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Wellington Philosophical Society. First Meeting. 13th June, 1883. The Hon. G. Randall Johnson, President, in the chair. New Members.—F. Stevens and Dr. Grabham.

Abstract. The author described the geological features of a series of low hills and gullies about fourteen miles from Masterton, on Mr. Beetham's run; and showed a model indicating a well-defined crater, which he had no doubt was the low neck of an extinct volcano, which was in activity during the cretaceous period. He inferred from the adjacent strata, that the volcano was not ancient in a geological sense, though he offered no comparative data as to the period of its probable activity.

Dr. Hector spoke of this volcanic rock as being chiefly important in fixing accurately some of the grades in geological sequence. The discovery had also an importance in searching for gold and other minerals in the district. Although the Terawhiti District showed indirect evidence of former volcanic influences, direct evidence was afforded by large masses of hornblende, like the rock now exhibited from districts near Wellington, and the nature and origin of which they had not been able to account for until the discovery of this volcanic neck. Now they saw the reason, and there might be found other necks of old volcanic craters not far from the surface and nearer Wellington. Mr. Beetham said this survey near Masterton had been made at his suggestion, and—though Mr. McKay might not know it—they in the district had been used to speak of this broken hill as the “crater.” Then it was covered with bush, but now that the bush was mostly burnt off, the crater shape had become more distinct. Gold had formerly been traced in rock specimens, and in the early days he had lost some money in trying to work a hole for gold quartz. Second Meeting. 4th July, 1883. The Hon. G. Randall Johnson, President, in the chair. New Members.—A. Hoby, H. Gully, W. Dawson.

Abstract. The author stated that during several years of observation he had met with a number of rare monstrosities in man, as well as among animals. By noting all the peculiarities of monstrosities that came before them they might, by degrees, learn the law which governed them, while they would also see more distinctly their connection with the early history of the species in which it occurred. In the olden days monsters were looked upon as objects for aversion, and perhaps as occurring as a punishment from God or the gods; now, however, science had shown that they were really nothing but animals, with extraordinary variations from the original species. He then proceeded to describe and classify the different malformations that give rise to monstrosities. In concluding his interesting lecture he said it was possible to obtain monstrosities in chickens by treating eggs in particular ways. Monstrosities of the present day were losing interest, as they were now known to be nothing but the reappearance of a portion of the form of an ancestor. They were only of interest when they were of a very unusual type, when something new might be gathered regarding the history of the species. Dr. Hector thanked Dr. Newman for the manner in which he had handled a very difficult subject. He, however, doubted whether it was correct to say that monsters were merely a reappearance of a portion of the form of an ancestor.

Abstract. The author showed that the various deposits in the lower portions of that river were due to the fact that what now formed two separate streams, which found their way to the West Coast, were formerly its head waters, as the débris could not have been derived from any portion of its present channel. 3. Among the exhibits on the table were about two pounds of quartz, taken from a point between Lowry Bay and Pencarrow Lighthouse, which Dr. Hector said had been tested, and found to contain gold at the rate of 607 oz, to the ton. Dr. Hector added

that the breaks were all fresh, he himself having made them, but beyond that he could say nothing about the find, except that the quartz had a very close resemblance to that of the Wealth of Nations at Reefton.

Third Meeting. 18th July, 1883. The Hon. G. R. Johnson, President, in the Chair. New Members.—E. F. Clarke, J. S. M. Thompson, E. D. Bell.

Abstract. The author sought to establish that matter near the earth's surface is in a constant state of vibration; that matter so in a state of vibration is constantly seeking a level; that the level so sought is on no two consecutive days alike; and, incidentally, that the denudation of a portion of surface of a considerable amount of superimposed weight must tend to the elevation of the denuded surface by the pressure of the surrounding accumulations. Sections and drawings were exhibited. Mr. Cox was not prepared to entirely support the author's conclusions, as elevation must occur before denudation commences. As regards the origin of earthquakes, he was of opinion that to a large extent they were due to the gradual shrinkage of the solid earth, from the loss of heat by radiation—for, although we must consider the earth as a highly elastic solid body as a whole, as shown by a comparison of the theoretical and actual specific gravity of the surface rocks and the entire mass—still the earth was a solid, and the shrinkage due to loss of heat could only be attended by sudden and at times violent fractures, which are shown geologically in the faults which traverse the strata, and of which in more recent times we have actual evidence in the earthquake shocks. He did not mean to dispute that some earthquakes were due to volcanic energy, but these were of secondary origin and were of comparatively small extent, while those which had a more wide-spread character owed their origin equally with volcanic phenomena to the shrinkage of the solid earth. Dr. Hector considered that in discussing the causes of earthquakes and of changes of relative level, the important part played by the interstitial water that is absorbed by rocks under certain conditions, was too much lost sight of. Fourth Meeting. 1st August, 1883. The Hon. G. R. Johnson, President, in the chair. New Member.—J. S. Rutherford.

Abstract. Tremoctopus robsoni, n. sp. This species differs from the description of the genus Tremoctopus as given by Adams, in that the web reaches to and extends beyond the tips of the superior arms.

Colour.—Above: dark-purple, lighter on the head. Below: bright silvery colour, with patches of rose. The web, which shows strong transverse lines, is of a pale rose colour. Three specimens were obtained at Napier by Mr. C. H. Robson; but the pouches of two of them contained each an Hectocotylus, or third right arm of the male, peculiarly modified in order that it may perform certain functions, not yet fully understood, in connection with the propagation of its kind. The species being new, it has been named after the discoverer, who was good enough to present the best specimen and also the Hectocotylus to the Museum.

Abstract. During the summer of 1881, the author captured in the Wellington Botanic Gardens, a butterfly which, on examination, proved to be the English Red Admiral or Alderman Butterfly (Vanessa atalanta). On several subsequent occasions specimens were seen, but contrary to their habit in England, they proved exceedingly shy and capture was impossible. However, examples of another English species, the Small Tortoiseshell butterfly (Vanessa urticæ) were obtained. The importation of plants and seeds from various countries is now so extensive, that it is almost certain numerous insects, some useful, some destructive, will be brought into the colony. In order, therefore, that the noxious forms may be more speedily detected, and that confusion may not hereafter arise in our lists and catalogues, it is important that the appearance in a district of any uncommon or foreign form should be carefully noted.

Abstract. The peculiarity is that the camphor moves in the direction from which the wind blows, which is accounted for by the unequal output of oil around the camphor when displaced by the oil collecting on the off-side of the camphor and forcing it through the still water towards the wind. Experiments to illustrate this were exhibited.

Abstract. This paper dealt with two theories of the origin of the old lake basins of Central Otago—that of Dr. Hector, which accounts for these basins by the unequal movements of the land—and that of Professor Hutton, who advocates their having been excavated by ice. The author agreed in the main with Dr. Hector's theory, but differed in the details as to how it was brought about, and with respect to the age of some of the beds found in these old lake basins. The author's theory is, that in Miocene times a large river flowing across North Otago was checked by the upheaval of the coast line, and converted into a series of swampy lakes, the eastern outlet of which was barred by volcanic rock, thus gradually deepening the lakes, and determining for a time the outflow of their waters by way of the Molyneux River. Subsequently, movements determined the area of the Taieri watershed, and compelled its waters to escape by their present channel along Strath Taieri.

Mr. Cox disagreed with Mr. McKay on his theory of formation of the lakes. He thought that to a large extent they had been excavated by the action of ice, and we had evidence of the great glaciers which had existed during Cretaceous times. He instanced the Blue Spur and Weatherstone's Gully as illustrations of this, and argued that these glaciers, which had deposited the drifts, had also in the first instance determined the configuration of the land, and that in all subsequent elevations and depressions, the form of the mountains then assumed, had been more or less maintained. Fifth Meeting. 15th August, 1883. Dr. Newman, Vice-president, in the chair. 1. “Remarks on the Distribution of the Organic Productions of New Zealand,” by W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 461.) Dr. Hector said the principle of the paper was to establish an isolated origin for the fauna and flora of New Zealand. It did not, however, disclose any source for that origin. Dr. Newman said a very short time would suffice to make difference in species. For example, the colour of caterpillars depended on the food they ate. Mr. Travers said he assumed that the flora and fauna of New Zealand were modified descendants of the fauna and flora of these islands during geological epochs. They were distinct from those seen elsewhere. 2. “Some new Discoveries in the Neighbourhood of Milford Sound,” by Donald Sutherland; communicated by A. McKay. (Transactions, p. 454.) 3. “On the Occurrence of Chalcotrichite in New Zealand,” by S. H. Cox, F.G.S. (Transactions, p. 448.) This paper recorded the occurrence, in the Champion Copper Mine, Nelson, of a mineral not hitherto discovered in New Zealand. Specimens were shown; and the author also exhibited some very rich samples of copper ore from the same mine, that yielded as much as 67 per cent. of copper.

Sixth Meeting. 29th August, 1884. The Hon. G. R. Johnson, President, in the chair. New Member.—Lee Connell.

Abstract. This information was communicated by the author, in the hope that the system might be applied to certain parts of Evans Bay, in Wellington Harbour, with a view to converting it into a wet dock. He suggested also that certain improvements might be made in the harbour itself, by placing these floating breakwaters in various places, which would lessen the difficulty of landing from vessels in rough weather.

Abstract. He called attention to the splendid water supply in the neighbourhood of Wellington—the best, perhaps, in the Colony—for the generation of electricity for lighting the towns and manufacturing purposes.

Abstract. An interesting geological lecture, illustrated by large maps and sections and large collections of fossils, and dealing with the subject of the date of the last great emergence of the land in the south of New Zealand. Mr McKay said that if the glaciers had their greatest extension in Pliocene times it appeared that, considering the amount of strata of intermediate age, it was difficult to regard the Awamoa beds as belonging to the Upper Miocene period. The percentage of recent fossils indicated these beds as belonging to the Lower Miocene period, and thus the palæontological evidence was in accordance with the stratigraphical. Mr. Travers referred to the important bearing of this subject on the origin of the fauna and flora of the country. 5. Dr. Hector exhibited several additions to the Museum, viz., skull of frigate bird, gannet, jaw of parrot fish, from Jervois Island, presented by Mr. H. Winkelmann; also, marine fossils from interior lake basins of Otago. Seventh Meeting. 26th September, 1883. The Hon. G. R. Johnson, President, in the chair. New Members.—Dr. Sidney Skerman, C. C. Howard. 1. “On a new Lycopodium,” by T. Kirk, F.L.S., named Gracile, and found in Nelson. (Transactions, p. 376.) 2. “On a Bird-catching Tree,” by Mr. R. H. Govett. (Transactions, p. 364.) Dr. Hector conjectured that the viscid matter exuded from the seeds when ripe was an incident of evolution, the seed attaching itself to a live bird, and so getting carried away and dropped elsewhere for germination.

Mr. Kirk thought the tree was identical with Pisonia umbellifera, and that the sticky exudation did act like birdlime in getting those large seeds carried on the feathers of birds.

Eighth Meeting. 31st October, 1883. Dr. Newman, Vice-president, in the chair. It was announced that Dr. Buller had been chosen to vote in the election of Governors of the New Zealand Institute for the ensuing year. 1. “On the Anatomy of the Cuttle-fish, (Sepioteuthis bilineata),” by H. B. Kirk, M.A.; with drawings and preparations in spirit. (Transactions, p. 145.) 2. “On some rare Species of New Zealand Birds,” by Dr. Buller, F.R.S. (Transactions, p. 308.) 3. Dr. Buller also communicated some notes made by Mr. C. H. Robson on the Eastern Golden Plover, Charadrius fulvus. (Transactions, p. 308.) Dr. Hector said that the fact that the Golden Plover was found breeding at sea-level was curious, as he had only met with it formerly at great altitudes on Black Peak, Otago, in 1862. 4. “On Hieracidea novæ-zealandiæ and H. brunnea,” by W. W. Smith, communicated by Dr. Buller. (Transactions, p. 318.) 5. Dr. Hector exhibited a specimen containing silver, and associated with Tellerium, found at the Thames, which latter mineral is thus discovered for the first time in New Zealand. He had recognized it among some specimens shown to him by Mr. Pond of Auckland, and his identification had been confirmed by Mr. Skey's analysis of the mineral. The locality is reported to be near Karangahape Mine. Ninth Meeting. 14th November, 1883. Dr. Buller, Vice-president, in the chair. New Member.—James Lambert. A nomination was made for the election of an honorary member of the New Zealand Institute. 1. “On the Occurrence of a Species of Rhagodia at Port Nicholson,” by T. Kirk, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 369.) 2. “Description of a new Pine, Podocarpus acutifolius,” by T. Kirk, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 370.) 3. “Notes on the Parapara and Puka,” by T. Kirk, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 367.)

Abstract. The author exhibited a part of a roll of a Samaritan Pentateuch, brought by him from Nablous, the ancient Shechem. He then read a paper briefly narrating the history of the Kingdom of Israel or Samaria, discussing the question of the probable origin of the “Samaritans” who were in occupation of the country at the time of the return of the Jews from Babylon; tracing the history of the Samaritan nation under the Roman Empire and through the middle ages; and mentioning the accounts contained in the Samaritan chronicles. He then referred to the bringing of the Samaritan Pentateuch to Europe, and the controversy which raged as to its supposed superiority to the Jewish form; but stated that it is now all but universally believed that the latter represents the original text. After describing the great MS. at Nablous, which he had himself examined, he discussed the question of the way in which the Samaritans had become possessed of the Pentateuch, maintaining that the more probable view was that it had been brought to them by Manasseh, a Jewish Priest expelled from Jerusalem by Nehemiah. He then mentioned more in detail some of the points in which the Samaritan differs from the Jewish version, especially the shape of the letters, and the words added by the Samaritan to Exodus xx., 18. After speaking of the rolls now at St. Petersburg and Cambridge, he gave a full account of the Samaritan Passover, Nablous being the only place in the world where the Passover, as described in the Book of Exodus, is still celebrated. The Rev. Mr. Van Staveren examined the fragment and expressed himself highly pleased with it and the author's remarks. 5. “The Law of Gavelkind,” by Coleman Phillips. (Transactions, p. 518.)

Annual Meeting. 13th February, 1884. Dr. Buller, President, in the chair. New Members.—W. F. Wheeler, F. W. Pennefather, — Richmond, and Rev. H. van Staveren.

ERRATUM. Page 557(3)-For “being a reply to F. W. Frankland, by W. Skey:” read “being a reply to W. Skey, by F. W. Frankland.”

the lecture-room into a library for the use of the society. The balance-sheet showed the total receipts for the past year to have been £316 15s. 7d., including balance from last year's accounts of £105 14s. 7d., and the expenditure to have been £171 13s. 8d., leaving a balance of £145 1s. 11d. in hand. The report and balance-sheet were adopted.

Abstract. This paper gave an account of what has been observed of this curious phenomenon in other parts of the world, as recorded in “Nature” and other periodicals recently received. These mainly showed that all the phenomena to which he had directed the attention of the Society had been seen in every part of the world. 7. “Notice of Discovery of Amphibromus in New Zealand;” with Description of a new Species, by T. Kirk, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 374.) 8. “Description of new Plants from Stewart Island,” by T. Kirk. (Transactions, p. 371.) 9. “Notes on Carmichælia,” with Descriptions of new Species; by. T. Kirk. (Transactions, p. 378.) 10. “On New Zealand Ichthyology,” by Dr. Hector. (Transactions, p. 322.)

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 16, 1883, Unnumbered Page

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Wellington Philosophical Society. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 16, 1883, Unnumbered Page

Wellington Philosophical Society. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 16, 1883, Unnumbered Page