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Index. A. Africa, British Influence in South, 619 Alaska, 634 Albatroses, Notes on, 522 Albatros, Wandering, 230 Antipodes Island, Botany of, 436 Antipodes Island, Notes on, 515 Apteryx maxima, 602 Araneæ, New Species of, 128 Asplenium umbrosum, Variety of, 424 Auckland, Institute, xvi, 610, 620, 644 Auckland Islands, Notes on, 496 Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 626 Australia, Coccids of, 1 Avian Remains in Canterbury, 366 B. Barometer, A new, 600 Basking Shark, Notice of, 126 Bay of Islands, Diatoms at, 375, 612 Beattie, J. M., M.A., 71 Belcher, Dr., 626, 628 Belemnites australis, 614 Bickerton, Professor, 621 Birds of Kermadec Islands, 216 Birds of New Zealand, 36, 230, 602, 608, 617 Blights, Note on, 111 Bluff Peninsula, Geology of, 353 Bolitophila luminosa, 43 Bone Ornaments from Otago, 630 Botany, 381 Bounty Islands, Notes on the, 518 Brent, D., 628 Brown, Professor F. D., 617 Bryozoa of New Zealand, 102 Buller, Sir W., K.C.M.G., F.R.S., 36, 230, 602 Bush Notes, 477 C Campbell Island, Botany of, 407 Campbell Island, Notes on 511 Canterbury, Drift in South, 311, 622 Canterbury Philosophical Institute, xvii, 621, 623, 647 Carex, On some Species of, 448 Carter, Donation of Books by Mr. C. R., 593 Cat, its Existence in Ancient Italy, 626 Chapman, F. R., 407, 491 Cellini, Benvenuto, 630 Celmisia campbellensis, 407 Centrolepis, New Species of, 441 Cheeseman, T. F., F.L.S., &c., 126, 216, 408 Chilton, C., M.A., B.Sc., 58, 68 Christie, Rev. J., 627 Cicadæ of New Zealand, 49, 604 Coccididæ, 1, 606 Cod, Anatomy of Red, 71 Codlin-moths, 56, 599 Colenso, W., F.R.S., &c., 375, 391, 477 Copepod, Parasitic, 227 Crinum asiaticum, 632 Curtis, W. S., 633 D. Dalton and his Work, 617 Danais plexippus, 192 Diatomaceous Earth, 375, 612 Diomedea regia, 230 Drift in South Canterbury, 311, 622 E. Earthquakes in 1890, 641 Earthquakes, Origin of, determined, 465, 470, 473, 622 Egypt, Reminiscences of, 616 Elvia glaucata, 194

von Ettingshausen, Baron C., Hon. Mem. N.Z.I., 237 Euclid I., 47, A New Solution of, 621 European Sparrow, 108, 201, 600 F. Fauna, Our Native, 618 Fenton, F. D., 616 Fiji, Coccids of, 1 Fishes of New Zealand, 614 Fish-fungus, 630 Flora (Fossil) of New Zealand, 237 Forbes, H.O., 366, 373 Fossil Flora of New Zealand, 237 Fox, Sir W., K.C.M.G., 616 Fresh-water Shells of New Zealand, 84, 93 Fuel, Patent, 614 Fungi, 391 G. Geology, 237 Geology of Secondary and Tertiary Formations, 614 Glaciers of New Zealand, 355, 622, 633 Glacier-motion, 332 Glow-worm of New Zealand, 43, 608 Gold, Microscopic Structure of, 335 Goyen, P., F.L.S., 123 H. Haeusler, Dr. R., 335 Halcyon vagans, 617 Hall, J. W., 617 Hamilton, A., 630 Hardcastle, J., 311, 324, 332 Haszard, H. D. M., 527 Hawke's Bay, Geology of, 340 Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, xviii, 630, 631, 650 Hawke's Bay, Vine-growing in, 528 Health, 630 Hector, Sir J., K.C.M.G., F.R.S., 614 Hill, H., B.A., 340 Hogben, G., M.A., 465, 470, 473 Hudson, J., M.B., 111 Hudson, G. V., F.E.S., 43, 49, 56, 611 Huffam, T. B., 634 Hulke, C., F.C.S., 597, 608 Hume, Philosophy of D., 627 Hutton, Professor F. W., 102, 353 I. Ibsen, Dramatic Works of, 628 Insects, Instincts of, 631 Islands south of New Zealand, 491 Isopod, Parasitic, 68 K. Kaikouras, Entomology of the, 611 Kakapo v. Takahe, 112, 617 Kermadec Islands, 216, 630 Kingfisher, Habits of the, 617 Kingsley, R. I., 190, 192 Kirk, T., F.L.S., 424, 426, 431, 436, 441, 443, 448 Kirk, T. W., F.R.M.S., F.L.S., 108 Kiwi, A huge, 602 L. Ladybird, 111 Lamb, R. C., 630 Land Shells of New Zealand, 84, 93 Language, On, 616 Laughing Owl, 190 Leiodon Remains, 624 Lepeophtheirus erecsoni, 227 Lepidoptera, New Species of, 97 Lithological Characters, their Value, 614 Loess of Timaru as a Climate-register, 324, 622 Lotella bacchus, Anatomy of, 71 M. Mackechnie, E. A., 619 Mannering, G. E., 355 Mantis Shrimp, 604 Maori, Foods of the Ancient, 616 Marine Bryozoa of New Zealand, 102 Maskell, W. M., F.R.M.S., 1 McKay, A., F.G.S., 375, 461, 614 Meeson, J. T., B.A., 546, 621, 624 Meteorology, 639 Meyrick, E., B.A., F.Z.S., 97 Mice, 194 Microtome, 618 Migas sandageri, 123 Milk as a Vehicle of Disease, 570 Miscellaneous Papers, 453 Moa, Disappearance of, 373, 623, 627 Moa Remains, 366, 630 Molluscs of New Zealand, 84, 93 Moore, Dr., 631 Mount Cook, 633 Murchison Glacier, 355, 622

N. Napier, Geology of, 340 Nelson Philosophical Society, xviii, 633, 634, 652 Neobalæna marginata, 626 Newcombe, C. P., 619 New Zealand Institute, xiii, 591, 642 New Zealand Institute, Election of Governors, 608 Nott, J. T., B.A., 618 O. Ohinemuri Gold, Microscopic Structure of, 335 Olearias, Macrocephalous, of New Zealand, 443 Otago Institute, xvii, 626, 628, 648 Outlying Islands of New Zealand, 491 Owl, Laughing, 190 P. Parasitic Copepod, 227 Parasitic Isopod, 68 Park, J., F.G.S., 112 Parker, Professor T. J., B. Sc., F.R.S., 119, 627 Passer domesticus, 108, 600 “Penguin,” Etymology of, 626 Penguins, Notes on, 491 Petrie, D., M.A., F.L.S., 398, 626 Photographic Lenses used telescopically, 461, 605, 614 Plants, New, 375, 398 Platycercus auriceps, Variation in Colour of, 192 Pleurophyllum, 431 Polynesian Words, 531, 604 Pond, J. A., 616 Proceedings of Societies, 594 Pulp, The Age of, 523 Pyke, V., M.H.R., 627 R. Rabbits, Weasels, and Sparrows, 201 Rainfall of New Zealand, 546, 621 Rats and Mice, 194 Rhyzobius, 111 Roberton, E., M.D., 570 Rutherford, Story of John, 453, 618 S. Salmond, Dr., 627 Sceloglaux albifacies, 190 Selache maxima, 126 Shakespeare, The Study of, 619 Sheep, Coloured, 207 Shells, Land and Freshwater, 84, 93 Skuse, F. A. A., 47 Snares, Botany of the, 426 Snares, Notes on the, 491 South Africa, British Influence in, 619 Southland Institute, xviii Sparrow, Breeding Habits of, 108, 600 Sparrows, 201 Spencer, Dr. W. I., 630 Sphinx convolvuli, 192 Spiders, 128 Spiders, The Webs of, 631 Squillidæ of New Zealand, 58 Starfish, A large, 632 Starfish, Spontaneous Division of, 618 Sternum, Origin of, 119 Stewart, J., C.E., 615 Summer Caves, 373 Suter, H., 84, 93 T. Takahe v. Kakapo, 112, 617 Telescopic Photography, 461 Thermal Springs in Lake Waikare, 527 Thomas, Professor A. P. W., 618 Thomson, G. M., F.L.S., 227 Three Kings Islands, Notes on, 408 Three Kings Islands, Plants of, 421 Timaru Loess as a Climate-register, 324, 622 Tregear, E., F.R.G.S., &c., 531 U. Urquhart, A. T., 128 V. Vine - growing in Hawke's Bay, 528

W. Waikare, Thermal Springs in Lake, 527 Wakelin, T., M.A., 600 Walsh, Rev. P., 523 Weasels, 201 Weather in 1890, 640 Wellington Philosophical Society, xvi, 597, 612, 643 Westland Institute, xviii, 629, 649 Whale, A pigmy, 626 White, Taylor, 194, 201, 207 Williams, Archdeacon W. L., 453, 618 Wine-making in Hawke's Bay, 530 Wood-fibre Industry, The Future of the, 523 Y. Yardin, Rev. Father, 528 Z. Zoology, 1

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 23, 1890, Unnumbered Page

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Index. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 23, 1890, Unnumbered Page

Index. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 23, 1890, Unnumbered Page