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3 Te P e TG G 5 e TRV Ro o - i T e ,»y,< eR S S \',';:;h:'_fp sentie ‘4" .it x g = | e | Tl ;ég SR AR se T e ot e s Sel S R e Eovhid g . | SAR : sl Bgt] ey 0 S ~§%¢ R 20 o S-=—.‘ osR e Y bg g B CECR Ag Bl fel ey ViR eeßy Kk 7‘3’%& »‘,’3’:',{-{ AR e R BasiTEs ey >Be ‘- TR KSt — e Sl o ‘._‘;f'.,“‘,‘.»';,;;’»,f,.':{; el L g 5 ‘Sot L e el - ety oy oe L i\e e. - ?;‘-h"?& e 7TBlS_— os, (RO : g] - P MA %«4:;,%?? 70. y - gy | iEINeB IbF M o ;\%‘: : = N o -Rl VR Slpe o - i e Y \“fis’ ‘f»"";"""-:%., e : S: e b p— :4T AVe f?;*‘ "Seiy 1B E 1 SRR oy £ . IBiy .| weo~J iW" . T S\C' oo o L u oo R : { : ."=U GLR LVI Bg v "f : . AR oY G Fos 2" i RB | B SoEutaie i KY, T \CI o R "?’hf%;i;::‘? t| - :1:{;::{}“;}:5:;;‘E. i 7 = o oL Bl ol e B AEY 2 B J,';:»r’.,:;: s G ‘ jse: B NEW ZEAL gsß g ' ST eei oR 5 iL o e oel.Rel -ee LT Nel ao<oyoel.B TeeS e: ] B £Sl| Prn GS% :‘ ?fif% Bl ILy e SRI Bo B Rl ]R s M sBeS eL S w R ASTWO o e S &E,’% sS B . T e ]Levßl goEi - e B Lo eN\7 STN BATeRI Te . iF o E i B NEW ZEALAND ?a‘f/& 525c081-oßßecoo Bgy-yßy R 1 B 1 rbny RgR L 3 o R Satias = g eSeet eu 2, oSe A D |BBIV Bl S F i R R e Seme sßgtePl et e e &Pt ’ 1. B. B oBR \b e herself wit :: b ”('%«2“55* /“z’iifi’ fié ‘i e G : Last year they were -ANBR "\ § stunning new album %’Zé'“é?g‘y A 0 : TS ».; SG ] ‘ff:'?Sfévie SUrpdssgsr;‘,ri-} Ség f%%L NYy ESA . LRI ese RS eRStSNIRs PR eie ot the biggest thing in y . = “The Jrpasst s i "’&“’ % o3eR o e Are o S . ‘§l i'(i l }L\ e | Sweden, this yEa - the Mirror S E’&g“%’ ,Q'!% "’ M| o oot RRS—————— With the latest Gl pr— 1R sS ) “‘xsw‘” “ they' re about the noes . ~ reached TOP clbum b “’3“’3@'“‘s SPI %«m Wih e lafod e fulhi\)w“wi . Sweden, thisyear: =+ e Slde:f e EEEhTe ¢ w\\\::wji\\\ single “Invisible ,»»“‘*’“ PL | biggest thing on the @ 2 the Mirror” whic %Vv;f‘g Y'”g:“o’ k2 3* L e “Invisible L e C - they’re abou Sy L¢ . el T in. S B fz;:\ S%l o V(‘“‘s\»:f\\“\\?\g\w\\ Man”, this gold i . e planet! This album @: i “Rooms on Fire o '4s}"%‘«,’\‘ &%h"#yg s \\\\\\\\\\\\‘Q\S\\\}\\‘E\\“\\@ \\\ * Man”, this go (o el Q P b'QQeS'fTh',"g bomse ’ " theUScharts. 2" &AR L \\\\\\ album is full of hits sl i| ] . | contains their -" L U and “Long Way Asl el o R W%QW""*»“"‘“}««\’“&«& ooty Cisaen SB . TL B singles “The Look”, d Go" feature among % . ;gg o ‘*\x“"“%y“‘“ - ‘Another Queen’ = O*’ - @\{ | ] “Dressed for , 3 the top tracks. To ”’?;’";’g‘%“ ;:’,@s%&’{{,% Pfi“ include ”Breckfhfl;" :R(e2 %I el ‘Success” and their - = con 3 ONasong yyay, 08 . {',% ¥ ,}GEM o %. i e »t ¢ classsic; tracks s oBN \Q{ oAR % | singles: .e s B \\\3@& Go" fe fure among -TRiy ST %§<’MW . \v v';,gsfsf=-é-l;r;-:‘z;-5;:;;;;::5:;55:v:;,‘:-s;:':-fz;z::;»:.v;: B and “l Want kthru”- = o B §¥§ ! & I§§ Lo new single “Listen . &\\\\\gh Go Long orlel % 5 ?7;., ,-':4*~_-‘.3135£5§f5§2:1 -;:{:E;’;E;:}EEE::;.;:;:;:;:5;1:55:;:5-21-":'.-:-"-=:‘~».5:_>.;;\§:5:;=:5~;5:~..»__ Ws:4G |de ; BreO um DY 'Le (S q«; L \§a‘ oSN resse oLy L S R R \«‘x”\v i e e Mfi:;;%?‘{fi';% ’ &“* .v;:;:.:5:;:;:;:;::::5:::5:2;::_:;:;.§s-._‘.4'-._’ SO Res 2An eSSenhafons - Lißen ’l'.‘v._s:.:/;.git-; PBosyT ge to Your er ook eol B : 'A‘:v.,:,v,,_';-_:;fljg-5:;:::-‘:-_".~::;.-,";--,~~';;::;;._ \_':';7'.vu::5:5:}:5:}:;::;;;::::3:5:;1;:«',:;-zi":;».::s;-;{;:3»;:::;vp;5:::‘;..\-5:1:.. e ks., s tia PN /gb”““%gag ?:sz%% “\Q for Queen It All." e. B , s“’ £ 4 ook ‘,’,‘" and fhe"’ ] i ihetoptrcc 5 E":;?‘" %;?% BR B B °\< R s UNA IVY ol album beSy e gS g e l““Asfl oe|gl i o i?\;:vxfl’“ L b \\\@’ Y N ““An essential Olbum,, Sl Le {" ms%figv - new smgle : L'S”te" RR o RGN me W : ;54% ~’>«:¢'§/ SgSl S ;.;:;.?,:;:E'—*-‘:-:t:ge:;.;s.-*-r?;;.;-.;;:-;::,:,-- iSR e eeset eN i Y (oent RET OB] T ” giE Ri S ,fl*m\){%\\ Bo ei St o ! /) et leon @Ss\WLo gY- : n fons.f; »“N&F& ¢'§ /z§ <to Your Heart. Bo = s ‘ :%m ‘;%‘%'g;é w%fi%.-:, s 3 42;& SR wha A s .3, .Biy e for Ueq s Errrie e sR R *fl‘,,(n, t,x :;.:;.:;;;-‘ Bt Oit ¢ o iy ks & »,_ .;;:vJv%:EE%lElagis::é::::%;fifi:Ei:::\‘g3:lf:z:szi:E::EF:E:Ei;:;s::"é:'::‘v";:':‘:E:;:E'EE:;:E:E;;Es:s7slss:'l3:l’;:l;::'-.':.\'.‘1:;'}:;:;5;‘:“_;7?:;_:.,;:1{:_. eo - .W'v‘.‘fl:’ ‘;"‘?‘;:";'m | %>§ No § & | Sl \\\,&?‘& ‘i Look ouf,fqlf‘_'-??. yo . N e - {>% i %‘&v oeo S e eo. R « Gharnl e» | ) \ey 20l ;N|T es L “3&” & Sharerl ~ gLy DRSS ¢» e “\fi\ s ,wwf*.m io m G %&b % uw“ W\“‘\\% o & e = ?}’s«wfirfi?fi:x‘ . STE se | ‘3, :’ ;‘:.*Z'"?." o s o . ee Gl B ¥s e B SR Tey her Side of the Mirror o eSI el |T B | b e .‘ - NSRRI e {w&;fi?“ ii‘ oo - bane il o ““ 'PS eR R , g .. e - \Q\\\&m\\\ efs i i Mot Ag R i maEo =_. B» T oSt : s =4 i f:’i’goifii::.m Nl 3 3 o Ro xE| I E ; The Ofl-{er S|de Of IheM|rror Recognisedasa LR e ¥ ,vo*r _ST o sl 0 twfl he Ott V) ; 0B ' Feis ;,;:"Q "Gil e i ;flfiiij‘_,‘_f:f}u Tlesa g e Lol DD :ne ;/;j;:j,:w:g_;fi?_%,‘-; LSR S e ;“.:i,“?fi;rvi;‘r LooySl el <l§§f§?’ 2“’ og. R% S lon ey Eeiing ‘ i*eA- hi -e e ‘«\x“:% -The Mll’GCle L‘~ißm3. \’ LBel o “J, T 54,* i(Lo :e b see SR o S . acclaimed album, e 1~»¥ eamnh TN e ——— Y b Sm RA 2 BRNY *A Gl f AeE e Gaaßa S=Tel ~’ Sty S eorerernep )\\\&\\fi\ ] Recogmsehd OSCI el g s ~»r:viz.'.-.:,-. os e Hea ke RER R ARE e SRR RMg iM G S atN Re:RN e S P eN : —:"{,;z-.w.«#::z: s | said to be the best TRy i ..t\g»”,t w‘: Sl SfUnnlngks : v .:.:.’";‘l’: 5 ~e:s'-m;zfi%fi:i; ~ e With another o MN% g B“ - As» o i #L;%?*;‘: W sl !7}..‘?;,;'.;jf;“g;l;,:ifil};"};; oLs el gg‘?@*fi scclaimed ‘qlßOrh,""f! +F \y*é% . o P o the top, o Ho . L ortes el ente Sy i successful S ‘,%‘ Bonnie is an - yw{ anas ”fif o %ags@ , & %’*%gw SN 2sSR A ~ “One More Rlv_ef", o s%ww L admired the best | @ "? tolisen o smgle w“ 9/%:% | ‘ffii; " BRI g i ::?E{Z:;,-v Sioi si fil ww"“’“‘““'%a eo| St e o \\w« *“\“)* i release a stunnin | ;::::3?‘.' v!:';%‘. :‘:: ' he ;¢3 ,\ {-3. & James Reyne i.%" S | ofher el — e gr. | thelr newsi racks &: z g .gs, g ;‘{s“ 2 ?uoh"e" More River” P, e B e 4 o = Bonnie is anari et LN RS o SRR S S debutqu?um]'o Hg!,’:"a -i Rb ‘li\f& | Figmes the talent “g\ TS S e flected in \“%\ \z >to listen out for are.. - ’,j.g Jpz’cw Ldgt o . |IB e " " | proves this -e E - . admired ALI Bant SES L. " ] their new =7 - e B g = Cmg“ contained in e% : | - professional %"d \i; Thelili o%y ey R R S:‘& S N ¢f\\ ! latest album. Once o ,\_,“» ot ‘-,\Y, £ featuring the single £ \\\ L ted 0 tadkies il - . Bsß ¢i g jfgi_;’f;ij':.;.,;; - O con'uined = fl“s e \Yfi’%&&g” ee o this Ty flede L S \{ks\%\:\s\\\ \\{:?k os o o 5‘:«%%?::{‘}3.? ks -ey ¥ leader phet Boe=¥- Go} of the same name R T "‘,w?., Ry 0 Kennedy. Itis -Tke R g sten §\\s\§ L * latest album. Once ”afi”‘ %S e £ i Nick of “Thin . - “;%’fm«x@fim‘}“%‘ H°°§99kc. on;-'il },’x’zfi¢“‘% I:f TR L Sl e - Btk ee e w“"\mv »M«» |g o onan el = o 29N ies Sfill =e el §’§;-'+4zs:3;4».sj~.s~*£s ,; Ea e i | Crawl, of Roll hero. S fiig‘é&;“ fl and also iheslng|e M‘\x@‘* ‘»;T;j,apd’; Jac e fihifig**@‘g &%%fi‘ bl % Rock and Ro == = %}x ¢'_ % Called Love. : %sa d°§’°‘it° ’ag,\*fi% : ;‘)‘} % T, | Rockan Ihero.. | . v hing bee R o ‘«"v - ““Kenne y-Wiscii St RO 992»’»%4% GBsB :N ] and Roll her: 0. ::. iA L i ‘7= andalso ‘T ing - %MWW%&“%\ Ss L ’5:--.f‘~.:-.;.{,, e- S .i S E s:,:‘_;3:»_,':_‘_;-.;;-;;.;;,,t‘ A don't miss out on ee S T i. e L . o Was (of Was No E L \?&\g&\@ t\‘;“s duced by Chns - s"Szz'm"...;‘::.\:;:.‘ RGBT j o i SRR Chierr S oki sUreyou '.o eoySY L 4 .+ Called Love.” s R ‘«\\\ AR R R i pro ISe vo . ~::EZ;W’«F"::;‘.. &L gf‘ Sk SR ]2MaeISRSRN Ax BRI ; S 0,, wesipid, ol gRS §¢“fi“v§§\§\@s '?‘?”K' )‘se of Roumg e g‘g‘&@ RR e SENGTIRS g\\ A 13 d . ‘'t miss out ON ii.Ss GB e M Produced by Don Gy g é‘g: &"3%@5@ 'm 5 \ &,&Vfit P Aj; ’w 4 | ».aon - 3 \ f duced a%}v = fame:’;' Et:&:;:::;?:&%?:f?:l:?.i;:: 3Ry (I y B ’ L midalbom ; : “‘s‘ L Was (of Was Not. ‘“§ S'° ‘ g%éfi»v b B *:f*'*‘ B g . SRR egßeg NL N S ik ] praan s 7 gy %éfi T an T ovi e ;&g\:\?{:;{ ~Was) Cm% \\&X& Q\\g@\\\\%&\\\\ %&‘%aéw ‘‘é S Sl T W BalEmas g e denumsemstiiotpney E b B vE o 3 i‘- e ;,:-f«"i-:‘.‘zéa;,::fz:cf-;;:;i;;_;.{';»-v Sl s e 3<\‘ . S "f‘,\-‘;\;_‘_f?g ss R Sl EeN L :‘\ RR S aad L \L‘E:‘;“‘);_'s':‘;‘j;?y:}:?j-‘\% * Shakespe e e Zy“-;“;fi:“:‘:’.’: = o f,‘;’“% B x e 5 SS —— Bl Sl Re 5 ‘A,E ST ::u;;:;:::.”.‘::r;,e.i ¥ R ; e. e B SeEe n e DIE SEL PARK ee o e B R 6~» e } ’ ()NICk e ITT Sh k ecreA| demc , e = o2ee YN e s Eys S P T SRRy £§|eßoy ‘7 s~ . Soveione s o snTeE Bl PR SR 5] oBT s e Hard eeeLt e e SRR gel B 'q lE= gl \PRe Ss . ARTA e akKes Frsteplsac R ST AnE Lot o PR esiße ee el S o °|‘ AT L e Sren egt meEds e Gerranate L s o -‘O4-/ Pie e £ ’I E Relatids i3sA e S had ißtOtvfToe— vSRAT e S o tswemocime, P~* Resil o= o &fz‘%%’é‘% SRR o) i : Bliaiae eSleee St S g SRI S Sges Sane ey eSßeeisßo St iel Pl DAI inles e o .;Q:":'%,;:‘;i:,._"_: flj “ N‘Es REY skl LOLe Le T N|Ck o 'me Ts SR Ae=e LP o Ybf"’?%‘bag ':i’igffiml' ipasigt S j"“ oeyo 1e R fiiysl, L(: sl " § Bnrgs ') ; N.’, eS ‘, GaES ,o LR SS‘;STe ae St “3%%':4’"«:1'3/‘@ gv‘/:&-:;%‘fié'?“ s NHOrd Reyrje poiies SRS aag Shaety eßes dgt Eakian et Sl Sr oA AT LA See e e SRR TR ee o s Sen ee e e S :J)%W‘%%a s i sMRT W v T e oe e e Plage el Sl Ne e vg“,‘\:fl'g’f ch s s dag sv L esSL Tel e ; B PUCEROE Laopa i el SRI ee e oe B 2

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Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 24

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Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Rip It Up, Issue 147, 1 October 1989, Page 24