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Pages 21-40 of 79

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Pages 21-40 of 79

Pages 21-40 of 79

Index. Authors. A. Atkinson, A. S., 762 Murray-Aynsley, A. C., 754 B. Bates, Rev. J., 97, 111 Brown, Professor F. D., 747 Brown, R., 531, 754 Buller, Sir W. L., 323, 326, 359, 733, 735, 738 C. Carlile, J. W., 760 Carlile, William W., 74 Cheeseman, T. F., 534 Cohen, Walter P., 377 Colenso, W., 87, 591, 614, 615, 618, 760, 761 Cowie, Right Rev. W. G., 748 D. Dendy, Dr. Arthur, 210, 214, 755 E. Egerton, Professor C. W., 748 Erskine, J. A., 178 Ewen, C. A., 651 Ewington, F. G., 748 F. Farquhar, H., 459 Field, H. C., 623 H. Hamilton, A., 141, 147, 163, 622 Handly, J. Walling, 360 Harding, R. Coupland, 376 Hector, Sir J., 736, 742, 743, 746 Henry, Richard, 50 Hill, H., 666, 681, 761 Hocken, Dr. T. M., 117, 756 Howlett, W. F., 760 Hudson, G. V., 379, 734 Hutton, Captain F. W., 314, 627, 645, 654, 755 K. Kingsley, R. I., 449, 537 Kirby, W. F., 454 Kirk, H. B., 205 Kirk, T., 1, 491, 493, 498, 501, 508, 510, 515, 725, 729, 735, 741 L. Lascelles, A. R. W., 760 Lund, H. M., 760 M. Mackechnie, E. A., 749 Maclaurin, J. S., 695 Mair, Captain G., 36 Marshall, P., 216, 250, 310, 312 Maskell, W. M., 380, 411 P. Park, Archibald, 451 Parker, Professor, 757, 758 Payton, E. W., 750 Petrie, D., 538, 540 Phillips, Coleman, 479 Purchas, A. G., 59 Purnell, Charles W., 27 Purser, E., 689 R. Roberts, Dr. W. S., 757 Rutherford, E., 182, 754 S. Schaw, Major-General, 62, 71, 731, 743, 744 Scott, Professor, 756 Segar, Professor H. W., 749 Shufeldt, Dr. R. W., 665 Skey, William, 708 Guthrie-Smith, H., 367 Smith, S. Percy, 41, 47 Smith, W. W., 468 Speight, R., 625 Suter, Henry, 319 Sutherland, D., 724 T. Thomas, Professor A. P., 747 Thomson, G. M., 758 Tiegear, E., 732 W. White, Taylor, 54, 760, 761 Wilson, A., 756

Subjects. A. Albino Tui, 735 Aleurodidœ, Contributions towards a Monograph of the, 411, 746 Animal Instinct, 27 Animal Prodigies, 87 Antarctic Research, 62, 725, 731, 761 Antipodes Island, 737 Antitoxin in Diphtheria, 757 Ants, Habits of New Zealand, 468 Argon, 747 Aristotelia racemosa, 735 Art and Photography, 750 Artesian Wells at Canterbury Museum, Behaviour of, 654 Auckland Institute, 747, 750, 752 B. Ballast-heap, On the Products of a, 501 Bee, Construction of Comb of Hive-, 479, 730 Bimetallism, 760 Bird life on a Run, 367 Birds of New Zealand, 7, 326, 359, 360, 367, 376, 728, 735 Botanical Notes, Nelson District, 537 Botanical Papers, 491 Browning's “Vision of Life,” 749 Butterflies of New Zealand, 312 C. Callorhynchus antarcticus, 746 Campbell Island, 737 Canterbury Philosophical Institute, xix, 753, 755 Cerchneis cenchroides: Its Occurrence in New Zealand, 359, 728 Chatham Islands, 737 Chitral, On the Recent Difficulty in, 748 Cicadidœ of New Zealand, 454 Coccidœ, New Species of, 380 Coinage of England under Charles I., 760 Colour-mixing by Maxwell's Disks, 756 Columbines, Double-flowered, 738 Cook's (Captain) First Voyage, Notes on MS. Descriptions of Botanical Collections made during, 491 Cordiceps robertsii, 623 Cranial Fallacy, On a, 732 Cryptogams, New Zealand, 614, 615, 618 Cyanide: Action of Potassium-Cyanide Solution on Gold, 695, 708 D. Dactylanthus taylori, 493, 734 Deinacrida, On a New Species of, 323, 733 Democracy, 97 Denudation as a Factor of Geological Time, 666 Deverill, Mr.: Sketches of Outlying Islands, 745 Dicraniums of New Zealand, 754 Dinornithidœ. See Moa. Diphtheria, Antitoxin in, 757 Diptera of New Zealand, 216, 250, 310 Displacement of Species in New Zealand, 1 Dodonidia helmsi, 312 Drama, On the Dawn of the English, 748 Dunedin Harbour, Account of a Massacre at, in 1817, 141 Dusky Sound, Notes on, 50 E. Earthquakes during 1895, 768 Eclipse Phenomenon, 744 Eclipses, Two Coming, 749 Education of Teachers, 111 Elephant-fish, 746 Enfield, Deposit of Moa-bones at, 645 F. Fern, A Peculiar, 622 Ferns, On New, 615, 618 Fish, A New Species of Luminous, 743 Fisheries, Notes on New Zealand, 758 Fishes of New Zealand, 314 Flora of New Zealand, On Additions to the, 534 Flowering Plants of Dunedin, Catalogue of, 757

Flowering Plants of Otago, 540 Forest-cricket, A New Species of, 323, 733 Forests of New Zealand, 147 G. Geological Papers, 625 Geological Time, Denudation as a Factor of, 666 Geology of Outlying Islands of New Zealand, 736, 738 Geonemertes novœ - zealandiœ, Discovery of Live Specimens of, 214 Gnaphalium colensoi, Remarks on, 729 Gold, Action of Potassium-Cyanide Solution upon, 695, 708 H. Harpagornis, Affinities of, 665 Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, xx, 760, 761 Helichrysum, Remarks on, 729 History of Otakanini Pa, Kaipara, 41 History of Te Panenehu, 36 Hive-bee, Construction of the Comb of the, 479, 730 Holothurians of New Zealand, 755 Huxley (Professor) from the Point of View of a Disciple, 757 Hydroida, List of New Zealand, 459 Hymenanthera, Revision of New Zealand Species of, 510 I. Instincts of Animals, 27 Iron from the Titaniferous Sand of New Zealand, 689, 743 Islands adjacent to New Zealand, Geology of, 736 K. Kapua, Deposit of Moa-bones at, 627 Katipo, Female, Nests and Young, 755 Kermadec Islands, Notes on Rocks from, 625 Kermadec Islands, Volcanic Activity in, 47, 50 L. Land Nemertine of New Zealand, 214 Land Planarians of New Zealand, 210 Lepidoptera, On Rare, 377 Lepilœna in New Zealand, 498 Life and Crystals, 747 Lyall, Dr. D., R.N., Remarks on the Late, 725 M. Maori Customs, 54 Maori History, 36, 41 Magnetic Screening produced by Different Metals, 178 Magnetic Viscosity, 182 Makomako, 735 Massacre at Dunedin Harbour in 1817, Account of a, 141 Megapodius pritchardi, 756 Memorabilia of Animal Prodigies, 87 Meteorology of New Zealand, 767 Milford Sound, Discoveries near, 724 Miscellaneous Papers, 1 Moa and the Maoris, 761 Moa-bones, Discoveries of, 627, 645, 651 Mollusca of New Zealand, 319 Moss, A New Species of, 618 Mosses of New Zealand, On a New Genus of, 531 Murray, Dr. D., Resolution regarding, 759 Mus rattus: Its Occurrence in Canterbury, 754 N. Nankeen Kestrel of Australia: Its Occurrence in New Zealand, 359, 728 Native Names of Places, 760 Natural History Notes, 757 Naturalisation of Species in New Zealand, 1 Naultinus versicolor, 735 Nelson Philosophical Society, xxi, 762 Nelson, Zoology of, 449 Nemertine, New Zealand Land, 214 Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep, Animal and Vegetable Parasites associated with the Production of, 451

New Zealand, Displacement of Species in, 1 New Zealand Forests, 147 New Zealand, Geology of Outlying Islands, 736, 738 New Zealand: Its Discovery by Tasman, 117 New Zealand Institute: Election of Governors, 738 New Zealand Institute, Nomination of a Governor of the, 733 New Zealand Institute, Nomination of an Honorary Member of the, 733 New Zealand Institute: Accounts, 720 New Zealand Institute: Honorary Members, 769 New Zealand Institute: Ordinary Members, 770 New Zealand Institute, Governors of, xv New Zealand Institute, Incorporated Societies of, xviii New Zealand Institute, Officers of, xv New Zealand Institute, Rules of, xv New Zealand Institute: Report, 719 New Zealand Institute, Remarks on Honorary Membership of, 725 New Zealand Institute, Remarks on the Government of the, 762 Nomenclature of Birds, Remarks on, 729 O. Oceanic Areas, On the Rise and Progress of our Knowledge of, 163 Ornithology, Notes on New Zealand, 326, 376, 728, 738 Otago, Flowering Plants of, their Distribution and Range in Altitude, 540 Otago Heads, Account of Massacre at, in 1817, 141 Otago Institute, xix, 756, 758, 759 Otakanini Pa, History of, 41 P. Palm-lily, Notice of an Undescribed, on Auckland Peninsula, 508 Parasites, Animal and Vegetable, associated with the Production of Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep, 451 Passion-flower of New Zealand, 756 Penguin, Etymology of the Word, 756 Periodimeter, for measuring Periods of Rapidly - oscillating Currents, 754 Phænogams, New Species of, 591 Philosophy, The Ultimate Problem of, 74, 727 Photography and Art, 750 Planarians, New Zealand Land, 210 Planchonia quercicola in New Zealand, 450, 762 Plants, New Species of, 534, 538, 591, 614, 615 Plume-moths: Their Abundance in Summer of 1894–95, 379, 728 Polyipnus kirkii, 743 Potassium - Cyanide Solution: Its Action upon Gold, 695, 708 Proceedings of Incorporated Societies, 721 Prodigies, Memorabilia of Animal, 87 Prosthemadera novœ-zealandiœ, 735 R. Rahui, The Ceremony of, 54 Railway, The, and its Place in Social Economy, 59 Rat (Black): Its Occurrence in Canterbury, 754 Rats nesting in Trees, 761 Riley, The Late Professor C. V., 735 Riverton, Discovery of Moa-bones at, 651 Ruapehu and the Volcanic Zone in 1895, 681 S. Scale-blight, 450, 762 Science, Progress of, 760 Schools, Training of Teachers for Primary, 111 Snares, The, 736 Social Problems: Poverty and Unemployed Labour in Civilised Communities, 748 Southland Institute, xxi Spadella in New Zealand, 758 Spider, A Hunting, 761 Spiders, Pond, 761 Sponges of New Zealand, 205 Sunday Island, Volcanic Activity in, 47

T. Tasman, Abel, and his Journal, 117 Te Panenehu Tribe, 36 Thodawar Tribe, Funeral Customs of, 760 Time-adjustment in Countries south of Lat. 30°, On Seasonal, 734 Tin-mines of Cornwall Seventy Years ago, 760 Titaniferous Sand, Iron from, 689, 743 Training of Teachers, 111 Tree-fern, A Peculiar, 622 U. University Extension in New Zealand, 761 V. Vegetable Caterpillar, 623 Veronica, New Species of, 515 Volcanic Zone, Ruapehu and the, 681 W. Weather Forecast, 71 Wellington, Occurrence of Rare Lepidoptera in, 377 Wellington Philosophical Society, xviii, 723, 745 Wellington Weather Prognostic, 71, 744 Westland Institute, xx Whales of the Antarctic, 731 Z. Zannichellia in New Zealand, 498 Zoda Tribe, Funeral Customs of, 760 Zoological Notes, Nelson District, 449 Zoological Papers, 205

Tasman's Course and Coast line displayed in parallel Sketch Map of New Zealand

Sketch Map to Illustrate a Paper on A Massacre at the Otago Heads

Leucosolenia Rosea

Leucosolenia Laxa Leucosolenia Intermedia











Dodonidia Helmsi





















Excavation of Moa Bones in Progress, Waimate. To Alustrate Paper in Capt. Hutton, F.R.S.

New River of Milford Sound. Discovered by D Sutherland

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Bibliographic details

Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 28, 1895, Unnumbered Page

Word Count

Index. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 28, 1895, Unnumbered Page

Index. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 28, 1895, Unnumbered Page