of (Cunningham), 642. Holloway, J., elected F.N.Z. Inst., 800. holochlora, Macromastix. — Tipula. Holorusia conspicabilis (Skuse), (Edwards), 331. — fulva (Hutton), with fig. (Edwards), 332. — novarae (Schmer), with figs. (Edwards), 331. Hoplites, occ. (Benson), 42, 43. — novozealandica, occ. (Benson), 45. Hordei, Uromyces. Hordeum murinum L., host of a Puccinia (Cunnmgham), 646. — vulgre, host of Puccinia simplex, &c. (Cunningham), 646, 648. Hormosira, adaptations (Oliver), 523. — hab. (Oliver), 503. — Banksii, hab. (Oliver), 524, 525, 526, 543. — — water-reservoirs in (Oliver), 508, 516. horni, Amphineurus. Houghton Bay is Haewai (Best), 784. houhere. See Hoheria populnea. houhi. See Hoheria populnea. houhou. See Nothopanax arboreum. Howchin, W., age of Australian rocks (Benson), 16. — Cretaceous fauna, Central Australia (Benson), 48. howesi, Nesoperla. Hudson, W. H., nature of bird-song, 777. hudsoni, Amphineurus. — Austrotipula. — Cephalelus. — Cerozodia. — Dicranomyia. — Empis. — Hilaria. — Ichthybotus. — Leptoperla. — Limnophila. — Neocurupira. — Pachyrhina. — Zelandobius. Hudsonia n. g. (Edwards), 351. — heterogama (Hudson), with fig. (Edwards), 351. Hudsonian godwit. See Vetola haemastica. hudsonica, Diedrocephala. — Limosa. Huenella, occ. (Benson), 17, 18. hughendenensis, Aucella. humile, Trichomanes. humilior var., Drepanepteryx binocula. humilis var., Drepanepteryx binocula. Huri-whenua, Te Aro Flat (Best), 784. hurupiensis, Glycymeris. hutchisoni, Pecten. Hutchinson-Awamoan horizon, inaocuracy of term (Park), 84.

Hutchinsonian, in classific. (Park), 87. — South Canterbury (Park), 83. Hutton, F. W., gelogy of N.Z. (Benson), 2, 4, 5. — Stenopelmatidae of N.Z. (Chopard), 230-39. Hutton Memorial, regulations, &c., 831-33. huttoni, Anomia. — Cantharidus tenebrosus. — Chama. — Dentalium. — Dicranomyia. — Dynamenella. — Glycymeris. — Macromastix. — Mytilus. — Neonetus. — Pachymagas. — Pecten. Hyale hirtipalma, hab. (Oliver), 525. — rubra, hab. (Oliver), 522. Hyalostelia, occ. (Benson), 22. hybridum, Trifolium. Hydrocotyle moschata Forst. f., host of Puccinia Hydrocotyles (Cunningham), 668. — novae-zelandiae DC., host of Puccinia Hydrocotyles (Cunningham), 668. — tripartita R. Br., host of Puccinia Hydrocotyles (Cunningham), 668. Hydrocotyles, Caeoma. — Puccinia. — Trichobasis. Hydrus platurus, a straggler (Oliver), 500. Hymenophyllacease, growth-forms (Holloway), 610. — N.Z., studies in the (Holloway), 577. — table of distrib. (Holloway), 603. — where figured in literature (Holloway), 580. Hymenophyllum Armstrongii, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 591. — atrovirens, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 595. — australe, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 595. — bivalue, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 594. — ciliatum, oco. (Holloway), 578, 579. — demissum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 594. — dilatatum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 586. — ferrugineum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 588. — flabellatum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 590. — Malangii, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 596. — minimum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 591. — multifidum, study of, with pl. (Holloway). 588. — peltatum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 591. — pulcherrimum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 596. — rarum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 590. — rufescens, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 590. — sanguinolentum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 588. — scabrum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 586. — Tunbridgense, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 591. Hymenophyllum villosum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 588. Hyolithes, occ. (Benson), 17. Hypochoeridis, Puccinia. Hypochoeris glabra L., host of Puccinia Hypochoeridis (Cunningham), 684. Hypothyris. See Rhynchonella (Hypothyris) cuboides. ianthina, Sabatinca. ice-sheet in Autralian Carboniferous (Benson), 30. Ichthybotus bicolor n. sp., with figs. (Tillyard), 228. — hudsoni (Tillyard), 230. Ichthyocampus filum, hab. (Oliver), 522. Idotea, hab., &c. (Oliver), 514. — elongata, colouring (Oliver), 515. Iehu Nukunuku, on making of koauau, 748. igata, Pseudogerygone. igniflua, Thalassohelix. Ihering, von, on the genus Lahillia (Marsh. & Murd.), 129. Illaenus, occ. (Benson), 22, 23, 24. impactus, Musculus. implexicoma, Tetragonia. inaequis, Melita. inconum, Epilobium. incarnatum, Trifolium. incendiaria, Ecclitica. incerta, Macromastix. incertus, Belophos. incisa, Gynoplistia. incisura, Placunanomia. incongruella, Sabatinca. inconspicua, Mitra. indica, Daonella. — Glossopteris. indicans, Erechthias. indicum, Chrysanthemum. indivisa, Clematis. — Cordyline. infantulus, Molophilus. inflatus, Stegnaster. infumatus, Cephalelus. ingrata, Natica. Inoceramus, occ. (Benson), 42, 43, 48, 50. — crispi, occ. (Benson), 47. — concentricus, occ. (Benson), 49. — Dun Mountain, occ. (Benson), 32, 36. — elegantula, occ. (Benson), 32. — hastii, occ. (Benson), 42, note. — Pacificus, occ. (Benson), 52. inordorum, Pelargonium. inornata, Puccinia. inornatus, Circulus. — Molophilus. inquilinus, Lepinotus. instabilis var., Drepanepteryx binocula. insularis, Dicranomyia. insulsus, Amphineurus. — Rhypholophus. intermedia, Paphia. — Puccinia. — Tugalia. intermedium, Dicaeoma. international catalogue, scientific literature, 801.

international research council, 806, 807. interstincta, Heliolites. interstitialis, Gymnoconia. — Puccinia. — Uredo. Intybus, Cichorium. iredalei, Lepidopleurus. iris, Haliotis. Ischnochiton campbelli, hab. (Oliver), 543. — maorianus, hab. (Oliver), 529, 530. Ischnotoma, varieties outside N.Z. (Edwards), 331. Isis at Flume Creek (Park), 85. — dactyla T.-Woods (Park), 81. Island Bay and the islet, Tapu-te-ranga (Best), 790. Isoarca, occ. (Benson), 22. Isonomeutis restincta n. sp. (Meyrick), 166. Izatha manubriata n. sp. (Meyrick), 165. Jack, R. L., Gympie series of Australia (Benson), 31. — sea of south-west Queensland (Benson), 22. Jackya Bubak., syn., 640. de Jaczewski, A., experiments on Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 646. Jassidae, syn., 407. Jassinae, in key (Myers), 408. Jaworski, E., annelid Terebellina (Benson), 37. Jensen, H. I., Cretaceous Belemnites (Benson), 48-49. — formation of Australia (Benson), 8. Jerningham, Point, is Omaru-kaikuru (Best), 783. jew's-harp, Maori appreciation of, 755. Johnston, R. M., correlation by means of fossil plants (Benson), 13. — occ. of Inoceramus elegantula (Benson), 32. jubata, Puccinia. junceum, Epilobium. juncophila, Puccinia. Juncus maritimus, on seashore (Oliver), 543. — vaginatus R. Br., host of Puccinia juncophila (Cunningham), 652. Jurassic period, Australasia (Benson), 40. — world of Neumayr (Benson), 1-2. kaawaensis, Glycymeris. Kaipapa, at Viceregal residence, Newtown (Best), 784. Kaipara, of the Ngai-Tara (Best), 784. kaiteriensis, Hilarempis. kaiwhiria. See Hedycarya dentata. kaka-beak. See Clianthus puniceus. kakahi. See Diplodon lutulentus. Kakanui limestone and Waitaki stone correlation (Park), 81. Ka-pu-te-rangi, Toi settled at (Best), 781. karaka. See Corynocarpus laevigata. “karakia,” use of the term (Andersen), 757. karetu. See Hierochloe redolens. kawe, etymology of word (Rangi Hiroa), 739-40. — weaving of (Rangi Hiroa), 738. Keble, R. A., age of Lancefieldian beds (Benson), 19. Keble, R. A., subdivision of Victorian graptolite rocks (Benson), 20. keeuwensis, Macrocephalites. Keidel, J., composition of marine beds, western Argentine (Benson), 36. kelp bags, basketry round (Rangi Hiroa), 732. Kent, Capt., Te Pou a Amuketi named after him (Best), 787. kerguelenensis, Nereis. Kermadec Archipelago, Delphacidae from (Muir), 257. kete nikau, making of (Rangi Hiroa), 726. — pae, or puputu, making of (Rangi Hiroa), 736. — tatahi, making of (Rangi Hiroa), 732. kiekie. See Freycinetia Banskii. kiekte, Erythroneura. Kilbirnie isthmus was Te Awa a Taia (Best), 783. killing-bottle for leaf-hoppers (Myers), 421. Kionoceras, occ. (Benson), 23. Kirikiri - tatangi, a cultivation of Ngai - Tara (Best), 784. kirkti, Pucinia. Kiwi-amohau, technique of flute, 747. Klebahn, H., experiments with Rhamnus and Lolium (Cunningham), 642. Klebahnia Arth., syn., 625. knightii, Pentamerus. knot. See Canutus canutus. koauau, as a nose-flute, 753. — characteristics of, with pls. (Andersen), 746. — old one in Dommion Museum, 750. — played by Tiki, 749-50. Kober, L., Antarctandes in Otago (Benson), 11. Koeleria cristata Pers., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 646. Komaru-nui, Ngati-Mamoe village (Best), 786. Konickites, occ. (Benson), 38. kono, making of (Rangi Hiroa), 726. Kopara, Te, chief of Muaupoko (Best), 784. kopoti, Puccinia. Kossmaticeras, occ. (Benson), 52. — bhavani, occ. (Benson), 51. — cumshevaense, occ. (Benson), 50. — gemmatus, occ. (Benson), 52. — haumuriensis, occ. (Benson), 52. — loganianum, occ. (Benson), 50. kowharawhara. See Astelia spp. kronei, Dicranomyia. kuaka, migration (Stead), 490. kukau, jew's-harp (Andersen), 756. kuku. See Mytilus edulis. Kumutoto, Woodward Street, Wellington (Best), 784. Kunkelia nitens Arth., syn., 690. Kupe, voyage to N.Z. (Best), 779. “Kurahaupo,” vessel of Whatonga (Best), 781. kutakuta. See Scirpus lacustris. Kutorgina, occ. (Benson), 17. Labiatarum, Caeoma. — Puccinia. — Uredo. labiatum, Phalium. labiosus, Histiopterus. — Peristiopterus. lacebark. See Hoheria populnea.

lacewings (Neuroptera Planipennia), (Tillyard), 217-25. ? Lachnocera Philippi, syn., 302. lacunosa, Neothais. lacustris, Scirpus. laetum, Myoporum. — Nothopanax. laevigata, Corynocarpus. — Lima. laevis, Drilla. agenophora Barkeri T. Kirk, host of Puccinia Lagenophorae (Cunninghsm), 684. — petiolata Hook. f., host of Puccinia Lagenophorae (Cunningham), 684. — pumila (Forst. f.) Cheesem., host of Puccinia Lagenophorae (Cunningham), 685. lagopus, Senecio. laguessiana, Chonetes. Lahillia, occ. (Benson), 52. — occ. m N.Z. (Marsh. & Murd.), 129-30. — neozelanica n. sp., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 130. lambi, Limnophila. “Lambton” cutter in Wellington Harbour (Best), 788. lamellosum, Stephanoceras. Laminaria digitata in assoc. (Oliver), 519. laminata, Lucinida. Lampsanae, Puccinia. lanatus, Holcus. Lancefieldian beds, age of (Benson), 19. lanceolata, Calamagrostis. land - mollusca in recent sea-beach deposit (Murd. & Finlay), 131-33. lappaceus, Ranunculus. lapponica baueri, Limosa. — — Vetola. — subsp. novae-zealandiae, Limosa. Lapsana communis L., host of Puccinia Lapsanae (Cunningham), 685. Lapsanae, Aecidium. — Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. — Trichbasis. Lasaea miliaris, hab. (Oliver), 525, 527, 528. latesiliqua, Nasturtium. laticostata, Glycymeris. laticostatum, Flabellum. latipennis, Notonemoura. Latirofusus optatus n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 123. Latirus dubius Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. Latrobe, fossils of (Benson), 18. lautus, Senecio. Lawrence River valley hanging glaciers (Speight), 91-92, 94. lawsonensis, Limnophila. leaf-hoppers. See Cicadellidae. leaf-mining insects of N.Z., genera Agromyza and Phytomyza (Watt), 465-89. Leathesia, hab. (Oliver), 522, 535, 537. — thallus (Oliver), 509. legatus, Longurio. leguminosarum, Caeoma. Leiponeura Skuse, syn., 290. Lemione, P., limits of Gondwanaland (Benson), 5. lepida, Doliolina. Lepidodendron australe, occ. (Benson), 26, 27, 28. — beds, Australia (Benson), 4. Lepidopleurus iredalei, hab. (Oliver), 529. Lepidopsocidae (Tillyard), 178. Lepidoptera, N.Z. (Meyrick), 162-69. — (Philpott), 148-54. Lepinotus inquilinus Heyd., with fig. (Tillyard), 176. Lepsiella scobina, hab., &c. (Oliver), 498, 505, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 532, 533, 534, 535, 543. — var. rutila, hab., &c. (Oliver), 532. Leptaena, occ. (Benson), 18. — analoga, occ. (Benson), 30. Leptobolus, occ. (Benson), 18. leptocarpi, Cephalelus. Leptocarpus simplex, on seashore (Oliver), 543. Leptoconus pseudoarmoricus (Marsh. & Murd.), Hampden (Marshall), 117. Leptoperla confusa Hare, syn, 206. — fulvescens Hare, syn., 208, 209. — grandis Hudson, syn., 204. — hudsoni Hare, syn., 207. — maculata Hare, syn., 214. — opposita Walker, distribution (Tillyard), 203. Leptoperlidae, notes on family name, &c. (Tillyard), 202. Leptopeza Macq., characteristics (Miller), 447. — in key (Miller), 441. — nigra n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 447. — fulvescens n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 448. Leptopuccinia Rostr., syn., 640. Leptospermum ericoides, action under shingleburial (Christensen), 547, 548. — scoparium Forst., action under sandburial (Christensen), 546. —— action under shingle-burial, with pl. (Christensen), 547. Lessonia, hab., (Oliver), 519, 522, 523. — stem (Oliver), 513. — variegata, hab. (Oliver), 521. — — tissue of, &c., with fig. (Oliver), 507, 508, 509. Lestremiinae, in key (Edwards), 266. leucomelas, Limnophila. Leuconopsis obsoleta, hab. (Oliver), 498, 527. Leucosyrinx altus Harris subsp. transenna Sut., syn., 126. levis, Ceratocheilus. — Rhamphidia. library of N.Z. Inst., housing, 804-5. Lichas, occ. (Benson), 24. life members, incorporated societies exchange, 807. ligata, Tornatellaea. light as ecological factor (Oliver), 502. light, filtered by sea-water (Oliver), 503. liliana, Tellina. Lima angulata Sowerby, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — laevigata, occ. (Marshall), 120. limestone, fossiliferous, at Dowling Bay (Finlay and McDowall), 106-14. Limnobia aegrotans Walker (nom. nud.), 280. — chorica Walker (nom. nud.), 280. — conveniens Walker, syn., 282. — fumipennis Butler, syn., 278. — gracilis Walker (nom. nud.), 283.

Limnobia repanda Walker (nom. nud.), syn., 278. — tesselata Walker (nom. nud.), 286. — vicarians Schiner, syn. 280. Limnobiinae, characters (Edwards), 273. Limnophila Macq., key to (Edwards), 301, 305-6. — antiqua Skuse (Edwards), 303. — argus Hutton, with fig. (Edwards), 311. — australasiae Skuse (Edwards), 302. — bryobia Mik. (Edwards), 306. — crassipes Hutton, with fig. (Edwards), 310. — chrysorrhoea n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 311. — cyatheti n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 313. — delicatula Hutton, with figs. (Edwards), 307. — (Limnophilella) epiphrogmoides, venation (Edwards), 305. — (Austrolimnophila) eutaeinata, venation (Edwards), 305. — geographica Hutton, with figs. (Edwards), 309. — hudsoni n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 314. — lambi n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 311. — lawsonensis Skuse (Edwards), 302. — leucomelas n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 308. — marshalli Hutton, with figs. (Edwards), 312. — nigrocincta n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 312. — noiae-zelandiae Alex., syn., 307. — oculata n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 310. — sinistra Hutton, 303. — skusei Hutton, with figs. (Edwards), 307. — subinterventa n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 309. — umbrosa Hutton (Edwards), 312. Limnophilini tribe, characters and key (Edwards), 299. Limonites minuta Sharpe, syn., 493. — ruficollis Sharpe, syn., 493. Limopsis aurita (Brocchi), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 118, 120. —— See also L. zealandica. — catenata Sut., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — — Hampden (Marshall), 117. — hampdenensis Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — producta n. sp., with fig. (Finlay and McDowall), 109, 112-13. — zealandica Hutt. distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — zitteli Iher., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — — Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 119. Limosa baueri Naumann, syn., 490. — hudsonica Sharpe, syn., 491, 492. — lapponica baueri Mathews & I., syn., 490. — lapponica subsp. novae-zealandiae Sharpe, syn., 490. — limosa haemastica Mathews & I., syn., 492. — novae-zealandiae Buller, syn., 490. linctum, Vexillum. lindsayi, Pauropsalta. linea, Euthria. lineare, Aecidium. linearifolia, Urtica. lineata, Reticularia. Linguifolium, occ. (Benson), 41. Lingula, occ. (Benson), 23. — gregaria, occ. (Benson), 28. — squamiformis var., occ. (Benson), 28. lingulata, Flabelligera. Lingulella, occ. (Benson), 18. Linth Valley, hanging glacier (Speight), 95. Liothyrella boehmi (Thomson), Park, 81. — — horizon (Park), 83, 85, 87. — — greensand band at Flume Creek (Park), 80-82. — oamarutica Boehm, Park, 81. Lipophleps Bergroth (Edwards), 290. — nigrohalterata (Edwards), 290. Lippistes benhami Sut. var. perornatus n. var., with plate (Marsh. & Murd.), 121. Litanomyia Melander, characteristics (Miller), 442. — in key (Miller), 441. — otiraensis n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 443. literata, Cadmogenes. Lithophaga truncata, hab. (Oliver), 511. Lithothamnion, hab. (Oliver), 522. Lithothamnium, occ. (Benson), 52. Litophyllum, occ. (Benson), 26, 27. little stint. See Pisobia minuta. little whimbrel. See Mesocolopax minutus. littoralis, Grieselinia. — Hilaria. littoreus, Acanthoclinus, 510-11. Littorinidae, hab. (Oliver), 499. Lobelia anceps Linn. f., host of Puccinia aucta (Cunningham), 674. loganianum, Kossmaticeras. Loganograptus, occ. (Benson), 20, 21. Lolii, Puccinia. Lolium multiflorum Lam., host of Puccinia coronata (Cunningham), 642. — — host of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 645. — perenne L., host of Puccinia coronata (Cunningham), 642. — host of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 645. —temulentum L., host of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 645. Lomaria filiformis, host of Agromyza flaiopleura (Watt), 481. longifolia, Thelymitra. longipennae, Trichopeza. longitude standardization, 801. Longurio dux (Hudson), with fig. (Edwards), 332. — legatus n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 332. “Lord Rodney” seized by Maori (Best), 787. lornensis, Glycymeris. Louisades and New Guinea continuity (Benson), 10. lucida, Carex. — Coprosma. — Pterocladia. lucidum, Asplenium. lucilia, Sabatinca. Lucinida laminata Hutt., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. Ludwigii, Puccinia. lugubris, Monodonta. Lumbriconereis sphaerocephala, hab. (Oliver), 520, 525. luminatum, Caeoma. lunata, Macromastix.

lurida, Cominella. lusoria, Pachymenia. luteonitens, Dicranomyia. luteonitens, Dicranomyia. lutulentus, Diplodon. Luzula campestris, host of puccinia obscura (Cunningham), 653. Luzulae-maximae, Puccinia. Lyall Bay, Maori occupation (Best), 788. Lyallii, Gaya. — Trichomanes. Lycoperdon poculiforme Jacq., syn., 644. Lycopsidis, Aecidium. lyratum, Epitonium. — rugulosum. lyrifera, Rhamphophila. Lutoceras, occ. (Benson), 45, 52. Lyttonia sp., occ. (Benson), 32, 34. McAlpine, D., on rust of Luzula spp. (Cunningham), 653. Macalpini, Puccinia. Macandrellus, hab. (Oliver), 522. — violaceus, hab. (Oliver), 522, 530. McCoy, F., specific identity of marine fauna (Benson), 13. Maccoyella, occ. (Benson), 47. — corbiensis, occ. (Benson), 48. mackayi, Terebellina. — Torlessia. Macoma edgari (?) Iredale, distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. Macrocephalites keeuwensis, occ. (Benson), 43. Macrochile spectrum Lw. (Edwards), 270. Macrocystis pyrifera, air-vesicles, &c., with plate (Oliver), 508, 509. — in Durvillea assoc. (Herriott), 551. — in Durvillea assoc. (Oliver), 520. — stem, &c. (Oliver), 513, 514. macrodactylus, Ericthonius. Macromastix Osten-Sacken, key of (Edwards), 333-35. — albistigma n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 340. — alexanderi n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 342. — aperta n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 338. — auroatra n. sp. (Hudson), 336. — binotata Hutton, with fig. (Edwards), 341. — brevitarsis n. sp. (Edwards), 337. — cinerea n. sp. (Edwards), 345. — clara (Kirby), with fig. (Hutton), 336. — cubitalis n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 347. — decorata n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 342. — dichroithorax Alex., with figs. (Edwards), 349. — dux Kirby (Edwards), 337. — ferruginosa n. sp. (Edwards), 338. — fucata Hutton (Edwards), 344. — fumibasis n. sp. (Edwards), 344. — holochlora Nowicki (Edwards), 340. — huttoni n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 342. — incertan n. sp. (Edwards), 348. — lunata Hutton, with fig. (Edwards), 341. — moori Alex., with fig. (Edwards), 341. — minor n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 346. — monthana Hutton (Edwards), 345. — nebulosa Hudson (Edwards), 335. — obliqua n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 348. 29—Trans. Macromastix obscuripennis Kirby, with fig. (Edwards), 350. — orion (Hudson), (Hutton), 336. — pallida Hutton (Edwards), 348. — rufiventris n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 347. — sinclairi n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 350. — submonthana n. sp. (Edwards), 346. — tenera (Hutton), (Edwards), 335. — variegata n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 341. — virescens n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 339. — viridis Walker, with fig. (Edwards), 339. — vittata n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 342. — vulpina Hutton, with fig. (Edwards), 345. — — Ost.-Sac., syn. (Edwards), 345. — zeylandiae Alex. with figs. (Edward), 349. macropetana, Spilonota. macrophylla, Ourisia. macrotegens, Fusinus. macroura, Nephthys. Mactra crassa Marshall, syn., 130. — ovata, hab. (Oliver), 540, 541. macult cuminata, Pisobia. — Heteropygia. — Leptoperla. — Pisobia. — Sccutuloida. — Tringa. — Zelandoperla. maeulatus, Philotarsus. maculosa, Cominella. magalhaensis, Nereis. Magas, occ. (Benson), 48. Magasella, occ. (Benson), 48. magnifica, Gynoplistia. mahoe. See Melicytus ramiflorus. Mais, Zea. Maitai series, age called Permian, not PermoCarboniferous (Benson), 36. Maitland, A. G., age of rocks, N. W. Australia (Benson), 22. — fauna of Rolling Downs (Benson), 48. Makaro, Ward Island (Best), 780. Makure-rua, Ngeti-Mamoe village (Best), 786. Malay Archipelago, geology of (Benson), 33. mali, Empoasca. Malingii, Hymenophyllum. Malletia australis (Q. & G.), distrib. (Finaly and McDowall), 108. — cymbula, occ. (Benson), 52. Malia rotundifolia L., host of Puccinia Malvacearum (Cunningham), 662. — sylvestris L., host of Puccinia Malvacearum (Cunningham), 662. Malvacearum, Puccinia. manaiaensis, glycymeris. manapouriensis, Micromus tosmaniae. mandarina, Verconella. Mangrove formation (Oliver), 544. Maning, Judge, carrying of burdens (Rangi-Hiroa), 742. Mansuy, J., fauna of Australian Carboniferous (Benson), 30. — Redlichia fauna in Yun-nan (Benson), 18. mantelli, Dentalium. Man-to sea, Lower Cambrian (Benson), 18. manubriata, Izatha. Maori appreciation of bird-song (Andersen), 756. — music (Andersen), 743.

Maori plaiting and basket-work (Rangi Hiroa), 705. maori var., Drepanepteryx binocula. — Macromastix. Maorian province of Wilckens (Benson), 38. maorianus, Brachyodontes. — Ischnochiton. maorica, Boriomyia — Diedrocephala. — Dikraneura. — Pauropsalta. maoricus, Peripsocopsis. maoriensis, Pleurotomaria. Maoripsocus (Tillyard), 191. — semifuscatus n. sp., with pl. and text-fig. (Tillyard), 191. maorum, Columbarium. Maps— Botanical— New Zealand Biological Region (Holloway), 578. North Westland (Holloway), 578. Geological— Australia and New Zealand— Cambrian period (Benson), 17. Carboniferous period (Benson), 29. Devonian period (Benson), 26. Lower and Middle Jurassic period (Benson), 41. Ordovician period (Benson), 20. Pre-Cambrian and plutonic rocks (Benson), 15. Silurian period (Benson), 23. Triassic period (Benson), 37. Upper Cretaceous period (Benson), 51. Upper Jurassic, Lower and Middle Cretaceous periods (Benson), 46. Dowling Bay (Finlay and McDowall), 107. Headwaters of Rangitata River (Speight), 91. Ruatamwha Plains, Hawke's Bay, showing artesian system (Hill), 135. Maraenui, a cultivation of Ngai-Tara (Best), 784. — former name of Seatoun (Best), 780. marcoui, Spirifera. Margarella antipoda, hab. (Oliver), 520. margaritatus, Turris. margaritifera, Tinemyia. marginalis, Surcula. Marginaria, air-vesicles (Oliver), 508. — hab. (Oliver), 519. — stems (Oliver), 513. — Boryana in Durvillea assoc. (Oliver), 520, 521. Marginella aveniformis Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — conica Harris, Waihao (Marshall), 119. marguerite-fly. See Phytomyza nigricornis. marine littoral ecology (Oliver), 496. Marinula filholi, hab. (Oliver), 498, 541. marionis, Amphilochus. maritimus, Juncus. Maroro formation, Celebes (Benson), 50. Marr, J. E., stratigraphical geology (Benson), 14. Marshall, P., affinity between N.Z. and South America (Benson), 52. — age of Utatúr beds (Benson), 49. —, Gondwanaland origin of brachiopods (Benson), 53. — lithology, Mesozoic rocks (Benson), 7. — Lyellian method of age - determination (Finlay and McDowall), 111. — Maitai and Triassic fossils (Benson), 37-38. — mingling of fossil forms (Benson), 13. — Oamaru stone examined by (Park), 86. — relationship between Tonga and N.Z. (Benson), 6. — subantarctic islands (Benson), 7. — summary of land-extensions in Pacific (Benson), 7. Marshall and Uttley, Trochus tiaratus at Target Gully (Finlay), 99. marshalli, Limnophila. — Turbo. Martin, K., Cretaceous fauna (Benson), 50. — geology of New Guinea (Benson), 33. Martinia nucula, occ. (Benson), 33. Martiniopsis, occ. (Benson), 32. — subradiata, occ. (Benson), 32. Maruiwi in Bay of Plenty (Best), 781. Maruwhenua stone (Park), 83. marwicki, Calliostoma. Maryborough marine bed (Benson), 46. maschalocarpum, Carpophyllum. “Matahorua,” voyage of (Best), 779. mat, Maori, varieties of (Rangi Hiroa), 716. Matai-rangi, Mount Victoria (Best), 784. Matiu, Somes Island (Best), 780. Matthews, R. H., rediscovery of Pittosporum obcordatum (Sainsbury), 572. Maupuia pa (Best), 789. maurea. See Carex spp. Mawson, D., development of Antarctandes (Benson), 10. Maydis, Puccinia. — Trichobasis. may-flies, two new species (Tillyard), 226-30. medalhon, Wisconsin Academy of Science, facing vii. media, Euthria. Medicaginis, Uromyćes. Medicago sativa L., host of Uromyces striatus (Cunningham), 633. Medlicottia, occ. (Benson), 33. Meekoceras, occ. (Benson), 38. Megaleptoperla n. g., with fig. (Tillyard), 204. — grandis (Hudson), with figs. (Tillyard), 204. Megistocera vulpina Hutton, syn., 345. Melampsalta campbelli n. sp. (Myers), 430. Melampsoraceae, in classific. (Cunningham), 624. melanocaulon, Epilobium. melanocerus, Cypselurus. — Exocoetus. melanogramma, Dicranomyia. melanombra, Apatetris. Melanopsis trifasciata, hab. (Oliver), 532. melanotragus, Nerita. melanoxylon, Uromycladium. Melanthalia abscissa, hab. (Oliver), 522. melanura, Anthornis. Melaraphe, assoc. (Oliver), 537. — cincta, hab. (Oliver), 497, 498, 526, 527, 532, 535, 537, 538. — operculum (Oliver), 506.

Melaraphe unifasciata, hab. (Oliver), 496, 498, 526, 527, 532, 535, 536, 537, 538. — operculum (Oliver), 506. Melbournian beds (Benson), 23. Melicae, Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. Melicytus ramiflorus, host of Agromyza flaxolateralis (Watt), 472. Melita inaequis, hab. (Oliver), 541. Melobesia, hab. (Oliver), 503, 514, 520, 522, 523, 525, 531. menalus, Paradorydium. Mentha Cunninghamii Benth., host of Puccinia Menthae (Cunningham), 672. Menthae, Aecidium. — Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. — Uredo. — americana, Puccinia. Menthastri, Uredo. menthatum, Caeoma. Mentzelia, occ. (Benson), 39. Menziesii, Nothofagus. meridianalis, Delphacodes. mesodesma, Chione. Mesopsocidae (Tillyard), 180. Mesosocus (Tillyard), 185. — stigmaticus n. sp., with pl. and text-fig. (Tillyard), 185. Mesoscolopax minutus Gould, migration (Stead), 492. Mesozoic rocks of N.Z., gneissic and plutonic rock-pebbles in (Benson), 10. — seas, Australasia (Benson), 1 et seq. Meteorology-rainfall, Hokitika and Lincoln, compared (Holloway), 582. — rainfall, Hokitika, during 1911-20 (Holloway), 583. — rainfall, Napier (Hill), 146. Metopella ovata Stebbing (Chilton), 241. Michelinia, occ. (Benson), 23, note. Microdiscus, occ. (Benson), 17. Micromasoria raouli n. sp. (Muir), 257. Micromitra, occ. (Benson), 17. micromphalum, Agathiceras. Micromus bifasciatus n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 221. — froggatti Banks, syn., 223. — tasmaniae Walker (Tillyard), 223. — Walker manapouriensis var. nov., with fig. (Tillyard), 223. — nigroscriptus var. nov. (Tillyard), 223. Micropardalis aurella Huds. (Meyrick), 169. — doroxena Meyr., venation, with figs. (Philpott), 157, 161. microphylla, Eulalia. microphyllum, Epilobium. Microphyllopteris, occ. (Benson), 41. Microplasma, occ. (Benson), 26. Micropterygidae, venation of (Philpott), 155-61. Micropuccinia Rostr., syn., 640. Microseris, Puccinia. Microtidis, Uromyces. Microtis porrifolia R. Br., host of Uromyces Microtidis (Cunningham), 628. migration of birds, sex periods (Andergen), 775. migratory plovers of N.Z. (Stead), 490. Milford Sound, hanging valleys (Speight), 96. miliaris, Lasaea. milleri, Peripsocopsis. mimica, Porina. mimicry in bird-song (Andersen), 777. minikoi, Nototropis. — Paratylus. minimum, Cymatium. — Hymenophyllum. minor (var.), Charopa biconcava. minor, Eudyptula. — Macromastix. — Struthiolaria. minuta, Cerithidea. — Limonites. — Pisobia. — ruficollis. — Tringa. minute veronica blotch - fly. See Agromyza umbrinella. minutus, Mesoscolopax. — Numenius. Miramar, history of (Best), 779. — island was Motu-kairangi (Best), 783. — origin of name, and earlier names (Best), 783, 790. miromiro. See Petroeca toitoi. mirror-dory. See Zenopsis nebulosus. Mischoderus forcipatus Hand., syn., 271. Mitchell, J. See Etheridge, R., and Mitchell. Mitra hectori Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — inconspicua Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 119. mos, slain by Kupe (Best), 780. — seen by Rua-kapanga (Best), 783. modesta, Glycymeris. modestus, Elminius. — Fusinus. Modiola, occ. (Benson), 49. Modiolus assoc. (Oliver), 532. — hab. (Oliver), 505, 513, 531. — confusus assoc. (Oliver), 532. — hab. (Oliver), 532. — pulex, hab. (Oliver), 498, 527, 528. modularis, Accentor. Moeonia, occ. (Benson), 32. Mohuia, man of Ngai-Tara (Best), 784. — rock near Sinclair Head (Best), 780. Molengraaff, G. A., geology of New Guinea (Benson), 33. Molesworth, F., and Miramar (Best), 790. mollis, Holcus. Mollusca, Tertiary (Marshall), 115-21. — n. sp. (Marsh. & Murd.), 121-28. molophilinus, Nemopalpus. Molophilus Mg. (Edwards), 289, 294. — infantulus n. sp. (Edwards), 295. — inornatus n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 296. — multicinctus n. sp. (Edwards); 295. — pulcherrimus n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 295. — variegatus n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 296. moluccana, Rhynchonella. Monia zealandica, hab. (Oliver), 522. monilicornis, Dicranomyia. Monodonta, shell (Oliver), 513. — aethiops, hab. (Oliver), 503, 525, 526, 528, 531, 532, 533, 534, 536, 543.

Monodonta, atrovirens, hab. (Oliver), 503, 534, 535, 538, 543. — coracina, hab. (Oliver), 523, 526, 527, 532, 537, 538. — corrosa, hab. (Oliver), 536, 541. — shell eroded (Oliver), 509. — excavata, hab. (Oliver), 539. — lugubris, hab. (Oliver), 503, 534, 535, 536, 537. — nigerrima, hab. (Oliver), 537. — subrostrata, hab. (Oliver), 541, 542, 543. Monograptus convolutus, occ. (Benson), 23. — priodon, occ. (Benson), 23. — riccartonensis, occ. (Benson), 23. monoxyla, Crepidula. Monroi, Aciphylla. monstrosa var. australis, Chimaera. montana, Astelia. — Macromastix. monticola, Veronica. moonbiensis, Favosites basaltica var. Mopsea (1sis) at Flume Creek (Park), 85. morainic accumulation in Canterbury, amount of (Speight), 98. mordant in Maori dyein (Rangi Hiroa), 711. morepork. See Ninox novae-zealandie. Morgan, P. G., age of Coromandel Peninsula rocks (Benson), 43. — derivation of greywackes (Benson), 6. — fossils of Oamaru formation (Marshall), 116. —, Fulguraria. — Fusinus. Morrisoni, Puccinia. morulops, Peripsocopsis. moschata, Hydrocotyle. mosquito. See Opifex fuscus. Motu-kairangi, Miramar Island (Best), 783. — later called Hataitai, &c. (Best), 783. Motutapu Island, Cainozoic formation (Park), 88. motutaranus, Streblites. Mouriuri, at Wai-ngongoro River (Best), 780. mouth of tattooed head and of putorino, 754. Muaupoko tribe at Otaki (Best), 784. Mudie, R., psychology of bird-song, 774. Muehlenbeckia adpressa Meissn., host of Puccinia Muehlenbeckiae (Cunningham), 654. — australis (Forst. f.), Meissn., host of Puccinia tiritea (Cunningham), 654. — complexa (A. Cunn.), Meissn., host of Puccinia tiritea (Cunningham), 654. multicinctus, Molophilus. multifidum, Hymenophyllum. multiflorum, Lolium. multiscapus, Ranunculus. multitabulata, Favosites. munita, Puccinia. Muraenichthys australis Macleay, with pl. (Griffin), 247. Murex octogonus, hab. (Oliver), 529. — tritonis, used for trumpet, 755. musakheylensis, Sprifera. Musculus impactus, hab: (Oliver), 529. music, Maori (Andersen), 743. musicus, Turdus. mutton-bird. See Puffinus griseus. Mutunga migration to Chatham Islands (Best), 787. Mycetophilidae, in key (Edwards), 266. mydas, Chelone. myersi, Nilaparvata. Myodora, hab., &c. (Oliver), 505. — striata, hab. (Oliver), 540. Myophoria hochstetteri, occ. (Benson), 39. — nuggetensis, occ. (Benson), 39. Myporum laetum, host of Agromyza citreifemorata (Watt), 478. Myopsocidae (Tillyard), 186. Myopsocus Hagen (Tillyard), 186. — australis (Tillard), 187. — novae-zealandiae Kolbe, with pl. and text-fig. (Tillyard), 186. mysteriastis, Stathmopoda. Mytilus, assoc. (Oliver), 531. — hab. (Oliver), 505, 513. — occ. (Benson), 45. — canaliculatus, hab. (Oliver), 522, 523, 529, 531, 533, 534. — edulis, hab. (Oliver), 531. — — shell used for cutting (Rangi Hiroa), 709. — huttoni Cossm., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — planulatus hab. (Oliver), 531, 532, 534, 535, 543. mytilus Verticipronus. nana, Zostera. Napier, artesian supply (Hill), 134. — rainfall at (Hill), 146. Naryca Steph. (Meyrick), 169. — petrodoxa n. sp. (Meyrick), 169. Nasturtium Gibbsii n. sp. (Cheeseman), 565. — latesiliqua and N. Gibbsii (Cheeseman), 565-66. nasuta, Chonetellus. Natica operculum (Oliver), 506: — australis Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — gibbosa Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — ingrata, occ. (Benson), 52. — variabilis, occ. (Benson), 51. — zelandica Q. & G., Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. Nautilus trinchinopolitensis, occ. (Benson), 50. neapolitanus. Amphilochus. nebulosa, Gynoplistia. — Macromastix. — Tipula. — Ulomorpha. — Zenopsis. nebulosus, Zeus. neglectus, Onithochiton. — Rumex. Nematocera, key to families (Edwards), 265-66. Nemopalpus molophilinus (Edw.), wing (Edwards), 272. Nemouridae (Tillyard), 215. Neocurupira hudsoni Lamb, larva (Camphell), 264. Neonetus Br. (Chopard), 237. — huttoni (Chopard), 239. — variegatus Br., with figs. (Chopard), 237. — — Hutton, syn. (Chopard), 239. Neothais, hab. (Oliver), 505. — shell (Oliver), 513.

Neothais lacunosa, hab. (Oliver), 532. — squamatus, hab. (Oliver), 534, 543. — striata, hab. (Oliver), 534. — succincta, hab. (Oliver), 522, 523, 525, 533, 542. Neothyris tapirina Hutt. (Park), 81. neozelandica, Gnophomyia. neozelandicus, Anisopus. — Rhyphus. neozelanica, Acmella. — Austrotriton. — Daphnella — Lahillia. Nephlyctis Arth., syn., 640. Nephthys macroura, hab. (Oliver), 540, 541. neptunus, Tanyderus. Nereis amblyodonta, hab. (Oliver), 528, 529. — kerguelenensis, hab. (Oliver), 541. — magalhaensis, hab. (Oliver), 520. — vaucaurica, hab. (Oliver), 525, 530. Nerinea, occ. (Benson), 50. Nerita, operculum (Oliver), 506. — shell (Oliver), 513. — melanotragus, hab. (Oliver), 525, 528, 532, 535, 536, 537, 538. — — shell eroded (Oliver), 509. nervosa, Astelia. Nesoperla n. g., with figs. (Tillyard), 208. — fulvescens (Hare), with fig. (Tilyard), 209. — howesi n. sp., with figs. (Tillyard), 209. — spiniger n. sp. with fig. (Tillyard), 210. — trivacuata n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 211. Neumayr, M., Jurassic world (Benson), 1-2, 44. neurophila, Puccinia. New Caledonia and N.Z., affinity (Benson), 10, 52. New Guinea, age of rocks (Benson), 27. New Guinea and Luisades, continuity (Benson), 10. Newtown (Vicergegal residence) was Kaipapa (Best), 784. N.Z. and Australia, geological relationship (Benson), 1-62. N.Z. Institute, proceedings and minutes, Jan., 1922, 799-818. — felloships, 1921, 800. — Act and Rgulations, 825-30. — lists of honorary members, fellows, &c., 837-41. — publications received, &c., 859 et seq. nexilis bicarinatus, Turris. Ngahue, Voyage to N.Z. (Best), 779. ngaio. See Myoporum laetum. ngaio-fly. See Agromyza citreifemorata. Ngai-Tahu, occupn. of Miramar (Best), 786. nagai-Tara, descended from Tara (Best), 783. ngaparaensis, Architectonica. Ngaparan beds and underlying bed-rock (Park), 87-89. — in classific. (Park), 87. Ngapara stone (Park), 83. ngari, transposition of rangi (Andersen), 757. Ngata, Mrs. A. T., on jew's-harp, 756. Ngati-Ira, occupiers of Palliser Bay (Best), 786, 789. Ngati-Mamaoe, occupn. of Miramar (Best), 786. Ngati-Toa, invasion of Wellington district (Best), 787. nguru, characteristics of, with pl. (Andersen), 754. Nicholson, J., of Sydney (Best), 788. Nicholson, Port, named by Herd (Best), 788. Nicolea gracilibranchis, hab. (Oliver), 534. Nielsen, P., experiments with Rhamnus and Lolium (Cunningham), 642. nightingale, period of song (Andersen), 775. nigra, Hilarempis. — Leptopeza. — Samburcus. Nigredo Rouss., syn., 625. — Betae (Pers) Arth., syn., 631. — Fabae (Pers.) Arth., syn., 631. — fallens (Desmaz.) Arth., syn., 633. — Polygoni (Pers.) Arth., syn., 630. — Trifolii Arth., syn., 634. nigrescens, Dicranomyia. nigricans, Onchidella. nigricornis, Phytomya. nigrocincta, Limnophila nigronitida, Gynoplistia. nigrohalterata, Gonomyia. nigroscriptus, Micromus tasmaniae. nikau-plam. See Rhopalostylis sapida. Nilaparvata myersi n. sp., with figs. (Muir), 258. Ninox nove - zealandie, call - note (Andersen), 768. Nisusia, occ. (Benson), 17. nitens, Aecidium. — Caeoma. — Kunkelia. nitida Cantharidella. — Soletellina. nitidula, Nucula. Nitophyllum, hab. (Oliver), 525. nobilis, Eudoxochiton. nodosa acuticostata, Verconella. — Verconella. Nodosaria, occ. (Benson), 47. noetlingi, Redlichia. Noric forms of Australian Triassic bods (Benson), 39. nose-flutes, form, &c., 747, 749, 753. notabile, Uromycladium. notabilis, Tauroscopa. — Uredo. Notasaphus, occ. (Benson), 18. notata, Gynoplistia. notatus, Anisopus. — Rhyphus. Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Oerst., action under moss-burial (Christensen), 546. — — under shingle-burial, with pl. (Christensen), 547. — distrib. in Westland (Holloway), 584. — fusca, distrib. in Westland (Holloway), 584. — Menziesii, distrib. in Westland (Holloway), 584. Nothopanax arboreum, resembalance to N. laetum (Cheeseman), 568. — latetum n. sp. (Cheeseman), 568. — used for flute (Andersen), 749. Notoacmea daedala, hab. (Oliver), 536, 537. — parvtconoidea, hab. (Oliver), 527, 531, 532, 534, 535, 537, 541, 542. — pileopsis hab. (Oliver), 497, 503, 534, 536, 537, 538, 541.

Notoacmea scapha, hab. (Oliver), 515, 543. — septiformis, hab. (Oliver), 503, 509, 535, 537. Notoclinus fenestratus, hab. (Oliver), 522. Notomya, occ. (Benson), 32. Notonemoura n. g., with fig. (Tillyard), 215. — latipennis n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 215. Nototropis minikoi Walker (Chilton), 242. novae-zealandiae, Amphidesma. — Anthus. — Calyptraea. — Eupagurus. — Limosa. — lapponica. — Myopsocus. — Ninox. — Pleurobranchus. novae-zelandiae, Ancilla. — Chimaera. — Epilobium. — Hydrocotyle. — Limnophila. — Puccinia. novaezelandiae, Sigapatella. novarae, Holorusia. — Tipula. novozealandica, Hoplites. novozealandicus, Ammonites. — Berriasella. Nucleospira, occ. (Benson), 23. Nucula, occ. (Benson), 45. — n. sp., Hampden (Marshall), 117. — hartvigiana, hab. (Oliver), 542, 543. — nitidula, hab. (Oliver), 534. — sagittata Sut., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. nucula, Martinia. Nuculana bellula (A. Ad.), aihao (Marshall), 119. — semiteres (Hutt.), distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. — Hampden and waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. Nudibranchs, hab. (Oliver), 504. nuggetensis, Myophoria. Nukunuku. See Iehu Nukunuku. Nukuoro, kinship with Maori (Best), 779. Nukutaurua, Whatonga settled at (Best), 781. Numenius minutus Gould, syn., 492. nummularijolium, Epilobium. Oamaru building-stone, softness (Park), 86. — limestone horizons (Park), 81. — overlain by Waitaki stone (Park), 81. — and Waitaki stone, relation, &c. (Park), 82. Oamaruian rocks and coal-measures (Park), 88. — succession in Oamaru coastal area (Park), 87. oamarulica, Laothyrella. obcrdatum, Pittosporum. Obituaries— Cheeseman, T. F., xvii. Ewen, Charles A., xvi. Hector, James, ix. Sharp, David, xiv. Smith, S. Percy, xiii. obliqua, Macromastix. obliguata, Siphonaria. obliguecostata, Rissoina. Obolella, occ. (Benson), 17, 21. obolella, Sarepta. obscura, Puccinia. obscuripennis, Limnophila. — Macromastix. — Rhamphophila. — Tipula. obscurum, Dicaeoma. obsoleta, Leuconopsis. obtecta, Plaxiphora. obtegens, Puccinia. ocean currents of N.Z. (Oliver), 499 ochotica, Pseudomonotis. ochraceum, Ceratocheilus. ochre, red, of Maori (Rangi Hiroa), 712. ochrogastra, Chersadaula. ochroleuca, Elachista. octova, Dicranomyia. octogonus, Murex. octoplicata, Spiriferina. — Terebratula. oculata, Linophila. Ocydromiinae, classific. (Miller), 447. — in key (Miller), 441. Odontapleura, occ. (Benson), 24. Oenotherae, Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. officinale, Symphytum. officinalis, Avicennia. — Corallina. Oldhamia, occ. (Benson) 34. Olearia cymbifolia, in moss-bog (Christensen), 546. — excorticata Buch., host of Puccinia Atkinsonii (Cunningham), 676. — Forsteri Hook. f., host of Puccinia novaezelandiae (Cunningham), 686. Oleariae, Puccinia. Olenellus ?, occ. (Benson), 17. — ? forresti, a Redilichia (Benson), 17. oleraceus, Sonchus. olivacea, Dardanula. — Rissonia. oliveri, Cantharidus. Omaru-kaikuru, Point Jermingham (Best), 783. Onchidella, hab. (Oliver), 498, 528, 535, 536. — without operculum (Oliver), 506. — nigricans, hab. (Oliver), 507. — patelloides, hab. (Oliver), 507. Onithochiton neglectus, hab. (Oliver). 520, 521, 522, 523, 530, 534. Onuphis tubicola, hab. (Oliver), 525. Operculina, occ. (Benson), 47. operculum, development (Oliver), 506. Ophiceras, occ. (Benson), 38. Ophileta, occ. (Benson), 17, 18, 22. Ophionereis schayeri, hab. (Oliver), 523. Ophiopteris, hab. (Oliver), 522. — antipoda, hab. (Oliver), 522. Opifex fuscus Hutton, mating-habits and early life (Kirk), 400-6. Oppelia, occ. (Benson), 43. opposita, Leptoperla. oppressus, thoristella. optatus, Latirofusus.

Orbitolina concava, occ. (Benson), 49. Orbitolites, occ. (Benson), 49. ordinaria, Surcula. Ordovician period, Australasia (Benson), 19. Oreomyrrhidis, Puccinia. Oreomyrrhis andicola Endl., host of Puccinia Oreomyrrhidis (Cunningham), 669. orion, Macromastix. — Tipula. ornata, Cellana. — Phytia. — Turritella. ornatus, Ameletus. — Pleurobranchus. ornithogaleum, Aecidium. Ornithogalum L. spp., hosts of Puccinia simplex (Cunningham), 644. Orolimnophila Alex. (Edwards), 301, 302. — argentinicola (Edwards), 302. — eluta n. sp., with figs (Edwards), 302. Oromyia Alexander, 302. Orphnephilidae, in key (Edwards), 267. Orthenches porphyritis Mevr. (Meyrick), 168. Orthis, occ. (Benson), 18, 22, 23, 33. — resupinata, occ., 30. Orthceras, occ. (Benson), 22, 24. Orthoceratites, occ. (Benson), 24. Orthophragmina, occ. (Benson), 52. Orthoptera, cave (Chopard), 230-39. Orthotetes crenistria, occ. (Benson), 30, 31. Oruaiti pa, Point Dorset (Best), 786, 789. Ostrea, assoc. (Oliver), 531. — hab., &c. (Oliver), 505, 509. — occ. (Cretaceous), (Benson), 50. — angasi, hab. (Oliver), 536. — corrugata, hab. (Oliver), 529, 530. — cucullata, hab. (Oliver), 498, 513, 527, 531, 533, 534, 535. — wuellerstorfi Zitt. (Park), 81. — Tampden (Marshall), 117. otagense, Aecidium. otagoensis, Charopa. otakauensis, Empis. Otaki, raid on, by Whiri-kai (Best), 784. otakou, Uromyces. Otane, artesians at (Hill), 143-44. Otiake, Waihao, stone at (park), 85. Otira Gorge, vegetation (Holloway), 601. otiraensis, Litanomyia. Ototaran, in classific. (Park), 87. Ourisia macrophylla Hook., host of Puccinia pedatissima (Cunningham), 673. ovalis, Bonellitia. ovata, Mactra. — Metopella. ovoideo-aurantium, Aecidium. Oxalidis, Aecidium. Oxalis cymosa Small, aecidiospores from, on maize-leaves (Cunningham), 648. Oxypsocus n. g. (Tillyard), 178. — hamiltoni n. sp., with pl. and figs. (Tillyard), 179. pachydermatina, Boltenia. Pachymagas cottoni, occ. (Marshall), 120. — ellipticus Thomson (Park), 81. — huttoni, occ. (Marshall), 120. Pachymagas parki casts, Target Gully (park), 84. Pachymenia lusoria, hab. (Oliver), 523. Pachyneurinae, in key (Edwards), 266. Pachypora, occ. (Benson), 24. chyrhamma edwardsii not syn. with Pleioplectron cavernae, 234. — fascifer Walk. with figs. (Chopard), 231. Pachyrhina hudsoni Hutton, syn., 332. Pacific godwit. See Vetola lapponica baueri. Paciflc Ocean, former south - west boundary (Benson), 7, 12. — land - extensions in, Speight and Marshall (Benson), 6-7. pacifica, Scalaria. pacificus, Inoceramus. Pae-kakariki, destruction of forest north of (Best), 790. Pagodula vegrandis n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 124. painkhandana, Pseudomonotis. Pakaru-a-te-Rangi, proverb used by (Rangi Hiroa), 729. Pakau, chief of Uruhau pa (Best), 784. Palanearca, occ. (Benson), 22. Plaeaster, occ. (Benson), 23. Palaeechinus, occ. (Benson), 23. Palaeogeogrphic maps, Australasia (Benson), 2, 15 et seq. Palaeozoic seas, Australasia (Benson), 1 et seq. pallida, Macromastix. palmaeformis, Postelsia. Palmer Head, remains of pa (Best), 786. Panenka, occ. (Benson), 23. paniculatum, Stypocaulon. Panopea clausa, occ. (Benson), 52. — zealandica, hab. (Oliver), 505. Pan-Pacific Conference, 1923 meeting, 806, 814. paopao. See Scirpus lacustris. Paphia intermedia, hab. (Oliver), 534, 543. papillosa, Aricia. Papua. See New Guinea. papulosa, Struthiolaria. Para, lagoon, Miramar flat (Best), 786. Paracalliope fluviatilis (G. M. Thomson), (Chilton), 241. Paracurupira n. sp. Tonnoir (Campbell), 264. — chiltoni Campb., figs, (Campbell), 261-62, 264. paradisea, Cerozodia, 328. paradorydium menalus Kirk. (Myers), 416. — philpotti n. sp., with fig. (Myers), 417. — westwoodi (F. B. White), (Myers), 416. Parallelodon. See Arca. Paramithrax, masking of (Oliver), 515, 523. Para-ngarehu, Pencarrow Head (Best), 782. — occupied by Tautoki (Best), 783. Paranotoperla, not represented in N.Z. (Tillyard), 203. parapara, black dye (Rangi Hiroa), 712. parasitica, Conchothyra. Paratylus minikoi Walker, syn. (Chilton), 242. Parawhete, proverb used by (Rangi Hiroa), 729. Parectopa aellomocha Meyr. (Meyrick), 167. pareoraensis, Surcula. pareorense, Dentalium. Paridoten peronii, colouring (Oliver), 514. — ungulata, colouring (Oliver), 514.

parientina, Xanthoria. Paristiopterus labiosus, with pl. (Griffin), 250. Park, J., Chatham Island ridge (Benson), 12. — distribution of Trochus tiaratus (Finlay), 99. — elected F.N.Z. Inst., 800. — graptolite rocks, N.Z. (Benson), 21. — land-mass near N.Z. in Mesozoic times (Benson), 10. — limestones of Permian age (Benson), 36. — mingling of fossil forms (Benson), 13. — plutonic rocks of south-west N.Z. (Benson), 38. — relation of N.Z. to Gondwanaland (Benson), 7. — unfossiliferous sediments below graptolite slates (Benson), 19. Parkinson, S., on the ngurn (Andersen), 754-55. Paropiinae, in key (Myers), 408. parrotsbill. See Clianthus puniceus. parvicauda, Dolichopeza. parviconoidea, Notoacmen. parpicostatum, Epitonium. Paspalum distichum, on seashore (Oliver), 544. passalota, Sabatinca. Patella amuritica, occ. (Benson), 52. Patelloidea stella corticata, hab. (Oliver), 503, 520, 521, 523, 525, 535, 536, 537. patelloides, Onchidella. Patiriella regularis, hab. (Oliver), 513, 521, 522, 523, 524, 526, 529, 534, 535, 540. Patula, Gentiana. paua. See Haliotis. Pauropsalta lindsayi n. sp. (Myers), 431. — maorica n. sp. (Myers), 431. Peckiana, Gymnoconia — Puccinia. Pecopteris, occ. (Benson), 34. Pecten beethami, occ. (Marshall), 120. — delicatulus Hutt. (Park), 81. — fischeri, occ. (Marshall), 120. — aff. fischeri Zitt., Hampden (Marshall), 117. — cf. hilli Hutt., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — hochstetteri Zitt, (Park), 81. — hutchinsoni Hutt. distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — huttoni (Park), (Park), 81. — Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119, 120. — polymorphoides Zitt., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — waihaoensis Sut., Waihao (Marshall), 119. — williamsoni occ, (Marshall), 120. pectoral sandpiper. See Pisobia maculata. Pectunculus convexus Tate, syn., 77. — cordatus (Hutton), syn., 71. — globosus (Hutton), syn., 68. — striatularis Lamk., syn., 77. — raversi (Hutton), syn., 66. — sp. from Amuri Bluff (Marwick), 63. pedatissima, Puccinia. pedestris, Gynoplistia. Pelargonim, Puccinia. Pelargonium grossularioides Ait., identity of (Cunningham), 660. — inodorum Willd., host of Puccinia Morrisoni (Cunningham), 660. Pelargonium zonale L'Herit, host of Puccinia granularis (Cunningham), 659. Pelecypoda, form of shell, &c. (Oliver), 509, 515. — hab., &c. (Oliver), 505, 511, 512, 513. Pelecypods, genus Lahillia (Marsh. & Murd.), 129-30. pellisserpentis, Sypharochiton pellucidum, Calliostoma. peltatum, Hymenophyllum. Pencarrow Head is Para-ngarehu (Best), 782. Penck, —, level of corrie-lakes in N.Z. (Speight), 96. penguin, blue. See Eudyptula minor. Pentamerus, occ. (Benson), 22, 23. — knightii var. stricta, occ. (Benson), 24. perdecorus, Amphineurus. perenne, Lolium. perennis, Bellis. Peripsocinae (Tillyard), 192. Peripsocopsis (Tillyard), 193. — maoricus n. sp., with pl. and text-fig. (Tillyard), 194. — milleri n. sp., with pl. and text-fig. (Tillyard). 195. — morulops n. sp., with pl. and text-fig. (Tillyard), 194. Perisphinctes, occ. (Benson), 42 note, 43. Perissoptera waiparensis, occ. (Benson), 52. Peristemma Syd., syn., 640. Peritheates n. sp., Tillyard and Campbell (Campbell), 264. — harrisi Campb., figs. (Campbell), 261, 264. Perla (?) cyrene Walker, syn., 201. Perlaria (stone-flies) of N.Z. (Tillyard), 197-217. Permian period, Australasia (Benson), 31. “Permo-Carboniferous,” use of term (Benson), 14, 30, 36. Peronella, occ. (Benson), 48. peronii, Paridotea. perornatus, Lippistes benhami var. perscitus, Ameletus. persica, Prunus. petiolata, Lagenophora. petrodoxa, Narycia. Petroeca toitoi, song (Andersen), 768. Petrolisthes elongatus, hab. (Oliver), 520, 529. Peyritschianum, Aecidium. Phacops, occ. (Benson), 23, 24. Phalaris arundinacea L., host of a Puccinia (Cunningham), 642. phaleratus, Rhyphus. Phalium labiatum, (Oliver), 513. Pherusa australis Haswell, syn., 241. Phillipsastraea, occ. (Benson), 23 note, 26. hilobryacostata, hab. (Oliver), 530. Philocryptica n. g. (Meyrick), 164. phiology, words “kawe” and “amo” (Rangi Hiroa), 739. — word-sense of Maori (Andersen), 762. Philotarsopsis n. g. (Tillyard), 182. — delicatus n. sp., with text-fig. (Tillyard), 182. Philotarsus (Tillyard), 180. — guttatus n. sp., with text-fig. (Tillyard), 181. — maculatus n. sp., with pl. and fig. (Tillyard), 181. philpotti, Hilaria. — Paradorydium. Phlei-pratensis, Puccinia.

Phlyctenactis retifera, colouring (Oliver), 515. Pholadidea spathulata, hab. (Oliver), 511. Pholadomya elongata, occ. (Benson), 45. phonolite, Dowling Bay (Finlay and McDowall), 107–8. Phormiun Cookianum, Maori use (Rangi Hiroa), 707. — tenax, Maori use (Rangi Hiroa), 707. Phragmideae, in key (Cunningham), 625. Phragmidium Link., in key (Cunningham), 625. Phrixgnathus celia Hutt. (Murdoch and Findlay), 132. — pumila (Hutt.), (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. phyllanthus, Carpophyllum. Phylloceras, occ. (Benson), 42 note, 43. — strigile, occ. (Benson), 45. Phyllograptus, distrib. (Benson), 20. Physcosoma scolops, hab. (Oliver), 534. Physonemus, occ. (Benson), 28. Phytia assoc. (Oliver), 541. — ornata, hab. (Oliver), 498, 541, 544. Phytomyza albiceps Mg., with figs. and pl. (Watt), 465, 485. — chrysanthemani, identity of (Watt), 465. — clematadi n. sp., with figs. and pl. (Watt), 484. — nigricornis, identity of (Watt), 465. picta, Discobola. — Trochobola. pihareinga. See Acheta campestris. Pileolaria Cast., syn., 625. pileopsis, Notoacmea. Pimelea arenaria A. Cunn., action under sand-burial (Christensen), 546. pingao. See Scipus frondosus. Pinnacle Rock is Te Aroaro o Kupe (Best), 780. Pinna zelandica, attachment of byssus (Oliver), 540. — hab. (Oliver), 505, 511, 540. Pinnotheres pisum, hab. (Oliver), 531, 533. pinnulatus, Trachelochismus. pipe and koauau compared (Andersen), 747. pipit. See Anthus novae-zealandiae. Piroutet, M., New Caledonia land-area (Benson), 38. — Rhaetic fauna of (Benson), 43. Pisobia acuminata (Horsfield), occ. in N.Z. (Stead), 494. — maculata (Vieillot), occ. in N.Z. (Stead), 494. — acuminata Mathews, syn., 494. — minuta (Leisler), migration of (Stead), 493. — ruficollis Mathews and I., syn., 493. — ruficollis (Pallas), migration of (Stead), 493. pisum, Pinnotheres. Pittosporum obcordatum, notes on (Sainsbury), 572–73. Placunanomia incisura (?) Hutt., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. Plagianthi, Puccinia. Plagianthus betulinus A. Cunn., host of Puccinia Plagianthi (Cunningham), 661. plaiting of baskets, &c., Maori (Rangi Hiroa), 706. planatus, Halicarcinus. planetopa, Diptychophora. planispirus, Polinices. planosulcatus, Actinoconchus. 30—Trans. plant-formation, definition of, (Oliver), 516. plant-hoppers. See Fulgoroidea. planulatus, Allodiscus. — Mytilus. platessa, Callochiton. Platurus colubrinus, a straggler (Oliver), 500. platurus, Hydrus. platyoniachua bipustulatus, hab. (Oliver), 539. Platyptilia ferruginea n. sp. (Philpott), 150. — pulverulenta n. sp. (Philpott), 149. Platyschisma sp., occ. (Benson), 32. Platystrophia, occ. (Benson), 23. Plaxiphora biramosa, hab. (Oliver), 513, 520, 521, 523, 531. — caelata, hab. (Oliver), 505, 513, 521, 525, 528, 531, 532, 534, 536. — egregia, hab. (Oliver), 520, 521. — obtecta, hab. (Oliver), 513, 521, 531. — terminalis, hab. (Oliver), 534. plebeiana, Eucosma. Plectoptera, or Ephemeroptera, n. sp. of (Tillyard), 226–30. Pleioplectron cavernae Hutt., with figs. (Chopard), 233. pleurobranchs, hab. (Oliver), 504. Pleurobranchus novae-zealandiae, colouring (Oliver), 515. — ornatus, colouring (Oliver), 515. Pleurodictyum, occ. (Benson), 22, 23 (note). — allied to P. megastomum (Benson), 25. pleurodon, Rhynchonella. Pleurotomaria, occ. (Benson), 32, 36. — maoriensis, occ. (Benson), 52. — tertiaria, occ. (Marshall), 120. plicatellum, Vexillum. plicatus, Elminius. plover, Pacific golden. See Pluvialis dominicus fulvus. plovers of N.Z. (Stead), 490. plumosa, Cerozodia. plumosum, Carpophyllum. pluto, Hadeodelphax. Pluvialis dominicus fulvus (Gmelin), migration (Stead), 492. Poa annua L., host of Puccinia Poarum (Cunningham), 647. — caespitosa Spreng., host of Uromyces otakou (Cunningham), 627. — pratensis L., host of Puccinia Poarum (Cunningham), 647. — Wallii n. sp. (Petrie), 571. Poae, Uromyces. Poarum, Puccinia. poculiforme, Dicaeoma. — Lycoperdon. poculiformis, Puccinia. Podocerus cristatus, hab. (Oliver), 522. Polack, J. S., Maori flutes (Andersen), 747. Polinices planispirus Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — spinosus, hab. (Oliver), 513, 535. Polioma Arth., syn., 640. polita Gynoplistia. politus, Turris. Polycarpa, hab., &c. (Oliver), 507. Polychaeta, hab., &c. (Oliver), 506, 511. Polygoni, Caeomurus. — Nigredo.

Polygoni, Puccinia. — Uromyces. Polygonii-Aviculare, Puccinia. Polygonum aviculare L., host of Uromyces Polygoni (Cunningham), 630. polymorphoides, Pecten. polymorphus, Uromyces. polyplax, Stichaster. Polypodium australe, host of Agromyza flavopleura (Watt), 481. — Billardieri, host of Agromyza flavopleura (Watt), 481. Polythelis Arth., syn., 640. Pomaderris Edgerleyi and P. rugosa (Cheeseman), 566. — rugosa n. sp. (Cheeseman), 566. Ponapoceras, occ. (Benson), 32, 33. ponderosa, Venericardia. ponderosum, Calliostoma. populnea, Hoheria. porera, weaving of (Rangi Hiroa), 721. Porina mimica n. sp. (Philpott), 153. — senex Huds., discovery of female (Philpott), 153. poromera, Puccinia. porosa, Heliolites. porosus, Cryptoconchus. Porphyra assoc. (Oliver), 526. — structure (Oliver), 523. — columbina (Oliver), 526, 532, 536. — subtumens, on Durvillea (Oliver), 520. porphyritis, Orthenches. porrifolia, Microtis. Portage-Chemung faunal migration (Benson), 28. Posidonomya, occ. (Benson), 43. Post-Cretaceous age, Australasia (Benson), 52. Postelsia palmaeformis, stipe of (Herriott), 554. Potamopyrgus antipodum, hab. (Oliver), 499, 532, 542, 544. — corolla salleana, hab. (Oliver), 532. potatorum, Durvillea. poti, making of (Rangi Hiroa), 729. Pou a Amuketi, Te, named after Captain Kent (Best), 787. Poukawa Lake and artesians (Hill), 143. pounamu, Puccinia. praegracilis, Puccinia. praenanthoides, Erechtites. praeputralis, Cynthia. prasina, Chloroperla. — Stenoperla. prasinus, Hermes. pratense, Trifolium. pratensis, Alopecurus. — Avena. — Festuca. — Poa. Pratia spp., hosts of aecidium of Puccinia aucta (Cunningham), 674. Prenaster, occ. (Benson), 52. presidential address, 1922 (T. H. Easterfield), XXIX—XXXI. Preservation Inlet, graptolite slates (Benson), 19. primipilaris, Rhynchonella. priodon, Monograptus. producta, Limopsis. productum, Cardium. Productus abichi, occ. (Benson), 32. — asperulus, occ. (Benson). 32. — cora, occ. (Benson), 33. — gratiosus, occ. (Benson), 33. — semireticulatus, occ. (Benson), 30, 32. — spiralis, occ. (Benson), 33. — subquadratus, occ. (Benson), 31. Proetus, occ. (Benson), 24, 33. propinqua, Coprosma. Prospodium Arth., syn., 640. prostratum, Apium. protective characteristics of marine animals (Oliver), 514. Protobiella, n. g. (Tillyard), 218. — zelandica n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 219. Protocardia pulchella (Gray), Hampden (Marshall), 117. Protocardium, occ. (Benson), 49, 50. Protospongia, occ. (Benson), 18, 21. protransenna, Surcula. proverbs, Maori, concrning food-basket (Rangi Hiroa), 729. — concerning the kawe (Rangi Hiroa), 739. Pruni, Puccinia. — Uredo. Pruni-spinosae, Dicaeoma. — Puccinia Prunorum, Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. — Uromyces. Prunus amygdalus Stokes, host of Puccinia Pruni-spinosae (Cunningham), 659. — armeniaca L., host of Puccinia Prunispinosae (Cunningham), 659. — domestica Stokes, host of Puccinia Prunispinosae (Cunningham), 659. — persica Stokes, host of Puccinia Prunispinosae (Cunningham), 659. Psammosolen, Cretaceous occ. (Benson), 50. psathyra, Batrachedra. pseudoarmoricus, Leptoconus. Pseudoavicula, occ. (Benson), 47. pseudocaudata, Trigonia. Pseudogerygone igata, possibly two species (Andersen), 764. — song (Andersen), 763. Pseudomonotis ochotica, occ. (Benson), 38, 39. — aff. painkhandana, occ. (Benson), 38: — richmondiana, occ. (Benson), 39. — subcircularis, occ. (Benson), 39. Psiloconopa Zett., in key (Edwards), 297. Psocoptera, or Copeognatha, of N.Z., monograph (Tillyard), 170–96. Psocus zelandicus Hudson, syn., 186. Psychodidae, in key (Edwards), 266. psychology of bird-song (Andersen), 774. Pterocladia lucida, hab. (Oliver), 521, 522. Pteronites, occ. (Benson), 22. Ptychodon suteri n. sp., with pl. (Murdoch and Finlay), 132, 133. Ptychoparia, occ. (Benson), 17, 18, 19. Ptychopteridae, in key (Edwards), 266. pu. See putorino. publication fund, contributors, 819–21. Puccineae (Cunningham), 619. — in classific. (Cunningham), 625. Puccinella Fcl., syn., 625.

Puccinia, in classific. (Cunningham), 640. — in key (Cunningham), 625. — Agropyrina Erikss., identity of (Cunningham), 644. — Allanii n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 675, 691. — Angelicae Fcl., difference from Puccinia cuniculi (Cunningham), 667. — anomala Rostr., syn., 647. — Anthoxanthi Fcl., syn., 644. — apus, related to P. pedatissima (Cunningham), 673. — Asperifolii Wettst. (Cunningham), 643. — Atkinsonii n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 675, 692. — aucta Berkeley and F. v. Mueller, with fig. (Cunningham), 674. — Aviculare DC., syn., 630. — Beckmanniae McAlp., syn., 641. — Bellidis Lagerh., syn., 652. — Berkeleyana De Toni, syn., 671. — Boisduvaliae Peck, syn., 665. — Bromina Erikss., syn., 643. — Calaminthae Fcl., syn., 672. — Cardui-pycnocephali Sydow, with fig. (Cunningham), 676. — Caricis Scroeter, with fig. (Cunningham), 649. — Shroet., life-history (Cunningham), 620. — Castagnei Thuemen, syn., 669. — Catharticae Lagerh., syn., 641. — cerealis H. Mart., syn, 644. — Chrysanthemi Roze (Cunningham), 678. — Chrysanthemi-chinensis P. Henn., syn., 678. — Cichorii Bellynck, with fig. (Cunningham), 679. — Cinerariae McAlpine, with fig. (Cunningham), 679. — Clarkiae Peck, syn., 665. — clavata Sydow, with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 655. — Clinopodii DC., syn., 672. — Cockaynei n. sp. with fig. (Cunningham), 670, 692. — contegens n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 656, 692. — Coprosmae Cooke, with fig. (Cunningham), 673. — Coprosmatis Morrison, syn., 673. — coronata Corda, with fig. (Cunningham), 641. — coronifera Kleb., syn., 641. — culmorum Schum., syn., 644. — cuniculi n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 666, 693. — Cyani Passerini, with fig. (Cunningham), 680. — Dichondrae Montagne, with fig. (Cunningham), 671. — discolor Fcl., syn., 658. — dispersa Eriksson and Henning, with fig. (Cunningham), 643. — distincta McAlp., with fig. (Cunningham), 681. — egmontensis n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 681, 693. — Elymi Westnd. = Dicaeoma Clematidis (Cunningham), 644. Puccinia Epilobii Schroet., syn., 665. — Epilobii-tetragonii Wint., syn., 665. — Erechtitis McAlp., with fig. (Cunningham), 682. — Erikssonii Bubak., syn., 641. — Eulobi Diet. et Holw., syn., 665. — fallens Cke., syn., 633, 634. — fodiens n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 682, 694. — galatica Syd., syn. (Cunningham), 676, 678. — Garrettii Arth., syn., 649. — Gayophyti Billings, syn., 665. — Gentianae Link., difference from P. Cockaynei (Cunningham), 671. — glabella Holway, syn., 665. — glumarum Erikss. et Henn., a subdivision of P. dispersa (Cunningham), 643, 644. — graminis Persoon, with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 644. — granularis Kalchbrenner and Cooke, with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 659. — Halorrhagidis n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 664, 694. — hectorensis n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 683, 694. — Hederaceae McAlp., with fig. (Cunning ham), 662. — Heterantha Ell. et Ev., syn., 665. — Hieracii Mart., syn., 679. — Hoheriae n. sp., with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 661, 695. — Holcina Erikss., syn., 643. — Hydrocotyles Cooke, with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 667. — Hypochoeridis McAlp., syn., 684. — Oudemans, with fig. (Cunningham), 683. — inornata n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 657, 695. — intermedia Diet. et Holw., syn., 665. — interstitialis Tranz., syn., 690. — jubata Ellis & Barth., 644. — juncophila Cooke and Massee, with fig., syn., 652. — Kirkii n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 653, 695. — kopoti n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 668, 696. — Labiatarum Schlecht., syn., 672. — Lagenophorae Cooke, with fig. (Cunningham), 684. — Lampsanae Fcl., syn., 685. — Lapsanae Fuckel, with fig. (Cunningham), 685. — Lolii Niels., syn., 641. — Ludwigii Tepp., on Rumex Brownii (Cunningham), 654. — Luzulae-maximae Diet., syn., 652. — Macalpini Syd., syn., 684. — Malvacearum Bertero, with fig. (Cunningham), 661. — Maydis Bereng., syn., 648. — Melicae Syd., syd., 641. — Menthae Persoon, with fig. (Cunningham), 672. — americana Burrill, syn., 672. — Microseris McAlp., syn., 683.

Puccinia Morrisoni McAlp., with fig. (Cunningham), 660. — munita Ludw., syn., 671. — neurophila De Toni, syn., 632. — novae-zelandiae n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 686, 696. — obscura Schroeter, with fig. (Cunningham), 652. — obtegens Tulasne, with fig. (Cunningham), 686. — Oenotherae Vize, syn., 665. — Oleariae, resemblance of teleutospores to P. novae-zelandiae (Cunningham), 686. — Oreomyrrhidis n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 669, 697. — Peckiana Howe, syn., 690. — pedatissima, with fig. (Cunningham), 673. — Pelargonii Syd., difference from P. granularis (Cunningham), 660. — Phlei-pratensis Erikss., syn., 644. — Plagianthi McAlp., with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 660. — Poarum Nielsen (Cunningham), 647. — poculiformis Wettst., syn., 644. — Polygoni Pers., syn., 630. — Polygonii-Aviculare Pers., syn., 630. — poromera Holw., position of germ-pores, 654. — pounamu n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 688, 697. — praegracilis Arth., syn., 641. — Pruni DC., syn., 658. — Pruni-spinosae Pers., with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 658. — Prunorum Link., syn., 658. — pulverulenta Greville, with fig. (Cunningham), 665. — Pycnanthemi Schw., syn., 672. — recondita Roberge, syn., 643. — Reidii n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 657, 698. — Rhamni Wettst., syn., 641. — rubigo-vera Wint., syn., 643. — Secalina Grove, syn., 643. — Senecionis Lib., difference from P. tasmanica (Cunningham), 689. — Sesleriae-coerulae E. Fisch., syn., 644. — simplex Eriksson and Henning, with fig. (Cunningham), 647. — Sorghi Schweinitz, with fig. (Cunningham), 648. — Sphaerostigmatis Diet. et Negr., syn., 665. — satraminis Fcl., syn., 643. — straminis simplex Koern., syn., 647. — suavolens Rostr., syn., 680. — subnitens, not found in N.Z. (Cunningham), 630. — Symphyti-Bromorum F. Muell., syn., 643. — tararua n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 671, 698. — tasmanica Dietel, with figs. (Cunningham), 620, 689. — tenuispora McAlp. (Cunningham), 653. — Tetragoniae McAlp., with fig. (Cunningham), 655. — Thuemeni (Thuemen) McAlp., with fig. (Cunningham), 669. Puccinia tiritea n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 654, 698. — Trifolii Hedw. f., syn., 633. — tripustulata Peck, syn., 690. — Triseti Erikss., a division of P. rubigo-vera (Cunningham), 644. — Triticina Erikss., identity of (Cunningham), 644. — Unciniarum Dietel and Neger, with fig. (Cunningham), 650. — Urticae Lagerh., syn., 649. — urticata Kern., syn., 649. — vaginalium Link., syn., 630. — vilis Arth., syn., 644. — Zauschneriae Syd., syn., 665. — Zeae Bereng., syn., 648. Pucciniaceae (Cunningham), 619. — in classific. (Cunningham), 624. puccinioides, Uromyces. Pucciniola Marchand, syn., 625. Puffinus griseus, kept in kelp bags (Rangi Hiroa), 732. pugnax, Ericthonius. Puhirangi pa, waiata connected with (Best), 789. Pukekarara Creek, fossils (Park), 81. Puketawai, Middle Mesozoic rocks (Park), 88. pulchella, Protocardia. pulcherrima, Rhynchonella. pulcherrimum, Aecidium. — Hymenophyllum. — pulcherrimus, Molophilus. pulex, Modiolus. Pulmonata in littoral belt (Oliver), 498. pulsatoria, Atropos. pulverulenta, Cerozodia. — Platyptilia. — Puccinia. pumila, Carex. — Corbula. — Lagenophora. — Phrixgnathus. pumoana (trumpet), characteristics of (Andersen), 755. Puna a Tara, Te, a spring in Worser Bay (Best), 782. punamutica, Eriptycha. punctata, Tranzschelia. punctatum, Aecidium. punctulatum, Calliostoma. Puncturella, shell of (Oliver), 512. punicea, Chloroclystis. puniceus, Clianthus. — Diplocrepis. Punjab-Man-t'o sea of Lower Cambrian (Benson), 18. “Pu o te tonga, Te,” house built on Somes Island (Best), 782. purpurata, Venericardia. purpuratus, Cantharidus. putara (trumpet), characteristics of, with pl. (Andersen), 755. — vocalization of sound (Andersen), 756. putorino (bugle-flute), characteristics of, with pl. (Andersen), 754. putorino and koauau of Tutanekai and Tiki (Andersen), 749, 750. puwharawhara. See Astelia Banksii. Puzozia gaudana, occ. (Benson), 51.

Pyananthemi, Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. pycnoblastoides, Halysites. pycnocephalus, Carduus. Pyrazus, shell of (Oliver), 512. — herculeus assoc. (Oliver), 639. pyrifera, Macrocystis. quadrifidum, Aecidium. quail, Californian. See Callipepla californica. Queensland Gulf (Benson), 2, 44–46. quinqueporula, Uredo. quoyana, Sphaeroma. — Talorchestia. Radiacmea rubiginosa, hab. (Oliver), 523. radians, Cellana. radiata, Eclonia. radicans, Selliera. Radicula sp. ined., host of Puccinia Reidii (Cunningham), 657. Radiolaria in Upper Cretaceous (Benson), 49. radiolites, occ. (Benson), 50. rainfall. See meteorology. rajah, Spirifer. ramiflorus, Melicytus. Ranga-a-Hiwi, range from Mount Victoria to Island Bay (Best), 783. “rangi,” use of term in song (Andersen), 757. Rangi-kai-kore, Te, chief of Wai-hirere (Best), 784. Rangitane, ancestor of Wairarapa tribe (Best), 783. Rangitaotahi, Te, a famous flautist (Andersen), 749. Rangitata, Upper, hanging valleys (Speight), 90–98. Rangitatau pa, near Palmer Head (Best), 786. Ranunculocearum, Aecidium. Ranuncularum, Aecidium. Ranunculi-acris, Aecidium. Ranunculus lappaceus Smith, host of Puccinia contegens (Cunningham), 656. — multiscapus Hook, f., host of Puccinia contegens (Cunningham), 657. Raoul, E., hab. of Pittosporum obcordatum (Samsbury), 572. raouli, Micromasoria. Raoulii var. teretifolia, Danihonia. rapanuiensis, Glycymeris. Raphistoma, occ. (Benson), 18, 22. Raphistomina, occ. (Benson), 22. Rarangi a Kupe, Te, Barrett's Reef (Best), 780. rarum, Hymenophyllum. “Eaukawa,” house built on Seatoun heights (Best), 783. Receptaculites australis, occ. (Benson), 25. recondita, Puccinia. Redlichia, occ. (Benson), 17. — of R. noetlingi form (Benson), 18. red-necked sandpiper. See Pisobia ruficollis. redolens, Hierochloe. Reed, F. R. C., age of Macdonnell fossils (Benson), 22. — American affinities in Australian Devonian beds (Benson), 27. Reed, F. R. C., fauna of Australian Carboniferous (Benson), 30. — Silurian faunas (Benson), 25. reflexa, Venerupis. regius, Turris. regularis, Asterina. — Patiriella. Reidii, Puccinia. reniforme, Trichomanes. repanda, Dicranomyia. — Limnobia. repens, Agropyron. — Dichondra. — Trifolium. — Triticum. repentis, Uromyces Trifolii. research grants, report, 1921, 814–18. — regulations, &c., 835–36. resectans, Carex. restincta, Isonomeutis. resupinata, Orthis. Reticularia lineata, occ. (Benson), 30, 32, 33. reticulatus, Turris. retifera, Phlyctenactis. Retiolites, distrib. (Benson), 21. retroflexa, Cystophora. Retzia, occ. (Benson), 39. Rhaetic forms, Australian Triassic beds (Benson), 39. Rhamni, Aecidium. — Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. Rhamnus cathartica L., aecidiospores on Lolium perenne (Cunningham), 642. — Frangula L., aecidia of Puccinia coronata on (Cunningham), 642. Rhamphidia levis Hutton, syn., 289. Rhamphophila n. g. (Edwards), 301, 302. — lyrifera n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 304. — obscuripennis (Hudson), with figs. (Ed- wards), 303. rheticus, Arcestes. rhizoida, Rhizothyris. Rhizothyris rhizoida (Hutt.), (Park), 81. rhodobapta, Cryptolechia. Rhopalostylis sapida, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 709. Rhynchonella, occ. (Benson), 24, 39, 49. — (Hypothyris) cuboides, occ. (Benson), 27. — moluccana, occ. (Benson), 43. — pleurodon, occ. (Benson), 28, 32, 36. — primipilaris, occ. (Benson), 28, 32, 36. — pulcherrima, occ. (Benson), 42, note. — timorensis, occ. (Benson), 32, note. Rhynchotreta, occ. (Benson), 22, 23. Rhypholophus fatuus Hutton, syn., 293. — insulus Hutton, syn., 293. Rhyphus neozelandicus Schiner, syn., 269. — notatus Hutton, syn., 270. — phaleratus Walker, syn., 269. — undulatus Lamb, syn., 270. rhythm of Maori song (Andersen), 758. ribbonwood. See Hoheria populnea. riccartonensis, Monograptus. Richardiana, Ecklonia. Richards, H., Devonian limestones (Benson), 26. Richarz, P. S., Cretaceous rocks (Benson), 50. richmondiana, Pseudomonotis.

Richthofenia, occ. (Benson), 34. rigida, Celmisia. — Ulva. Rimurapa, Te, Sinclair Head (Best), 780. Risellopsis varia, hab, (Oliver), 527, 528, 532, 535, 536. Rissoina olivacea, hab. (Oliver), 529. — obliquecostata Marsh. & Murd., Hampden (Marshall), 117. rivers of Canterbury, similar head arrangement (Speight), 93. Riwai Miringaorangi, on the koauau, 749. Robinson, —, in Wellington, 1839 (Best), 788. Robinsoni, Uromycladium. robusta, Coprosma. — Glycymeris. Fock-borers on littoral (Oliver), 511. Rodney, Cape, fossiliferous breccias (Park), 88. Rolling Downs formation (Benson), 46, 47. roll of honour, xxv-xxvii. Romanes, G. J., nature of bird-song, 777. roria, the jew's-harp (Andersen), 755. “Rosanna” in Wellington Harbour (Best), 788. rosea, Althaea. — Turritella. roseata, Trachypepla. rosicoma, Sabatinca. Rostanga rubicunda, colouring (Oliver), 515. rostrata, Sardia. Rostrupia Lagerh., syn., 640. Roto-kura, lagoon on Miramar flat (Best), 786. rotundifolia, Malva. rotundifrons, Heterozius. rotundum, Epitonium. Royal Society Range and Antarctandes (Benson), 10. roysii, Cleiothyris. Rua-kapanga and the moa (Best), 783. Ruataniwha Plain artesians (Hill), 134–47. rubicunda, Rostanga. — Terebratella. rubiginosa, Radiacmea. rubigo-vera, Puccinia. — Uredo. rubra, Hyale. rubrus, Ericentrus. Rubus australis Forst. f., action under shingleburial (Christensen), 547. — fruticosus L., host of Gymnoconia Peckiana (Cunningham), 690. rudis, Borsonia. — Turritella. rudistids, occ. (Benson), 50. Ruedemann, R., graptolite fauna of New York and Victoria (Benson), 14. rufa, Gnophomyia. — Tipula. rufescens, Hymenophyllum. ruficollis, Limonites. — Pisobia. — minuta. — Trynga. rufiventris, Macromastix. rugosa, Pomaderris. rugosum, Splachnidium. rugulosum lyratum, Epitonium. Rumex Brownii Campd., resemblance to R. flexuosus (Cunningham), 654. Rumex flexuosus Sol., host of Puccinia Kirkii (Cunningham), 653. — neglectus T. Kirk, host of Puccinia Kirkii (Cunningham), 653. rupestris, Gaultheria. Ruppia, leaves (Oliver), 514. ruru. See Ninox novae-zealandiae. ruscifolia, Coriaria. Russell, I. C., formation of hanging valleys (Speight), 95. rust-fungi of N.Z. (Cunningham), 619. rutila, Lepsiella scobina. Rutten, L., age of rocks, Kei Islands (Benson), 50. — foraminifera of New Guinea (Benson), 49. — Post-Cretaceous of New Guinea (Benson), 52. Sabatinca calliarcha Meyr., venation, with fig. (Philpott), 157, 159. — caustica Meyr., venation, with fig. (Philpott), 157, 158. — chrysargyra (Meyr.), venation, with figs. (Philpott), 157, 158. — demissa n. sp. (Philpott), 154. — Philp., venation, with fig. (Philpott), 157. 161. — ianthina Philp., venation, with fig. (Philpott), 157, 159. — incongruella Walk, discovery of cocoon, &c. (Philpott), 154. — venation, with fig. (Philpott), 156, 157. — lucilia Clarke, venation, with fig. (Philpott), 156, 157. — passalota n. sp. (Meyrick), 169. — rosicoma Meyr., venation, with figs. (Phil pott), 156, 157. Sackeni, Gynoplistia. sacya, Gaudryceras. sagittata, Nucula. salicifolia, Veronica. Salicornia australis, hab. (Oliver), 496. salicornioides, Veronica. Salix alba Linn., action under sand - burial (Christensen), 546. salleana, Potamopyrgus corolla. Salterella, occ. (Benson). 17. Sambucus nigra Linn., action under sand-burial (Christensen), 546 Samoan observatory, maintenance, 802. Samolus repens, on seashore (Oliver), 543. sand-coprosma. See Coprosma acerosa. sanderling. See Calidris alba. sand-pimelea. See Pimelea arenaria. sandpiper, curlew. See Etolia ferruginea. — pectoral. See Pisobia maculata. — red-necked. See Pisobia ruficollis. — sharp-tailed. See Pisobia acuminata. sanguinolentum, Hymenophyllum. Sanidophyllum, occ. (Benson), 26. sapida, Rhopalostylis. Sardia rostrata Mel. (Muir), 257. Sarepta obolella (Tale), Hampden (Marshall), 117. — solenelloides Marshall, Hampden and Walhao (Marshall), 117, 119. — tenuis Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. Sargassum Sinclairii, in assoc. (Oliver), 521.

Sargassum tristichum assoc. (Oliver), 519. satchels, Maori, making of (Rangi Hiroa), 732. sativa, Avena. — Medicago. Satureiae, Uredo. Saxicava arctica, hab. (Oliver), 522, 534. scabra, Asterias. scabrum, Hymenophyllum. Scalaria pacifica, occ. (Benson), 52. scale, in music, Greek and other, Davies (Andersen), 745. Scalpellum villosum, hab., &c. (Oliver), 513, 534. scapha, Notoacmea. Scaphella elongata, occ. (Marshall), 120. Scaphites, occ. (Benson), 49, 50. — occ. (Park), 86. Scatopsidae, in key (Edwards), 266. schayeri, Ophionereis. schists, N.S.W., age of (Benson), 7. Schroeder, H., fossils of Dwyka tillite (Benson), 36. Schroeterella Syd., syn., 640. Schubert, R. J., horizon of Timor Fusulinidae (Benson), 33. Schuchert, C., determinations of fossils (Benson), 14. — fauna of Productus limestone (Benson), 33. — Portage-Chemung faunal migration (Benson), 28. — relationship, Australia and N.Z. (Benson), 9. — tillites of Adelaide region (Benson), 16. Schwagerina verbeeki, occ. (Benson), 34. Sciaridae, in key (Edwards), 266. Scirpus americanus, on seashore (Oliver), 544. — frondosus, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 708, 736. — lacustris, Maori use of (Rangi Hiroa), 708, 712. Sclerotelium Sydow, syn., 640. scobina, Lepsiella. Scolecolepides benhami, hab. (Oliver), 541. Scolopax haemastica Linnaeus, syn., 492. Scoloplos cylindrica. scolops, Physcosoma. Scoparia zophochlaena n. sp. (Meyrick), 162. scoparium, Leptospermum. Scorpis aeguipinnis Richardson, with pl. (Griffin), 253. Scott, D., in Wellington Harbour, 1831 (Best), 788. Scutuloidea maculata, hab. (Oliver), 522. Scutus ambiguus, hab. (Oliver), 504, 530 Scytothamnus australis, characteristics (Oliver), 516, 525. sea-snake, a straggler (Oliver), 500. sea-temperature (Oliver), 500–1. Seatoun, first Maori occupation (Best), 782. — foreshore, Te Turanga o Kupe (Best), 780. — formerly Maraenui (Best). 780. — origin of name (Best), 790. Secale cereale, host of Puccinia dispersa (Cunningham), 643. Secalina, Puccinia. sedoides, Caulerpa. Seila attenuissima Marsh. & Murd., Hampden (Marshall), 117. seismological equipment, 801. Selliera radicans, hab. (Oliver), 499, 544. — host of Uromyces puccinioides (Cunningham), 635. semiconcava, Syrnola. — Turritela. semifuscatus, Maoripsocus. seminuda, Stathmopoda. semireticulatus, Productus. semiteres, Nuculana. Senecio Bidwillii Hook, f., action in moss-bog (Christensen), 546. — host of Puccinia hectorensis (Cunningham), 683. — lagopus Raoul, host of Puccinia Allanii (Cunningham), 675. — lautus Forst. f., host of Puccinia tasmanica (Cunningham), 689. — southlandicus Cockayne, host of Puccinia pounamu (Cunningham), 688. — vulgaris L., host of Phytomyza albiceps (Watt), 486. — host of Puccinia tasmanica (Cunningham), 689. Senecionis, Puccinia. senex, Galeodea. — Porina. — Tipula. senilis, Derbyia. — Verconella. septiformis, Notoacmea. serotina, Surcula. Sertularia, hab. (Oliver), 523. Sesleriae-coerulae, Puccinia. Seward, A. C., plants of N.Z. and Gondwanaland (Benson), 41, note. sexdentatus, Heterograpsus. Shakespear. Mrs. E. M., Ordovician graptolites (Benson), 21. Sharp, D., obituary notice (Hudson), xiv. sharp-tailed sandpiper. See Pisobia acuminata. Shearsby, A. S., Silurian rocks of N.S.W. (Benson), 24. shells, erosion of (Oliver), 508. — forms of (Oliver), 504, 509–10. shingle, plants buried by (Christensen), 546. shrimptoni, Glycymeris. Sigapatella novaezelandiae (Less.), distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. Silurian age, Australasia (Benson), 22. — rocks in N.Z. (Benson), 24. — widespread in N.S.W. (Benson), 24. similis, Barnea. — Struthiolariopsis. simplex, Leptocarpus. — Puccinia. — straminis. Simuliidae, in key (Edwards), 266. Sinclair Head is Te Rimurapa (Best), 780. sinclairi, Macromastix. — Sypharochiton. Sinclairii, Sargassum. sinistra, Limnophila. Sinum carinatum (Hutton), Hampden (Marshall), 117. — elegans Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 117. sinuosa, Colpomenia. Siphluridae, new species of (Tillyard), 226–27. Siphonalia conoidea (Zitt.), (Park), 81.

Siphonaria, shell (Oliver), 513. — australis, hab. (Oliver), 498, 503, 515, 520, 521. — obliquata, hab. (Oliver), 498, 527, 532, 537. — form of shell, fig. (Oliver), 510. — spawn (Oliver), 537. — zealandica, hab. (Oliver), 498, 521, 526, 528, 532, 534, 535, 536, 537, 543. — form of shell (Oliver), 510. — spawn (Oliver), 537. Siphonotreta, occ. (Benson), 19. Sitotroga cerealella Ol. (Meyrick), 164. Skeats, E. W., rocks of Victoria (Benson), 19. skusei, Limnophila. skylark. See Alauda arvensis. small veronica gallery-fly. See Agromyza umbroza. smaragdus, Turbo. Smith, J. P., Asiatic-American faunal migration (Benson), 28, 38. Smith, S. Percy, obituary notice (Best), xiii. smithii, Empis. — Hilaria. sociale, Cerithium. solenelloides, Sarepta. Solenodonta Cast., syn., 640. Soletellina sp., Hampden (Marshall), 117. — nitida, hab. (Oliver), 540. solidum, Dentalium. solidus, Fusinus. Somes Island is Matiu (Best), 780. — Isle of the North on Barnett chart (Best), 788. — occupied by Tara (Best), 782. Sonchus asper, host of Phytomyza albiceps (Watt), 486. — oleraceus, host of Phytomyza albiceps (Watt), 486. song, Maori (Andersen), 743. — composed on Miramar (Best), 789. Southern Alps, formation of (Benson), 2, 4, 11. — glaciation of (Speight), 92–93. southlandicus, Senecio. Spaniocerca n g., with fig. (Tillyard), 216. — zelandica n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 216. Spatangus, occ. (Benson), 52. spathulata, Pholadidea. spatiosa, Tortrix. speciosa, Gynoplistia. — Veronica. spectrum, Macrochale. Speight, R., distrib. of Trochus tiaratus (Finlay), 100. — Hector award, 800. — Rocks of Bounty Island (Benson), 11. — subantarctic islands (Benson), 7. — summary of land-extensions in Pacific (Benson), 6–7. speighti, Gynoplistia. Spermophorella (Tillyard), 218–19. Sphaerexocus, occ. (Benson), 24. sphaerocephala, Lumbriconereis. Sphaeroceras, occ. (Benson), 43. Sphaeroma, hab (Oliver), 520, 521. — quoyana, hab. (Oliver), 511. Sphaerostigmatis. Puccinia. Spilonota macropetana Meyr. (Meyrick), 164. spinellus, Caulacanthus. spinifera, Aethocola. spiniger, Nesoperla. spinosa, Struthiolaria. spinosus, Euthriofusus. — Polinices. spinulosa, Hermella. spiralis, Producta. Spirechina Arth., syn., 625. Spirifera, occ. (Benson), 22, 36. — bisulcata, occ. (Benson), 30, 32, 36. — disjuncta, occ. (Benson), 20. — fasciger, occ. (Benson), 33. — marcoui, occ. (Benson), 31. — musakheylensis, occ. (Benson), 31, 32. — rajah, occ. (Benson), 33. — striata, occ. (Benson), 30. — supramosquensis, occ. (Benson), 36. — cf. verneuills (S. disjuncta) occ. (Benson), 27. — yassensis, occ. (Benson), 25. Spiriferina?, occ. (Benson), 33. — fragilis, occ. (Benson), 39. — octoplicata, occ. (Benson), 30. Spirigera wreyi, occ. (Benson), 39. Spirorbis, hab. (Oliver), 520, 525, 530, 542. spissa, Antigona. spitiensis, Aucella. Splachnidium rugosum, water - reservoirs in (Oliver), 508, 523, 534. Spongophyllum, occ. (Benson), 24, 26. squamatus, Neothais lacunosa. squamiformis, Lingula. squamosa, Hemithyris. squamosus, Amphilochus. Stacheoceras, occ. (Benson), 32, 33. Stakman, E. C., and others, on bridging host in rusts (Cunningham), 647. Stanley, E. R., age of Tauri River rocks, Papua (Benson), 27. Staten Land of Tasman and Brouwer (Best), 789. Stathmopoda coracodes n. sp. (Meyrick), 167. — distincta (Philpott), 152. — mysteriastis: S. seminuda Philp., syn. (Meyrick), 167. — seminuda Philp., syn. (Meyrick), 167. statutory grant to N.Z. Institute, 806. Staurocephalus, occ. (Benson), 24. Stegnaster inflatus, hab. (Oliver), 522. stella corlicata, Patelloidea. Stelleroidea, forms of (Oliver), 513. stellifera, Cellana. stellulata, Carex. Stenopelmatidae of N.Z (Chopard), 230–39. Stenoperla, with fig. (Tillyard), 200. Stenoperla (?) cyrene Hutton, syn., 201. — prasina (Newman), with fig. (Tillyard), 200. Stenoperlinae (Tillyard), 199. Stenotheca, occ. (Benson), 17. Stephanoceras blagdeni, occ. (Benson), 43. — calloviensis, occ. (Benson), 43. — coronatus, occ. (Benson), 43. — lamellosum, occ. (Benson), 43. Stephens, W. J., correlation of rocks, Australia and N.Z. (Benson), 4. Stichaster australis, hab. (Oliver), 513, 521, 522, 523. — polyplav, hab. (Oliver), 534. — suteri, hab. (Oliver), 531.

stigmaticus, Mesopsocus. stint, little. See Pisobia minuta. stirophora, Euthria. stolonifera, Agrostis. stone-flies (Perlaria) of N.Z. (Tillyard), 197–217. Stony Creek. Takaka, Cainozoic limestone (Park), 88. Stowell, H. haka based on song of cicada, 760–61. — Maori playing of jew's-harp, 756. straminis, Puccinia. — simplex, Puccinia. stratigraphical geology, importance of (Benson), 14. Streblites, occ. (Benson), 45. — motutaranus, occ. (Benson), 42, note. Streptorhynchus cf. crenistria, occ. (Benson), 32. striata, Crepidula. — Discobola. — Myodora. — Neothais. — Spirifera. striatularis, Glycymeris. — Peclunculus. striatum, Triglochin. striatus, Uromyces. stricta, Pentamerus knightii var. strictum, Trichomanes. strigile, Phylloceras. strigilis, Cellana. Stringocephalus, occ. (Benson), 26, 27. “stripped peneplain,” use of term (Park), 89. Stromatopora, occ. (Benson), 24. Strombus, occ. (Benson), 50. Strophalosia, occ. (Benson), 32, 34. — (? cf. gerardi), occ. (Benson), 32. Strophedonta, occ. (Benson), 23. strophomenoides, Choneles. Struthiolaria, foot (Oliver), 511. — operculum (Oliver), 506. — cincta Hutton, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — minor Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — papulosa hab. (Oliver), 539, 540. — spinosa occ. (Marshall), 120. Struthiolariopsis similis, occ. (Benson), 52. stutchburyi, Antigona. Styela caerulea, colour (Oliver), 504. — hab. (Oliver), 507, 522, 530. Styolia, occ. (Benson), 23. Stypocaulon, hab. (Oliver), 525. — paniculatum, hab. (Oliver), 521, 523. suavolens, Puccinia. subantarctac islands, continental rocks (Benson), 7. subarquatus, Ancylochilus. subcarinata, Cerithidea. subcircularis, Pseudomonotis. subfasciata, Cloniophora. — Gynoplistia. subglobosa, Glycymeris. subintermedia, Venericardia. subinterventa, Limnophila. sublacteata, Dicranomyia. Submargarita tricincta Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. submontana, Macromastix. subnitens, Puccinia. suboculata var., Drepanepteryx binocula. subquadratus, Productus. subradiata, Martiniopsis. subrosea, Dosinia. subrostrata, Monodonta. subterraneum, Trifolium. subtriangulata, Amphidesma. subtumens, Porphyra. succincta, Neothais. Suess, E., order of rock-formations, Australia (Benson), 4. — structure of Australia (Benson), 6. suessi, Terebratulina. sulcata, Astraea. — Bathytoma. — Terebra. sulphuralis, Dicranomyia. sumatraensis, Actinacis. Sumatrina annae, occ. (Benson), 34. supramosquensis, Spirifera. Surcula aequispiralis Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — antegypsata Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — gravida Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — hamiltoni (Hutton), Hampden (Marshall), 117. — hampdenensis Marsh. & Murd., Hampden (Marshall), 117. — marginalis Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — ordinaria Marshall, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — pareoraensis Suter, Hampden (Marshall), 119. — protransenna n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 126. — serotina Suter, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. — torticostata Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. Sussmilch, C. A., granite intrusions west of Blue Mountains (Benson), 29. — Silurian rocks of N.S.W. (Benson), 24. — See also David, T. W. E., and Süssmilch. sussmilchi, Halysites. Suter, D. H., occ. of Basilissa (Finlay), 100. suteri, Calliostoma. — var. fragile, Callioatoma. — Ptychodon. — Stichaster. suturalis, Ampullina. sylvestris, Malva. symmetrica, Turritella. Symphyti-Bromorum, Puccinia. Symphytum officinale L., host of aecidia of Puccinia Bromina (Cunningham), 644. —, hab. (Oliver), 503, 505, 513, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536. — sinclairi, hab. (Oliver), 520, 521, 523, 525, 534. Syrnola semiconcava n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 122. Tachinid, a new genus and two new species (Miller), 432–36. Taeniopteris, occ. (Benson), 40. taka, weaving of (Rangi Hiroa), 717. Talbot, H. W. B., glaciated Cretaceous boulders (Benson), 48.

Talorchestia quoyana, hab. (Oliver), 499. Tamaki, landing of Toi at (Best), 781. tangata whenua and Maori immigration (Rangi Hiroa), 741. Tangihanga a Kupe, Te, Barrett's Reef (Best), 780. Tangi-te-keo, Mount Victoria (Best), 784. Tanyderidae, in key (Edwards), 266. — species of (Edwards), 270. Tanyderus annuliferus Hutton, with fig. (Ed wards), 271. — forcipatus Osten-Sacken, with fig. (Edwards), 271. — neptunus n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 272 — taripes n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 272. Tapes, Cretaceous occ. (Benson), 50. tapirina, Charopa. — Neothyris. tapora, weaving of (Rangi Hiroa), 718, 721. Tapu-te-ranga, islet at Island Bay (Best), 790. Tara, son of Whatonga (Best), 781. Tarakena, pa at (Best), 786. tarakihi. See Cicada cingulata. tararua, Diedrocephala. — Puccinia. Target Gully, fossiliferous horizon (Park), 84, 85. — new Calliostoma from (Finlay), 99. tasmani, Delphacodes. Tasmania, connection with N.Z. (Benson), 41. tasmaniae var. manapouriensis, Micromus (Till-yard), 223. — nigroscriptus, Micromns (Tillyard), 223. tasmanica, Puccinia. — Zostera. tasmanicum, Epilobium. Tasman Sea of Hutton (Benson), 5. — of Neumayr (Benson), 2, 44. — of Schuchert (Benson), 9. — of Stephens (Benson), 4. — of Walkom (Benson), 9, 40. Tasmantis, in Australian region (Benson), 9, 25, 27, 35. tatarakihi. See Cicada cingulata. Tate, R., genus Triploca (Marsh. & Murd.), 128. — glacial beds near Adelaide (Benson), 5. — primitive fauna of continents (Benson), 13. Tate, R., and Watt, J. A., rocks of south-west Queensland (Benson), 22. tattooed head, mouth of, 754. “tau,” use of term (Andersen), 757. — marae sung at Rotorua (Andersen), 757. Tauroscopa notabilia n. sp. (Philpott), 149. Tautoki, son of Whatonga (Best), 781. Tawhiti-nui, a name of Wellington Harbour (Best), 783. “Tawiri-rangi,” voyage of (Best), 779. taxad forest, Westland (Holloway), 584. Taylor, James, Tettcott Farm (Best), 790. Taylor, T. G., Australian and S. American relationships (Benson), 12. Teale, E. O., rocks of Victoria (Benson), 19. Teleutospora Arth. & Bisby, syn., 625. Tellina, hab. (Oliver), 505. — liliana, hab. (Oliver), 540, 541, 542, 543. temperature in rock-pools, variation (Oliver), 502. — of air and sea (Oliver), 501. temulentum, Lolium. tenax, Phormium. tenebrosa, Actinia. — Dicranomyia. tenebrosus, Cantharidus. — huttoni, Cantharidus. tenera, Macromastix. — Tipula. Tentaculites, occ. (Benson), 22, 23. tenuis, Calyptraea. — Sarepta. tenuispiralis, Epitonium. tenuispora, Puccinia. Tepperianum, Uromycladium. Tepperianus, Uromyces. Terebellina, occ. (Benson), 37. — (?) mackayi, occ. (Benson), 38. Terebra shell (Oliver), 512. — costata Hutton, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — sulcata Marshall, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. Terebratella rubicunda, hab. (Oliver), 506. Terebratula, occ. (Benson), 39. — octoplicata, occ. (Benson), 42, note. Terebratulina suessi Hutt. (Park), 81. Teredo heaphyi, occ. (Marshall), 120. teretifolia, Danthonia Raoulii. terminalis, Plaxiphora. ternaria, Carex. tertiaria, Gilbertia. — Pleurotomaria. Tertiary fauna of N.Z. (Marshall), 115. —, Discobola. — Limnobia. — Trochobola. Tethya, hab. (Oliver), 522, 529. Tethyan migration to Australia (Benson), 27, 38. — sea, last remnant (Benson), 50. Tetigoniidae, syn., 407. Tetraclita, hab. (Oliver), 533. Tetradium, occ. (Benson), 22. Tetragonia implexicoma Hook. f., identity with T. trigyna (Cunningham), 655. — trigyna Banks et Sol., host of Puccinia Tetragoniae (Cunningham), 655. Telragoniae, Puccinia. Tetragraptus, occ. (Benson), 19, 20, 21. Tettcott Farm, on Miramar (Best), 790. Tettigoniellinae, in key, and species of (Myers), 408. Textularia, occ. (Benson), 47. thaisa; Therasia. Thalassohelix igniflua (Reeve), (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. Thanatodictya Kirkaldy, characters (Myers), 428. — tillyardi n. sp., with figs. (Myers), 428. theatralis, Epichorista. Thelymitra longifolia Forst. f., host of Uromyces Thelymitrae (Cunningham), 630. Thelymitrae, Uromyces. Therasia thaisa Hutt. (Murdoch and Finlay), 132. thistle-fly. See Phytomyza albiceps. Thoms. G., first European in Wellington Harbour (Best), 787. Thomson, J. A., age of Utatur beds (Benson), 49. — Chapman's age of Amuri limestone (Marshall), 120.

Thomson, J. A., distribution of Trochus tiaratus (Finlay), 100. — fossils of Black Point (Park), 86. — Gondwanaland origin of brachiopods (Benson), 3. — his use of term “fossil peneplain” (Park), 89. — Silurian fossils of N.Z. (Benson), 24. Thomson Trough (Benson), 6, 44. thomsoni, Calliostoma. — Weta. thomsoniana, Cyclichna. Thoristella oppressus, hab. (Oliver), 520. thrush. See Turdus musicus. Thuemeni, Puccinia. Thyrostraca, form of shell, &c. (Oliver), 505, 513. tiaratus, Trochus. tides of N.Z. (Oliver), 502. tienga. See porera. tigris, Calliostoma. Tiki, instrument played by, 749–50. ti-kouka. See Cordyline australis. Tilley, C. E., Cambrian crust movements (Benson), 18. Tillyard, R. J., venation of Archipanorpa and Aristopsyche (Philpott). 160. tillyardi, Thanatodictya. Timor, age of rocks (Benson), 33. timorensis, Rhynchonella. Tinemyia (Edwards), 301. — margaritifera Hutton, with figs. (Edwards), 304. Tipula atropos Hudson, syn., 331. — Hutton, syn., 331. — clara (Kirby), syn., 336. — dux Hudson, syn., 332. — Kirby, syn., 337. — fulva Hutton, syn., 332. — fumipennis Hudson, syn., 287. — heterogama, syn., 351. — holochlora Nowicki, syn., 340. — nebulosa Hudson, syn., 335. — novarae Schiner, syn., 331. — obscuripennis Hudson, syn., 303. — Hutton (nec Kirby), syn., 349. — orion Hudson, syn., 336. — senex Butler, syn., 331. — tenera Hutton, syn., 335. — viridis Walker, syn., 339. Tipulidae, in key (Edwards), 266. — species of (Edwards), 273. Tipulinae, key (Edwards), 329–30. tiritea. Puccinia. Tissotia, occ. (Benson), 50. Titicaca, Lake, and Thomson Trough (Benson), 6. tit, white-breasted. See Petroeca toitoi. Toa-rangitihi, a chief of Rarotonga (Best), 781. Toi, search for grandson (Best), 780. toi. See Cordyline indivisa. toitoi, Petroeca. Toka-haere, rock near Sinclair Head (Best), 780. Tokarahi stone (Park), 83. tomtit. See Petroeca toitoi. Tonga, relationship with N. Island (Benson), 6. Tonna cerevisina hab. (Oliver), 513. torino. See putorino. Torlessia mackayi, occ. (Benson), 37. Tornatellaea (Triploca) ligata Tate (Marsh, & Murd.), 128. torrentalis, Empimorpha. torticostata, Surcula. Tortrix spatiosa n. sp. (Philpott), 150. Totanus acuminatus Horsfield, syn., 494. toumatou, Discaria. Trachelochismus guttulatus, colouring, &c. (Oliver), 515. — pinnulatus, hab. (Oliver), 510, 520. Trachypepla roseata (Philpott), 152. Trailia Syd., syn., 640. transenna, Bathytoma. — Leucosyrinx altus subsp. Tranzschelia Arth., syn., 640. — punctata (Pers.) Arth., syn., 658. trapezia, Arca. traversi, Glycymeris. — pectunculus. Trechmann, C. T., analysis of N.Z. fauna (Benson), 39. — Cretaceous rocks of N.Z. (Benson), 51. — fauna of N.Z. and S. America (Benson), 52. — fossils from Wairoa Gorge (Benson), 32. — Jurassic fossils of N.Z. (Benson), 42, note. tree-hoppers. See Membracidae. Tregear, the word “amo” (Rangi Hiroa), 740. trelissickensis, Glycymeris. Trematospira, occ. (Benson), 22. Trias-Jura, use of form (Benson), 14. Triassic period in Australasia (Benson), 37. Trichobasis Lev., syn., 640. — Betae Lev., syn., 631. — Epilobii Berk., syn., 665. — fallens Cke., syn., 633, 634. — Hydrocotyles Cke., syn., 667. — Lapsanae Cke., syn., 685. — Maydis Niessl., syn., 648. Trichocera antipodum Mik. (Edwards), 270. Trichocerinae, in key (Edwards), 266. — species of (Edwards), 270. Trichomanes Colensoi, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 598. — elongatum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 578, 597. — humile, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 578, 598. — Lyallii, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 590. — reniforme, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 586. — strictum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 597. — venosum, study of, with pl. (Holloway), 588. Trichopeza Rond., characteristics (Miller), 446. — in key (Miller), 441. — longipennae n. sp., with figs. (Miller), 446. tricincta, Cerithiella. — Submargarita. tridactyla, Gynoplistia. trifasciata, Gynoplistia. — Melanopsis. Trifolii, Nigredo. — Puccinia. — Uredo apiculata var. — Uromyces. Trifolii-repentis, Uromyces. Trifolium fragiferum L., host of Uromyces flectens (Cunningham), 632.

Trifolium hybridum L., host of Uromyces Trifolii (Cunningham), 633, 634. — incarnatum L., host of Uromyces Trifolii (Cunningham), 633. — pratense, host of Uromyces Trifolii (Cunnigham), 633. — repens L., host of Uromyces flectens (Cunningham), 632. — subterraneum, host of Uromyces Trifolii (Cunningham), 633. Triglochin striatum, hab. (Oliver), 499, 544. Trigonesmus, occ. (Benson), 48, 50. Trigonia, occ. (Benson), 45, 50, 52. — antarctica, occ. (Benson), 52. — arctica, occ. (Benson), 51. — areolata Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — hanetiana, occ. (Benson), 52. — pseudocaudata, occ. (Benson), 52. — ? sp., Waihao (Marshall), 119. trigonopsis, Anomia. trigyna, Tetragonia. Trilobites in Victorian region (Benson), 18. Trimicra O.-S., with fig. (Edwards), 289, 299, 300. trinchinopolitensis, Nautilus. Tringa arenaria Linn., syn., 494. — canutus Linn., syn., 494. — ferruginea Brunnich, syn., 495. — maculata Vieillot, syn., 494. — minuta Leisler, syn., 493. — subarquata, identity of (Stead), 493. Trinucleus, occ. (Benson), 21. tripartita, Hydrocotyle. Triphora aoteaensis Marsh. & Murd., Hampden (Marshall), 117. Triploca sp., Waihao (Marshall), 119. — variability of (Marsh. & Murd.), 128. — waihaoensis n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 128. tripustulata, Puccinia. tripustulatum, Dicaeoma. Triseti, Puccinia. Trisetum, flavescens L., host of Puccinia Triseti (Cunningham), 644. tristichum, Sargassum. Triticina, Puccinia. Triticum repens A. Rich., host of Puccinia Agropyrina (Cunningham), 644. — vulgare Vill., host of Puccinia graminis (Cunningham), 645. Triton australis, used for trumpet (Andersen), 755. tritonis, Murex. trivacuata, Nesoperla. Trochobola ampla Hutton, syn., 287. — dohrni Osten-Sacken, syn., 287. — picta Hutton, syn., 285. — tesselata Osten-Sacken, syn., 286. — variegata Hutton, syn., 286. — venusta Osten-Sacken, syn., 285. Trochonema, occ. (Benson), 22. Trochus chathamensis (Hutt.), (Finlay), 99. — tiaratus, hab. (Oliver), 521. — Q. & G., characters and distribution of (Finlay), 99–100. — viridis, hab. (Oliver), 521. Troctes divinatorius (Linn.), (Tillyard), 177. Troctidae (Tillyard), 177. Trophon ambiguus, hab. (Oliver), 543. truncata, Lithophaga. Trynga (alba) Pallas, syn., 494. — ruficollis Pallas, syn., 493. Tryplasma, occ. (Benson), 24, 26. tuberculata, Gynoplistia. tubicola, Onuphis. Tudicula tumida, occ. (Benson), 52. Tugalia intermedia, hab. (Oliver), 522, 530. tumida, Tudicula. Tunbridgense, Hymenophyllum. Tunicata, hab. (Oliver), 507. 509. Turanga o Kupe, foreshore at Seatoun (Best), 780. Turangi, owner of “Te Hawai” (Best), 781. Turbinaria, in assoc. (Oliver), 519. Turbo, operculum (Oliver), 506. — shell (Oliver), 513. — granosus, hab. (Oliver), 525. — marshalli Thomson (Park), 81. — smaragdus, hab. (Oliver), 503, 522, 523, 524, 525, 528, 529, 531, 532, 535, 537, 541, 542, 543. Turbonilla antiqua Marshall, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. Turdus musicus, song of (Andersen), 769. Turneriana, Zonaria. Turrilites circumtaeniatus, occ. (Benson), 49. Turris altus, occ. (Marshall), 120. — aff. altus (Harris), Waihao (Marshall), 117. — bimarginatus Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 117. — complicatus Suter, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. — curialis Marsh. & Murd., Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117. — duplex Suter, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. — margaritatus Marshall, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117. — nexilis bicarinatus Suter, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117. — politus Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — regius Suter, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. — reticulatus Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. turrita, Verconella. Turritella, occ. (Benson), 42. — aldingae Tate, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — ambulacrum Sowerby, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — carlottae Watson, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — ornata Hutton, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — cf. patagonica Sow., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. — rosea (?) Q. G., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. — rudis Marshall, Hampden (Marshall), 117. — semiconcava Sut., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 108. — Sut., Waihao (Marshall), 119. — symmetrica Hutton, Hampden (Marshall), 117. turtle, a straggler (Oliver), 500. Tutanekai, instrument played by, 748, 749. tutu. See Coriaria ruscifolia.

Twelvetrees, W. H., fossils in Tasmania (Benson), 18, 19. Typhlocyba australis (Froggatt), (Myers), 423. Typhlocybinae, in key (Myers), 408. — species of, habits, &c. (Myers), 420. Uhlig, V., Jurassic areas (Benson), 44. Ulomorpha (Edwards), 301. — fuscana n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 305. — nebulosa n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 304. Ulva assoc. (Oliver), 526. — hab. (Oliver), 530, 531, 537. — structure (Oliver), 523. — rigida, hab. (Oliver), 503, 526. Ulvoid-algae subformation (Oliver), 526. umbrina, Agromyza. umbrinella, Agromyza. umbrosa, Limnophila. umbroza, Agromyza. Umu-roimata, Te, named Wellington Harbour (Best), 783. Uncinia compacta, host of Puccinia Unciniarum (Cunningham), 652. Unciniarum, Puccinia. “uncovered peneplain,” use of term (Park), 89. undata, Anomia. undulatum, Calliostoma. undulatus, Rhyphus. unguis-almae, Atalacmea. ungulata, Paridotea. unicolor vel cribosa, Exocetus. — Zelandobius. unifasciata, Melaraphe. uniflora, Dracophyllum. U.S.A. National Research Council, 806, 807. Uredinales of N.Z. (Cunningham), 619. Uredo apiculata var. Trifolii Strauss., syn., 632. — armillata Ludw., syn., 652. — Betae Pers., syn., 631. — Calaminthae Strauss., syn., 672. — Caricis Schum., syn., 649. — Clinopodii Schw., syn., 672. — Cyani Schleich., syn., 680. — Epilobii DC., syn., 665. — Fabae Pers., syn., 631. — fallens Desmaz., syn., 633. — fatiscens Arth., syn., 649. — fusiformis Gachet, syn., 658. — interstitialis Schlecht., syn., 690. — Labiatarum DC, syn., 672. — Menthae Pers., syn., 672. — Menthastri Link., syn., 672. — notabilis Ludw., syn., 639. — Pruni Cast., syn., 658. — quinqueporula Arth. & Fromme, syn., 644. — rubigo-vera DC, syn., 643. — Satureiae Cast., syn., 672. — vagans var. Epilobii-tetragonii DC, syn., 665. — Viciae Rebent., syn., 631. — Viciae-Fabae Pers., syn., 631. — Zeae Desmaz., syn., 648. urenuiensis, Clio. Uromyces appendiculatus Ung., syn., 631 — aviculare Schroet., syn., 630. — Betae Leveille, with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 631. Uromyces Dactylidis Otth., with fig. (Cunningham), 626. — Discariae n. sp., with fig. and pl. (Cunningham), 634, 691. — Fabae de Bary, with fig. (Cunningham), 631. — fallens Kern., syn., 633. — flectens Lagerheim (Cunningham), 632. — graminum Cke., syn., 626. — Hordei Niels., syn., 647. — Medicaginis Pass., probably a syn. for U. striatus (Cunningham), 633. — Microtidis Cooke, with figs. (Cunningham), 627. — otakou n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 627, 691. — Poae Rab., resembles U. Dactylidis (Cunningham), 626. — Polygoni Fuckel, with fig. (Cunningham) 630. — polymorphus Peck and Clinton, syn., 631. — Prunorum Fcl., syn., 658. — puccinioides Berkeley and F. von Mueller, with fig. (Cunningham), 635. — striatus Schroeter, with fig. (Cunningham), 632. — Tepperianus Sacc, syn., 639. — Thelymitrae McAlpine, with fig. (Cunningham), 628. — Trifolii Leveille, with fig. (Cunningham), 633. — Trifolii-repentis Liro, with fig. (Cunningham), 634. — Viciae Fcl., syn., 631. Uromycladium, in classific. (Cunningham), 636. — in key (Cunningham), 625. — alpinum McAlpine, with fig. (Cunningham), 638. — notabile McAlpine, with figs. (Cunningham), 639. — Robinsoni McAlpine, with figs. (Cunningham), 636. — Tepperianum (Saccardo) McAlpine, with fig. (Cunningham), 639. Uromycopsis Arth., syn., 625. Urothoe elegans (Chilton), 241. Urtica aspera Petrie, host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. — linearifolia (Hook. f.) Cockayne, host of Puccinia Caricis (Cunningham), 649. Urticae, Aecidium. — Caeoma. — Dicaeoma. — Puccinia. urticata, Puccinia. urticatum, Caeoma. Uruhau pa, Island Bay (Best), 784. utilis, Durvillea. utricularis, Adenocystis. Uttley, G. H., two-limestone theory (Park), 82. vagans var. Epilobii-tetragonii, Uredo. vagina, Baculites. vaginalium, Puccinia. vaginatus, Juncus. Van Es. See Es, van, L. J. C. varia, Risellopsis.

variabilis, Natica. variegata, Lessonia. — Macromastix. varicgatus, Molophilus. — Neonetus. varipes, Tanyderus. vaucaurica Nereis. vector, Hilaria. vegrandis, Pagodula. vellicata, Ventricoloidea. venation. See wing-venation. Venericardia ponderosa Sut., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. — purpurata, sponge on (Oliver). 515. — subintermedia Sut., Waihao (Marshall), 119. — n. var., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. Venerupis reflexa, hab. (Oliver), 521. venosum, Trichomanes. Ventricoloidea vellicata Hutt., distrib. (Finlay and McDowall), 109. ventricosum, Amphidesma. Venus, Cretaceous, occ. (Benson), 50. venusta, Discobola. — Trochobola. verbeeki, Schwagerina. Verconella, hab. (Oliver), 505. — adusta, hab. (Oliver), 522. — delicatula n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 123. — mandarina, hab. (Oliver), 539. — nodusa (Martyn), Waihao (Marshall), 119. — acuticostata (Suter), Hampden (Marshall), 117. — senilis Marsh & Murd., Hampden (Marshall), 117. — turrita (Suter), Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. Vermillia assoc. (Oliver), 533. — shell (Oliver), 513. — carinifera, hab. (Oliver). 506, 524, 525, 529, 531, 533, 534, 535, 542, 543. verneuilli, Spirifera. Veronica buxifolia, in moss (Christensen), 546. — Colensoi, host of Agromyza umbrinella (Watt), 470. — glaucophylla, in moss (Christensen), 546. — monticola, host of Agromyza umbrinella (Watt), 477. — salicifolia, host of Agromyza umbrina (Watt), 468. — host of Agromyza flavocentralis (Watt), 474. — salicornioides, in moss (Christensen), 546. — speciosa, host of Agromyza umbrina (Watt), 468. — host of Agromyza flavocentralis (Watt), 474. veronica blotch-fly. See Agromyza umbrina. — gallery-fly. See Agromyza flavocentralis. Verticipronus mytilus, hab. (Oliver), 525. Verticordia densicostata (Marshall), Hampden (Marshall), 117. vesiculosus, Fucus. Vetola haemastica (Linnaeus), (Stead), 491, 492. — lapponica baueri Naumann (Stead), 490. vexilliformis, Antimitra. Vexillum apicale (Hutton), Waihao (Marshall), 119. — apicicostatum Suter, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — linctum Hutton, Waihao (Marshall), 119. — plicatellum n. sp., with pl. (Marsh. & Murd.), 123. vicarians, Dicranomyia. — Limnobia. Vicia Faba L., host of Uromyces Fabae (Cunningham), 632. Viciae, Uredo. Viciae-Fabae, Uredo. Victoria, Mount, Maori names (Best), 783–84. Victorian graptolitic rocks, Hall (Benson). 20. vile, Dicaeoma. vilis, Puccinia. villosum, Hymenophyllum. — Scalpellum. Viola Cunninghamii Hook. f., host of Puccinia Hederaceae (Cunningham), 664. violacea, Gynoplistia. violaceus, Macandrellus. virescens, Macromastix. virgata, Cominella. virgatum, Epilobium. viridis, Macromastix. — Tipula. — Trochus. vittata, Euthria. — Macromastix. volcanic activity, Dowling Bay (Finlay and McDowall), 112. Voluta corrugata Hutton, Hampden and Waihao (Marshall), 117, 119. Volz, W., age of Sumatra beds (Benson), 38. vulgare, Hordeum. — Triticum. vulgaris, Agrostis. — Berberis. — Beta. vulnerata, Cryptorhytis. vulpina, Macromastix. — Megistocera. Waagenoceras, occ. (Benson), 32, 33. Waiarekan, in classific. (Park), 87. waiata composed on Miramar (Best), 789. — use of term (Andersen), 757. Waihao beds, fauna (Marshall), 118–19. waihaoensis, Ampullina. — Exilia. — Pecten. — Triploca. Waihao stone not equivalent of Oamaru stone (Park), 83. Wai-hirere pa, Point Jerningham (Best), 783. waikopiroensis, Ancilla. Wai-mapihi pa, at Pukerua (Best), 786. waiparensis, Perissoptera. waipipiensis, Glycymeris. Wairarapa, Maori occupation (Best), 786. waitakiensis, Glycymeris. Waitaki stone and Oamaru stone, Park, 81, 82. Waititi, Charlotte Street, Wellington (Best), 784. Wakanui, Te, chief of Whetu-kairangi (Best), 784.

wakefieldi, Gynoplistia. Walcott, C. D., Cambrian faunas of Asia, &c. (Benson), 18. — merging of N. American and Asian faunas (Benson), 19. — tillites of Adelaide region (Benson), 16–17. Walker's Pass, formation of (Speight), 97. Walkom, A. B., age of Maryborough bed (Benson), 47. — age of Queensland Gulf (Benson), 2. — Jurassic area (Benson), 40. — Mesozoic continental mass (Benson), 9. — Permian land-mass (Benson), 35. — shallow Callovian sea (Benson), 43. — Tasman and Coral Jurassic seas (Benson), 44. Wallii, Colobanthus. — Poa. walteri, Anomia. Wangaloa and Hampden faunas (Marshall), 115. Wanner, J., Carnic forms of Triassic beds (Benson), 38. — echinoderms of Timor (Benson), 33. — fauna of Buru (Benson), 50. warbler, grey. See Pseudogerygone igata. Ward, —, extent of Cretaceous sea (Benson), 48. Ward, M., species of rust-fungi (Cunningham), 647. Ward Island is Makaro (Best), 780. Watchman Isle is Tapu-te-ranga (Best), 790. Watt, J. A. See Tate, R., and Watt. Watt's Peninsula, earlier name of Miramar (Best), 783, 790. Wegener, A., extent of southern continent (Benson), 12. Weka Creek, Ngapara, fossils (Park), 81. Weka Pass stone, age (Marshall), 120. Wellington district, Maori settlement of (Best), 779. — maps f (Best), 789. — Harbour, description by Tara (Best), 782. — named after Tara, 783. weschéi, Dicranomyia. Westland, climate and forest (Holloway), 581. — Hymenophyllaceae (Holloway), 577. westwoodi, Dorydium. — Paradorydium. Weta n. g. (Chopard), 234. — thomsoni n. sp., with figs. (Chopard), 234. Whakatane, Toi settled at (Best), 781. whanake. See Cordyline australis. Whanga-nui-a-Tara, Te, Wellington Harbour (Best), 783. wharariki. See Phormium Cookianum. wharawhara. See Astelia. “Whare-rangi,” a house built on Seatoun heights (Best), 783. whariki, plaiting of (Rangi Hiroa), 716. Whatonga, his coming to N.Z. (Best), 780. — search for Toi (Best), 781. whau. See Entelea arborescens. whauwhi. See Hoheria populnea. wheat, natural cross-fertilization (Hilgendorf), 574. Whetu-kairangi, Te, fortified village, Seatoun (Best), 783. whimbrel, little. See Mesoscolopax minutus. Whiri-kai attacked the Muaupoko (Best), 784. white-breasted tit. See Petroeca toitoi. Whitelaw, O. A. L., Ordovician rocks (Benson), 20. — Silurian rocks, 23–24. White Straw Tuscan wheat, cross-fertilization (Hilgendorf), 574. whiteywood. See Mclicytus ramiflorus. whiteywood-fly. See Agromyza flavolateralis. Wilckens, O., Antarctandes in Otago (Benson), 11. — components of southern coast of Pacific Ocean (Benson), 12. — Cretaceous rocks of N.Z. (Benson), 51. — fauna of N.Z. and South America (Benson), 52. — formation of Southern Alps (Benson), 8. — genus Lahilla (Marsh. & Murd.), 129. — Maorian province of (Benson), 38. wilckensi, Calliostoma. willow. See Salix alba. Wilsoni, Epilobium. williamsoni, Pecten. Windsor Junction, Oamaru stone (Park), 83. wing-venation of Micropterygidae (Philpott), 155–61. — Plectoptera (Tillyard), 226–230. — terminology (Tillyard), 198. Winton series of Dunstan (Benson), 46. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, &c.: semicentennial medallion, facing vii. Witchell, C. A., mimicry in bird-song (Andersen), 777. Woods, H., age of Middle Cretaceous sands (Benson), 49. — Cretaceous faunas of N.Z. (Marsh. & Murd.), 129. — fauna of S. Island of N.Z. (Benson), 51. — faunas of N.Z. and S. America (Benson), 12, 52. — species of Cenomanian series (Benson), 47. Woodward, A. S., age of Devonian fish-fauna (Benson), 28. Woodward Street, Wellington, was Kumutoto (Best), 784. Woodworth, J. B., fossils from Brazil (Benson), 36. Woolnough, W. G., contact of Silurian and Ordovician rocks (Benson), 21. — Cretaceous fauna (Benson), 49. word-sense of Maori (Andersen), 762. Worser Bay, ref. to (Best), 782, 786, 787, 790. wreyi, Spirigera. wuellerstorfi, Ostrea. xanthodesma, Borkhausenia. Xianthoria parietina, hab. (Oliver), 496. Xiphophora, assoc. (Oliver), 523. — stem (Oliver), 513. — chondrophylla, hab. (Oliver), 520, 521, 522, 525. — thallus (Oliver), 514. — tissue, with fig. (Oliver) 507, 508. Yabe, H., genus Halysites (Benson), 25, note. Yale telescope, offer of, 801. Yarrell, W., song of nightingale (Andersen), 776.

yataensis, Spirifera. yatei, Callanaitis. yellowhammer. See Emberiza citrindla. Yeringian corals (Benson), 23, note. Young, G., in Wellington Harbour, 1834-35 (Best), 786. Zaltucodes auciddndicua Lamh (Edwards), 301. Zovhrenlis, oco. (Benson), 24. Zduschneriae, Puccinia. Zea Mais L., host of Piuxinia Swghi (Cunning- ham),.648., Zeae, Pyaemia —— Uredo. zealandiae, chlamys. zealandica, Borsonia. —— Cucullaea. —— DiedroeepMa. —— Erythrmeura. —— Limapais. ——Panopea. zealandicus, Acanthochiton. zelandica, Dicroloma. —— Haminea. —— Monia. —— Natica. —— Pinna. —— Protobietta. —— Siphonaria. —— Spaniocerca. zdandicus, Caecilvus. zdandicus Psocus. Zdandobius Tillyard, with figs. (Tillyard), 205. ——confusus (Hare), fig. 6, not fig. 6 (Tillyard), 206. —— furcillatus n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 207. —— hudsoni (Hare), fig. 6, not fig. 5 (Tillyard); 207. —— unicolar n. sp., with fig. (Tillyard), 208. Zdandoperla n. g., with figs. (Tillyard), 212. —— decorata n. sp., with figs. (Tillyard), 212. —— fenestrata n. sp., with figs. (Tillyard), 214. —— maculata (Hare), with figs. (Tillyard), 214. Zelandopsocus n. g. (Hllyard), 183 ——formosellus (Hlus n. sp., with pi. and text-fig.), 184. zelabori, Egitonium. Zenutia acinaces (Q- & G.), distrib. (Pinlay and JMtowall), 109. Zenopsis nebulosa McCullooh syn., 256. —— nebulosus Schlegel, with pi. (Griffin), 256. Zeus nebulosus Schlegel, syn., 2S6. zeylandiae, Macromastix. ziczag, Aturia. zittek, Halobia. —— Limopsis. zonale, Pelargonium. Zonaria Turneriana, hab. (Oliver), 521, 523. zophochlaena, scoparia. Zostera beds (Oliver), 542, 544. ——leaves (Ohver), 514. —— nana, on mud-flats (Oliver), 512, 542, 543. —— tasmanica, on mud-flats (Oliver), 512.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 54, 1923, Page 821

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Appendix. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 54, 1923, Page 821

Appendix. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 54, 1923, Page 821