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Art. LXIX.—Description of new Tertiary Fossils. By T. W. Kirk, Assistant in the Colonial Museum. [Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, 21st January, 1882.] The species now described formed part of a small collection of fossils from the tertiary beds near Petane, Hawke's Bay, submitted to me for determination by Mr. A. Hamilton. Trivia zealandica. Spire hidden; transverse striæ passing only a short way up the sides of the shell; back smooth and polished. Length .5, breadth .35 inch. Marginella propinqua. Marginella propinqua, Tate; Trans. Phil. Soc. of Adelaide, 1877–8, p, 94. “Shell oblong-cylindrical, solid, light horn-coloured, transversely streaked with white, enamelled; aperture triangular, with a broad milk-white varix strongly denticulated on the bevelled edge; columella five-plicate. “Length .45, breadth .22 inch.” (Tate). Marginella hectori. Shell highly polished; spire moderate; aperture rather wide; columella with four plaits, the posterior one being the most prominent. Lip incurved, not denticulate. Length .45, breadth .25 inch. Erato lactea, Hutton; Man. of N.Z. Moll., p. 63. Helix greenwoodi, Gray; P.Z.S., 1849, p. 165; Man. of N.Z. Moll., p. 16. Pleurotoma tuberculata. Shell fusiform, spire about half the length of the shell; whorls eight, angled posteriorly; a row of tubercles on the superior angle of each whorl, and a similar row of smaller ones filling up the suture; spirally ribbed; body whorl with about eleven ribs crossed by lines of growth. Aperture moderate, outer lip angled posteriorly. Length 1 inch, breadth .45 inch. Cardita lutea, Hutton. C. lutea, Hutton; Man. of N.Z. Moll., p. 159.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 14, 1881, Page 409

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Art. LXIX.—Description of new Tertiary Fossils. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 14, 1881, Page 409

Art. LXIX.—Description of new Tertiary Fossils. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 14, 1881, Page 409