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Art. VI.—A Revision of the Classification of New Zealand Caradrinina. By E. Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S. [Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, 4th October, 1911.] I have here revised the genera of Caradrinina occurring in New Zealand, taking into consideration the large amount of work done in the group of late years, especially by Professor J. B. Smith and Sir George Hampson. Both these authors have done admirable work in the careful investigation of structural characters, but in my judgment both have made too many genera, and have thus been led in some cases to rely upon points of distinction that are indefinite, slight, unimportant, unnatural, or even illusive and imaginary; and Sir George Hampson has unfortunately adopted a principle of generic nomenclature which I believe is not now held by any other leading lepidopterists, and is never likely to meet with general acceptance. It will be well, therefore, to begin by making some general remarks explanatory of my own principles and practice in these two subjects. In the matter of generic nomenclature I hold as follows:— (1.) A generic name is void if published without description. Hampson agrees, but there are writers who do not. The names of Hübner's Tentamen are therefore void. (2.) Where an original genus included more than one species, and the author has not in any way expressed which species was typical, later writers can limit the meaning of the genus at pleasure by expressed intention (accidental limitation by casual mention has no effect), such limitations taking effect in order of priority. Hampson assumes the first species of those mentioned by the original author to be the type, which is certainly simple, but has no other justification whatever, and it would be equally simple to assume the last. (3.) Fifty years' use in a particular sense establishes a title, and bars claim of priority. On these principles a reasonable and legitimate use is obtained without much disturbance of recognized nomenclature. As to the characterization of genera, no doubt the subject is a very difficult one, and there will always be room for much difference of opinion. But a genus must represent a definite section of a branch of the genealogical tree; it must not be made up of two sections tied together, or it will be unnatural, and, whilst it is certainly not always possible to define absolutely the distinction between two genera, an author must have structural grounds for referring any species to one or other, or the genera will be impracticable. A genus must be geographically consistent: it must have originated in one place only, and have spread thence to other regions, and its geographical distribution should not be incongruous; if it is, the supposed genus should be regarded with suspicion. Closely allied species must not be placed in genera regarded as phylogenetically remote. The value of a character for generic definition can only be determined practically; in one set of insects a particular character may be fixed and sufficient for generic and even family limitation, and in another the very same

character may be variable even within the limits of the same species; therefore we must not assume that if a character separates natural genera in one instance it will also do the same in another. There is no scientific reason why secondary sexual characters should not be used to define genera in those cases where they are found to indicate natural genera in accordance with the above-mentioned principles; tufts of hair (probably scent-producing) in the male sex are, however, found in practice to be of specific value only—at any rate, as a general rule. Hampson oddly and inconsistently refuses to use any sexual characters for defining genera, whilst invariably employing these same characters, even the specific tufts of hairs, for forming sections of genera; whereas these should in any case be limited on exactly the same principles as genera, being of smaller value but precisely the same nature. I will give one or two specific instances of the unsatisfactory nature of Hampson's results, to illustrate my meaning. Hampson makes a new genus Eriopygodes for two European species and the Hawaiian euclidias Meyr. This could only be explained geographically by supposing that at some former period a straggler of the genus from Europe had reached the Hawaiian Islands, which is unlikely, but, of course, possible. But euclidias is an insect of striking appearance, and two other Hawaiian species, compsias Meyr. and niphadopa Meyr., are structurally and superficially so close to it that it is impossible to doubt they are closely related. These are placed about seventy pages off in the genus Hyssia, which contains about fifteen North American, European, and New Zealand species, and a separate origin from another straggler is required for them. The difference stated is that Hyssia has the thorax clothed with scales mixed with hair, the abdomen with dorsal crest on first segment; Eriopygodes, the thorax clothed with hair only, abdomen without crests. But euclidias (of which I have a long series) certainly has a small abdominal crest, and the difference in clothing of thorax is imperceptible. I conclude that euclidias must be transferred to Hyssia. But the only distinction between Hyssia and the cosmopolitan genus Cirphis, with 140 species, is that Hyssia has the thorax clothed chiefly with hair-like scales, and Cirphis almost entirely with hair. This is a distinction without a difference, and, in effect, I am quite unable to distinguish the species assigned to these two genera by this or any other structural character, though they are separated by two hundred pages, and placed in widely remote branches of the phylogenetic tree. I am therefore obliged to unite them, which makes the Hawaiian species a local group representative of a cosmopolitan genus, and puts quite a different face on the matter. But on examining Eriopyga, with 100 species (chiefly American, some European), only stated to differ from the above by absence of abdominal crest, I find that some at any rate (e.g., the European Turca L.) certainly possess a small crest (no doubt the character is often difficult of observation, because the base of abdomen is clothed with rough hairs, and the thoracic hairs tend to conceal it also, but when present it is formed by scales of a different character and different colour), and must be referred to Hyssia also. I am not well supplied with the American species, but the genus at least requires cleansing. And Borolia, with forty species, mostly African and Australian, is only stated to differ from Eriopyga exactly as Hyssia does from Cirphis, a distinction found to be inappreciable, for the supposed difference in form of wing (more oblique termen) cannot be seriously regarded as a generic character, and therefore this also needs reconsideration.

Finally, Sideridis, admitted to have the basal crest of abdomen, and only stated to differ from the above genera by having thorax clothed entirely with hair (for we are called upon to distinguish three genera solely by their having the thorax clothed respectively “entirely with hair,” “almost entirely with hair,” and “chiefly with hair-like scales”—a hairsplitting task indeed), certainly possesses hair-scales in the thorax of at least some species (e.g., the European lithargyria Esp.) and must, in my opinion, be united with the Hyssia-Cirphis group as one genus, for which the name Aletia has some authority of use, and must be adopted. Now we will take an instance from the Agrotid group. Heliothis, in the sense in which Hampson uses it, is distinguished from Chloridea, which includes most of the species usually regarded as typical Heliothis, by having the eyes small and reniform, whilst in Chloridea they are large and rounded. The term “reniform” (kidney-shaped) I regard as inaccurate. I have never seen an eye to which I could apply that description. Smith calls them oval, but perhaps ovate would be more correct, or suboval. But the species placed in Heliothis are considerably smaller insects, and the reduction in the size of the eye is hardly, if at all, more than proportionate to the reduction in the size of the insect, whilst the alteration in shape is very slight; and in ononis F. the eye is really small, more reduced relatively than in Heliothis, and similar in form (this is admitted by Smith, but not mentioned at all by Hampson), and yet this species is assigned to Chloridea on superficial appearance. I would unite these genera under the name of Heliothis; but even if they were kept separate I should still use Heliothis for what Hampson calls Chloridea, and I gather that Smith would agree with me, such being the established use. Probably, however, Heliocheilus, a group characterized by a special type of secondary sexual characters but included by Hampson under Chloridea, should be separated as a good genus. Pyrocleptria (Hampson) is no longer distinguishable from the combined Heliothis-Chloridea group, and must be merged in it. The presence or absence of a corneous ridge across the frontal prominence or a corneous plate below it seems to me of little importance in this group, leading to a multiplication of small similar genera without significance, and I should treat is as of little more than specific value. On that view Hampson's genera Melaporphyria, Neocleptria, Rhodocleptria, Rhodophora, and Melicleptria would also be merged in Heliothis, except that the Canthylidia group of Melicleptria would be tenable as a distinct genus. This combination of eight genera would, after all, only make a genus of some thirty-five species, and would be natural and coherent; whilst I would similarly write another characteristically American group of genera, varying in the same way, under the name Schinia Hb., distinguishable from Heliothis by the possession of several claws on outer side of fore tibiae instead of one. These two natural groups are unnaturally intermixed in Hampson's arrangement. I could multiply these instances, but perhaps the above will be sufficient to show why I am unable to accept Hampson's general results without considerable sifting. I am in no sense denying the value of his work, and the following classification will exemplify that I have found points for acceptance as well as for rejection. Caradrinina. I adhere to my view that the name Noctua, carrying with it the group-names Noctuidae and Noctuina, is inapplicable in this connection, and it has now been abandoned by most authorities; but Hampson proposes to

use it in a sense in which it has never been used by any one, a result of his principle which can only induce confusion. The Caradrinina are a highly developed modern group of immense extent, but, with the exception of the Melanchrid group of the Caradrinidae, they are represented in New Zealand only by a very few scattered stragglers, and some very extensive families and subfamilies are not represented at all. There can be little doubt that these stragglers are the outcome of accidental wind-borne immigration over a wide expanse of sea, which accounts for their scantiness. If New Zealand ever had easy communication with any land, such land did not at that time contain any of these poorly represented groups; but, as these groups are of relatively recent origin, such communication may have existed in earlier times. Now, as the Melanchrid group possesses no sort of advantage that would explain their easier introduction, and as this group is, on the whole, quite as well developed in New Zealand as in any other region, I consider it good evidence that an easy communication with some land did once exist, and that the Melanchrid group then existed in the land in question and made their way into New Zealand. It does not follow that the Melanchrid group is older than any other group of the Caradrinina, because any or all of the other groups may have coexisted at the same time in other regions cut off from New Zealand and the land in question by wide seas. This raises the interesting problem of determining where the land in question was, and a proper comprehension of the classification and geographical distribution of the Melanchrid group would enable us to solve it with tolerable certainty. We do not yet possess this comprehension, but offer the following considerations. The only possible lands seem to be four—viz., Australia, the Pacific islands, South America, and the Antarctic Continent. Australia may be excluded; the Melanchrid fauna is pretty well known, and makes no near approximation to that of New Zealand. The South Pacific islands are certainly incompletely known, but there is no evidence that what exists of them at the present day possesses any special Melanchrid fauna such as might be expected on this assumption. The Antarctic Continent naturally possesses no existing fauna, and, although it may have served as a route of communication, there is nothing to show that it ever had one of an aboriginal type. We are therefore reduced to look to South America, and the few species known from Chile, Patagonia, and the Falkland Isles (probably only a small fraction of those existing) are of a character which, in my opinion, agrees well with the New Zealand types, and probably indicates real affinity. I suppose, therefore, that the Melanchrid fauna entered New Zealand from South America, probably by way of the antarctic land, where it may have undergone some modification during a perhaps prolonged passage, at a date so far remote that considerable specific and some generic development has taken place since. With it doubtless came Xanthorhoe, Notoreas, Selidosema, Crambus, Diptychophora, Scoparia, and Borkhausenia, the largest and most characteristic genera of the New Zealand lepidopterous fauna. Probably the original source of this fauna was the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and it travelled to South America by the great mountain-chain of the Rocky Mountains and Andes. At the time when this fauna left North America probably the Indian region, which has been the principal source of lepidopterous evolution, was isolated, and extensive developments may have been going on there; but, as the Caradrinidae as a whole must have originated in some one region, it certainly seems that the Melanchrid group must have been, speaking generally,

the earliest branch of the family, and I propose to regard it as such on this ground, since the structural characters are such as to give no help either for or against the theory. The generic characters given below are, for simplicity, drawn to apply to New Zealand species only. 1. Arctiadae. Vein 8 of hindwings anastomosing with upper margin of cell from base to near middle. A large cosmopolitan family, which is barely represented, whilst the allied Syntomid, Nolid, and Lithosiad groups are entirely absent. 1. Metacrias Meyr. Metacrias Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1886, 749; type, erichrysa Meyr. Tongue obsolete. Antennae in ♂ bipectinated to apex. Palpi short, hairy, concealed in long hairs of head. Thorax and femora densely hairy beneath. Anterior tibiae with apical claw, posterior tibiae without median spurs. Forewings with 7 and 8 out of 9, 10 sometimes connected with 9 above 7. Hindwings with 3, 4, 5 nearly approximated, 6 and 7 connate or short-stalked, 8 anastomosing to ⅓ of cell. Wings in ♂ rudimentary or absent. This interesting endemic genus is of doubtful affinity, but appears to be nearest to Ocnogyna, which is a genus of about a dozen species located round the shores of the Mediterranean; Hampson also assigns to it one species from Peru. 1. M. Huttoni Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 487; Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1886; 750; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 5, pl. 4. 6: Hamps., Cat., 3, 468. Lake Wakatipu. 2. M. erichrysa Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1886, 749: Huds., N.Z. Moths, 4, pl. 4, 5; Hamps., Cat., 3, 469. Mount Arthur; 4.000 ft. Larva on Senecio. 3. M. strategica Huds., Entom., 1889, 53; ib N.Z. Moths, 4, pl. 4, 4; Hamps. Cat., 3, 468. Richardson Range; 3,000 ft. 2. Utetheisa Hübn. Utetheisa Hübn., Verz., 168 (1823); type, ornatrix Linn. Deiopeia Steph., Ill. Brit. Ent. Haust., 2, 92 (1829); type, pulchella Linn. Head smooth. Tongue developed. Antennae in ♂ ciliated, with longer setae at joints. Palpi moderate ascending, with loosely appressed scales. Thorax smooth beneath. Posterior tibiae with all spurs very short. Fore-wings with 7 and 8 out of 9, 10 connected with 9. Hindwings with 3, 4, 5 rather approximated, 6 and 7 connate or short-stalked, 8 anastomosing to middle of cell. A small cosmopolitan genus. 4. U. pulchella Linn., Syst. Nat., 1, 534 (1758); Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 22, 217; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 3, pl. 4, 3. Wellington district. A recent immigrant, doubtfully established; occurs throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and South Pacific islands. Larva on Myosotis, grasses, &c.

2. Hypsidae. Vein 8 of hindwings connected with cell by bar near base. A rather small family, chiefly tropical. The following genus was formerly placed in the Arctiadae, the approximation of vein 8 being so close that it appears to be anastomosis. 3. Nyctemera Hubn. Nyctemera Hübn., Verz., 178 (1823); type, lacticinia Cram. Leptosoma Boisd., Voy. Astr. 5, 197 (1832); type, annulata Boisd. Head smooth. Tongue developed. Antennae in ♂ bipectinate to apex. Palpi moderately long, subascending, with appressed scales, terminal joint moderate, cylindrical. Forewings with 7 and 8 out of 9, 10 connected with 9 by bar. Hindwings with 6 and 7 sometimes stalked, 8 closely appressed to cell towards base, connected by bars at each end of appressed portion. An Indo-Malayan genus of some extent, spreading into Australia and Africa, the New Zealand species is endemic, but approaches Australian forms: 5. N. annulata Boisd., Voy. Astr., 5, 197, pl. 5, 9; Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1886. 760; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 2, pl. 4, 1, 2: doubledayi Walk., Cat., 2, 392. North, South, and Stewart Islands. Larva on Senecio. 3. Caradrinidae. Vein 8 of hindwings shortly anastomosing with cell near base, thence diverging; 5 obsolete or imperfect, rising from middle of transverse vein. An extremely large family, of which, as explained above, only one sub-family is adequately represented in New Zealand. Subfam. 1. Agrotides. Eyes glabrous; tibiae spinose. 4. Heliothis Ochs. Heliothis Ochs., Schmett. Eur., 4, 91 (1816); type, dipsacea Linn. Chloridea Westw., Jard. Nat. Libr., 32, 198 (1841); type; virescens. Fab. Face with rounded prommence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax and abdomen without crest. Interior tibiae with apical inner and outer claws. A rather small cosmopolitan genus, of which some species range very widely; one of these has reached. New Zealand. There are about a dozen other generic synonyms, which it seems needless to quote; some are explained in the preliminary remarks. 6. H. armigera Hübn. Samml. Eur. Schmett., 370; Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 34; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 32, pl. 5, 40, 41: conferta Walk., Cat., 9. 690. North and South Islands; a cosmopolitan insect. Larva poly-phagous, on seeds and flowers.

5. Euxoa Hübn. Euxoa Hübn., Verz., 209 (1823); type, decora Hübn. Face with small truncate-conical prominence with raised rim. Antennae in ♂ bipectinated, towards apex simple. Thorax with rather spreading anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen without crests. An extensive cosmopolitan genus. There are about twenty generic synonyms. 7. E. radians Guen., Noct., 1, 261; munda Walk., Cat., 10, 348; basinotata, ib., 15, 1686; turbulenta, ib., 32, 703; injuncta, ib., 32, 703; scapularis Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 110, 13. Dunedin. Common in Australia; also from Friendly Islands and Norfolk Island. 8. E. admirationis Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 38; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 31, pl. 5, 37: sericea Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 490; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 31, pl. 5, 38: inconspicua Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 545. Christchurch district. 9. E. ceropachoides Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 39; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 32, pl. 6, 1. Rakaia. 6. Agrotis Ochs. Agrotis Ochs., Schmett. Eur., 4, 66 (1816); type, ypsilon Rott. Lycophotia Hübn., Verz., 215 (1827); type, strigula Thunb. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ bipectinated, towards apex simple. Thorax with anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen without crests. Anterior tibiae short, thickened, not longer than first joint of tarsi. A rather limited but generally distributed genus. Hampson separated Agrotis and Lycophotia by the “rather flattened” abdomen of the former, but it is quite impossible to distinguish them practically by this indefinite test. 10. A. ypsilon Rott., Naturf., 9, 141; Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 32; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 30, pl. 5, 35, 36: suffusa Hübn., Samml. Eur. Schmett., 134. North and South Islands; a cosmopolitan insect. Larva poly-phagous. 11. A. innominata Huds., N.Z. Moths, 31, pl. 5, 39. Wellington, Christchurch. 7. Graphiphora Ochs. Graphiphora Ochs., Schmett. Eur., 4, 68 (1816); type, obscura Brahm. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax with anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen without crests. Anterior tibiae moderate, longer than first joint of tarsi. A large genus, of universal distribution. Hampson includes this genus in Agrotis, but I think the separation is natural and practicable. This is the group to which the name of Noctua was formerly applied, but it has now been generally discarded. There are numerous generic synonyms.

12. G. compta Walk., Cat., 10, 404: immunis, ib., 10, 430; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 7, pl. 5, 29: quadrata Walk., Cat., 11, 745: innocua, ib., 15, 1710: reciproca, ib., 32, 672: breviuscula, ib., 33, 716: communicata, ib., 33, 716: acetina Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 109, 6. North and South Islands. Common in Australia, and reaching New Hebrides. Larva on Urtica. Subfam. 2. Poliades. Eyes glabrous, but overhung by long cilia from margins; tibiae not spinose. 8. Austramathes Hamps. Austramathes Hamps., Cat., 6, 492 (1906); type, purpurea Butl. Face without prominence. Terminal joint of palpi rather long. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax with divided anterior and spreading posterior crests. Abdomen without crests. An endemic genus of somewhat doubtful affinity; it is not very distinct, but the palpi are rather characteristic. 13. A. purpurea Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 490; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 8, pl. 5, 32: ceramodes Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 31. Wellington, Dunedin. 9. Hypnotype Hamps. Hypnotype Hamps., Cat., 6, 411 (1906); type, placens Walk. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax with anterior angles ridged and projecting, and with anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen without crests. This genus is founded on a single South American species. I can only refer the following species to it with considerable doubt, as I have not a specimen for examination, and Hampson, unfortunately, had not seen a specimen either, but his conjectural reference of it to Sympistis is, I think, undoubtedly wrong. 14. H. pessota Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 29; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 6, pl. 5, 26. Wellington, Christchurch district. 10. Homohadena Grote. Homohadena Grote, Bull. Buff. [Soc. Nat. Sci., 1, 180 (1873); type badistriga Grote. Face without prommence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax without crests. Abdomen without crest. A small American genus, in which the following species seems better placed than in Sympistis, where Hampson refers it, attributing to it the character of “eyes small and reniform,” which I do not consider justified. 15. H. fortis Butl.; Cist. Ent., 2, 549; iota Huds., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 35, 243, pl. 30, 3. Wellington, Marlborough Province. Invercargill.

Subfam. 3. Melanchrides. Eyes hairy; tibiae not spinose. 11. Ichneutica Meyr. 'Ichneutica Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 13 (1887); type, ceraunias Meyr. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ strongly bipectinated to apex. Thorax clothed with hair, without crests. Abdomen without crest. An endemic genus, doubtless a local development of Leucania. 16. I. dione Huds., N.Z. Moths, 14, pl. 4, 27. Mount Arthur; 4,400 ft. 17. I. ceraunias Meyr., Trans, N.Z. Inst., 19, 13; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 14. pl. 4, 25, 26. Mount Arthur; 3,600 ft. 12. Leucania Ochs. Leucania Ochs., Schmett. Eur., 4, 81 (1816); type, pallens Linn. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ bipectinated with apex simple, or ciliated. Thorax clothed with hair, without crests. Abdomen without crest. A considerable genus, of universal distribution, as now restricted. I include here nearly all the species of Hampson's Borolia. 18. L. Purdii Fer., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 15, 195: Huds., N.Z. Moths, 10 pl. 4, 11. Wellington, Dunedin. 19. L. acontistis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 9; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 11, pl. 4, 14. Castle Hill. 20. L. unica Walk., Cat., 9, 112; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 12, pl. 4, 17 juncicolor Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 2. Blenheim, Rakáia, Macetown. 21. L. toroneura Meyr., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1901, 565; Hamps., Cat 5, 591, pl. 96, 1. Mount Cook. 22. L. lissoxyla Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 43, 70. Mount Arthur; 4,000 ft. 23. L. phaula Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 10; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 11. pl. 4, 15: dunedinensis Hamps., Cat., 5, 591, pl. 96, 2: neurae Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 37, 330, pl. 20, 5. Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill. Larva on tussock-grass. 24. L. alopa Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 10; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 12. pl. 4, 16. Lakes Coleridge and Guyon. 25. L. blenheimensis Fer., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 15. 196: Huds., N.Z. Moths. 13, pl. 4, 23. Napier, Blenheim.

26. L. semivittata Walk., Cat., 32, 628; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 13, pl. 4, 21, 22. North and South Islands. 27. L. sulcana Fer., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 12, 267, pl. 9, 3; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 13, pl. 4, 19, 20. Akaroa, Dunedin. 28. L. stulta. Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 37, 330, pl. 20, 1. Invercargill district. 13. Aletia Hübn. Aletia Hübn., Verz., 239–(1823); type, conigera Fab. Sideridis Hübn., Verz., 232 (1823); type, evidens Hübn. Hyssia Gruen., Noct., 1, 345 (1852); type, cavernosa Ev. Chabuata Walk., Cat., 14, 1034 (1857); type, ampla Walk. Cirphis Walk., Cat., 32, 622 (1865); type, costalis Walk. Alysia Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 3 (1868); type, nullifera Guen. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated, or bipectinated with apex simple. Thorax clothed with hair or hair-scales, with anterior and posterior spreading crests. Abdomen with small crest on basal segment. A very large and cosmopolitan genus. Hampson includes micrastra in Physetica, on the ground of the increased size of the spines of the anterior tibiae; the difference is, however, merely comparative, and, as there seems to be no near relationship in other particulars, insistence on this particular character produces an artificial and unnatural collocation. 29. A. micrastra Meyr., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1897, 383; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 12, pl. 4, 10 Wellington. 30. A. Loreyi Dup., Lép. Fr., 7, 81, pl. 105, 7; Hamps., Cat., 5, 492. Kermadec Islands. Widely distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. 31. A. unipuncta Haw., Lép. Brit., 174; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 13, pl. 4, 24: extranea Guen., Noct., 1, 77. North and South Islands. A cosmopolitan species. Larva on grasses. 32. A. nullifera Walk., Cat., 11, 742; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 9, pl. 4, 9: specifica Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 3. Taupo, Wellington, Mount Arthur (4,000 ft.), Christchurch district. 33. A. moderata Walk., Cat., 32, 705; Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 20, 45; sistens Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 39: mitis Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 383, pl. 42, 5: griseipennis Huds., N.Z., Moths, 9, pl. 4, 8. North and South Islands. 34. A. griseipennis Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 109, 22; virescens Butl., Cist. Ent. 2, 489. Wellington, South Island. 35. A. temenaula Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 39, 107. Rakaia, Dunedin. 36. A. pachyscia Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 39, 107. Mount Arthur (4,700 ft.), Lake Wakatipu.

37. A. falsidica Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 43, 70. Mount Arthur, Lake Wakatipu. 38. A. sminthistis Hamps., Cat., 5, 280, pl. 86, 17. Locality unrecorded. 39. A. inconstans Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 545. Wellington, Marlborough. 40. A. cucullina Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 40; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 27, pl. 5, 23. Christchurch district, Mount Arthur (3.600 ft.). 14. Physetica Meyr. Physetica Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 5 (1887), type, caerulea Guen. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Palpi in ♂ with terminal joint greatly dilated, with orifice on outer side (instead of apex). Thorax clothed with hair, without crests. Abdomen with small crest on basal segment. Probably an endemic development of Aletia. 41. P. caerulea Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 38; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 8, pl. 4; 7. Wellington, Blenheim, Rakaia. 15. Dipaustica n.g. Face with strong horny bifurcate process. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax clothed with hair and hair-scales, with strong triangular divided anterior crest. Abdomen with crest on basal segment. Anterior tarsi with spines unusually small and slight. A distinct endemic genus; a development of Aletia. 42. D. epiastra Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 43, 58. Makara. Larva in stems of Arundo conspicua. 16. Persectania Hamps. Persectania Hamps., Cat., 5, 386; type, composita Guen. Graphania Hamps., Cat., 5, 469; type, disjungens Walk. Tmetolophota Hamps., Cat., 5, 470; type. propria Walk. Face with slight rounded or subtruncate prominence with ridge below it. Antennae in ♂ ciliated, or bipectinated with apex simple. Thorax clothed with hair and hair-scales, with anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen with crest on basal segment. Apparently a development of Melanchra, Hampson includes in Graphania an African species, and in Tmetolophota a South American one, which I have not seen. 43. P. disjungens Walk., Cat., 15, 1681; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 15, pl. 5, 43: nervata Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 40. Ashburton, Rakaia. 44. P. steropastis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 22; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 23, pl. 5, 10, 11. Napier, South Island.

45. P. composita Guen., Noct., 2, 114; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 22, pl. 5, 8, 9 ewingii Westw., Proc. Ent. Soc., 2, 55, pl. 20, 1: aversa Walk., Cat., 9, 113: maori Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 109, 24: peracuta Morr., Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., 2, 114: dentigera Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 542. North and South Islands; common also in Australia. Larva on grasses. I see no reason to revive Westwood's forgotten name-in face of the established use, still less under Hampson's unrecognizable amended form evingi. 46. P. arotis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 11; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 12. pl. 4, 18: aulacias Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 11. Wellington, South Island. 47. P. atristriga Walk., Cat., 33, 756; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 10, pl. 4, 12: antipoda Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 109, 23. North and South Islands. 48. P. propria Walk., Cat., 9, 111: Huds. N.Z. Moths, 11, pl. 4, 13. Blenheim, Mount Arthur (3,800 ft.), Mount Hutt. 17. Erana Walk. Erana Walk., Cat. 11, 605 (1857); type, graminosa Walk. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ with scattered cilia. Thorax clothed with scales, with anterior and posterior spreading crests. Abdomen with strong dorsal crests towards base. Forewings with 10 not connected with 9 to form areole, in ♂ beneath with very long tuft of scent-producing hairs from basal area. Hindwings in ♂ with costal area broadly expanded. An endemic development of Melanchra. 49. E. graminosa Walk., Cat., 11, 605; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 28, pl. 5, 24, 25: vigens Walk., 33, 743. North and South Islands. Larva on Melicytus ramiflorus. 18. Melanchra Hübn. Melanchra Hübn., Verz., 207 (1823); type, persicariae Linn. Meterana Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 385; type, pictula White. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated, or bipectinated with apex simple. Thorax clothed with hair and scales, with anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen with dorsal crests towards base. A very large genus, of universal distribution, but chiefly in temperate regions. Hampson calls this genus Polia (whereas this name has been universally employed in a quite different sense, and is barred), but separates all the New Zealand species except pictula and rhodopleura, together with six from North America, as a widely remote genus Morrisonia, on the alleged character that these latter have “the tegulae dorsally produced into a ridge.” I am quite unable to separate the two groups on this or any other character, and think the division unnatural, the species of both being very similar in all respects. The use of the name Mamestra for this genus is not practicable; it is founded on Guenée's use, but under a misapprehension of it, as Guenée himself specified the type as furva Hübn., which does not belong to this subfamily at all. There are a number of generic synonyms, which I do not quote.

50. M. pictula White, Tayl. New Zeal., pl. 1, 3; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 19, pl. 4, 37. Lake Coleridge. 51. M. rhodopleura Meyr., Trana. N.Z. Inst., 19, 19; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 19, pl. 4, 38. Auckland, Napier, Wellington. Hampson oddly unites this and the preceding as sexes, which is certainly incorrect, as I have males of both. They are also not only distinct and apparently constant in colouring, but differ somewhat in the form of the spots, occur in different Islands, and my type of pictula has the tegulae distinctly ridged, and would therefore be placed by him in a different genus from rhodopleura, in which there seems to be no ridge; however, on this last point I lay no stress myself. 52. M. exquisita Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 35, 246, pl. 32, 2. Invercargill. 53. M. plena Walk., Cat., 33, 744; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 17, pl. 4, 32: sphagnea Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 109, 17: viridis Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 547. Wellington, South Island. Larva on grasses and low plants. 53A. M. pauca, Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 42, 544. Wairarapa, Invercargill. 54. M. octans Huds., N.Z. Moths, 25, pl. 5, 1. Invercargill. 55. M. grandiosa Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 35, 246, pl. 32, 1. Invercargill. 56. M. decorata Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 37, 329, pl. 20, 2. Invercargill. 57. M. maya Huds., N.Z. Moths, 17, pl. 4, 31. Mount Arthur (3,500 ft.), Macetown. 58. M. xanthogramma Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 44, 117. Wellington. 59. M. insignis Walk., Cat., 33, 724; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 16, pl. 4, 29, 30; Hamps., Cat. 5, 368, pl. 88, 20: turbida Walk., Cat., 33, 754: skelloni Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 547: polychroa Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 16. North and South Islands. Larva polyphagous on low plants. 60. M. mutans Walk., Cat., 11, 602; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 18, pl. 4, 34–36; Hamps., Cat., 5, 369, pl. 38, 21: lignifusca Walk., Cat., 11, 603: spurcata, ib., 11, 631: vexata, ib., 33, 755: angusta Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. 109, 18: acceptrix, ib., pl. 109, 19: debilis Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 385, pl. 42, 6. North and South Islands. Larva polyphagous on low plants. 61. M. bromias Meyr., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1902, 273; Hamps., Cat., 5, 370, pl. 88, 22. Chatham Islands. 62. M. ustistriga Walk., Cat., 11, 630; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 26, pl. 5, 20; Hamps., Cat., 5, 377, pl. 88, 29: lignisecta Walk., Cat., 11, 631. North and South Islands. Larva on Lonicera. 63. M. paracausta Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 15; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 15, pl. 4, 28. Mount Arthur, Castle Hill, Invercargill.

64. M. coeleno Huds., N.Z. Moths, 26, pl. 4, 39. Wellington. 65. M. diatmeta Huds., N.Z. Moths, 21, pl. 5, 5. Wellington. 66. M. infensa Walk., Cat., 11, 748; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 23, pl. 5, 12; Hamps., Cat., 5, 376, pl. 88, 27: arachnias Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 23. Napier, Blenheim. 67. M. omoplaca Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 24; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 23, pl. 5, 13; Hamps., Cat., 5, 382, pl. 89, 2: umbra Huds., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 35, 243, pl. 30, 7–9. Wellington, Lake Coleridge, Invercargill. 68. M. alcyone Huds., N.Z. Moths, 24, pl. 5, 14. Wellington 69. M. rubescens Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 489; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 25, pl. 5, 18; Hamps., Cat., 5, 376, pl. 88, 28. Mount Arthur, Castle Hill, Dunedin, Lake Wakatipu. 70. M. lignana Walk., Cat., 11, 758; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 26, pl. 5, 19; Hamps., Cat., 5, 383, pl. 89, 3. Wellington, Blenheim, Mount Hutt. 71. M. stipata Walk., Cat., 33, 753; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 25, pl. 5, 17, North and South Islands. 72. M. merope Huds., N.Z. Moths, 19, pl. 5, 2. Wellington. 73. M. omicron Huds., N.Z. Moths, 22, pl. 5, 42. Wellington. 74. M. dotata Walk., Cat., 11, 522; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 24, pl. 5, 16; Hamps., Cat., 380, pl. 88, 31. Nelson. 75. M. asterope Huds., N.Z. Moths, 24, pl. 5, 15. Mount Arthur (3,600 ft.), Lake Wakatipu. 76. M. tartarea Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 384, pl. 42, 2; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 21, pl. 5, 6; Hamps., Cat., 5, 381, pl. 89, 1. Murimutu Plains, Christchurch, Invercargill. 77. M. agorastis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 18; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 18, pl. 5, 30; Hamps., Cat., 5, 371, pl. 88, 23. Wellington, Akaroa, Lake Guyon. 78. M. vitiosa Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 384, pl. 42, 3.: proteastis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 20, 45; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 20, pl. 4, 40. Christchurch. Hampson, by confusion, attributes the larva of the following species to this one, and misquotes the names of Hudson's references. 79. M. ochthistis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 20; Hamps., Cat., 5, 380, pl. 88, 32: vitiosa Huds., N.Z. Moths, 20, pl. 4, 42. Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin. Larva on Melicope simplex. 80. M. morosa Butl., Cist. Ent., 2, 543; Hamps., Cat., 5, 384, pl. 89, 4: pelistis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 20; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 19, pl. 5, 3, 4. Wellington, Paekakariki, Akaroa, Lake Coleridge.

81. M. levis Philp., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 37, 330, pl. 20, 4. Invercargill. 82. M. lithias Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 17; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 17, pl. 4, 33. Castle Hill. 83. M. homoscia Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 21; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 21, pl. 5, 7; Hamps., Cat., 5, 378, pl. 88, 30. Wellington, Blenheim. Larva on Pomaderris ericifolia. 84. M. temperata Walk., Cat., 15, 1648; Hamps., Cat., 5, 385, pl. 89, 6: inceptura Walk., Cat., 15, 1736: deceptura, ib., 1737. Locality unknown. 86. M. prionistis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 27; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 27, pl. 5, 21; Hamps., Cat., 5, 384, pl. 89, 5. Wellington, Rakaia. 86. M. phricias Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 20, 46; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 27, pl. 5, 22; Hamps., Cat., 5, 385, pl. 89, 7. Manawatu district, Blenheim, Christchurch, Lake Coleridge. 19. Dasygaster Guen. Dasygaster Guen., Noct., 1, 201 (1852); type, hollandiae Guen. Face with slight rounded prominence with ridge below it. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax clothed with hair and hair-scales, with anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen with dorsal crests towards base, and dense lateral tufted fringes, especially in ♂. A small characteristically Australian genus; the following species is perhaps a recent immigrant. 87. D. hollandiae Guen., Noct., 1, 201; Hamps., Cat., 5, 476: leucanioides Guen., Noct., 1, 202: facilis Walk., Cat., 11, 745. Waipori. Common in south-east Australia and Tasmania. Subfam. 4. Caradrinides. Eyes glabrous, without marginal cilia; tibiae not spinose. 20. Bityla Walk. Bityla Walk., Cat., 33, 869 (1865); type, defigurata Walk. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax clothed with hair, without crests. Abdomen without crests. Apparently endemic. 88. B. defigurata Walk., Cat., 33, 756; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 29, pl. 5, 33: thoracica Walk., Cat., 33, 869. North and South Islands. 89. B. sericea Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 387, pl. 42, 12; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 29, pl. 5, 34. Wellington, Christchurch, Lake Guyon. 90. B. pallida Huds., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 37, 355: Hamps., Cat., 7, 42, pl. 109, 6. Napier.

21. Ariathisa Walk. Ariathisa Walk., Cat., 33, 747 (1865); type, excisa Herr-Schäff. Nitocris Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 4 (1868), type, comma Walk. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax clothed chiefly with scales, with small posterior double crest. Abdomen without crests. A rather extensive characteristically Australian genus. The single New Zealand species is apparently endemic, but extremely close to Australian forms. 91. A. comma Walk., Cat., 9, 239; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 7, pl. 5, 27, 28; implexa Walk., Cat., 10, 405: plusiata, ib., 33, 742: bicomma Guen., Ent. Mo. Mag., 5, 4. North and South Islands. 22. Spodoptera Guen. Spodoptera Guen., Noct., 1, 153 (1852); type, mauritia Boisd. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax clothed chiefly with scales, with posterior spreading crest. Abdomen with dorsal crest at base. A small widely distributed genus, of which two species have a very extensive range. 92. S. mauritia Boisd., Faun. Ent. Madag. Lép., 92, pl. 13, 9; Hamps., Cat., 8, 256: margarita Hawth., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 29, 283; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 6, pl. 5, 31. Wellington. Common throughout south Asia, Africa, Australia, and Pacific islands. There are sixteen specific synonyms, which I do not quote. Larva on rice, and perhaps other cereals. 23. Cosmodes Guen. Cosmodes Guen., Noct., 2, 289 (1852); type, elegans Don. Face without prominence. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Thorax clothed chiefly with scales, with anterior and posterior crests. Abdomen with dorsal crests towards base, and large crest on third segment. Forewings with scale-tooth at tornus, termen angulated on vein 3. The single species occurs apparently naturally in both Australia and New Zealand, but probably the former country is its home. It approaches the Asiatic Canna. 93. C. elegans Don., Ins. New Holl., pl. 36, 5; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 33, pl. 6, 2. North Island, Christchurch. Common in eastern Australia. 4. Plusiadae. Vein 8 of hindwings shortly anastomosing with cell near base, thence diverging, 5 well developed. Also an extremely large family, but more especially characteristic of tropical regions. Subfam. 1. Hypenides. Hindwings with 5 nearly parallel to 4.

24. Hypenodes Guen. Hypenodes Guen., Delt., 41 (1854); type, albistrigalis Haw. Head with frontal tuft. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Palpi very long, porrected, second joint thickened with rough projecting scales, terminal rather short or moderately long, cylindrical. Thorax with appressed scales. Abdomen with small crest on basal segment. Tibiae smooth-scaled. Forewings with 7 separate, 9 and 10 out of 8. 94. H. costistrigalis Steph., Ill. Brit. Ent., 4, 20; exsularis Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 20, 46. Taranaki, Kermadec Islands. Widely distributed in Europe, Asia, and Australia. 95. H. anticlina Meyr., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1901, 566; octias Huds., N.Z. Moths, 37, pl. 6, 7. Wellington. Subfam. 2. Catocalides. Hindwings with 3, 4, 5 approximated at base; middle and sometimes posterior tibiae spinose. 25. Ophiusa Ochs. Ophiusa Ochs., Schmett. Eur., 4, 93 (1816); type, algira Linn. Achaea Hübn., Verz., 269 (1823); type, melicerte Drury. Gram-modes Guen., Noct., 3, 275 (1852); type, geometrica Fab. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Palpi moderately long, ascending, second joint thickened with dense appressed scales, terminal joint moderate, somewhat pointed. Thorax clothed with scales and hair, without crest. Abdomen without crest. An extensive genus, of general distribution, but principally tropical. 96. O. melicerte Drury, Ill. Exot. Ins., 1, 46, pl, 23, 1; traversii Fer., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 9, 457, pl. 17. Wellington; a casual immigrant. Widely distributed in Asia, Africa, and Australia. 97. O. pulcherrima Luc., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1892, 258; Huds., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 37, 355, pl. 22, 4. Wellington, once; probably an accidental introduction. Occurs in eastern Australia. Subfam. 3. Plusiades. Hindwings with 3, 4, 5 approximated at base; tibiae not spinose. 26. Plusia Ochs. Plusia Ochs., Schmett. Eur., 4, 89 (1816); type, gamma Linn. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Palpi rather long, curved, ascending, second joint rough-scaled, terminal moderate or short, more or less rough-scaled in front, somewhat pointed. Thorax with large central or posterior crest-Abdomen with one or more crests. Tibiae rough-scaled. An extensive nearly cosmopolitan genus; the two New Zealand species are immigrants. 98. P. chalcites Esp., Schmett., 447, pl. 141, 3; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 35, pl. 6, 3: eriosoma Doubl., Dieff. N.Z., 2, 285: verticillata Guen., Noct., 2, 344: rogationis, ib., 344. North Island, Blenheim, Nelson. A cosmopolitan insect. Larva on various plants.

99. P. oxygramma Hübn., Zutr., 37, f. 769, 770; transfixa Walk., Cat., 12, 884; subchalybaea, ib., 33, 833. Thames River. Widely distributed in Asia, Australia, and Pacific islands. 27. Ophideres Boisd. Ophideres Boisd., Faun. Ent. Madag. Lép., 99 (1833); type, fullonica Linn. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Palpi long, ascending, second joint thickened with dense appressed scales, terminal joint moderately long, slender, somewhat thickened towards apex, obtuse. Thorax clothed with hair-scales rather expanded posteriorly. Abdomen without crests. A rather small tropical genus, of which some species have a wide range. 100. O. fullonica Linn., Syst. Nat., 1, 812; Meyr., Trans. N.Z. Inst., 19, 37. Christchurch, one doubtful specimen. Widely distributed in Asia, Africa, Australia, and Pacific islands. 28. Dasypodia Guen. Dasypodia, Guen. Noct., 3, 174 (1852); type, selenophora Guen. Antennae in ♂ ciliated. Palpi long, ascending, second joint thickened with dense scales, terminal joint moderately long, slender, somewhat thickened towards apex, obtuse. Thorax clothed with long hairs, without crest. Abdomen without crests. Posterior tibiae densely hairy. An Australian genus; probably of only one species. 101. D. selenophora Guen., Noct., 3, 175; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 35, pl. 6, 4. North Island, Nelson, Christchurch. Common in south-east Australia. Larva on Acacia (?). 29. Rhapsa Walk. Rhapsa Walk., Cat., 1149 (1865); type, scotosialis Walk. Antennae in ♂ bipectinated, towards apex simple. Palpi very long. obliquely ascending, clothed with rough scales throughout, second joint above in ♂ with tuft of long projecting scales above towards apex, terminal joint moderate. Thorax clothed with scales, without crest. Abdomen without crest. Posterior tibiae with appressed scales. Forewings in ♂ beneath with large broad costal fold on anterior half. A closely allied species occurs in south-east Australia, so similar that it might be thought identical, but with the antennae of ♂ furnished with long bristles instead of pectinations, vein 8 of hindwings anastomosing with cell to beyond middle; the characteristic palpi and costal fold of the forewings are similar in both species. 102. R. scotosialis Walk., Cat., 34, 1150; Huds., N.Z. Moths, 36, pl. 6, 5, 6: lilacina Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 388, pl. 42, 11. North and South Islands. Larva on Piper excelsum. In the following indices the numbers refer to those attached to the genera and species in consecutive order. Names italicised are synonyms. Index of Genera. Achaea Hübn. 25 Agrotis Ochs. 6 Aletia Hubn. 13 Alysia Guen. 13 Ariathisa Walk. 21 Austramathes Hamps. 8 Bityla Walk. 20 Chabuata Walk. 13 Chloridea Westw. 4 Cirphis Walk. 13 Cosmodes Guen. 23 Dasygaster Guen. 19

Dasypodia Guen. 28 Deiopeia Steph. 2 Dipaustica n.g. 15 Erana Walk. 17 Euxoa Hubn. 5 Grammodes Guen. 25 Graphania Hamps. 16 Graphiphora Ochs. 6 Heliothis Ochs. 4 Homohadena Grote 10 Hypenodes Guen. 24 Hypnotype Hamps. 9 Hyssia Guen. 13 Ichneutica Meyr. 11 Leptosoma Boisd. 3 Leucania Ochs. 12 Lycophotia Hübn. 6 Melanchra Hübn. 18 Metacrias Meyr. 1 Meterana Butl. 18 Nitocris Guen. 21 Nyctemera Hubn. 3 phideres Boisd. 27 Ophiusa Ochs. 25 persectania Hamps. 16 physetica Meyr. 14 plusia Ochs. 26 Rhapsa Walk. 29 Sideridis Hübn. 13 Spodoptera Guen. 22 Tmetolophota Hamps. 16 Utetheisa Hubn. 2 Index of Species. acceptrixFeld. 60 acetinaFeld. 12 acontistis Meyr. 19 admirationis Guen. 8 agorastis Meyr. 77 alcyone Huds. 68 alopa Meyr. 24 angusta Feld. 60 annulata Boisd. 5 anticlina Meyr. 95 antipoda Feld. 47 arachnias Meyr. 66 armigera Hubn. 6 arotis Meyr. 46 asterope Huds. 75 atristriga Walk. 47 aulacias Meyr. 46 aversa Walk. 45 basinotata Walk. 7 bicomma Guen. 91 blenheimensis Fer. 25 breviuscula Walk. 12 bromias Meyr. 61 caerulea Guen. 41 ceramodes Meyr. 13 ceraunias Meyr. 17 ceropachoides Guen. 9 chalcites Esp. 98 coeleno Huds. 64 comma Walk. 91 communicata Walk. 12 composita Guen. 45 compta Walk. 12 conferta Walk. 6 costistrigalis Steph. 94 cucullina Guen. 40 debilis Butl. 60 deceptura Walk. 84 decorata Philp. 56 defigurata Walk. 88 dentigera Butl. 45 diatmeta Huds. 65 dione Huds. 16 disjungens Walk. 43 dotata Walk. 74 doubledayr Walk. 5 dunedinensis Hamps. 23 elegans Don. 93 epiastra Meyr. 42 erichrysa Meyr. 2 eriosoma Doubl. 98 ewingii Westw. 45 exquisita Philp. 52 exsularis Meyr. 94 extranea Guen. 31 facilis Walk. 87 falsidica Meyr. 37 fortis Butl. 15 fullonica Linn. 100 graminosa Walk. 49 grandiosa Philp. 55 griseipennis Feld. 34 hollandiae Guen. 87 homoscia Meyr. 83 huttonii Butl. 1 immunis Walk. 12 implexa Walk. 91 inceptura Walk. 84 inconspicua Butl. 8 inconstans Butl. 39

infensa Walk. 66 injuncta Walk. 7 innocua Walk. 12 innominata Huds. 11 insignis Walk. 59 iota Huds 15 junicolor Guen. 20 leucanioides Guen. 87 levia Philp. 81 ignana Walk. 70 lignifusca Walk. 60 lignisecta Walk. 62 lilacina Butl. 102 lissoxyla Meyr. 22 lithias Meyr. 82 loreyi Dup. 30 maori Feld. 45 margarita Hawth. 92 mauritia Boisd. 92 maya Huds. 57 melicerte Drury 96 merope Huds. 72 micrastra Meyr. 29 mitis Butl. 33 moderata Walk. 33 morosa Butl. 80 munda Walk. 7 mutans Walk. 60 nervata Guen. 43 neurae Philp. 23 nullifera Walk. 32 ochthistis Meyr. 79 octans Huds. 54 octias Huds. 95 omicron Huds. 73 omoplaca Meyr. 67 oxygramma Hubn. 99 pachyscia Meyr. 36 pallida Huds. 90 paracausta Meyr. 63 pauca Philp. 53A pelistis Meyr. 80 peracuta Morr. 45 pessota Meyr. 14 phaula Meyr. 23 phricias Meyr. 86 pictula White 50 plena Walk. 53 plusiata Walk. 91 polychroa Meyr. 59 prionistis Meyr. 85 propria Walk. 48 proteastis Meyr. 78 pulchella Linn. 4 pulcherrima Luc. 97 purdii Fer. 18 purpurea Butl. 13 quadrata Walk. 12 radians Guen. 7 recrproca Walk. 12 rhodopleura Meyr. 51 rogationis Guen. 98 rubescens Butl. 69 scapularis Feld. 7 scotosialis Walk. 102 selenophora Guen. 101 semivittata Walk. 26 sericea Butl. 8 sericea Butl. 89 sistens Guen. 33 skelloni Butl. 59 sminthistis Hamps. 38 specifica Guen. 32 sphagnea Feld. 53 spurcata Walk. 60 steropastis Meyr. 44 stipata Walk. 71 strategica Huds. 3 stulta Philp. 28 subchalybaea Walk. 99 suffusa Hübn. 10 sulcana Fer. 27 tartarea Butl. 76 temenaula Meyr. 35 temperata Walk. 84 thoracica Walk. 88 toroneura Meyr. 21 transfixa Walk. 99 traversii Fer. 96 turbida Walk. 59 turbulenta Walk. 7 umbra Huds. 67 unica Walk. 20 unipuncta Haw. 31 ustistriga Walk. 62 verticillata Guen. 98 vexata Walk. 60 vigens Walk. 49 virescens Butl. 34 viridis Butl. 53 vitiosa Butl. 78 vitiosa Huds. 79 xanthogramma Meyr. 58 ypsilon Rott. 10

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 44, 1911, Page 88

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Art. VI.—A Revision of the Classification of New Zealand Caradrinina. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 44, 1911, Page 88

Art. VI.—A Revision of the Classification of New Zealand Caradrinina. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 44, 1911, Page 88