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I -'* ’ ' ImOL /■ From the man who helped '-: I ”’/ - r 7 define Australian Pop r Rl| *•,’• ' comes .. . I > 7iwt 77 < . 7 - 7 ' ' ' ~ '..’A W'iEJM ‘ step into . ;•. ra .. ;i • ■ -M.7?/' ; ’’ , *- th e h ent I ' f4wC z C z ' 7~ ‘ 7/4 I : : 7\ 7/7: <' ” Z ? 7\tSt7 77 ' ’ ?>. i _-^- s -’\‘ ' -' ~ ~''.''''~ r (/&%&& '■' ‘'" * * The debut solo album from |rlMK>- F JAMES 19 IM FREUD rr3‘ H 9 B: <■ r»_ip t •; < , ■ 'WSsI i*’..’ c “‘ -?> •' ' > 'v#>i Features the Singles ! WIMf ' . :#i '?4 //Z F x fe B, ' HURRICANE, \ 7' ' r e 777777 \ 7 one fine day and ■o'oo® a; \- '■■•'■ LETS GET IT ON t '+ - < '■'■ • { 1 ■ ■ ' I *' -Recorded at the 0 • Power Station, N.Y.C. [ g ’ -z>(\ 77 7 > Produced by Bernard Edwards. V S 447 | ‘ " I 'v ’ 1 ■■-■<'■;■■■■ 7 '7\ i t ■ ■ i : .-’• X'J'z . l 4 - s h- - - : ■ , /;.•• ' ' -‘I ‘ 1 '• ; \- I ;>'X «*! ’. • *’’ --W*-"-! I

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Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 25

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Page 25 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 25

Page 25 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 25