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Felonies and Other Offences.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices’ Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of Thomas Broadley, charged with deserting his wife and child at Kaikorai, near Dunedin, on the 25th January last. Offender is a native of Yorkshire, England, an engineer, 25 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, stout build, dark complexion, dark brown hair, whiskers beard and moustache, light blue eyes ; believed to be dressed in blue paget coat, dark tweed trousers, elastic side boots, and round hard black felt hat; of intemperate habits. He is supposed to ha/e gone to Timaru.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices’ Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of Edward Spray, in default of paying 10s., due for tne maintenance of his wife and family. Offender is an Irishman, a bottler, 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, slender build, brown hair, very thin dark brown whiskers and moustache, fair complexion, hazel eyes, wore dark tweed clothes and black hat; of intemperate habits and dissipated appearance. He is supposed to have gone to Timaru.

Warrants have been issued by the Hampden Bench for the arrests of George Smithers and Henry Edwards, charged with disobeying summonses to appear at the Resident Magistrates’ Court, Hampden, on the Ist instant, to answer a charge of having made use of threatening and abusive language to one Francis Henry, at Herbert, on the 13th ultimo. Smithers is an Englishman, a bullock driver, twenty years of age, 5 feet 6 or seven inches high, slender active build, light fair hair and complexion, thin features, no hair on face, large anchor tattoed on back of left arm above wrist, wore moleskin trousers and black cloth coat; carried a blue blanket swag. Edwards is an Englishman, a bullock driver, 28 years of age, 5 feet io}4 inches high, medium build, regular features, dark brovn hair, light brown beard and moustache of about six weeks growth, shaved on cheeks, hazel eyes; recently cut on left side of face and nose from a fall off a horse; generally shabbily dressed. They are supposed to have gone to Canterbury.

Stolen, from a box on board the ship “ Corona ” during the voyage from London to Dunedin, between October last and the 7th instant, or between Port Chalmers and Dunedin; on board a lighter, a double cased gold hunting Geneva watch, the name “ Fredericka Helen Jones” is engraved on outside, with crest “ The sun in splendour,” long thin ladies’ gold chain attached, a coral cross with a few pearls where the cross is united, a plain gold locket with band across, “F. H. G. from her godfather, Col. Moule, nth Regiment,” engraved on band ; a small gold locket with two horse-shoes of pearls and turquoise, with Florentine gold guard attached, a twisted ladies’ gold chain, a plain gold locket, a gold of the period locket with pearl in centre, a gold of the period locket with carbuncle in centre, a blue enamelled necklace,' a silver bracelet, a pair of Maltese silver earrings, a silver malachite brooch, a plain gold brooch, a pair of long gold fringed earrings with pearls or blue enamel, a pair of gold of the period earrings with jockey cap held by whips, and a plain gold bracelet, the property of Mrs. Frederick Jones; value jQ 70. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 28th ultimo, from a hut at Winton Flat, Southland district, a steel grey coat, a pair of light grey trousers, a dark check cotton shirt, a light check cotton shirt, and an old grey blanket, the property of William Jarvey ; an extra large red blanket, nearly new, a pair of light water-tight boots, size 9, hooks half way up in front, a pair of light brown socks and a pair of half-worn tweed trousers patched on knee, the property of Peter McQueen, v r ho offers 5 reward on conviction of the offender.

Lost or stolen on the 15th ultimo, supposed at Port Chalmers or Dunedin, a strong brown leather portmanteau about 30 inches long 15 inches wide and 14 inches deep, C. Kane, 69, Dane-street, Dublin,” engraved on plate .of lock and stamped on flap of leather in front of lock, thejjwords “ solid leather ” stamped in two places on front flap of lid, strong black canvas cover on, bound at comers with brown leather, address, Honourable Jeneir Preston painted in white letters on top of cover, secured by two leather straps about 1 inches wide, buckled in front, a large iron ring on each strap at back, containing wearing apparel, a small box in which was a seven barrelled revolver, “ Tranton’s improved patent,” a diary, and several articles, the property of the Honourable Jeneir Preston. The portmanteau arrived at Port Chalmers by the steamer Ringarooma from Melbourne, on the 15th ultimo, and instead of being brought on to Dunedin by rail it may have been transhipped at Port Chalmers to one of the costal or intercolonial steamers.

Stolen, about the 20th ultimo, from the Sand Hills near Anderson’s Bay, four black and eight black and white colored ducks, about two months old, the property of Mrs. Allison, value 275. Identifiable. Suspision is attached to Charles Bills, an Englishman, about 24 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, slight build, fair hair, wears light tweed suit and black cap with French peak.

Stolen about the 24th ultimo, from the old Times Restaurant, Princes-street, Dunedin, about 60 lbs of sheet lead, about 12 inches wide, having a row of nail holes in one side, the property of Francis Crouder, value 12s.

Stolen, between the 19th and 21st ultimo, from the stable of Richard Williams, at Woodhaugh, near Dune din, a nearly new cross-cut saw, 5 feet long, the letter M stamped on back, value 20s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 31st January last, from Yankee Flat, between Clyde and Blacks, a silver lever hunting watch, No. 25478, maker’s name not known, leather boot lace and key attached, the property of John McCrea, value £7. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Alexander William Mitchell, a Scotchman, a farm labourer, about 33 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, fair complexion, large sandy whiskers, beard, and moustache, blind of one eye (supposed to be the left), wore moleskin trousers, black paget coat, and black Yankee hat.

Supposed stolen between November and February last, from Hedden Bush, near Winton, Southland district, between 100 and 150 head of cattle, principally between 3 and 5 years old (some older), in good condition, branded like O with a dash through it on off S rump and -g on off ribs at back of shoulder, right ears

cut, and a piece left hanging down, the property of Messrs. Spence Bros., who offer reward, if stolen, on conviction of the offenders. It is thought these cattle may have been driven to the Molyneux, Dunedin, or the West Coast, and sold to butchers, as they were nearly all fit for killing.

Stolen, about the 14th ultimo and sth instant, from a lighter at Stuart-street Jetty, Dunedin, about 12 fathom of half-inch tar rope, value 55., a nearly new yellow oilskin coat, medium size, hand made, the property of Laurence Morrisson, value 15s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 21st ultimo, from the shop door of James Muir, Princes-street, Dunedin, a japanned leather hat case, lined with red velvet, a compartment inside for holding gloves, ties, collars, &c., value 455. Identifiable.

( Vide Police Gazette 1876 , page 13.) The pocket-book, lost or stolen from the person of James Harris, at Oamaru, contained two pawn tickets, issued at Davis’ Pawn Office, Princes-street, Dunedin, one for a silver Geneva watch which was pawned in the name of O’Connor on or about the 25th November last; the other for a ring which was pawned in the name of Henry H. Ames.

Stolen, about the sth ultimo, from the Kawarau Hotel, at Cromwell, a brown leather purse with small brass clasp, containing four £~i notes on the Colonial Bank of New Zealand, and ss. in silver, the property of Martha White. Purse only identifiable.

Stolen, about the Ist instant, from the yard of Andrew Grainger, South Dunedin, a two gallon boiler with handle, ordinary shape, value 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 12th ultimo, from the yard of Elizabeth Webster, Stuart-street, Dunedin, an iron bucket; an iron square pie dish, 1,2 by 5 inches; and a common billy, value 7s. 6d. Identification doubtful.

Stolen, about the 7th ultimo, in the Criterion Hotel, Milton, a Z 5 and two £1 notes, the property of John Campbell. Suspicion attached to William Brosnan and John Fergusson. Brosnan is a billiard marker, 19 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, no hair on face, jockey appearance. Fergusson is a horse breaker, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, active appearance, long thin features, hook nose, dark beard and moustache.

Stolen, about the 4th instant from the verandah of the residence of Dr. Cowie, High-street, Dunedin, a light colored grass door mat, about 4 feet by 2 feet, %

two or three stitches in centre broken, value 3s. 6d. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 16th ultimo, from the Harp of Erin Boarding-house, Hoperstreet, Dunedin, a nearly new large-sized single blue blanket, hemmed at top and bottom with red worsted, the property of Michael Butler, value 20s. Suspicion attached to a man of the following description, believed to be a native of Sydney, New South Wales : Looked like an hotel boots, 30 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, medium build, pale complexion, black hair worn long and inclined to curl, short black beard, whiskers, and moustache, wore blue twilled paget coat bound with braid, grey tweed trousers, and small black hard felt hat; sometimes wears a white puggery. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 18th ultimo, from the person of John Rowan, in a brothel in a right-of-way off Walkerstreet, Dunedin, three £1 notes, a sovereign, and 15s. in silver. Suspicion attached to Mary Dillon, Irish, a prostitute, 21 years of age, 5 feet 3or 4 inches high, slender build, fair hair, pale complexion.

Stolen, between the 23rd ultimo and 2nd instant, from the dwelling of Mary Kirkland, Stafford-street, Dunedin, 5 yards of black Parisian cord, value 155., and 10 yards of strong black russell cord, value 255., for ladies’ dresses. Identification doubtful.

Stolen, on the 16th January last, at Coal Creek, Nevis, a large-sized binocular field glass ; the shade of glass had been covered with leather, which is now worn off, which leaves the brass exposed; patent leather case and small shoulder strap, which had been broken in the centre and repaired, the property of William Elliott, value £7 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to John Grey, a Scotchman, a station hand, about 32 years of age, fair complexion, hair, whiskers, and moustache ; of intemperate habits.

Stolen or strayed, about the 21st ultimo, from Forbury Flat, South Dunedin, a dark bay light draught horse, aged, branded DC 99 on left shoulder, and 4 on left hind quarter, star on forehead, collar marked on left shoulder, short black tail and mane, three fetlocks white, the property of Thomas Curran, value

Stolen, on the 24th ultimo, from Watson’s Commercial Hotel, High-street, Dunedin, a gentleman’s, open-faced silver geneva watch, number and maker’s name unknown, white dial, gold band round the rim of dial about half an inch broad, had attached a round silken woven guard with common watch key attached, the property of Elizabeth Sparks, valuers* Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 18th ultimo, from the dwelling of Alexander Rennie, Kim Row, Dunedin, a lady’s gold open-faced lever watch, gold dial, fancy engraving on case, very little worn, number and maker’s name unknown, value ; had attached a lady’s gold chain, small wire oval link pattern, value £ 2. Both identifiable.

Stolen, about the 21st ultimo, from Jetty-street jetty, Dunedin, one of James Copeland’s empty hogsheads, a red band of paint round the top and bottom inside chime and round top and bottom between first and second hoops, labelled Messrs. Marshall and Copeland, Dunedin, the property of the estate of the late George F. Reid, value 255. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 29th January last, from Blueskin, a "black retriever dog, between 4 and 5 years old, very curly hair, a few white hairs on lower part of breast, answers to the name Hero,” the property of John Louness, value £ 10. Identifiable. This dog it is supposed has been stolen by navvies who worked on the railway line at Blueskin, and who -left; there for harvest work in the Palmerston and Oamaru Districts.

Stolen, between the 26th and 28th ultimo, from the garden of E. B. Cargill, Walker-street, Dunedin, n variegated geranium plants, value 20s.

Stolen, on the 28th ultimo, from the trousers’ pocket of John Earl, in a bedroom in the Peacock Hotel, Princes-street, Dunedin, two half-crowns and two shillings. Suspicion attached to a man of the following description : English, about 23 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, black hair, no beard or whiskers, small dark moustache, wore light clothes and straw hat. Identifiable.

Stolen, between 7.45 p.m. on the 21st and 7.30 a.m. on the 22nd ultimo, from a till in the butcher’s shop of James Alexander, George-street, Dunedin, about six shillings in sixpenny and threepenny pieces, and a leg of mutton, value 3s.

• Stolen, on the 17th ultimo, from the tent of George Robertson, at Makarewa Bridge, Southland District, an opossum rug lined with red shirting ; a carpet bag with brass padlock, a piece of wire protruding through the top frame, . carpet large pink rose pattern, containing a patent silver truss, a blue covered book on carpentry, two female likenesses, a Bible, a Church of England Prayer Book, a pocket dictionary, a towel marked X with black thread, and several other articles, value ,£9. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 9th ultimo, from the Globe Hotel, Princes-street, Dunedin, a white muslin dress, blue leaf pattern, a very deep flounce at bottom, cape and pannier, trimmed with same material, the property of Ann Diamond, value 30s. Identifiable.

Lost or stolen, on the . 14th ultimo, from the vest pocket of D. M. Macgoun, supposed at the Pelichet Bay Baths, Dunedin, a cheque, No. 1945, dated the 14th February, 1876, on the National Bank of New Zealand, Dunedin, for ; drawn by Connell and Moodie, payable to a number. Identifiable.

Lost or stolen, on the 6th ultimo, from the person of Lachlan Oliver, in Harris’s Hotel, Lower Marewhenua, a leather pocket-book, containing a cheque on the National Bank of New Zealand for £, 2 Z 5 s - 3d., drawn by William Gardner per Borton and Mac Master in favor of L. Oliver, a note, 3 £x notes, a gold Albert chain and locket, and a broken gold nugget pin. Cheque inentifiable.

On the night of the 15th ultimo, at Queenstown, a cow, the property of William Woodraw, was wounded with about 40 pellets of small shot in the off thigh. Suspicion attached to James Rowse, in whose garden the cow was in the habit of trespassing, an American, a market gardner, about 40 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, stout build, sallow complexion, black hair and whiskers.

About 4 a.m. on the nth ultimo, at Caversham, the mane and tail were cut off a horse, the property of Henry Parnell, the animal was also disfigured with grease and black substance, the word thief written on near side, and three stars on off side. Suspicion attached to Patrick Bradley, a dairyman, residing at at Look-out Point, near Caversham.

Stolen, on the 14th ultimo, from the hut of Wang Chue, at Waipori Flat, near Waipori, about 10s. in silver, and a Chinese memorandum book. Book identifiable.

Stolen, on the nth ultimo, from the shop of Lewis Solomon, George-street, Dunedin, a lady’s open-faced silver Geneva watch, silver dial, inner case much worn, value 30s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to a man of the following description who was in the shop during Mr. Soloman’s absence: About 40 to 45 years of age, 5 feet xo or n inches high, stout build, dark complexion, dark beard, whiskers, and moustache. Identification doubtful.

Stolen, about the 17th ultimo, from the person of George McFarlane, in Johnson’s Boarding House, at Oamaru, a silver lever open-faced watch, number and maker’s name unknown, the first figures of number believed to be 14; a meerschaum pipe having two ferruls on stem, one joining stem and amber, the other near the bowl, though in use a considerable time is badly colored. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Andrew McKenzie and Joseph McCormack. McKenzie is a sailor, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, grey eyes, dark complexion and whiskers, no moustache. McCormack is an Irishman, about 32 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, dark complexion, light whiskers and moustache.

Stolen, about the 16th ultimo, from the fowl-house of Peter Mitchell, Kensington, near Dunedin, a black and red gamecock, about 4 months old, the property of William McEwen, value £ 2. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Richard Whitton, an Englishman, about 45 to 50 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, stout build, dark complexion, hair, beard, and moustache, speaks with a broad West of England accent.

Stolen, between the 26th and ,38th ultimo, from the old Times Restaurant, Princes-street, Dunedin, about 70 feet of lead water piping with three brass taps attached, the property of Francis Crowder, value 40s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 16th January last, from the Rising Sun Hotel, Walker-street, Dunedin, a brown twilled silk umbrella, mutton shell handle, diamond pattern, the property of Mary Melican, value 255. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 28th ultimo, at Oamaru, from the person of Oliver McSpurrow, a double-cased patent lever hunting watch, capped, jewelled in four holes, maker Stamford and Co., London, number unknown, indented on inside and outside of case, value £6 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to a man of the following description : About 35 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, brown whiskers and moustache, dressed in grey tweed trousers.

Stolen, on the sth instant, from the corner of Manse and Princes-street, Dunedin, an unpainted lamp-lighter’s ladder, nearly new, about 10 feet long, kauri sides, a knot in one about three feet from bottom, gum rungs, the property of Charles Carter, value 16s. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 3rd instant, from the trousers’ pocket of Daniel Barrell, in the Queen’s Hotel, Oamaru, a cheque for on the Bank of New Zealand, Waimate, drawn by George Pratt in favor of Daniel Barrell; a half-sovereign, and 30s. in silver. Cheque identifiable.

Stolen, on the 2nd instant, from the shop of William Phillips, Maclaggan-street, Dunedin, a 4-lb. iron weight, square shape, ring on top, value 2s. Suspicion^

attached to William Charles Young, aged 8 years, who resides in the neighbourhood.

Stolen, on the morning of the sth instant, from Noah’s Ark Stables, Princes-street South, Dunedin, a light draught chesnut horse, aged, 15 hands high, in good condition, branded like 2 side of triangle on near shoulder, and supposed to be branded like 200 under saddle on near side, the property of William Tyson, value Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Sydney Thompson, who it is supposed drove the horse in a buggy to East Taieri on the sth instant, and either sold or turned him adrift there ; an Irishman, a cab driver, 36 years of age, 5 feet inches high, slender build, sickly appearance, dark hair, small thin whiskers and moustache.

Stolen, between the 26th ultimo and 4th instant, from the clothes line ofMrs. Henderson, attheGlen, near Dunedin, six pairs of men’s white cotton socks, two pairs of women’s white cotton stockings, marked A. Gunn; two or three pairs of baby’s cotton socks, and a number of diaper napkins, value 255. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the sth and Bth instant, from the dwelling of Mrs. Isabella Hart, George-street, Dunedin, a lady’s English gold ring with, four large diamonds in a cluster set in it, a little chasing on ring on each side of diamonds, value Identifiable.

Stolen on the Ist instant, at Yankee Flat, between Clyde and Blacks, a nearly new silver lever hunting watch ; maker Stamford, London, No. 1505 ; and silver albert chain, round link pattern, bar and watchkey with reddish glass on top attached, the property of Charles Laphre, value Identifiable. Suspicion attached to John Johnston Graham alias Daniel Mann, a Scotchman, a draper and hawker, 35 years of age, 5 feet inches high, fresh complexion, hazel eyes, dark brown hair, beard, whiskers, and moustache, mole on left eyebrow, dressed in dark grey tweed suit and white hat; carried a blue blanket swag. See Police Gazette , 1875, page 109.

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 3, 10 March 1876, Page 21

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Felonies and Other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 3, 10 March 1876, Page 21

Felonies and Other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 3, 10 March 1876, Page 21