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Felonies and other Offences.

A warrant has been issued by the Naseby Bench for the arrest of William Mansen, charged with

having assaulted Mary Ann Goutier, at Hogburn Creek, Naseby, on the 23rd ultimo. Offender is a - Scotchman, a butcher, 33 years of age, 5 feet 10J in. high, medium build, fresh complexion, light brown hair, whiskers, and moustache, grey eyes, wore old brown tweed clothes, lace-up boots, and black wideawake hat. A horse of the following description is missing from Naseby since the 23rd ultimo, and it is believed that the offender rode it away : —A bay horse, star on forehead, short tail, branded LH on off shoulder.

"William Simpson is charged on warrant issued by the Melbourne Bench, with having committed forgeries to the extent of £7OO on the Bank of Victoria, at Epsom, in October last. Offender is from 28 to 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, full light eyes, prominent nose, sandy flowing beard and moustache, careworn look, reddish eyelids, of good manners, rather foppish, and very self-possessed, well dressed, was lately manager of the Bank of Victoria at Epsom. He is on leave of absence from the bank, and during his absence the forgeries were discovered.

William B. Walker is charged with issuing three valueless cheques drawn on the National Bank of New Zealand, Oamaru, to George A. Harris, at Marewhenua, on the 19th, 21st, and 22nd of October last, which were cashed by Harris, Offender is a

Scotchman, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 7 or S inches h’gh, slight build, light brown hair, little whiskers, shaved on chin, thin face, fair complexion, wore light tweed clothes. He represented that he was a farmer from Allday Bay.

A man of the following description is charged with being illegally on the premises of John Dalgleish, at Harrisville, Invercargill, on the 15th ultimo. Description : About 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, stout build, wore darkish clothes and soft billycock hat, well dressed, supposed to be English, a new arrival.

Stolen, on the 30th October last, from the residence of William Mayo, at Pomahaka, near Tapanui, a cheque for £2 10s., on the National Bank of New Zealand, Balclutha, dated the 30th of October, 1874, drawn by Hugh Begg, in favour of William Mayo. Suspicion attached to Susanna Smith, English, 24 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, slight figure, dark hair, eyes, and complexion.

Stolen or strayed, about the Ist of September last, from Anderson’s Bay, a pure bred Ayrshire heifer, white with strawberry neck, fine horns, would have calved about a month ago, the property of John Mackay. Value £lO. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 20th ultimo, on board the ship Celestial Queen, at Port Chalmers, a double-cased silver geneva watch, maker “ Baume,” steel hands, the word geneva on dial plate, the lower part of outer case dented on front, the names G-. P. Carr, Auckland, New Zealand, and Eleanor Eraude scratched on inside of outer case, a short silver albert chain plain link pattern, and brass key with the name Milner, Charlotte Town,” on it attached, the property of George Carr. Value £4 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to James Francis, a deserter from the ship Celestial Queen, an Englishman, 27 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, ruddy complexion, thin features, red or fail 1 hair cut short, red whiskers and moustache, which will likely be shaved off, nose, forehead, and hands freckled, weak blue eyes, wore black cloth sac coat, dark blue trousers and vest, carries a concertina with him which he can play well.

Stolen or strayed, on the 11th ultimo, from a paddock at Anderson’s Bay, a chestnut mare about 14 hands high, star on forehead, long tail, the property of the Honourable Matthew Holmes. Identifiable.

Stolen, the 17th ultimo, from the "clothes line of Charles Sykes, Filleul street, Dunedin, a linen table cloth, flowered, nearly new, selvage all round except at one end which is hemmed, 2 white turkish bath towels, 4 childrens’ napkins, bleached calico. Value, 20s. Table cloth identifiable.

Stolen, about the 23rd ultimo, from the yard of William Davidson, York place, Dunedin, 2 ducks, one black and white, the other light grey. Value, 7s. Gd. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the night of the 3rd instant, from the trousers pocket of John Nicholas, in a bedroom at the "Red Lion Hotel, Stafford street, Dunedin, three £lO notes, on the Bank of New Zealand, Christchurch Branch, Nos. 025528, 024815, (the number of third note is not known,) three £5 notes on same Bank, Nos. 103084, 0442G1, and 103048. Suspicion attached to Thomas Millar, a sailor, employed on board the craft Clyde, about 36 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, stout build, sandy hair, whiskers, beard,. and moustache.

Vide Police Gazette, 1874, page 90,

The gold ring reported as stolen from the dwelling of John Gray at Port Chalmers, was recently seen on the finger of Mary Peacock, at Dunedin, who was staying at Gray’s house at the time it was stolen. She is English, 22 years of age, 5 feet high, fair hair and complexion, good looking, walks very smart with firm step, Arrived by the ship Caroline.

Stolen, on the 24th ultimo, from the dwelling of James Pryde, at Brighton road, Saddle Hill, two small silver tubes, about 8 inches long, one about as thick as a small pen handle, the other very thin ; used for drawing milk from cows when the udder is swelled or diseased. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the Ist instant, from the dwelling of Mrs. Willis, Park street, Dunedin, a large oval-shaped, iron boiler, with handle. Value, 15s.

Stolen, on the 27th ultimo, from the trousers pocket of Lawrence Jamieson, on board the steamer Samson, between Port Chalmers and Oamaru, a brown leather purse with elastic band, containing a sovereign, a half sovereign, and 9s. in silver, some English and Colonial postage stamps, a 2| silver gasten, one silver gasten, and a half silver gasten, and a half ropex. Purse and foreign coins identifiable. Suspicion attached to some of the immigrants who went by the steamer on that trip to Oamaru.

Vide Police Gazette, 1874, page 88

The greenstone brooch and earrings reported as stolen from the dwelling of Catherine Ryder, Clark street, Dunedin, have been recovered. They were offered for pawn at Mrs. Davis’ pawn office, Princes

street, Dunedin, about S p.m. on the sth instant, by a man of the following description, who ran out of the shop on being questioned as to how he became possessed of them, leaving the brooch and earrings behind. He is about 27 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, stout build, dark complexion, hair, whiskers, and moustache, wore loose black coat with one button, striped tweed trousers and vest, black soft felt hat, and rusty steel albert chain.

Stolen, on the 14th ultimo, from off the end of the Rev. Mr. Stanley’s school, Dowling street, Dunedin, a square name-plate bearing the inscription, B. Isaacs. Chemist, first door, hand pointing to the right, white letters on black ground, the property of B. Isaacs, value, ss. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 13th ultimo from a dwelling at Port Molyneux, two £5 notes and three £1 notes, a silver lever hunting watch, silver dial, maker, Jones, London, the property of Richard Allen. Watch Identifiable.

Stolen on the 28th ultimo from the person of John Whitley at Oamaru, a dark brown leather purse containing ten £5 notes, the lower left hand corner of some of the notes torn off, and a silver lever hunting watch, maker, Cruickshank, London, No. 32576, steel chain attached. Edward Newey, barman at the Empire Hotel, Oamaru, states that he bought the stolen watch on the 30th ultimo at Oamaru from a man of the following description, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, fresh complexion, dark bushy whiskers beard and moustache, the hair on. chin near mouth fair, slight build, wore dark tweed

clothes much ■worn, and old black felt hat, had the appearance of a shearer.

Stolen about the 3rd instant from the clothes line of Thomas McGowan, Hanover street, Dunedin, two flannel shirts, three or four white buttons in front of each. Value 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen between the 24th ultimo and 4th instant from the shop of John Leckie at the corner of George and Hanover streets, Dunedin, a half sovereign and 7s. in silver.

Stolen, on the 4th instant, at Port Chalmers, a "black retriever dog about 10 or 12 months old, medium size, curly hair, a little lame in one of fore legs from having the joint above the toes injured, the hair has not entirely grown on the wound which is almost bare in front, answers to the name of Roger, or Tichborne, the property of Doctor O’ Donoghue. Value £lO. Identifiable. It is believed that one of the men employed on board the steamer “ Wellington,” stole this dog. £5 reward is offered by Dr. O’Donogliue for the recovery of the dog, and conviction of the offender.

Stolen, between the sth and the 26th ultimo, from the Temperance Hall, Maclaggan-street, Dunedin, a brown cloth overcoat, brown velvet collar, two side, and one right breast pocket with flaps, one inside pocket, black lining, cloth-covered buttons, the property of Thomas Burgess. Value £4. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 10th and 16th ultimo, from the railway workshop as Hillside, near Dunedin, a claw hammer, having two holes bored in the handle, and a carpenter’s axe, about three inches wide, the property of George Bateman & Co. Value 12s. Hammer Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 18th ultimo from the bleaching green of James Macassey, Regent Road, Dunedin, two linen tablecloths, nearly new, two large linen sheets, nearly new, an Irish twill sheet, nearly new, a gentleman’s night-shirt, frilled, plain linen buttons J.M. marked on bottom with ink, a white calico petticoat, three tucks on skirt, E.M. marked with ink inside waist band, and a lady’s night dress, frilling at neck and breast. Value £7. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 22nd ultimo from on board the steamer “ Golden Age,” at Dunedin, a pair of blucher boots, nearly new, a brown Wincey jacket, buttons up to neck, a regetta shirt, white ground with blue spots, all tied up in a w'hite pocket handkerchief, the property of Alexander Auderson. Value 245. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Cornelius Carey, a fireman and labourer, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, medium build, dark complexion, black Yankee beard and moustache, cheeks shaved, wore old blue monkey jacket, dirty moleskin trousers, and greasy cloth cap with large crown. He was employed a short time previous to this theft being committed, on the railway works at Chain Hills.

Lost or stolen from the person of Robert Taylor, on the 24th ultimo, at Balclutha, a dark brow T n corded Morocco leather pocket book, with elastic band and clasp, three inner compartments with clasps for each, and a note book with gilded leaves, containing six £5 notes on the National Bank of New Zealand, and four £1 notes. Pocket book identifiable.

Stolen about tho 13th ultimo from a clothes line in High street, Dunedin a common print dress striped and flowered between each stripe, the property of Maria Hare. Value 15s. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 20th ultimo from the dwelling of Miss Ross at Riverton, a new morocco purse with steel clasps containing a half sovereign and four or five shillings in silver. Purse Identifiable.

Stolon between the 2nd of October last and 15th ultimo at Winton bush near Winton, a canvass tent G by S nearly new, mark of black paint about the size of a dinner plate on side, maker, D. Cameron, Invercargill, the property of James Murray. Value 255. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 21st ultimo from the garden of Robert Hay, Clyde street, Dunedin, 11 geranium plants of various colours. Value 20s. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 18th ultimo at Rothsay, near Dunedin an 18 gallon beer barrel Marshall and Copelands brand burned into wood at end, the letters M. C. painted with white paint on end, the property of Ebenezer Steele. Value 20s. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 21st ultimo from the fowl house of Henry Hagan at Waitaliuna gully four common fowls. Value Bs.

Stolen between the 21st and 23rd ultimo from the premises of W. 11. A. Nevill at the Glen, near Dunedin, four rough lining boards 12 by 181. Value 7s Gd.

Stolen between the sth and 7th instant from the office of E. H. Evans, Princes street, Dunedin, a French eight day clock, black ebony case, ink stand, and penholder attached to frame work. Value £2 Identifiable.

Stolen on the Ist instant from the person of Robert Ellis at the Kent Hotel, Greytown, a gutta percha tobacco pouch containing eight £1 notes. Suspicion attached to a Mrs. Beasly, about 30 years of age, medium height, dark complexion, dark hair and eyes.

Stolen on the Ist instant from the Universal Hotel, Maclaggan-street, Dunedin, two Crimean shirts, one striped red and black, the other spotted green blue and red, the property of James Norman. Value ISs. Identifiable. A man of the following description was seen on the Rattray-street jetty wearing one of the stolen shirts. About 40 years of age, 5 feet G inches high, stout build, dark hair whiskers and beard, no moustache, dark complexion.

Stolen on the Bth instant, from the clothes line of Michael Galvin, Stafford- Dunedin, two grey holland polonaises, one frilled at bottom, the other plain, both patched under right arm. Value 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Kate Kielly, a tailoress, 38 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, spare build, dark hair and eyes.

Stolen about the sth inst., from the Royal George Hotel, George-street, Dunedin, two corn sacks, containing two pairs of white blankets, one clean the other soiled, a common carpet bag much worn, about 12 by 14 inches ; about four yards of Chinese matting, red and white pattern, a Maori kit, containing

"baby’s soiled linen, and a small deal box, containing baby’s clean linen, the property of John Albert Harris. Value £lO. Identifiable,

Stolen on the 10th ultimo, from the High School, Howling-street, Dunedin, a black waterproof coat, two or three buttons off front, the property of the Rev. Mr. Penny. Value 2Ss. Identifiable.

Stolen about the Bth ultimo, from the store of Oscar Louis, at Palmerston, seven £1 notes, four on the bank of Hew Zealand and three on the National Bank of New Zealand, and 275. in silver.

Stolen about the 11th ultimo, from the dwelling of Thomas Tracey, at Kaikorai Valley, near Dunedin, a lady’s English gold chain, small link pattern. Value £4. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Catherine "Wise, a Scotchwoman, about 18 years of age, short and stout, black hair, dark eyes, wore light green dress and black straw hat trimmed with black velvet. She is supposed to have gone to Brockville or Port Chalmers, where her friends reside.

Stolen about the 27th ultimo, from near the Fire Brigade Station, High-street, Dunedin, a wheel-bar-row made of Australian wood, iron wheel, one of the spokes cracked, board at front and rear, no sides, the property of Colin M’Donald. Value 80s. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 22nd ultimo, from off building material in Manor-place, Dunedin, a square glass lantern, iron work, wooden handle at top, painted black, one pane of glass out and replaced with wood, a small bedroom kerosene lamp with glass handle, chimney broken at top, the property of William Miller. Value 15s. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 26th ultimo, from the waggon of Alexander Cunningham, at the Otepopo River, a bag containing about 2 cwt. of Newcastle coal. Value 11s. 9d. Malcolm Mclntyre, a blacksmith, who resides at Otepopo-bridge, suspected.

Stolen on the 30th ultimo, from an engine-shed at Greytown, East Taieri, a silver lever hunting-watch, No. 3896, the property of Joseph Rollins. Value £B. Identifiable.

On the night of the 25th ultimo, 11 panes of glass were maliciously broken in the windows of Bristol House, Cumberland-street, Dunedin, the property of William Hall, also two kerosene lamps in one of the rooms, by two men of the following description having thrown a number of stones through the windows of the house. Ist, about 36 years of age, medium build, wore very dark clothes and black billy cock hat. 2nd medium build, wore light clothes, and black billy-cock hat.

Lost or stolen ou the 10th ultimo, from the waiting room of the railway station, Dunedin, a paisley plaid or shawl, deep fringe, colors, orange, brown or magenta, light blue or green, a portion of the fringe broken short, pine flowers in body, the property of William McPherson. Value £lO. Identifiable.

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 11, 10 December 1874, Page 99

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Felonies and other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 11, 10 December 1874, Page 99

Felonies and other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 11, 10 December 1874, Page 99