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A Page for Little People

Concluded by ANNE

My dear Little People, I find it is quite impossible to give out the results of the Scrap Book Competition today, so, must ask you to wait till next week when you will find it all set out, in big letters. I hope you are all well and am sure you are all busy getting ready for school. ' Are you saying the prayer to St. Roch, daily, that he may save your dear Grown-ups the worry of having you sick and suffering? Little People dear, I have so many letters for you to read and such a long list of new members of the L.P.L.C. to print that I will leave anything else I have to say, till another time. Mind you read the list carefully and be sure to write when a new member asks for a letter-mate, so that our club may flourish and grow into something live and useful, some day I'll be asking you to let me see what you are all made of, and test the real strength of our Little People's Letter Club. This is the list of new members:

Mary Byrne, Kotinga, Takaka; Theresc Healey, Pukeatu; Clara Mundy and Alice Mundy, Eddystone Street, Kaitangata; Kathleen and Vera Crowe, Post Office, Winton; Leu McMahon, Cronadun; Doreen Haddock, Horopito; Annie Hannifin, Timaru Road, Waimate; Zoe Howarth, Box 417, Palmerston North; Zita Traynor, Malta Street, Wyndham; Irene Anility, Convent School, Rakaia; Frances Brady, Roxburgh; Ivy Cuttance, Otokia; Nancye Rapley, 220 Willis Street, Ashburtoh; Phyllis Fitzgerald, 172 William Street, Ashburton; Garth Robinson, 15 Halswell Street, Wanganui; Erin and Colleen McNeill, Lauriston; Nora Kenealy, No. 3 Road, Te Puke, Bay of-Plenty; Mary and Cecilia Callaghan, Palmerston South; Anne Francis, Nightcaps; Dympna O'Brien Te Wae Wae; Mary Dowman, Kaimata; Mary Gorman, 77 Bishop Street, Christchurch; Veronica Ryan, Wangaehu, via Wanganui; Morgan Larner, Avoca Farm, Wyndham; Molly Goodger, Matuku, Mossburn • Mona Cotterell, Princes Street, Temuka; Leslie Heath, Wyndham; Dorothy Murphy' 33 Dickens Street, Addington ; Chrissie Kennedy, 914 Colombo Street, Christchurch; Nora Mary Rooney and Margaret Cecilia Rooney, Orari, South Canterbury; and Joseph Mcßrearty, Perceval Street, Rangiora (I think?). This makes 134 members, aren't we a fine big family? Dear Anne, Just a few lines to let you know that I will buy one of those badges. Enclosed you will find sixpenny stamps. Will that be right Anne? I had some fun this last week. Some girls and I went for a picnic, and we got quite close to where some blackberries were growing and we picked about 501bs of them,- and we made some blackberry jam. We also picked some wild peaches and appies, and what we didn't eat we also made jam. Well, Anne no more news this time. With love from your little friend, Paula Creel, Martinborough. i P.S.—I forgot to tell you .vlure to ad-

dress my badge to Anne. My iddress is: P. Creel, c/o G.P.0., Martinborough. (Thank you Paula for the amps. Yes, you sent quite enough. I think your fun was the proper sort, and it will last ;,s long as the jam, won't it? Anne.) Dear Anne, I havn't written to you for a long lime. I think that it is a very good idea to have badges and would you kindly send mo . no please. I just arriv?! home from my holiday a week ago. I was staying with :r\y auntie in Christchuron and a few days at my Grannie's up ah Ohoka and I bad a lovely time. We are milking cows past now and feeding two calves. With love from Kathleen Archer, Little River. (Thank you ' for ;.ilge money Kathlr-fn, glad you had a ni;-e holiday. - Will en d you a badge as o-n rs 1 get then Hope yci.'li find someone to w«\te u. —Artuo , Dear Anne,

} As it is a long time since I wrote to you ; I think I will write to you to-night. I . enjoy reading the L.P.P. very much. I [ think it is a lovely idea to have badges, and I would like one very much. Anne, ( will you please ask some girls of my age to write to me. I will be 14 on the 28th May. As the fruit season i s nearly over there is | time to write letters and piay now, but I ' was lucky enough to have a fortnight's holi- , day at Lawrence just after New Year and ; I enjoyed myself very much. I have two ' little black kittens, and I would like you ! to name them please Anne. We are very glad that our district has escaped from infantile paralysis so far. I enclose sixpence for a badge. Yours sincerelv, Frances Brady, Roxburgh. (Thank you for the sixpence Frances I hope you'll like your badge. Yes dear, you are lucky not to have infantile paralvsis in your district; don't forget the prayer to St , Roch. I'll ask the girls to write to you', ; but I have no birthday mate for you yet Call the kittens "Blit" and "Blob.'"'—Anne. P.Please someone write to Frances.— Anne.) Dear Anne, This is my first letter to you. I have two sisters and one brother, all younger than , myself. My sister and brother and I walk three miles to school. I passed last year and got 253 marks. We went to Kakapoint for our school picnic and had 1 am ten and my birthday is on 19th September. I will close now. Love from Moira , Casey, East Chatton. (Welcome Moira, we're glad to know you, , and we think you are three "bricks" to do , that long walk to school. You'll sure grow • up into fine big girls and boys. Write again.—Anne.) Dear Anne, » It is quite a long time since I wrote to you, but I have not forgotten you. I always read your page Anne, and it will be lovely •to have a badge. I see where Agnes Emerson has not received an answer and am very

sorry for not writing. I would love to have a badge Anne, and will send 6d in stamps for your treasure box. I wish some of the L.P.L.O. would write, to me Anne. I wish you would tell them to Anne, please. I passed my proficiency last year, but I do not know where I am going to go this year yet. Some of my friends are going to the Riverton Convent and I would like to go there too. We often go for a swim and have lovely times. Well, dear Anne, I will write a bigger letter next time. With best love to all the Little People, not forgetting your own dear self. 1 will close now. Yours truly, Zita Traynor. Wyndham. (Thank you for the badge money Zita dear. Perhaps you've managed to answer Agnes's letter by this time. I hope we'll get together a nice '-'Treasure Box" this year. Anne.) Dear Anne, • Could I join the L.P.L.C please? I have wanted to join long ago but this is the first time I have a chance. I think it is a good idea to have badges. Don't you think the Infantile Paralysis are getting bad in Christchurch? But I hope they don't get here. Your affectionate little friend, Joseph Mcßrearty, Rangiora. (Welcome Joseph, glad to have you along with us, and I hope you'll soon get a badge? Let me know your birthday so that I can find you a mate.—Anne.) Dear Anne, May I join your page ? I am 5 years old and have not started school yet. My birthday is on the 24th April. I have 5 brothersand 4 sisters. I have a wee brown pussy cat. Will you give me a name for it Anne, please. Please Anne, would you ask a little girl of my own age to write to me. Well dear Anne I have no more news, so will close, wishing you every success, with your page, with love from your new friend, Nora Mary Rooney, Orari, S. Canterbury. (My precious Nora Mary, I'm sure some little girl will write to you soon. Would you like to call your dear wee cat "Rusty"? That's a pretty name isn't it. I believe you must be my youngest Little Person.— Dear Anne, This is my first letter to you and I hope it won't be my last.- I am 11 years of age and I am in Std. 5. My birthday is on the 13 of October. Please Anne is there any other little girl whose birthday is on the same day as mine? I have 5 brothers and 4 sisters. I go to the Orari public school as the nearest convent is 8 miles away. I have a pet cat please Anne could you give me a name for it. Well dear Anne I will close with best wishes, for your page from your loving friend, Margaret Cecilia Rooney, Orari. • (Glad to have you join us Margaret Cecilia. Sorry dear that you have no birthday mate yet, but you'll find a letter mate soon. I'm sure. 'Call your pet "Maiui" (pronounced "MeweyHK), a Maori name.—l Anne.) '- ',, '

Dear Anne, This is the first letter 1 have written to V you and I hope it will not be the last. I "| have seven brothers and two sisters. We have . ' ■three kittens. I wish you could give us a name for them. Here is a riddle for yon. I wonder if you can answer it: What is it that never asks a question yet requires many answers? Well in case you don't know, it is a "doorbell." I am 1.3. and I. am going to write to some of he little people soon. I got my proficiency last year. Well I must conclude now with best wishes from your new friend, Ida Herlihy, Kaimata, via Inglewood, Taranaki. (Welcome Ida, hurry up and get a badge ■ and a letter-mate. Would you like to call .your kittens "Mike," "Puki," and "Tane," ■three Maori names meaning something or -other, for sure. Anne.) Dear Anne, May I become a member of the L.P.L.C? I am sixteen years of age and my birthday is on the Ist December. I would like to correspond with a member if there is one whose birthday is on the same day. I would have wrote before, but I thought I was too old, but I have noticed letters in this week's page from members 16 and over. I will send for a badge as -soon as I possibly can. Isn't it lovely, Anne, having badges? Will you please enter me as a member, as I intend to write to Eileen Walsh. Well dear Anne as this is my first letter I will not make it too long. Your new friend, Chrissie Kennedy, Ohrischurch. (Welcome Chrissie, but I'm sorry I haven't ( a birthday mate for you yet dear. Never "•-mind, make yourself a mate for someone. I'm sending your letter on to Eileen, she is sure to answer you. —Anne.) Dear Anne, It is ages since I last wrote to you. How are you? I hope you won't get the infantile paralysis. Isn't it sad that so many _ poor people have it? Please, Anne, I will take a badge. I will be very lonely this year as my sister Kathleen is going to Wanganui Convent as a boarder. Any time I feel very lonely I think it would be a good plan to write to you don't you Anne? School hasn't started here but music has. Do you know, Anne, we are not even allowed to go to Mass? Isn't it awful? I think I will end now with fondest love from Eily Butler, Waipawa. P.S.Kathleen sends her love too. (Glad to hear from you again Eily, hurry up with your sixpence or all the badges will be gone. Yes, the Infantile Paralysis is very dreadful, but say your prayers and don't be frightened. You can write to me whenever you feel lonely. Love to Kathleen. Anne.) Dear Anne, This is my first letter to you and I wish )to .join your club. I have one sister and /f three brothers. I am nine and in Std. 3 fe/ when Igo back to school. I think it a very J good idea to have the badges. I will close now as it is getting near bed time. From Dorothy Murphy, Addington. . (Welcome Dorothy, the badges will be all gone if you don't hurry up. Tell me ,your birthday so that I can find you a letter-mate. —Anne.) '■"" "- " ' ■ -

Dear Anne, May I become one of your happy band of Little People? I am enjoying the holidays very much. Please Anne will you ask a boy of eleven or twelve years to write to me. I will be in Std. 5 this year. I was staying with my aunt at Brydone for two weeks. I think it is a very good idea about the badges and also about the scrap book competition, but I don't think I will enter for it as it is too late. I must now bring my letter to a close with love from your new friend, Leslie Heath, Wyndham. P.S. —My birthday is on the 20th June. (Glad to welcome you Leslie, but sorry I haven't a birthday mate for you, but I'm sure some boy of your own age will write to you, I'll ask.— P.S.— someone please write to Leslie?. —Anne.) Dear Anne, How are you getting on? I haven't written to you for a long time. Alice is writing to you too. Please send me a badge Anne, I would like to have one. I was away for 2 weeks holiday at Christmas. Did you go for any holidays Anne? My sister Nonie has a lovely puppy,,and she calls him Dickie and he chases us all over the place. We were going to a birthday party to-day only it is too wet. We are milking 14 cows. How about coming up for a holiday Anne and we will show you all over the place, and you could turn the separator and go for a ride on Dad's trolley. We take all the cream to the station on the trolley. The ballast train passes our place four times a day. Well dear Anne, I will close now hoping to see my letter in the Tablet. Good-bye Anne. Love from your little friend, Beanie Flannery, Riversdale. (Send me sixpence Beanie dear, and I'll send you a badge. Indeed I wish I could come for a holiday with you, wouldn't we make the separator hum and the trolley go? Anne.) Dear Anno, It is such a long time since I wrote to you that I thought I would write to-day. I am in Std. 3 when I go back to school. I think it is a good idea to have badges, and when you get them would you please send Beanie and I one each. Would you please tell me the price of them; we have a little brown and white dog and we call it Dickie. I have a grey and white cat, would you please give me a name for him. At Christmas I was away for two weeks holiday. I think I will close now. Goodbye. Love from Alice Fleming, Riversdale. (Send along six penny stamps each, and you can have a badge for you and Beanie. Hurry up, or they'll all be gone. Your puss sounds pretty, what about calling him "Dapple" Anne.) Dear Anne, I was very glad to see my letter in print. Thank you very much for the name yon gave me for my bunny. We have a vegetable garden and a flower garden. There are a number of flowers in bloom and I like picking them. I am enclosing sixpence for a member's badge which I think a very good idea. Your loving friend, Mona Cotterell, Princes Street, Temuka. (Thank you for sixpence Mona, I hope

you'll like your badge. How is Bunny behaving, does he nibble your flowers ? Would like to see your garden and help you make it.Anne.)' ' Dear Anne, May I join your happy band of Little Folk? I am seven years of age and my birthday is on the 16th of July. I attend the Mimihau Public School • where Miss Wright teaches me. I ride three miles to school and it is not very nice in the winter I can tell you. I would like to have a badge so I will send the money to you. Well dear Anne as this is my first letter I shall close now. Your new friend, Morgan Lamer, Ridges, Wyndham. (Welcome Morgan, what pretty paper you and Catherine, wrote on. Hope you'll like your badges. Morgan, you've got a birthday mate—Pat Gardner, Convent School, Hastings. What about writing to each other?— Anne.) My Dearest Anne, This is the third time I have written to you and I enjoy reading the letters on our pages. lam sending you the money for my badge with this letter and I hope it reaches you safely. I shall also send my scrap book when it is completed. My birthday is on the 6th May and I will be fourteen then. Dear Anne, although I am a member of the Little People's Letter Club I have never received a letter from any little person yet. I did write to a girl but she never answered it. Everybody is busy now as it is harvest time, a time when you are almost too busy to write letters. We have great fun sometimes up here when we go rabbiting, as we have three ferrets and two dogs, one being a greyhound. Well dear Anne I will bring this short letter to a close and hoping you are in the best of health. Your loving friend, Catherine Larner, Wyndham Ridges. P.S.—Everyone is still wondering if you are a woman or a man. Ta Ta. (Thank you for money Catherine, hope you'll like your badge. Sorry you have had no letters, perhaps the girl you wrote to didn't get the letter. Try again. You have a birthday Monica Mary Gresham, Geraldine. Will you write to one another?— Anne.) Dear Anne, This is my first letter to you. lam eight years old and my birthday is on April the Bth. Igo to the Sacred Heart School. I have had a long holiday on account of the infantile paralysis. I would like to join the L.P.L.C. I am the youngest of five. I am the only one that goes to school. I must close -now and will write you a longer one next .time. Yours sincerely, Nancye Rapley, Ashburton. • (Welcome Nancye, glad to greet you. Sorry I have no birthday mate for you, but you'il soon get a letter-friend when the girls know you are a member of the L.P.L.C. Save up sixpence for a badge.—Anne.) Good-night dear Little People, I'll have a lot to tell you next week. .:..... Anne.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 10, 18 March 1925, Page 37

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A Page for Little People New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 10, 18 March 1925, Page 37

A Page for Little People New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 10, 18 March 1925, Page 37