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My dear Little People, I'm sure you're all delighted that school's in at last, and I'm certain your dear Grownups are simply delighted too. Thank you for all the hundreds of letters you've written to me during the long . holidays. I'm so sorry you have to wait a long time for answers, but I really can't help myself, the mail bags are so full. How do you like the . idea of not writing* to me at all in May so as to leave room for the Grown-ups? See now which of you is going to get the prize for the best letter I receive. . Now we'll wish the May Little People their good wishes, there's no room for more to-day. Here is the list:—Kitty O'Brien, no date; Jean Souter and Mary Flannery, same day; Ellen Thornton, Winifred Agnes Bird and ' Patricia Phelan, same date; Monica Mary Gresham and Catherine Larner, same date; Ivan Hilliken and Josie 'McCashin, same date; Frank Laredo; Joan ~ j Kyne and Cassie Dowling, same date Mavis Wood; Lee Smith; C. O'Brien (do not know full name; Catherine McDonald and Mary Smith; Doreen Stapleton, Joan and Raymond Taylor, same date Alphy Crowe; Mary Kathleen McVerry; Agnes O'Neill Moran Scully and Garth Robinson, same date; Frances Brady and Jim Searle. 'To all of these a Happy Birthday, and if there are other May Little People unlisted yet, also good wishes. Anne. Dear Anne, Just a wee note to see if you will allow me to become a member of your Letter Club. I am fourteen years of age, and I will be fifteen on June 25. I gained my proficiency when I was thirteen, and last year I only went half through the seventh standard, as I left at the end of the second term. This year I am going to St. Catherine's Convent, ' and I suppose if I had started off on 2nd of February, I would be well acquainted with the rules, etc. Isn't this infantile paralysis an awful thing, Anne ? " It ; lias not come as far as Mossburn yet; but there is a suspected case at Castle Rock, which is not very, far, from Mossburn. , I think our badge will be very pretty, and please would you send Joan and I one each. You will find one shilling enclosed in stamps. ? Anne, I should like 'Some of the Little People to write to v me as I like writing letters, ! but better a still receiving them. Please u excuse this awful writing, Anne, but I am out of

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practice. Well, dear Anne, as this is my first letter I shall close with love to all belonging to the L.P.L.C. and your own dear self. Your loving friend, Molly Goodyer, Matuku, Mossburn. P.S.— 2d extra enclosed is for postage. —M. (Thank, you Molly dear for the stamps, but as If- is quite enough for postage and all; I've put the rest into, our Treasure Box. Hope you and Joan will like your badges. You have a birthday mate dear: "Emmelino McDonald, Ashburton." Will you write to one another. Anne.) Dear Anne, Just a few lines to tell you that we are . all well. This is my first letter to you. And • I would like to join the L.P.L.C. I am eight years old and my birthday is on September the 24th. I go to the Sacred Heart Convent School. I have had a long long holiday on account of the infantile. paralysis. Well, Anne, I must close now and I will write you a longer one next" time. Yours sincerely, Phyllis Fitzgerald, Ashburton. (Welcome, Phyllis, and you've got a birthday mate Leta Robertson, Invercargill, but I haven't her street address. Hope you will get a badge and be happy with us --Anne.) P.S— Leta, write to Phyllis?—Anne, ( Dear Anne, ■; May I join your Little People's page? I am eleven years old. I go to the Marist Brothers' School, Wanganui. My birthday is on May the 27th. It" is a grand 'competition isn't it? I think I will go in for it, I will be glad when the badges are made, because I might get one With love from ' your new nephew, Garth Robinson, Wan-r ganui. (Welcome Garth, glad you want to join us, and would you believe I have a birthday, mate for you exactly same age as yourself. His name is "Moran Scully," but, as I haven't his address to give you we will have to wait till he writes. Hurry up with your scrap book like a good boy.—Anne.) P.S.— Moran Scully write . to hismate?'Anne. i-vt^vv>v- i •;*-. ; v-,;-.-•>...>..• ~r,: . ..,; Dear Anne, May I join the L.P.L.C? I am thirteen years old and my birthday is on the 19th of November. I would like a boy of about thirteen to write to me. I am a T pupil of the Dannevirke Convent School, i Please find enclosed sixpence in stamps for a badge. We will not be able to go back to ; school until J • after Easter on account of the infantile

paralysis. . I will close now as I have nc more news at present. From your new friend, Leslie Lyons, Dannevirke, ; Hawkes Bay. . (Welcome Leslie, thank you for stamps, hope you'll like your badge. You've got nc birthday mate yet son, but I'll ask someone to - write. —Anne.) Will some boy of about 13 please. write t< —Anne. - Dear Anne, _ : ..... s I -want to be a member of the L.P.L.C, I read the L.P.P. every week, and I think it is lovely. We are having a lovely holiday Anne, but I would rather be at" school. I have a pet dog and his name is Kim. I saw my cousin's letter in the Tablet, so 3 : thought I would write too. I am i enclosing six stamps for.a, badge. Your new friend, Elizabeth Bonisch, Owaka. j (Welcome Elizabeth, tell me all < about] Kim when' you write again. 'Hope you'll like your badge. Anne.) Dear Anne, . ... I have been reading the Tablet and saw that you have a page in it. I want to be a -member of the L.P.L.C. lam sending you six stamps for a badge. I have two brothers and two sisters; the 'biggest boy is ; fifteen, and the smallest is eight, the-biggest girl is fourteen, and the second "biggest is -twelve; and I am eleven. 1 We j are milking one cow. Your new friend, Annie Bonisch] Owaka. ij j (Welcome Annie, glad you -want to join! us and you'll like your badge. Do you] all milk the cow in turn or how do you (manage?—Anne.) ]• Dear Anne, .... ■ : ■ I read the L.P.L.C. every week, so 3 thought I would write to you. I will be in) Std. 6 when I go back to school.- My birth-j day is ? on the 27th April. I am enclosing 6d in stamps for a member's badge. I hav« two' brothers and two sisters. Isn't; the infantile paralysis a terrible disease Anne.; From your "hew friend, Aileen Bonisch, Owaka. ' "'- v -'V *-'■■■• ,-.:;^-.i*:.. v- 'i , • *Jjj (Welcome Aileen, thank you for stamps, You have a birthday mate dear, mind you write to each other. Her name is John Goodger, Motuku, Mossburn. —Anne.) Dear Anne, - ,t\ : This ; is my first letter to you. I enjoy reading the little people's letters very much. lam sending you sixpence H for a badge. I j

am. fifteen years of age/my birthday is on the 20th September. I have a nice little pony, he likes sugar. His name is Little t Jack. Well dear Anne, I think I will close ] -for the present from your loving friend, Mol- 1 ly O'Reilly, Bonnie Glen, Pongakawa. i . (Welcome Molly, you have a birthday mate ready waiting for you, her name is Kathleen McCormack, Cronadun, Reef ton. Hope you'll write to each other and become —Anne.) Dear Anne, . : My scrap book was not in time for the competition, but I ani sending it to the little orphans. We have a wee rabbit. My brother Jack is sending a scrap book too. Jack wants a badge. Best love from Mary and Jack Gorman, Christchurch. (Thank you Mary and Jack, for your pretty scrap books. I'm sending Jack his badge.—Anne.) Dear Anne, We have a new little sister born on the -22nd of this month (March). The inspector who came down here broke two ribs and a finger. So we had to ride 16 miles to Te One to have our examination. All of us passed. lam sending sixpence for a badge and please for one for Pat too. The .fishing has started again and they are getting a lot of fish. I have a black and grey kitten but I have not a name ,for it. We will soon be having our Easter holidays. Daddy has been working at the puzzles in The Month. I will close now. Your little friend, E. G. Prendeville, Owenga, Chatham Islands. (Hullo, Edward John, I thought you'd forgotten us. Thank you for the stamps, you'll get your badge at once. And how is the baby sister, what is her name? Love to - all. — Anne.) Dear Anne, This is my first letter to you. I am ten years of age. My birthday is on the 20th February. I go to the Marist Brothers' School, Newtown. I am in Std. 3. I have one brother and one sister. I hope you are having a very happy Easter, as I am enjoying it very much. As this is all the news I have to tell you I will now conclude from your new friend, Jack Farrell, Island Bay, Wellington. P.S.Please find enclosed 6d in stamps for a badge. (Welcome Jack, hope you'll like your badge. Sorry old man that I have no birthday mate for you yet, but someone will be sure to write to you. Anne.) Will some boy write to Jack, please.Anne. .; Dear Anne,. Yvonne and I received the lovely Easter cards. Many thanks for them Anne, we both think they are very pretty. Well Anne, I did not get the handkerchiefs posted yet. I. had to buy some more material, and it is harder to work than the first lot. I hope to have them finished this week. Yvonne says • that she will write soon again to you. Our new church was opened last Sunday week. Mother said it was lovely, and it was such "\a perfect day. Children had to stay at home on account of the infantile paralysis. I will write again in a few days, so good- ; bye dear Anne, with much love from Zoe £ Howarth, Palmerston North.

(Thank you dear Zoe for the beautiful handkerchiefs, they are so neatly done and so very very clean. ' I have chosen a pretty blue bordered one, not "to use as a hanky but to be a tiny altar cloth on Our Lady's tiny altar in my bedroom. Anne.) Dear Anne, I read of your scrap book competition through the columns of your paper, and though I happen to he too old to enter as a competitor, am enclosing book, in the hope that it may cheer some of your little orphans. Yours faithfully, (Miss) B. Sherlock, Westport. (Thank you for your beautiful scrap book and the kind thought. You have made some one very very happy indeed. —Anne.) Dear Anne, I have been reading about the L.P.L.C. for so long that I am writing to ask you if I may become a member. My age is 12, tout I will be 13 on April 8. Do you think you could find me a birthday mate? My brother has some pigeons and my cousin has a little pup named Kerry that is only 6 weeks old. We are very proud of our beautiful church, and I was very sorry that I could not go to the opening. Our parish priest, Father McManus, and Miss Nesdale have gone on the pilgrimage to Home. I'm sending 6d in stamps for a badge. Yours truly, Mary Stone-house, Palmerston North. (Welcome Mary, you should be proud indeed of your magnificent church. You have a birthday mate, dear, Nancye Rapley, 220 Willis Street, Ashburton. —Anne.) Dear Anne, 1 will be very pleased if I can join your page. I am 14 years of age and will be 15 next December 4th. We have two pigeons at home. Could you think of suitable names for them. Do you have essay competitions? I am enclosing 6 penny stamps for the badge. No one knows I am writing so they will get a shock when they see it in the Tablet. Could you find me a birthday mate? We have a lovely new church up here. When the building is complete I will send you a photograph of it. Yours truly, Nellie Healoy, Palmerston North. (Thank you for stamps Nellie, hope .you'll like your badge. Call your pigeons "Pretty" and "Cheerful."—Anne.) Jack and Paul Porter, stamps and full address received. You'll get your badges any day now. Anne. Theresa Healey, Pukeatua. —Thank you Theresa for stamps which make your badge money complete. Hope you like the badge. Anne. Mona Hannah, Greymouth.—Stamps received, thank you dear. Anne.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 16, 6 May 1925, Page 37

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A PAGE for LITTLE PEOPLE New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 16, 6 May 1925, Page 37

A PAGE for LITTLE PEOPLE New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 16, 6 May 1925, Page 37