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Art. XXVII.—Notes on Coleoptera from the Chatham Islands. By Major T. Broun, F.E.S. [Read before the Auckland Institute, 18th November, 1908.] A Complete list of the Coleoptera now proved to occur in these islands is given for reference. It is just possible that some other species may have been described by European authors, but the list includes all that were recorded by the late Captain F. W. Hutton and those whose descriptions follow the list. Eighteen species appear to be purely endemic at the Chathams; the remaining twenty-three were originally found in New Zealand. All the genera were instituted for the reception of New Zealand species, with the exception of such as are more or less cosmopolitan—eight or nine altogether. None of the genera and species recently described by me from the Auckland Islands are represented, so far as we are aware at present, at the Chatham. Islands, but I feel confident that some, or closely allied forms, will be discovered ultimately. List Of Coleoptera From The Chatham Islands. Group Anchomenidæ 1. Anchomenus submetallicus, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 24. 2. " chathamensis, Broun, sp. nov. Group Colymbetidæ. 3. Rhantus pulverosus, Stephens, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 1333. Group Staphylinidæ. 4. Creophilus oculatus, Fabricius, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 107. Group Histeridæ. 5. Sternaulax zealandicus, Marseul, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 162.

Group Trogositidæ. 6. Leperina wakefieldi, Sharp, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 179. Group Colydiidæ. 7. Rhitidinotus squamulosus, Broun, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 204. Group Hemipepilidæ. 8. Diagrypnodes wakefieldi, Waterhouse, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 217. Group Lucanidæ. 9. Lissotes capito, Deyrolle, Trans. Ent. Soc., 1873, p. 339. 10. Ceratognathus helotoides, Thomson, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 254. 11. Mitophyllus reflexus, Broun, sp. nov. Group Melolonthidæ. 12. Odontria zealandica, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 270. Group Elateridæ. 13. Thoramus wakefieldi, Sharp, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 280. 14. " lœvithorax, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 282. 15. Mecastrus convexus, Sharp, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 293. 16. Psorochroa granulata, Broun, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 773. Group Cleridæ 17. Phymatophœa electa, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 334. Group Heleidæ. 18. Cilibe pascoei, Bates, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 372. 19. " saragoides, Pascoe. 20. " subcostatus, Sharp, Ent. Mag., April, 1903. Group Œdemeridæ. 21. Sessinia strigipennis, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 420. 22. Thelyphassa diaphana, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 422. Group Otiorhynchidæ. 23. Cecyropa tychioides, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 437. 24. Inophlœus traversi, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 439. Group Erirhinidæ. 25. Stephanorhynchus purus, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 463. Group Cryptorhynchidæ. 26. Psepholax sulcatus, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 479. 27. Aldonus hylobioides, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 483. 28. " chathamensis, Sharp, Ent. Mag.; April, 1903. 29. Pseudoreda tibialis, Broun, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 482. 30. Acalles fougeri, Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., 1897, p. 157.

Group Platypidæ. 31. Platypus apicalis, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 541. Group Cerambycidæ. 32. Zorion minutum, Fabricius, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 584. 33. " opacum, Sharp, Ent. Mag., April, 1903. 34. Xuthodes punctipennis, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 580. 35. " divergens, Broun, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 581. Group Lamiidæ. 36. Xylotoles costatus, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 599. 37. " traversi, Pascoe, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 599. 38. " schauinslandi, Sharp, Ent. Mag., April, 1903. 39. " abnormalis, Sharp, Ent. Mag., April, 1903. 40. Hybolasius trigonellaris, Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., 1897, p. 158. 41. Tetrorea cilipes, White, Man. N.Z. Coleopt., p. 609. List Of Introduced Species. Aphodius granarius Lacon murinus Otiorhynchus sulcatus Coccinella II-punctata Recorded by the late Captain F. W. Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., 1897, pp. 156–58. Group Anchomenidæ. Anchomenus chathamensis, sp. nov. Suboblong, slightly convex, nitid, piceous; the legs, antennæ, and palpi rufo-piceous; lateral margins of thorax and elytra similarly rufescent. Head oviform and, including the large eyes, rather broader than front of thorax; irregularly rugose behind the inter-antennal groove, smooth on the back part. Labrum large, entire. Antennæ with the basal 3 joints shining and glabrous, 2nd joint, half the length of the 3rd. Thorax one-fourth broader than long, its sides with well-developed margins, moderately rounded, very gradually narrowed behind the middle, posterior angles nearly rectangular but obtuse, the base feebly rounded towards the sides, apex incurved; disc moderately convex, with feebly impressed striæ across it, dorsal furrow indistinct near the base and apex, near the front there is an indistinct transverse impression, basal fossæ large. Scutellum smooth. Elytra oblong, slightly and gradually widened backwards, slightly sinuate but evidently obliquely narrowed towards the apices; shoulders a little curvedly narrowed, yet rather wider than the base of thorax; the suture is somewhat elevated posteriorly, the 4 discoidal striæ on each elytron are well marked but impunctate, the outer ones are finer, 3rd interstices tri-punctate. Tarsi setose, the anterior spongy underneath, their basal 2 joints moderately dilated and oblong, the 3rd also dilated but shorter and more narrowed near the base, 4th small and cordiform, basal joint of the posterior grooved along the outside. Palpi rather short, terminal articulation subcylindric. Underside shining piceous, last ventral segment very broadly rounded, almost truncate, with a single setigerous puncture near each side at the apex.

♂. Length, 3 ¾ lines; breadth, 1 ½ lines. Chatham Islands; February, 1907. One example, forwarded by Dr. W. B. Benham for identification. It is somewhat similar to A. lawsoni, but smaller and more depressed, the sides of the elytra more explanate behind, the thorax relatively larger and less rounded laterally; frontal foveæ indefinite, &c. Group Æsalidæ. Mitophyllus reflexus, sp. nov. Oblong, rather elongate; subdepressed, subopaque, piceo-rufous, margins of thorax and elytra and the legs infuscate red, sparingly clothed with flavescent setæ; antennæ, tarsi, and palpi red. Head much narrowed behind the large and very prominent eyes, broadly depressed between the greatly elevated antennal tubercles, closely punctate. Mandibles rather small and broad, bifid at apex. Antennæ well developed, basal joint elongate, stout and much curved, 2nd very short, joints 3 and 4 equally elongate, 5th evidently shorter than the preceding one, 6th very-short, 7th short and slightly prolonged towards the front; club composed of 3 long lobes, bearing numerous slender outstanding setæ. Thorax transverse, anterior angles obtusely rounded, the posterior rectangular; its sides explanate and obviously reflexed, apex subtruncate, base widely businuate; its sides almost evenly rounded, yet a little narrowed towards the front; its surface distinctly and closely punctured, less closely at each side of the middle in front, and having at the base a narrow elongáted smooth space. Scutellum large. Elytra oblong, parallel-sided, with a depression inside each shoulder; they are closely and distinctly punctured, and exhibit 3 or 4 feebly impressed longitudinal striæ. Tibiæ elongate, the intermediate curvate and finely asperate, the anterior subserrate externally, with a very small denticle above the middle and not in the least protuberant at the extremity. Tarsi slender and elongate, basal joint of the posterior short, 2–4 decrease in length, all however unusually long, the terminal slender and as long as the preceding 3 united; claws very long and slender. ♂. Length, 4 ¼-5 lines; breadth, 1 ½-2 lines. Chatham Islands. Described from two specimens found by Professor W. B. Benham in February, 1907. They differ in almost every detail from the typical New Zealand species (M. irroratus). The very prominent eyes, explanate and reflexed thoracic margins, and strongly elevated antennal tubercles are sufficient for immediate identification. Cilibe saragoides. Oblong-oval, moderately convex, subopaque, piceous, elytra more rufescent, tarsi and antennæ pitchy-red. Head closely punctate. Thorax transverse, its sides broadly concave, with reflexed margins, gradually narrowed towards the anterior angles, which extend beyond the front of the eyes, near the base they are straight, the posterior angles being subacute, directed backwards, and resting on the elytra; base slightly and widely bisinuate, the apex deeply incurved; the disc finely and not closely punctured, more closely and coarsely but not deeply at the sides. Scutellum broadly triangular, with a few minute punctures. Elytra transversely convex, their sides very broadly expanded and reflexed, becoming less so near the middle, still narrower behind, and

simple at the extremity, the base is broader than that of the thorax, they are slightly but widely sinuate before the middle femora; the broad grooves are opaque, with irregular punctures, so that the finely punctured interstices, which are slightly shining, appear somewhat costiform; the broad marginal channels are indistinctly sculptured, there is no perceptible granulation; near not side, at the base, there is a broad impression, which, however, may not be a constant character. The broadly expanded sides distinguish this species. Length, 5 ¼ lines; breadth, 2 ½ lines. Pitt's Island. My specimen was presented to me over twenty years ago by the late F. P. Pascoe, who, no doubt, had described it under the name I have attached to it; its description, however, I have not seen. Descriptions of Coleoptera from the Chatham Islands, By Dr. D. Sharp, Copied From The “Entomologists' Magazine” For April, 1903. Group Heleidæ. Cilibe subcostata. Nigra vel picea; minus depressa, fortiter sculpturata, opaca, elytris evidenter subsulcatis. Long., 13 ½ mm. This is distinguished from all the other species by the peculiar sculpture of the elytra, which, however, is only an exaggeration of what we find in some other forms. The front angles of the thorax are much produced, and the sides are much explanate, their margins a little sinuate; the hind angles much produced backwards and markedly acute; the punctuation at the sides is very dense, on the disc it is scanty, but the surface is not in the least shining. The elytra are rather short, and have a vague costation, the very slightly elevated ribs are separated by coarse punctures; this sculpture sets off and makes evident the ribs. Professor Schauinsland found a small series of this species. It is nearest allied to C. pascoei, Bates, of Pitt's Island, a species which was also met with there by the German traveller. C. pascoei is, however, rather more elongate and less convex in form, and with the sculpture of the elytra different, there being merely traces of the longitudinal ribs. Professor Schauinsland's specimens are intensely black, being considerably darker in colour than Mr. Bates's type. I have dissected the sexes of C. subcostata, and do not find any external marks to distinguish them. Group Cryptorhynchidæ. Aldonus chathamensis. Ferruginous vel piceus, setis erectis numerbsis superne vestitus, haud squamosus, rude sculpturatus; subtus setosus, inter setas squamis perpaucis munitus. Long., 7 ½—13 mm. Distinguished from A. hylobioides and all the other species ascribed to the genus by the absence of scales from the surface. The rostrum is longer than it is in A. hylobioides; it bears fine erect hairs, but in consequence of the absence of scales its coarse sculpture can be distinctly seen. Thorax very rough, with tubercular sculpture, with fine, short, erect hairs, and with

still shorter, very slightly curved, thicker, more pallid setae, which represent the squamosity that is so remarkable in the other species. The elytra are rather deeply striate, and the striae have very large punctures, separated only by short intervals one from the other. Chatham Islands; Professor Schauinsland. Group Cerambycidae. Zorion opacum. Fusco-testaceum, supra submetallico-nitens, sericeo-subopacum; antennis pedibusque testaceis, his femoribus basi excepta rufo-obscuris, illis fusco-annulatis; elytro singulo ante medium fascia pallida transversa marginem lateralem fere attingente. Long., 4–5 mm. This comes very near to Z. minutum, but is distinguished by the peculiar pallid suffused colour and the silky dullness of the surface. The thorax, instead of being polished, is dull, and covered with a slight sculpture, a sort of minute wrinkling of the surface. The elytra are rather longer than in the other species. Chatham Islands; Professor Schauinsland. Three specimens. The British Museum collection includes a specimen of this species said to be from Otago. This locality I think very doubtful. Group Lamiidae. Xylotoles schauinslandi. Fusco-rufus, supra viridescens, nitidus, antennis pedibusque rufis; elytris tricostatis, costis at apicem fere dualis, interstitiis irregulariter interruptim costatis. Long., 10 mm. This species comes very naturally between X. traversi and X. costatus. It is not half the size of the latter; but is a little longer than X. traversi, more elongate, with the sculpture more developed, and the costation continued near to the tip. Of the forms found on the mainland, it is perhaps nearest to X. rugicollis, but it is very different in colour, and the elytra are singly rounded at the tip. The thorax is elongate and subcylindric, and bears 2 transverse channels; otherwise it is very indistinctly sculptured. The scutellum is covered with pallid pubescence. The elytra have each an elevated rib running along the suture, and outside this 3 others, the space between bearing much coarse irregular sculpture; the 3rd costa is itself divided behind the shoulder so as to fork somewhat, and form, in fact, 2 costae. The ventral segments have each a conspicuous spot of yellow pubescence at the side. The four specimens found by Professor Schauinsland differ but little, and the British Museum collection has two others. Chatham Islands; Professor Schauinsland. Xylotoles abnormalis. Minutus, brevis, testaceus, pallidus, tomentosus; thorace fortiter transversus; corporis latera longitudinaliter fuscuscente. Long., 5 mm. This minute Lamiid looks like a Hybolasius, but as it is flightless I place it in Xylotoles, where it will come near to X. huttoni. The front of the head is very low, and the mouth much inflexed. The antennae have the 3rd

and 4th joints very elongate, the 4th a little the shorter, but quite twice as long as the 5th; from this to the end each is slightly shorter than its predecessor. The thorax is scarcely so long as broad, infuscate at the sides and across the middle. The after-body is short, the elytra covered with minute tomentum, which allows, however, numerous small pits to be seen; they are pallid, but at each side there is a large irregular dark patch, which beyond the middle approaches near to the suture. Under-surface infuscate. Femora short and thick, yellow, with dark marks. Chatham Islands; Professor Schauinsland. Two specimens.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 41, 1908, Page 145

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Art. XXVII.—Notes on Coleoptera from the Chatham Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 41, 1908, Page 145

Art. XXVII.—Notes on Coleoptera from the Chatham Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 41, 1908, Page 145