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The annual prize-giving function was held at St. Patrick’s College on December 10. The boys presented a very delightful little programme to an audience consisting of many relatives and friends, and also many of the clergy, including the Very Kev. Dean Smyth, S.M. (Provincial of Marist Order), the Yen. Archdeacon Devoy, the Very Rev. Father Roche, C.SS.R., and Rev. Father O’Connell, S.M. The acting-rector. Rev. Father O’Reilly, S.M., 8.A., made a short speech,; apologising for the absence of the rector. Very Rev. Dr. Kennedy, who at present is in the Old Country, and who could not return in time for the break-up owing to the outbreak of war. He outlined the work done for the year, which had proved highly satisfactory in every respect. The prize-money had been devoted to. the Belgian fund, at the boys’ request, except that for a few medals and special prizes, which were the gifts of private donors. Certificates of merit replaced, prizes, and these were presented by his Grace Coadjutor Archbishop O’Shea, who afterwards addressed the boys and congratulated them on the good work they had done. The programme included two playlets, excellently staged and dressed by the boys. The first was Act 1., Scene 111., from Othello,’ and B. Chapman, who played the name part, gave an excellent portrayal. The second was a Latin playlet, ‘ Idus Martiae,’ equally well performed, the actors showing a quite wonderful intimacy with their parts in an unaccustomed language. The College orchestra gave several selections, the first from the ‘ Bohemian Girl,’ also the ‘ Melody in F ’ (Rubinstein), and as a final item, ‘ Where my caravan has rested ’ (Lohr). The proceedings concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. Following is the prize-list: Entrance Scholarships. The Kennedy Scholarships, of the yearly value of £2O, tenable for four years, have • been gained by Justin Lynch, Convent School, Queenstown, and Timothy Fouhy, Marist Brothers’ School, Tasman street, Wellington. The Segrief Scholarship, of the yearly value of £lO, tenable for two years, open for competition to boys attending Catholic schools in Wellington or suburbs, has been gained by Benjamin O’Brien, Marist Brothers’ School, Hawkestone street, Wellington. Owing to the war the boys voluntarily offered to forego their prizes for this year. Consequently the only prizes given are certain set prizes, according to the express wish of the donors. Good Conduct. Senior Division (gold medal presented by his Grace Archbishop Redwood, S.M., D.D.) Chapman. Next in Desmond Campion, Thomas Cleary, Joseph Coll, Francis Cranston, John Higgins, Charles Hodgins, Gordon O’Meeghan, John Reilly, Joseph Spillane.; hon. mentionlvan Campion, William Craighead. .: . Junior Division (gold medal presented by his‘Grace

Archbishop O’Shea, S.M., D.D.) —Maurice Dowling., Next in merit Maurice Connor, William Heenan, Timothy Cotter, John Fitzsimmons, Patrick Foley, Albert Young, Peter McCrossan; hon. mention—John Kennedy, John McHardy. Diligence. Gold —Thomas Higgins. Next in merit—• Ivan Campion, William Craighead, Bernard Chapman, Maurice Dowling, Charles Hodgins, Cecil Knight, Joseph Spillane; hon. mention— Kennedy, John McHardy. Honorable mention is awarded to students who, while entitled to place, do not enter into competition, from having taken the prize under similar conditions in a previous year, or for other reasons. General Excellence in Class Work. Form VI. A.—Gold medal, presented by the Old Boys’ Association— Craighead. Next in merit Basil Howard, Bernard Chapman. Form VI, B.—Gold medal—Charles Hodgins. Next in —Thomas Higgins, John Seymour, Joseph Spillane, Cecil Knight. Form V. —Gold medal John Reilly. Next in merit Carroll O’Donnell, James Riordan, Clifford Bowler, James Joyce, Cyril Dealy. Form IV.—Gold medal John Kennedy. Next in merit Maurice Dowling, William Beveridge, John McHardy, Gordon O’Meeghan, Albert Young. Form lll.—Gold medal—Timothy Cleary. Next in —Percy Chase and James Skeddou (equal), Andrew Costelloe, Daniel Kelly, James Delaney, Charles Griffiths, John Gamble. French. Form VI. A.—Special gold medal, presented by the Very Rev. Father Moran, S.M., B.A.—Bernard Chapman. Next in meritßasil Howard, William Craighead. Irish Essay. Special prizes presented by Mr. J. O’Meara. Senior Awarded to Joseph Spillane. Next in —John Seymour, James Joyce, Bernard Chapman. Junior Awarded to Maurice Dowling. Next in merit— O’Meeghan, John Kennedy, Albert Young, Vincent McGlone, John McHardy. Oratory. Gold medal—Bernard Chapman. Next in merit— Charles Hodgins, James Joyce, William Craighead, John Seymour, Francis Grogan. Debate. Gold medal John Seymour. Next in merit—James Joyce, John Higgins, Bernard Chapman, Charles Hodgins. - Violin. Gold medal, presented by Mr. H. Percival Clarke— Awarded to Edward Kerrigan. Next in merit William Heenan. Certificates of Merit. The awards of certificates of merit arc as follow: Form VI. A.—Christian doctrine: Certificate William Craighead next in merit—Basil Howard, Bernard Chapman. Essay: Certificate — Chapman,; next in merit William Craighead, Basil Howard. English: Certificate William Craighead ; next in merit —Basil Howard, Bernard Chapman. Latin: Certifi—William Craighead; next in meritßernard Chapman, Basil Howard. Mathematics: Certificate— William Craighead; next in merit—Basil Howard. Science : Certificate—William Craighead ; next in merit —Basil Howard. Form VI. B.Christian doctrine: Certificate— Thomas Higgins; next in —Joseph Spillane, Francis Grogan, Charles Hodgins, Thomas Cleary, John Seymour. ‘ Essay; Certificate John Seymour; next in merit Joseph Spillane, John Higgins, Charles Hodgins, Roy O’Donoghue, Thomas Cleary, i English: Certificate Joseph Spillane; next in —Charles Hodgins, Thomas Higgins, John Seymour, Francis Grogan, John Higgins. History and geography: Certificate Charles Hodgins; next in —John Seymour, Thomas Higgins, John Higgins, Joseph Spillane, Cecil Knight. -Latin: Certificate-Thomas Higgins;

next in merit Joseph Spillane, Cecil Knight, John Higgins, Charles Hodgins, John Seymour. French: Certificate— Higgins ; next in merit—Charles Hodgins, Cecil Knight, Joseph Spillane, David O’Neill, John Egan. Mathematics: Certificate Charles Hodgins; next in merit—John Seymour, John Egan, Joseph Spillane, Thomas Higgins, Cecil Knight. Science VI. and V.—Certificate—John Reilly; next in merit Carroll O’Donnell, Francis Grogan, Thomas Higgins, Cecil Knight, Roy O’Donoghue. Form V. —Christian doctrine: Certificate Carroll O’Donnell; next in merit James Riordan, John Reilly, James Joyce, Clifford Bowler, Cyril Dealy. English essay Certificate O’Donnell; next in merit— James Riordan, Ivan Campion, James Joyce, John Reilly, Clifford Bowler. English : CertificateO’Donnell; next in merit—James Riordan, John Reilly, Ivan Campion, James Joyce, Clifford Bowler. History and geography : Certificate-Carroll O’Donnell; next in merit- James Riordan, John Reilly, James Joyce, Clifford Bowler, Alfred Harrison. Latin' Certificate—John Reilly; next in merit—James Riordan, Clifford Bowler, Carroll O’Donnell, Vincent McGlone. French : Certificate— Bowler ; next in merit—Carroll O’Donnell, James Riordan, Cyril Dealy, Patrick O’Regan, Cyril ■ McCrossin. Mathematics: Certificate—John Reilly; next in —Carroll O’Donnell, James Riordan, Alfred Harrison, 'James Joyce, Ivan Campion. Form IV.—Christian doctrine : Certificate John Kennedy; next in merit Gordon O’Meeghan, Maurice Dowling, John McHardy, William Beveridge, Vincent McGlone. Essay; Certificate Gordon O’Meeghan; next in —John Kennedy, Maurice Dowling, Vincent McGlone, John McHardy, Albert Young, William Beveridge. English: Certificate John Kennedy; next in merit—Maurice Dowling, Gordon O’Meeghan, Vincent McGlone, William Beveridge, John McHardy. History and geography:. Certificate John Kennedy; next in merit Gordon O’Meeghan, Maurice Dowling, William Heenan, John McHardy, William Beveridge. Latin: Certificate—Cyril Dealy; next in merit— Kennedy, William Beveridge, Michael Burke, Maurice Dowling, Gordon O’Meeghan, John McHardy. French Certificate—John Kennedy; next in merit Maurice Dowling, William Beveridge, John McHardy, Michael Burke, Gordon O’Meeghan. Mathematics ; Certificate John Kennedy; next in merit—William Beveridge, John McHardy, Albert Young, Maurice Dowling, Gordon O’Meeghan, Edward Kerrigan. Science: Certificate John Kennedy; next in merit Maurice Dowling, William Beveridge, John McHardy, Edward Kerrigan, Michael Burke. Drawing : Certificate —John Kennedy ; next in Maurice Dowling, John McHardy, Gordon O’Meeghan, William Beveridge, Albert Young. Form 111. A.—Christian doctrine Certificate—Timothy Cleary; next in merit—Percy Chase, Andrew Costelloe, Peter McCrossan, James Skeddon, John Fitzsimmons. Essay Certificate Timothy Cleary; next in —Daniel Kelly, Edward O’Donnell, Andrew Costelloe, Percy Chase, Joseph McGrath. English; CertiTimothy Cleary; next in —Percy Chase, Andrew Costelloe, James Skeddon, James Delaney, Daniel Kelly, Patrick Foley. History and geography : —Timothy Cleary ; next in merit—Percy Chase, Andrew Costelloe, Daniel Kelly, James Skeddon, Edwin Whittle. Latin: Certificate—Percy Chase; next in —Timothy Cleary, Edward O’Donnell, John Gamble, Andrew Costelloe, Charles Griffiths, Timothy Cotter. French : . Certificate Percy Chase; next in —James Skeddon, William Heenan, Vincent Whitaker, Andrew 1 Costelloe, Edward Whittle, John Gamble. Mathematics: Certificate James Skeddon; next in merit—Timothy Cleary, Daniel Kelly, Thomas Tansey,- Percy Chase, Timothy Cotter, Charles O’Connell, Patrick Foley. Science; Certificate Timothy Cleary; next in merit—Percy Chase, James Skeddon, Charles Griffiths, John Fitzsimmons, Verdun Bernhardt, Thomas Tansey. Drawing: Certificate John Fitzsimmons : next in merit Cyril Jones, Timothy Cleary,. Kennedy Gasquoine, Francis Burkett, Verdun Bernhardt.

Form 111. B. (Junior School).General excellence in class work Certificate Francis Fulton; next in Leonard Hunt, Maurice Connor, Dig by James, Francis Edmonds, Thomas Darby. Christian doctrine : Certificate— Fulton, Leonard Hunt; next in merit— Darby, Digby James, Francis Haydon, Maurice Connor, Cyril Tansey. Essay: CertificateAlfred Card; next in merit—Francis Edmonds, Digby James, Francis Haydon, Francis Bennett, Thomas Darby. English; Certificate— Fulton; next in merit—Thomas Darby, Thomas Quinlivan, Francis Edmonds, Leonard Hunt, Maurice Connor. History and geography: Certificate Maurice Connor next in merit Leonard Hunt, Francis Fulton, Digby James, Cyril Tansey, Adolf Lutz. Arithmetic: Certificate—Leonard Hunt; next in merit Francis Edmonds, Francis Fulton, Mutu Hikito, Digby James, Maurice Connor, Tasman Henderson. Drawing: Certificate—Digby James; next in merit—Mutu Hikito, Leonard Hunt, Francis Fulton, Maurice Connor, Herbert Punch. Agriculture; Certificate—N. Shortall; next in merit Fitzgerald, M. Connor, T. Hickey, J. Fitzsimmons, Peter Te Weri. Commercial: Certificate— Skeddon; next in merit Cyril McCrossin, Digby James, Peter Te Weri, Daniel Fitzgerald, Noel Weybourne. Debating.lntermediate: Certificate John MeHardy; next in merit —John Kennedy, Alphonse Halpin, Felix Doyle, Leo Mcßrearty, Vincent McGlone. Junior;■ Certificate— Burkett; next in merit Edward O’Donnell, Thomas Tansey, Leonard Hunt, Alfred Card.

Music. Pianoforte : Senior Certificate, Gordon O’Meeghan; next in merit — O’Donoghue,. William Craighead, William Coles, Moana Puhara. Junior— Certificate, Noel Shortall, Patrick Foley, Verdun Bernhardt, John Chapman, Timothy Cleary.

Certificates for Four Mentions.—William Beveridge, Ivan Campion, Andrew Costelloe, Thomas Darby, Francis Edmonds, Patrick Foley, Francis Grogan, John Higgins, Basil Howard, James Joyce, Daniel Kelly, Cecil Knight, Vincent McGlone, James Riordan, Albert Young.

Board of Honor Certificates. William Beveridge, James Bourke, Michael Bourke, Ivan Campion, Desmond Campion, Bernard Chapman, Timothy Cleary, Thomas Cleary, William Craighead, Maurice Dowling, Felix Doyle, John Fitzsimmons, Patrick Foley, William Heenan, Thomas Hickey, John Higgins, Thomas Higgins, Charles Hodgins, Basil Howard, John Kennedy, Edward Kerrigan, Cecil Knight, Cecil McCrossin, Vincent McGlone, John McHardy, George Murphy, Gordon O’Meeghan, John Reilly, John Seymour, Joseph Spillane, Peter Te Weri,' Vincent Whitaker, Albert Young, Patrick Toomey, Daniel Kelly, Andrew Costelloe. Proficiency VI. Standard Certificates. —Thomas Darby, Cecil Dealy, Felix Doyle, Daniel Fitzgerald, Francis Fulton, John Gamble, Horace Gregory, Leonard Hunt, Digby James, Daniel Kelly, Dalziel Keith, Richard Pedersen, .Clarence Percy, Moana Puhara, Patrick Toomey, Peter Te Weri, Edward Whittle. Athletic Sports Prizes. College Challenge Cup and Gold Medal for Senior Aggregate J. D. Reilly. Ward Challenge Cup and Gold Medal (presented by the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Ward, Bart., M.P.) for the Sprint Championship of the School—P. F. Toomey. The Lady Ward Challenge Cup and Gold Medal (presented by Lady Ward) for the Mile Run—W. P. Craighead, Macarthy Challenge Cup and Gold Medal (presented by Mrs. Macarthy Reid) for the Junior Aggregate—C. F. Griffith. ' Ladies’ Cadet Challenge Cup and a Gold Medal (presented by Mr. A. C. Barry) for the Champion Rifle Shot—Sergeant B. J. Chapman. : ; Ladies’ Cadet Challenge Cup, and a Gold Medal (presented by Mr.. Lamartine Dwan) for the best Rifle Shot in No. 2 Cadet Company— J. G. Jameson. Contributions towards the prize fund are acknow-

lodged from his Grace Archbishop Redwood, S.M., his Grace Archbishop O’Shea, S.M., the Very Rev. Dean Hills, S.M., V.G., the Very Rev.. Dean Carew, S.M., the Very Rev. Dean Tubman, S.M., the Very Rev. Dean James McKenna, the Yen. Archdeacon Devoy, S.M., the Very Rev. Rather Keogh, S.M., 8.A., the Very Rev. Rather Aubry, S.M., the Very Rev. Rather Moran, S.M., 8.A., the Very Rev. Rather Tymons, S.M., the Very Rev. Rather Daly, Mr. Martin Kennedy, K.S.G., Dr. Mackin, the Meeanee Mission, the Old Boys’ . Association, Messrs. T. Burke, L. Reichel, G. Poll, James Dealy, Maurice O’Connor, M. Crombie, H. P. Clarke, E. P. Bunny, Mesdames Segrief, Donald Kennedy, Jameson, D. Fitzgerald, O’Donoghue.

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New Zealand Tablet, 24 December 1914, Page 7

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ST. PATRICK’S COLLEGE, WELLINGTON New Zealand Tablet, 24 December 1914, Page 7

ST. PATRICK’S COLLEGE, WELLINGTON New Zealand Tablet, 24 December 1914, Page 7