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DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES The annual distribution of prizes to the students of St. Dominic's College took place on Thursday forenoon of last week, -i His ; Lordship Bishop, Verdon presided, and there were also present Rev. Fathers Coffey, Adm., Creagh, C.SS.R., Corcoran, and Kavanagh. Prior to the distribution a short programme of choice items, vocal and instrumental, was given. The contributions were in every way up to the very high reputation which St. Dominic's College enjoys as a successful centre of musical training.

The following was the annual report:—The college opened in February with 130 eager, enthusiastic students. We are pleased to say that, as the year progressed, the efforts of the pupils were unremitting, and that consequently the desired success was attained. The behaviour of the pupils and their united efforts to uphold the honor of their school have been most commendable; particularly was this spirit of loyalty shown in the contest for the trophy of religious knowledge. For the fifth time has St. Dominic's won the coveted, honor, and this time against keen rivalry. Although the ranges of studies have been wide and varied, satisfactory results were shown in the various examinations matriculation, civil service, Oxford locals, etc. In the school of music 57 candidates were presented for the various grades in the practical musical examinations, all of whom were successful, six securing distinction in the Associated Board, and two the diploma of Licentiate Performers' L.A.B. In addition, one of the pupils carried off the Victor Harris gold medal for violin, and another the silver medal for pianoforte both in the Intermediate Grade for the session 1912. High marks for harp playing were also secured in the Advanced Grade. Of the 31 successful candidates in Trinity College, 16 took honors, one the diploma of associate, and three that of certificated teacher. The exhibits in the art studio are exceptionally fine, many of the paintings in oils and water colors being much above the average for mere students. The exhibits of the medallists indicate marked talent. The extern pupils also have contributed some very creditable work to the display which is on exhibition. Needlework, natural science, botany, and cookery have claimed a fair share of the pupils' attention. These subjects, with music—vocal and instrumental—have lightened the more serious studies and brought the year to a happy close. While wishing the students a very enjoyable holiday, we would remind —those especially who are leaving the college to take their places in the world—that their school life has been only a preparation for their future years, and that the college looks to those future years for the realisation of the good habits and virtues it has striven to implant. At the conclusion of the-distribution of the prizes, his Lordship thanked the students for the beautiful entertainment which they had given—every item of which was a gem. He congratulated them very sincerely on the success of the year's work, and on the many distinctions gained by them as disclosed by the annual report. They had labored most zealously during the year, and their work had brought much credit to themselves and to the college. The prize list showed that they have gained many distinctions at the Oxford Local, musical, and other examinations, and these successes gave evidence of the superior position which St. Dominic's College occupied among the educational establishments of the Dominion. The students owed a great deal to their good teachers, who had done all in their power to make their lives happy in the college, and to prepare them for the great battle of life. He hoped they would thoroughly enjoy their holidays, and give proof by their conduct of the good education and instruction they had received. Those who were to leave the college and go out into the world, should, by their example, give edification to all around them, and thus bring credit on the college, give consolation

to the good nuns, and make their homes happy. In conclusion, his Lordship again congratulated the students on the result of the year’s work, and wished them a very pleasant vacation. . v The following is the prize-list: Kindergarten Prizes. Christian doctrine, B. O’Reilly; good conduct, R. Sutherland; politeness and first in class, H. O’Neill.

Grade I. —Class prize,. I. Woods; arithmetic, J. Street; writing, D. O’Connor; reading, M. Galvin. Class IV.—Class prize, C. Power; reading, F. Cullen.

Class lll.—Number, M. Coughlin reading, J. Galvin writing, M. Cairns; spelling, C. Rodgers; drawing, I. Street; improvement, I. McCleary; mat weaving, M. Hudson. Class II. —Catechism, T. McGrath; class prize, A. - Sligo; reading, T. Brown writing. L. Carroll and B. Crawford; spelling, B. Burrell; drawing, E. Gawne; good conduct, A. McDowell. Class I.—Christian and Bible history, M. O'Neill; number, F. Strang; writing, E. Reddington; mat weaving, G. Sutherland; reading, M. Rodgers; paper-fold-ing, M. Gourley; writing, P. Brown, W. Robinson; recitation, M. Howard; politeness, A. Woods; writing, D. Hynes; drawing, G. McDougal; drawing, Jack Hickey. . '. l Junior School. _ Grade 11. Class prizes—E. McCutcheon (upper division), K. Sullivan (lower division) ; Christian doctrine —J. O'Neill, A. McGrath, N. Hartstonge; comprehension of language, M. Major; writing and neatness in work, N. Hartstonge; history and general improvement, A. McGrath and E. Burrell; mental arithmetic, E. McCutcheon; geography, J. O'Neill; reading and recitation, K. Hickey; French, M. Major; plain sewing, E. Burrell; drawing, N. Hartstonge; harmony, M. Major and A. McGrath; letter writing and calisthenics, K. Sullivan.

Grade 111. —Class prize—Mary Perry 1, V. Campbell 2 ; Christian doctrine, A. Walsh 1, C. Clark 2 ; composition and writing, M. Perry; recitation and plain sewing, A. McKendry; home work, K. Muldowney; mental arithmetic, mapping, and history, G. Shiel; drawing and fancy needlework, Y. Campbell; harmony, C. Clark; botany, G. Shiel; brushwork, Y. Campbell 1, A. Walsh 2. Grade IV.—Class prize, L. Gourley; Christian doctrine, M. Cullen (silver medal) 1, M. Bastings 2; composition and writing, M. Finlayson; reading and recitation, M. Campbell’l, M. Bastings 2 ; English, M. Finlayson; arithmeticJ. Hunt 1, M. Brown 2, M. McDowell 3; mental arithmetic, Mary Bastings; history and geography, M. Cullen; mapping, home work, arithmetic, K. O’Reilly; writing and French, Gertie Shiel; French, M. Cullen; spelling, P. Spurgin; drawing—C. Jefferson 1, M. Campell 2; botany Gertie Shiel 1, K. O’Reilly 2; harmony—L. Gourley 1, M. Cullen 2, Mary Bastings 3; brushwork—M. Brown 1, M. Campbell 2; fancyworkJ. Hunt, M. Campbell, C. Jefferson; progress, J. Hunt; diligence, M. Brown; application to study, C. Jefferson; calisthenics, J. Hunt and L. Gourley; politeness and gentleness, ,C. Cullen and L. Gourley; neat exercises, Margaret Bastings; plain sewing, Clara Cullen ; regular attendance, L. Gourley (silver medal), M. Campbell, C. Jefferson, V. Campbell, K. O’Reilly; good conduct, C. Clark (silver medal). Grade Y. —Medallist, A. Yallis; second in class, E. Smith; Scripture—K. Greenslade 1, E. Smith 2, W. Hunt 3; English, V. Dwyer; reading and comprehension, A. McKeefry; composition and history, A. Petre; geography, M. Fouhey; arithmetic—A. Yallis 1, E. Ritchie 2 ; writing and decorative drawing, R. Chiaroni ; writing, A. Hazlett; diligence, K. Greenslade. Grade VI. and Preliminary Oxford.;Medallist, E. Thompson; English and arithmetic, M. Laffey, Nora Baxter hon. mention. French, E. Thompson and N. Baxter; history and geography, M. Laffey; botany. N. Baxter.

Grade Vll.Medallist, M. Sullivan; Scripture, M. Murphy; EnglishC. Dunne 1, T. Devine 2; com-

positionM. Sullivan 1, W. Quill 2; literature, V. Gawne; mathematics, M. Todd, N. Thompson; history -W. Quill 1, S. Hanley 2; geography Millar 1, M. Vaughan 2; botany, E. Lynch; progress, L. Doherty general improvement, T. Lynch, Q. Sheehy. Junior Oxford. Class medallist, K. Todd; Gospel, M. Clifford; essay writing—H. Toomey 1, P. Higgins 2; arithmeticK. Todd 1, A. Thomas 2; mathematics -ttM. Burke 1, E Corcoran 2, R. Murphy 3; geography, L. Bunbury; history, B. Millar; botany—E. Corcoran I, M. Burke 2 ; French Higgins 1, B. Miller 2; book-keeping—L. Bunbury 1, M. Clifford 2; progress, J. .Wilson.

Public Service Class.-Medallist, A. Gillies ; essay writing, M. Dennehy; arithmetic, D. Sweeney; English history—D. Sweeney 1, A. Gillies 2 ; Latin, M. DenneHy; French—M. Dennehy 1, D. Ross 2; botany, D. Ross; bookkeeping, A. Gillies 1, D. Sweeney 2; shorthand, A. Gillies. ,

Senior Oxford and Matriculation.—Dux, K. Counihan; senior Oxford, M. Smith, A.A.; English language and literature, M. Smith; mathematics, J. Duhig; English K. Counihan; French, J. Duhig; French language and literature, K. Counihan; hygiene, M. Smith; natural science, J. Duhig. General Prizes. Painting (silver medals) —G. Gillies, A. Thomas 1, A. Gillies 2; lion, mention, M. Smith. Physical culture, Q. Quill. Politeness—D. Ross 1, R. Corcoran 2. Art needlework (silver medal) —M. Clifford 1, N. Baxter 2. Hon. mention—E. Lynch, R. Ralph, A. Gillies, E. Kelly, A. Molloy, M. Sullivan, J. Salmon, A. Hazlett. Darning, J. Duhig. Cookery, J. Salmon. Hon. mention—M. Murphy, M. Clifford. Attendance, R. Murphy (silver medal). Religious knowledge—J. Duhig (senior), G. Dunne (junior). Good conductM. Clifford (gold medal), D. Ross (silver medal). Wreath for amiability (awarded by the votes of the pupils), M. Macdonald. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Associated Board.—Licentiate (performers), Elsie Paton (gold medal); advanced grade (honors), Renetta Rings (silver medal) intermediate grade, R. . Ralph; musical knowledge, R. Chiaroni; higher school (distinction), Vera Dwyer (silver medal); lower school (distinction), Annie McKeefry (silver medal) ; harmony (distinction), Margaret Macdonald (distinction); elementary (distinction), Margaret Bastings (silver medal). Trinity College. Higher examinations— O'Driscoll, A. Molloy, E. Kelly; senior grade, G. Gillies (Dresden gold medal); senior grade (violin, honors), V. Hannan (silver medal); senior grade (singing, honors), V. Hannan (silver medal) ; senior grade (harmony, honors), A. Thomas; senior grade (harmony, honors), V. Hannan; intermediate grade (honors), B. Miller (silver medal); intermediate grade (harmony honors), R. Rings; intermediate grade (harmony, honors), D. Sweeeny; intermediate grade (harmony, honors), F. O'Driscoll.; junior grade (singing, honors), E. Lynch. The Dominican Nuns thank the many donors of prizes. MUSIC EXAMINATIONS.

The following are the results of the practical examinations held at St. Dominic's College by Mr. F. de G. English, for the Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, London: Licentiate Associated Board (L.A.B.)Performer's Certificates— Paton, Ethel Mary Wood. Local Centre Advanced Grade. —Renetta Rings, 133 (honors) ; Margaret Macdonald, 127; Zita Venning, 125 (violin); Maud Helps, 123 (harp). Intermediate Grade.—Rena Ralph, 126; Rosalia .Chiaroni, 119. School Examinations. Higher Division.—Vera Dwyer, 130 (distinction) ; Elvino Millow, 126; Nora McMahon, 124; Doris Ross, 110. Lower Division.— McKeefry, 134 (distinction) Winifred Hunt, 124; Aileen Blee, 106. Elementary Division. Margaret Bastings, 131 (distinction) ; Kathleen Airey, 130 (distinction); Katie

O’Reilly, 127; Jennie Hunt, 122; Agnes Hazlett, 114; Leila Doherty, 108. Primary Division.—Dorothy Sligo, 135 (distinction); Elsie McCutcheon, 123; Molly Cullen, 119; Josephine O’Neill, 118; Joseph Hally, 110. The following are the results of the ■ practical examinations, Trinity College, London, held by Mr,. H. St, George at St. Dominic’s College in November: Higher Examinations.—AssociateLeith Bagley (singing). Certificated Pianists—Florence O’Driscoll, Ailis Molloy, Eily Kelly. Senior Grade.—Gwendoline Gillies, 91 (honors); Vera Hannan, 90 (honors, violin); Vera Hannan, 89 (honors, singing); Mary Brown, 82 (honors, singing); Kitty Hannigan, 80 (honors); Dorothy Sweeney, 75; Alice Baton, 69; Effie Powell, 62.

Intermediate Grade. —Imelda Sweeney, 84 (honors, singing); Molly Monaghan, 84 (honors) ; Bessie Millar, 81 (honors); Eileen Gustafson, 69. Junior Grade.—Gertrude Harris, 89 (honors) ; Effie Lynch, 88 (honors, singing); Lena Moloney, 87 honors, singing) Freda Robertson, 80 (honors, Convent, Cromwell) ; Nellie Thompson, 78 (Santa Sabina Convent, N.E. Valley); Mary Bastings, 77; Nora Baxter, 70. Preparatory Grade.—Alice,Bell, 82 (honors, Santa Sabina Convent, N.E. Valley); Thomas Metford, 81 (honors); Thomas Hally, 78; Clara Cullen, 72. First Steps. —Lily Wilson, 84; Joseph, Hally, 81. OXFORD LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. Senior.—Associate in Arts, M. Smith; pass, K. Counihan. Junior.— Todd, B. Miller, M. O'Brien. M. Burke passed in arithmetic, Scripture, English history, English language and literature, algebra;' P Higgins Arithmetic, Scripture, English 'language and literature, French, algebra; A. Thomas Arithmetic, English language and literature, Scripture, music; E. Corcoran— Arithmetic, Scripture, English . composition, algebra; L. Bunbury —Arithmetic, Scripture, book-keeping; J. Salmon —Scripture, English composition; M. Clifford— Arithmetic, Scripture, English composition, bookkeeping; J. —Arithmetic, Scripture, English language and literature; R. Murphy—Arithmetic, Scripture, algebra. , . Preliminary Pass. —E. Thompson, M. Miller. E. Lynch passed in arithmetic, English language and literature, geography, botany; M. Laffey —Arithmetic, English composition, English grammar. The following candidates of St. Dominic's College were successful at the June Technological Examinations of the City and Guild of London Institute: Plain cookery — class passes, Mary B. Butler, Agnes J. Crowley; second class passes, Mary F. Mullin, Catherine White, Mina E. Falconer.

At the recent University term examinations the following students of St. Dominic’s College were successful.—Junior Latin, Imelda Gaffaney; junior mathematics, Mary Hynes; junior English, Imelda Gaffaney, Mary Hynes; junior mental science, Ann H. McCarthy, Margaret Quilter; senior mathematics, Ann H. McCarthy; senior English, Margaret Quilter; advanced Latin, Margaret Quilter.

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New Zealand Tablet, 18 December 1913, Page 17

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ST. DOMINIC’S COLLEGE, DUNEDIN New Zealand Tablet, 18 December 1913, Page 17

ST. DOMINIC’S COLLEGE, DUNEDIN New Zealand Tablet, 18 December 1913, Page 17