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Art. XXIX.—On some New Native Plants. By J. Buchanan, F.L.S. [Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, 19th January, 1887.] Plates XIV.-XVIII. Erigeron bonplandii, Buch. A small shrubby very viscid plant, 10–12 inches high. Leaves numerous, linear obovate, obtuse, obscurely serrate, 2–4 inches long, ¾-inch at the broadest part, bright-green on the upper surface, and covered with close, white, shining tomentum beneath. Scapes 4, in the axils of the upper leaves. Stem bracts numerous, diminishing in size upwards. Heads nearly 2 inches in diameter, involucral scales in few series, long, linear, upright. Rays long, linear; anthers tailless. Pappus of few short hairs; achene with short rigid hairs on margins. This very showy Erigeron was collected by Mr. Martin, on Mount Bonpland; there is a fine robust specimen growing in his nursery at Green Island. The large flower-heads of this species make it very attractive, and it is worthy of cultivation. This species is allied to Erigeron novœ-zealandiœ, figured in vol. xvii. “Trans. N.Z. Institute,” but-differs much from that species in its large leaves and numerous scapes. Celmisia martini, Buch. Rhizome stout. Leaf sheaths ½ inch in diameter. Leaves 12 inches long, ½ inch broad, obscurely serrate, linear-oblong, and tapering to an acute point at top, narrowing near the bottom to 1 inch, then spreading downwards into a broad villous sheathing petiole; under-surface covered with closely appressed white or very pale-buff tomentum; central vein dark-purple, dividing near the bottom into nine dark-purple veins; back of leaf covered, when young, with a white silvery pellicle, which afterwards breaks away, exposing the dark-green leaf. Scape stout, scarcely longer than the leaves. Bracts few, narrow, linear, 4 inches long, diminishing in size upwards. Head nearly 2 inches in diameter. Florets numerous, long, narrow, linear. Hab. Mount Bonpland, 4,000 feet.

This fine Celmisia was collected by Mr. Martin on Mount Bonpland, and has succeeded well with him at his nursery at Green Island, where it was planted out, and bids fair to become a permanent plant of cultivation. Aciphylla kirkii, Buch. A rigid shining plant, 8–12 inches long. Leaves 8–9 inches long, ¾–1 inch broad. Leaves chiefly bifoliate, bifurcation 3–6 inches from top, obtuse, apiculate, finely marked with anastomosing striæ, and with a stout marginal nerve on both sides of the leaf, sheath at bottom membranous. Flowers diœcious. Male scape nearly straight, bracts long, 3-foliate. Female scape and bracts flexuose. Umbels numerous. This well-marked species was collected on Mount Alta, in 1883, but as the only specimen then procured arrived at Dunedin in a very fragmentary state, it was laid aside. On a recent examination the material proved sufficient for a restoration, when carefully put together. Another species of Aciphylla may be looked for in the Wanaka District, of which I have only a fragment. The leaves are 12 inches long, smooth and shining, with the striæ only marked, and the serrations on the edges of the leaves scarcely felt. Gastrodia hectori, Buch. Root tuberous, stem and spike of flowers 18 inches high, closely sheathed for ⅔ of its length by a long leaf, ⅓ of the leaf being free, a short outer sheath at bottom encloses the base of the sheathing leaf. Scales none. Racemes 3 ¼ inches long. Flowers 13, close-set, brownish-yellow, 2/10 of an inch in length, seed-vessel black, or dark brown, orbicular. The present species was collected several years ago in Marlborough district, near Picton, and has also been seen on the Conway River. The species of Gastrodia are probably abundant, but their dark habitats, in dense bush country, prevent them from being easily seen. Ourisia montana, Buch. A small erect hispid plant, 1–2 ½ inches high. Stems creeping; leaves few, linear, ovate, or obovate, entire, 1–1 ¼ inch long, ⅓–½ inch broad. Petiole one-third as long as the leaf. Scape 1 ¼ inch, with one very small bract. Flowers solitary, large for the size of the plant, pedicels slender, springing from the base, and with the flower topping the leaves. Corolla large, white, oblique, limb 5-fid., ¾ inch diameter. Calyx 5-partite. The large entire leaves, long pedicels, and large flowers, distinguish this species from Ourisia uniflora and Ourisia colensoi. Collected on Mount Alta Range, at 5,000 to 6,000 feet altitude.

Ranuculus Muelleri. Buch.

Aciphylla Kirkii. Buch.

Celmisia Robusta. Buch.

Olearia alpina, Buch. A small ornamental alpine tree, 8–12 feet high, trunk 6–8 inches in diameter; branches, and leaves below, covered with pale buff tomentum. Leaves 5–6 inches long, ¼ inch broad, linear, entire on the margins, midrib very stout, veins close, diverging at right angles, thus forming a series of lacunæ on both sides of the midrib. Heads numerous, in large panicles, with diverging branches, involucres turbinate, flowers not seen; pappus reddish, whole inflorescence covered with brownish tomentum. Common on the Tararua Mountains, and mountains towards Wanganui. A remarkable plant, closely allied to O. excorticata, Buch.; stems covered with thin brownish bark, which peals off in large papery sheets. This small tree is worthy of attention for ornamental shrubbery, although cultivation might rob it of much rugged beauty. Though closely allied to O. excorticata, Buch., the oblong leaf of that species presents when compared with the long linear leaf of this species a marked distinction. Celmisia robusta, Buch. A small robust branching species, 4–6 inches high. Leaves 1–1 ½ inch long, ½ inch broad, coriaceous, ovate-oblong, acuminate or rounded at the tip, and broadly sheathing at the base, finely toothed, greenish-white above and covered with closely appressed white tomentum beneath. Scape 4–5 inches long, with 6–10 linear bracts. Head 1 inch diameter; involucral scales numerous, subulate, tapering, often recurved. Pappus orange colour, ¼ inch long, achene pubescent. The affinity of this hardy mountain plant is with C. hectori, but the large obovate olive-green leaves of this plant necessitate the formation of a new species. Haastia montana, Buch. Closely tufted, branches erect, and covered with soft fulvous wool over the whole plant. Leaves loosely imbricating, rounded on top, obovate, erect or recurved, veins of the leaves irregular, indistinct. Heads small, 6/10ths of an inch diameter, involucral scales reduced to fine black lines. A very distinct plant from any of the other species of this genus. From H. recurva it may be distinguished by its large up-right soft leaves, and from H. sinclairi by the absence of the large black involucral scales, and altogether different foliage from either. This addition to the genus Haastia was discovered on Mount Alta Range, Lake Wanaka. Ranunculus muelleri, Buch. A stout, robust, fulvous and villous plant, 5–6 inches high. Root-stalk stout, rootlets numerous. Leaves all radical, round,

crenate-lobed, 2 inches diameter, petioles 2 inches long. Peduncles few, 4–5 inches long. Flowers, 2–3 large, white, each flower with a broad linear bract underneath, and a flower-bud in the axil. The present fine plant adds another species to the already large family of New Zealand Ranunculus. It was collected on the Tararua Mountains, the only specimen seen in flower, and has been since overlooked. I am indebted to Mr. Kirk for pointing out its claim as a new species. Cassinia rubra, Buch. A small delicate shrub, 2–4 feet high, with bright olive-green foliage. Leaves very small, erect, or decumbent, linear-oblong, obtuse, ¼–⅕ inch long, margins nearly flat. Heads of flowers dense, in close rounded corymbs. Flowers very small, numerous. Involucral scales in 3–4 series, bright pink or red. This beautiful little plant was reported as collected on the Wanganui River, inland. No doubt such a beautiful shrub would prove a valuable addition to the gardens, if young plants could be procured and established. Geum alpina, Buch. A small, prostrate, hairy, mountain plant, with stout prostrate rhizomes. Leaves alternate, closely arranged, ½–¾ inch diameter, rounded, lobed, and with fine crenate serratures. Flowers minute, yellow, on numerous branches towards the end of the stems. In extremely small forms of this plant, the leaves are much reduced in size, and the numerous little yellow flowers scarcely exceed the calyx, a head of flowers not exceeding 2/10 inch. No doubt this is a reduction of size entirely due to severe climatic influence. Pachycladon elongata, Buch. A small glabrous, open-branched, alpine plant. Root long, fusiform, elongate. Leaves few towards the bottom, ¾-inch long, with 5–7 deep serratures. Upper and largest portion of plant composed of flowering racemes, which are afterwards replaced by long slender siliqua or pods, 1 inch long. It would appear that a gradation of form can be traced in the genus Pachycladon, from Hooker's Pachycladon novœ-zealandiœ, through P. glabra, Buch., to the present attenuate form, which may be named Pachycladon attenuata, Buch. The gradation of form in this case cannot be ascribed to climatic influence, as the three species were all collected at the same altitude and locality, Three Kings Mountain, 5,000 feet altitude.

Hemitelia Smithii.

Stem Sections of Hemitelia Smithii.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 19, 1886, Unnumbered Page

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Art. XXIX.—On some New Native Plants. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 19, 1886, Unnumbered Page

Art. XXIX.—On some New Native Plants. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 19, 1886, Unnumbered Page