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... On Wednesday night, December 20, a large gather- - ing of parents and friends of the boys assembled in St.Anne's Hall, Newtown, to witness the distribution of prizes by his Grace Archbishop O'Shea. The Ven. Archdeacon Devoy, Rev. Fathers O'Connell, and; Hurley, and, : ' Messrs. J. McGrath and Henry were also seated on the stage. During the first hour the boys ' gave a short concert, the choir and school band being warmly applauded for their fine rendering of many . choice numbers. Masters L. O'Brien, E. Quill,',/W.,\: "McCarthy, and Rolland O'Regan also contributed items. After the concert, the Director (Rev., Brother Egbert) : supplemented the school report presented at the school \ concert in November by stating : ' The now completed year of 1916 has been particularly successful. .'.' v The : , conduct of the boys, their attention to their religious duties, and their earnestness in school work giving every satisfaction. From such excellent boys we hope there . will go forth at least a few volunteers for God's service, boys who will devote their lives, as Brothers, to the glorious cause of Catholic education, - and enjoy with us the luxury of doing good '. We are sorry to say that although our school is now in its forty-first year we have now only six representatives in our ranks, and the youngest of these entered eleven years ago, while the eldest, the Rev. Brother Charles, has passed to his reward. It is manifest to all that, desirable as it is that our generous Catholic, people should build Catholic schools and people them with innocent Catholic boys, this would all be of no avail if there were no Brothers - to teach them. Any doubts that parents or others mav have as to the wisdom of allowing boys of fourteen or fifteen years of age to take such a serious step should surely yield to the decision of the late'Pope Pius X., who; in a special decree (February 7. 1908), blessed and highly this work, stating that it was . greatly to be desired that boys who are twelve years of age and who show an inclination for the religious life , should be trained apart and saved from the contamina- . ' \ tion of the world. Though a boy may enter the training college at fourteen or less he does not really enter ". the society till he- is eighteen or nineteen, and his final vows are not made till he has passed six years in the Order. God grant that -our- school may yet emulate the Brothers' School in Beudigo (Victoria), which, though established only twenty-three years, has over twenty of its old boys members of the Order. ' In secular studies the boys have been very successful. The inspector explained that the percentage "re- ~. quired for a proficiency certificate had been raised, and that they were not supposed to grant the higher pass to more than 60 per cent. The work of the boys, he ■ stated, was so good that in this case ho had to make vit 100 per cent., and as every boy in the class was ' presented,' forty-three proficiency certificates were, obtained. •- . . ''';•_':'■•.. The boys have also had plenty of physical exercise, as the winning of the Rugby, Soccer, and swim- , ming championships of the Wellington schools, as well as many'open relay races, testify. Our boys were re- - fused' admission to the public -schools '■'. cricket competition, . : • ,",,'v " ' y 'The school choir has been very ; successful, - and, besides rendering sacred music, particularly in St. Joseph's Church, has, with the band, assisted at several. patriotic gatherings in the city, and drawn, praise from the lips, and coins from the po.ckets of the spectators.■§?! To the; Ven. Archdeacon Devoy, and Mrs.; : Macarthy- m Reid,. whose generous assistance made the band possible, | we.tender our sincere thanks. - . \ ; ::^

. >:>-.*. v -'.-■■_;. : *n ————- — r-rz The boys contributed £$ to the' N.Z. Schools Belgian Fund, and are sending .£ls to fn***" Irish Diafr«as Fund. " "°'■ " " ""'""' /.'Before concluding, I wish to thank his ■; Grace Archbishop O'Shea and "the Wellington Catholic Education Board, the Rev. Father Hurley (our c parish priest), and the St. Joseph's Parish / School Committee,/ Ven: Archdeacon Devoy, and Rev. Father O'Connell, as well as. all the priests and. people ;of - the three parishes, the '. donors of prizes, and particularly the. members of our \ Old ; Boys' Association, to which! organisation we 'hope,' all our boys will belong. To one and 'all? we wish an abundance of -God's heavenly favors at this /Christmas time, and many more in the years come; v; - S» ; ..■",■ 'ln addition -to the class prizes, we have f given a special prize for conduct and one for Christian doctrine in each class. -All-other class'prizes, except those for attendance are for. conduct and diligence, and we have considered more the earnestness a boy has shown than the success he has achieved. The names of donors of prizes appear in parentheses.' .. - - ; The following was the prize list:- !/•" ■■' '■■'- '.."'.*■'.- Special Prizes. •. • i. .. Good conduct (Archbishop Shea's gold medal)— James Dennis. Dux of school (Mrs. Macarthy-Reid's gold medal). —Joseph Delaney, who also won the St. Patrick's College Scholarship for Wellington Catholic boys. Best sport (Dr. Mackin's gold medal) —James Ward. -■'■■■'. 5 The names of these three boys will be placed on the school Honors Banner. School prize'for good conduct (Archdeacon Devoy) O'Regan. , Good conduct (Rev. Fathers O'Connell and Hurley and Mr. M. O'Connor)Standard VII., C. O'Regan; Standard VI., C. McCosker; Standard V., E. Quill; Standard IV., F. Parsonage: Standard 111., It. O'Halloran; Standard 11., C. Hoare ; Standard 1., W. McKenna. - Christian doctrine (Mr. F. Burke)—Standard VII. E. Davies; Standard VI., C. Kershaw: Standard V., G. Burton; Standard IV., J. Ainsworth ; Standard 111., F. Looner; Standard 11., J. Sandford ;-' Standard 1., J. Bray and M. Carroll. .' Mr. J. McGrath's Irish essay prizes (subject, 'What Ireland has done for the Empire, particularly in the .present war ')—Standard VII., T. Collimb ; Standard VI., S. Higgins 1, C. White 2; Standard V., P. Clarkson 1, L. O'Brien 2; Standard IV., F. Andrews 1, J. Darroch 2. Each grize-winher received a set of Irish books. Swimming, M.B.S.V. Challenge Cup (presented by Mr. Henry, and prizes by Mr. McGrath) —T. Columb 1, J. Ryan and J. Ward 2. The winner also has his name recorded on the cup. Most improved footballer (Mr. B. Guise)—J Corky- . Cricketßatting (Mr. B. Guise), O. Johnson; bowling (Mr. B. Doherty), J. Ryan. Class Prizes. Standard VII.—-Conduct and diligence: C. O'Regan, J. Delaney, T. Columb, J. McLean, 11. McKeowen, E. Davies, B. Griffin, M. McCarthy. Standard Vl.—The following gained proficiency certificates, and each was awarded a prize J. Braniff, G. Bezar, J. Barnes, R. Beveridge, W. Becker, W.' Columb,. W. Corby, J. Corby, P. Chase, A. Campbell, E. Davies, J. Doull, J. Dennis, D. Daly, D. Foley, R. Fitzgerald, J. Griffin, J. Griffith, J/Higgins, M. McKeowen, O. Johnson, E. Knudson, C. Kershaw', M Krohn, R. Laffin, C. McCosker, T. McCarthy, J. McAteer, D. McLean, W. Millet, P. McCarthy, C. Nash, R. O'Regan, C. Kirk, V. Reid, J. Sandbrook, C. O'Regan, W. Scott, J. Walker, 11. Warcun, E. Wilson, C. White. ''.•.-■. . " ":- ;: Standard V.—Conduct and diligence—G. Burton, W. Parkinson, W. Kiernander, E. Quill, F. Ruscoe" J. Johns, J. Burke, W. Bassenden, W. Peters, E. Warren, L. Car swell, J. O'Brien, E. Barton, M. Gastein ; attendance Cannon. ', / / ~v

J Standard iy.—Conduct^H.,Pobar,/R.:Wat^n, •C. Salven,.E, Smith, F. Dunne, R I)en.msf/F F. Maloney, W. Cullen, F. Buckley, J^eMhaw|iiV; Ledger, A, Holland, L. Gamble, F. Bustin, R.Clwbyi, C. Doherty, H. Headifen, A. Dillon W. Fouhy; attendance—A. , Burton, L. Hoskins, K. ward, L. Newton, J. Wallace. ' r T ■ '"■.%] ■•/ '</?"/. 'rv.l^<l-*'s**''. '->■ >"':.■ Standard lll.—Conduct—G. Jones, W. M. Yeats, E\ Bonner, F. f Hylana, R. Laffin, F. 4 Delaney, F. Taylor, F. Kelleher, T. Cannon;; J. Headifen, R. Wylie, F.' Owen, M. Connell, F. O'Shea, B. Fisk, W. Guise; at- . tendanceT. Cannon, W. Holmes, C. Beveridge, J. Headifen, E. Carney.* -±%., /- - ..-\ V : 'V; :; " : Z* B «; /;Standards 11. and I.—The 66 boys forming these two standards were awarded a prize 7 each. V: /; ' .. ' Choir. prizes—Best vocalists (Master H. McGrath, Napier)L. O'Brien 1, E. Quill 2. %\ h ; ; :/; v • Alto voices (Ven. Archdeacon -Deyoy)— Reidl, J. Dennis 1. ; .-, ■'. -/—.-/■ ../-> : - ' Attendance (Mr.. T. O'Brien)—J. Ryan, J. Den*nis, J. Burke, F. Maloney, R. Dennis, ; D. Nolan, O. Johnson, F. Buckley, H. Rafferty. . / / ; _ */ Choir sports.—looyds, under 12: W. O'Keefe; under 13: El Warren 1, D. Nolan 2; under 14: 0.Johnson' 1, F. Maloney 2; open: G. Burton 1, D. Foley 2; open race: C. Nash 1, J..'Ryan 2; Siamese race: J. Ryan and J. Ward swimming race: J. Ward; band sports—looyds, under 13: W. Ainsworth; open: J. Lodge 1, R. Watson 2; Siamese race: J. and W. ainsworth. ■ ".-■-•..'' ; » '/ ■. ~; '■-*..! 'sj' .< • Band prizes (Archdeacon —Theory and playing: J. Delaney 1, J. McLean 2; most improved player: E. Quill; best all-round bandsman! (Ross Challence Shield): J. McLean; best drummer: W. Meehan. ' , /" '• ; !;;. .'.;, At the 'conclusion of the prize distribution'Archbishop O'Shea congratulated the boys on their success' in studies and sport, and more particularly on the fine Catholic spirit with which he knew them ail to be imbued. To the Brothers; who taught the boys so earnestly, the Catholic body owed a debt of gratitude, and he urged the boys, to continue loyal to the, teachings they had received at, school. , The life of the Brothers was a very strenuous though happy one, and the boys could make it happier still by leading good Catholic lives that would make them an honor to their faith, and their country. s Mr. J. McGrath, LL.B., proposed a vote of thanks to his Grace, and mentioned, that it gave him the greatest pleasure to assist the Brothers and boys in their work. He had derived great pleasure from reading the Irish essays submitted to. him, and congratulated the • boys on being so thoroughly imbued with the Spirit of the Nation.' He urged them to be ever faithful,to. , Holy Mass, Confession, and Holy Communion, that they might grow strong in their faith; for they would find as they battled their way through life that their faith, and nothing but their faith, would keep them on the right track and if ever they were tempted to turn from it, he recommended them to remember Limerick.' 7 Hearty cheers for his Grace and the Brothers concluded a happy evening. . - -X t ! \ ~ ST. PATRICK'S VENT, AUCKLAND "•' The following was the programme of the concert given by the pupils of St. Patrick's Convent, at the Town Hall, on December 20 : Part I.—Overture, orchestra chorus, ' Messengers from Fairy Land,' singing class; songs, (a) Dancing Spring,' (b) ' 'Christmas is Coming,' junior pupils ; sword dance, 'Misses Eva and : E.Sanford; song/and chorus, ! The Song the Kettle is. Singing,' boys (solo by ; Miss" Lightfoot) ; dance, ' Soldier's Dance,' Master N. Grace; song; and march, Dear Little Cherubs",' junior pupils; song, ' Swiss- Toy Girls,' Misses" T. 'Lightfoot and; V. Heaps ; fairy play, Discontented Peggy and How She was Cured,' in which the following took part Misses : Lightfoot, P. Ganley, A. : McKie, Ross, B. Draffin, V. Heaps, I. Baird piano duet, Misses N.

Griffen and R. Smith; dance, Miss I. Baird. 1 Fart ll.—Orchestral selection; * chorus, * The Homeland 5 of; ; the Scattered Gael,' singing ! class (soloist,.Miss Miller) piano duet, Misses •; Burns and ; E : X Skinner] operetta, ; ; ‘ The Twin Sisters.’! or "‘{May- Day,’ the x following taking part —Misses McKie, 7 Ramsay, : "Woodley, f. Fairweath, Barnes,' Bradley, Skinner, 7 McGuinness, ;E. Smyth; ' Burns, Moynihan, and !A. Smith ; song,; ‘Good Night,’ pupils. Accompanist, Mr.’ H. < Hiscocks. " / . 5

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 4 January 1917, Page 22

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MARIST BROTHERS' SCHOOL, NEWTOWN New Zealand Tablet, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 4 January 1917, Page 22

MARIST BROTHERS' SCHOOL, NEWTOWN New Zealand Tablet, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 4 January 1917, Page 22