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Felonies and other Offences.

A warrant has been issued by the Queenstown Bench for the arrest of William Brown, charged with bestiality at Queenstown on the 4th inst. Offender is a native of East End, London ; about 30 years of age ; 5 feet 2 inches high ; medium build ; smart active gait; dark complexion, hair and moustache ; very little if any whiskers ; peculiar expression of face, as if mouth was crooked ; criminal appearance; dressed in dirty bedford cord trousers; dark coat; hat or cap ; and old elastic side boots. He was seen at Morvan Eerry on the sth inst., and at Chibes on the 6th ; and then said that he was going to Lowe’s Station on the Manuhcrika to shear or cook there. He arrived in Otago from England in 1868, by the ship Countess of Kintorc, and worked his passage out.

Warrants have been issued by the Oamaru Bench for the arrest of Thomas Sullivan and James Lamont, charged with assaulting Mrs. Dorah Weiss at Papakaio near Oamaru on the 7th instant. Sullivan is supposed to be an Irishman; a labourer; 27 to 30 years of age ; 5 feet 101 inches high ; thin build ; dark brown hair, beard and moustache; dressed in narrow striped light tweed trousers; black coat; light Crimean shirt with dark spots; and dirty white felt hat. Lamont is a Scotchman ; a labourer; 45 years of age ; 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high ; stout build;

grey hair; sandy whiskers; dressed in black sac coat; moleskin trousers ; and black felt hat.

A warrant has been issued at Westland for the arrest of Patrick By an, late of Greymouth, an important witness for the Crown, in the case of the Queen v. James and John Hayes, who are to be tried at the Supreme Court, Hokitika on the 18th proximo, for larceny at Ahaura. Ryan in an Irishman; a native of Tipperary; a grocer and storeman; between 25 and 27 years of age ; about 6 feet high ; medium build, inclined to be stout; fresh ruddy complexion light curly hair, worn short, bald on temples; reddish Yankee beard and moustache; cheeks shaved; long nose ; light blue eyes ; usually wears black or blue coat; grey tweed trousers and vest; and soft felt hat, with leaf turned over face; addicted to drink. Offender absconded from Greymouth, it is supposed, at the request of Hayes’ friends; he will likely seek employment as a grocer or storeman.

Stolen between the Ist and 14th instant at the wreck of the ship Surat, Catlin’s River, a box 34 by 24 feet, covered with canvas wrapping and corded ; J. Outred, Otago, New Zealand, painted on the wrapping, containing a suite of men’s light tweed clothes, 10 shirts, 4 striped with collars attached, the others white, 5 flannel petticoats, 3 women’s and 2 children’s; 9 night dresses, 5 women’s and 4 children’s; 1 pair of blankets, 3 sheets, 2 cloth jackets, 1 brown, 1 blue ; 1 paisley shawl, 3 pairs of elastic side boots, 1 men’s 2 children’s ; 1 meerchaum pipe and case, 10 chemise, 5 women’s, 5 children’s; 12 pairs of drawers, 2 women’s, 10 children’s; 1 man’s last, several books, the names Alice and Edith Outred written in some of them, a lady’s work box lined with green satin, containing gold and silver money to the amount of about £9, 2 lady’s companions, a letter and parcel addressed to Mr. Hancock, Queen’s Arms Hotel, Dunedin, a letter addressed to Mr. Cavalier, Maitland-street, Dunedin, and several other small articles; the underclothing was chiefly new. Value about £33. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 2nd instant from the bedroom of [Robert "Wilson at the Rainbow Hotel, George-street, Dunedin, an open-faced gold Geneva watch, regulator broken off, case worn smooth, long imitation gold chain attached, and about Bs. in silver. Value £8 10s.. Watch and chain identifiable.

Stolen on the 31st ultimo from the dwelling o t Walter G. Gcddes, Stuart-street, Dunedin, 1 cotton and 1 flannel undershirt, 1 pair blue worsted socks, and one pair of white worsted socks, with red stripe near top. Value 15s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 23rd ultimo, at Ida Valley, a hogskin saddle, patch in seat extending over cantel, leather girth, and circular stirrup irons, the property of John E. Jago. Value £4. Identifiable.' Suspicion attached to John Blakely and Stewart M‘Comb. Blakely is an Irishman, a butcher, 32 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, dark brown hair, grey eyes, fresh complexion, stout build, bow legged. M‘Comb is an Irishman, a butcher, 32 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, light hair, grey eyes, fair complexion, slight build. —(Vide Police Gazette , 1871, page 20)

Stolen, about the 29th ultimo, from the bedroom of 'Andrew Eraser, in the Shamrock and Thistle Hotel, King-street, Dunedin, three half-sovereigns. A man of the following description, who slept in the room with Eraser on that night, and who left early

next morning, suspected. Supposed to be an Englishman, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, stout, square build, fair complexion, light brown hauf no whiskers, light brown moustache and goatee, dcS*' or hollow in left side of nose, wore light tweed coat, rough pepper and salt tweed trousers, dirty, dark wideawake hat, and navvy boots.

Stolen, between the 3rd and sth instant, from George-street, Dunedin, a 15-foot ladder, painted light stone color, steps morticed into uprights, and are about If x f of an inch in diameter, the property of Alexander M £ Gregor. Value 80s. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 27th ultimo, from a hut at Castle Bock Station, Southland District, five £1 notes, the property of Robert Thompson.

Stolen or strayed, at Cromwell, about the 25thultimo, a roan cob horse, about 5 years old, branded lIA on near shoulder, about 15 hands high, short switch tail, the property of —Kennedy. Value £2O. Identifiable. Mr. Kennedy offers £2 reward for the recovery of this horse.

Stolen, between the 19th November and 19th ult.,. from the dwelling of Frederick Jones, Royal Terrace, Dunedin, a large cloth blue-and-gold coloured window curtain. Value £lO. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 27th and 29th ultimo, from the dwelling of Doctor J. B. Lake, Cromwell, a silver lever hunting watch ; maker, Rotherham, London ; No. 35716; thick curb pattern steel albert guard attached. Value £9. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 25th ultimo, at Green Island, light draught chestnut horse, 4 years old, 15 hands high, branded / '" N on near shoulder, bob tail, off hind foot white. A light draught bay horse, 3 years old, 14 hands high, illegible brand on near shoulder, switch tail ; the property of M‘Donald and Millar, who offer £5 reward on recovery. Value £2O each. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 7th and the 16th instant, from the office of Mr. Julius, at Oamaru, a cash-box about 6 x 4, with drawer, brass handle on top, containing a £1 note, 12s. 3d. in silver, three small box keys, a half-crown piece of the reign of William and Mary, an American shilling, a Chinese shilling (silver coin), a silver twopenny piece, a copper token, man hanging, a small silver Danish coin, two I. O U’s, a promissory note for £9O, a number of letters addressed L. A. Bead, Oamaru, the property of Lawrence A. Read. Identifiable.

Between the Ist and 20th instant, a box, the property of Alonzo Brooks, was broken open at the wreck of the ship Surat, Catlin’s River, and the following articles stolen therefrom : —One single and one double white blanket, one pair men’s lace-up boots, one pair women’s elastic side —both new, two old blue cloth coats, £ yard of brussels carpet, one patch quilt, a quantity ox female under-clothing, some new flannel, a roll of holland, one ladys’ waterproof cloak, with sleeves, a dozen coarse towels, one child’s frock, and several chemises, drawers, nightgowns, and children’s socks. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 10th instant, from the fowl-house of Mrs. Baird, at Clinton, near Invercargill, three common hens and one cock, mixed colours. Value Bs.

Supposed stolen from Merrie Creek Station, Clinton, a light chestnut horse, blaze down face, bob tail, hind feet white, branded heart on oft; shoulder, the property of Alexander M‘Faydcn.

Stolen, on the 6th instant, from the dwelling of Frederick .Tones, Walker-street, Dunedin, a pair of new dark tweed trousers, with white stripe through material, and a pair of double-buckle braces, red and blue web, with white edges. Value 275. 6d. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 26th and 29th ultimo, from a paddock at the Kaikorai, near Dunedin, 14 dozen ginger-beer and soda-water bottles, the property of Charles De Longueville Graham. Value £2 16s.

Stolen, on the 26th ultimo, from the person of James Kennedy, at Cromwell, about £2O in notes. Suspicion attached to James Butler, an Irishman, 38 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, stout build, brown hair, fresh complexion.

Stolen, on the 30th ultimo, from the dwelling of Alexander Robertson, at Woodlands, three £1 notes.

Stolen, on the 2nd instant, from the vest pocket of Ilenry Smith, at the Bailway Shed, Dunedin, a silver lever hunting watch, No. 8209, minute hand slightly bentjeommon steel guard attached, value £5. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 17th instant, from the dwelling of Felix Masseua, Maclaggan-street, Dunedin, a dark brown portmonnaie, with steel clasp, containing three £1 notes and three sovereigns. Portmonnaie indentifiable.

Stolen, on the Ist instant, at Dunedin, from the person of John Russell, a silver patent lever hunting watch, maker, William Harper, London, No. 8874, gold albert secret link chain, and small oval-shaped gold locket attached. • Value, £ls. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the Ist instant, from the dwelling of Frederick Cleator, Riely’s right of way, off Filleul street, Dunedin, five £1 notes, a small colonial gold brooch, grape-leaf pattern, a pair of gold grape-leaf earrings, and two small rough gold nuggets about I- dwt. each. All identifiable, except money.

Stolen, t between 11 p.m. on the 16th, and 1 a.m. on the 17th instant, from a cash-box in the Bush Inn Hotel, Blueskin road, eight £1 notes, the property of James Middleton. A man of the following description, who called at the hotel on that night to feed his horse, suspected., A Scotchman, 50 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, fresh complexion, round shouldered, slightly stooped, black hair, bald on top of head, black whiskers and moustache, dressed in dark tweed suit, and black wide-awake hat, wore a watch and hair guard.

Stolen, on the 28th instant, from the shop door of .Frank Meenan, George- Dunedin, a small box of tea, containing about 121bs. nicoline new season choicest kyshow congou, | j Dunedin, No. 129, Foo Chow 1873 and 1874 marked on top, addressed on card attached, Mr. Henry-Latimore, Port Molyneux. Value, 30s. Identifiable. ,■/£ on the sth or 6th instant, from the cabin

of the steamer Geelong, at Port Chalmers, a white pasteboard box, about 3 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 1 inches high, containing embroidered petticoats. The box was saved at the wreck of the ship Surat at Gatlin’s River.

Stolen, on the 19th inst, at Oamaru, a light draught and saddle mare, aged, grey or white, branded T on near shoulder, short tail, low condition, the property of Thomas Scott. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 16th instant, from the Immigration Barracks, at Caversham, 1 double-breasted black cloth vest, 1 nail brush, 1 tooth brush, one hair brush and comb, 1 album of 50 pages full of carte de visites, 1 old letter-writer book, and several other books, 3 pair of woollen socks, 1 pillow case, 3 white shirts made for studs, one marked Abel Hickman below breast, 1 red morocco pipe-case containing 3 gold and ivory studs, 2 plated collar studs, and 2 plated sleeve buttons, one pot of pomade, 3 pairs of linen cuffs stamped with the name Cox, 4 white handkerchiefs, 2 newspapers (Boston Galaxy of 1836 and 1837), all tied up in a pair of blue blankets, the property of William H. Anderson, Identifiable.

Stolen, at Catlin’s River, about the 10th instant, from a leather travelling case, . a plain gold ring with brown stone, which is broken, a set of gold-faced studs with pearl backs, the property of Mr. Isitt. Value, £4 LOs. Indentifiable.

Stolen, on the 20th ultimo, at Palmerston, from the person of John Young, a double-cased silver lever watch. Value, £9 9s. Suspicion attached to Robert Gault, a jockey, about 20 years of age, 5 feet high, light brown hair, no whiskers or moustache.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 1, 31 January 1874, Page 1

Word Count

Felonies and other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 1, 31 January 1874, Page 1

Felonies and other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 1, 31 January 1874, Page 1